From what i heard about Kago, u know, the "nude" thing... I'm just really disappointed in her right now, although this hadn't been confirmed yet, it's still in rumor phase. although this ain't the first time.
in the beginning, in Feb. 2006, aibon was caught smoking. this was before i was a fan. but afterwards after watching and knowing the MM/H!P members and their history, watching videos and whatnot i've begun to miss her. Afterwards, I think she should get a second chance and awaiting her return in H!P. the beginning of 2007 looked promising, but then she was caught smoking, AGAIN, plus with a boyfriend. okay though the boyfriend is shocking news, but i figured if she's happy, let her be, like miki right now... But after knowing about her boyfriend, i begin to feel down. and the smoking thing didn't help either. she not only smoked once, but twice, and i thought she learned her lesson.
Now this rumors about her nude thing is really disappointing. i've lost hope in her now. after they announce that she's leaving H!P, i still hope to see her again. Then the news about joining a local agency back home, brings a lil bit of hope. but now...