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Author Topic: [TEAM J] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread  (Read 46314 times)

Offline veforveranda

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Re: [JKT48] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2012, 09:32:13 AM »
this is from shaniajkt48@Twitter

one day some one ask about her oshi in jkt48 if she is not become jkt48 member and here the answer:

shania junianatha ‏@shaniaJKT48
Oh iya pertanyaan kmrn blm djwb. Kalo aku bkn member dan ngefans sm JKT48 pasti oshi aku Kak Ve :D
translate : "oh.. the last question i haven't answer yet. if i am not the member and fan of JKT48 surely my oshi is Ve-san"
shania junianatha ‏@shaniaJKT48
Knp Kak Ve? Dr awal audisi aja aku udh ngeliat dia cantik bgt, trs paling sabar, dewasa, baik parah, semua member jg sih :)
translate : "why Ve-san? from  the initial auditions i saw her so beutyful, the most patient, mature, so kind, although all members are also ;)"

this is some ve random pic :
@mega konser jkt48

source :

@HUT jakarta 485

source :

@komedy project

source :

serious face  XD XD

with abe maria

source :

source :


source :

for mass kill  :lol: :lol:

source :

i think they are so beautiful even though without makeup
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 06:53:18 AM by veforveranda »

Offline veforveranda

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Re: [JKT48] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2012, 04:43:46 AM »
this is from ochijkt48 G+

from the vidio we can see that jkt48 like eating...!! :shocked :w00t:
even my oshi too :w00t: :lol:

this is video from mega konser jkt48, ve focus  :wub:!

look at her made heart melting   :inlove:

and not complite without BFF moment

from vejkt48@twitter
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 05:02:47 AM by veforveranda »

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Re: [JKT48] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2012, 06:12:03 PM »
Monday, July 30th 2012
Ve JKT48: Falling in Love with Design
How big is her love for design?

Every person has their own dream, not excluding Ve. One of the most fashionable members in JKT48 has one dream she really loves and still on its track until today: design!

Yep, this girl in the full name of Jessica Veranda is really serious about it. Along with her JKT48 activities, this high school graduate has bolded her plan to enter the Visual Communication Design major in a campus which she’s still silent to mention.

“I love fashion, and I also do design, because it really fits my character,” Ve told us with a smile.

Wow, once you graduate from campus, the possibility of you working together with us as a designer for HAI is open right? Hehehe....
Translations done by me.

Article and picture source: hai-online
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Offline veforveranda

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Re: [JKT48] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2012, 07:25:18 AM »
for my beloved oshi JESSICA VERANDA HAPPY BRITHDAY!!!  in 19 agust

even thought i late but i wish you all the best and become shining idol  :heart: :heart:

this is my picture gift.. i made it by my self  (vetamorvosis)

this is video from other fans

recommended video by  JKTFortyEight LeapYear

ve said thank you for her fans

@vejkt48 twitter
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 07:14:01 AM by veforveranda »

Offline veforveranda

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Re: [JKT48] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2012, 09:39:48 AM »

Choi Zetsu Kawai Ve

another Ve brithday project

@Megakonser JKT48 RCTI (POI : Jessica Veranda), you can see ve expression here.. so gorgeous

and Ve pre-debut video, she become video music model  :inlove:  :inlove: but the story is so sad :cry:

credit by/special thank to : Farizal Jamil,Auvy Ahmad Haidar,rezaJoeffry,braaaaam1
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 09:54:51 AM by veforveranda »

Offline veforveranda

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Re: [JKT48] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2012, 11:48:11 AM »
when ve get teased by the youngers

jessica veranda ‏@veJKT48
Manchester United VS Arsenal

and they started teasing her :

shania junianatha ‏@shaniaJKT48
Oshi aku cantik banget ~(‾ ▿ ‾~) ‎​(~‾ ▿ ‾)~ RT @veJKT48: Manchester United VS Arsenal
beby chaesara ‏@bebyJKT48
Gebetan nasional:))RT @shaniaJKT48 Oshi aku cantik ~(‾ ▿ ‾~) ‎​(~‾ ▿ ‾)~RT @veJKT48: Manchester United VS Arsenal
shania junianatha ‏@shaniaJKT48
HUFFT kurang banget Beb!! RT @bebyJKT48: Gebetan nasional:))
frieska anastasia ‏@frieskaJKT48
badai beb! =)) RT @bebyJKT48 Gebetan nasional:))RT @shaniaJKT48 Oshi aku cantik ~(‾ ▿ ‾~) ‎​(~‾ ▿ ‾)~
nabilah ratna ayu ‏@nabilahJKT48
@frieskaJKT48 @bebyJKT48 @shaniaJKT48 @veJKT48 gebetan nasional mah beda yee :3 kak ve badai amat yaa
shania junianatha ‏@shaniaJKT48
@nabilahJKT48 @frieskaJKT48 @bebyJKT48 @veJKT48 hus adik sejuta umat bersabda m(_ _)m
jessica veranda ‏@veJKT48
Makasih yaah @nabilahJKT48 @frieskaJKT48 @bebyJKT48 @shaniaJKT48 yang lebih badai cantiknyaa ;D . Yuuk mari tidur, sudah malam..
beby chaesara ‏@bebyJKT48
@shaniaJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 @frieskaJKT48 @veJKT48 #goncanganbadaiveranda :))
shania junianatha ‏@shaniaJKT48
@bebyJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 @frieskaJKT48 @veJKT48 beb. Jd Ci Stella apa Kak Ve? Kak Ve mainstream =))
beby chaesara ‏@bebyJKT48
@shaniaJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 @frieskaJKT48 @veJKT48 mereka saling melengkapi di junjou shugi eaaa ahahaa
sonia natalia ‏@soniaJKT48
@shaniaJKT48 @bebyJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 @frieskaJKT48 @veJKT48 hayooo anak kecil pada tidur sanaa :p
jessica veranda ‏@veJKT48
Aduuuh bocah ini, ayo tidur RT @soniaJKT48: @shaniaJKT48 @bebyJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 @frieskaJKT48 veJKT48 hayooo anak kecil pada tidur sanaa
frieska anastasia ‏@frieskaJKT48
@veJKT48 @soniaJKT48 @shaniaJKT48 @bebyJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 goodnight para gebetan nasional >_<
beby chaesara ‏@bebyJKT48
@frieskaJKT48 @veJKT48 @soniaJKT48 @shaniaJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 selamattidur! Jangan smpe #goncanganbadaiveranda kebawa mimpi ya :P
shania junianatha ‏@shaniaJKT48
Ih disuruh Kak Ve tdr #goncanganbadaiVeranda tidur yuk @bebyJKT48 @frieskaJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 oyasumi :*
jessica veranda ‏@veJKT48
@frieskaJKT48 @soniaJKT48 @shaniaJKT48 @bebyJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 Good niiiight semuaaaa~

source:@frieskaJKT48 @soniaJKT48 @shaniaJKT48 @bebyJKT48 @nabilahJKT48 @veJKT48

« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 11:54:13 AM by veforveranda »

Offline veforveranda

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Re: [JKT48] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2012, 11:31:32 AM »
share more pict from her instagram

like an angel

source : @jcveranda

from NYLON magazine

source :

even though she rarely update her social media but when she update she always give her best to give something to her fans like her photopost above
all the photos is realy amazing don't you??she is so creative aniway..
and I think she is good to become a model, she is so..... perfect..  :wub: :wub:
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 08:56:39 AM by veforveranda »

Offline veforveranda

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Re: [JKT48] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2012, 08:54:02 AM »
this is from PPKI (Pekan Produk Kreativ Indonesia) event
when MC's segment members choose Ve to become "the most creative member from JKT48"
the funny thing is when everybody choose Ve she the only one who choose Kinal  :lol: :lol:

source : @vejkt48fans

an this is the video

source: rphmzy

and this is behind the scene NYLON Magazine Photoshot and interview
(VE and gahaida JKT48)
i just reblog the translation from
Honestly, I have long wanted to write about JKT48 since the first time I see their debut on television. I always thought they’re very different from any other names in Indonesia’s showbiz industry and will certainly be interesting to write an article about them. Unfortunately, they are actually not the main target of the magazine where I work. Well, NYLON is identical with the names that are not in the realm of mainstream tastes. Hence the name NYLON still feels alien to the majority of Indonesian people eventhough actually in January 2013 we will be at the age of two years. Can not be blamed, because the nature of  NYLON USA, Japan, Korea, Mexico does have its own niche market that distinguishes us from the other magazines out there.

Back to JKT48, a chance to show and write about them were coming as we prepare November edition issue with the theme of Celebrity Issue. this Celebrity Edition is a once in a year chance for NYLON to “go public” and appeal to the wider masses by showing more pop and mainstream names, including JKT48. On October 11, me,  my fashion stylist Ayu hendriani and photographer Mohammed Asranur came to JKT48 Theatre at Fx 4th floor. That day, JKT48 members is also doing a photo session for their latest photopack and recording sessions. Initially, in an email Jakarta Official Team (JOT) proposes to take photo of 24 members altogether, at the end we finally agreed to take only seven members, namely: Ghaida, Ve, Melody, Stella, Ayana, Shania and Nabilah. The selection itself is the seventh member of the JOT choice, which was the seven members selected for the single “Gomen ne, Summer”.

The photo session starts from 4 pm, and the members were interviewed plus photographed alternately. Starting from Stella who was accidentally leaked where she attend her college (no, I will not tell you where), continued with Nabilah that makes me pretty tired because she talked all the time like a machine gun. after that Shania and Ayana interviewed together, by chance it turns out they are both class 3 SMP (ninth grade) and  right now they are preparing for their ninth grade final exams (ganbatte!). Ghaida and Veranda both are college freshman. I Could not bear to see Ghaida that look very weak due to being sick, but during the interview and photoshoot, Ghaida without complaining done it very professionally. For Veranda, the trurth is she is one of the member that i’m not familiar with, but that thought changed immediately after the interview and after I watch JKT48 Theater for the first time (I watched it during the one year celebration of JKT48), where Ve appear awesomely cool and her solo line in “Inoichi”, which she said ” Kak, take me away! ” has successfully made her one of my favorite members.

The last that being interviewed is Melody, who had just arrived from Bandung at around 9 pm. Yup, imagine I was in theater from 4 pm to 10 pm, during that time Cindy Gulla trolled me by asking me to guess her age. Ah well, in the end I am very satisfied with the results of this interview and photoshoot of JKT48. Although lately it seems JKT48 is going through  a few problems, I hope they can continue to survive and become even better. Before the interview I did like JKT48 but I know them only from TV screen, and I didn’t really understand about their struggles and their hopes. Now, I feels just like many other fans, there is a feeling of wanting to continue to encourage them to grow. I hope the best thing for these girls.

Next wish: Interviewing Akichan and Harugon. I hope It came true, hehe.

Below is a recording of my interview with Ghaida and Veranda, enjoy it ^^

and this is for the original writer

and this is some pic from interview

« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 09:00:17 AM by veforveranda »

Offline dadan9999

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Re: [TEAM J] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2013, 06:52:21 AM »
:otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika:Happy Birthday Hurricane Ve :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika:

Offline muppet

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Re: [TEAM J] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2013, 04:10:43 PM »
Happy Hatachi  to Jessica san!!!

Try not to faint when you see her mind altering beauty,
because you would miss an intelligent, creative, and beautiful young
woman indeed!

Hope that lovely talent had a great day with her family and friends, and may
the coming year be full of good health and warm happiness for wonderful Jessica!!!

 :deco: :otomerika: :cow: :twothumbs

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Re: [TEAM J] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2013, 01:17:23 PM »
i am not a big fan of akb family myself, but first time seeing this girl on indonesian newspaper back when i was home (i live in Amsterdam for study), she captured my heart immediately. i went to the theater on the other day, and luckily i had a chance to meet her. She was really pretty and calm and mature, and her "hanyaaaa dirimuu" was reeleeyyy good i had goosebumps. Good luck Veranda!

Offline veforveranda

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Re: [TEAM J] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2014, 07:01:37 AM »
Happy Hatachi  to Jessica san!!!
Try not to faint when you see her mind altering beauty,
because you would miss an intelligent, creative, and beautiful young
woman indeed!

Hope that lovely talent had a great day with her family and friends, and may
the coming year be full of good health and warm happiness for wonderful Jessica!!!
 :deco: :otomerika: :cow: :twothumbs
amien.. and I really agree with the bold statement, keep support her  :heart:
a girl have a good attitude is true beauty

i am not a big fan of akb family myself, but first time seeing this girl on indonesian newspaper back when i was home (i live in Amsterdam for study), she captured my heart immediately. i went to the theater on the other day, and luckily i had a chance to meet her. She was really pretty and calm and mature, and her "hanyaaaa dirimuu" was reeleeyyy good i had goosebumps. Good luck Veranda!
you are so lucky can see her opening "Nagai Hikari song", she rather different with the other because she has her own charm

maybe she will release PB "Photo Book" soon, and I have little preview from twitter land

the cover

the content

bonus poster

source: @IDOLgraphy @fansbuih

so collectable item.. she really had a bent for model, so high class  :wub: :wub:

another pic

« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 07:08:29 AM by veforveranda »

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Re: [TEAM J] VEY ~ The Jessica Veranda Thread
« Reply #33 on: March 13, 2017, 12:13:23 AM »

Wishing Jessica san a warm and wonderful future!

And many thanks for her diligence and
gracious contributions to JKT48!

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