I'm back from the concert!!! It was amazing!!! As my first time seeing Yossy & Rika... I died the moment they came on stage

They started with Reconquista... and I love it!! It's a lot more pop-ish than their previous songs (my sister says it's sounds more like idol music i don't know why). Instead of microphones they use little pink & blue megaphones. I'm really interestead in the lyrics of this song since they say something about "sotsugyou".
They sang Reconquista, Sadistic Dance, Mr Monkey, Top Secret, Lady Madonna, The Peace, Kill Me Kiss Me (not in that order)
When they went they showed us Reconquista's PV. It pretty nice!! Kind of alternative xD but I like it

I did a recording but internet in the hotel sucks and I can't upload it right now