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MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #60 on: March 19, 2007, 07:46:00 PM »
Thanks for the translation especially the one on Sayumi. I learned bunch of new things about my favorite MM member.

Offline Fenrir

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MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #61 on: March 21, 2007, 10:55:33 AM »
Everybody was waiting for the yankii! XD Next are all the graduated members, but when this book was written, Yaguchi was still in MM, so I'll start with her first and then go by when the member graduated.

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2
 Yaguchi Mari
 Looking forward to and feeling the responsibility of creating a new Morning Musume.
 On January 31st, Yaguchi Mari became Morning Musume’s 3rd leader. This interview takes place 13 days before that. While saying, “I still don’t feel like it yet,” she frankly talks about looking forward to and feeling the responsibility of creating a new Morning Musume.
 While her eyes are shining and glittering like a young girl, sometimes you can see a look of deep understanding that flows out with a quiet calmness.
 She says she doesn’t want to be an adult, but certainly, she became an adult.  
 Birthday: 1983.1.20
 Blood Type: A
 Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture
 Debut Song: Summer Night Town (1998.5.27)
 Stage Debut: Shibuya Hall (1998.7.12)

Yuko Nohji: Among the members that were in the book, “Morning Musume x Tsunku,” 2 and half years ago, this time, from Goto to Iida, 5 people have graduated.
Yaguchi Mari: It’s been fast, hasn’t it? Each year is fast. It feels like Goto’s graduation was a long time ago. Although it was only almost 2 years ago, I can’t believe it. When Goto, Tsuji, and Kago graduated, I was surprised. Just when I thought graduation went in order by the oldest member, younger members suddenly graduated.

 When it is April, another younger member, Ishikawa Rika, will graduate. Don’t you think of why you haven’t graduated yet?
 No, I don’t talk about that at all. I wonder why. By the way, doesn’t everybody talk about that (laughs)? But, I think it’s strange.

 It’s not that you are rejecting graduation, right?
No, not at all. It’s not that. It’s just that I talk about not wanting to be alone right now. I just have a part of me now that feels that I’m in this entertainment world because I’m still a member. If you say that I’m going solo suddenly, I think that’s impossible. I think just a little more time, please.

 In a way, I have an image of you being the most self-reliant in Morning Musume. I see you working solo or a radio host from early on.
 Yeah, but I still have a “place to return to”. I have a home in Morning Musume, so I can go out. If I was just by myself, I feel like I lost my home to relax in.

 You might become homesick.
 Yes. If I was doing it by myself, I think it will get painful being tense all the time. If other members are around, they are willing to listen to me when I’m worried. And they will always cheer me on. When I’m working by myself, the other members will send me lots of mail. At that time, I quietly think, “Ah, being in a group is good.”

 Does the group change whenever somebody graduates?
 Yes. But, surprisingly, it can be the same as before. For example, when Tsuji and Kago left, I worried about losing the “mood makers,” but the other members naturally filled the gap. We are able to have that kind of relationship. Well, still, every time there is confusion.

 Well that is not unusual. There will be sadness.
 Everybody often talks about how even if it’s just one person that graduated; it feels like the number of people suddenly dropped a lot. If you think negatively and that the group is becoming smaller and smaller, you start to think, “I have to try harder,” and it becomes a positive feeling. I think that happens naturally.

 The “hole” the person who graduated is big, but the Morning Musume “likeness” still continues without changing. I think it’s because the group continues to strongly protect it.
Yes. But there is a really tall hurdle each time.

 Does it get higher and higher?
 Yes. For example, in Nacchi’s case, she has been in the center for a long time, so the hurdle was really high. Certainly, everybody thought, “How do I get over this?” That’s because it took a lot of years of team work to get to there. But we didn’t get confused and continued to the “next Morning Musume.” It’s a mysterious thing.

 You feel that creating a new Morning Musume is stronger than continuing what was from before?
 Yes. Therefore, this time, for me, original member Kaori’s graduation will be a very big wall. I feel the responsibility of having to create a “new Morning Musume.” I also have expectations that the real test for this big group is if are able to overcome this. Therefore, this year and next year Morning Musume will be….a time where not voices change, um, voices change? Um, what’s a good word (laughs).

 Anyways, you have been receiving especially important scenes up to now.
I think so. That’s quite a big thing. Of course, everybody is also worried. That’s why, as the next leader, I need to calmly and steadily take over from Kaori. Moreover, I think it’s better to do our best together.

 How did it feel when they told you were going to be the next leader?
 It felt really normal and they said it normally.

 Were you surprised?

 I was more surprise about Kaori’s graduation.  It felt like, “Eh? Kaori is graduating? What am I going to do? What am I going to do?” At the same time, they said, “You are going to be the next leader,” but I was like, “I know that, but is she really going to graduate?” (laughs).

 Did you have a hunch that you were going to be the next leader after Iida graduates?
 Well, even just thinking about the ages, I probably thought so.

 About when did they tell you?
 It was 3 days before Kaori’s graduation announcement; the eve of that. Actually, I was worried. The Morning Musume now was focused around Kaori. It was quite daring to have this big of a figure to graduate.

 And your responsibility grew heavier.
 When Rika graduates, it will just only be me, Yossi, 5th and 6th generation. We have to put out all the power that we have with these members now. In order to do that, each of us have to step out. Certainly the hurdle is suddenly high, but, um, how do I say this… I think we will be able to do a lot of new things. I think everybody, including me, still has a new character to put out.

 You are the 3rd leader after Nakazawa and Iida. I wonder what kind of leader do you will be?
 Hmm, I wonder. During Mini Moni, I think I was a completely scary leader.

 I yelled angrily a lot. I think I scared Tsuji and Kago. But at that time, they were really naughty kids, so I had to yell. For Morning Musume, each person creates her own noise, but they are members where when it has to be done, they will do it. Unlike Tsuji and Kago, they aren’t a handful.

 You sound like a mom who is skilled in raising kids (laughs).
Ahaha. I feel that I can do it without straining myself. And I want to become a leader that they can rely on if they are in trouble.

 This might be true in Mini Moni too, but I have this image of you who protects the harmony in the group while moving forward and breaking old traditions.
 I know I like doing new things. It’s really fun. I search for things that other people haven’t done, so I think that will continue on. That’s why I’m sure the atmosphere will be different from when Kaori and Yuu-chan were leaders. More like I think it will be good if it turns out like that. If anything, I want it to feel something not felt before.

 Do you think about when you will graduate?
 It’s not that I don’t think about it, but I just don’t know when that timing will be. When there is something else I want to do besides Morning Musume is when I think I will graduate. About wanting to do something else is like without limiting work I want to get married (laughs). Maybe something like that.

 Like having an option to retreat by marriage?

 That was supposed to be a joke.

 No, no, it just if I have to graduate, I don’t want it to be the same as the other kids. I think it’s better to be able to create an original world that nobody has done yet. That’s why I think graduating because of marriage is ok (laughs).

 But if you are worrying about things now and after you can’t graduate, right?

 I can’t. I wonder how many more years. Well, after I become leader, a retreat through marriage is impossible (laughs).

 In these two years, what part of you do you think changed the most? Before you said about once a month there would be a day you would cry at home alone.  
Oh, it was like that, huh. Yes, yes. I’m much calmer now than before. I think I have matured a little.  

 What part for example?
 I’ve come to understand the points where I have to bear with it and the parts where I know I shouldn’t be. Before, it was like I just went forward no matter what. Now, I can normally think to let the younger members to do it, instead of me. I think I have matured a little bit in that part.

 Yeah, that is maturity.
 I usually just plunge straightforward. Tehehe.

 2 and half years ago there was in impression that the Yaguchi people thought and the Yaguchi that you wanted to show was poised between trial and error…
 Ah, that may be so. That might have been a time where I didn’t think about myself a lot. I was paying too much attention around me and became restless.

 Yes. Restless. I worried about what other people thought more than what I thought, so I wondered if it was ok to do this or would they get mad if I did this. Very restless. And when I think too much, I can’t do what I want. Like a kid. Well, even now I worry about my surroundings. I’ve come to be able to think about myself more than before. The things I do by myself have increased, so the time to think by myself has increased. I think that is good. On the other hand, after doing work by myself, I notice when I’m back among everybody a lot.

 Do you achieve results doing activities both in and out of the group?
 Thanks to that, I think I can balance things well. It’s not completely “solo” activities, but it’s not that I can do a concert by myself. However, I can do radio and T.V. work by myself that I haven’t been able to do before. Usually there are members there you can depend upon, so I had to do things by myself. I have learned a lot. And when I go back to Morning Musume, I am more powered up than before.

 Having your own name on a radio show is one “solo” activity.
 In a way, yes. They have let me do the radio for 4 years. I think having a place where I can talk about myself, even in Morning Musume, is a unique position. Every week it’s a live broadcast, so I’m able to give information about myself, like what I’m doing right now, and what I did on my day off.

 Is that a place where you can confirm if you grew or not?
 Yeah, it’s a really important place. At first, I didn’t think I would be able to do it. I wondered what in the world I was going to talk about for 2 hours of live broadcast (laughs). I was really embarrassed. But, now, it’s really fun. Even though it’s two hours, it’s not enough. I like it when it changes from worry and embarrassment to “looking forward to it.”  

 I think you are a beautiful person when you surpass a seemingly impossible high hurdle. But I can’t explain it well.

 Ahahahaha, I understand. I understand. That might be so.

 If the hurdle was a little lower, I see you passing that hurdle coolly and easily, but with a high hurdle, I see you flying over it (laughs).
 Yes, yes. But that is really thanks to the people around me, including the staff, believing in me to take charge. When they say, “If it’s Yaguchi, you will do it, right,” I think I might be able to do it even if I’m worried. My strength comes as I want to meet that expectation no matter what. But sometimes, I think, “Even if you say it, it’s impossible,” (laughs).

 While saying that, the end result is that you somehow overcome it.
 No matter how worried I am, I still manage to get over it somehow. I think that if I try my best, there’s no hurdle I can’t jump over.

 This is a mean way to say it, but I want you to keep doing the impossible (laughs).
 Ahahaha, but that’s true. I think so too, even if it’s painful. I think even if you are running down any road calmly, you will surely get tired halfway. Halfway there is a test, so I always think you have to try you best for that. Also, if you do your best, the part that you did will repay you back. I’m happy about that. That’s why I always run to where there is a test.

 What has been the most difficult test?

 The biggest damage was the time when the first graduated members left.

 As a person who still remained in the group.

 Yes. When it is time for graduations, I get really naive and that was the most difficult to get over. I’m much better now than before. Long ago, I was always worried for two months after the graduation thinking, “What do I do? What do I do?” Especially when it’s a person who has been with me everyday since joining this world graduates, the time after is different. It was difficult.

 Anything else?
 Also, when I was in a lot of units. I was at my limit in strength (laughs).

 It was a time where you participated in a lot of groups.
 The worst one time was when I was in a shuffle and 2 other units… ZYX, ROMANS, the shuffle group, Morning Musume, and… Just doing those jobs at the same time made it difficult to switch my feelings among them. Something like, “Next is with the kids,” “Next, there are a lot of people,” and “Next, there aren’t a lot of people,” (laughs).

 When it is like that you aren’t the type who thinks, “I am me,” and go at my pace?

 Yes. Being busy rather than the number of groups was tougher during Mini Moni and Tanpopo. All I wanted more than anything else was to have sleeping time (laughs)!

 It was tough on your stamina?
 Hmm. Mentally, I was surprisingly stable. Changing my feelings was difficult, but it was fun. Things like “I can do this here,” or “I can’t do this here, but I can do it over there,” came out one right after another. There were a lot of chances. I don’t know about my stamina, but I’m happy that I was able to do those things.

 Has it become not fun when you are pushed to your limits?
 It’s not that I didn’t have those moments. I love my work and singing, so there isn’t a time where I haven’t been able to overcome even if I was thinking that it’s painful. Just when I do that, I have times I don’t like that I’m able to do it. I wondered if I fall here, will they decrease my work load (laughs).

 It’s like you hate the self that doesn’t fall down.
 But if I don’t fall down, I get to in charge of more and more things. I’m glad that I was able to experience a time like that. While I thought it was really tough, I still realized that I wanted to do my best…. It’s like I woke up. I really understood the fact that I love to sing.

 When you joined Morning Musume, you were 15 years old. I think these 7 years are a time that you change the most, even for a normal girl.
 When I see old VTRs I see it right away, but I think everything has changed (laughs). I don’t think my personality has changed much, but my mental and physical appearance has changed. Before my debut, I was a normal girl, but when I joined Morning Musume, the thought that everybody can see me was implanted in my head. I started to think, “I have to become prettier,” and “I have to become cuter.”

 I wonder if that is a common thought in Morning Musume.
 I think so. Even looking at the younger members, they have steadily changed since they joined. Everybody is becoming prettier. Yeah, Morning Musume is definitely that kind of place.

 In more ways than one, that is a place where you continue to polish yourself.
But, girls who are by far the most beautiful or really, really cute don’t join Morning Musume.

 Yes. It will surely be a normal girl. Recently, in a way, it feels like she is a “Morning Musume-like girl,” and somehow, it feels like that she will become cute. Even watching the audition on T.V., I think, “Oh, that girl is Morning Musume-like.”

 What makes a girl Morning Musume-like?
 Umm, I can’ explain it well in words. But, while imagining, “If that girl joined Morning Musume, I wonder how pretty she will turn out to be,” I look from an objective point of view. When a normal girl joins, I look forward to how she will change.

 Do you think that it has changed from when you joined to when 5th and 6th generation joined?

 I certainly think it has.

 It was a generation where people who auditioned looked up to the stellar performance of Morning Musume.

 The condition when I joined and now are different. When we first debuted we started from 0. It will obviously be different the amount of change in each person.

 It’s amazing that you have been doing the same group activities from the original generation, to the Morning Musume of “Love Machine,” and to a new generation now.
 But I don’t really think about that. However, when I suddenly think of it, I think of how amazing it is that I have gone through so many generations. But I don’t have much to think about that with my surroundings now. Moreover, when talking about those things, my older member aura will come out too much and I’ll lose the younger members (laughs). But old talk like that hardly comes up.

 When your older member aura comes out, you become atrophied?
 If it comes out, I’ll probably restrain myself. If I restrain myself, on the other hand, I become scared (laughs). Well, the past is in the past. But I’ve learned a lot from that time, so I know that part. It feels something like that. Also, I’m doing my best right now.

 Lastly, there are two questions from the community. First, from your point of view, what do you think of Tsunku?
A person with lots of love! He is a person who holds a giant size love (laughs). The number of people in Hello! Project has grown considerably. In the little amount of time he sees, he understands each person’s personality. It’s amazing. He is suppose to very busy, so I wonder when he has the chance to look at us. I think it would be impossible to be able to support this many people if he didn’t have a giant size love!

 Has communication slowly decreased from the time where he would go to the studio with you guys from before?
Certainly, at the recordings it is not Tsunku, but the project director, and the environment has changed. On the other hand, I feel that the distance from before has shrunk. I think it’s because all of Morning Musume’s songs are by Tsunku. You can really feel his feelings to us in each song. Therefore, even if we meet few and far between, you can feel that it’s always close.

 There is a bond. Even if you don’t meet or don’t talk.

 That’s because it’s been a long time. Morning Musume is entering its 8th year. This will be my 7th year.

 Well then, one other question. What kind of person is Morning Musume Yaguchi Mari? It might be the same answer as last time in “Morning Musume x Tsunku,” but please answer again with what you feel now.
 When I’m at the work place, I’m like the “older sister,” but when it’s private time, I like a young boy. Recently, I’ve been getting into things that only boys like.

 For example, what kind of things?
 Games. When I get home now, I go play video games. When I have a day off, I go to the game center. Also, I love to go to amusement parks to play. I often didn’t go when I was 15-16 years old, so I wonder if that reaction is coming now (laughs). When I get off work, I just think about playing.

 Well, I think that is perfectly normal for a person working to think like that.
 But, usually when a 20 year old say “play,” isn’t it playing more mature things? For example, going to a darts bar or going out to eat with your friends? But it’s not like that and I go to game centers and amusement parks. I think, “What’s going on?”

 Well, certainly you don’t have an adult image.
 I don’t. I’m totally like a boy. It’s like not caring to be exposed and romping in a zoo.  

 A zoo, huh (laughs)?
 I went to the zoo the other day. Those kinds of days are fun even now. I just wonder what will happen as I become an adult. Until around last year, I’ve completely forgotten what it is to be like a girl. I thought this was bad. When I see the other girls around my age acting like girls, I start to worry. Even if it might not be a mistake for a person, I wonder how it is for an adult. Hmm.

 But if you are worried about it, you can perfectly become an adult.
 No, no, that’s impossible. No matter how many years pass, I feel that it’s impossible…

 Right now it’s the tomboy stage?
 I feel like that.

 Perhaps you are a leader like the boss of a group of kids.
 The “me” now, so to speak, is like “Peter Pan.” Like a person who always want to stay as a kid (laughs). But even if Peter Pan says, “I don’t want to grow up,” he is still casually open to it. When it is necessary he will show the leadership that is needed promptly. If it comes to that point, he’ll do his best. I think it would be nice if I was like that. In general, I like games and running around in zoos. But, if it comes to a point, I will promptly do the leader’s work. Something like that. Yeah, so the Yaguchi Mari now is “Peter Pan.”

 It’s fits perfectly. The cool Peter Pan suits you too.
 Right now, even I thought that was a good catch phrase (laughs).
 (2005.1.18 )

 Morning Musume My Best Song “Summer Night Town”
 I remember a lot of things with this song.
 This was my debut song in Morning Musume. I did my best in the recording, but I also felt it wasn’t enough and regrettable and it’s a song where I remember a lot of things. I also love the lyrics. I like songs with a mellow rhythm. It’s a bit mature and melancholic, but it’s not a ballad. The recent song, “As For One Day,” also has that kind of feel, so I love it.

Offline mr.niigaki

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MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #62 on: March 21, 2007, 04:30:43 PM »
I really admire her strength through all the times in all those groups. Mari really had a lot to deal with. And I think her boyish attitude is so cute. It woulda been so cool to see her continue on as the leader for a while longer.

"No, no, it just if I have to graduate, I don’t want it to be the same as the other kids. I think it’s better to be able to create an original world that nobody has done yet."

And she really went out as she wanted to, in a way that was original compared to the other girls.

It was really nice to read about my first favorite member. Thanks again!! :D

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MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #63 on: March 24, 2007, 11:48:05 AM »
Thank you sooooo much for all your hard work. When i first discovered Morning Musume, yuji was doing his translations of the 1st book and I still go back and read my beat up copies. Now I look forward to going back and reading your versions over and over again. Hope you have time to do the whole book. Looking forward to the rest.:D  Thanks again for all you've done!!

Offline Fenrir

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #64 on: April 02, 2007, 04:57:40 PM »
Well, there was a small break with the forum being gone for a bit there. Thanks to ebc for getting it back up and running. Here is the next member! The Queen of H!P, Nakazawa Yuko! Enjoy!

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Nakazawa Yuko

The leader who gathers together Hello! Project.

If you speak of Nakazawa Yuko, you still can’t forget the feeling of her still being the “first leader,” but actually, her time doing activities solo is more than her time in Morning Musume.
As a singer, as an actress, as a variety T.V. host and commenter, and now, as a leader who gathers together Hello! Project… Those activities are busy and various.
How does the ever changing Morning Musume reflect in her eyes now?

Birthday: 1973.6.19
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Kyoto
Debut Song: Morning Coffee (1998.1.28)
Stage Debut: Shibuya Hall (1998.7.12)
Graduation: Osaka Castle Hall (2001.4.15)

Nohji Yuko: In the past two years and half, from Goto to Iida, 6 people have graduated.

Iida Kaori: Eh, really? I guess so; it sure felt like many years.

As the first person to graduate, what do you feel about the younger members graduating?

As a person inside, no matter who graduates, each person has their own graduation ceremony. No matter how many graduation ceremonies happen, there is no “event” or “occasion.” Each person has their own will, ask advice from the people around them, and goes on to graduate, but standing from graduated position, I feel like, “Ah, this kid is graduating,” and I feel like I have to see it with my own eyes. Recently, there are graduating members at Hello! Project concerts, so in that case, you can see, on the same stage, the moment they change from concentrating on Morning Musume activities to Hello! Project. I’m happy about that. If it was a Morning Musume concert graduation, I can’t see it with my own eyes while standing on the same stage. If it is a Hello! Project concert, I can say “Congratulations,” and co-star together.

Obviously, you are the one who saw the most graduations.

I didn’t think it of as “a lot.” After Gocchin, 6 people graduated. When I hear about it now, I’m surprised. With just that you can make another Morning Musume (laughs).

Plus, if you include people from Fukuda…

If you include me, Sayaka, and Ayappe, that’s 10 people! That’s as many people that we won’t lose to the Morning Musume now. Well, I guess that is history. I feel that time has really passed.

Especially this time, Iida is the last of the 1st generation to graduate. In a way, I think it’s an epoch in the making.

Yes. Last New Year’s, when Abe graduated, I knew that Kaori will soon be graduating too. When I saw Nacchi putting out 100% as “Morning Musume Abe Natsumi,” I knew that she would be graduating “now.” When Nacchi graduated, inevitably, Kaori would be next. The moment I thought, “All who’s left is Kaori,” I thought, “Wait a minute.” The Morning Musume that I know… In other words, all the members who started out with nothing are graduated and, even for me, that is a big chapter. At that time, it felt new.

You actually felt that.

Right now, for me, Kaori’s graduation is much bigger than Abe’s graduation. Even during Nacchi’s time, I didn’t feel the importance of “graduation” like now. After that girl, who did her best to keep the center position in Morning Musume, I thought what will happen to Morning Musume.

It’s like a big pillar disappearing.

Well, it might have been like that. It’s different from Abe’s graduation… I don’t think anybody would understand the feelings I have towards Kaori’s graduation. Even when talking to the other graduated members, I think each person takes it differently. It’s difficult to explain in words. The members when Morning Musume was born are now gone. But I think everybody, including the people watching, feels the giant weight of that. I don’t think I will ever know if that is the real meaning. But, I don’t take in the negative effects of that.

With one week left to the graduation live, what have you talked about with Iida?

I was also with Kaori at the Hello! Project live the day before yesterday. She asked me what it feels like. Kaori has been doing Morning Musume activities for about 7 years and has been doing her best as leader after I graduated, so I thought she would be much stronger mentally than when I graduated. And her personality isn’t the type that would go, “What should I do? What should I do?” But yesterday, when Kaori said that, I thought, “Ah, her feelings are also complicated.”

You and among other graduated members also have flitting feelings, right?

Yesterday, at the last show in Nagoya, during the encore, there was a “Kaoru call.” I was about to cry in the anteroom. Kao-chan, who was in the same room, said to me, “Yuu-chan, it’s still early. The concerts aren’t done yet and I’m not graduating yet. It’s still too early to cry,” and I desperately held back the tears saying, “Yeah, you’re right” (laughs). Anybody who is graduating, for that person to be in an environment where they can talk about various things with a same member who was in Morning Musume… It’s really made now. I feel that that is very encouraging.

Do you think Morning Musume will change after Iida’s graduation?

If the members change, Morning Musume’s image will keep on changing. I think it is a lie that it has to change though. Actually, the Morning Musume I see right now is completely different from when I was in Morning Musume. Even though the members I was with, Kaori, Yaguchi, Ishikawa, and Yoshizawa, are still there, it’s different from when I was in Morning Musume.

Do you feel the difference?

I do. That is because kids with different personalities have joined. I think the need to keep the same condition is not there. But, there are kids that inherit Morning Musume somehow understand the need to protect that or not wanting to lose this. If there are those kids, that’s enough for me.

It’s not that everybody follows one right after another, like compulsory education, right?

That’s because it’s natural that how Morning Musume feels will be different for what each of the 12 members think. I don’t think anybody thinks that it has to be a certain way. Even during out time, we didn’t define that Morning Musume has to be done a certain way. Therefore, I think we didn’t need to push something like, “In the past, it was always done in this way.” But, when asked, “Why did you join Morning Musume? You like Morning Musume, huh,” if they answer “Yes,” I think that is good enough.

Even though Morning Musume will steadily change.

Yes. That’s because if Morning Musume continued like how it was forever, it would be gone already. I think the present condition is that it will continue to change. But, well, Kaori will be gone, in spring, Ishikawa will graduate, and I think Yaguchi will graduate sometime, so until then, I think it is good if the feelings of wanting to protect something is born and to know what is really important to yourself. I don’t have anything else to say after that.

What are things that you want to be inherited or not to be forgotten?

That doesn’t matter and I think that not saying is fine. I’m not a member anymore. As a Hello! Project member, I want Morning Musume to continue doing good jobs, to continue watching Morning Musume, and to have fans. Just that. Since I’m a graduated member, I don’t want to say, “I think doing it this way is better.” That’s because there is the Morning Musume now and even if people who are not Morning Musume say something, I prefer they have a strong heart and say, “No, we are the ones in Morning Musume. We have our own way of doing things.”

How long were you in Morning Musume?

I was only there for about 3 years.

I felt that you were there longer.

That’s true. Even I feel that I did events together much longer than 3 years. But actually, I wasn’t there for that long.

Well, then, you’re time being graduated is longer!

Yeah, I surpassed it. It’ll be my 8th year since I debuted. The time when I surpassed it, I thought, “Fast” (laughs). Even I felt the time from when I first came out on “Asayan” to my graduation from Morning Musume was much longer. It was really intense.

Including those 3 years, it’s been 7 years; that’s quite long.

When I look back, I think it’s been a long time, but it also has been in a flash. When it will be the 10th year, I think I will be shocked, “10 years?!” (laughs). During the Hello! Project concert the other day, when everybody was gathered, including the eggs, I quietly thought it was amazing, when Tsunku said something like, “There are members who will stand on stage starting from this year and members who have been doing this for almost 10 years.” Even though there is a big age difference, we are all able to do the same things and to be in a fun environment where we all laugh together and cry together. And I think that this is all possible because of Hello! Project.

In H.P. All Stars, it was like one school with the kids, you, and everybody wearing uniforms.

It really is like a school. When we went to the T.V. office, the staff who has been there since when we debuted jokingly said, “Nakazawa, it’s tough being in a uniform, huh.” While laughing, “It’s crazy,” I replied, “But, surprisingly, it’s fun.” Lumping everybody together, I think Hello! Project is a bunch of interesting and funny friends (laughs). So, even if you graduate, there’s nothing to be scared of. There are a lot of friends around. But, what to do after you graduate is an individual problem, so that’s where responsibility suddenly comes. I just talked about that with Kaori the other day.

At the live the other day, the younger members singing “Morning Coffee” with you and Iida was touching.

Ah, that is only in a Hello! Project concert. Well, indeed, I did say, “No!” to loose socks though (laughs).

The costumes were in the image of back then. Looking back on the past 7years, it moved me to tears.

I didn’t think I would be able to sing it during Kaori’s graduation tour. I was happy to sing it for not singing it in long time. This time I sang it in the “white team,” and Kaori sang in the “red team.” When I sang Kaori’s phrase, I felt I could hear Kaori’s voice.

Inside of you.

Yes. While I heard my voice, I sang, but I heard Kaori’ voice with mine. And, in the same “white team,” Kao-chan sang Nacchi’s part, but I also heard Nacchi’voice too. That’s a very mysterious feeling.

Do you also feel the same for other songs?

Rarely. But “Love Machine” is a song where I can hear other people’s voices. It’s a song where Ayappe’s voice is distinguishable. Even so, Tsunku probably felt that we wanted to sing “Morning Coffee” during Kaori’s graduation tour (laughs).

There is a question that everybody is asked, but what kind of person is Tsunku to you?

For me, he is a “producer,” but the other members say he is “a father,” or “an older brother.” The image of him as a producer is the biggest. When I see him pointing out, “This should be this and this should be done this way…” after a concert or show, I feel that he loves Hello! Project.

Do you know the feeling of that love more than anybody else?

For each song, I think, “Whoa, why is he looking even that far?” (laughs). For example, this time, there are 40 some people dancing… when you include the Eggs, there are 60 some people. And for the members who joined recently, he tells them like a teacher, “When people are singing, it’s a place of study where you can give and take, so stay sharp,” but that hasn’t changed for the past 7 years. He is a person who always has ambition. He has never said, “Well, that part is ok.” He is a person who says, “Hello! Project is not an idol group; you guys are excellent artists.” I’m happy that he looks at us in that way. I think it’s really tough to be a producer for 7 years and to have his own events. I always think I have to return the favor to him someday.

What have you talked about him recently?

I have never talked to Tsunku directly. Even if he is around, there are a lot of people around and it takes everything just to greet him.

Surprising! Do you talk to him the most?

Well, everybody talks to Tsunku (laughs). They want to talk about various things and get advice. On the spot, I just say, “Good morning,” or “Thank you for your hard work.” But, when I’m really troubled about something or want to report something, I would mail him. Mailing doesn’t bother anybody (laughs). But that is only so many times.

When you should tell him something, you make sure you tell him, huh.

I always want to tell him the most is about myself. I’m the closest to him by age, right (laughs)? So I can read the room’s atmosphere. When everybody is saying, “Tsunku, Tsunku~,” if I said the same thing, it’ll become a strange scene (laughs). But I always hold the respect for him as a producer and I think he knows. I think that this is a good stance.

A mature stance.

But no matter how close are age is, I feel that Tsunku is a far more mature person because the “me” that comes out in front of Tsunku is no different from a Hello! Project mid-teen year old kid (laughs).

Finally, a last question from everybody in the community. What kind of person is Nakazawa Yuko?

Umm, that’s difficult.

What if I asked, “What kind of person is Hello! Project Nakazawa Yuko?”

Hello! Project Nakazawa Yuko is… like what everybody says, the oldest person.

Certainly, everybody does say that!

Yes. I’m the oldest no matter who joins from now. For example, within Hello! Project, there are relationships of older members and younger member where age doesn’t matter. Even if a member who has been in Morning Musume since junior high and if a new member joins for another unit, it becomes “you are an older member even though you are younger.” But in my case, it’ll be my 8th year since debuting and I’ll be 32 soon.

There won’t be a younger older member joining anymore.

Yes. That is beyond anybody’s reach. My place isn’t in the way for anybody, so I can be continue to be Nakazawa Yuko. That is the biggest thing. When that is gone, it will be a time when I graduate from Hello! Project, so until then, I won’t hand it over to anybody.

 Was there time being the oldest was troubling?

No. When I debuted, I was 24. In fact, this year Kaori turns 24. One my good points is I’m always ahead, no matter what age they haven’t experienced.

I see what you say.

Everybody is catching up to the age of my experience, but I’m the only person who is going to a place where nobody knows. I even boasted to Kaori, “Isn’t this amazing?” (laughs). Of course, I’m also worried. I don’t have anything like, “At that age, that person did this.”

But that is like the excitement of being the first to leave a footprint on new snow.

Yes (laughs). I have the freedom to go where ever I want. Since there are no footprints, it’s like an unknown world where it’s like, “Hmm, which way? Well, let’s go this way first,” and I look forward to that.

And there is nobody ahead of you.

Yeah. I don’t like walking behind people (laughs).


Morning Musume My Best Song: “Renai Revolution 21”
It’s a song where it feels like Morning Musume is “pumped up.”

It will never change. I do have songs that I like in the Morning Musume now, but I still haven’t found a song that brings out the “love revolution,” in me yet. It was the single when I was graduating, but anyways, it’s a song where it feels like Morning Musume “pumped up.” I often watch the live videos of that time before my own live. My voltage goes up. It’s like a vitamin for me.

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #65 on: April 04, 2007, 03:55:34 PM »
Onto the next member! The original ace of MM, Goto Maki!! And now I shall jump into bed. Zzzzzzz....

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Goto Maki

The genuine “ace’s” graduation gave the group influence.

Morning Musume welcomes the turning of point of changing and growing on any body’s journey of graduation.
In that sense, the genuine ace, Goto Maki’s graduation gave the group an incalculable influence.
And even for Goto, who was starting her solo activities, Morning Musume continues to be the strongest rival.
She loves and has a competitive spirit for the “hometown” she was personally raised in. With both sides competing with each other amazingly, she is still on fire.

Birthday: 1985.9.23
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Tokyo
Debut Song: “Love Machine” (1999.9.9)
Stage Debut: Yokohama Arena (1999.8.23)
Graduation: Yokohama Arena (2002.9.23)

Yuko Nohji: When you look back at yourself when you were in Morning Musume, what kind of kid were you?

Goto Maki: I don’t really remember what kind of kid I was. I talked a lot with the other members. I also hanged out with them. I don’t think that has changed even now. What kind of kid was I before I graduated? I wasn’t really there?

I don’t have an image of you being out of it, but I felt you were type who didn’t talk actively, like you are now.

I was shy?

Yeah, something like that.

Yeah, probably. I didn’t talk about myself much as I do now.

Even though you want to say, you couldn’t?

It was split with members with members and staff with staff. Although I talked with other members, I didn’t really talk to the staff about my true feelings. I didn’t search for myself. So, looking back now, I may have had a part of me putting on a false face (laughs). I was by myself, I saw myself being along no matter where I went. I wanted others to know more about me, so I started to talk more than before.

When you became a solo artist, it was clearer what you wanted to do than before, so perhaps, you started to convey with words more clearly.

It might have been like that with the staff, but thinking something like, “Ah, I shouldn’t say this,” decreased. I come to say what I want to say right on the spot. When I didn’t like it, I told my opinion. I didn’t want to continue to be ambiguous.

That didn’t change from before?

No, it didn’t. From long ago, I was ambiguous, but I often thought, “Well, oh well. It can’t be helped.” Especially during work. For example, during recordings, when I feel like singing it one more time, the director would say, “Ok,” and I would think, “Well, ok then.” Now, in the middle of singing and if I think it is weird, I would say, “Let me sing it one more time.”

That’s because the finished product is something you made completely?

Yes, yes. No matter what I do now, everything comes back to me, like the recordings, interviews, and a lot of other work. So, if there is something I should say, I make sure I say it. I’ve changed in that sense.

When they told you that you were graduating, were you happy? Sad?

Umm, I don’t know. It’s like when they told me I was going to debut solo with “Ai no Bakayarou,” I was so happy I laughed, but when I was graduating, it was like, “Ah, I’m graduating.” But, in the case that the graduation has been decided far in advance, I want to graduate sooner than later.

It was also in your character.

Once it was decided and announced I wanted to graduate in a flash. I didn’t want to be like, “I’m graduating soon, I’m graduating soon,” and to have a ceremony, but I’m glad it was in September. Graduating on your birthday is not something you can experience often. It was a strange feeling when it was my graduation. It was different from being happy or sad…

You were doing solo activities along side Morning Musume as well.

That’s why I thought it would be nice if I go do both forever. There are people who like me as a solo and also people who like me in Morning Musume. But, they told me, “There are work you can’t do if you don’t graduate,” and was satisfied, saying, “Oh, ok” (laughs). I never thought that I didn’t want it and I was happy to be able to continue doing solo work. I’m glad I graduated then. Certainly, if I was in Morning Musume, there was a lot of work I wouldn’t have been able to do now.

After graduating, what part did you mostly feel that you were by yourself?

Responsibility, I think. All the responsibility was on me, so I felt that I had to be all together more than before. I couldn’t just always be happy-go-lucky. Other people have asked if I was sleeping while on T.V. (laughs).

As expected of you to go that far.

What did you expect?! After the show ends they say, “You were sleeping, huh,” and get mad. It seems that you can see me like sleeping softly. My eyes are open and I’m awake.

And it’s already the 3rd year since you graduated.

Yup. It’s almost about the same time I spent in Morning Musume. But it sure doesn’t feel like that long.

Are the memories of the time when you were in Morning Musume feels long ago?

Yeah. When somebody says, “Go back,” it really seems like it’s floating there.

But, at the last Hello! Project live, when I saw you singing “Koko ni Iruzee!” it felt natural.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Surprisingly, when I was singing it, I was having fun as I usually am. While dancing to that song, I thought, “If I joined Morning Musume now, what kind of position would I be in?”

I wonder.

Right? That’s because isn’t everybody young right now? If I joined, I would be the older sister. If I think about that, it’s feels strange (laughs).

When I asked the members up to 4th generation, they said that it was pretty strict on everything back then.

Yeah, it was really strict.

You were also trained very much.

Yes. I think if the new members now joined back then, it would be completely different. They would be considerably be trained, especially by Yuu-chan. Nuhahaha.

You seem happy.

She got angry a lot <3.

But, do you now think you are glad she got mad back then?

I have. But even now, I still don’t know why she got mad then.

Do you think it would have been better if the environment of Morning Musume back then was like the environment of Morning Musume now?

I don’t know. It was tough, but I’m glad it was back in the old Morning Musume. If I was able to freely do whatever I want, I might not be able to do it.

For example?

I dance exactly what I was taught, but Natsu-sensei would yell, “No! You aren’t putting any feeling in it at all!” I started to understand after being yelled at so many times about that portion of putting feelings in. I understood that it was because of my training in old Morning Musume that I felt I was properly dancing and showing how cool it was.

That was when it first hit you that you are a pro?

Yeah. But, it really, really, really came slowly.

What do see the Morning Musume now as?

That it’s different from when I was in Morning Musume. I feel that it’s different.

What is different?

Um, I wonder what. There still are members there when I was in it, but the atmosphere is different from then.

That might be because the 5th and 6th generation especially looked up to you around “Love Machine,” and tried out for the audition.

Ah, that might be why it’s mysterious. That’s because I didn’t join because I looked up to “Morning Musume.” I looked up to “singers,” so I joined Morning Musume. I wanted to try and become idol singing and dancing, so by chance, I saw the program and applied for Morning Musume. And I read Yaguttsan’s name as Chi-san [矢口>>知].

Well, in your case, you didn’t know at all (laughs).

But I’m happy if they said that they took the audition because they liked me. Even now I’m happy. When Aibon joined, the first thing she said was, “Please shake hands with me” (laughs). I was surprised because she was also in Morning Musume.

It’s natural that when the generation changes, the group’s atmosphere also changes.

Yes. That is why Morning Musume’s history is also so long. It’s already the 8th year this year. The image from the very beginning is very different now. That’s because it was unbelievable that Morning Musume would sing something like “Morning Coffee” to “The Manpower!!!” (laughs).

Yes, certainly.

Well, when I joined, it was a time the image was changing too.

It was just around “Love Machine,” huh.

Yes. I was surprised. That’s because the songs that I knew of Morning Musume was up to “Summer Night Town.” When I thought I was joining a group with that kind of songs, suddenly there was “Love Machine.” I was like, “Eh?!”

You thought that it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Ahaha, yeah. When I thought the next song was going to be like “Summer Night Town,” it was “Koi no Dance Site.” The next song then was “Parapara, parapara” (laughs). I thought, “Huh?” But, for album songs, there were some mellow songs. It was fun singing all kinds of songs. If I was a solo from the very beginning, I wouldn’t be able to sing all those kinds of songs. That is one of the interesting points of being in a group.

When you wanted to become a singer, you didn’t have any interest doing group activities?

No. I wanted to be in a group. I thought it would be cool to sing and dance in a group.

What kind of example shows the level of difficulty in a group?

Um, I didn’t feel that it was that difficult. But I think trying to find a position of your character was difficult. And, in the beginning, each person’s personality was strong, so it was tough. When they said I was strong too, I was surprised, “Oh really?”

You didn’t notice?!

They said there isn’t a person as blunt and quiet as me (laughs). I didn’t plan it to be like that.

When you debuted, did you imagine yourself like now?

When I joined, I didn’t think I would turn out like I did at all (laughs). But I did think about what kind of adult I would be.

What kind of an adult?

I thought I would be a more mature 19 year old than now.

But when you joined, you did imagine yourself always singing and being a solo?

Yeah, I did. But I didn’t think I would debut with “Love Machine” at all. That was outside of my prediction.

Did you think about changing Morning Musume by yourself at that time?

No, I didn’t have the determination. I thought no matter what I did, I didn’t have to change my entire self. First of all, there were a lot of people. Each person has their own feelings. Even if we talk, there are members who did this much longer than me, so I think it is important to get along. If there was something that you can do, for example, if it was cute song, I thought about how I can show the cuteness. That slowly piled up one by one. And the result is feeling that you change little by little. Something like that.

Not impossible, but feeling a gradual change.

It always felt natural. Each member changes. Not limiting to just me, as new members join, the group’s image changes. Whenever somebody pulls out, the feelings of everybody increases and it creates a new atmosphere. It’s mysterious, but Morning Musume is like that kind of group. However, when I was in the group, I don’t remember much. I think if you don’t look from an outside point of view, you won’t know.

Did you think it was your chance whenever somebody graduated?

It’s doing your best even more than a chance. That’s because after somebody leaves, I definitely don’t like it when somebody says, “Ah, since that person isn’t here, this isn’t Morning Musume.”

It’s painful when somebody says that?

Yeah, painful. It’s tough because the songs and especially the image changes. It’s different when some other kid is singing a solo part that was fixed with somebody else’s image.

When you first looked at Morning Musume after you graduated, what did you think?

I’m sure I saw it at the sport festival, but it was really strange. It was like, “Ah, so this is how Morning Musume sings and dances.” And I’m not in there, so somebody else sang my parts. I thought, “Ah, I want to sing.” Even now, during Hello! Project lives, I always look at Morning Musume.

Cheering them on?

Yeah. Something like, “That kid is doing her best,” or “So this is how dance now.” I want them to try their best forever. But, probably, everybody who graduated feels that way.

I have questions from the community. What kind of person is Tsunku from your point of view?

An interesting person.

…. That’s all?

That’s because he’s an interesting person. A really interesting person. But I respect him. Every time I listen to a song I think, “Wow, he wrote this kind of lyrics. What an amazing person.”

But interesting.

Yeah. The next day after we appeared on a T.V. show together the other time, we sent a lot of picture mail. The titles were “This,” and “Also this,” and go on and on. And it was morning (laughs). Although he is a really busy person, he’s amazing.

I always look forward to the unpredictable volley of Tsunku putting out songs and you striking back.

Recently it might be like that. Before, when I receive a song, I only thought of singing just like that. For example, for “Te wo Nigitte Arukitai,” I thought of a cute image in the beginning, so I just sung it cutely. Even though I was thinking it was weird that I was singing it cutely. But recently, I thought of singing it more coolly than just singing it cutely. It’s fun to have me change because of that.

You grow by singing the songs how you would sing it?

Yes. Tsunku even said it last year. He said, “Even though it’s a cute song, you can hear the coolness and for a michievious song, “Geshoku GAL Hade ni Ikube!” you sang it maturely. That is your song.”

And when you sing it like you want, you want to be satisfied like, “How’s that!”

Hah, I do. I want Tsunku and the fans to hear it. And I want to like myself more. Therefore, I’m a person who wants see a live. Even after recording, I don’t continue singing it like that and I grow even more during lives. I like that. I want to keep feeling like this.

Well then, the next question. Before, I asked you what kind of person is Morning Musume Goto Maki. What kind of person Goto Maki after 2 and half years?

More than what everybody else thinks, I’m serious. And I’m not scary (laughs).

But, you have less of a scary image than before.

But, isn’t that because of research and you met me?

Really? But, you are cute when you are on T.V. now.

Nuhaha, really?

Yeah. That’s because you don’t have a drooping face.

I haven’t done that recently, huh (laughs).

And serious. This is also for real too, huh.

But, well, I persistently think of this more than other people. But I don’t assert that I’m a very serious person.

Also, you are a person who puts in a lot of effort?

No, I never liked putting in effort. Well, even if I had to do it and I don’t like it, I naturally do it.

To put in effort to make people laugh?

I like that kind of effort. It’s really fun.

If it’s in order to reach a goal, you will put in any effort…

Yes. But I don’t put in useless effort (laughs).


Morning Musume My Best Song: “Koko ni Iruzee!”
Everybody is really energetic singing it.

This was the first single after I graduated. In other words, this is also the first time I saw Morning Musume’s “new song” at a live. Everybody was really energetic singing it and I remember thinking, “That looks fun. That’s nice.” But when I sang and danced it at the last Hello! Project live, it’s really, really tiring (laughs). I also like “The Manpower!!!” I also want to try to dance this at least one time.

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #66 on: April 04, 2007, 04:54:45 PM »
^ Yay Maki!, copy to .lit, save onto PocketPC and read...

Offline Fenrir

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #67 on: April 05, 2007, 03:29:08 PM »
Well parents are here for the weekend, so I won't be putting anything up this weekend. But to make up for that, here is a usually forgotten member! Yasuda Kei! Sorry Shi! You'll just have to wait a little longer for Nacchi's!! She should be next!

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Yasuda Kei

A song of a woman, who has a deep, wide perspective.

“Graduating from Morning Musume” is, for her, the first step in order to release freedom.
That is what I think watching Yasuda Kei. 2 years after graduating, her perspective continues to broaden.
While looking back nostalgically to her teens in which she gambled on auditions with the passion of wanting to become a singer, now in her 20’s, she talks about broadening her interests and curiosity outside of “singing.”
She knows that every experience will help broaden her “song.”

Birthday: 1980.12.6
Blood Type: A
Birthplace: Chiba Prefecture
Debut Song: “Summer Night Town” (1998.5.27)
Stage Debut: Shibuya Hall (1998.7.12)
Graduation: Saitama Super Arena (2003.5.5)

Yuko Nohji: In the previous book, “MM x Tsunku,” the interview was right before the announcement of your graduation.

Yasuda Kei: Yes, I remember. I cried then.

Yes, yes. It was when we were talking about Ichii’s graduation and when you inherited her solo parts, it was the first time your manager at that time, Wada, complimented your singing.

Yes, that happened then. It was bad. When I was talking to Wada at that time, the tears just came out. Also at this time, they were showing old clips on T.V. And when I was talking to Wada, I cried again (laughs).

Your graduation announcement was right after the interview, so I was surprised. Were your tears of that time the expression of what you were feeling before the graduation?

I was probably feeling something like that back then.

First, please tell us about that time. How was your graduation decided?

I also had the intention of graduating and from the office, they also said, “Isn’t it about time to challenge something else?” So both sides.

You also already thought about it?

I had done many things in Morning Musume up to that time. I wanted to try and test how far I can go by myself. And it was decided that I graduate in my 5th year.

You didn’t have any feelings of wanting to stay in Morning Musume?

When I decided, I did have a little. But, there was 8 months from the time of the announcement to the graduation. During that time, I was able to pass the time more fully than before as Morning Musume. Because they accepted the graduation, I felt that I got even closer with the members that I wasn’t so close with. Even though we were doing things normally, when I thought, “This might be the last,” and “I can’t sing this song with everybody anymore,” I felt that each thing was important to me. Well, of course, I plan to treasure it even now, but, how should I say this, something is different. A graduation is something that changes you in a lot of ways. I first understood this when I became part of the graduated members.

The change might be because the graduated members emit a different kind of glow.

A graduation is really just for that one person. Therefore, even the time in Morning Musume, that is special, important day. When graduating you can also see what the other members think of you.

Because it is a graduation you can say something that you usually can’t say.

Yes. I have come to seen various graduations. And for the people graduating and the people watching, I think a graduation live is where honest words comes out. Therefore, in honesty, I was really nervous at my time. “What will I do if the other kids don’t cry?”

A worrywart (laughs).

But I really did think about that. Isn’t that the last stage rising up as Morning Musume,? Therefore, for me, it’s like that graduation live is everything that I have done in the past 5 years. Perhaps, if Morning Musume Yasuda Kei was ok that day, then everything would be ok. It’s that big of a day. It feels like that. It feels like getting your report card.

I see.

Plus, I was able to experience that day standing on a big stage in Saitama Super Arena. Tsunku wrote a song about stating on a journey called, “Sotsugyou Ryokou.” For New Year’s on my graduating year, I went on a trip to the hot springs with Ishikawa and Yaguchi and before the trip, when I wrote an email to Tsunku saying that the three of us are going to the hot springs, he wrote that kind of song.

A true short story.

Yeah. I was really happy. I thought that I’m really lucky.

At the end, as a congratulation message from the fans, the audience turned red with glow sticks. That view was wonderful, wasn’t it?

I was touched. I was surprised. I didn’t know at first. Probably, the lighting crew noticed the red glow sticks and suddenly changed the illumination to red. And I didn’t notice the stage turning red. When the lighting changed to another color, I thought, “Wow, is all of the audience red?!” That’s a lot of people. 25,000 people. To think that all those people held red glow sticks… I couldn’t believe it.

You were about to cry, huh.

That day, with the theme me being as one, I wanted to sing “Never Forget,” properly.
Therefore, I was really happy and with misty eyes, I thought, “But, but, I can’t cry yet!”

You are a person when you on the side of wanting to cry, you don’t want to cry.

That’s why I really, really didn’t want to cry there. But I was really happy about the fans feelings. I couldn’t thank them enough.

You felt loved?

Yeah, I did <3.

You were you on fire after the live finished?

I couldn’t believe it right after. That I graduated. It was much longer than the time preparing the graduation. It felt like it was always a countdown. Even though people said, “You aren’t in Morning Musume anymore,” after I got off the stage, it’s like I was just in Morning  Musume a few minutes ago. After that, I had a press conference and I said, “I graduated,” but I had no idea anymore (laughs).

When did you actually start to feel it?

The morning after the graduation. One day of the live, I took home the videos we took of ourselves, the giant cloth with writing on it including the staff, and a bunch of flowers. Before I went to bed, I spread out the cloth on top of the bed and then went to sleep. I woke up in the morning and was surprised.

Because you saw the writings on the cloth?

Yes. That’s when I first felt it. “Ah, yeah, I graduated.” It’s like all things I had done up to now was a dream and in the morning it feels like it was real. And then, while reading the messages that everybody wrote, I cried again. All alone in the morning (laughs).

It’s only been 5 years, but that time is many times richer than a normal person’s.

Yeah, richer. When I look back suddenly, it feels like I’m always watching a dream. That’s why, after graduating, and looking from an outside point of view, I like Morning Musume even more. Morning Musume is cool, so I can boast about being in this group.

So you have become to be able to look from an outside point of view even during when you were in Morning Musume.

Yeah, including that. Looking from an outside point of view on the things I did and what everybody made together, it’s a really “big group.” I had a place in the Morning Musume then, so I couldn’t see how things were. Now, I understand the greatness. Therefore, even though I’m not there now, but I respect Morning Musume, it’s a group I can be proud of, and I always want it to be there.

Have you ever felt the sadness of you not being in Morning Musume?

In the beginning, I felt that a little, but it was never unpleasant. That’s because I never saw the Morning Musume when I was there.

Ah, I guess there’s that.

Moreover, it’s different from being sad, but there are songs after my graduation that I wanted to sing and dance to, like “Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari.” I also told Tsunku that I wanted to dance to “The Manpower!!!”

Certainly that song might be a good song for you…

Right? It definitely be good (laughs).

In the interview before your graduation, you said you want to decide whether to not only sing, but to do plays and variety shows as well afterwards, but…

I did, huh. But, as usual, I haven’t decided. It’s been a year and half since I graduated, but as usual, it’s still like, “Which one should I do?”

It becomes more and more fun as you do a lot of things?

There is also that. I was really able to do a lot of things last year. I did a play, I went on tour with Nacchi, I was in a drama and on variety shows. That was a lot.

You thought it was time to narrow it down?

No, isn’t it fine to continue like this right now? Recently, I thought so. I think its ok to not force it to narrow down to one thing.

Eventually, it might be a time where it just comes to only one thing.

Before, I wanted to do my best one the one thing I decided to do, such as only doing plays. But, I can’t decide anymore. Everything is really fun. Therefore, if after 10, 20 years I am still around… and if there is something I want to try, I think I would still belong. I stopped condemning something like if it’s not this then I won’t do it now.

When I remember the talk about before you debuting, in order to become a singer, you stopped going to school, so you can push forward in one straight line to your goal; that’s a little surprising. Have you become more flexible?

Hmm, I wonder… When I first starting working I felt that I wanted to do this and different from something to seek for. Something like supply and demand. It feels like there times where you have to take a detour. For example, even though you want to sing, you don’t sing just for that, but if you learn a lot more, you might be able to sing songs a lot better.

If it is like that then even if it becomes a detour, it’s not really a detour.

Right now, there is something inside of me going, “I want to go do this,” but it’s not like I will perfect in an instant. Therefore, in my case, it takes a lot of time and I feel that I’m heading in that direction. For example, even if you say, “I like music,” and you really like ballads, but right now, if the world is looking for cute songs, what you want to put out may not fit with everybody else. However, always at the end, I think it would be good if you can get to a place where you can put out what you want to do.

That’s not meaning you go at a casual pace right?

Yes. If it is for something you really want to do, it might be important that you take a detour. I think I have been coming in straight line all this time. Thinking, “I want to become a singer,” I became a singer. But I think this is a time where it’s ok to go on a detour.

Did you feel frustrated that you had no time when you were a high school student? On the other hand, I can see it as not a big problem now.

I see. Now, I’m not like I want my wish granted immediately. I’ve experienced many things and each thing has piled on and in the end somebody says, “You really are amazing.” I think that is the best. Therefore, recently, I don’t think I’m as impatient. It’s fun thinking why it is the way it is.

So you contemplate it and then when you attack, you attack all at once. You might be like that type.

Yeah, but I think being a little impatient is good too. But I’m really clumsy. When I was in Morning Musume, it took me three years to find my place. That’s why when I look that one and half years has passed since graduating, it might take another one and half years (laughs).

This year, most of the original members are all graduated. But even with that, the never changing “Morning Musume-likeness” is still there. Why is that?

That’s because it’s always changing. The “likeness” might include the ever changing members. That’s because there is no other group where these many members change. I think it’s amazing that there so many people with different ages, way of thinking, and attitudes gathered together.

You want it to continue to change?

Yes. In the beginning, I didn’t like it. It was like, “Eh?! More people are joining?” (laughs). But, during that time, I began to think, “Ah, this is Morning Musume.” Now, I think if it doesn’t change, it’s not Morning Musume.

I felt at your graduation the most is Morning Musume’s “voice.” When I thought the “voice” has changed when everybody sings, I suddenly get sad.

Really? Thank you (laughs). It may certainly be like that. I don’t know about me because I couldn’t see from an outside point of view, but when Nacchi graduated, I really felt that something was out of place. I really felt that without Nacchi’s smile, Morning Musume changes this much. But it’s obvious though because a person who’s always been there is now gone. But you get used to it as time passes. Time is amazing.

I have an impression of you being more girl-like now than when you were in Morning Musume.


Even though you are young, you are called, “Oba-chan [older woman],” so I always had an image of you being an adult. Sorry for the rude conversation.

No, not at all; it’s really like that. When I was in Morning Musume, I forgot how to be young (laughs). But when I went out in the world, I thought, “Ah, I’m still young.”

When I saw you at the last Hello! Project live, I thought to myself quietly, “Ah, young and cute.”

Ahahaha, there aren’t a lot of people who say I’m cute and it’s embarrassing.

Are you unwilling to be in that direction?

No, not at all. I’m happy (laughs). No matter what kind of impression you have, it’s welcomed. For example, even if it’s, “I hate that person” (laughs), I think, for me, it’s a good thing if I left an impression in anybody’s mind.

Has various people’s impression of you spread even wider now more than when you were in Morning Musume?

It would be nice if it is. I’m called, “Oba-chan,” but where ever I go now, I’m generally one of the younger ones. It’s interesting. On a variety show, they say, “Former Morning Musume member,” it’s like they see me as an “idol” a little. I get confused on what to do. It’s just that in the past 6 years, I never had to deal with this kind of treatment (laughs).

Lastly, two questions from the community. First, for you, what kind of person is Tsunku?

He’s a person who never changes from when I first met him. Even though it’s been a while that I met him, it doesn’t feel like that long.

You still think of him as like a father?

That hasn’t changed. He is the closest person to me and a person I respect the most. He is the father of the making Morning Musume this big of a group; a father who raised it. Even though I graduated, the feeling of respect doesn’t change; it will probably never change. Also, I shouldn’t say this about him, but he’s a really interesting person (laughs).

In a normal way?

Yeah, in a normal way and in every way he is really interesting. Doesn’t he have ideas that most other people don’t have? I want to see what goes on in Tsunku’s head just once.

Did you get any advice recently?

Recently, he said, “Don’t forget to sing.” Therefore, along the way I replied, “I haven’t forgotten!” If he heard today’s talk about not narrowing things down, he would yell at me, “Don’t forget to sing!” (laughs).

Well then, one last question. What kind of person is Yasuda Kei? Actually, you replied when you were “Morning Musume Yasuda Kei” that you were a greedy person.

Yeah, it was greedy. That’s still the same even now. I want to do everything. My hobbies are also here and there. But, in the end, it’s only one. I want everybody to know the name “Yasuda Kei.” In order to make that giant wish come true, I become greedy at various things. So, until I am known, I will do anything (laughs)!

Do like your greedy self?

I do. More like I love my work. People who love their work hate to lose. It doesn’t usually come up to the surface, but actually, I hate to lose.

No, I think it fully comes out.

Really? Maybe (laughs).


Morning Musume My Best Song: “Sotsugyou Ryokou” (No.5 Album)
I can feel “loved.”

When I heard this song, the view of the graduation live comes back to me and I think of all the members and remember again how I love Morning Musume. It’s a song where I feel loved and I love it. I thank Tsunku for making this song for me. Other songs that I grew up with that are important to me are “Summer Night Town” and “Wagamama,” but I like this song in a different sense.

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #68 on: April 05, 2007, 07:33:18 PM »
thanks Fenrir :) its very interesting to read the graduated members perspective on MoMosu.
and kei-chan :heart:

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #69 on: April 10, 2007, 11:21:03 AM »
The parents have left, so now back to your regular scheduled programming. :lol:

Here you go Shi! You Nacchi lover!! :lol:

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Natsumi Abe

It’s always Morning Musume in her heart!

By her graduation, the “Nacchi smile” disappeared from Morning Musume.
This was a big event. But there’s no need to worry. While history changes in various ways, it still continues on.
Now, in front of our eyes, there is the “Nacchi smile” with a hint of maturity.
“Morning Musume Natsumi Abe” is not here anymore. But, there is still Morning Musume in her heart.
It’s been one year since she graduated. While holding Morning Musume importantly close to her heart, she boldly continues walking forward.

Birthday: 1981.8.10
Blood Type: A
Birthplace: Hokkaido
Debut Song: “Morning Coffee” (1998.1.28)
Stage Debut: Shibuya Hall (1998.7.12)
Graduation: Yokohama Arena (2004.1.25)

Yuko Nohji: What did you think when it was the one year anniversary of your graduation the other day?

Abe Natsumi: I think that it’s been 7 years since Morning Musume debuted on January 28th is much bigger than being solo for one year. That means it’s been 7 years since I debuted.

It also became a chance for you to look back at these past 7 years?

Yes. I remember a lot of things. Every year I would meet with a member on the 28th, but this time I didn’t meet anybody. Instead, I mailed to Yuu-chan, Kaori, and Tsunku.

A person born in 1998 would be a first grader now.

Yuu-chan says that often. For me, it’s fresh to count numbers in that way (laughs). But, yeah, it’s been a long time. I never thought that Morning Musume would become this big and continue changing in this way. When I first started, I never imagined it. I think Yuu-chan, Kaori feel the same way I do. I definitely can’t explain it in words, but it’s a deep understanding I think.

Those 7 years are not something you can compare to a normal 7 years, huh.

It’s completely different. I’ve experienced a lot of different things, met a lot of different people, and did a lot of different things. Even now, when one year ends for Morning Musume, I always say, “It’s been one crazy year.” But 7 more times (laughs). It really has been some rich years.

The person who has been working together with you for all those years, Iida, will graduate soon. What about the time of the graduation performance?

I was allowed to go see. I wanted to go see the last performance no matter what. In the same place, I wanted to be close and feel that vibration and atmosphere…

Were you filled with emotion?

While I was watching, I remembered a lot of things. I felt sorry again that I couldn’t be standing on the stage together. I also thought that Hello! Project is amazing. In the second half, I understood that this would be the last time to see Kaori this way. After the last song finished, the whole place turned yellow, right?

The fans lighted up the place with one color using yellow glow sticks.

Yes. At that time no words would come out. It wasn’t a “made” production, but each fan put together their feelings and thoughts and turned it yellow, right. While they were chanting, “Kaorin, Kaorin,” I said, “Wow,” and knew my voice was trembling. I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

It’s always “congratulation” when you see a graduation, but when I see you and Iida now… saying honestly, it’s really sad. The history of Morning Musume will continue, but in a way, I felt that one part of history has ended.

Yes. Actually, I feel that too. I do “congratulate” Kaori, but when I think that all the members from the very beginning who did their best have all graduated, I do feel sad. Yeah, Kaori’s graduation was a big thing.

And in spring, Ishikawa will graduate too.

I also thought about that while watching the live. Next is Rika, but Yaguchi still remains, and Yossi is still there; I counted the members in my heart.

Including you, Ishikawa is the 5th person to graduate.

That is really an amazing thing. Even when I count again, I’m surprised. I think Morning Musume continues to change.

At the live, it has been awhile, but Nakazawa and Yasuda sang the debut song, “Morning Coffee,” together with Iida.

When the intro of “Morning Coffee” started, I immediately couldn’t hold it back; a lot of memories came flowing back. When it was at the part of “fuu~,” I sighed (quietly) (laughs).

When you listening to the debut song, did you remember things from that time?

I did! It was really desperate back then…

Every day was like mad.

To the point that only the word desperate would come out, every day was desperate. It was like every person almost fell forward (laughs). But not only when “Morning Coffee” came out, I also remembered the feelings up to then. I think I’ll never forget those feelings. Morning Musume started from the team who failed the audition the first time, so from there, no matter what we wanted to debut and sing, so we gave it our all. Of course, that wasn’t something made with just by our own hands, so it wasn’t only us that gave it our all. It was like the 5 of us, every day, “Let’s do our best one more time, one more time. We can still go!” That nervousness…

Was towards the “one more time?”

Towards everything. Towards each live. Even towards each time we were on T.V. We learned how to get with it each time during that time.

It wasn’t “to do your best,” but a concentration of “continuing to do your best.”

Yes, that’s right.

Also, you started from zero, so that might have been a good environment to forge those feelings.

Of course, those experiences are very useful to me now. Therefore, I want the Morning Musume now to forever keep that feeling of doing your best. But not meaning the same way as back then. But it’s a little difficult.

About continuing to try your hardest?

Yes. Even though you think you are trying your best, you aren’t quite doing it… Even now I think that is difficult. But I want them to try their best. I like that kind of Morning Musume.

How is Morning Musume reflected in your eyes this past year?

I have gradually started to look at from an outside point of view. While I see them do a new song, I think, “Everybody is doing their best. Good, good, good,” and then I say to myself, “You need to do your best too” (laughs).

Ahahaha. Do you give advice?

It’s not that I don’t say it, I can’t say it. But, I say the good points to the members directly. But it’s not that I just say anything. Each of them is doing their best. I understand the feeling of trying your best, so I want to be a person who watches over that part. Of course, when I was a member I gave a lot of advice saying like doing it this way is better. I probably don’t say things like that now probably because I’m looking from an outside point of view. It’s just even now I still love everybody very much…

You still like that group without changing from before?

The feeling of love hasn’t changed one bit. If it’s been a while since I met the younger members, they would come running up saying, “Abe-san <3” and I’m really happy. When I was in Morning Musume, I would want to get close and go, “Wah <3.” But, when I think of being away from the members whom you have been together with everyday, it’s a little different kind of “love” when you think about them.

This is because it is from an outside point of view?

Maybe. In various ways. The other day, I saw myself when I was in Morning Musume on T.V., but, as I thought, now, as a same member, when I look at the other kids, there is a different me. When I see “Hyokkori Hyoutan Jima” and “Koko ni Iruzee!,” I think, “Ah, that’s so cute! That’s so cute!” (laughs). When I was in there, I saw it in a completely different way. It was really fast on how I look at the kids from an outside point of view.

It’s like from a “rival” to a “big sister.”

Yeah, to say it simply, it might just be like that.

Of course, you also feel a strong emotion.

But, I think I really become like a “big sister.” At that time, I thought of the kids there as “cute,” or “important,” but at the same time, everyday was a conflict and things were flaring up where older and younger relationships didn’t matter. I always thought, “I’m not going to lose.”

But that is because you had no choice in doing events in the same group, so it should happen, right?

But, now that I’m away, that “burning” and “sizzling” feeling is now gone (laughs) and I wonder if I have became able to look directly at each of those kids.

When you look at Morning Musume now, at what moment did you feel that “a likeness” hasn’t changed since when you were there?

Umm, when I pushing forward like mad. Saying, “Alright!” while sweaty, we have something to tell during a live, or on T.V., or for a CD when our feelings become one. It feels like our true feelings “comes.” I think I still do that now. The moment when I’m on fire when I can’t put something into words…


Yeah. Like, “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” (laughs). Anyways, it’s like when you feel like you are crowded with only the saying, “Oh my god.”

And the identity of that feeling?

Umm, even I can’t explain it (laughs). I have felt something like, “Yeah, its coming. It’s coming.” But I think that is not only Morning Musume, but probably the other graduated members also feel it at some time. I think everybody does their best for that moment.

Is Morning Musume a group that piles those “moments” every day?

I think so.

Even though the last of the 1st generation member, Iida, graduated, do you that “likeness” will still continue?

Yes. I want it to continue. I always want Morning Musume to be cool. No, it doesn’t have to be cool (laughs). It would be nice if they can keep the feeling of being positive and fiery.

The feeling of “Alright!”?

Yes, yes. I think there are a lot of things only Morning Musume can do. I always want to see that.

Even though the members change, you want the feeling of, “Only Morning Musume,” to stay, huh.

In order for that to happen, I want whoever to keep pulling that along from now. I think that is something that the older members take. Even if the kids who just joins say, “Why do we have to try harder?” they don’t know how to try harder. That’s why they always look at the older members. I think from now Yaguchi and Yossi will have a hard time, but I want them to try their best.

Was that something you also felt when you were in Morning Musume?

Yes. I think that is one of Morning Musume’s “ritual” already. Whenever a member graduates, the remaining members discover something new about themselves, each person takes responsibility, and so, that responsibility is like passing a baton.

So, Iida’s graduation is like another baton pass.

That’s why I think recently that Yossi has pulled it together. But she has jokingly said, “Have to do the sub leader right” (laughs). I feel that the bud of being a sub leader and responsibility has started to grow inside of Yossi.

We look forward to see how leader, Yaguchi, and sub leader, Yossi, will raise Morning Musume.

Writing them as leader and sub leader has nothing to do with the actual content of work, but I think it’s “something” being born inside of you now. That’s why I think with Yaguchi being in the center, it will be a different Morning Musume. I’m really looking forward to and anticipating that.

Anyways, when did you start to feel that you were no longer a Morning Musume member?

Right after my graduation, my first lead role in a musical rehearsal began and while staring with amazement, it became the real show. I’m not sure when I felt it. Members came to watch that show, I got encouraging mail, and when I was by myself backstage, it hits me that I’m not in Morning Musume anymore.

It seems that all graduated members feel lonely when they are alone backstage.

The backstage then was filled with members and baggage. Being alone backstage is too lonely, so I fill up the room with lots of flowers (laughs).

When you are by yourself, what kind of feeling do you feel first?

I think time by yourself is important. Before then, I didn’t like being alone. That’s because when everybody is there, you can’t think too much and you can get away from a lot of things, right (laughs)? Everybody is talking excitedly and exchange words, like “That’s true,” somehow, you start to calm down.

But, when you are by yourself thinking, the only person to talk to is yourself.

Yeah. There are a lot of times where only you can check yourself about your feelings. I think when you are thinking by yourself, it may be a time for you to become more mature. Recently, I really feel that way and not only during graduation.

When you are by yourself, do you feel the importance of the time when you are with everybody else?

I do. And even now, I’m not alone. But, right after I graduated, I embraced the thought of thinking, “Since I’m by myself, I have to do my best by myself,” and just being “alone” too much. Now, in Hello! Project that has grown big, everybody supports each other. Even though I became a solo, everybody does their best together. I’m doing my best as a solo, but everybody helps each other out, including the staff. When I’m in self-control, I really, really feel that I’m not alone and everybody is supporting me.

These are questions that are asked to everybody, but what kind of person is Tsunku for you?

Tsunku is an amazing person. Only that word. Even if you stretch out your hand, it’s always a person you can’t reach.

Have you talked to Tsunku recently?

I met him at the Hello! Project backstage and we talked leisurely about various things. But, when we met, there were no words, but “yeah, yeah,” and talked with our eyes like this. Tsunku is like this from before. But I recently felt it more. Something like seeing with mental eyes. Connecting through the eyes…

You can talk using your feelings.

We talk about a lot of things, but more than just talking about something specifically… I think the biggest thing is to face each other as an individual.

Towards Tsunku?

Yes. When I think about how it came to be now, even when I was in Morning Musume, even when I became a solo, I wonder if I’m still “Nacchi.”

You thought before you are regarded as a regular person, you are thought to be “Nacchi?”

Yes, yes. But Tsunku has always treated me a regular person from long ago.

Talking to you through “mental eyes.”

Not on T.V. or in magazines, but when it’s just the two of us talking normally. But even when it’s one-to-one, I always think I have to be “Nacchi.” Of course, that might also be important, but when it’s like that…umm, what should I say; it’s difficult (laughs).

But, you are able to talk to him without thinking, “I have to be Nacchi.”

Yeah, the first time we were able to probably face each other might have been at that time. We were really, really able to talk. That’s what I think.

The last question from the community. What kind of person is Abe Natsumi?

Something like this (laughs). I think whatever other people think. It’s hard to put it into words. I think the Nacchi now, in the truest sense, is just like “me” right now.

Have you thought what you will be like after 10 years?

No, Right now, I living to fullest now (laughs). In this condition, I’m doing my best carefully with what is given to right in front of my eyes. Just only that. From now on, I think it will still be that feeling. Therefore, I won’t know 10 years after until 10 years has passed (laughs).

Do you think you will still be singing?

Yes, probably.

And when it’s your first comeback work, are you looking towards your concert and revue?

Well, I’m already nervous.

Any advice from Tsunku?

He said, “do it carefully,” and “It’s ok. It’ll be ok.” It was really reassuring to hear, “It’ll be ok.” To the point where I always want to hear it (laughs).


Morning Musume My Best Song: “Nani mo Iwazuni I Love You” (4th Ikimasshoi album)
When I listen to it, it just hits me.

The one I always love is “21 Seiki.” Even now I remember the view of each person’s recording. But, recently, the number one song that I like, I give to this song. Because I will sing this at the next revue and concert, I have been listening to it a lot at home. It’s like when I listen to it, it just hits me; it’s crazy (laughs). The feelings come too much and I wonder if I will be able to sing this on stage. I look forward to it, but I’m worried.

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2007, 03:06:59 AM »
Thank you SOOO much! I love Nacchi more and more! :) I was DYING waiting for this translation. So thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your hard work :)

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #71 on: April 11, 2007, 09:04:27 AM »
Thanks Fenfen :heart: Nacchi :heart: XD XD
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #72 on: April 12, 2007, 02:51:50 AM »
Thanks again.

Designed by Miichan

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #73 on: April 12, 2007, 03:58:29 AM »

She's so awesome :D And old XD
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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #74 on: April 13, 2007, 12:34:48 PM »
They just keep on coming!! :o Almost there!

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Tsuji Nozomi

Before even realizing it, the distance of cuteness is right next to you.

The first impression you see of Tsuji Nozomi more than anybody else is that she is a type who is “afraid of strangers,” but while we were talking for a bit, suddenly, that distance became smaller. It always seems like that.
She is like in a place a little far away, but suddenly, it feels like she just transported close to you.
You would think that the cuteness of the various faces you see of Tsuji Nozomi is actually like that.
She’s good natured and has great strength. Without realizing it, she is next to you and dependable on anything.

Birthday: 1987.6.17
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Tokyo
Debut Song: “Happy Summer Wedding” (2000.5.17)
Stage Debut: Nihon Budokan (2000.5.21)
Graduation: National Yoyogi 1st Gymnasium (2004.8.1)

Yuko Nohji: First, please tell us about the time from when your graduation was decided.

Tsuji Nozomi: At first, Aibon and I were called for a meeting. At that point we talked to each other before going saying, “Wonder what the meeting is about,” “Isn’t it suspicious,” “Definitely suspicious. Maybe it’s about graduation?” As a joke.

You joked incessantly.

Jokingly. And then, when we went, Tsunku and the staff were there. At first, they were beating around the bush by talking about various things. I had no idea what the point of the talk was and while thinking, “Huh,” they said, “Well, let us say it clearly. We think it’s about time you guys graduate.”

Did you think, “Finally, it came out!”?

For a moment, it felt like I returned to the time when I found out I was accepted into Morning Musume. My head became blank. I probably sat there, dazed, for about 3 seconds. Then, we turned to look at each other and at the next moment, we jumped onto the sofa.

Were you feeling, happy, sad, angry, or easy?

I was really happy. That’s because a graduation is when a person has grown and is recognized that they do it by themselves. We were also acknowledged.

What did you think of the “Tsuji Kago Combo,” until graduation?

That is was destiny.


Yes. We always talked about how it was destiny. We joined Morning Musume together and we were together in Mini Moni. Our names had two syllables, Tsuji and Kago, and our auras were similar. To think that two strangers to be this close in this big world…

A miracle and, perhaps, destiny.

Yeah. That’s because if I didn’t send my resume for the audition, we would never have met. Plus, both of us barely sent in our resumes in time, so if one of us was late, we wouldn’t have met. It’s amazing!!

Have you ever thought of going by yourself instead of W?

It’s fine as long as it’s Aibon and I. In other words, not only the staff, but we also thought of that too. Even in Morning Musume, if it was just one of us in there, we would have become very mature. I think we would be called “Tsuji-chan” or “Kago-chan,” and not like this image now.

It was 8 months from when your graduation was announced to the actual graduation. Did it feel quite long?

But during that time, there was Otome-gumi and Sakura-gumi, Mini Moni, Morning Musume, and W just started. It was a full 8 months doing 4 things at once.

You didn’t have any feeling of free time?

Yes. But it’s just that after hearing about my graduation, I felt that this would be the last time doing this towards everything. It was vague if it was very long or very short until the graduation. But, I thought that it is necessary to have at least 6 months before a graduation. I did more and more things that I wanted to do.

The graduation live was very much like your stage.

Anyways, I thought that at least I should go smiling. During the live with the other members, I felt that I caught their crying. But I always end up crying. I thought that I will definitely not cry at my graduation. My mom came to the live. And my mom really loves Morning Musume, so she made sure she saw me as “Morning Musume” until the very end.

You guys chose the last song, “I Wish,” right?

Yes. I have lots of memories during that time, so Aibon and I said we wanted to sing that song. And so the “I” and “Wish” part became to mean something like “Ai” and “Nozomi [means wish].”

Was that something Tsunku thought of?

No, I think it was probably by accident. Amazing, isn’t?

That is another destiny, huh.


Did you feel that this is the end of the Morning Musume chapter from now on inside of you?

W started before the graduation and continued afterwards, so it is difficult to say that the chapter ended. At first, I was confused on what I should do. I felt that I would be doing it forever, but I also felt completely different. But, I got used to it quickly.

Does “Morning Musume Tsuji Nozomi” feel far away now?

Even now, I sometimes almost write “Morning Musume” when I’m signing. But, that mistake has become less and less now.

How do you see the Morning Musume you are not in anymore?

I first saw them at the New Year’s Hello! Project live, but as I thought, Morning Musume is nice (laughs). I’m a little sad… it’s complicated. When I look at the CD jacket and hear the songs that don’t have our voices in it, I feel that we really graduated.

What parts of Morning Musume do you think changed after you guys graduated?

At first, when I saw the 6th generation kids, I often wondered if their true selves have come out yet.

That might be the result of you and Kago pulling out.

That might be it. Aibon and I were always in a place in the middle. It’s not in a position where you have to pay attention and it’s also not a position where it is paid attention to. Because we pulled out from that spot, it might be easier for the younger kids to show themselves. I think they couldn’t do things because we were there up until now. Probably.

Because they couldn’t put on their characters.

Yes. It’s sort of like in Morning Musume, “This is done by this person, so you go try to do something else.” But, recently, 6th generation has dressed up their hair pretty well.

They hardly dressed it up before?

At first, the 3 of them in 6th generation always had it down. Recently, I thought that they have more adult-like. Their hairdo is also like that and they have a calm atmosphere. They are still only 14 or 15, so there is no need for them to be so adult-like yet (laughs).

Did you dress up your hair or let it down?

I wonder. But, recently, when 6th generation also dresses up their hair, I really almost start to grin. When I see that, I’m a little surprised.

You guys were probably doing your best for your graduation.

Yeah. And aren’t we the super annoying team? When we graduated, I wanted somebody to cover that place.

To cover being annoying?

Not like that (laughs). For example, I love it when other people smile normally. Not a fake smile. Therefore, even in Morning Musume, during lives, I make weird faces when facing towards the back and it’s fun making other members laugh. And I want the younger kids to also be able to make people laugh, to have fun, and to be energetic.

Well, is the Morning Musume that you love still continuing now?

I think so. At the live, I’m happy when I see everybody is smiling normally and laughing a lot.

When it becomes spring, Ishikawa will graduate and 5th and 6th generation will become the heart of Morning Musume. Do you think that Morning Musume-likeness will still continue?

I think it’ll be ok. Morning Musume has that image of “smiling” and being “energetic.” If 5th and 6th generation opens up, I think it will be all ok!

Also, it is a necessity in order to replace the place that you and Kago were in.

Yeah, I really want somebody to inherit “this place.” It’s like throwing everything out there without being embarrassed (laughs).

Do you talk a lot with 6th generation?

Well, before I could become good buddies with them I graduated, so even now I regret that…

Because the time you guys were together was short?

We have been together time wise for 1 year. I’m a person who doesn’t usually talk. So, it took about a year and half to become friends with 5th generation. When 6th generation joined, it was already decided that we would graduate. I thought that I have to hurry and become good friends with them.

Such a big trigger…

And, thinking about it, all I said was to call me “Non,” but they called me “Tsuji-san.” In order to change how I’m called, I thought we needed to be able to just talk normally.

Is that the same on how you call Yasuda, “Kemeko-chan?”

Well, I don’t know when Kemeko became Kemoko (laughs).


But, it was some time after that I said that to 6th generation. It was late. So, I graduated without talking to them much.

A little regrettable, huh.

Even now, I think, “Do your best!” The other day I went to eat out with Makoto. But it’s lonely with just the two of us, so we decided to ask other people to come. It was just the time that Reina and Sayu finished their work. I thought that was a chance to become good friends with them, but in the end, it finished without much deep talking.

Aren’t you guys good friends? But you want to become even better friends?

I have to try harder!

Because you are an older member.

That’s right.

What is the biggest difference between doing activities in a group and doing activities with just the two of you?

The biggest difference is backstage. When we were in Morning Musume, backstage was filled with tons of baggage and shoes. Now it’s empty. And since it’s just the two of us, it feels like we have more freedom. When you have a lot of people, even if you want to go to the convenience store, you can’t just say, “I want to go soon.” But it’s easy to decide with just the two of us (laughs). So, even 5 minutes before the plane is departing, we would run and go buy curry pan. We couldn’t do that until now.

How about the most difficult part?

Responsibility. It’s difficult only being split between two people. But, in exchange, there are good points that return to you if you just try your best.

Are you able to clearly feel that?

I can. It’s like we are always seen. There is a difference how we are seen when it is just the two of us and when it was the two of us among 15 people. When it is among 15 people, it’s not always the two of us that are being watched. I really sense that.

When you are with everybody, it’s like fighting on how to get attention.

Yes. It’s like how much exciting dancing do I need to do stand out (laughs)?! But when I’m doing it in W, I able to concentrate more on how to dance more beautiful and how far I need to stretch out my arms and legs more than exciting dancing.

Are you glad you graduated?

Yes, I’m glad. But, when I see Morning Musume, I still think, “I’m still jealous of them.”

Like you are homesick?

It’s a little different from that. After you graduated from junior high and years pass, you feel like you want to go back to being a junior high school student again, right? Like you want to go eat school lunch again (laughs). I think it’s the closest to that feeling. When I was in Morning Musume, I met a lot of people and did a lot of things. It really is like a school.

After you graduated, have you had any new challenges?

Right now, Aibon said she wanted to create the lyrics and music. And I want to design; I like creating my own things. So, we have talk like Aibon will create the music and I will design the costumes! I’m really interested in what the things we make will turn out like.

Perhaps you didn’t think about that when you were in Morning Musume.

It’s something you can’t do in a group. So, that is my dream right now. Ah, but, when Morning Musume went abroad awhile back, Aibon and I were in the same room. We created a song, the choreography, and showed it to everybody.

That was way before W, huh.

Quite before then. We made a song for Nakazawa’s 27th birthday. So, that’s already 4 to 5 years ago. We made 4 to 5 songs. So, from that time, we were already a unit (laughs).

Do you have something you want to do individually and not as W?

Hmm, I want to throw up blood.


I want to be in a horror movie.

You don’t want to do any comical skits?

I like skits, but something more serious. I love horror movies. And I want to try it myself. Something like Sadako’s [The Ring] role (laughs). I mimic her a lot. And the other thing I want to try is eating food at various restaurants!

That’s something completely unrelated to work (laughs).

No, no, something like location shots of eating at various restaurants.

A profitable hobby.


From here after, will your work variety become bigger or will you be just doing one thing?

I wonder. But, right now, I want to try various things. The time to try things… I want to try everything of the things I can do before I turn 20.

Two more years.

Ah, it’s only just two more years. Hmm, time might just fly by. I wonder if it’s still ok to tie my hair into pigtails right now.

You have an impression that 20 years old is too old?

Hmm, since you became an adult, it might be impossible.

But, when you compare to when you were in Morning Musume, don’t think you have become more mature now?

I think so. I don’t cry much anymore.

Just a little?

Yes. But, for about two years after I joined, I felt like crying everyday. It was really like, “Hey, you crying over there?” and if I mess up a little I would cry (laughs). When I think about that, I’m able to see more around me than before.

Lastly, two questions from the community. First, please tell us what kind of person is Tsunku from your point of view.

The first image I have is an “amazing person.” But, when I met him, it was more like “a father.” He occasionally mails, but it’s a long mail. I’m really happy he mails me those.

He sends his impression of the live to everybody.

Amazing. Not only does he come to see the lives, though he is tired, he even mails everybody. But I’m still nervous when I meet him.

Even now?

Yes. Tsunku hasn’t changed at all. After the concert the other day, there was a part he wanted to change a little. He talked me together with Aibon, but at that time, he had a very kind face while talking. It’s was soft… like a droopy smile (laughs). It was a father-like face.

Tsunku is also looking forward to what W can do, huh.

We can do anything. Hehe. Tsunku’s ideas are really amazing, so it’s fun. It’s like “Who else can think of these things?!” and it just right after another. Tsunku is definitely more amazing than a witch.

What kind of comparison is that (laughs)? Well, one last question. What kind of person is Tsuji Nozomi? Before you replied something like a dachshund…

I’m still like one now. In the very beginning it was Aibon who said I was like a dachshund, so recently, more and more people are saying that. I think it is better to ask Aibon about what kind of person I am. For sure, the other time, Aibon said I zoom. No, maybe it was I jump all over.

Well, let’s here what you think of Kago.

Right now, Aibon is mature. I think she became an adult. She really has it together. But, it seems the previous Aibon is still there.

You haven’t changed much since you were Morning Musume?

Probably. But, my power has decreased. The other day I arm wrestled with Rika and Makoto and I lost to both of them. I used to beat everybody in Morning Musume long ago.

I wonder if it is because you are more girl-like.

Well, I don’t think it’s that. Probably because of the choreography. Morning Musume has a lot of intense moves, so the arms are strong. Ever since W, the dances are more soft and cute. I think it’s because of that (laughs).


Morning Musume My Best Song: “Shabondama”
I always end karaoke with this song.

Recently, I always end karaoke with this song (laughs). Even when I’m with the other members, we would pass around the two mics to sing and everyone really gets fired up. I like more energetic Morning Musume songs than soft songs. I often sing this song, “Namida Tomaranai Houkago,” and recently, I love the “The Manpower!!!” So, actually, even though I graduated, I still sing any kind of Morning Musume song.

Offline Tictac_Eri

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #75 on: April 13, 2007, 10:10:51 PM »
Tsuji's was good, it made me feel even sadder about Aibon though....

And Tsuji's and Kago's graduation felt so long ago its interesting to think they joined at the same time as Yossie 

Offline Fenrir

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #76 on: April 15, 2007, 03:50:03 PM »
Hmm, I was planning this for her comeback, but I guess that won't be happening now.  :( Oh well... a farewell gift then. Although now I feel bad for Tsuji after reading this. Sigh...  :-[

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Kago Ai

Having a soft presence, but a strong as steel determination.

Her soft, nonchalant presence has a piercing strong as steel determination.
With an out of this world sugar voice, she talks about her steadily growing and heaps of fun dreams.
She was originally soft, so she became strong. Talking like that, her expression is loving, strong, and beautiful.
From “Morning Musume Kago-chan” to “W Kago Ai.”
As a “self producer,” who is making her own character, she will probably show her real ability from now.

Birthday: 1988.2.7
Bloodtype: AB
Birthplace: Nara Prefecture
Debut Song: “Happy Summer Wedding” (2000.5.17)
Stage Debut: Nippon Budokan (2000.5.21)
Graduation: National Yoyogi 1st Gymnasium (2004.8.1)

Nohji Yuko: Tsuji said that the two of you graduating is “destiny.”

Kago Ai: Yes. From long ago, the two of us talked about wanting to graduate together. I think I would have lots of worries if it was by myself. Even in Morning Musume, I was always with Non, so I think I was to get this far because of that.

What were your emotions?

Happiness. I was surprised and, of course, Morning Musume is an important group for me. My head and dream is filled with anticipation with what will happen from now and I’m filled with genuine happiness. But, when I was told that I was graduating, I thought, “No way?!” We thought we would be graduating after Yaguchi and the others.

I wonder why you guys graduated before the older members.

I wonder why too. I want to ask too (laughs).

Before, you said that if you were graduating, you wanted to do all that you can do during that time. Did you feel you accomplished that?

Umm. I didn’t really think about a goal, like if I did this… For the time being, it was a great battle in me between how I wanted to show myself and how I was seen as “Morning Musume Kago Ai.” And that is where I had quite the feeling to do it completely.

You’ve seen off many graduates up until now, but what do you feel now being in the place of being seen off?

Hmm, I’m somehow calm, but I’m also about to blow (laughs). When the other members are graduating, it’s sad and I feel like, “Just when I became good friends!” Man, I really don’t like it. Graduations.

With each graduation live, it’s sad, but when I see you smiling and doing your best, it seems to be not as painful.

Really? I still don’t like it somehow. When it’s a graduation, I feel like, “I like this person’s Morning Musume, so why?” I understand that it’s definitely a good thing for Gocchin, Abe, Keme, and the others when graduating and doing solo activities becomes a big thing. But, until then, when the person you spend with everyday suddenly disappears from backstage, it’s difficult to think about. It’s becomes almost misplaced frustration thinking, “Why?! Why?!” I really had misplaced frustration with Gocchin.

Were you mad?

We were always good friends. I was really sad and after knowing her graduation for awhile, oppositely, we weren’t buddies. We were always holding hands, but stopped. We didn’t even talk. Little by little I distanced myself.

You were that sad.

But when I was graduating, not a lot of the members were crying. On the contrary, everybody smiled and laughed. Yossi was all beaming saying, “You guys are graduating~. Are you guys going to be ok?” (laughs). But, I’m glad that everybody sent us off smiling.

When did you start the countdown until your graduation?

The announcement was in January and I didn’t feel anything like that until around May. In May, we did the musical and I remember on the final day I really cried.

Why did you cry?

The musical is something that everybody helps create. Therefore, this was a chance for Morning Musume to become one like always. And we are doing the same things everyday, but the days go by differently. So, passing each day like that… when it flies, even while thinking, “Why am I crying,” I’m crying my heart out. Even though the producer says some kind words, I can’t take a deep breath and my voice doesn’t come out. So, I finally felt it at that time. There was only 2 more months before my graduation.

Thinking that you are Morning Musume, you cried the moment you felt that again.

Also, the night before the graduation live, my parents came to Tokyo. And we talked all night about what I have been doing at my house. Stuff like, “You were like this when you joined Morning Musume.” And then, I started crying again (laughs). And the morning of the live, my Mom said, “Today is the last day, so do your very best in the Morning Musume that you love.” And then I cried again that morning.

When you first joined, you were very homesick, huh.

Yes, yes, yes.

When I remember the talk of that time, I had the feelings of a mom and started to cry (tears).

Hahaha. Are you ok?

But, you still came to Tokyo and did your best.

Yes. That wasn’t painful at all. It was something I wanted to do, so it was to be expected.
There was a still little kid in the house, so my parents couldn’t come to Tokyo. So, even if it was lonely, I understood being separated from my mom and I think I became stronger because of that. When I came to Tokyo, the feeling of wanting to do it sprouted. So, when I go back to Nara, my mom is feeling lonely. And my mom says, “It’s ok to be spoiled,” but if I’m spoiled, going back is sad.

It’s like the time where you misplaced your feelings when you heard about Goto’s graduation.

Yeah. It seems I’m like that type. So, I can’t be spoiled by other people. If I’m spoiled, it’s sad when we have to be apart, so I don’t want to be spoiled.

If you do that, you will gradually become stronger.

That’s right. Even though I will graduate and it will be sad, this is also a goal, I think. We fixed our costumes in Morning Musume. Probably, a normal artist doesn’t do that, but if possible, there were a lot of times we did it ourselves. It’s like studying for a test, for example, a car, it’s like being at driving school until you take the driver’s test.

Well, it’s like finally getting your driver’s license.

Yes. So “graduation” is like, “You passed!” Graduation is like you have confidence in yourself.

What part of you do you think changed the most before your graduation and after?

I think it's “understanding.” When I was in Morning Musume, I thought it was just the usual, but now, I really feel the important things. I really think of Morning Musume as a common thing. For example, it was just natural to be in the top ten. So, it was like if everybody is here than it’s all ok, you didn’t feel any responsibility, and it was good for some parts…

But there are only two of you, so inevitably, the responsibility is split into two parts.

Yes. Also, in Morning Musume’s case, Abe, Kaorin, and the others did their best from scratch to create this is a big thing and then we just plopped in and joined. It’s easy and common to just take something amazing that everybody has created. But, W started from square one, so…

Something that you have felt up to now normally has become something you feel deeper?

Yes. For example, because there are fans here, I am here. Even if it’s a concert rehearsal, I say, “I don’t want come early in the morning,” but the staff gets there even earlier than me. Now, I really think of it’s not only our strength towards whatever we do. I really appreciate it. I think those feelings towards other people have become stronger than before.

It is like when you were in school, you don’t notice, but when you get your license and start driving by yourself, you start to notice.

It really feels like that. Also, I feel that Morning Musume is really amazing more than then when I was in it. Now, when I see Morning Musume, I’m always proud that I was in Morning Musume.

Do you think that the Morning Musume you are not in is doing their best?

I don’t think it’s a problem at all. As new songs come out, I want to dance to that and I get Ai and Rika to teach me the choreography (laughs). Looking from an outsider point of view, if it’s just one word, it’s “amazing.” Each person is amazing and I think this has really become a big group.

What is a part that you think is lacking without you guys there?

Hmm, energy level?

The energy has disappeared from before?

Well, we were super noisy special ones (laughs). Now the level of noisiness has decreased. Everybody is more mature.

It was like you brought in a new genre of noisiness into Morning Musume.

Yeah. It’s like bringing in a new weird creature (laughs).

I think that 5th and 6th generation will take over that part, but their noisiness is not enough yet?

I don’t think it’s enough; it’s still green (laughs)

Which do you think your experience in Morning Musume is useful now?

Everything. Singing, dancing, greetings… everything is useful. I learned everything in Morning Musume. I even learned that singing is this much fun. On the other hand, I also learned that this job is really tough (laughs).

Is there a different level of difficultness when doing W than Morning Musume?

Everything comes back to you. Good things and bad things. Anything that you do. It’s like playing catch. So, we are always on our toes and since becoming W, we hate to lose even more than before. The sense of rivalry is really high.

It became even higher?

Yes. Rivals in a good way.

Before, ever since you were little you said you didn’t like being the same with other people.

Yes, yes, I definitely don’t like that. No matter what it is, I don’t want to be like others.

In that sense, W doesn’t have any parts you don’t like?

W’s concept is “not twins, but like twins,” so that can’t be helped. Even saying that, recently, we have become more alike. But I think we can’t be different.

You guys are really becoming closer.

Yeah. The other day, we entered the same store at the same time and the moment we saw the same outfit at the same time, we were like, “Ehhh?!” (laughs).

It’s kind of weird being the same up to that point.

Right?! Non and I also said, “We really are gross,” and roared with laughter (laughs).

Is there something you wanted to try by yourself and not as W?

I have a lot of things. I want to try to write my own song…

Ah, Tsuji mentioned that.

Ah, so you heard? Also, I’ve played the piano since I was little and I like instruments. I want to try playing various instruments. I have a lot of things I want to do. Wanting to try lots of things is almost like being “Tsunku” (laughs).

You want to experience what Tsunku feels?

Yes. Tsunku designs the costumes; he does many things here and there. I wonder what he feels doing all those things. So, I just want to try to do it once. Even 5 years after or 10 years after, I have that kind of dream.

I wonder where you will be when you are 20 or 25 years old. Will you marry and retire?

I probably won’t be married when I’m 25. Hehehe. Hmm, I don’t know. I wonder what will happen to me!

You might be writing your own songs for real.

It would be nice if I do. Recently, I feel that music is really great more than before. Before, when I get the MD of the background music, I only had feelings of just remembering the song, but recently, I started to listen to one sound at a time and really understand how all those pieces mix together and create one song.

You are able to see the whole picture of the song now.

It seems I like sounds. Humans usually like at least one thing, right? I don’t have good coordination and I don’t study well…Thinking about that, it has to be singing. From long ago, it has never changed that I like singing. It’s fun singing. But, for that reason, I really don’t like it that I still don’t understand the music, even though I’m a singer (laughs).

And someday you want to produce Morning Musume.

That’s impossible (laughs). But, just thinking about it is fun. I want do something like a cute pop rock. It’ll be like a love song, but energetic. Ah, but I want Tsunku to produce it. I want to write the lyrics.

Double produce?

Yeah. I want to try writing male lyrics. Hmm, seems it’ll be difficult (laughs).

How would you produce?

As a producer, first, I want it to be a lot of dancing. I want dancing and singing! I want it to be cool!

This is a question from the community, but what kind of person is Tsunku?

A genius, I think. That’s because you usually think, “Isn’t that amazing?” He is able to sing all kinds of genres and write and make…


The other day there was a recording for the W album. When I saw the lyrics and thought that it was really cute, I suddenly realized. “That’s right! That’s right! I forgot! Tsunku is a guy!!”

You forgot something like that??

That’s because, guys usually don’t know that much about a girl’s feelings. So, I think, “How can a guy write lyrics as cute as this?!!” (laughs). I think, “Tsunku is amazing! I want to beat Tsunku!”

Tsunku probably also thought of W’s album as being fun.

Yeah, it really is exciting. And interesting. Because it was W, Tsunku also probably made songs that we are able to sing. That’s because something amazing comes starting from the background music (laughs).

W seems like quite a good vibes project.

When I got mail that said look forward to the album and do your best, I’m happy. I’m a little of the jealous type. So, when I think that Tsunku thought of these things and did all of these things for W, I’m really happy. I feel like that I like Tsunku more and more. I’m so happy, so happy, super happy (laughs).

Another question from the community and I hope for an answer like, “I’m like this kind of person,” but Tsuji said that Kago knows more about her than herself.

Haha. As I thought that Non would say something like that again (laughs).

What kind of person is Tsuji?

Non is a person who doesn’t hold back! To everything. It’s like that in power and even if it’s hard to do your best too much, she does her best too much (laughs). A person who doesn’t hold back is like a person at 100%.


I think she is a person who likes perfection. Probably. Even her hairstyle, if there was a little bit of loose hair, she wouldn’t like it. She has that point. So, she is a person who will be irritated if there is disorder and she doesn’t order it. And she is all together for anything.

She said that you are calmer.

Yeah, maybe I’m calmer than her. Non is occasionally a little bit childish (laughs).

Even though she was born a little earlier than you.

But, sometimes when I’m like a little kid, Non is more mature. I think it is at just the right balance. Maybe, in a sense, we have parts that are in perfect symmetry. We counter balance the parts we don’t have between each other.

Interesting. It’s a rare balance between each other, like speeding up a centrifugal force.

Yeah, who would have thought of centrifugal force.

It’s like if it stopped, it will die (laughs).

Yeah, yeah, yeah. If it stopped, it won’t be W (laughs).

But that sense of nervousness is good and it’s not a cozy, good friend combination.

Yeah, it’s always a battle.

And to return to the topic. What kind of person is Kago Ai?

Umm, I wonder. Half is a person who can sing.

And the other half?

A person who can do various things (laughs).


Morning Musume My Best Song: “Tsuugaku Ressha” (I Wish coupling)
While looking at the scenery outside, I practiced.

There’s so much I can’t remember. Umm. Probably “I Wish.” But, if it is one individual song, it will probably be the coupling, “Tsuugaku Ressha.” It was the first song I received and I remember I listened to the demo tapes so many times while practicing. In order to stand and sing in the hotel room, I would tape the lyrics to the window of the veranda. While looking at the scenery outside, I would practice forever. It’s a really, really cute song!

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #77 on: April 19, 2007, 01:12:47 PM »
Well, the last MM member. Yay!!! But, wait! There's more!! Nooooo!!! There still is Tsunku part 1 and part 2!!!! :o

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Iida Kaori

A new road as a solo artist.

It’s 3 days after the touching graduation live.
She cut her trademark long hair and showed a light smile.
She watched over the younger members gently and strongly until the very last moment of her graduation and fulfilled her role as the leader.
And now, just as a solo artist, “Iida Kaori,” she is about to start walking down a new path.
Congratulations and good luck! This is a memorable interview of her first step on her journey.

Birthday: 1981.8.8
Blood Type: A
Birthplace: Hokkaido
Debut Song: “Morning Coffee” (1998.1.28)
Stage Debut: Shibuya Hall (1998.7.12)
Graduation: Yokohama Arena (2005.1.30)

Yuko Nohji: It’s been 3 days after your graduation. How do you feel now?

Iida Kaori: Somehow, I feel light.

Body and mind?

I feel lighter cutting my hair and my heart also feels lighter (laughs). Having the dream of being in Morning Musume for 7 years, having a lot of fans supporting me, and also, to be in a role to train each member one by one… it was really difficult, but I really have a sense of accomplishment right now.

And now the new days are starting.

Yes. I’ll just be thinking about myself from now, so it’s like, I have been looking at the sky about this much up to now (width of a face), but I feel like I was able see this wide (width of two hands) (laughs). It’s like a totally different view. It’s really fresh.

When did you cut your hair?

The day after the graduation. I decided earlier and didn’t tell anyone.

As a start of a new chapter?

Yes. It’s like when I graduate, I want to become a new me!

That is another big resolution.

7 years is a long time, right? So, my entire life was Morning Musume, but I thought that when I graduate, my life will change suddenly. Therefore, I thought to change myself too. So, when I was thinking of how to change myself, I thought it had to be the hair.

Your long hair was your trademark too.

The most important thing was the hair. I love my hair a lot and did my best to keep it in good condition. It was like if my hair wasn’t long, it wasn’t me. For my entire life it was long. But, at the same level, I thought graduation was a major event.

Could it be that as of this moment, some members don’t know you cut your hair?

Yes. I think they will be surprised. I really didn’t tell anybody. Of course I have work as well, so I only let it slip to my manager a few days before the graduation. Only when I was a baby and in the 3 months when I joined the volleyball team in junior high was my hair short.

What did you feel the coming and going on your graduation day?

Everybody was counting down the days and the performances, but the countdown didn’t start at all in me. I was really carefree, saying “Just a little more” (laughs). Honestly, I didn’t really feel it until the day of. When the first performance started, I still didn’t feel it. It was like, “Exactly when I’m I going to feel it?” But, when the first performance ended and before the last performance began, I finally felt it. Little by little, bit by bit, gradually…

The countdown started.

Before a live begins, we all gather around in a circle and say, “Ikimasshoi! [Let’s go!]” right? When I thought this was the last “Shoi,” tears started to come out. I thought, “Ah, no good! No good! What am I doing crying right now!”

It’s natural that tears would come.

No, no. I felt like what I was doing. I told everyone, “A short timeout! Just 30 seconds,” but I started crying. I apologized, saying, “Sorry I can’t be a cool leader to the end.”

But, that is also Iida-like.

I watched everybody really closely, but I wanted to go away somewhere (laughs). Therefore, well, it might have been like me to the very end.

It was also like you to refrain from crying and sing on stage.

That is probably because of I was one of the first members and leader. Long ago, Tsunku said to us, “You are an artist, so no matter what happens, just sing steadily.” So I thought that I definitely have to sing steadily. If I cry, I can’t sing properly, right? And so, it wasn’t me enduring it, but my soul that allowed me to.

If you couldn’t sing it properly until the end, then it wouldn’t have been a cool graduation.

Yeah. That is what Tsunku taught us. He told us a long time ago, so when I thought, “What am I going to do,” I felt confident.

The proof that you have grown as a singer showed at the graduation.

I also thought that this is how it should be. I feel that the image of an artist, ideally, is one that didn’t lose.

Before you said you always hate to lose.

Usually, my principle is really love and peace (laughs). I love everybody and in order for everybody to live in peace, smile, and happiness… That is the most important thing I want to give them. In order to compete against myself, the “I don’t want to lose” part comes out. I feel like I can’t lose. Not against other people or other things. The rival is always me.

Were you happy that you sang “Yume no Naka” for your last song or surprised?

Tsunku thought of it. It was a song on the debut album and it was only sung once at the first live. But, it’s a very memorable song for me. It was the first song I was the main vocal, I just came to Tokyo and was homesick, and Tsunku yelled quite a bit during the recording… it’s filled with memories. I really love that song and he remembered that. I felt love.

About when did talk of you graduation first started?

Last winter, the end of February or March. When I want to the main office because a meeting was called, Tsunku and the CEO were there. I wondered, “Eh, why are all these people here,” and when I looked around the room to see if there were any cameras (laughs), they said I was graduating.

The other members didn’t know you were graduating for awhile, huh?

They didn’t know for about 1 to 2 months.

Were they shocked?

They said they couldn’t believe it. I was here when they joined and most of the kids now only know me as the leader of Morning Musume.

While thinking that it was close for you to graduate according to age, it was impossible to imagine you not being there.

It was beyond my imagination too. Even looking at pictures, I couldn’t imagine myself not being in Morning Musume. I was always in the back, a tall person with long hair… other people have said that was the image of Morning Musume (laughs). I also thought that.

I have an image of you being leader for 10 years.

Right? Hahaha.

You were always the “idiot character” from the beginning (laughs). I remember the good old memories of you when you were not like what you are now. When you became leader, you carried a big load on your shoulders and changed, I think.

But, I didn’t feel like I changed at all. I was originally the oldest daughter, so from long ago, I was the type that was chosen to be the class representative. I was always a big doofus, was always running late, yet I was always left to be in the leader role. So it wasn’t that I didn’t like it. When I wasn’t being calm and steady, everybody would support me and we were able to be in a harmonious relationship.

A love and peace class committee member type more than a super committee member type?

Yeah, something like that. Therefore, when I think about it now, everybody was shocked that I was to be Morning Musume’s leader and was told that it would be impossible, but I think I originally fit the part. It’s not that I like to lead everybody, but that I really love “people.” I often played with my younger sister and if somebody teased her, I would go yell at the friend who teased her. It’s the same with the other members. If they make a mistake and start crying, I would encourage them and if they did something they shouldn’t have done, I would yell at them. I like to look and think of them as “people.”

So even if it’s hard you do your best?

I think so. But I also have times where when I had enough of it, I scold them, “Why can’t you understand,” and worry. A little bit before the live, everybody told me that they are really glad that I yelled at them or that if I hadn’t scolded them, they wouldn’t be who they are now. I’m really glad. I was really touched at that time. I think they did understand and became mature.

It’s work that you can’t do if you don’t like Morning Musume and if you don't like people.

Right. I love Morning Musume. I still love it. Therefore, I can declare to the other members, “If I didn’t work my hardest in the Morning Musume that I love, then I would put in a cutlet” (laughs) [Cutlet in Japanese is katsu, which sounds like the word to win]. Even if I graduate, I will always watch over them and I hope that they will become a better group. I look forward to seeing how my most important thing will turn out.

That’s because it the first time you are not in Morning Musume.

Yeah, so I anticipate it.

What has left a deep impression for you as a singer in the past 7 years?

Again, I feel that Tanpopo has been a big influence. It was a very important unit for me. When I was doing Tanpopo, I realized that I love music very much.

What did you learn the most?

I think I learned about the “spirit” and “expression” of your feelings from there. Tsunku was with us creating it from square one and I sought various advice from him and we did all of the chorus as well. In order to properly create the painting, perhaps you have to go through that kind of process and it may have been fun.

And what you gained there was also a feedback in Morning Musume.

Yes. Therefore, when a unit is decided, the other members will also say, “I’ll be busy, but I’ll do my best. I definitely do it for myself.” When you experience a unit and return, Morning Musume is able to go all out in power. This is because I experienced with Tanpopo.

In Tanpopo, you have a deep love for music itself, huh.

Yes. Even with Morning Musume’s songs, it can give strength to people who listen and make them more energetic; in other words, I realized that that is what a song’s spirit can do. Therefore, at the graduation live, I’m really thankful to the fans who yelled, “Tanpopo,” at the venue!

At the end, when you standing on the stage by yourself, the arena were filled with yellow glow sticks. And then everything turned white…

When it changed from yellow to white, I thought, “Ah, it became like dandelion fluff!”

I see, fluff.

It felt like that. I always loved white from the beginning. No matter what color you paint, it’s the purest color. So, when it became yellow like a dandelion and then white like the fluff, it’s like to jump forward with the purest feelings… that is the message I got from the fans.

Ah, I see.

I’m always saying something corny. It changed from,” Isn’t that romantic?” I really think of, “I’m definitely going to fall in love like “Titanic!” (laughs). But, if I only say that, the fans will accept it. And they put on that much of a romantic production for me…

When it was your graduation from Tanpopo 2 years ago, the arena was also filled with yellow glow sticks. This time, it changed from yellow to white.

Isn’t it romantic? I also thought that the fans can do it too (laughs).

You are a romanticist, but the fans are also romanticists.

That’s right! That’s where I’m touched.

While looking at that scenery, I really felt that it was something you and the fans made together. While standing on stage, you savored the Iida call quietly, huh.

While feeling the past 7 years, I became really thankful. When I was going up on stage, I really wasn’t thinking of anything. I thought I say what I felt at that moment and what I thought. I thought if I cried, then it was ok; I didn’t want to force a smile and I just wanted to graduate the way I was. I was thinking of that when going up, but seeing the yellow light and huge cheer…A lot of the thankful words couldn’t come out. While looking at each of their faces, I wanted to say thank you. Not, “Thank you everybody,” but I wanted to say it to each person personally. That is what I was thinking at that time.

Did you think that it was about time to think of the next thing?

Yes. First, while slowly and carefully thinking about myself, I felt that I wanted to find what I wanted to do at my pace. I thought if I do that, then all the things I have created to my satisfaction will pile up.

And painting?

I also want to study painting more. And then, I think I will be able to express my feelings even more. Therefore, no matter what I do, I want to do it at a leisurely pace. I don’t think I’m cut out to be busy (laughs).

And you have been doing things busily for 7 years!

I have been told that I have changed, but I grew up in the countryside, I like the countryside, and even though I have been living in the city for 7 years, I still haven’t thrown out the countryside heart of me (laughs). The city hasn’t soaked in it seems.

And you already started music activities as a solo artist.

As I thought, I like “people.” This time I will be able to look at each person and want to do the kind of music that tells each person and the people who support me, “I’m singing for them.” Person to person. Not as the stage versus the audience. I think it would be great if it was in that kind of direction.

Even in your solo album the other day, I can kind of see the sign of that.

Yes. Even in love songs, I’m able to sing long songs as a mature woman that I couldn’t sing before. I’m already 23 and by myself, so I’m happy to be able to sing those kinds of songs. I wrote some lyrics in the album, but with feelings about facing the future after graduation, I wrote about things that I promise myself to. It feels like writing for the first time of a new year.

You are still the same “Iida Kaori” in Morning Musume and as a solo, but the aura is a little different.

Haha, I’m happy that you say that. I think I have become more myself. I did things with the spirit of Morning Musume in me. I do things now with the spirit of a solo artist. So, I’m still the same, but I think the spirit “color” is different.

Well, then, two questions from the community. First, for you, what kind of person is Tsunku?

A person that you can really respect. He taught us the wonderfulness of music and a person who is perfect at anything he does. I don’t reply to mails, forget people’s birthdays, and full of mistakes, but whether he is doing music, talking, or doing anything, he does it perfectly.

Looking back these past 7 years, has Tsunku changed?

He has become more and more dad-like (laughs). His smiles are kind. Also, he often takes pictures now.


Yes. He takes pictures with members. Even though we say we don’t have our make-up on, he takes it anyways (laughs). In the beginning, he felt more like an older brother, but now it’s really dad-like.

When it was your graduation, did you guys talk about anything?

When the live ended, we didn’t meet, but he mailed me after. He even wrote about old stuff. When I read that, I could see his expression. I thought back on a lot of things.

About these past 7 years.

In the beginning, I also had school, so I never got enough sleep. If there was a little free time during recordings, I would fall asleep immediately on the sofa. And then I would sleep with my legs open and, as usual, I would get warned about it. Even Tsunku would yell at me, “You have such a cute face, stop that old man pose,” (laughs). He’s been with us since that time… I remembered all kinds of things.

And what did he think of the live?

He thought it was the best. I’m glad. I’m really glad he said that.

Well then, the last question. What kind of person is Iida Kaori? Before you said you were a pacifist without fearing anything.

I’m still the usual pacifist. The coupling to the last single, “The Manpower!!!” called “Love and Peace” might be coincidental, but I secretly think that is Tsunku’s present.

To you.

Yes. Before I debuted, that is always my favorite phrase. Even if it’s coincidental, I’m happy.

Well, even though you graduated, you still are the “pacifist Iida Kaori.”

Yes. I want to be happy, I want to give happiness, I want everybody to receive happiness (laughs).


Morning Musume My Best Song: “Yume no Naka” (First Time album)
I’ve come to like this song more and more.

Singing this song at the live, I’ve come to like this song more and more. The day after my graduation was announced, my heart was always pounding and I couldn’t sleep at all. And so, I would invite my friend to karaoke and we would sing Morning Musume songs. Even in my private time, I would sing a lot. Even without requesting, I would perform (laughs). My friend would say, “You really love Morning Musume.” So, also at that time, I sang this song 2 to3 times.

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #78 on: April 23, 2007, 03:21:33 PM »
It's the crazy man himself!! Tsunku!! Part 1!!! One last part  to go and then I'm done!! Woohoo! XD

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Part 1


Morning Musume x Tsunku = ∞

The 2005 New Year “Hello! Project” concert had all 65 members singing and dancing to the hits of Hello! Project’s artists including Morning Musume. As a producer, Tsunku has left his mark in the past 7 year history of this project. While looking back at this concert, first, we’ll start with Tsunku talking about him and Morning Musume for the past 7 years in this book. Since his debut, what forms his continuing passion to Morning Musume?
The reason why Morning Musume continues to shine is hidden by his each and every word.

Yuko Nohji: All 65 members appeared during the New Year’s Hello! Project live. It is as if this concert was like looking back at history for these past 8 years.

Tsunku: At first, I thought it would be great if it was like taking that first step on a jet coaster or bungee jumping. There’s no time for the heart to relax (laughs). When I think about what has the most flavor in Hello! Project coming this far, it has to the music. This is a group where all members have a million outcomes. So, I think just to have this many people gathered and to sing song after song is interesting.

It’s like looking at the best record disc.

It’s like putting in a certain standard of magic and like watching a performance as if it feels like an absolutely fun theme park that you always go to.

Plus, you completely shuffle the songs that you have and a bold experiment to have various members sing together.

Originally, Hello! Project never had a single main lead, so I thought I try a concert where there isn’t an all out main lead. Well, I think it was a great success. I can also see the outlook of Hello! Project from hereafter.

At this live, I felt that Morning Musume was a new mother body. As the original members graduate, it feels like that it’s becoming a young, new group, but in that Morning Musume, the feeling of “being in the center” is really strong.

There is that. Well, if it’s one thing, I think it’s because the strength of the songs. For example, when “Love Machine” began, it’s not related to the present members and the past members, but started as Morning Musume’s “Love Machine.” In an extreme case, even if there wasn’t Morning Musume there, an entertainment like “Morning Musume” would already have begun.

I think the power that the music hold has continued including the spirit image of the past members.

That’s because of the strong strength of the songs. I have that impression strongly within me. Music does not lie. For example, when the new young members perform songs like “Chokotto Love” and “Mini Moni Jyakenpyon” again, the freshness from long ago comes back. That is where it’s interesting again.

Without limiting Hello! Project, that is why Morning Musume renews itself.

When new members join, the freshness level fires up again. If said in that sense, for example, the recent album, “Ai no Dai 6 Kan,” 6th generation member, Konno, appears as the main in “Namida Tomaranai Houkago,” but for me, that work is more for 6th generation and Konno to renew their freshness than a “hit song.” I create the songs while thinking about what I can do.

Freshness is an important keyword?

For the ever changing Morning Musume, freshness is the most important issue. I think so.

In order to bring up the fresh level, do you change the way you create the song and the production?

It feels like going right to left and back.

You don’t fix on something?

From the beginning, there are a lot of characters in Morning Musume. Therefore, I portion the songs to fit elementary kids, junior high kids, and adults. Plus, in Morning Musume’s case, thanks to the changing members, I always have a choice to put out a fresh “debut song.”

So you can always refresh?

For example, I had a really great time creating “Ai no Dai 6 Kan.” The fresh level increased within me as well. No matter which artist, if it’s the 6th time, the level of freshness would naturally decrease and in order to avoid that, you might become a maniac, but in Morning Musume’s case, even though it’s the 6th album, I’m able to approach with a “first album” feeling. I think it’s nice to feel that again.

The naivety of debuting is, according to the rule, if the singer grows, it’s not a conclusive thing, huh.

To approach something with that naivety is like “The Manpower!!!” where as a group, it is possible to put on a performance where they don’t practice and can’t do any expression. The feeling of certain professionalism is still green and incomplete. I think that bipolar-ism depends on how far left and how far right Morning Musume taps.

At this Hello! Project live, when it was the last song, “The Manpower!!!” for Morning Musume, I got the impression that in the rock face ARB and RC Succession came out at the end…

Right, it’s kind of like that (laughs). Until then, it’s like a young band coming on stage and firing up the crowd, but at the end, it’s like, “Ohhh, it’s coming!”

But, the exciting feeling a young band has a mysterious level of comprehension.

While having feelings of being like the main act, you also have a feeling a fresh top batter. I think that’s good. I wonder if they member themselves are having fun.

For you, what distance do you feel between Morning Musume and Hello! Project?

In the end, when talking about Hello! Project and Morning Musume, especially with the live this time, both sides got closer. Therefore, perhaps within me, there isn’t much of a distance between Morning Musume and the other members. Well, I don’t really know what the actual people feel about the feeling of distance between them. It’s just, when I send mail of my impression after the concert, everybody replied with a pretty long mail. With that kind of solid feeling, I think I’m right, but I usually get a short reply, saying, “I understand,” or “I’ll do my best.”

Do you send mail to everybody?

Of course I don’t send mail to all 65 members, but I send to all Morning Musume members, but when I write to them, it takes about 3 hours. If I send to one person, I have to send to everybody. If I copied and paste, I think I would be found out.

They would compare with each other.

Right (laughs).

It’s clear what view you have on everybody in Hello! Project, but is it also easy to think of the views of the graduated Morning Musume members?

As the recent Hello! Project passes by, I think each member probably has less and less worries about graduating. Within this big of a plate, what I do depends on what I feel. There should also be a choice that it would be more fun going out into a bigger world after graduating then the scariness of Morning Musume flying outside.

I think I understand why there are so many various activities after a member graduates.

Right. Before, the worry about not being a Morning Musume member after graduating was bigger I think. But, last year, we created Tsuji’s and Kago’s W world and Ishikawa, who is graduating next, has Viyuden. The choices are surely wide, so I think the vagueness of graduation, worry, and the weird pressure is gradually decreasing. The choices I have are wide, so I’m able to freely think.

Has the role changed for Morning Musume in Hello! Project?

I think some parts have changed. It’s just that the core of Morning Musume hasn’t changed. For example, even if all the members in Morning Musume changed, I think the “incorrect” Morning Musume core will waver. If it doesn’t, then as a result, entire Hello! Project will start to shake. As I thought, if there isn’t Morning Musume, then Hello! Project is impossible. But, I think it’s nice if the time like “one Morning Musume” comes, like T.M. Revolution (laughs).

It’s an eternal core, huh.

Because Morning Musume is here and has been doing 10 and more songs concerts… if there was no core, then probably everything would overturn. I wonder… I wonder why it doesn’t change, but if there is no Hello! Project history, then nothing would work. If you don’t form the feelings of counting how many Morning Musume albums you have put out starting from one, then it won’t work.

Actually, is the numbers continuing in Morning Musume’s albums important?

Um, I think I was correct in thinking of putting in numbers on the albums at the very beginning to come this far. There is no meaning if it ended after the 1st one or the second one, but we’ve come to the 6th one. Yeah, I think it was correct. If there was no numbers, the people listening now wouldn’t know what album it came from.

You’ve come to do a lot of things, but when I look back at the albums and singles, I feel like they are “connected.”

It’s the music after all. So, that “connected” feeling I think is especially the image left by the singles. The sale numbers might be before and after, up and down, left and right, but a single can be called a “checking station.” That’s where and when you can get a “personal stamp.” You might not be able to see the goal, but it feels like a stamp rally.

So Morning Musume’s history is like a stamp rally.

In a middle of a journey. It’s like talking and hanging around on the way, “Ah, I found this flower,” or “Ah, there is a bird,” and sometimes stray off, but for me, there are times where I think, “I have to go through only here, here and here,” to get to someplace. Regarding those places, I want to properly get stamps of all these places.

Can you say that about all of Hello! Project as well?

It might have been good to decide that at the last meeting place for Matsuura, Melon, and the others, but only for Morning Musume, will I make sure I go to that decided point even while winding and wondering what to do. That is the image that I have.

That is not only for Morning Musume, but also a stamp rally for you?

Rather, the implication of the stamp rally for me might be big. Possibly.

When we compare with the book “Morining Musume x Tsunku” two and half years ago, the production staff range has increased and sometimes another song writer besides you is used… the system itself has gotten bigger.

About the recording system, the directors also have improved. There are more and more things that I leave up to them. But I still the check the important points and do the final check. That’s because are definitely things I don’t confirm or know.

When listening to the graduated members up to 4th generation members, long ago in the studio, even if you were not there to directly guide them at times, they say they listen to the song and understand how to have their singing fit.

Yeah, they understand superbly well. Especially up to 4th generation members, I think the depth of understanding is completely different with the part that accompanied along fully at that time. For sure, those members that go over the song have the most feedback.

Listening to the pre-recording song?

Right. I would get a mail immediately, “This is how I interpret it. Am I right?” It’s like listening to the song, they each form their own feeling. I would definitely sing the pre-recording song myself. Even now I sing everything that I wrote about. I feel that there is something definitely being told by listening to that.

Even if you don’t actually meet them, the pre-recording song serves as a function of “singing guidance,” huh.

Certainly all of Hello! Project members listen to it. I sing more than 200 songs in a year. I might sing more songs than when I was in Sharon Q (laughs).

In other words, the pre-recording version is a really important hotline.

Yeah. If it’s Morning Musume, I distribute 10 or more MD’s of the pre-recording. Other than the members, I don’t think anybody else listens to it. They each probably think, “This is my important thing.”

When I ask the members what song do they like, many reply that they like Tsunku’s version of *** song.

Hahaha. Nobody has listened to that so nobody knows if they answer like that (laughs).

I think that is the most listened to version.

I think it’s still the best way to remember is listening to the pre-recording a number of times and learn the unique rhythm and not put up a brace around the music.

Even for you, is it easier for you to tell by trying to sing it?

Let’s see. I even sing the “Akarui” in “Love Machine and “Unn, Manpower,” in “The Manpower!!!” Acutally, there are times I won’t know how to sing a part well until I sing it myself. Even with lyrics, there are many times I don’t know by just looking at the writings on the paper. I think that is a different way on how other song writers and arrangers usually do things. But, as I thought, it’s still the best way for yourself to sing what you made at least once. So, I think that is origin of “Tsunku produce.”

That part hasn’t changed since the starting point, huh. It hasn’t wavered.

From hereafter, I will always do the pre-recording. Even now, no matter how busy I am, the directors would definitely open some time up for that (laughs).

That is where you also have the “vocalist producer” characteristic.

Certainly, I think that “trying to have a singer’s feelings” is very important. Therefore, first, I try to sing it first. As a singer, I would have the feeling, “If it was me, I would sing it like this.” I won’t know if singing this part will be hard if I don’t try it myself.

You said this in the previous book, “Morning Musume x Tsunku,” that you want to treasure the feeling of “Mom’s Sunday curry,” and that hasn’t changed, huh!

Yeah, yeah. I still keep that even now. That was surprisingly important.

Like you will protect it to the death?

No, maybe simply because I don’t really like difficult things. In the first place, music naturally produces a romantic-like “fragrant,” right? That’s because since “The Manpower!!!” is the latest song, it has the most “Mom’s curry –like” feeling, right?

Ah, maybe.

The smell of Mom’s curry floats over and it has that “Sunday night” feel (laughs).

The last of the 1st generation member, Iida is graduating. Will the group change quite a bit this year?

I don’t think the image itself will change. It’s just I think the tone will change. First, I think the members’ position will definitely change. So, if we were talking about positions in baseball, if the shortstop and second base pulled out, the first baseman will be in a place where he has to cover more ground… It’s something like that. So until a replacement comes to fill up the hole, they have to put in a lot of effort. I think that Morning Musume also has cases like that.

So the group continues to grow whenever somebody graduates.

Yeah, therefore, I think this year will especially be promising. After Iida, soon Ishikawa will leave. Isn’t it an interesting time of change? I think you have to look at that steadily. At present time, even if there is a plan beforehand, I think from hereafter, depending on the activity, the message that the singles will have compared with last year will change quite a bit. Well, in a way, there has to some assumption, or else there will be trouble if the core starts to waver.

I look forward to it. In the past two and half years, there has been too many things going on and just a little before, I couldn’t imagine what will happen.

However, there is still the range of what I can understand as I will still be the producer. So, it’ll be ok. If I become clueless, then everything might collapse (laughs).

(2005.1.8 )
« Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 03:22:45 PM by Fenrir »

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #79 on: April 23, 2007, 04:25:04 PM »
^^LOL, thanks Fenrir

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