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Author Topic: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch 13 [06/06/12] MariMii + KojiYuu  (Read 99229 times)

Offline BbSis

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Hey guys!

My first try in the world of AKB fanfiction o/ It's also my first one in english, so please forgive my mistakes  :shy2:

I still feel I'm missing tons of things in this fic, so can you please help me with your opinion?  :pleeease:

Hope you guys enjoy it like I enjoy all the fics I've been reading here.  :hee:

Thank you for giving me inspiration to write this  :bow:

Chapter 1 - Scroll down
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

It started in a wedding

Chapter 1

She woke up slowly with the light passing through the window. With the first thought, a headache hit her furiously. She raised her left hand to massage the head when she realized she was naked underneath the sheets. It soft touch made her feel a bit of comfort, since she was used to sleep like she came to the world. When she finally opened her eyes, she found herself in a strange room.

Lying on her right side, she stared at the drawer blankly. After a few seconds, she could see an old fashioned luminary and a goblet half filled with some unknown alcoholic drink. From what she could see, the room was western styled with the same old fashioned style of the luminary. Now, she wanted to remember what happened that led her to that almost shameful state. Unable to move, her body ached and she started to remember.

“Minami!” She heard a familiar voice calling her name cheerfully. Minami turned and found her best friend walking toward her. She loved the way he called her. She waved at him, only then she noticed he was holding hands with a girl she had never met before.

“Yuuhi! It’s been a while! Missed you so much!” Minami said lively while giving a long hug on her old friend. Yuuhi hugged her back, releasing the hand of the strange girl.

“I’m glad you came! Missed you too.” He kissed Minami’s forehead after finishing the hug. He pulled the girl closer, holding her hand again. Minami didn’t like what she was seeing. “Minami, this is Kayo, my fiancée. We are going to marry next month.” Minami was in shock. “Darling, this is my best friend Minegishi Minami.”

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you! Yuu-kun talks a lot about you.” She gave Minami a bright smile and offered a hand. Minami shook Kayo’s hand slowly looking at the couple in front of her.

“Nice to meet you too…” Minami was trying not to show how surprised she really was. Also, a disappointed feeling consumed her so bad she wanted to cry.

“Hey, let’s go to that bakery you like, Minami. We can talk freely there.” Minami nodded and they walked there silently.

Now she really had to give up on him. Her long-lived crush had to finally end. Yes, she was in love with that friend, her best friend, Yuuhi. Even if she eats all the cakes in the world, her sorrow wouldn’t go away. She always imagined her marriage with him. He is the only person she knew that called her by name. It is always Miichan, Minegishi-san or Minegishi-chan. Marry him was her dream.

They arrived at a very cheerful, colored and lively place. Minami ordered a piece of strawberry cake, Kayo a brownie and Yuuhi black coffee. Miichan was trying to look like she was ok with all the news, and nothing better than a piece of cake to help her do that.

“You know, Minami” He started when the orders arrived. “you’ve been my best friend since always. So I decided I want you to be my maid of honor. Well, best man doesn’t suit you, since you’re a girl. What do you think?” He was as nervous as when he proposed Kayo. Minami blinked for a couple minutes. She couldn’t believe in what she heard. She kept the eye contact while thinking. What the groom’s maid of honor do to help the ceremony? Nothing, it is just a person who signs as a testimony. All the preparation is arranged by the bride’s side. So she would be spared from the suffering of watching their everyday happiness. She only had to buy a beautiful dress and wait the ceremony day. Oh, and may have that rehearsal thing just to define the entrance positions and seats. He was her best friend after all.

“…Okay. I’ll do it. It’ll be a pleasure.” What a lie. But she had to do it. He gave Minami a large smile and held hand.

“Thanks! But don’t worry, you are my main one, but there will be two other best men. And Kayo’s maids of honor.” He said with a lively voice.
Then they started to talk about the wedding. That it would be a small ceremony for family and a couple of friends. And how Kayo’s best friend wanted to be the main maid of honor. The ceremony would be settled at the summer house of Kayo’s family. Miichan hides her sadness by ordering tons of different flavors of cake.

The month dragged on. Even if she hanged out with her friends, her thoughts would always back to her unrequited love’s wedding. She wasn’t being her usual self. She wasn’t being lively and playful. She wasn’t joking around or playing a prank on someone. She was even leaving Takamina aside, despite her being Miichan’s favorite for pranks.   

Minami met the others best men and maids of honor on the ceremony rehearsal, which was a week before the actual ceremony. Minami would come in with Yuuhi’s father. The two other groomsmen were a newly-wed couple, his friend from work. The bride’s maids of honor were actually her three closet friends. Three tall girls. The tallest one was slim and thin with short hair cut. The middle had a slight sexy body and long hair. The smaller one was always smiling and had a shoulder length hair. From afar, they looked like having fun. Minami made no effort to record the girls’ names. She wanted to forget everything about that wedding.

And the not so awaited day arrived. It was a three hour ride road to get in the summer house of bride’s family. Yuuhi’s father promised to give Minami a ride. Minami get all surprised when she met after a long time Yuuhi’s cousin. ‘Whoa! Jurina grew up a lot! It doesn’t look like we have a five-year age gap!’ she thought.
“Hey! Look who’s gotten big! You look more like a girl now! Still like groping girls?” Miichan said, teasing the younger one.
“Mou, Miichan!” They grabbed each other in a tight hug, and Jurina decided she wanted to go with uncle and untie.   

The house could be called a mansion. And it was just a few meters away from a private beach. Though there were about ten rooms on the house, that wasn’t enough to accommodate everyone who was going to stay over. So they putted two sharing a room. Minami ended up in the same room as Jurina, since she was the only one she was familiar with besides Yuuhi’s parents and Yuuhi himself.
After placing her luggage on the room, Minami stepped out wondering where her roommate could be. It was right in time to see two girls coming on her direction.

One Miichan recognized as the taller bridesmaid, the other she never saw before. She had long hair and a single dapple on her left cheek. They bowed their head to each other as a formal greeting. And the two girls entered in the room beside Minami’s.

The day passed through full of the final arrangements for the wedding. Minami was finally glad to have something to distract her head. She was worried about Jurina, who put her bag on the room and vanished from everyone sight. The night had come and so the most painful event for Minami.

Miichan was wearing a frilly light pink dress. Her makeup helped her to get cuter than she normally is. Yuuhi complimented her for her nice outfit. She knew that he just see her as a friend. She gave him a smile trying to hide the sadness she was feeling. The ceremony was going smoothly, when Minami noticed something quite familiar with the taller maid of honor. She couldn’t say exactly what it was. She was gorgeously dressed with a dark red long dress with a glowing black rose embroidered. With a light makeup and a large smile on her face. She looked happy for her friend. Minami couldn’t tell what dragged her attention to that woman.

With the votes exchanged, the ceremony was over and was the start of the luxurious party. There was a table reserved for the groomsmen and the bridesmaid. All the six ones had to sit together, at least in the beginning of the party. After the newly-weds, the both maids of honor and parents speeches, the dance floor was filled with guests. The ones who weren’t dancing were hanging around each other. Three girls approached the table, sat on the spare chairs and began to chat friendly with the three bridesmaids. That was when Minami finally noticed what Jurina was wearing. A dark blue feminine suit with an orange tie and high heels. The younger walked towards the table and sat next to the black haired girl with a dapple on her left cheek.

“Mou, when Jurina see someone who catches her attention she forget about friends…” Miichan said to herself, but loudly enough to everyone in the table hear. There were only the girls, the married couple was on the dance floor, and they all laughed making both Jurina and the girl next to her blush.

“Girl, you know how embarrass someone!” Said a girl with short hair with a bright large smile, though a bit boyish. Minami gave her a clumsy smile, not knowing if that was a compliment or not. “I’m Miyazawa Sae. Yoroshiku!” Said offering a hand and giving a lady-killer smile.

“Sae! Stop hitting on her! It’s rude.” Reprehended a girl who was sitting next to Sae.

“Please, Yuki, gimme a break.”         

“Ignore her. I’m Kashiwagi Yuki, nice to meet you.” Yuki gave Minami a gentle smile. She just bowed her head.

“Minegishi Minami, nice to meet you girls too.” Minami said with a polite smile.

“Girls, introduce yourselves too!” Yuki was obviously enjoying that moment.

“Ano.. I’m Matsui Rena…” The girl who caught Jurina’s attention said shyly.

“Uso! I’m also Matsui! Matsui Jurina desu!” Jurina erupted amazed.

“Wow! And you’re not even related! Incredible!” The short maid of honor was also amazed. “I’m Maeda Atsuko, by the way!”

“You get amazed way too often, Acchan. Don’t mind her, she is just like that.” Said the middle maid of honor with a nice smile. “I’m Kojima Haruna!”

“When you get to know them better, you’ll see they are way to noisy.” Said the taller maid of honor in a bit bored voice. “I’m Shinoda Mariko. Nice meet you.” Before Minami could say something she was interrupted.

“And you seem to be always bored. That much age of yours is weighing on your shoulders?” Sae said teasing the older girl.

“I’m not going to discuss this with you.” Mariko said coldly getting a goblet of champagne from the waiter. Minami also took one. She knew she hadn’t reached the legal age for drinking, but it isn’t like she had never had alcohol before. The girls looked at her surprised, but somehow they noticed there was something wrong with the girl. ‘Besides, one more year and it won’t be illegal anymore.’ Minami thought.

Jurina backed her attention to Rena. Sae asked Yuki to dance. Atsuko dragged Haruna to somewhere unknown. Mariko and Minami were kind of left alone. They remained in silence for a couple of minutes. Then Minami tried to start a conversation.

“So, were you the main maid of honor?” Miichan asked warily.

“Yes.” Mariko answered dryly finishing a second goblet of champagne.

“Hmm. You don’t seem that lively about that matter.”

“Well, it’s all over now. So there’s no reason to be lively about.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to talk about this. I’m tired. If you want to chat, then change the subject.” Miichan somehow understood why Mariko was tired. She was tired too.

“Okay.” Minami rapidly thought about some other thing to talk about. “Your dress is beautiful! Where did you buy it?” It seemed she hited jackpot. Mariko’s expression lightens up. One point to Minami. Fashion is Mariko’s favorite conversation topic.     

They stayed at the table chatting for at least one hour. When they started feeling dizzy because of the drink, they decided to take a walk. They didn’t know why they got along so well. Was it because of the alcohol? And there was that strange feeling of understanding between them they couldn’t explain. The two walked toward the beach. The full moon was illuminating their way. With a brand new goblet in hand, they stared silently at the sky. There was a moment they weren’t able to stand on their own, so they anchored each other. Mariko and Minami were alone looking at the stars. The shorter girl suddenly spoke, breaking the silence between them.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Her voice sounded distant.

“Do as you want.”

“I was in love with him.”


“Yuuhi, the groom.” Mariko heart started to beat fast. She couldn’t believe in what she was about to say.

“So? Me too.”



“Were you in love with Yuuhi too?” Minami looked confused.

“Baaaka! I was in love with the bride, Kayo.”

“Oh!” Somehow Minami saw nothing wrong in it.

“Yeah. We are so stupid.” And the two of them started to laugh, almost madly. That was when Minami lost her balance and fell on the sand. And they laughed even more. When they finally calmed down, Mariko offered help. She held Minami’s hand and pulled her up. It was too strong. They bumped into each other and stared into the eyes. Everything was so explained now. About how that tall girl caught her attention. She was like Minami. They were staring for a long time now, without knowing what to do. Without realizing it, they both raised an eyebrow.

“Are you okay, Minami?” Mariko finally broke the silence. Minami unconsciously shivered by the sound of her name.

“Y…yes.” She blinked a few times. “I’m covered in sand. Just need to exchange clothes.”

“Right. I’ll walk you to your room.” Minami nodded and they walked side by side talking about the stars. They stopped at the party to grab another goblet and headed to the house. They knew they were neighbors. While Minami opened the door, Mariko asked.

“With whom you are sharing a room?”

“With Jurina.” Simple answered letting Mariko get in.

“Oh! That monkey aspiring Don Juan.”



“It’s not that! I’m the only one who can say those things about her!”

“Who said that?”

“ME!” Minami put her half drinked goblet on the drawer and headed to her bag.

“Right.” It was way too obvious the ironic tone. When she saw Minami undressing, she automatically locked the door. No one knows who could pop in the room. When Minami was only in her underwear, she sat on the bad. Suddenly, like a drunk, she started to talk about what was bothering her. Mariko sighed and walked to the bed just to sit on the other side. But it was hard to breath with that dress, so she thought it would be okay if she took it off. They approached and started to talk about their own problems.

And that’s all Minami could remember. After that, it was completely blank. Her only memory was waking up naked with a stupid headache. What happened in that blank space of time?

On the other side of the bed, a very confused Mariko waked up. She had a slight headache. She didn’t like the light the room was filled in. She raised a hand, rubbed her face and messed with her hair. With that movement, she realized she was naked. ‘Great.’ She thought. There was nothing wrong with that situation. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a different room of hers. Then she remembered she wasn’t at home. What else? She decided to turn to the other side of the bed.

They turned at the same time. When their eyes met, it both went wide open. Holding the same sheet…




There are more girls to show up o/

Please, let me know your opinion AND which couple do you like I'd put in my fic  8)

Thanks  :cow:

Edit: Better reading layout o/
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 08:05:43 AM by BbSis »

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2012, 07:19:42 PM »
You pulled me out of my hiding place (because I'll just leave a short comment, I'm too busy for long ones, *apologizes to Sieka-sama for not commenting on her fic for SUCH A LONG TIME*)!!

This is a very good start, the last part is hilarious  :rofl:

What I'm missing is Yuko-sama  :roll:
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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2012, 07:25:52 PM »
It sounds interesting!

But i want mayuki please. .. ..please?

Ill wait for the next update!
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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2012, 07:57:25 PM »
that was a nice fic,
for my couple opinion,
I still prefer Atsumina, Kojiyuu.
and now that I wonder where did Jurina sleep,
due that Mariko sleep Jurina places,
would it be Rena room? would Rena allow it? just knowing each other.

looking forward for the update.

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2012, 12:41:54 AM »
this is my first time reading a fic were marimii is the central pairing, it's really interresting, i want more  :nya:

and about the parings, i would like to see some mayuki, maybe sae and mayu fighting over yuki??? it would be nice... and also some atsumina and kojiyuu like always.

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2012, 04:27:15 AM »
This is a very-well written fic! :D
Please do continue, I'm cheering on you \(´▽`)/

About the pairing, I'll be content with any pairings since it's your fic so you can do anything about it. But I do see the coupling your fic kind of suggested on your first post (is it prologue? Or chapter 1?) Like marimii Wmatsui and saeyuki, and since saeyuki is my OTP, it'll be grand if you decided to write about them (๑´ω`๑)

"More girls to show up"? Awesome. I'll be stay tuned for your update! Ganbatte \(´▽`)/ ♡
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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2012, 05:01:51 AM »
You debuted with a MariMii! :w00t: I'm kinda missing this pairing as main roles! And they got a hilarious start too.. :lol:

Btw I almost got slightly confused before... I thought 'How could Miichan hug Yuuhi while she's still naked?', but then I realized Miichan-Yuuhi's hugging was a flashback. Got kinda mixed up between past and present. :nervous Perhaps you forgot giving a 'Flashback' or more empty spaces before the flashback part starts?

Couples? Actually not really care about who's appearing, as long as MariMii's here. :D
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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2012, 06:33:29 AM »
yatta!!!! marimii is hereeeee!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:  have been waiting zutto for someone to write about marimii couple.. i'd like to have mayuki too, if i could. but since this is ur story, i'll just follow the flow, but please~ mayuki (with cherry on top)  :mon cute: :mon cute: :mon cute:  lol. can't wait for more~
I love FTM. Nuff said.

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2012, 12:00:03 PM »
Lololol they had sx!! XD

Yayy for SaeYuki~! Im soo glad to finally see SaeYuki since there r too many MaYuki.. No offence MaYuki lovers..  :bow:
Ano.. Im fine if it becomes MaYuki since I kinda like that pairing too..  :)

Back to the subject~  XD
Wasn't expecting Maritroll as a girl here since the one I read has Maritroll as a guy so this seems very interesting  :D
Btw, is Kayo; Noro Kayo (ex akb) here?  :?

Please update soon BbSis-san!  :bow:

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2012, 03:05:30 PM »
YAY! I like this kind of fic!

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up yet to decide pairings)
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2012, 04:37:01 PM »
yatta! finally a marimii fic  :onioncheer: :on gay:
i'd like to have mayuki too, if i could. but since this is ur story, i'll just follow the flow, but please~ mayuki (with cherry on top)  :mon cute: :mon cute: :mon cute:  lol. can't wait for more~
me too please Mayuki  :wriggly:

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Offline BbSis

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up popular pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2012, 07:30:02 AM »
Hello there o/

Thank you for reading and thank you leaving a comment *.*

Sakura_drop-san: Is that a good thing? ^_^ I' glad you find it hilarious, I want all MariMii parts to be like that^^ An I hope you don't miss Yuko-sama anymore o/

Yuukimoko-san: Thaaanks ^^~ As for MaYuki, be a little patient with me, okay?

M00nchild-san: Thannks! Well, there will be lots of scenes with these couples as well o/ Find out what happened to Jurina in this chapter o/

Okotteru-san: I missed it myself too! So I decided to write my own^^ I'm glad you want more o/

ScarletWings-san: Thanks! But I still think my writing is lame xp \o/ My bad about that, I'll be editing it later and I realy forgot to to say if it was a prologue or a chapter. Sorry U.U''

Aruka-san: I miss that pairing and I got to read few fics where MariMii were a couple U.U'' (I' kinda incompetent on finding things..) And I want them to have tons of hilarious moments o/ I'll put more spaces there, so there wont be any mixing again o/ I want MariMii appearing too o/\o

Lollita90-san: Yey! You seem to like MariMii a lot o/ about MaYuki... well lets see^^ and that "with cherry on top" thing gave me tons of perverted ideas*.*, unfortunatly I can't write about it here ^^''   

CheesyBits-san: Sorry if I disappoint you >< Lets see how SaeYuki develops o/ I really wanted to write a Maritroll, but I'm not sure I'm that good ^^'' Lets see if I can hold it longer. o/ Btw, yes! It's Noro Kayo o/ I read somewhere she was/is friends with Mariko, so I decided to marry her 8D

Kahem-san: Glad you likeeeed! \o/

Mo-chan-san: I know it's a stupid question, but why finally? >< Thanks for reading o/ Well be little patient with MaYuki o/ 


Hope you guys like this one too o/

Chapter 2

When they finally stopped with the screaming thing, Mariko and Minami stared at each other, slightly fighting for a larger piece of sheet.

“What have you done to me?!” Minami screamed. Mariko blinked at her still processing what was going on. Half asleep, she dropped the sheet that was covering her body and began looking for her panties on the floor. “Why you are also naked?! Cover yourself! I don’t wanna look at your skinny body!”

“So, why you are looking at? If you don’t want to, you can turn around, you know.” Skeptically saying that, Mariko found her panties and dressed it. Minami blushed furiously. The taller one grinned. Luckily, she remembered everything unlike the smaller one. Mariko knew that nothing really happened. They just talked about their love interest and their frustrations and ended up falling asleep. And the naked thing, for Mariko it’s a habit. She must have taken off her panties in her sleep. It seems that it’s the same for Minami, she just doesn’t remember. Mariko grinned again and decided to play a prank on the girl. She faked a seductive smile and looked at the girl.

“What?!” Minami was still blushing.

“You didn’t seem that shy last night.”

“WHAT?!” Miichan widened her eyes.

“Do you know that popular expression that says that the single best man sleeps with a single bridesmaid? Never thought that you could be that wild.” 

“NOOO!” Minami started to cry. “How could you?! Please, gimme back my purity!”

“Woah! It was you first time?” That really surprised Mariko. She was about to say she was kidding when Minami kept complaining.

“I can’t believe my first time was with that skinny old woman!” Minami said more to herself.

“Hey! Who you are calling skinny old woman?” Mariko was starting to get angry.

“You! You ruined my dream, your ancient mummy!”

“So little baby Godzilla still have dreams!”

“I do! Now because of you dinosaur, I can’t marry pure when I have 23!”

“I didn’t know your were so naïve, Gachapin!”

“Stop calling me with these strange nicknames, old woman! And please, get dressed!”

“You started, Gachapin!” Mariko decided, Gachapin was the best. She took her dress from the floor and dressed. Minami started to dress herself as well.

Mariko waited Minami finished dressing. She regretted that prank completely. Now that tiny headache turned into a big one. She just wanted to go back to her room and exchange clothes. The taller walked to the door and unlocked it. Minami looked at her widening her eyes again.

“Please, don’t start again. My head hurts and assure you, you won’t like see me angry.” Mariko said with a bored and scaring voice. She walked through the door with Minami following.

“Okay…” And then, she remembered she had a roommate. “I wonder where Jurina spent the night, since our door was locked…” Minami said entering Mariko’s room. The taller stopped abruptly and the smaller bumped into her. “Hey…” But her voice failed the second she sees why Mariko stopped.

It was a rather strange cute scene. Rena was sleeping with a long white silky nightgown with her head on Jurina’s shoulder. However, Jurina was strongly tied with the sheet, holding a stupid smile. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt and pink panties. Mariko sighed relieved and Minami laughed out loud, waking the two sleeping girls.

“Rena, can you please explain what happened here?” Mariko asked trying to be patient. Rena yawned and rubbed an eye. She sat up and looked at Jurina, who was smiling at her. Minami was still laughing.

“Well, she asked me if she could sleep here, since her room was locked. I told her she could only if she stopped hitting on me. She agreed, but she was so hectic and I just wanted to sleep. So I gave her kiss on the corner of her mouth. I don’t know what happened, but she passed out. So I took advantage and tied her just in case she wakes up and try to do something.” Rena explained standing up and stretching.

“Right. Gachapin, take your fail Don Juan friend to your room. We’ll meet you downstairs when we finish changing.” Minami stuck her tongue to Mariko. Then walked towards Jurina and untied her. Before Jurina could chase after Rena, Minami held her ear and dragged her into the other room under the protests of the younger girl.

Minami lectured Jurina while they took a fast bath. Though Minami knew she had no moral to do so. For now, she just wanted to forget about last night happenings. Well, in fact she doesn’t remember and if she don’t remember it didn’t happened. That’s what she wanted to believe.

“Mou, Miichan… I got it. I’ll try to be sociable today, okay? But Rena-chan is so cute. I think I’m in love.” Jurina change her upset tone to a sweet one. Minami rolled her eyes.

“Okay, Romeo. Go get dressed. It’s not nice to see you naked talking about this…” Minami finished dressing and looked at her wrist watch. It was almost ten.

When the two finally were able to go down stairs, they ended up meeting their neighbors on the way. Jurina tried to hang on Rena, but she felt the menacing look of Minami on her. So, she just greeted the girl politely and walked on her side. Mariko and Minami exchanged a look and ignored themselves. They were still upset with each other. But kept walking side by side. 
Arriving on the first floor, they found a huge table of breakfast. And the few guests who were already awake were sat at the tables outside. The group went straight to the guests they knew.

“Good morning, girls!” Minami greeted with a smile. Atsuko, Haruna, Sae and Yuki were having their meal.

The girls looked up to the group with a strange grin on their faces. Mariko raised an eyebrow, Minami turned her mouth into a beak shape, Jurina didn't even noticed it, since she was all over Rena, and Rena didn't actually care about that. Minami was about to complain when she saw a huge red mark on Sae's face.

"Sae! What happened to your face?!" Minami pointed out the red mark.

"Oh. This?" Sae touched her face where Minami pointed and the other girl nodded. "Yuki slapped me really hard when I tried to kiss her in our room." she explained like it was no big deal.

"It was her punishment for hitting on another girl in front of me." Yuki said eating a piece of melon. Minami nodded in understanding.

"So you guys are in a relationship?" Jurina asked showing she was paying attention.

"No!" The two said at the same time.

"What you have then?" Jurina just wanted to know.

"Well, it's complicated." Yuki said blushing a little. Jurina nodded like it was a normal thing, Minami sighed and headed to the breakfast table. The others were already aware of the situation.

Minami put in a large plate a piece of every cake on the table. Then filled a glass with juice. To finish her entry, a couple of sliced fruits. Balancing everything on her two hands, she backed to the table where the girls were. Mariko looked at the amount of food that Minami was eating and wondered how she didn't get fat. After taking her own food, she sat down next to Minami.

"Morning, Minami!" Miichan heard a familiar voice behind her. On an involuntary movement, she put her hands underneath the table. She had completely forgotten about him with the late happenings. "I see you can still eat a lot in the morning."

"Good Morning, Mari-chan! Sleep well?" It was Mariko's turn to flinch. Like Minami, she put her hands under the table. Unconsciously, their hand met intertwining fingers. At that moment, they forget about their differences and supported each other. The two girls shared a secret and for their own sake they have to do it.

“Perfectly.” Answered raising her free hand, getting a glass of juice and drinking. Minami turned with a smile and tightened the hand wrap.

“Yuuhi. These cakes are so tasty. They are asking to be eaten!”

“You can eat as much as you want, Minami.” He said with a gentle smile.


“Oh, yes. We want you guys to stay here until tomorrow.” Kayo said cheerfully.

“Why, Kayo-chan?” Haruna asked, noticing Mariko and Minami were frozen.

“Because today we’re holding another party. Friends-only party!” Yuuhi answered for Kayo. The girls couldn’t believe that there would have more party.

“So excuse us, we have other tables to go.” Kayo with a smile. As soon as the couple were out of sight, Minami and Mariko let their hands go. They looked at each other with scorn. The other girls on the table noticed that strange behavior and Atsuko decided to toy with the two.

“Okay. Well, Haruna, say ‘aaa’.” Atsuko picked a piece of strawberry with a tiny fork and led it to Haruna’s mouth.

“Aaaa.” Haruna opened her lips, eating the strawberry and making a sexy expression. Atsuko grinned and licked the fork, looking hotly at Haruna. Mariko rolled her eyes and Minami sighed.

“God! I give up! I’m surrounded by lesbians.” Miichan threw her hands in the air and then started to finish her breakfast.

After the first meal of the day, the group decided to enjoy the beach. Mariko, Atsuko and Haruna were lying on a mat in the sand sunbathing. Minami, Jurina, Rena, Sae and Yuki were playing with a ball. Rena threw to Yuki, who threw to Minami, who threw to Sae, who threw to Jurina, who always got hit, just because she was way too busy staring willingly at Rena.

Few turns later, Minami felt someone jumping at her and giving short jumps grinding. There was only one person she knew who do that kind of thing.

“Yuko! What are you doing here!?”

“It’s not fair you keep all the fun to yourself, Miichan!” Yuko said groping Minami’s butt. Miichan turned with a mad face. Yuko started to run.

“I’m gonna get you! Come back here, you perverted squirrel! I’m gonna make you pay for what you did!” Minami started to chase after Yuko. When she was almost reaching, the smaller one stumbles on something.

“Nyaaa!” A loud voice screamed. Yuko had fallen into something soft. She raised her hand and touched the softness that was being pressed against her face. She started to grope it. In a few seconds, she discovered what it was. She sat up, hands still on it.

“Oh my! This is the perfect boobs I’ve ever touched!” Yuko said amazed. She was sat on top of Haruna, who was still confused with the situation. “I’m going to call you Nyannyan!” Yuko decided herself and squeezed Haruna’s boobs. Everyone stared at the scene unsure of what to do.

“ Get off! Now!” Haruna said with a serious tone. “I don’t even know you, stop calling me that!” And before anything else could happen, a short girl came panting.

“I’m.. so sorry…, lady. My friend here… is a stupid girl.” Then, she picked Yuko’s ear and twisted it. “Come on, leave the lady alone!”

“Yada! Don’t wanna! You can’t do this to me, Takamina!”

“Takamina can’t, But I can!” A tall girl appeared grabbing Yuko and taking her off of Haruna.

“Put me down, Sayaka!” Yuko struggled.

“Yuko, can you please stop embarrassing me in front of strangers?” Said an expressionless almost robotic voice.

“Mou, Mayuyu…” The gaze she received from the girl made her stop. It freaked her. “Okay… I’ll stop…” Yuko calmed down and Sayaka putted her friend on the floor. Everyone looked stunned at the scene. Then again Minami asked.

“What are you girls doing here?” Meanwhile, Mariko sat at her mat and took off her sunglasses just to watch that theatrical scene better. Atsuko sat up to badmouth the person who threw sand on her an ended up facing an awkward situation. The girls playing with the ball approached.

“Yuuhi-kun invited us to the ‘friends-only party’.” The shortie girl simply answered.

“Hey, let’s introduce ourselves! There are so much new faces here.” Said Yuko looking specifically at Haruna. “I’m Oshima Yuko.” She said with a large smile.

“Takahashi Minami, pleased to meet you!” Said the shortie bowing.

“Whoa! Two Minami’s! That’s why Miichan called you Takamina!” Sae said lively. “I’m Miyazawa Sae, by the way!” This time she wasn’t trying to hit on anyone.

“Right! So, I’m Akimoto Sayaka. Yoroshiku!” The tall girl who took Yuko off of Haruna said.

“I’m Watanabe Mayu. Nice to meet you.” Said the girl with expressionless voice who could make Yuko stop with her childish perverted actions.

The other girls introduced herself. And the awkward atmosphere dissipated. They all got tired of that drama and decided to help the new arrived guests with their luggage. They backed to the house chatting. When they had empted the trunk, imposingly entered a minivan and parked feel meters away. A lateral door slide opened and three boys stepped out. A taller one with red streaked hair, a middle one with blue streaked hair and a short one with blond hair.

The girls let the luggage feel on the floor, making a huge noise. Their eyes wided and they couldn’t believe in what they were seeing. They stuttered…




Yes! I gonna do a tottal mix here ahuahuah

So, that's it for today o/

because of the ones who appeared last, you may guess who misses \o/

See you guys next update o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2012, 07:59:09 AM »
Lol Persona appears~

I want my MaYuki boo xD Update soon :>
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2012, 08:03:44 AM »
Its okay, Ill wait! 

Ill wait for Mayuki as much as I need to.....

Persona?! what are they doing here~?

Please  update soon~

Mayu is cute even emotionless~
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

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Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2012, 08:24:26 AM »
 :welcome :welcome
 :heart: :heart: :heart: MARIMII :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
yes please expect to MAYUKI
please love MAYUKI
I hope it is
  :heart: :heart: :heart: ASUMINA, KOJIYUU, SAEYAKA, WMATSUI  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Your story is very exciting update hopefully pueas fast thank you very much
I've entertained a lot
updates updates

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2012, 09:39:23 AM »
nice update~
Mariko teasing Miichan,
So others appear because of the invite from Yuuhi,
Now that persona also appear,
this make more interested,

Looking forward for the Update.

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2012, 05:33:19 PM »
Lollita90-san: Yey! You seem to like MariMii a lot o/ about MaYuki... well lets see^^ and that "with cherry on top" thing gave me tons of perverted ideas*.*, unfortunatly I can't write about it here ^^''

yes! i really2 like marimii a lot, but it's hard to find people writing about them. so for that, i thank you very22222 much  :luvluv2: :luvluv2: :luvluv2:
and that "cherry on top" things, i know what u meant.. ahahah, if u can't write it here, there's always the perverted forum..  :hehehe:

It was Mariko's turn to flinch. Like Minami, she put her hands under the table. Unconsciously, their hand met intertwining fingers. At that moment, they forget about their differences and supported each other. The two girls shared a secret and for their own sake they have to do it.

i like it when they were supporting each other. well, at least they had one thing in common right? can't wait how they're gonna be later~ will there be good thing or not, i wonder.. :dunno: hoping for good tho


just right after i got happy with the introduction of the rest, u inserted persona?? u're so mean!  :fainted:  tho i think i know what u're going to do with the boys (maybe make someone jealous over someone), but u should at least give a chapter fun with the new girls first  :gyaaah:

but well, who am i to say anything, i'll just wait for the next one. hope u update soon, bbsis-san!
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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2012, 05:56:25 PM »
I like when Mariko is teasing Miichan  :on lol:
wow Persona  is here  :whistle:
Mo-chan-san: I know it's a stupid question, but why finally? >< Thanks for reading o/ Well be little patient with MaYuki o/ 

I said finally because it's hard to find people writing about them  :bingo:
I'll be patient wait for Mayuki like a good little girl  :wriggly:

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2012, 06:25:59 PM »
You did that again!! I'm out of my hiding place!! I don't know whether it's good or bad, let others decide that  XD

OMG, you made my dearest YUKO-SAMA appear, and that adds you to the list of 'authors whose works I bookmark'  :bow:

Thank you for this hilarious update!!!  :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii + mixed up pairings) Ch. 2
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2012, 06:57:03 PM »
Ah.. So it's going to be Mayuki?
Hahaha, nevermind... Thanks for updating! :D
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