@ChibiRine: Thank you, imouto~ FuuMiru needs more exposure!
@junchan48: hello, Junchan! at last i finally updated this. sorry for the wait~
@noel nguyen: Me too.. I really love MariMite!
@lezperv: Thanks for informing me, lezperv-san. I would want to read your AtsuMina version.

@sidny48: sorry for the long wait. i hope you like this update~
@hackata48: Ave Maria! Thank you very much!

sorry for the long wait.
finally, here's an update.

Chapter 01
Jaune, Blanc, et Rouge
(Miru’s POV)“Gokigenyou, Miru-chan…” A voice called from behind. I turned around and was a bit shocked to see Rosa Foetida en bouton standing in front of me.
“Gokigenyou, Rosa Foetida en bouton.”
Rosa Foetida en bouton is a second year student of Pine Class. Her name is Yamamoto Sayaka-sama.
“May I speak with you for a moment—”
“GOKIGENYOU! MIRU-CHAN!” I know who the owner of that voice is. My classmate, Watanabe Miyuki…
Miyuki ran towards us with a brimming smile on her face. “Oh, Rosa Foetida en bouton… Gokigen—”
She was cut off from speaking when Sayaka-sama spoke up with a raised voice.
“As I was saying… I wish to speak with you, Shiroma-san.”
“Oh, sure…”
Sayaka-sama and I left Miyuki alone and we are heading to the Rose Mansion. While we are walking, I asked her a question.
“Sayaka-sama, what is it that you want to talk about?”
“Well…” She stopped in her tracks. “You still don’t have an onee-sama, right?”
I nodded as an affirmation.
“I was planning on… taking you as my… petite soeur.”
“You heard it right. Will you accept my rosary…?” Sayaka-sama revealed her rosary and stared at me. I was still awestricken by her revelation but I’m glad I managed to speak up.
“R—Rosa Foetida en bouton… I—I think I need more time to decide upon that…”
I looked down because I’m afraid to look straight at Sayaka’s eyes. Suddenly, I felt a soft pat on my head.
“Sayaka-sama…” I looked up, seeing Sayaka-sama’s face with a sincere smile.
“Don’t worry, it’s alright… But if you have some free time, would you accept my invitation and visit the Rose Mansion some time?”
“It’s my pleasure to be of any help to the Yamayurikai…” I said.
“Well… I guess you’re at my responsibility. It’s my fault if you arrive late for your class…” Sayaka-sama held my wrist and dragged me as she walked. “Come on…”
Sayaka-sama is Rosa Foetida’s petite soeur… I wonder… Am I fit to be part of the Yellow Rose family?
This thought traversed my mind as we walked through the empty hallways until we finally arrived at my classroom. I was lucky enough because our teacher wasn’t inside yet. Sayaka-sama said goodbye and I entered the room with all eyes on me.
There were murmurs everywhere. But I just walked straight to my seat, which was just behind Miyuki’s.
Miyuki glanced at me. “Is it true…? Yamamoto-sama asked you to be her petite soeur?”
“How did you know?”
“So… it was true…” Miyuki looked gloomy all of a sudden.
I leaned over her and whispered something to her. “Part of it was true… but I—I… rejected Sayaka-sama…”
CLICK!“That was what I call real expression of surprise!” Another classmate went over while clicking her camera continuously.
“Shuu-chan! You’re a meanie! Don’t take stolen shots of me!”
“But Miyuki is so loved by my camera!” Shuu said while stroking her beloved camera. “Anyways, it was me who saw Miru-chan with Rosa Foetida! Here!”
Shuu handed me a photo. It was taken just a while ago. Just how did she manage to get this?
She went closer and said words in a pale whisper. “But you look more fitted to be with Rosa Chinensis en bouton…”
Shuu showed me another photo.
DOKIDOKI…I can hear my heart thump loud once I set my eyes on that single photo. It was lovely, indeed! It was a photo of the morning Yagura-sama fixed my scarf…
“Can I have that copy, Shuuchan?”
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Shuu smirked. “I’ll give it to you… but for one favor…”
“What is it?”
“Shibuya-sama advised me to go ask Yagura-sama if she’ll allow us to show this certain photo in a photo exposition. Will you help us…?” She said with matching puppy eyes trick.
Does that mean that I’ll be going to the Rose Mansion and try to talk to Fuuko-sama?
Just thinking about it caused me to blush…
“O—okay… I’ll do my best, Shuu.”
“Great! I’ll print another copy… Maybe Yagura-sama wants a copy, too…”
“I’ll head to the Rose Mansion after class… You want to come with me, Miyuki?” I glanced at Miyuki as her eyes shone with excitement.
“Count me in!” Miyuki cheerfully said.
The day passed by unusually slowly…
After class, we cleaned the classroom and right now, we’re heading to the Rose Mansion…
I can feel my heart thump faster and faster and we made our way closer and closer to the building.
Once we stepped in front of the door of the Rose Mansion, my heart almost exploded. Miyuki held my hand as she opened the door.
“Your hand’s cold…” Miyuki commented.
It is very clean inside… There is no one on the ground floor so we headed upstairs to the room where the Rose Families gather.
I was about to knock on the door when someone opened it from the inside.
It was Umeda Ayaka-sama, also known as Rosa Gigantea.
“Gokigenyou, Rosa Gigantea… I—I was looking for—”
“Rose Foetida en bouton?”
“N—No… I’m looking for Rosa Chinensis en bouton…”
Ayaka-sama’s surprised expression was clearly shown on her face. “Ah, Fuuko is not around… but I think she’ll arrive soon… For the meantime, come in and have some tea.”
“Thank you very much, Umeda-sama…”
Miyuki and I entered the room.
“Who’s the lovely girl with you, Shiroma-san?”
“I’m Watanabe Miyuki.” Miyuki said.
“Pleased to meet you, Watanabe-san.”
Umeda-sama prepared the tea as the two of us remained sitting still on our seats. Quiet, it really was, except for the sound of poured tea into the porcelain cups.
She handed each of us a cup of tea, its aroma swirling around the room.
“Mmmm… It’s delicious!” Miyuki commented.
“I’m glad it suited your taste, Miyuki-chan…”
As we sipped the tea and engaged ourselves in a casual conversation, the door swung open. Yamamoto-sama and Yagura-sama have arrived. The usual greetings are exchanged.
“I’m glad Shiroma-san visited us!” Sayaka-sama said with much cheerfulness.
Ayaka-sama poured in two more cups for them.
“So, what brought you here, Shiroma-san?” Yagura-sama asked me. I feel my knees shaking when I felt her eyes staring on me.
“I—I just want to ask your permission, Yagura-sama. The newspaper club wants to show this in a photo exposition…” I showed her our photo.
“When is this taken?” She asked with scrunched eyebrows.
Does that mean… she doesn’t remember?
“Yesterday morning…”
“Oh… I don’t seem to remember. Forgive me, Shiroma-san…”
“Ah, that’s okay… So, will you grant permission to the newspaper club?”
“Well, it will be fine.” She handed me back the photo and her gaze landed on me again.
I can’t take it when she looks at me. My heart thumps wildly.
“But… I want to have a copy of the photo.”
“Eh?” It surprised me actually but something warm arose inside my chest. My hand arbitrarily handed her back the photo. “You can have it, Fuuko-sama…”
“Thank you…” She said. And for the first time, I’ve seen her smile.
The three other people in the room remained silently watching us converse. Yagura-sama and I noticed their silence and we both fell in silence, too.
“By the way, I’ve heard that Sayaka-chan wants to take Shiroma-san as her petite soeur…” – Umeda-sama
“That’s true. Miru is fitted to be my soeur…” – Sayaka-sama
“But, she hasn’t accepted it yet?” – Yagura-sama
Sayaka-sama shook her head then looked at me.
“Why not, Shiroma-san?” – Umeda-sama
“I—I still need more time to think…”
“How about you, Watanabe-san?” – Umeda-sama
“I don’t have an onee-sama yet…” – Miyuki
“Oh, interesting…” Umeda-sama commented with a smirk.
Once our cups were emptied, Fuuko-sama glanced at her watch. “It’s getting late already… I believe I’ve already settled your request, Shiroma-san. Maybe, we should go home now…”
All of us agreed and we left the mansion together.
We parted on our ways. Umeda-sama, Sayaka-sama and Miyuki went to the same bus station. Meanwhile, I’ll take the other way to a separate one. Yagura-sama was fetched by a black limousine.
I strolled slowly, the basking afternoon sunrays were almost blinding to the eyes. I cannot erase in my mind the image of Yagura-sama’s smile.
And then I remembered Shuu’s remark, “But you look more fitted to be with Rosa Chinensis en bouton…”
But what about Sayaka-sama? How can I reject her? Will I have the courage to reject her?
Then, I noticed a familiar vehicle driving at a distance. It stopped at almost behind me.
That voice…
DOKIDOKI…I looked at the owner of that voice.
“Come on… It will get dark soon. We’ll take you home…”
The driver of the limousine opened the door for me. I stepped inside and sat beside Yagura-sama, with cold hands.
thanks for reading!

till next time~