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Author Topic: [08/10] HANGRY & ANGRY 3rd release "レコンキスタ Reconquista" + LIVE CIRCUIT 2010 DVD  (Read 54584 times)

Offline daigong

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move to universal japan!!

thx youjok and kjpop and +u+u for updates in the H&A @ Japan Expo 2011 in Paris Thread! also 2ch :bow:

■iTunes 7/3(日) 先行配信 BUY IT NOW!!
■シングルCD 8/10(水) リリース


PV / ディレクター 多田卓也 (Top Secret)

  レコンキスタ (スペイン語:Reconquista)
  革命とかレボリューション的な意味 by ハングリー

■ライブDVD 8/10(水) リリース
「LIVE CIRCUIT 2010 "Sadistic Dance"」
(渋谷O-EAST 2010.01.30)

2011/06/30 ニコニコ生放送にてハンアン本人から直接発表


 手錠の鍵はどこにある この部屋から逃げ出したい 
 依存だらけの日々はもうイイヤ ぶっ壊したい 【A】

 別にバレたって構わない AもBもCもいいでしょ
 昔みたいにすぐに帰らなくて いいからね 【H】

 どうして 卒業してから 【A】
 また出逢えたの 【H】 きっと意味があるよね 【H&A】

 レコンキスタ キスをする 離れていた時の 
 レコンキスタ 帰ってきた 余計なもの捨てて
 誰かの為に生きたいと願う 初めて 【H&A】

 とがったつま先蹴り上げ 未来切り裂き歩いた
 足元に咲いていた白い花 踏み潰して 【H】

 大切なものは意外と すぐそばに散らばっていた
 また出逢えたのは誰が仕掛けた 運命ね 【A】

 今なら 【H】 誓うわ 【A】 何が出来るだろう 【H】
 少しぐらいは 【A】 誰かの為になれる 【H&A】

 レコンキスタ 守りたい 素晴らしき世界を
 レコンキスタ 気づかずに なくしてしまったもの 
 育った街の片隅にきっとあるよ 【H&A】

 離れた時間 埋められるの 【H】
 キミの知らないワタシがいる 【H&A】

 卒業した所へは 帰ってはいけない 【A】
 ずっとそう思ってた 前だけ見ていたから 【H】

 レコンキスタ 眠ったら 優しく包まれて
 レコンキスタ まぶしくて カーテンを開けるの
 あれどこ?あれ夢?おかえりの声がしたよ 【H&A】

 レコンキスタ レコンキスタ レコンキスタ
 レコンキスタ レコンキスタ yeah レコンキスタ

« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 09:32:27 AM by daigong »

Offline Naomi

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I'm so happy. I've been dreaming of a single for so long. :cry: Yossie's hair doesn't look completely horrendous in the cover, either.

And Universal Japan, eh? Yay!

And is 「レコンキスタ」 the title? According to Google, it's Reconquista. Sounds awesome. 8D

Offline pikapikapika

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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :otomerika: :yossi:

Offline Lil2

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Great news  :) I've never listened to the group because they aren't releasing any other single but with this I'm happy to see them active again!

Yay Spanish title  :cow:

Offline +u+u

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I never got tired listening to the old songs cos they're all awesome. Not a single song fail in their albums  :rockon: :rockon: So I'm looking forward to this single and hope it's as awesome and catchy as all the older songs. I also hope that the PV will be a wonderful piece of art x3

Offline shainingj

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^ ^ yeah, me too never get tired of it...
and all the singles in the sadistic dance album are awesome.
really hoping that they can duplicate or exceeds our expectation with this new single.
and more PVs please


Offline kjpop

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I wonder if the new pv will be dark and true to the original h&a image like kill me kiss me, or more fun and carefree chic like top secret. I guess it depends on how the song turns out, but from the sound of the title, it sounds like it'll be pretty dominatrixy haaha oh lawd jk

but seriously lol I wonder if the girls are gonna graduate from coppin feels to somethin more in the pvs hahah

Offline ~Dan~

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If they preview it at this event I wonder if we'll get any audio rips!

Yes, looks like it's called Reconquista.

■iTunes 7/3 Early release
■Single CD 8/10 release


PV / Directed by Tada Takuya (Top Secret)

  Reconquista (Spanish: Reconquista)
  Liberal translation is country recovery (from an illness) excercise, Literally re-conquer campaign
  It means revolution.  by Hangry

■Live DVD 8/10 release
「LIVE CIRCUIT 2010 "Sadistic Dance"」
(Shibuya O-EAST 2010.01.30)

2011/06/30 Live Hangry & Angry announcement on Niconico

That Shibuya concert was the one that was webcasted, where we just got the first 2 songs then the stream came back for a surprise 3rd song at the end.  The full performance is 13 songs, hopefully they'll release the entire thing.

Did anyone see the live announcement?  I saw some of the stream yesterday but they were just interviewing cosplayers.

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Offline Naomi

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You can hear a preview of it at the Japan iTunes page. :w00t:

I like it a lot, although I don't think it's as good as their other single-y stuff like Kill Me Kiss Me, Sadistic Dance, and Top Secret (it has a video, so it's single enough for me. 8D). I'm sure I'll like it even more soon, though, and will probably have it on repeat for hours just like their other songs. 8D

Offline +u+u

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^ Where exactly on that page? :?  Am I stupid or something, I can't find the preview!! >_<
Edit: I need to have the program for iTunes? If that's so, nvm  then...
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 08:01:40 PM by +u+u »

Offline Naomi

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^ Right below the small album art. It should say "   レコンキスタ    レコンキスタ - Single    3:42    ¥200    iTunes で見る" If you hover over the 1, there should be a little play button.

(Hopefully that made sense. :ph43r:)

Offline +u+u

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^ It says can't open... yeah, I don't have the program for iTunes, maybe that's why. Oh well..

Offline ~Dan~

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Yeah the play button doesn't play anything for me.  I tried 2 browsers, and also looked at the source code.  No luck.
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Offline kjpop

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^ Do you guys have the latest version of iTunes and Quicktime? It won't play without that.

EDIT: The single itself is more like their Top Secret material than Kill Me Kiss Me, meaning that theres not as much guitar in the instrumentals as I had hoped xD but oh well, it's still good, from what I've heard. It's just the chorus and if u stretch it out at the very end, the beginning of another verse starting with Yossi.

Offline ~Dan~

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I've got quicktime but I've not got Itunes.  I don't want it.   I don't want Apple having control of my mp3's.
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Offline Bunny Kaisui

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I'm back from the concert!!! It was amazing!!! As my first time seeing Yossy & Rika... I died the moment they came on stage  :cry:

They started with Reconquista... and I love it!! It's a lot more pop-ish than their previous songs (my sister says it's sounds more like idol music i don't know why). Instead of microphones they use little pink & blue megaphones. I'm really interestead in the lyrics of this song since they say something about "sotsugyou".
They sang Reconquista, Sadistic Dance, Mr Monkey, Top Secret, Lady Madonna, The Peace,  Kill Me Kiss Me (not in that order)
When they went they showed us Reconquista's PV. It pretty nice!! Kind of alternative xD but I like it  :bow:

I did a recording but internet in the hotel sucks and I can't upload it right now  :banghead:

Offline tru_harmony

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i have iTunes AND quicktime, the button doesn't do anything for me

but YAY BUNNY!!!!!!

Offline +u+u

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Instead of microphones they use little pink & blue megaphones.
Now that's cool  :O

Offline kjpop

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OMGAH MEGA PHONES? Reminds me of this:


Offline Meania

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Started searching youtube to see if anyone had uploaded recordings yet and found this:

PV Outfits!~ ; w ;
Ahh- they keep saying "Hangry Angry FUTURE" so that's what the F stands for :lol: I suppose H&A are time traveling? :? haha I wonder~
FFFffff and it sounds as though they're talking about some strange "Dream Morning Musume" girls who cosplay/they cosplay or something... XD;; :heart:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 11:03:57 PM by Meania »

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