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Author Topic: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction  (Read 139877 times)

Offline SomethingWild

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The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« on: June 29, 2011, 11:32:54 AM »

The rules as written by Yuuyami and edited by SomethingWild, seigus, mode107 and sophcaro for the AKB48 section.

Law #1If any rules will be broken, the post will be edited and a PM will be sent later with an explanation or warning.

Law #2 RESPECT. No trolling or provocative behavior such as criticizing/mocking/belittling a ship or someone's else personal taste. This is JPHIP, we’re all supposed to be one big happy family!

Law #3 This is the land of the dropping pants, so there’s no doubt that there will be promiscuous scenes in fanfics. Usually, sex scenes that are vague enough on details pass the test and are allowed to be posted. If we see something TOO direct like “she slipped her fingers in her lover’s –bleep- whilst biting her -bleep- “ then you will be asked to edit it or to post it in the perv section.
- Post your explicit AKB48 perv stories here
- Information on how to gain access to the Perv area

Law #4 In the AKB fanfic section, there are supposed to be stories of AKB members. Crossovers are okay as long as AKB members play vital roles. Otherwise, if there are no AKB members or if they play a very minuscule role, the story obviously belongs in the “Other” fanfiction section.

Law #5 Reasonable word titles, please. As for sparkling titles, just as long as it's only SMALL things like :: or *, it’s fine. Avoid stuff like this: **¯`-.//*-*//_-_Title_-_//*-*//.-`¯**

Titles of topics

For better clarity, I will ask fanfic writers to please indicate the following in their titles:

1. Name of the fic

2. Name(s) of the pairing(s)
> If your fic contains a big number of pairings, only indicate the main pairings or write 'multipairing'
> If your fic doesn't revolve around any pairing in particular, then indicate the names of the main characters

3. Number of the last chapter published

4. Date of the last chapter published

5. If your fanfic is finished, then indicate [COMPLETED] at the end

Law #6 No hate!fics allowed! There actually hasn’t been any case of this since we’re awesome, loving people, but for the sake of future members, this law must be put out there.

Law #7 You are not allowed to plagiarize another writer’s work without permission. While it’s okay to take scenes and ideas from popular works like anime/dramas/books/etc, it is NOT okay to find another writer’s work and copy it word for word (or worse, replacing words with your own). There’s a difference between being influenced by work(s) and wanting to emulate that work versus being a thief who just wants instant fame.

Law #8 Do not request or send perv fanfics through personal messages.
- Post your explicit AKB48 perv stories here
- Information on how to gain access to the Perv area

Law #9 Any Perv talk/images/video/etc. of underage members are not allowed.
Strictly NO sexual themed images, videos or talk about persons below 18 years of age.
JPH!P will comply with any government requests for information involving investigations of the exploitation of children.
Bottom line: If you need to talk about "lolis" do it somewhere else.

Law #10 Only start a thread to post fanfic(s). Fanfic contests and threads like Seven Word Story are fine. However, threads asking for support for or feedback on fanfic ideas are not as they will become dead threads in time to come.
- Ask for feedback on fanfic ideas in The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
- Post messages or letters to AKB48 members in the specific girl's thread here
- AKB48 news discussions here

Law #11 OS vs Multichaptered fanfics

To avoid having your works scattered all over the board, I will ask fanfic writers to please create a new topic ONLY when they wish to start a new multi-chaptered fanfic.

If a writer wishes to write a few OS, then don't create a new topic for each new OS you write.
Instead, publish/write/gather all your OS in one unique thread, that you can name for example 'OS Collection'

Law #12 Locking of fics

Writers that haven't logged on JPHIP in more than 6 months, and whose fics haven't been updated in years, will see their fics locked by moderators to avoid readers from bumping those fics only to request an update. If the writer logs back on JPHIP and wishes to update one of his locked fics, he may contact a moderator who will unlock it.

Law #13 Writers need to post their fanfics on JPHIP in their integrality. Extracts (with a link at the end redirecting to another website to be able to read the full version) are not tolerated. Only one exception to this rule: if a chapter contains portions of explicit sexual content (such content not being tolerated on JPHIP) then you are allowed to post the censored version of the chapter on JPHIP, then indicate a link to an external website for readers who wish to read the uncensored version of your chapter.

Rules take effect as of June 29th, 2011. Modified July 21, 2018

Questions? Concerns? Ask them here  :)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2018, 08:51:15 AM by kuro_808 »

Offline crono1036

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2011, 02:40:54 AM »
That kinda ruins my plans to make lemons now. Guess I got to stick to fluffs and other fanfic terms that I can't think of

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Offline SomethingWild

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2011, 07:25:36 PM »
That kinda ruins my plans to make lemons now. Guess I got to stick to fluffs and other fanfic terms that I can't think of

^I got nowhere else to post it so I can't link you guys

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Offline crono1036

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2011, 06:09:06 AM »
^ I don't have access to that apparently

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Offline SomethingWild

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2011, 12:04:24 PM »
Ah ok, info on how to get access here:

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2011, 01:08:47 AM »
 :cathappy: theres a perv forum on here? Lol!!!! Just shows that I only post in here x] anyway lyn and lux I think you're making it hard for BarrieV because yes you've done the wrong thing twice but at the same time you have a mini army of people screaming you can't leave! If jphip do decide to let you off for a second time, please for (insert f word) sake don't do it again! anyway, ciao!

Offline mode107

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2011, 11:16:54 PM »
Just reminders and notifications for this AKB48 fanfic community

Law #3 This is the land of the dropping pants, so there’s no doubt that there will be promiscuous scenes in fanfics. Any chapter or one-shot with a fairly questionable moment should be sent to me for screening. Usually, sex scenes that are vague enough on details pass the test and are allowed to be posted. If I see something TOO direct like “she slipped her fingers in her lover’s –bleep- whilst biting her -bleep- “ I will send it to the perv xD
- Post your explicit perv stories here
- Information on how to gain access to the Perv area
Lemons/Pervs are allowed, they just need to be posted in the right place. 

Now from a little snippet of the JPH!P Code of Conduct
B. Mature Content

1. Any Perv talk/images/video/etc. of underage artists are not allowed.

Basically, do not post lemons or pervs involving members under the age of 18. The example that Yuu posted for perv writings like this in the regular thread; “she slipped her fingers in her lover’s –bleep- whilst biting her -bleep- “ , gets moved to the perv thread. Writings posted like that involving underaged members get deleted.

Lastly, these aren't exactly new rules. They've existed with the H!P fics section (which came long before).

Questions or concerns? Ask

Continue writing, reading, and enjoying the fics in the AKBAR :kneelbow:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 08:58:09 PM by mode107 »
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2011, 04:34:28 PM »
1. Any Perv talk/images/video/etc. of underage artists are not allowed.

Basically, do not post lemons or pervs involving members under the age of 18.

Just to be 100% clear:
- Linking to other websites where fanfics involving under-aged members are posted = not allowed.
- Requesting writers to send you a personal message including fanfics involving under-aged members = not allowed.

In essence: only write about the 18+ members and everything will be fine  :)

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2012, 03:59:10 PM »
I just want to ask and to have a confirmation on something, its become my main concern somehow...
Hmm, well... Is there any restricted genre or plots here in the fanfiction thread? :?

There was something that took my interest in anzai-san's thread.
It had something to do with incest, while I do think it is disturbing and all to have it since its about two people in love with each other, blood related even, is there really restrictions for a plot containing that? Or any other plots with a level that disturbing? Is it not really allowed even if we authors give our full warnings on what will transpire in the story to our readers? :huhuh

I read the rules above, and I did not see anything about it, but I'm wondering...because it certainly perked my interest and since in the previous forum I've been, there wasn't any restrictions like that, just that we had to give warnings, I just want a confirmation so that I'll know what contents we shouldn't and should write here if there is one (minus the smut and the under-age girls and all since its already in the rules).
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Offline SomethingWild

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2012, 04:08:31 PM »
Good question  :thumbup

Correct, there aren't any specific rules about that sort of content. I think proper warnings regarding the content of such stories will suffice.

I just want the authors to be sensible when it comes to difficult themes like incest, harassment, kidnapping, molestation, etc.
We have all sorts of people coming here with various backgrounds and I don't want them to get emotionally hurt. Stories like that may bring back horror stories from someone's past. Furthermore, there is a big difference in the way the author explores the theme.

Offline okotteru

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2012, 04:35:23 AM »
why is so hard to gain access to the Perv area?   :cry:

i just wanted to read something smut ...   :luvluv2:

well since i'm new here, i will try my best to get the access   :mon determined:

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2012, 04:45:01 AM »
why is so hard to gain access to the Perv area?   :cry:

i just wanted to read something smut ...   :luvluv2:

well since i'm new here, i will try my best to get the access   :mon determined:

well first you should read this:

the best thing is to not hit and run, enjoy the stay here, my best advice is to post around and see what we have around and just have fun!

maybe you could read the stuff you can access and then you can tell what you might find in the perv section later ;)
Random Thought:


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Offline SomethingWild

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2012, 04:52:43 PM »
Please note: Do not start news threads in the fanfic area, but use the News and Releases Area. There is no need for double threads.

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2012, 10:16:20 PM »
New rule!

Do not request or send perv fanfics through PMs.
- Post your explicit AKB48 perv stories here
- Information on how to gain access to the Perv area

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2012, 05:16:37 PM »
New rule, just to be 100% clear on this:

Law #9 Any Perv talk/images/video/etc. of underage members are not allowed.
Strictly NO sexual themed images, videos or talk about persons below 18 years of age.
Bottom line: If you need to talk about "lolis" do it somewhere else.

I have noticed there are a LOT of fanfics involving underaged members kissing.
This is a bit of a grey area. Especially since we have seen it in SKE48 PV as well, so it would be a bit hypocritical to ban it entirely.

That is why we want to implement the following guideline: "innocent kiss fine, everything else no."

Example of going too far:

In a swift movement, Jurina gripped tighter and swung the girl over on the bed. Jurina now laid herself out comfortably on top of Annin, her breath tickling against the older girl’s neck. “J-jurina?”

The dominant girl didn’t say anything, instead she replied with a feathered kiss to Anna’s collar bone and the girl’s cheeks heated up immediately. “Mmmhaa~”Anna furrowed her brows and let out a moan as the soft touches continued up her neck line.

Jurina’s hands slowly trailed her fingers up the girl’s body as she inched closer to the lips and suddenly lost in the sensation…Anna closed her eyes. The girl took in Jurina’s scent completely as she swooned in and captured her lips.

Anna responded to the kiss as she subtly arched up and tilted her head to the side, deepening the sensual contact. As Jurina pulled away they opened their eyes
and stared into the depths of each other. The loose blouse Jurina wore slid down to her shoulders and exposed her pale flawless flesh…

Source: anonymousdowner - Forbidden Flower

and also things like:

In the front desks was Matsui Rena, a innocent girl who got a perv angel. The angel, Matsui Jurina, had the same last name as hers, such a coincidence.

A 15 year old girl cannot be referred to as a "perv angel."

These are just two random examples, there are many more.

Rather than mode107 and me deleting stories, locking threads and sending out warnings, I am asking you to check your own stories for inappropriate content and change it. Thank you.

Offline Seigus

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2012, 06:10:57 PM »
What about if the underaged member's character in the story is an adult?
Example: Jurina as a 22-year-old working professional.
It's another grey area as the writer has no intention of dabbling in loli talk and fantasies, hence the portrayal of the underaged member as an adult.
If this is allowed, I believe writers here would appreciate the bit of creative liberty.

Somehow, I'm guessing the answer is still no but thought that I'd just ask so that it's clear to all. Thanks!

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2012, 06:17:33 PM »
What about if the underaged member's character in the story is an adult?
Example: Jurina as a 22-year-old working professional.
It's another grey area as the writer has no intention of dabbling in loli talk and fantasies, hence the portrayal of the underaged member as an adult.
If this is allowed, I believe writers here would appreciate the bit of creative liberty.

Somehow, I'm guessing the answer is still no but thought that I'd just ask so that it's clear to all. Thanks!

Good question  :thumbup Just to avoid further confusion, the answer is indeed no.

Of course, writers are free to write about a 22 year old Jurina, as long as it does not involve any perv content.

I know Jurina is really popular, but why make it so difficult. There are literally HUNDREDS of legal AKB48 girls to write about. You can find them all: here!  :)

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2012, 06:25:42 PM »
I know Jurina is really popular, but why make it so difficult. There are literally HUNDREDS of legal AKB48 girls to write about. You can find them all: here!  :)

Blame Aki-p for making her so popular that fans can't help but write about her :lol: Anyway, thanks for setting the record straight!

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2012, 02:06:45 AM »
That is why we want to implement the following guideline: "innocent kiss fine, everything else no."

Sorry, I'm still a bit confused.
When you say "innocent kiss", what do you mean by that?
Like, is a normal kiss fine?
Because I have small kiss scene in my fanfic of Jurina and Rena, but its just like, a normal one, and I have no intention of developing it into anything more than that.

Is that still okay though?
Sorry, I just want to be clear of it before I continue writing.
I apologize if this has already been explained before.

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Re: The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2012, 12:17:16 PM »
New rule, just to be 100% clear on this:

Law #9 Any Perv talk/images/video/etc. of underage members are not allowed.
Strictly NO sexual themed images, videos or talk about persons below 18 years of age.
Bottom line: If you need to talk about "lolis" do it somewhere else.

I have noticed there are a LOT of fanfics involving underaged members kissing.
This is a bit of a grey area. Especially since we have seen it in SKE48 PV as well, so it would be a bit hypocritical to ban it entirely.

That is why we want to implement the following guideline: "innocent kiss fine, everything else no."

Example of going too far:

In a swift movement, Jurina gripped tighter and swung the girl over on the bed. Jurina now laid herself out comfortably on top of Annin, her breath tickling against the older girl’s neck. “J-jurina?”

The dominant girl didn’t say anything, instead she replied with a feathered kiss to Anna’s collar bone and the girl’s cheeks heated up immediately. “Mmmhaa~”Anna furrowed her brows and let out a moan as the soft touches continued up her neck line.

Jurina’s hands slowly trailed her fingers up the girl’s body as she inched closer to the lips and suddenly lost in the sensation…Anna closed her eyes. The girl took in Jurina’s scent completely as she swooned in and captured her lips.

Anna responded to the kiss as she subtly arched up and tilted her head to the side, deepening the sensual contact. As Jurina pulled away they opened their eyes
and stared into the depths of each other. The loose blouse Jurina wore slid down to her shoulders and exposed her pale flawless flesh…

Source: anonymousdowner - Forbidden Flower

and also things like:

In the front desks was Matsui Rena, a innocent girl who got a perv angel. The angel, Matsui Jurina, had the same last name as hers, such a coincidence.

A 15 year old girl cannot be referred to as a "perv angel."

These are just two random examples, there are many more.

Rather than mode107 and me deleting stories, locking threads and sending out warnings, I am asking you to check your own stories for inappropriate content and change it. Thank you.

I am honestly surprised by the sudden enforcement of these rules, seeing how common Jurina fics are around here, and I can't quite agree to your reasoning. Consider the following:

1. This is fiction we're talking about.

2. The fics here are mostly harmless. It's not like we're talking about hardcore BDSM-themes or detailed porn or graphic artworks involving underage girls or anything. In the case of Rukaeru one could debate whether she went too far with the suggestiveness and whether these things should be more regulated in the fanfic section, but banning everything from not-so-innocent kisses to 'perv angel' nicknames is overdoing it in my opinion.

3. At the moment, jphip is the central place for basically most of fanfics in the 48fandom. If you are keen on enforcing the new rules, all authors who would like to write about the "underage" girls (of which there are plenty in the 48groups) will be forced to move their fics somewhere else. Seeing the popularity of Jurina+wMatsui and new rising girls such as Annin, this will probably affect a lot of fans and effectively scatter the fanbase. This is ultimately counterproductive for everyone who loves fanfics and for the whole fandom.

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