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Author Topic: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS  (Read 373832 times)

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1040 on: March 12, 2010, 02:41:46 AM »
I could be wrong, but if I remember correctly, the H!P concerts before 2002 were released as fan club items which would explain why you have trouble finding exact release dates.

I do know that some of them were aired (at least in part) on television, usually as something like a "Morning Musume. and Friends" type name, so you might be able to find some airdates that way.

Offline BigDnm01

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1041 on: May 14, 2010, 12:11:47 AM »
I'm just wondering, cuz I'd never really paid attention, or that they haven't been in the news but...
What ever happened to Hello! Pro Eggs?  not just them but Hello! Pro Kansai(SINA), Taiwan (Ice Creamusume, Princess, Francis & Aiko), and that one from Korea?

are they even active, working in music related or not? 

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1042 on: May 14, 2010, 08:40:34 AM »
Eggs are active all the time! :O They have their concerts and other gigs, like Shugo Chara Egg. Eggs just got their 10th generation.

SINA has live events but doesn't release things still

Ice Creamusume, I have no frickin idea, it's like they were given up on :O The two little ones still seem to make appearances in Taiwan

The one from Korea made an appearance at some H!P concert err... when was it... Last winter or summer... But since then, nothing D:
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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1043 on: May 27, 2010, 01:10:21 AM »
^Didn't Jang Da Yeun make an appearance at the Champloo concert too?  With Risa semi-translating for her?  Or am I thinking about the Winter concert you mentioned? XD

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1044 on: May 28, 2010, 07:26:19 AM »
^ You're more likely to be right than I am, because I don't think I watched the full Champloo concert :lol:
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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1045 on: August 17, 2010, 06:11:41 AM »
Does twitter(USA version) able to subscribe to any of H!P blogs, in japanese or not? 
first off, I'm in America and I also know nothing of tweeting or twitter?  just started...

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1046 on: August 17, 2010, 07:00:57 AM »
I'm not apart of Twitter myself, but i'm pretty sure you can follow/subcribe to other twitter pages outside of your region. Is that what you mean by blog?
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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1047 on: September 04, 2010, 08:06:00 PM »
Morning Musume and other H!P groups/artists had been to Korea and promote their releases.  But I never knew the sales of H!P in korea.  How did Morning Musume and H!P did regarding to sales.  same in China? 
although I heard piracy is a big thing in Korea and China compared to Japan where they all buy/download it legally, so I don't expect much, but still wanna know how much did fans went out of their way for the girls. 
also Taiwan and other overseas sales figure would be nice, too.

I'm just curious how well they did overseas which would commend any future overseas event... 

Offline SarangAi

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1048 on: October 01, 2010, 03:31:49 AM »
I have a question~ dunno if it's been asked yet but whatev XD

I've been kinda curious about this: how do you think the H!P girls handle school?
home school? private school? regular public school?

and in terms of Linlin... I kno she's finished high school now, but in 2007, she was still in school. did she drop out or something?

And I don't think I've ever heard of any MoMusu going to college... rite? :O

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1049 on: October 01, 2010, 07:32:25 AM »
H!P girls handle school much like every other person.
Almost all go to normal schools near their living places at least until middle school.
For high school many went/go to a high school that's specialized on celebrities and such, it has different schedules and other rules allowing them to do work when normal students are in school. Airi from C-ute is the only girl from H!P I know who went to that school already during middle school.
Very few also go to correspondence school as high school so I've heard for most flexibility.

Out of the current Morning Musume members I don't think anyone is going to college. But former members like Makoto and Konno are known to have been trying to go to one at least.
As for the rest of current H!P only Momoko is officially known to go to a college.
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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1050 on: October 01, 2010, 07:56:27 AM »
^thank you for your answer. It cleared up my curiosity a LOT :grin:

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1051 on: October 03, 2010, 04:52:18 PM »
Momoko is in college?  Berryz MomoKo? 

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1052 on: October 04, 2010, 06:11:59 PM »
Okay, call me stupid, but I have a question. I was looking up a buying guide for the H!P stores and it says you write down the item's number and how many of each you want and then at the bottom:
As soon as you finished writing down all numbers and amounts of the items you want (try to always write the numbers in the correct columns, check both pages before writing down), count the total amount of the items. You need to write the summed amounts and not the total count of different items into the box at the bottom.
Does that mean write down the total amount of items that I want or how many different categories of items I have listed? I can't figure it out, the wording is weird to me.

This is the full page of where I got that quote from.

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1053 on: October 17, 2010, 01:13:03 AM »
I just rewatched Rika's graduation (for the millionth time  XD) and I was wondering...Does anyone know if there is a subbed version/translation of the messages from the other musumes to Rika? Because I can't be the only one who wants to know what they said.  :grin:
Especially what Yossie said...

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1054 on: April 13, 2011, 07:22:38 PM »
Is anyone going to TakaAi's grad? I really, really want to go and will pay good money to get good seats if anyone here is in the fanclub, or knows someone who is. I am DESPERATE to go to this concert. I don't think I have ever wanted something more in my entire life. I know the tickets aren't out yet but I neeeeed to get them as I know they are going to sell out quick sticks. I do NOT want to go through Rinkya as it is a massive hassle. It'd be a lot easier to pay someone to get me an amazing ticket.

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1055 on: May 05, 2011, 03:26:54 AM »
Okay, call me stupid, but I have a question. I was looking up a buying guide for the H!P stores and it says you write down the item's number and how many of each you want and then at the bottom:

It's kind of both.  :bingo: So you'll be writing in a rectangle (which I can't make on the forum, sorry :) ) But the rectangle has the first number for the category (example: Morning Musume is usually 3) and an X.

So like this:  3 _____ X ____

Let's say the picture is number 3784, and you want 2 because you have a friend that would totally love it too. ;)

You'd fill it in like this:

3 784 X 2

Fill in all the pictures you want in the shop. Let's say you get 3784x2, 4022x1, and 7669x10 (I think it's roughly the 7000s that are lucky dip items)

On the back, you'd write your name and in the total box, you would write 13, because there are 13 items total that you need. When the staff rings up your order, they check how many items have been run into the register against this to make sure that you have everything you asked for. :glasses:

Does that make more sense? 

Also sugar: I'm going to try my best to go to Takahashi's grad. I don't know when they're gonna do it, since she originally announced fall tour, which is December... but people keep saying September now. But either way, I'm pretty sure I'm going to try.

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1056 on: May 31, 2011, 05:27:36 AM »
Is it possible to buy concert goods even if you're not attending a concert? According to DJ Waffles, there is a place to buy them outside the venue so I'm just wondering if you have to have a ticket in order to buy from there.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1057 on: June 11, 2011, 03:45:50 AM »
^Sure. A lot of people buy goods without going to the concert.
Depending on the venue. They sometimes have 2 lines and the longer one is probably the one for the goods. Sometimes one big line for both goods and concert.
And you can go line up and buy, a few hours earlier from when the concert starts.
So basically line up in the longest line you can find (and has fans coming in and out with stacks of goods) and you should be fine. :)

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Re: Hello! Pro QUESTIONS
« Reply #1058 on: June 11, 2011, 05:52:11 AM »
Thank you! I just wanted to make sure, so I wouldn't get in trouble or something if I try it :nervous

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New Ustream?
« Reply #1059 on: October 06, 2011, 05:56:31 AM »
Since I used google translate on this, I'm not sure if it is ustreamusume or not, anyways it is starting 10/6 22:00 japanese time
it is for mobekimasu however you spell it<---more info
i hear it is prerecorded, which makes me wonder why they are ustreaming it instead of youtubing it xD
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 06:08:49 AM by Chibs »

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