Thank you for the comments... Here's the Chapter 2.. ENJOY READING~!!!!
Chapter 2: The Spatial Flame and Temporal Wind (Normal POV) The beam of the sun makes her slumber time over and opens her eyes. She looks at her surroundings then locking her eyes to the black sword bag leaning to her computer table. She remembers the all about inside that bag.
You must know that what you holding is a Zanpakuto in a sealed state. To release its true power, you must know the name of your own Zanpakuto.’
“So what my father said all about it was true.” She said.
She shoots out on her bed and prepares her things. After that, she eats her breakfast, still along with her annoying but cute sister. Then she runs fast to her school, still aware that her speed was not normal.
“5 seconds.”
“Ohayo Acchan!!” A raven-haired girl greets her.
“Ohayo Yukirin.” She replied. Then they saw the other two walking through them.
“Ohayo Acchan, Yukirin.” The two greets to them.
“Ohayo Rena, Kumi.” The two replied.
“So we still bring our newly sword eh.” Rena smiled.
“I’m curious about it. My father tells me about this sword but I thought it was just a fantasy in a story book.” Yukirin said.
“Sou desu ne~~” Kumi replied with her last very long accent.
“It’s true; my father shows me his own one. I was amazed by it.” Rena said.
“But according to the jii-chan, they only released its true power if we know of its name.” Acchan said.
“It’s not fair that Acchan has two swords while ours only one.” Yukirin pouted.
“Don’t be jealous, you know it’s my swordplay. But someday you will have also two swords just like me.” Acchan smiled.
“Yukirin no kawaii desu ne~~” Kumi said still in very long accent. They heard the school bell rings.
“Come on, the class has started.” Yukirin said. Then they walk to their respective seats, bringing their sword bag.
After a long boring two subjects, accordingly to them, they have a 35 minutes lunch break. They went to the cherry blossom tree that was standing beside of the building.
“Itadakimasu~!!!” And they brought out their lunch bento.
“Oishi~!!! I like my lunch now.” Yukirin smiled.
“Sou desu ne~~~.” Kumi said.
While their talking about their meals, Acchan faintly hears the whisper coming from her ears.
Acchan” After she heard that faint whisper, Acchan then look from elsewhere. Her friends were still busy of chat.
“Hey guys, did you hear something?” Acchan said.
“What is it?” Yukirin asked.
“I heard a faint whisper, like someone was calling to me.” She replied.
“Maybe your boyfriend was calling to you. You didn’t say anything ehh~~.” Kumi smirked.
“Funny. But it’s not a man’s voice, it’s a girl. And it’s not one but two.” Acchan narrowed her eyes.
“Maybe it’s your fans.” Rena said.
“I don’t have fans. But seriously that creep me a lot.”
“Maybe it’s a ghost.” Yukirin shivered.
“If that’s a ghost, we could kick him out. Remember, we can see and touch non-physical objects right?” Rena said.
“Maybe you’re hungry Acchan, come on let’s eat now.” Yukirin said.
Before they finished their lunch, an explosion suddenly blast on the other side of their school.
“Come on now, let me finish my lunch. Ah, my bento was empty.” Kumi said.
“No time for joke, Kumi. I sense a spiritual energy coming from the explosion.” Rena said
“You’re right. I sensed it too. It’s not a normal spiritual energy. It looks like —” Kumi said. They look at each other and widened their eyes.
“HOLLOWS, IN OUR SCHOOL?!?!” They shout simultaneously.
“Wait a minute, why in the world the hollows are here?” Yukirin half-shouted.
“At this rate, they will eat our teacher and classmates and —“ Kumi confused.
“Can you please keep your head calm down~! Worrying much won’t solve a problem.” Acchan said.
“Five hollows, Adjuchas-class.” Rena said.
“Adjuchas??? They’re higher than Gillian~!!” Yukirin said.
“Wait a minute. And it looks like another spiritual energy fighting these hollows.” Rena said.
“It’s a Shinigami, I know their spiritual energy compares to Quincies and Hollows. And base on its energy, it’s a girl.” Acchan said.
“Guys I think we should go there. Five Adjuchas-class Hollows versus a single Shinigami girl? That’s a suicide.” Yukirin said.
“You’re right, let’s go.” Rena said.
“Chotto matte, Rena you said that we run from the school gate to our classroom in just three seconds?” Kumi said.
“Yeah?” Rena said.
“Well basically that’s a type of short distance teleportation or known for it as flash-step. It’s a dash of how fast will you reach from point A to point B in split-second. Only with a spiritual energy can able to perform it. The flash-step of Shinigami called Shunpo (Instantaneous Step), On Hollows called Sonido (Sound) and Quincies called Hirenkyaku (Flying Screen Step).” Kumi explained.
"And how will you called on ours?” Yukirin said.
“Because we’re not Quincy and Hollows so it may be not called as Hirenkyaku or Sonido. We can’t be called it a Shunpo cause we’re not a pureblood Shinigami, we’re a Humans with Shinigami blood and power. Aside from that, Sonido has a booming sound, Hirenkyaku has a swirling sound and Shunpo has a screeching or silent sound, ours look like a slashing sound. So I think we can call it as Shukuchi (Reduced Earth).” Kumi smiled.
“Wow, that’s a very good name. So how could we use that Shukuchi?” Yukirin said.
“It’s easy; either you push your foot to the ground for dash or think that you need to be very fast.” Kumi advised.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Acchan said. They blurred for a while and suddenly they vanished. In just a split-second, they arrived at their destination, which is on the backyard.
“Wow, we’re really that fast eh...” Rena said.
“Look.” Acchan pointed. Not from their far side, a ponytail girl with black hakama and holding a sword was fighting five large Adjuchas-class Hollows.
“Damn it, these Hollows are not very easy, as expected from Adjuchas-class.” The girl said.
“Shinigami girl, surrender now peacefully and we will give you a painless death as we eat you.” The red one said.
“You wish, I will not be your lunch.” The girl put her middle finger on the face of Hollows.
“You stupid Shinigami, you should learn of your manners. I will gonna kill you now.” The green one dashed on the girl. The girl release her Zanpakuto.
“Bloom, Benizakura (Crimson Cherry Blossom)~!” The girl shouts, activating her Zanpakuto’s Shikai, then the blade of her sword turning into red color.
“So your Shikai turns the color of your sword into red. What will do on us, painting with red?” The blue one laughs.
“It’s not about that. In this form, I can turn spiritual powers into blood.” She smirks.
“Ryuuketsunami~! (Bloody wave)” The girl hurls a bloody-red waveslash to the five surprised Hollows. They avoid it but the last one’s caught the wave. It hits on the Hollows whole body including its mask, destroying the Hollow in process.
“Tsk, this girl is very dangerous. We should kill her now.” The red one said.
“Let me do it. I, Verde, shall kill this Shinigami.” Then the green one, suddenly vanished and appears behind the Shinigami girl.
“What?” Before she can react, the Hollow slaps his hand on her, sending the girl to the wall.
“Damn, I didn’t expect that.” Her eyes widened when she saw the green one charging a huge amount of spiritual energy from its mouth.”
“Shit, that Hollow’s firing a Cero to me. My injured foot isn’t moving now that I can’t able to use Shunpo away from that.” She only looks at that Hollow, that’s already fired.
“Goodbye, Onee-chan.” She closed her eyes. Then after a while, nothing happens which the Shinigami girl’s in confusion state. When she opens her eyes, she’s surprised of what she saw
Before the Cero coming from her, Acchan blocks the Cero with her two unnamed Zanpakuto which surprised the watching Hollows. Then beside her, Kumi prepares her horizontal stabbing stance.
“Hizakiri: Yari no Dokubari (Horizontal Stabbing: Spear Stinger)“ Kumi dashes forward, stabbing on Hollow’s leg, causing the Hollow to stop his Cero from firing as it drops from the pain.
“Daijobu desu ka, Shinigami-chan?” Rena said.
“I’m fine. Wait a minute, how did you saw me?” The girl asked.
“Well, we can’t explain it in a clearly manner.” Yukirin said.
“Really, all of the sudden, someone’s calling on me now.” Acchan said.
“Not now Acchan. What’s your name, Shinigami-chan?” Rena asked.
“Kizaki Yuria, 10th division lieutenant.” The girl introduced.
“You’re lieutenant? So that’s why your spiritual powers are that great.” Kumi said.
“How did you able to hurt the Hollow?” The girl said.
“We have this.” Yukirin shows to Yuria their swords.
“You have a Zanpakuto?” All of them noddded.
“But we don’t know the name of our Zanpakuto.” Kumi said.
“Souka.” Yuria said.
“Guys, I’m serious right now. Someone’s calling to me.” Acchan half-shouted to them.
“Then who’s calling on you?” Yukirin said.
“I don’t know~!!!” Acchan shouts.
“Maybe, it’s your Zanpakuto was calling on you.” Yuria said.
“My Zanpakuto? Was calling to me?” Acchan said.
“They’re calling on you because they want to reach you.” Yuria said.
“Wait if my deduction was right? Calling on you was equivalent to knowing its name right?” Yuria nods at Kumi’s deduction.
“Before you know the name, you must communicate with your Zanpakuto. And before you communicate them, you must go to their inner world.” Yuria said. On the same time, Rena went to the four remaining Hollows to give some their time.
“Go to their inner world? How we gonna do that?” Before Yuria could explain, the blue Hollow went through them.
“Kumi, protect Yuria” Yukirin said.
“Gotcha~!” Kumi said.
“How did you all get a Zanpakuto?” Yuria asked.
“Let’s just say we’re very special.” Kumi smiled at her, Making Yuria blushed.
The blue Hollow fires a Cero on Acchan, only she slashes the blast into two.
“You’re strong despite being a human, and you have a tremendous spiritual energy coming from your body.” The blue Hollow said.
“My body? You’re hentai.” Acchan in bored tone.
“Joke’s over my dear, I, Azul, will gonna eat you alive.” The blue Hollow dashes to Acchan very fast. Acchan feels the kick from her back as she crashes to the ground.
“Damn it, that Hollow bastard was so fast.” She said. Acchan then dodges an incoming Cero. Acchan fastly appears behind the blue Hollow. The she swing her sword very wide, that the Hollow feel it’s fain coming from his back.
Acchan” She heards it again the whisper.
“Tsk, this hollow was unexpectedly very difficult, more difficult than the hollow I’d been faced.” From her surprised, she caught a blast of Cero coming from her right side.
“Acchan~!!!” Yukirin and Rena shouted.
“Tsk, that Cero.” Acchan only barely stands, using her Zanpakuto as support.
“Any last words, human?” The blue Hollow charges the Cero from his mouth. Yukirin and Rena can’t able to help Acchan because of other Hollow’s distraction. Even Kumi cannot able to help her too because another Hollow was blocking on her. Then the blue Hollow fires his Cero at Acchan.
Acchan” Then the whole world suddenly stops, even the Cero stops. Acchan thinks why she’s the only one who moves. Then the whole place suddenly blacks out as her eyes closes.
Acchan opens her eyes as she looks at her surroundings.
“Where am I?” Acchan asks herself. She’s sitting on a hill fields full of flowers and a tree standing on the top of the hill. Below to the hill is a river.
“This is your inner world, Acchan.” Acchan turn around to find that voice. She saw two girls, one tall girl with red and white seifuku while the slightly short girl with blue and white seifuku.
“Wait a minute, that’s my third-year junior high school self and my sixth grading elementary self.”Acchan said.
“Acchan~!!” The short one runs on Acchan and hugs her while the tall one only walks.
“We’ve been calling you many times.” The short girl said.
“So you two are the one who calling on me.” Acchan said as she rubs the short girl’s hair.
“You two are my younger version, but that uniform? I don’t have one.”
“Oh this uniform? It only symbolizes your personality.” The tall one said.
“My personality?”
“I’m the repulsive one and this girl is the reckless one.” The taller girl smiled.
“I’m not reckless~!!” The short girl shouted.
“Well it seems that I’m in my inner world, so in short.” Acchan then looks at her two Zanpakuto spirits.
“Yes, you’re right. Of all the Zanpakuto’s, you Acchan, Yukirin, Rena and Kumi are very different from the others. And you’re the only one who has a Zanpakuto with different names.” The short girl explained.
“And knowing about you activates the constant-release Shikai form. Is that right?” Acchan said.
“You’re right. You’re Zanpakuto will not able to change back to its sealed state. Just like the rest of your friends when they know the name of theirs.” The taller girl said.
“Well, Acchan, it looks like you need to come back now.” The short girl said.
“You’re right. Thanks to you two.” Acchan hugs them which they replied it also with a hug.
“Now then, may I know of your names now?” Acchan smiled. The two smiled also to her.
“Our name is—“
Going back to the real world, Acchan open her eyes, looking at her surroundings as the world was slowly turning back to normal. Then she crossed her two swords as she releases her spiritual energy. Before the Cero’s coming on her.
“Masamune~!! Kusanagi~!!” She slashes her two swords, dividing the Cero into four.
“What?!?!?! The blue Hollow shout as his Cero was erased by Acchan’s slashes.
Rena, Yuki, Kumi and Yuria surprised as they saw that moment. Then they look at Acchan that makes them surprised.
Acchan’s Zanpakuto was finally activated their Shikai. The scarlet red one was covered by flames and the navy blue one was covered by wind. After that they disappears leaving only two standard katana.
“So Acchan’s zanpakuto was finally released.” Rena said.
“But why did I hear two names?” Yukirin asked.
“Now it’s time to finish this.” Acchan dashes to the blue Hollow. In just one swift swing, the Hollow divides into four. The other hollow saw that and starting to regroup.
"NOOO~!!!!!" The blue Hollow shouts as he disappeared.
“Tsk, it’s not over yet.” They disappeared as soon they finished that sentence.
“Wew that was a close one.” Kumi said. Then the three went to Kumi and Yuria.
“Acchan, you’re hurt.”Rena and Yukirin went to Acchan.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” Acchan said.
“So what’s the name of your Zanpakuto?” Kumi asked.
“The red one is Masamune, the blue one is Kusanagi.”
“You mean your Zanpakuto has different names?” Yukirin gasped. Acchan nodded to Yukirin.
“Accordingly, my Zanpakuto cannot able to turn back to its sealed state. So this form was still in Shikai form.” Acchan sheaths her swords to the scabbard.
“Let’s go back now; I think we created a commotion in here.” Kumi said. And they’re disappeared instantly.
To be Continued
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