@jhom_09: the pairs are still a surprise...

@junchan48: there's the characters below...

@chrunoi: which one?
thanks for reading Yuri Diary! I'm glad you liked it... @ChibiRine: tehehe.. thanks senpai... here are the characters~

@phoenix0i: here's the update... i know you'll be happy with this one~

@taenylove: we'll see who's who...

@Ruka Kikuchi: i'll surely continue this one, Ruka-senpai~

@sakura_drop_: tehehe... the pairs are still a surprise... i'm still undecided about it though...

@luvsidney: the headmaster is...

a secret for now.
@Kirozoro: pairs are still...


@nguyen23: here's the update you're waiting for...

here's a short update, minna-sama...
sorry if it's quite...

i'm quite busy with school matters...

but i'll post the chapter one in the coming days...
meanwhile... these are the characters...

Cast of Characters
“Ohayo… Excuse me, are you Shimazaki-san?” A short yet lovely girl asked me. Who is she? This is the first time I’ve seen her here…
I nodded at her. Then she showed me a cat-like smile, which is so cute.
“Shimazaki Haruka-chan, my name is Itano Tomomi. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu…” She bowed before me.
I did the same. “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, Itano-san. B—but why are you looking for me?”
“Ah! I almost forgot! The headmaster asked me to make a dress for you – a gift, since you’ve been here for six months already…”
“…” I looked at her with a blank expression.
“Will you let me inside your room? I need to get your sizes.”
I just showed off a slight nod as I held the door open.
“Unnn…” I slowly opened my eyes as I’ve been awakened by a couple of knocks on my door.
“Watanabe-san…” A voice called from outside my room. I know whose voice it is – the cute headmaid’s.
“H—hai?” I answered softly, not even moving out of the bed.
“Breakfast is ready at the dining room already…”
“I’ll be coming… I will just get myself dressed…” I said as I tucked myself again under the blankets. Good thing she can’t see me. Then, my ears caught a faint sound of footsteps. It slowly faded away after a few seconds…
She fell to my lie too easily.
I let out a sigh as I pushed away the blankets covering me. Stepping out of my soft bed, I slowly stretched my arms and legs.
It surely is time to wake up…
I did my usual morning routine. After dressing myself up with my normal clothing, I slipped out of my room—
“Mayu-chan~! Mayu-chan~!! OHAYOOO~”
My cousin startled me.
“Hello there, cousin…” I said to her and managed to show a smile.
“Let’s get going! Mou… I don’t want to eat cold breakfast~!” She said as she clung onto my arm to pull me towards the dining area.
“Glad you’re already awake…” I heard a familiar voice not far away from me.
It didn’t somewhat surprise me seeing myself in this white-walled room. After a few seconds of regaining back my senses, I soon felt a sharp pain on my left arm.
I looked at the spot where I feel the pain… and found it covered in a white bandage.
“I think it was quite too early to have a bandage wrapped around your arm, Matsui-san… Ohayo.”
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Dr. Ohori…”
“It was a deeper wound this time, huh?” She let out a sigh as she shifted her legs on her seat. “Why on Earth—”
Her words were cut off when the door swung open and another girl entered the clinic. It was the nurse herself.
“Doctor Ohori… let’s go grab something to eat… You haven’t eaten yet.” She then noticed me sitting up on the bed. “Ohayo, Matsui-san… I think you should go and have some breakfast, too. Can you move your arm?”
I tried moving my wounded arm. I winced in pain but inside my heart, I knew I was really happy… “I think I can…” I said as I try to hide a smile forming in my lips.
“Mayu-chan~! Mayu-chan~!!”
I showed off my best smile to greet my super cute cousin. But she greeted me bluntly with a “Hello there, cousin…” But something shocked me… Did she just – smile? Whoa! Then, that’s great!
“Let’s get going! Mou… I don’t want to eat cold breakfast~!”
I snaked my arm around hers and started pulling her towards the dining room. The sleeping quarters was a bit far away from the dining area since the mansion was really a huge one.
Mayu was not really in the mood to walk faster. She was always like this… while I keep on teasing her and smiling at her so that we can finally find some closeness between the two of us.
“Come on, Mayuyu~ Try being a little bit more energetic!” I walked an inch away from her and I was now walking backwards when suddenly—
I bumped into something… Was that a wall?
I looked around and saw an angry face so near to mine. “Ooooops…” It was the yankee, and I think she’s not really in a good mood today. I’m dead!
“I—I’m sorry…” I showed off a really really cute smile, hoping that it will erase the girl’s anger.
I slowly opened my eyes as the sunlight seemed to be too dazzling to my closed eyes. I slowly walked out of my bed and went to the table where a huge mirror was placed.
“Ohayo, Kashiwagi Yuki—Gyaahhh!”
Uh-oh! Tell me this isn’t happening! Tell me this isn’t real! E—eye bags! H—how come I got these? Then I remembered that I was crying the whole night before… Still in the agony of being thrown in this house – or school… or whatever place the Rosehouse is.
I—I need to conceal this! It’s too ugly!!!
I quickly went to the bathroom and get myself ready for breakfast. After those daily routines, I get back in front of the mirror again and opened up the box placed at the table. I rummaged through its content and found a concealer, the answer to my problem. I wiped up an amount of the make-up enough to cover my swollen eye bags.
“And now… it’s looks a bit normal. I don’t think no one will notice because no one really pays attention to anyone here…” I mumbled to myself.
A sigh left my lips. I stood up and headed towards the door. Breakfast will be served soon. I know.
I was about to open the door of my room. It was almost time for breakfast. The girls here usually eat with everyone… Yes, also with the headmaster.
I turned the knob and swung the door open, enough to let me slip out of the room—Ouch!
My face soon was angered when a girl bumped into me and almost stumbled. She slowly turned her head to look at me. “Ooooops…”
Seems like she figured out that I’m not in the good mood today…
“I—I’m sorry…” Then, she smiled at me! Seriously?! I—Is she… teasing me?! Why on Earth is she smiling like that?!
The first second I saw her smile, I felt a sense of creepiness creeping up my spines. But then after a few more seconds that she stayed that way… I—I felt something weird inside my chest… and my cheeks felt really hot…
“What do you think are you doing?!” I said as I eyed her dangerously. Just to let the weird feeling in my chest go away.
I have been here for a week already but… it’s the first time that I managed to observe this girl’s face carefully… I don’t even remember her name. Was it… Misaki? Or Minori? Or maybe… Mitsui? I don’t know!
“E—eto… Miyuki says sorry to you, Yamamoto-san…” She said with an apologetic tone as she looked down to the ground.
Oh yes, that’s it! Miyuki! So, that’s her name…
“Tch!” I said as I turned the other way around and started walking to the dining room…
i hope you liked it...
thanks for reading!
comments and complaints are very much welcome...