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Author Topic: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project  (Read 18745 times)

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The three newspaper articles above say that Maeda Yuuka will retire from S/mileage on 12/31 to devote herself to college entrance exams.
The official announcement.

Hello! Project official site announcement:

Comment from Maeda Yuuka

Thank you for always supporting me.

I, Maeda Yuuka, as of 2011/12/31, will be graduating from Smileage and Hello! Project.

Just the other day at our event, the 4 sub members became official members which made me really happy, but at the same time made me realize that it was this timing that I had to use to tell you all something very important.

Since becoming a high school student, I have been unable to keep up with my Smileage work and school at the same time and it has bothered me a great deal. I started to think about my future and realized that my desire to attend a university had grown a lot over time. I was wondering if, at this rate, if I would be able to handle both school work and Smileage, I was really only able to give a half-hearted effort on both things… and was always getting help from other people, and I really disliked that part about me. I thought to myself “Things aren’t going to work out if it keeps going like this”.

I need to work a lot harder if I want to attend a university. But that had always been just talk, up til now nothing had really changed…

If I let these feelings continue, it would not be appropriate to the other members, nor to all the fans that support me.

I thought a lot about it. I may not be very bright but I put all my energy into thinking about this… and came up with this as the only possible option.

As of now with the four new members joining, it has been a joy to spend every day with the members. To the original members, to the new members, and to all of you who have always supported me, I am very very grateful.

Although it may be sad, we have a new single featuring the 7 of us coming out on 12/28, and I will be working my hardest ever to make this the best one yet!

I am very grateful to so many people, and hope to really enjoy these remaining 2 months, and finish with a smile in the Smileage way!

Please continue to support the Smileage from here on after.

Smileage Maeda Yuuka
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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 11:42:17 PM »

Just glad I've got to know her for the majority of my H!P fandom.
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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 11:59:54 PM »
Maybe that sad look she always had on TV wasn't just a look...
( ・e・) :heart: marimari  ● 川o・-・) :heart: Jabronisaur :heart: (・o_・`川 ● ノノl∂_∂'ル :heart: ChrNo ● Never Forget.

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2011, 01:28:25 AM »
Wow... ;  n ; the S/mileage I grew to know and love really is over. Of course I'm not saying I no longer like them, just, half the original line up gone and 4 new girls worked in- I can't help but miss the original line up that worked so well and was so balanced.
It was fun while it lasted. :c

Good luck to Maeda with her studies, I hope S/mileage won't suffer too much with her gone too!

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2011, 02:19:21 AM »
Wow...bummer :( I was really rooting for them to break out earlier this year. 

I guess she looked lonelier than usual but I've always heard fans say that it's just her personality.

Well, I don't really what to say anymore.    :(

Good Luck Yuuka! 

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2011, 03:35:45 AM »

So now that's two H!P groups that are having my favorite member leave this year! :panic: :panic: :panic: Who will fulfill the role of Big Pun-isher in the S/mileage Terror Squad now? :(

The moves made with the new members once again have a lot more weight to them: the audition announcement and finalization were followed up by Saki having all 4 submembers upgrade to main roster status gets followed up by Yuuka leaving. You guys already know what two words I have to say about all this...

I hope these last two months are awesome for her!
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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2011, 05:14:22 AM »
Now there are 2 empty spotlights for High-King. :(

During TV appearances in the last few months, I have kinda noticed that she's been a bit more...subdued than she was a year ago or so. That must mean that this has been something that she's been thinking about for quite a while. She said in her statement that getting an education is/has been something that she's considered to be an important goal, so she's made the hard choice. In terms of what's best for her in the long term, this probably was the better move for her to make, we all know that. Careers in the entertainment industry (particularly for Idols) aren't exactly known for long-term stability, and like many other girls in the business, Yuukarin probably has other things outside of being an Idol that she has wanted to do.

Of course, it goes without saying that we'll continue to support her, both during her remaining time in Smileage/H!P and in her life after it as she pursues her studies.


:mon cry:

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2011, 06:19:30 AM »
In before 'S/mileage is dead' predictions?

I'm sad to see another one of H!P's top, homegrown talents go, but I'm also happy that Yuuka is looking forward for her future.

Losing Yuuka is a big hit but let's not forget that S/mileage is a group that rose and prevailed over challenges to reach where they are now. Though it looks like trolling in our eyes, it seems that Tsunku has been preparing them for situations like these.

It's been always a delight to watch them perform and missing another member will surely need some getting used to. It's time for everyone to step up and prove that even if S/mileage lacks another member now, they will never lack heart.

Kanon is probably in emo mode as of now, but I wonder how the other girls, especially the ones who looked up to her like Eripon, Meimei, etc, felt when they found out. Also, Chisato seemed to be the most vocal with what she felt about the S/mileage auditions and when Saki left. She must really like these girls a lot. :cry:

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2011, 08:43:51 AM »

One of my Egg babiessssss :(

Yet at the same time I'm not that surprised, she's always been so honest and even anti-idol character ("I want to cut my hair but cannae T_T" etc)

But damnitttt

I really wanted to watch her grow up

Shit poop

Wish her all the best but I considered her one of the current aces, so guh.
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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2011, 02:17:31 PM »
Whoa, elsewhere people are speculating that the "real reason" of Saki & Yuuka's leaving is because they did not agree/accept the addition of a 2nd gen to s/m

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2011, 03:36:58 PM »
having followed four very cute and entertaining Mano chan backdancers, through their formation as S/mileage, it is sad to see Yukka announcing that she will be following Saki out the  Hello! Project door for the last time in just two months.

But like eveyone has said today, good on her for following the path that she thinks is best for her, and just as I will always be greatful to Saki for sharing her talents and lovely spirit with us fans, the same goes for Yukka. Yukka was a different personality than Saki, but Yukka was always working hard to put on a good performance and her vocal skills were a great pleasure to enjoy. Without a doubt, will always support Yukka in any way possible, and wish her the best as she continues her adventure known as life.

No speculation as to why Yukka wanted to leave other than exactly what she has said, and unless she wants to provide further information down the road, no real urge to speculate.

At the end of the day, all of the idols we enjoy as fans, are somebody's daughters, grandaughters, big sisters, little sisters, classmates, best friends, they are indeed "us" except they bartered for  the excitement of being accepted into show business with a payment of a lot of time, hard work, and sacrificing a normal life of sleeping in on weekends, hanging out with friends at the mall, studying, joing a sports club, etc., and we all enjoyed this decision they made, because we got to watch someone like Yukka give her all, with a special skill and graceful beauty.

As many posted today, willl want to encourage Dawa and Kanon, as they continue on, and the new members will certainly grow into a fine unit with two great veterans to lead the way.

Yuuka, thank you for all the great times you provided us, and please study hard, play hard, and keep being you!! :cow:

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2011, 04:20:17 PM »
Whoa, elsewhere people are speculating that the "real reason" of Saki & Yuuka's leaving is because they did not agree/accept the addition of a 2nd gen to s/m
Well then elsewhere ppl must be a little ridoinkilous.
(1) It's much more likely that the audition was decided on in the first place because Sakichy and Yuukarin had expressed desire to leave earlier on. The girls don't decide these things over night, unless the decision involves getting photos of them with their boyfriends printed on magazines.
And more importantly,
(2) Idols don't get to throw hissy fits & temper tantrums because they don't like their management's decisions. 1st generation Momusu was pissed off as hell about 2nd gen being added. Did they quit? No. Also, it would've been incredibly stupid to quit being an idol simply for that reason, because in S/mileage even with added members they had pretty much a guaranteed leading position. Hell, in Momusu a ton of members have had to watch their younger members get more lines than them, and even then they've stayed.

I understand that a lot of fans are disappointed about the S/mileage 2nd gen decision, but omg please don't reflect those ideas on other people with their personal problems and life decisions to make. Sakichy and Yuuka were missing something they felt was more important than being an idol; they didn't leave because they wanted to rebel, for fuck's sake lol.
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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2011, 05:33:15 PM »
Still, tbh, I no longer buy the "graduate because of studies" anymore
After Asuka fessed the real reason behind her grad was being bullied due to her young age; & Murakami Megumi "suddenly quitting" after the alleged-boyfriend photos surfaced

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2011, 06:34:22 PM »

Quoted for truth, she was the only reason left to follow Smileage...

Have a good study Yuuka! Make it count.

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2011, 07:16:18 PM »
Whoa, elsewhere people are speculating that the "real reason" of Saki & Yuuka's leaving is because they did not agree/accept the addition of a 2nd gen to s/m
Well then elsewhere ppl must be a little ridoinkilous.

What was a little ridoinkilous was the six separate conspiracy theories for Ogawa Saki's graduation.  Only one theory is kind of tame.

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2011, 08:08:52 PM »
she was the only reason left to follow Smileage...
With statements like this, I have to question whether you followed S/mileage or only followed her.
That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's like saying Morning Musume was dead when Rika left.

To be honest, Yuuka's presence in the group has been having less and less impact outside of their musical performances.
Sure she was the star of many of their songs, but on TV and internet appearances she's been something of a bump on the log.
Compared with Ayacho's eccentric, art-loving leader and Kanon's idol wota/professional troll/Cinderella personas, Yuuka's "I like puns" thing hasn't stacked up well.

I love Yuuka, and recently when I was deciding which S/mileage member was my favorite, it was a tough decision between her and Ayaka.
But when I did finally decide on Ayaka, it was mostly due to the reasons above.

In the end, I think maybe you meant "she was the only reason left for me to follow S/mileage".
There is an important distinction between that statement and the one you made, which says to me, "this is what I feel and everyone else should feel this way too because it's the objective truth".
When there's six other girls in the group, many of whom have personalities that stand out more than Yuuka's, how hard is it to find a new reason to follow the group?

As a strong subscriber to the idea that the group is far stronger than any one member, I'm afraid I just can't accept the premise that the group is now dead.
I will however say that I agree with this sentiment:
Have a good study Yuuka! Make it count.
I seriously hope she makes the best of her decision.
I'm just afraid she'll just turn into the prettiest OL in the office:

Go get 'em, Yuuka!
Show the world that Egg Quality!
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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2011, 12:18:55 AM »
To me, leaving to focus on studies still makes sense. Practically no one in H!P went to college because they simply don't have time to take studies seriously when they also want take seriously their job. It's probably just matter of preferences. Playing cute girl to masses don't have to be for everyone.

I hope she will be happy wherever her new path will lead her. This is probably the most important. Fans will reconcile to it. It sounds harsh but this is how H!P works... one leave, other come... show must go on :peace:

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2011, 01:11:54 AM »
Awww Yuukarin :cry: She was my favorite in S/mileage. She's just so damn cute and innocent lolol At least she looks innocent, but who knows what's going on behind those adorably bright eyes XD

But I really hope she does well and gets into a good college, and is able to follow her dream that way. I also think wanting to continue her studies is a valid reason. Maybe it was used as an excuse for others but that doesn't mean it's the same in every case. She does seem like the type to want to go to college. I mean, KonKon did it and it's been great for her, why not take her lead and do the same?

Ganbare, Yuukarin!

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2011, 02:45:06 PM »
Every time one of these girls leaves to follow their studies I feel happy. They're supposed to be role models, so what is better an example than this?
Also, her message was truly sincere and well-thought. She sounds mature and intelligent and thay bodes well for her future. Go Yuuka! :)

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Re: [12/31] Maeda Yuuka to Graduate from S/mileage and Hello! Project
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2011, 05:05:22 PM »


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