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Author Topic: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Chapter 2: La Pluie (12.06.2016)  (Read 13645 times)

Offline ametakarano

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[NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Chapter 2: La Pluie (12.06.2016)
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:37:19 AM »
Maria-sama ga Miteru
(NMB48 version)


The maidens who assemble in Virgin Mary’s garden today, too, pass through the tall gate with angelic smiles on their faces. Their pure bodies and minds were wrapped in dark-colored school uniforms. The pleats on their skirts and their white sailor collar should always be tidy. Walking slowly is preferred here. The Lillian Girls’ School is a garden for maidens.


The sound of the alarm clock echoed through the walls of my room. Without opening my eyes, I reached for it and pressed the snooze button.


Oh, five minutes have passed already? That sure was fast.

I opened my eyes and threw a glance at the alarm clock.


I—it wasn’t only five minutes that passed when I snoozed the alarm!

It was rather thirty minutes that passed!

In this case, I’m going to be late for school already!!

I quickly sprang out of my bed… and quicker this time, I prepared myself for school.

I came to school at exactly ten minutes before the school bell rings. Leaves fall off from the ginkgo trees planted around the vicinity. Even the morning breeze had that ginkgo-like scent.

It was a tradition of the students here at Lillian to offer a prayer to Maria-sama’s statue every day. It was done twice a day – when we arrive at school and before we depart when the school day ends.

I clapped my hands and closed my eyes. I uttered a silent prayer to  Maria-sama…

After doing so, I was prepared to leave but… I saw someone standing next to me, praying.

A second year student, meaning, she is my senpai. Her shoulder-length hair was styled elegantly, as usual. This lady near me always carries that aura that brings tranquil warmth in my heart, and to other students’ heart, too. Yes, indeed, a popular girl at school. She is Rosa Chinensis en bouton, Yagura Fuuko-sama.

I almost forgot that I was staring at her with a slacked jaw. When she was done praying, she looked at me…

“G—gokigenyou, F—Fuuko-sama…” I stuttered.

She quickly walked towards me, and I was shocked when she gently grabbed my scarf and fixed it.

“You should learn how to tie your scarf appropriately.” Those were the words she said.

And after that, she passed by me – leaving me alone…

I wonder… Why Maria-sama’s eyes are… sapphire…?

I thought this was a normal day for me… but because of Yagura Fuuko-sama… it isn’t.

This is Lillian Girls’ School… and my name is Shiroma Miru.


Feel free to tell me your reactions. I appreciate comments, as well as criticisms.  :kneelbow: :hee:

If you have watched the anime/yuri series Maria-sama ga Miteru, you'll get the setting and some parts of the storyline easy.  :thumbsup

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Prologue (14.09.2015)
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2015, 02:44:31 PM »
ANOTHER FUUMIRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, YAY!!!  :inlove: :wub: :wub: :inlove: :wub: :wub: :inlove: :wub: :inlove: :inlove: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :love: :love: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Waiting for the next update, Ame-neechan.  :twothumbs


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline junchan48

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Re: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Prologue (14.09.2015)
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2015, 02:19:30 AM »
You should update it soon, author-san!
Update soooooooooooon><

I'll wait for it, kay?^v^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline noel nguyen

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Re: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Prologue (14.09.2015)
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2015, 04:13:37 AM »
OMG! OMG! FuuMiru......kyaaaa I can wait  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

I like "Maria-sama g Miteru" and I'm fan this anime  :D

Hope you upadate soon  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline lezperv

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Re: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Prologue (14.09.2015)
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2015, 04:52:40 AM »
I didn't read this, but I just wanted to let you know that I have the same idea and will be making an AtsuMina version one day. You just happened to wrote it and used it first. Sore kara Gokigenyou.
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

Offline sidny48

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Re: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Prologue (14.09.2015)
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2015, 09:39:58 AM »
it's FuuMiru! yaaayy!
and it's maria-sama ga miteru! i love the anime
can't wait for the update, please update it soon author-san~ :kneelbow:

Offline hackata48

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Re: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Prologue (14.09.2015)
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2015, 04:32:06 PM »
I 'Ave Maria' to this! Keep up the great work!

Offline ametakarano

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@ChibiRine: Thank you, imouto~ FuuMiru needs more exposure!  :thumbsup :luvluv2:

@junchan48: hello, Junchan! at last i finally updated this. sorry for the wait~  :kneelbow: :shy2:

@noel nguyen: Me too.. I really love MariMite!  :luvluv1:

@lezperv: Thanks for informing me, lezperv-san. I would want to read your AtsuMina version.   :on bleed: Gokigenyou.  :on drink:

@sidny48: sorry for the long wait. i hope you like this update~  :on GJ: :kneelbow:

@hackata48: Ave Maria! Thank you very much!  :shy1: :luvluv1:

sorry for the long wait.

finally, here's an update.  :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda:

Chapter 01
Jaune, Blanc, et Rouge

(Miru’s POV)

“Gokigenyou, Miru-chan…” A voice called from behind. I turned around and was a bit shocked to see Rosa Foetida en bouton standing in front of me.

“Gokigenyou, Rosa Foetida en bouton.”

Rosa Foetida en bouton is a second year student of Pine Class. Her name is Yamamoto Sayaka-sama.

“May I speak with you for a moment—”

“GOKIGENYOU! MIRU-CHAN!” I know who the owner of that voice is. My classmate, Watanabe Miyuki…

Miyuki ran towards us with a brimming smile on her face. “Oh, Rosa Foetida en bouton… Gokigen—”

She was cut off from speaking when Sayaka-sama spoke up with a raised voice.

“As I was saying… I wish to speak with you, Shiroma-san.”

“Oh, sure…”

Sayaka-sama and I left Miyuki alone and we are heading to the Rose Mansion. While we are walking, I asked her a question.

“Sayaka-sama, what is it that you want to talk about?”

“Well…” She stopped in her tracks. “You still don’t have an onee-sama, right?”

I nodded as an affirmation.

“I was planning on… taking you as my… petite soeur.”


“You heard it right. Will you accept my rosary…?” Sayaka-sama revealed her rosary and stared at me. I was still awestricken by her revelation but I’m glad I managed to speak up.

“R—Rosa Foetida en bouton… I—I think I need more time to decide upon that…”

I looked down because I’m afraid to look straight at Sayaka’s eyes. Suddenly, I felt a soft pat on my head.

“Sayaka-sama…” I looked up, seeing Sayaka-sama’s face with a sincere smile.

“Don’t worry, it’s alright… But if you have some free time, would you accept my invitation and visit the Rose Mansion some time?”

“It’s my pleasure to be of any help to the Yamayurikai…” I said.

“Well… I guess you’re at my responsibility. It’s my fault if you arrive late for your class…” Sayaka-sama held my wrist and dragged me as she walked. “Come on…”

Sayaka-sama is Rosa Foetida’s petite soeur… I wonder… Am I fit to be part of the Yellow Rose family?

This thought traversed my mind as we walked through the empty hallways until we finally arrived at my classroom. I was lucky enough because our teacher wasn’t inside yet. Sayaka-sama said goodbye and I entered the room with all eyes on me.

There were murmurs everywhere. But I just walked straight to my seat, which was just behind Miyuki’s.

Miyuki glanced at me. “Is it true…? Yamamoto-sama asked you to be her petite soeur?”

“How did you know?”

“So… it was true…” Miyuki looked gloomy all of a sudden.

I leaned over her and whispered something to her. “Part of it was true… but I—I… rejected Sayaka-sama…”



“That was what I call real expression of surprise!” Another classmate went over while clicking her camera continuously.

“Shuu-chan! You’re a meanie! Don’t take stolen shots of me!”

“But Miyuki is so loved by my camera!” Shuu said while stroking her beloved camera. “Anyways, it was me who saw Miru-chan with Rosa Foetida! Here!”

Shuu handed me a photo. It was taken just a while ago. Just how did she manage to get this?

She went closer and said words in a pale whisper. “But you look more fitted to be with Rosa Chinensis en bouton…”

Shuu showed me another photo.


I can hear my heart thump loud once I set my eyes on that single photo. It was lovely, indeed! It was a photo of the morning Yagura-sama fixed my scarf…

“Can I have that copy, Shuuchan?”

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Shuu smirked. “I’ll give it to you… but for one favor…”

“What is it?”

“Shibuya-sama advised me to go ask Yagura-sama if she’ll allow us to show this certain photo in a photo exposition. Will you help us…?” She said with matching puppy eyes trick.

Does that mean that I’ll be going to the Rose Mansion and try to talk to Fuuko-sama?

Just thinking about it caused me to blush…

“O—okay… I’ll do my best, Shuu.”

“Great! I’ll print another copy… Maybe Yagura-sama wants a copy, too…”

“I’ll head to the Rose Mansion after class… You want to come with me, Miyuki?” I glanced at Miyuki as her eyes shone with excitement.

“Count me in!” Miyuki cheerfully said.

The day passed by unusually slowly…

After class, we cleaned the classroom and right now, we’re heading to the Rose Mansion…

I can feel my heart thump faster and faster and we made our way closer and closer to the building.

Once we stepped in front of the door of the Rose Mansion, my heart almost exploded. Miyuki held my hand as she opened the door.

“Your hand’s cold…” Miyuki commented.

It is very clean inside… There is no one on the ground floor so we headed upstairs to the room where the Rose Families gather.

I was about to knock on the door when someone opened it from the inside.


It was Umeda Ayaka-sama, also known as Rosa Gigantea.


“Gokigenyou, Rosa Gigantea… I—I was looking for—”

“Rose Foetida en bouton?”

“N—No… I’m looking for Rosa Chinensis en bouton…”

Ayaka-sama’s surprised expression was clearly shown on her face. “Ah, Fuuko is not around… but I think she’ll arrive soon… For the meantime, come in and have some tea.”

“Thank you very much, Umeda-sama…”

Miyuki and I entered the room.

“Who’s the lovely girl with you, Shiroma-san?”

“I’m Watanabe Miyuki.” Miyuki said.

“Pleased to meet you, Watanabe-san.”

Umeda-sama prepared the tea as the two of us remained sitting still on our seats. Quiet, it really was, except for the sound of poured tea into the porcelain cups.

She handed each of us a cup of tea, its aroma swirling around the room.

“Mmmm… It’s delicious!” Miyuki commented.

“I’m glad it suited your taste, Miyuki-chan…”

As we sipped the tea and engaged ourselves in a casual conversation, the door swung open. Yamamoto-sama and Yagura-sama have arrived. The usual greetings are exchanged.

“I’m glad Shiroma-san visited us!” Sayaka-sama said with much cheerfulness.

Ayaka-sama poured in two more cups for them.

“So, what brought you here, Shiroma-san?” Yagura-sama asked me. I feel my knees shaking when I felt her eyes staring on me.

“I—I just want to ask your permission, Yagura-sama. The newspaper club wants to show this in a photo exposition…” I showed her our photo.

“When is this taken?” She asked with scrunched eyebrows.

Does that mean… she doesn’t remember?

“Yesterday morning…”

“Oh… I don’t seem to remember. Forgive me, Shiroma-san…”

“Ah, that’s okay… So, will you grant permission to the newspaper club?”

“Well, it will be fine.” She handed me back the photo and her gaze landed on me again.

I can’t take it when she looks at me. My heart thumps wildly.

“But… I want to have a copy of the photo.”

“Eh?” It surprised me actually but something warm arose inside my chest. My hand arbitrarily handed her back the photo. “You can have it, Fuuko-sama…”

“Thank you…” She said. And for the first time, I’ve seen her smile.

The three other people in the room remained silently watching us converse. Yagura-sama and I noticed their silence and we both fell in silence, too.

“By the way, I’ve heard that Sayaka-chan wants to take Shiroma-san as her petite soeur…” – Umeda-sama

“That’s true. Miru is fitted to be my soeur…” – Sayaka-sama

“But, she hasn’t accepted it yet?” – Yagura-sama

Sayaka-sama shook her head then looked at me.

“Why not, Shiroma-san?” – Umeda-sama

“I—I still need more time to think…”

“How about you, Watanabe-san?” – Umeda-sama

“I don’t have an onee-sama yet…” – Miyuki

“Oh, interesting…” Umeda-sama commented with a smirk.

Once our cups were emptied, Fuuko-sama glanced at her watch. “It’s getting late already… I believe I’ve already settled your request, Shiroma-san. Maybe, we should go home now…”

All of us agreed and we left the mansion together.

We parted on our ways. Umeda-sama, Sayaka-sama and Miyuki went to the same bus station. Meanwhile, I’ll take the other way to a separate one. Yagura-sama was fetched by a black limousine.

I strolled slowly, the basking afternoon sunrays were almost blinding to the eyes. I cannot erase in my mind the image of Yagura-sama’s smile.

And then I remembered Shuu’s remark, “But you look more fitted to be with Rosa Chinensis en bouton…”

But what about Sayaka-sama? How can I reject her? Will I have the courage to reject her?

Then, I noticed a familiar vehicle driving at a distance. It stopped at almost behind me.


That voice…


I looked at the owner of that voice.


“Come on… It will get dark soon. We’ll take you home…”

The driver of the limousine opened the door for me. I stepped inside and sat beside Yagura-sama, with cold hands.


thanks for reading!  :hee:

till next time~  :byebye:

Offline ChibiRine

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OMG! OMG! OMG! Yagura-sama is soooooo nice. :mon inluv:

What about Yamamoto-sama?!? :depressed:

She should choose Watanabe-san! :glasses:

But Umeda-sama is interested at Watanabe-san! :frustrated:

Keep up the good work, Shiroma-san and Yagura-sama. :ding:

You too, Amenee. I will wait for your update! :mon bye:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

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ASDFGHJKL. Update soon! Sayanee is so cool on Rei's role!! :)

Offline sidny48

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miyuki don't have an onee-sama yet!
sooo... i hope sayanee make miyuki her imouto  XD
and fuu should take miru as her imouto soon 
please update it soon, author-san :bow:

Offline ametakarano

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[NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Chapter 2: La Pluie (12.06.2016)
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2016, 04:52:26 AM »
Neeeee~~ Minna-sama~

First things first, let me say sorry for not updating this for moooooonths.  :kneelbow:

But yeah, I don't like leaving unfinished fics. Haha. XD

So here's an update!!  :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda:

Hope there's still somebody reading this.  :nervous

Chapter 2: La Pluie

(Third Person’s POV)

The light blue sky adorned with white fluffy clouds was enough to brighten up Miru’s mood as she travelled the usual path to her school. She let out a sigh as she remembered losing her lucky handkerchief yesterday.

“Where did I lose that? I can’t remember…” Miru murmured as she tried to recall about the series of things that she did yesterday.

But upon doing so… Yagura Fuuko never fails to appear on her thoughts. Her cheeks blushed in an instant and she pinched her arm to erase the rush of emotions that came through her.

She continued walking and managed to reach the bus station. She rode the half-filled bus and spent a few more time until she finally saw the main gate of the school where there is someone waiting for her…

“Miru…” The lady called out to her.

“Sayaka-sama… Gokigenyou!” She greeted to the older lady while flashing a smile. The latter also smiled and greeted her back.

“Whom are you waiting for?” Asked Miru.

“You.” Sayaka answered straight-forwardly.

“Eh?” The young girl looked at her with scrunched brows but the older didn’t say something more.

Ginkgo leaves were scattered on the path they are walking. When they reached Maria-sama’s statue, both of them closed their eyes and uttered a short prayer.

“Miru, about the ‘soeur’ thing…” Sayaka said with a serious gaze at Miru. “I’ll patiently wait for your answer… but right now… can I ask you a favor?”

“What is it, Sayaka-sama?” Inquired Miru.

“You know… The current Yamayurikai is lacking members. Actually, we’re only five right now. Three third-years and two second-years. That leaves me, Fuuko-sama and Ayaka-sama without soeurs. The school festival is near that’s why I want to ask you if…”

Honestly speaking, Miru was silently praying that the Rosa Foetida doesn’t ask her answer immediately… She cleared her throat as she waited for what Sayaka was about to say.

“I was wondering if… you would want to help the student council? And to visit the mansion more often?”

A breath of relief for Miru after hearing nothing about the soeur thing. “I would love to help you…”

“Really? Thank you!” Out of excitement, she tightly held Miru’s hands while smiling brightly at her.

Her smile amazed Miru instantly. The way her eyes shine when she smiles… Then Miru remembers what happened yesterday…


“Come on… It will get dark soon. We’ll take you home…” Said Fuuko. The driver went out of the car and opened the door for Miru. As soon as her foot landed inside the vehicle, she felt the fast rhythm of her heart. Settling herself behind her senior, she felt that her hands had started to shake. As well as her knees…

It was unusual, what she was feeling… It was as if she was almost freezing in front of Fuuko. On the other hand, Fuuko was acting as her usual self, quiet, fine and reserved.

“By the way, where do you live?” Fuuko’s question stopped Miru from daydreaming. She was a bit flustered but managed to answer clearly and after that, silence enveloped the atmosphere again.

She wanted to ask why Fuuko still doesn’t have a little sister but she felt too shy about doing such thing. They just sat still beside each other until the car suddenly pulled into its brakes.

The sudden stop of the car startled them both and Miru accidentally dropped her things. Fuuko helped her gather them as well as saying apologies about the car. The older girl handed her some of her things as well as flashing a smile. Miru can’t concentrate, she can feel Fuuko’s hands over hers and her heart was pounding.

"Thank you, Yagura-sama. That was so clumsy of me." Said Miru politely.

"Not really..."



"I was just wondering... Why don't you have a petite souer yet?" Finally, Miru gathered all her courage, and curiosity to ask.

"To be honest, I've been rooting for someone to be my souer. But I was rejected." A bitter smile flashed on her face. Miru got more curious. How can someone reject a wonderful girl like Yagura Fuuko? She was thinking who the girl might be but decided not to ask anymore.

"But... Why?" Murmured Miru. "It's hard to think that someone like Rosa Chinensis en bouton can be rejected."

"Maybe that's the reason why I would like the girl to be my souer... She knows what she wants and she knows clearly that she doesn't want me to be her oneesama."

Miru listened intently, becoming more and more intrigued of who the girl might be.

"How about you? Why haven't you accepted Sayaka-chan yet?" Asked Fuuko.

Silence wrapped the two of them and suddenly Miru found herself not able to answer that very simple question. There's a very simple answer to that question yet she can't tell it to Fuuko.

"She's a really nice girl and will be a great oneesama for you." Said Fuuko with a serene smile. All Miru could do is to smile back. Deep inside her mind lies the truth that she kinda wanted Yagura Fuuko to be her oneesama. "Anyways, there's still time for you to get to know her yourself."

The ride continued until they reached Miru's residence. "Would you like to drop over and have some tea?"

"I want to but someone is expecting me at the house tonight... Maybe some other time will do. Sorry." She politely declined the girl's kind offer.

"Oh, it's fine. Thank you very much for the ride."


"Miru-chan?" Sayaka's voice brought her mind back to reality.


"I said, we must get to our classrooms now. Or else you want to be late?" Said Rosa Foetida en bouton with a smile.

"Yes.." As they were walking, little droplets of rain fell from up the sky. "Let's hurry!!"

The two ran along the path until they reach a roofed building. Too lucky that they weren't too drench from the drizzle. "Gee, early rain shower will make my skin feel sticky." Said Sayaka as she wiped her skin with her handkerchief. It was then that Miru realized that she forgot to bring one and that her lucky handkerchief was lost yesterday.

"Let's get going Sayaka-sama.. Classes will start soon."

"Don't run along the hallways!" She said with a smile as we parted ways.

Classes ended in a flash. Or maybe it ended fast since I was daydreaming too much. The rain has started to fall heavily. I was left for the room for the clean-up, together with Miyuki and one of my classmates, Ijiri Anna.

Miyuki left first since she need to go to her part-time job. Anna and I was left inside the room. She was usually quiet and we weren't too close with each other that it was quite hard to start a conversation with her.

"Anna-chan, do you have an Oneesama yet?"

"No.." She said. "You accepted Rosa Foetida en bouton already?"

I shook my head as I dumped the cleaning materials inside the cabinet.


"I don't know..."

"Or maybe, you want someone else to be your oneesama?" Her question caught me in surprise.

"Well... I'm still getting to know Sayaka-sama." I answered defensively as I get my bag.

"Ah. Well then... good luck to you." She smiled and got her bag too. "Let's go? Mind if I walk with you?"

"It's fine. We're classmates, remember?" I smiled back and we locked the room before leaving. We were walking through the hallways and Anna has really light footsteps. We weren't talking though.

I prepared my umbrella as we head closer to leaving the building. But as we got near, I saw a familiar figure leaning by the door.

"G--Gokigenyou, Fuuko-sama!" I said, flustered by the sight of the lady I secretly admire.

"Gokigenyou, Rosa Chinensis en bouton." Said Ijiri as she slightly tilted her head.

Fuuko-sama's face brightened when the two of us came in sight. "Gokigenyou..."

"Why are you still here, Fuuko-sama?" I asked.

"Well..." She rummaged through her pocket and pulled off a white cloth. "You left this in the car yesterday."

My handkerchief! "Oh, thank you so much, Fuuko-sama!" I exclaimed and obtained the cloth from her.

"By the way, can I talk to you, Ijiri-san? It won't take too long." Said Fuuko.

She nodded in reply to the latter's question then she glanced at me. "Do you want to go home already? Or... will you wait for me?"

I didn't expect the question, honestly. I don't know what to answer. "I'll wait for you, Anna-chan."

"Thank you." She mouthed before the two of them went somewhere else to talk privately.

And now, I am alone. Somehow, their conversation right now intrigues me. What are they talking about? And was it that confidential? I know I was seeking for answers I wouldn't get yet it didn't stop me from thinking.

It took them five minutes before they got back. Goodness, I was getting too tired off staring at my wrist watch.

"Let's walk together." Said Rosa Chinensis en bouton. We readied our umbrella and walked under the pouring rain. It was too quiet that only the faint sound of the rain drops was heard.

Before the gate, Fuuko-sama's limousine was already waiting. She offered to take the two of us home and we agreed. We sat behind each other on the soft seat. I felt the slight awkwardness between the three of us and I was having a hard time improvising phrases to somehow start a conversation. But I ended up not having said any.

I got off of the car and thanked Rosa Chinensis en bouton once again for finding and returning my handkerchief. Clenching gently the cloth inside my fist, I smiled before looking back only to gaze at the limousine driving far from the distance. It went on farther farther and the thing kept on getting smalled and smaller until I cannot see it anymore.

"Arigatou, Fuuko-sama." I murmured before I brought the thing up to my cheek and smiled.

(Third Person's POV)

Meanwhile... A few moments ago.

"Ijiri-san..." Fuuko's voice weren't loud but it was ringing loud and clear on Anna's ears. It seems that even the sound of the rain faded out after she spoke.

"Fuuko-sama... I--"

She smiled -- Fuuko. And held the rosary up in the air.

"Don't worry... It's nothing about this actually."

"Eh?" Asked Anna, but she sighed a breath of relief. "What is it, then?"

"Please... Help the Yamayurikai for this year's annual play. We are currently outnumbered and I don't even want to ask help from the Hanadera Academy this time... That's why..."

"You're gathering all people who can help you?" Continued Anna. "If that's the case then I would be of any help that I can give you."

"As expected from you." Fuuko smiled and walked closer to Anna. The younger girl backed away a bit.

"I would do this in the name of Maria-sama." She said coldly.

"As you said so. Then, let's head back?" Anna nodded into Fuuko's suggestion and they walked back to where Miru is.


Jaa.. Thanks for reading!

I'll be updating all my fics soon!!  :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda: :wigglypanda:

Offline xxxblackblueredxxx

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Re: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Prologue (14.09.2015)
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2016, 05:17:04 AM »
I didn't read this, but I just wanted to let you know that I have the same idea and will be making an AtsuMina version one day. You just happened to wrote it and used it first. Sore kara Gokigenyou.

When are you going to write the atsumina ver?????

Offline GinkoX

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Re: [NMB48] Maria-sama ga Miteru - Chapter 2: La Pluie (12.06.2016)
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2016, 12:14:03 PM »

I'm too excited for the Yamayurikai parts huhuuuu
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 04:17:49 AM by GinkoX »

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