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Author Topic: [NEWS] hANGRY & ANGRY / IshiYoshi as DMM signin Japan Expo Paris (30/06 - 03/07)  (Read 51503 times)

Offline Chibs

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japan expo has them now too

daigong edit / mass splittage LET'S GO!!


Quote from: Japan Expo site
HANGRY&ANGRY: an explosive and trendy pop-rock duo
Published on 03/05/2011 - Edition 2011

We had promised a surprise for you during h.NAOTO’s fashion show and here comes two punchy and hype singers: HANGRY&ANGRY promise a rock showcase… with style! an unmistakable style. Nothing to be surprised about since they collaborate with the star designer of the gothic-lolita trend, h.NAOTO, who is the fashion guest of honor of Japan Expo.

 Don’t miss them on the main stage of Japan Expo, for the Japan Fashion Days, during h.NAOTO’s fashion show! A showcase which is definitely going to be over-excited and trendy!!

Showcase on the main stage during h.NAOTO’s fashion show:

It's hANGRY!

I mean, Yossy, in disguise!

I'll soon transform into hANGRY!!
I'll soon sing with ANGRY!!!


« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 07:30:01 AM by daigong »

Offline +u+u

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^ Paris?

Offline diav

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^ Paris?

Yep.  Also confirmed by H!O:!/hello_online/status/65437635161759744

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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Um good that they're coming to Europe again, but that fucking expo

I don't care if all of H!P + Dream Musume went there, I won't have anything to do with that expo again xD Fuckin lining up all night for "first come first served" autograph tickets and then not even having the slightest chance of getting one? That is some bullshit unfair organizing and I won't ever forgive them. LOL.

Sorry I just needed to get that out. I wish there were better events for (ex)H!P to attend in Europe. Plus I'd love to have an excuse to visit Germany/UK. :3
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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If it was a concert I'd probably be a lot more tempted, but I really don't know about a fashion show and if they do signings, look what shi says and eff I know no french, and my friend & her dance troupe might not be performing either so D: fuuuu maybe they'll come to London again! that's a bit more doable.

Offline +u+u

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Um good that they're coming to Europe again, but that fucking expo

I don't care if all of H!P + Dream Musume went there, I won't have anything to do with that expo again xD Fuckin lining up all night for "first come first served" autograph tickets and then not even having the slightest chance of getting one? That is some bullshit unfair organizing and I won't ever forgive them. LOL.

Sorry I just needed to get that out. I wish there were better events for (ex)H!P to attend in Europe. Plus I'd love to have an excuse to visit Germany/UK. :3
Awww, u were lining up for hours and didn't even get the autograph tickets? D: That totally sucks.. Yeah, I also wish it wasn't some expo >_> All those manga and anime and cosplay and stuff, ughhhhh D:
I also want more info about this.. like are we going to see h&A in one event on one day? Or are they staying longer and having more stuff than just the fashion thing? Is there a chance for getting signatures? Mini concert or something?  :panic:

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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^ Almost 12 hours lol, we decided right after the Momusu concert to line up for autograph tickets due next morning since it was the last chance and we wanted to get in for sure. If things had been fair we woulda been like 7th and 8th person in. A bunch of people hopped in front of us but it was ok since we were still positioned really well... but then all of it went to hell when it started to rain and everyone rushed for the doors, except they wouldn't let us into the expo area, just into the entrance area.. And we'd see there were already a ton of people inside that had come from other entrances, and all the tickets were gone by the time any of us night-overs made it to the line. Basically, unless you buy the expensive special package tickets, be prepared to get nothing extra cuz you'd have to be pretty fucking lucky or well-connected...

These people should really learn from how Berryz in the US was handled. That was really fair. People who lined up early got their treat. We got absolutely nothing lol
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

Offline diav

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I also want more info about this.. like are we going to see h&A in one event on one day? Or are they staying longer and having more stuff than just the fashion thing? Is there a chance for getting signatures? Mini concert or something?  :panic:

From what it says on the Japan Expo site, it just lists them as the showcase on the main stage during h.NAOTO's fashion show... Other H!P fansites are saying the same thing... only fashion show, so it doesn''t sound like there'll be a mini-concert to me.

Maybe signatures/signings?  But for them to just trek all the way to Paris to be put on display during the fashion show?  I don't know... It'd be doable for me since I still remember some French, but worth my while?  Maybe not if there's no concert or very limited interaction with fans.

It makes me wonder, though, if h&A recorded some new material before the DMM tour started...  If they did, then their trips to Jakarta and Japan Expo are the perfect time to start unveiling new songs and stuff...

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WHOA!!! back in Paris good. who is REPRESENTING?! :jphip:

but yeah. they are not even really on the front page main rotation graphic. so, looks like they will be just at h.NAOTO's fashion days which is like all four days, not sure.

Offline SomethingWild

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I only found out yesterday  :panic: :panic:

It's cool that they are coming. A proper concert would've been nicer though. I'm not sure if I'll go yet, it depends on the other guests.

I had a great time at the 2009 expo. Yes, don't get your hopes up about signatures/meet and greets, because that part does suck. However, I felt that the rest of the expo was pretty well organized  :)

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You never know! stalk their airport and hotel :halo:

Just wave the :jphip: if you wanna press, just holler Barrie, we'll talk in Da Office. :pimp: last time we got shirenu photo press haha

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You still going Barrie?? Best have your JPH!P MAgazine writing handbook ready! :pimp:

7/1(金) 17:00~18:30 メインステージ
h.NAOTO - Fashion show, conference & showcase by HANGRY&ANGRY

will have a showcase on July, 1st (Friday) during the fashion show of h.NAOTO
from 5PM to 6:30PM on the main stage of Japan Expo.

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updated schedule!! WHO IS GOING?!  :pimp:

Japan Expo スケジュール 追加

7/1(金) 17:00~18:30 メインステージ
h.NAOTO - Fashion show, conference & showcase by HANGRY&ANGRY

7/2(土) 13:45~14:45 Signing room 5
h.NAOTO - Signing session with HANGRY&ANGRY 【サイン会】   ←NEW

7/2(土) 18:00~18:30 Conference room
HANGRY&ANGRY - Conference 【Q&A】   ←NEW

WOW SIGNING SESSION! can't wait for the questions :D

Offline Magnus el rojo

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desfile de modelos XD and Rika the most pretty of course  :heart:

Offline kjpop

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^ bahahah my video from NYAF XD oh lawd, im so embarrassed to hear me flipping a shit in the bg ahhahahah oh lawddddddd

hope to see the parisian, indonesian, and thai fans reppin' and takin epic vids for us to watch here =D

Offline Kimuuu

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An acquaintance of mine is interviewing them at Japan Expo.  If you have questions you would like him to ask h&A, please post them here and/or PM me! 


Offline Jamomo

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I have two questions.
Will h&A come to LA and have the live for U.S. Fans this year?
And why Rika-chan keep cutting her hair~ we miss her real long hair

Thank you~
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 07:52:37 AM by Jamomo »

Offline SomethingWild

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Japan Expo スケジュール 追加

7/1(金) 17:00~18:30 メインステージ
h.NAOTO - Fashion show, conference & showcase by HANGRY&ANGRY

7/2(土) 13:45~14:45 Signing room 5
h.NAOTO - Signing session with HANGRY&ANGRY 【サイン会】   ←NEW

7/2(土) 18:00~18:30 Conference room
HANGRY&ANGRY - Conference 【Q&A】   ←NEW

Another signing session takes place on the 30th from 16:00~17:00 @ signing room 4. This is H&A only, so without the focus on Naoto.

Anyway, I won't be able to make it this year. Saving my budget for other upcoming events!

Hope everybody who goes has a great time and is able to score some (signed) goodies and precious memories.

Offline kjpop

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1. When's the new single/album coming out?
2. How about that US tour? Lol

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ジャパンエキスポ2011 ドリーム モーニング娘。フィルムコンサート開催決定!!

7月にフランス・パリで開催されるジャパンエキスポ2011にて、ドリーム モーニング娘。フィルムコンサート&トークショー及びサイン会の開催が決定しました!

【ドリーム モーニング娘。 サイン会】



場所:ジャパンエキスポ会場内 Signing room


【ドリーム モーニング娘。 フィルムコンサート&トークショー】



場所:ジャパンエキスポ会場内 Conference Room






場所:ジャパンエキスポ会場内 Signing room





場所:ジャパンエキスポ会場内 Main stage


Live?! :w00t:

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