Minna~ as I promised, I’ve made up my mind how the story would goes. I nearly can’t decide, but this is how the story would goes. it kinda long update fufufu~


Chapter 2
“Yo Sae! Where have you been dude? you aren’t join morning practice” said boy who has messy dark hair
“Nnngg… *silent* Gomen Kai, tomorrow I’ll be there *put his palms together in front of his friend* I’ve been busy helping Jun..” Sae put his bag and sit let his body lean to table
“Are you still waiting for that girl? just forget it dude! you know there are many girls willing to be your girlfriend. not mention your fan club member” teased the other boy that been known as playboy of the school.
Sae still silent, he can’t lie because his friends already know his personality. The messy hair name is Takahashi Kai. he is president of student council also captain of basketball club. Although his appearance in the morning always messy, but he has charisma that made anyone afraid of near him. in fact he love to make joke but always fail to make anyone laugh. the other hand is Oshima Yuu, sole heir of Oshi Inc. He loves flirt to the girls, he has motto “he can get any girl he like in 1 month only”. There’s no one know how many Ex-es that he had. The Three of them known as Trio Akiba, Sae with his genuine smile, Kai with his Charisma and Yuu with his Aura can melt any girl. they are member of basketball of Akiba High
“Aaarrrghhhh!!! What is her name? how come I never met her in this school? I am sure that she wear Akiba Uniform” Sae screaming in his head and messing up his hair in desperation
“Sae? Hoiii SAEEEE!!” Yuu waved his hand in front of Sae
“Hah? What is it Yuu? Sae woke up from his imagination
Before Yuu can ask him more about it. The class just begin, Yuu gives sign to Sae to explain about it. The class continue with Mr. Atsushi who teach English. In other side of class there are are 3 girls who looking at the boys.
“Always in the morning make fuss over something” said the long raven hair girl ready to emited her black aura
“Arre? Aren’t you looking at Miyazawa-kun since earlier, Yuki? teased the shoulder- length hair “Personally I think that Takashi-kun rather cute *crinkle nose smile* Should I make him my next victim? *Smirk*
“W-Wh-Who’s looking at him? I am NOT!” Yuki moved her eyes hid her red face
“Moou stop both of you, Yuki you should stop acting tsundere. why don’t you say hai to Miyazawa-kun? and Acchan you must stop dump every boy that confessed to you” Said the tallest girl while open her book
“Hahahaha blame on my beauty then, beside I never ask them to confess to me. You need to relax a little bit Haruna..It’s not good always serious like you” Acchan make cute face to Haruna.
“Nah, prefer study than looking for attention of guys, just stop talking before Sensei scold us” Haruna continue pay attention to class.
Because of it they stopped talking. The long raven hair is Kashiwagi Yuki, known as Tsundere hime, her father is leader of Kashiwagi Clan the biggest Yakuza Clan. although she has kind nature but difficult to expressing her honesty. Next one is Acchan aka Maeda Atsuko,
Guy-Killer. She has aggressive type, confident with her beauty plus and one of rising model in Japan. The last is Kojima Haruna, her family isn’t rich as the other two, she is ojou-sama of Kojima resident. Her father is one of politician, she known as cold-hearted hime because of she doesn’t bother about the other beside Yuki and Acchan, she isn’t interested in guy, in her eyes guy only look girls with their face only.
*Meanwhile in other class Akiba High*“Hey, did you bring your bento Jun? Said Boy who sat beside him
“Nah, Sae-nii forgot to made it this morning. Hey, Airin.. What happened to your eyes? Jun realized that Airi has dark spot under his eyes. “Don’t tell me you watch porn all night?” Jun smirked toward Airi
“I-I didn’t watch porn! *Airi throw book to Jun, Unfortunately Airi missed and gasp realized what will come next. Before Airi could run, a girl catch back of Airi’s collar
“Gomen Akane! Don’t hit me, blame it on Jun. He should be the one who get hit” Airi whining to Akane
“It’s not Jun’s fault , BakAirin !” she flicked Airi forehead.. “Nee Jun, Should I make bento for you every morning? I don’t mind if it’s you” Akane sent winked to Jun and slight pink show on her face.
“Hey, you never offer me like you did to Jun!” Airi pouted to Akane
“Maa Maa, please don’t have spouse-quarrel in the morning” Teased Jun
“We are
NOT SPOUSE” Said them both
“Hahahahaha That’s shame you guys could make a cute couple though” give wink to Airi.. “Thank you Akane, but it’s fine. why don’t you make for Airi instead?” Jun give his signature cat smile to Akane.
Before Akane could answer Airi abruptly changed the topic “Hey, Let’s go to cafetaria. I’m hungry” give sign to Jun to help him.
They go to cafetaria, Airi sit next to Jun while Akane prefer to sit in front of Jun. After that Yamamoto Shin and Watanabe Miyuki join them. They are from 1-B Class, 5 of them are best friend since junior high. When they were in Junior High, Shin is Jun rival. while Jun become Top student in exam, Shin usually came in 2nd place. Shin hated Jun because of it, but gradually they find many similarities between them also they become much closer because of Furukawa Airi. Speak of Airi, although he is not special, but he become center of their group in short word he is
moodmaker. In the other hand, Takayanagi Akane is Airi’s childhood friend. She is cheerful girl and not forget to mention her outspoken personality. and last Miyuki, she always told other to call her
Milky, she emitted pheromones, too much. there is no guy could resist Milky pheromones. that is why they called her
Shin : What are you guys doing after school? he slurped his ramen
Akane : I have something to do.. while checking her phone seems like waiting something.. Why didn’t he reply? *grumble*
Airi : Nothin’, wanna go somewhere shin? airi take a glance of Akane
Milky : “If you guys wanna hang out after this, milky didn’t mind” Milky finished her strawberry milk.
Jun : I have to pass guys, I promised to Sae-nii to go home together.
Shin : I want to ask you guys to go to karaoke. It’s been a while since we are hang out together. but let’s go another day, It’s not fun if we are not full member.
The other nodded as agree planning to go next time. after finishing their meal, Jun eyes caught girl busy watering flower. That girls has pale skin, long raven hair, and wearing glasses. It’s strange view for Jun, most of girls in Akiba High are ojou-sama. they don’t want to dirty their hand.
Jun : Nee guys, who is that girl? pointing at outside.
All of them look at his pointed finger
Akane : Aaaah.. that is Matsui Rena. you don’t know Jun?
Airi : Don’t you forget, Akane? Jun never communicate to other beside us.. pinched Akane’s cheek
Jun : Should I? I’d rather spend my time with you. back to topic, what is she doing? why bother to watering flower if we have gardener?
Milky : She has no friend or should I say that she refused to make any friend. she is a loner, also been bullied by other because her poor family.
Shin : Doshitano Jun? Don’t tell me you like her? Shin teased Jun
Jun : Hmmmm Maybe?
All : WHAT??? *Shock* Airi almost choked while chewing his tonkatsu
Jun : “Nante ne~” :p
interesting girl Jun mumbling to himself
After that, they separated to each other class. When time to go home, Jun bid goodbye to his friend and rushing to Gate until he heard piano playing, such beautiful melody. he can’t resist urge to find source of melody. he clearly hear it came from Music room. Fortunately, the door is not close entirely. he decided to take a peek. A silhouette of girl, sun light make her beauty even more showed, her fingers dancing on piano keys, her smile even more bright than sun itself. Jun was in awe (again) and he realized something….“Aaah! That girl from this morning!” he let out voice. hearing strange sound, that girl stopped playing. “Crap!” he facepalm himself, and rushing hide to next room beside music room. That girl step outside, and see who are in the corridor
Girl : Did I misheard something? Hmmm.. I am sure there is someone in here..There’s no way a Ghost right? She continue talking to herself.
Atsuko : Yukiiii, Where are you? Haruna already waiting for us
Yuki : “I’m here Acchan!” she rushing to pack up her things. “Hmm maybe that is just my imagination” and rushing to where Acchan stand.
Atsuko : “What are you doing? Are you thinking about something again? You know you can talk to me or Haruna” She pinched the other girl cheek
Yuki : “I know, but this is not the right time Acchan”
I don’t even know if he still remember me She sighed . “Someday, I will” She gave her best smile while one hand grabbed Acchan’s and they both left Music Room.
When Jun sure that they already gone. he smile and said “So, her name is Yuki..” He put his hand on chest “Why did my heart go faster when I meet her? am I sick?” He take a look at his watch “Yabbai! Sae-nii gonna kill me” he rushing to gate
Meanwhile, In front gate of Akiba HighSae POV“Where is Jun? that kid, I told him to go home together. what is he doing?” Sae couldn’t help grumble because of his brother.
While he busy to look at his phone and watch simultaneously, his eyes caught of familiar silhouette, silhouette that he always looking for every morning.
“I found you finally!” Sae Said and then he decided to text Jun because he doesn’t want to miss any opportunity.
To : Lil Bro
From : Myaza Sae
Jun, you go home first. I’ve something to do. buy anything you want for dinner
PS. I’ve been WAITING for eternity After that, he decided to follow that girl. He can’t believe that he is stalking that girl, usually he is the one being stalked by his fans. he giggle that this thing could happen in another way. He continue to watch that girl, she doesn’t pay attention to other because she busy reading manga on her hands. she continue to read and do not see electrical pole in front of her. before Sae could warn her *Brakk* She hissed in pain. “Pffftttt” He hold his laugh, how cute that girl. her clumsiness somehow made Gap
"moe" in Sae’s eyes. Despite her
majime appearance, she’d rather cute. then, he go after that girl.
*End of Sae POV*Sae : Daijobu? He kneel over and watched carefully over girl.
Girl :“Daijobu desu, Ouchh” She rubbed her forehead
Sae : “Let me see your forehead” he take away her hand, and take a close look.
Girl : “I am fine really” she move away her face hid scarlet of her cheek.. Why am I blushing?
Before girl could move, Sae grabbed her hand.
Sae : “I insist, please. I am not bad guy. Look, I go to Akiba High also. you can report me if you think I would do such inappropriate things to you” Sae grab his wallet and want to give her student card.
Girl : *giggle*
He such a funny guy.. “You don’t need to give your student card. I believe you” smile at Sae
Sae : *blushing* Sae then move closer to girl, remove her glasses and check up her forehead. He stunned with girl’s eyes, brown diamond shape.
What a beautiful eyes She has. Before girl read his expression, “Ahh.. you got bruise, let me get you cream” Sae search in his bag
Girl : Are you run drug store in your house?
Sae : pfffftttt hahahaha. Sae hold laughter at first but crack eventually. “I always bring this cream, because of our club couldn’t avoid bump or trip while exercise. it doesn’t mean I am running drug store, miss” Sae said while applied cream on her forehead. Sae hold his urge to pinch her cheek or hug this cute girl
Girl : *blushed* “I-It just it is my first time to see someone bring such as cream” Girl pouted
Sae : Hai Hai.. It’s done! Where are you going? It’s late already.
Girl : “I am on my way to home actually” she said while put again her glasses. “Ah Arigatou, hmmmm…” She tilted hear head confused
Sae : Whats wrong?
Girl : I don’t know your name… yet
Sae : Hahahaha you sure don’t know me huh? I guess I am not that famous as people said. I am Miyazawa Sae, 3rd grade of Akiba High. What is your miss?
Girl : The name is Matsui Rena, I am freshman. So, you are my senpai. Arigatou, Miyazawa-Senpai *bowing*
Sae : Ah, Just call me Sae. Rena desu yo ne? Can I call you Rena? or should I call you miss forehead? Sae teased the younger girl
Rena : “R-Rena will do senpai, So Arigatou Sae-Senpai”. She can’t help slight blush because of straightforward this senpai. but she doesn’t feel irritated at all.
Sae : “That’s better” Sae give his killer smile. “Where are your home ,Rena? Let me walk you home. It’s dangerous to girl walk alone”
please say yes , please say yes Sae continue chanted in his mind
Rena : It’s not far away from here, Senpai. but—
Before Rena can finish her sentence. Sae took Rena's hand and drag her.
Sae : “Come on let’s go! just show me the way, Rena”
Did she want to refuse me earlier? I do want to spend much more time with herRena : “H-Hai” Rena just smile looking at her Senpai, She just want to said
But If I am not a bother, I’d be glad to take your offer but Senpai already cut her sentence, looking at his silly behaviour makes Rena smiling. It’s been a long time since last time she smile like this.
After walking together for a little while, because of Sae is sociable person. he can make rena comfortable. he get to know rena a little bit. Rena doesn’t like his appearance shy and loner actually she just dense and not knowing how to approach people. before they realized, they arrived at Rena’s Home.
Rena : Arigatou, Senpai. That’s very nice of you to walk me home. Rena blush a little bit
Sae : Don’t mention it. Actually it makes me relieve to walk you home. See you tomorrow?
Rena : Tomorrow? rena tilted her head
Sae : Of course, we go to same school right? See you then, Go in then.
Rena : “Anoo Senpai” Looking at Sae still holding Rena’s hand
Sae : “Aaah Gomen gomen” Sae abruptly let it go their hands and blush
Rena : pfftt *giggle* you are cute senpai. See you tomorrow then. Rena walk to her front door. before she get in..
Sae : Renaaaa!! If we are meeting again. please give me your number! Sae Scream in the middle of street, give her best smile. “Oyasumi, Byee~” He simply run heading to his home.
Rena : “Oyasumi Senpai” Rena whispered.. She can feel heat from her blushing face
How was it? Actually it killed me because i've many idea how to progress this FF ._.
see you on chapter 3