Information:(from Wikipedia)
A Hello! Project unit, v-u-den (美勇伝) consists of Ishikawa Rika (former member of Morning Musume), Miyoshi Erika (one of the winners of a Hello! Project audition in 2003) and Okada Yui (one of the winners of Hello! Project Egg Audition in 2004). Biyuuden has two singles to date, and in late 2004, they performed as part of Hello! Project All Stars. Rika graduated from Morning Musume on May 7, 2005.The Name 美 bi (び) : beauty
勇 yuu (ゆう) : bravery
伝 den (でん) : legend
美勇伝 is found romanized in several ways on the Internet: Biyuuden, Biyuden, vi-yu-den, This last one is supported by Vi-yu-den appearing in the listing of artists on the back of the Hello! Project All Stars single and Erika and Yui wearing 'V's on their uniforms in the Hello! Project All Stars PV. Also, on the cover of their first single Koi no Nukegara as well as the photo card included with it, the group name is spelled out as 'vi-yu-den' in romaji. On the cover of Erika and Yui's photobook it is spelled 'Bi-yu-den'. On the cover of their second and third singles it is spelled 'v-u-den'. Which one is correct depends on the romanization system you use or how Tsunku is feeling today.
ProfilesRika Ishikawa
Profile * Name: Ishikawa Rika (石川梨華)
* Nickname: Charmy, Rika-chan, Rikacchi, Rikami
* Birth Date: 1985-01-19
* Birth Place: Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
* Blood Type: A
* Height: 157 cm
* Favorite foods: Cake and steak
* Hobbies: Shopping, nail art, watching movies, listening to music
* Listens to: Ayumi Hamasaki, Beyonce Knowles, trance
* Talents: Tennis, Y-shaped balance
* Favorite word: POSITIVE
* Favorite color: pink
* Favorite fragrance: Givenchy Insense Ultramarine
Erika Miyoshi
Profile * Name: Miyoshi Erika (三好 絵梨香)
* Birth Date: 1984-11-08
* Birthplace: Hokkaido, Japan
* Blood Type: B
* Hobbies: karaoke, listening to music, watching movies
* Talents: tennis
* Charm point: smile
* The Winner of Hello! Project audition in 2003
* Fun fact: people see her as a quiet person
but she's easygoing and kind of boyish since
she was raised surrounded by brothers.
* Audition song: Morning Musume - As For One Day
Yui Okada
Profile * Name: Okada Yui (岡田唯)
* Birth Date: 1987-12-28
* Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
* Blood Type: A
* Hobbies: shopping, manicures, listening to music, watching movies
* Favorite food: 焼肉、お好み焼き、杏仁豆腐、ママの手料理
* Favorite words: energy, Osaka, fun
* Favorite season: all
* The winner of H!P Egg Audition 2004
* Charm point: eyes
* Talents: things that spin her head around
* Fun fact: people see her as a quiet person
too but she's actually outgoing, cheerful,
and funny.
1st single Koi No Nukegara / 恋のヌケガラ (2004/09/23)Tracklist:
1. Koi No Nukegara
Written by Yukawa Reiko
Composed by Hatake
Arranged by Suzuki "Daichi" Hideyuki2. Ichou ~Aki no Sora to Watashi no Kokoro~
Written and composed by Tsunku
Arranged by Suzuki Shunsuke3. Koi No Nukegara instrumental
Composed by Hatake
Arranged by Suzuki "Daichi" Hideyuki
2nd single Kaccho Ii Ze Japan / カッチョイイゼ! JAPAN (2005/03/02)Tracklist:
1. Kaccho Ii Ze JAPAN
Written and composed by Tsunku
Arranged by Suzuki "Daichi" Hideyuki2. Bi ~Hit Parade~
Written and composed by Tsunku
Arranged by AKIRA3. Kaccho Ii Ze JAPAN instrumental
Composed by Tsunku
Arranged by Suzuki "Daichi" Hideyuki
3rd single Ajisai AI Ai Monogatari / 紫陽花アイ愛物語 (2005/05/25)Tracklist:
1. Ajisai AI Ai Monogatari
Written by Tsunoda Takanori and Saitou Miyu
Composed and arranged by Tsunoda Takanori2. Aimai ME MIND
Written by Morimura Mera
Arranged by MOTO3. Ajisai AI Ai Monogatari instrumental
Composed and arranged by Tsunoda Takanori
4th single Hitorijime / ひとりじめ (2005/08/10)Tracklist:
1. Hitorijime
Written by Miura Yoshiko
Composed by Tsunku
Arranged by Hirata Shouichirou2. Owaranai Yoru to Yume
Written and composed by Tsunku
Arranged by Suzuki "Daichi" Hideyuki 3. Hitorijime instrumental
Composed by Tsunku
Arranged by Hirata ShouichirouKoi No Nukegara Single V 2004/10/06
1. PV
2. Close Up Version
2. Making Of
Kaccho Ii Ze Japan Single V 2005/03/09
1. PV
2. Dance Shot Version
3. Making Of
Ajisai AI Ai Monogatari Single V 2005/06/08
1. PV
2. Dance Shot Version
3. Making Of
Hitorijime Single V 2005/08/24
1. PV
2. Dance Shot Version
3. Making Of
Miyoshi Erika & Okada Yui - Hello! x2 PB 2005/03/04
Upcoming releasesViyuden First Concert Tour 2005 Haru Photobook 2005/07/29
A4/96 pages
ISBN code 4-8124-2302-3 4th single Hitorijime 2005/08/10PKCP-5055
1. Hitorijime
2. Owaranai Yoru to Yume
3. Hitorijime instrumental - First Concert Tour 2005 Haru - Biyu Densetsu DVD 2005/08/17
PKBP-5036 Hitorijime Single V 2005/08/24
PKBP-5034 Viyuden Untitled 5th single 2005/09/28PKCP-5057 Untitled Single V 2005/10/05PKBP-5037 setlist:01. Koi no Nukegara (vi-yu-den)
-- MC -- (vi-yu-den)
02. Ajisai AI Ai Monogatari (vi-yu-den)
03. BABY! Koi ni KNOCK OUT (with Country Musume and Inaba Atsuko as back dancers)
-- MC -- (7 of them)
04. Aimai ME MIND (vi-yu-den)
05. Ichou ~Aki no Sora to Watashi no Kokoro~ (vi-yu-den)
-- MC -- (with Inaba)
06. Champagne no Koi (with Inaba)
07. Uwaki na Honey Pie (Miyoshi, Inaba, Country Musume)
08. Strawberry Pie (Okada, Asami, Miuna)
09. Sakura Mankai (Ishikawa, Satoda)
-- MC -- (Ishikawa , Satoda : Gatas talk)
10. Ai no Bakayarou (Okada)
11. Aenai Nagai Nichiyoubi (Miyoshi)
12. 100kai no KISS (Ishikawa)
13. Senpai ~LOVE AGAIN~ (vi-yu-den --> Country musume)
14. Sankaku Kankei ?? (Inaba main with Country Musume)
15. The Bigaku (vi-yu-den)
16. Girls power, Aisuru power (All)
17. Yuujou ~Kokoro no Busu ni wa Naranee!~ (All)
-- MC -- (vi-yu-den)
18. Bi ~HIT PARADE~ (vi-yu-den)
19. Kaccho Ii ze JAPAN (vi-yu-den)
-- Encore --
20. BE ALL RIGHT! (All)
-- MC -- (vi-yu-den)
The End (with Ajisai as BGM)
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More Viyuden goodies:Flets DiaryMagical ViyudenMusic & Radio ShowsMusume DOKYUPictures & PBPVsViyuden 3rd single Ajisai AI Ai Monogatari discussion thread