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Author Topic: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread  (Read 485661 times)

Offline Masa

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« on: April 24, 2005, 10:41:57 PM »
Ishiyoshi 5 Year Anniversary Celebration
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 12:02:51 AM by Masa »

Offline delerium

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 01:44:14 AM »

  :lol: @ where Yossie's hand is & Rika's expression.

Offline Redturtle

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2005, 05:41:21 AM »
Good job Masa!! :w00t:

Ishiyoshi is the classic pair of H!P history. They were on the tabloids, then banned, but... but they never die!!

There are so many Ishiyoshi dialogues in this concert tour it's unbelivable!!

050417 Concert MC

R: So how's it, Yossi? How's everyone's (the audience, I assume) reactions to this concert?

Y: Everyone's reactions are great!

Y: But then, there's one thing...

(Goes to touch Rika's face)

R: Oh, what's the matter?

Y: Your eyelash is sticking onto your face.

R: Ohh...

Y: Make three wishes and I'll blow it off for you.

Y: So are you ready? Ok? (blows) Ok!

Y: That eyelash is really sticking onto your face...

R: You made me so nervous coz I thought you were going to reveal some kind of secrets again... Thanks!

050421 ChanChami

During the MC at Gunma's concert, Yossi suddenly said, "Rika-chan, your eyelash (マツゲ... mascara? Anyway it doesn't matter) is sticking onto your face, so go and make three wishes"... I was a bit shocked coz it came out of nowhere. "What? 3 wishes?" After Yossi blew the thing off, I took a look at it and it was white? It turned out that it wasn't my eyelash, but a small piece of tissue paper that I used for wiping off the sweat. But if she really said there's tissue paper on my face it would sound a bit embarassing, wouldn't it? That's why Yossi said it's my eyelash instead. Yossi is just too caring... it's her love to me (愛情だったんですけど). *laughs*

And about us singing the wrong lyrics (during Love&Peace)... It was all Yossi's fault! We had this part where the two of us sing together... but Yossi sang something different, and I stopped and thought, "What? Yossi?!" Worse yet, she sang someone else's lyrics. Since Yossi was behind me, so I couldn't see her face, and at the end I had to sing the wrong part with her together.... I think other members were shocked too. This is the first time we made this mistake in such way.

Y: It was all my fault! (Sound effect)

What? What was that? Can you (to the radio technician, I suppose) repeat it again?

Y: It was all my fault! (Sound effect)

Haha, Yossi sounds like a guy here! (Since she used the "ore" form to refer to...herself)  "It's all my fault!" I was surprised...


Offline tamatron

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2005, 12:59:28 PM »
There's Ishiyoshi goodness in every concert this tour. This one from the weekend. I'll let you translate it, Red. Since my translating skill doesn't exist.






( T▽T)<いやぁ~。それはだめ~。















( T▽T)<みんなありがとう~


Will they be this lively on the last concert?...

Offline Redturtle

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2005, 11:08:05 PM »
Nagano Concert Report #1

Y: This person... is so strange!

R: Eeee? (What's it today?)

Audience laughed. Everyone showed interest.

Y: Before the concert, she always had [her] sleeves done like this....

She started doing some strange movements. Over there Ishikawa noticed and panickly tried to stop her.

R: Hold.. Hold on! Stop! Stop! Noooo!

Y: Like this....

R: Iyaaaaaaaa~ Don't do it!!

They totally submerged into their own world.

Even so Yossi kept on doing her thing, Ishikawa insisted on stopping her. Such entanglement.
(Although this has nothing to do with it, I wanted Yossi to yell "Tomeko stop it!!")*1

Fujimoto: Ahh, I know it now! It's that thing right?

All of a sudden Fujimoto*2 trespassed in. Ogawa also came in through an awesome angle (?!).

Y: Well.. it was amazing. By the way Tanaka was totally attracted to it.

Members in a roar of laughter. Tanaka didn't deny what she said. (or something like that)

Y (imitates Tanaka): Ishikawa-san had bad feeling and I was attracted to it (?! strange dialect I have no idea of)

Yossi's Hakata dialect started a roar of laughter in the arena.

*1: Tomeko, Rika's character from the Ganko (4th gen) family in H!M skits.
*2: Those who read 2ch will know fans refer to Fujimoto as "Emperor", probably because the last syllable of her nickname Mikitty sounds like tei (帝), but this is just my speculation. Anyway this sure fits her perfectly, doesn't it.  :D

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2005, 03:42:30 AM »
Could someone make the clip of Rika and Yossi fighting a bit smaller, like 17MB?  It usually times out before I get all of it.  I'd use my download manager like I do with YSI links, but I don't have a premium account.

Offline Masa

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2005, 06:04:17 PM »

Offline Redturtle

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2005, 02:12:39 AM »
Remember Yossi wrote in her Hello Yossi that she calls Rika "Ishikawa" coz it was embarassing for her to say "Rika-chan". Now seems like she has picked up "Rika-chan" once again, as Rika told us in her latest ChanCharmi.

Apparently some Ishiyoshi wota heard it and sent her a message right away, asking her to call Yossi "Hitomi-chan" (or sth like that). Rika responded by saying she used to call Hitomi-chan a lot when they first joined, then it became embarassing afterwards... She mentioned she'd try to surprise Yossi by calling her "Hitomi-chan" on tomorrow's concert.

Here's a short clip of Ishiyoshi@ChanChami:

My listening skill is terrible, so it's not exact...but you get the general idea. Feel free to correct me though.

Their boobs touch each other!!  :w00t:

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2005, 03:48:07 AM »
Awww, boobage touchage! >:]

Thanks for the ChanCharmy clip, redturtle! I remember reading that Hello! Yossi translation a while ago. Hitomi-chan, huh? I wonder if she'll actually go through with it.

Offline Cidolfas

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2005, 04:19:10 AM »
Quote from: Redturtle

Their boobs touch each other!!  :w00t:

I think it's just the camera angle.

Don't let that stop your :jerk:, though.

Offline Redturtle

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2005, 05:18:48 PM »
Yay. Today's concert. The Rebirth of Hitomi-chan. They also did the "moose pocky" dance (?!). I have no idea what it is though..

Offline Vikitty

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2005, 06:47:39 PM »
Awwwww, Hitomi-chan!~ XD What was Yossi's reaction?

Offline Philosoranter

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2005, 08:29:12 PM »
Rika and Yossi on Mechaike 1/15/05.  They make fun of Yossi's old man-like tendencies and how fat she used to be.  Rika doesn't get much screen time, really...

I'm currently translating this, so it may come up as an HPS release before too long.

Offline Redturtle

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2005, 06:40:22 AM »
^Thanks Pranter. Looking forward to it.  :)

 母ちゃん Loveやねん!………Loveやねん……Loveやねん…
That's kansai dialect, right? It means "I love mom"?  :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:

I think Yossi wrote since Rika also wears purple, she used pink and purple for her message. To think of it, Yossi's spring concert t-shirt is purple and Rika's pink....

Offline tamatron

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2005, 10:10:54 AM »
Kaachan!!!! :w00t:

She also called her Ishikawa Rika-sama. :D

頑張ってネッ  いつでも娘。の楽屋に遊びに
来てねッ!差し入れ付きで!笑!母ちゃん Loveやねん!


Offline VigoVedict

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2005, 08:27:35 AM »
Quote from: tama-chan
Kaachan!!!! :w00t:

She also called her Ishikawa Rika-sama. :D


That's standard in a letter no matter who it's going to.  This is obviously set up like a letter, what with the yori at the end

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2005, 01:57:11 PM »


from this excellent site:
I would think it's based on the 2004 New Year special, in which Ittetsu sells his shoes and coat to buy sneakers for the children. He also manages to provide the neighbour's sakura (?) branch as a hair accessory for Tomeko.


Offline Vikitty

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2005, 08:04:39 PM »
Awwwww, that is so adorable. ;_;

Offline tamatron

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2005, 04:48:45 PM »

Edited: This has nothing to do with the pic above, but.... Yossie wrote Rika a letter on PJ? :w00t:

Offline tamatron

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[Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2005, 07:38:24 PM »
Yossie's letter to Rika from PJ...


I'm really crying right now...

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