Good job Masa!!

Ishiyoshi is the classic pair of H!P history. They were on the tabloids, then banned, but... but they never die!!
There are so many Ishiyoshi dialogues in this concert tour it's unbelivable!!
050417 Concert MCR: So how's it, Yossi? How's everyone's (the audience, I assume) reactions to this concert?
Y: Everyone's reactions are great!
Y: But then, there's one thing...
(Goes to touch Rika's face)
R: Oh, what's the matter?
Y: Your eyelash is sticking onto your face.
R: Ohh...
Y: Make three wishes and I'll blow it off for you.
Y: So are you ready? Ok? (blows) Ok!
Y: That eyelash is really sticking onto your face...
R: You made me so nervous coz I thought you were going to reveal some kind of secrets again... Thanks!
050421 ChanChamiDuring the MC at Gunma's concert, Yossi suddenly said, "Rika-chan, your eyelash (マツゲ... mascara? Anyway it doesn't matter) is sticking onto your face, so go and make three wishes"... I was a bit shocked coz it came out of nowhere. "What? 3 wishes?" After Yossi blew the thing off, I took a look at it and it was white? It turned out that it wasn't my eyelash, but a small piece of tissue paper that I used for wiping off the sweat. But if she really said there's tissue paper on my face it would sound a bit embarassing, wouldn't it? That's why Yossi said it's my eyelash instead. Yossi is just too caring... it's her love to me (愛情だったんですけど). *laughs*
And about us singing the wrong lyrics (during Love&Peace)... It was all Yossi's fault! We had this part where the two of us sing together... but Yossi sang something different, and I stopped and thought, "What? Yossi?!" Worse yet, she sang someone else's lyrics. Since Yossi was behind me, so I couldn't see her face, and at the end I had to sing the wrong part with her together.... I think other members were shocked too. This is the first time we made this mistake in such way.
Y: It was all my fault! (Sound effect)
What? What was that? Can you (to the radio technician, I suppose) repeat it again?
Y: It was all my fault! (Sound effect)
Haha, Yossi sounds like a guy here! (Since she used the "ore" form to refer to...herself) "It's all my fault!" I was surprised...