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Author Topic: This Isn't What My High School Life Is Supposed To Be! Ch. 5 (11-3-2018)  (Read 12932 times)

Offline tigers parade

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Hi y'all! After a hiatus, I have returned and decided to write a Nogizaka46 fanfic, because we all know that there aren't enough of those around here.
Anyway, it's a high school harem for my Nogi Oshimen, Nishino Nanase, but I'll probably include other pairings as well, based on popular opinion.

Here's the prologue--enjoy!  :lol: :cow:

This Isn’t What My High School Life Is Supposed To Be!


I’ve seen it thousands of times. It’s spring, the beginning of a new school year, and the protagonist starts out high school expecting it to be the “spring of their youth” or something. Unfortunately, they have some sort of fateful encounter on the first day and then everything spirals downward from there. Nevertheless, their high school life is filled with excitement and (awkward) romances, so it’s not actually as bad as it seems. I know it seems cliched, but that’s pretty much what happened to me.

It was about three years ago, when I was a freshman entering Nogizaka Girls’ High. I was pretty excited, because high school = older age and older age = more fun and freedom right? Wrong. Well, not totally inaccurate, but “fun and freedom” came to me in a way that I wasn’t expecting. Anyway, I approached the horde of girls surrounded the lists of class assignments, only to get shoved out. Talk about scary.

“Are you okay?” A tall, raven-haired girl approached me from the left, sporting a concerned look.

“Y-yeah,” I stuttered. “I just lost my balance a bit.” Relief washed over her face and a brilliant smile replaced it. I felt my heart skip a beat the sight of someone so cool.

“That’s good,” she replied warmly. “You must be a freshman. I’m Wakatsuki Yumi, a third year.” She pulled me off the ground and waved. “Well, I’ll get going, but if you need help, feel free to ask, okay?”

Blood rushed to my cheeks, turning me into a tomato. By now, most of the crowd had dissipated, making it easy to find my classroom. I quickly gathered my stuff and headed to room 1-D.

Upon entering the classroom, I noticed my childhood friend Ikoma Rina waving her hands excitedly at a group of other girls. The group was familiar to me—most of the girls there had graduated from the same middle school as me. I casually approached the circle of desks and greeted them.

“Hi guys. Mind if I join?”

“Ah! Naa-chan, I see we’re in the same class!” Ikoma-chan frantically gestured at a seat beside her, followed by a chorus of heys and hellos from the others. Before long, I had integrated myself into the friend group and was happily chatting away until the bell.

Our homeroom teacher was unremarkable, an average woman in her mid-thirties, but she was nice enough. By some miracle, I ended up sitting behind Ikoma-chan. I rested my chin against my hand and gazed outside at the courtyard, now devoid of any students. Well, was devoid. A girl with long, brown hair dashed through the courtyard towards the main building. I furrowed my brow. Late on the first day? That’ll be awkward.

“Nishino Nanase?” The teacher’s voice jolted me out of my musings.

“Y-yes?” I squeaked out. I might have been relatively smooth when greeting Ikoma-chan and co., but that was only because I already knew them. When introduced to brand new people, I became the shyest person in the world.

“Your self-introduction please.”

“Ah, sorry, I forgot!” Someone in the front row giggled at my response. “Um, my name is Nishino Nanase, and uh, I like drawing. I hope we can get along!” The class echoed out a response and the teacher continued on.

Something poked me from behind, and I turned to see a snickering Ikoma Rina. “Real smooth, Naa-chan,” she voiced. I rolled my eyes and flicked her forehead.

The introductions flew by my head; the only thing I caught were people’s names. Matsumura Sayuri, Akimoto Manatsu, Ikuta Erika, etc. I was just starting to doze off when I heard the slapping of footsteps in the hall. Everyone turned to stare when a pretty girl with light brown hair stormed into the room, very much out of breath. Ah! It’s the late girl from before! Upon closer inspection, she was incredibly pretty, with fair skin and fine features. She probably could have been a teen model.

“Sorry,” she huffed, still trying to breathe normally. “I’m. late. I ran. into a bit. of traffic.” The teacher evidently surprised, managed to ask her to introduced herself.

She smoothed her uniform and flashed a dazzlingly bright smile. “Hi, I’m Shiraishi Mai,” she announced. “I enjoy singing and playing softball. I hope we can get along!”

“Thank you, Shiraishi-san. Why don’t you take the empty seat next to Nishino-san?” The teacher directed her towards me.

She made her way down the aisle, only stopping to smile at me before sitting down.
“Hi Nishino-san, I hope we can be good friends,” she whispered.

I could only manage to nod my head back in return.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 05:43:34 AM by tigers parade »

Offline ttwm123

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fanfic 'bout my oshi nanamaru~~~~ XD
update longer please
there's not many nogi eng fic that i can find
most of them in thailand language

Offline ミサキ

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yeah! :cow: more nogi-fic... :inlove: thanks for writing, and keep updating your fanfic.. :) :)
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Yeah, there isn't enough N46 English fics in the whole universe!

I'm not sure how harem concept gonna go for Naachan in this fic, but it does sound interesting. She's probably one of the few members who I can picture having a harem besides Maiyan, Wakatsuki or MaiMai (but she's the Holy Mother and everyone likes her so it's different).

And of course it had to be the ultimate ikemen who appeared first  :lol:
Would Ikomachan be included in Naacahan's harem too? She's the proclaimed number one fangirl after all. But it seemed more like she took on the best friend role.
Why am I not surprised it's Maiyan in the's kinda fitting somehow, opening with Waka then ending with Maiyan.

Speaking of Naachan's pairing, I also ship her with Kazumin. There were many moments of them in the early Nogizaka days and Kazumin seemed to be a rather a constant/calming presence for her, before more of JouKazu happening lately.

Even with my N46's OTP (read: WakaRei) and some of my fav pairs, I found that everyone is practically shippable in Nogi. It'll be fun to see many combination of other pairings and not just Naachan's harem.

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline weirdasspotatoe

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Yas! This is totally what we need, more and more of N46 stories around. Thank you for writing one author-san and it sounds interesting as I too like Nanase and of course with the presence of my beloved Maiyan which is a bonus haha. You'll be seeing me hanging around the comment section for a while. Can't wait for the update. Goodluck!  :twothumbs

Offline akbcoupleshipper

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Yeeayy!! Another nogi fic to read!! Thank you author  :twothumbs
Please update soon.. This fic is kinda interesting.. :D

Offline tigers parade

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update! I've been traveling a bit during the summer, but I managed to get this written. All reviews would be highly appreciated!  :D

@pretend_2besome1: Yeah, I'm planning on including Ikoma in the harem. I totally know what you mean about WakaRei and Nanase x Kazumin. I'll probably put a bit of both ships into the story as well, so look forward to that.
@ttwm123: Yup, as I don't speak Thai, I needed something in English.
@weirdasspotatoe: Any comments you have would be welcomed! Thanks for reading!

Chapter One

Nishino POV

“Naa-chan! Let’s go home together!” As usual, a perky Ikoma was towering over me as I gathered up my books.

“Sorry, but I have a Manga Club meeting today. Maybe tomorrow?” I swear I could see a  pair of ears and a tail droop down as Ikoma-chan registered my words.

“Oh, okay,” she muttered, obviously disappointed. I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight; it was pretty cute. I reached over to pat her head, bringing back an embarrassed little grin back to her face.

“Well then, I gotta go! See you tomorrow,” I moved out of the aisle and through the door, waving at Ikoma-chan as I went. I skipped down the hall, excited for today’s meeting. We were supposed to start on our own original manga series today, and I was pretty pumped. I passed by a teacher, frowning at me, so I stopped skipping and tried to conceal my smile, coughing as I went past him. A couple minutes later, I found myself in front of a door decorated by a hand drawn poster featuring a medley of iconic characters from different series. Aside from the poster, nothing differentiated the room from a regular classroom. The only way to really tell was the sign hanging above the door, reading “Manga Club.”

I slid the door open and uttered a greeting to a senior sitting at a table, who was busily cutting up a sheet of paper. Setting my bag down on a chair across from her, I leaned in to see what she was doing. Looks like a lottery of some sort. There were weird phrases on each slip of paper, like “ALIEN INVASION” and “GIRL FALLS ON YOU FROM SKY.” Before I could question the strange set up, the rest of the club members trooped into the room, all carrying a stack of materials.

“Okay people, listen up!” The president of the club set her things down and motioned for us to come closer. “Today we will start on the original manga series. The only requirements are that it has to be written and drawn by you or by your partner, if you are working in pairs. Absolutely no 18+ content is allowed, regardless of topic. Is that clear?” The entire room nodded. “One more thing,” she continued. “Topics will be assigned by lottery.” She gestured to the slips of paper, now sitting inside a hat. “This is to test your creative prowess even under limits.”

She proceeded to pass around the hat and materials, ignoring the grumbling of other members. When the hat came around, I reached in and rummaged around before selecting a slip of paper that said “SOFTBALL SPORTS MANGA.”

Softball…? I knew absolutely zero things about sports in general, let alone softball. Good thing there was a softball team at school. Glancing around, I noticed that most people were heading out, probably to do research. I decided to follow suit and hastily grabbed my bag, moving out of the building.

Once outside, I directed myself to the sports field, listening to the screams and shouts coming from the back of the school. The weather was hot and humid—by the time I reached the softball field I was already sweating buckets.

Seating myself on a nearby bench, I absentmindedly observed the players. A line of girls, all dressed in white and purple softball uniforms, jogged around the diamond field. I took out my phone and snapped a quick picture for reference. Shortly afterwards, the train circled around to the edge of the field closest to me. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the faces of the players. To my surprise, I recognized two faces, focused and sweaty, both entirely absorbed in running.

In the middle of the procession, a pink-faced Shiraishi Mai trailed behind a short-haired girl, while Wakatsuki Yumi followed after her. So Wakatsuki-senpai is on the softball team. I made a quick mental sketch of both faces, determined to keep the expressions in my head for later use.

The sun beating down on me proved too brutal for me to handle, so I moved into the shade of a nearby tree. From there, I was a little farther from the dugout, but no chain-link fence obstructed my view.

A middle-aged woman walked onto the field, and all the players gathered around her at once. Noting that, I figured she was the coach. The woman separated the group into two teams, setting them up for a short game. I made a note to google the term for that later. Shiraishi-san and Wakatsuki-senpai were placed on the same team, starting out in the field.

Both teams began to warm up, with the fielding team tossing a ball back and forth while the batting team took practice swings. After roughly ten minutes, the game began. From what I could tell, the match was pretty evenly matched, although Wakatsuki-senpai’s skills were a notch above the rest. For what it mattered, Shiraishi-san wasn’t too lousy either.

The scrimmage (which I had looked up earlier) carried on, and I regularly took photos and jotted down ideas every couple of minutes. Eventually, the short-haired girl from earlier stepped up to the home plate, hoisting a silver bat over her shoulder.

The atmosphere tensed. All of the players in the field moved back several yards into the outfield. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Shiraishi-san’s muscles were taut with apprehension. Evidently the short-haired girl was a good hitter.

Making use of the occasion, I snatched up my phone and snapped a barrage of pictures. Then I set to drawing an image of the pitcher and the batter.

It almost happened in slow motion. The pitcher, with sweat trickling down her brow, carefully wound up her arm and released the ball, letting it fly straight towards the batter—

Except it wasn’t. The ball’s trajectory was slightly skewed to the left, and if let continue, would hit the batter. The short-haired girl at bat had noticed as well. Her eyebrows were scrunched, eyes narrowed and focused only on the ball. Waiting until the ball was merely a couple yards away, she took a step back. Then she swung.

Crack! The ball ricocheted off the metal bat, rocketing away at an incredible speed. It would have been a perfect hit, except that the ball was headed straight for me. However, my feet refused to move, and I stayed rooted in place, waiting for the ball to hit me.

I saw Shiraishi-san turn towards me in horror and leap forward in an attempt to catch it, but there was no way she would make it in time. A flash a white and purple dove in front of me, and a resounding thud rang in my ears.

I cautiously opened my eyes, curious as to why there was no impact. Wakatsuki-senpai was standing in front of me, glove out, with the ball squarely secured in it. It was nothing short of a miracle, but somehow she had moved quick enough to catch the ball.

“Are you alright?” I raised my head in response to her question. The entire team was now forming a circle around us, concerned faces filled my vision. I nodded my head as the coach jogged up to me.

“Can you stand?” She held a hand out to me and I took it, surprised by how firm it was. “Sorry about that. We should have been more careful, right? Etou? Hashimoto?” The batter and pitcher looked sheepishly at me and mumbled apologies.

“It’s fine,” I responded. “I should have chosen a better place to observe from.” The coach glanced towards me again.

“Observe? Are you from the Manga Club?” Surprised, I nodded. “Again?” The coach grumbled. “They’re always sending people out to research crazy things.” She turned her head to look at me, this time with a softer expression. “Well, since we almost hit you, I guess it’s only right. If you’d like, how about sitting in the dugout? It might be safer than sitting out here.”

“Is that really okay?”

The coach smiled. “Of course. As long as you’re working on your project, feel free to use the dugout to observe.”

“Thank you very much!” Somehow, my near-death experience had landed me an opportunity I very much appreciated. Bowing to express my gratitude, I dusted off my skirt and slipped my phone inside my pocket, gathering up my materials. I followed after the team, carefully stepping inside the caged area.

“If you need a tour of the dugout or an explanation of something, feel free to ask me.” Without me noticing, Wakatsuki-senpai had snuck up beside me and was now smiling at me brilliantly. I could only nod in response; all the blood rushing up to my face made it hard to breathe.

As I took a seat on the bench, I couldn’t help but notice that only one player looked gloomy. Shiraishi-san was staring unhappily at Wakatsuki-senpai. She turned to look at me briefly before heading back out onto the field.

I frowned. “Strange…”

Shiraishi POV

To say I was unhappy was a little inaccurate. I was frustrated. I had seen the ball hurtling towards Nishino, yet I was unable to do anything. Instead, that Wakatsuki had played the hero and saved her. I mean, it was a good thing that she was safe, but you know…

I wanted to be the one to save her.

I wanted that dazzling smile with eyes full of adoration to be directed at me, not Wakatsuki.

On the first day of school, I had been late. Well, shit. That only mattered until I stepped into the classroom. But the moment I did, I noticed a girl staring at me. It wasn’t that she was extraordinarily pretty, but there was something enticing about her. Like a silent kind of a beauty. And that made her, well, gorgeous.

Since then, I had been secretly following her with my eyes. When she stepped into the classroom, my eyes were on her. I was hooked, but I never found the courage to go up to her. And considering how shy she was (very), she would never approach me unless it was necessary (which was never).

Until today. I had noticed that she was watching our practice from the sidelines, and secretly ecstatic, I had put all I had into looking cool in front of her. Until Nanamin hit a ball at her and Wakatsuki dove in to save her and shit.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I needed to focus. Glaring at the retreating back of Wakatsuki, I cursed whatever girl-charming voodoo she had used to make Nishino look so red.

“Shiraishi, get back on the field!” Coach hollered my name, and I turned and jogged back towards my spot grudgingly.

Hoping to find her gaze directed at me, I took once last glance at Nishino to see who she was watching.

It wasn’t me.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 06:38:04 PM by tigers parade »

Offline ミサキ

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thank you for updating! :)
aww... maiyan jealous to our waka-sama^^
i think wakatsuki just look at naachan as friend(?) we all know she is still reika's husbando~ :D
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline weirdasspotatoe

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A jealous Maiyan is adorable kekekeke. I'm rooting for a moment between them! Thank you for the update author-san. Keep up the good work!  :twothumbs

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Believe me, I'm totally looking forward to all kind of ships here  :D

That's fate, Nanasemaru  :yep:
Such a real ikemen that Waka.... that makes it Wakatsuki 1 and Shiraishi 0.
Although Wakatsuki doesn't seem to be developing an interest (yet) towards Naachan the way Maiyan did, so maybe there will be a Waka POV later to see how she feels?
Naww Maiyan, don't be jealous. Waka just happen to be a natural at it, but you have your own charm, you cool beauty.
I don't know who to root for, I can't wait for Reika and Zu to appear...............and I'm suddenly reminded of Mukuchi na Lion PV  XD

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline tigers parade

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Re: This Isn't What My High School Life Is Supposed To Be! Ch. 1 [Nogizaka46 fic]
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2016, 07:45:54 AM »
Chapter 2

Shiraishi POV

Every so often I would turn my head slightly, just enough to sneak a peak at the girl sitting quietly in the dugout, diligently scribbling in a sketchbook. At the moment, her eyes were trained on Nanamin, who was once again up at bat, precariously swinging her bat around.

I shifted my weight onto my toes, switching my attention back onto the pitcher, who was winding back her arm. Her right arm locked into position before crashing forward and launching the ball towards home plate. In the background, I saw Nanamin prep her bat for the swing, pulling it back and then pushing it forward to connect with the ball, punching the projectile outwards into the air. The softball sailed though the air, its trajectory becoming obvious after a moment. I readied myself, raising my glove and stepping back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I registered Nanami racing towards me, desperate to reach first base before I caught the ball and forced her out. My muscles tensed in apprehension and I extended my arms, anticipating a solid thwack in my glove. It never came.

Nanami hurtled towards me at the speed of a bullet train, sweat flying off her brow. Unfortunately, she did not bother to slow down, as over-running first base was perfectly acceptable, and instead of skidding to a stop, barreled head first into me. We tumbled to the ground, and I watched the ball fly past my outstretched arm and into the glove of Wakatsuki, who had run up behind me to back me up.

The coach blew out a tweet on her whistle, signaling a timeout as she jogged towards the tangle of limbs that consisted of Nanamin and me. I pushed the other girl off, and pulled myself off, wincing as I did so. The impact had left me long-winded and bruised, and a good amount of blood was gushing from my right calf.

“First Nishino and now Shiraishi,” the coach complained. “What has gotten into you today, Hashimoto? You’re injuring everyone!”

“Sorry, Coach,” Nanamin muttered, lowering her head sheepishly. Coach merely sighed and shook her head, massaging her temples as she turned towards me.

“Shiraishi, take a rest for the rest of the day,” she commanded. “You can sit with Nishino for the remainder of practice, but go wash your leg first.”

“Thanks, Coach.” I shrugged and limped off the field, silently blessing Nanamin for crashing into me. The silver lining had become apparent.

I reached the dugout and found a pair of anxious eyes gazing at me. “Are you alright?” Nishino inquired worriedly.

“Uh, yeah. I’m fine,” I mumbled, averting my eyes. Setting down my glove, I rummaged around my bag for my water bottle, nonchalantly brushing off the pain in an attempt to seem cool.

Nishino had stood up, her drawing materials neatly stacked in a pile on the bench. In her hand, she clutched the first aid kit, patiently waiting for me.

“I’ll help you clean off the wound,” she motioned.

“It’s fine, I can do it by myself,” I lied. “I don’t want to disturb you.” Truthfully, the only thing I wanted was for her to take me to the nurse’s, but there was no way I would say that to her face.

“Don’t be silly,” she chided. “Let me help you.” I gave in easily and allowed her to help me up. She placed an arm around my shoulders, supporting my weight to keep it off my leg. I gulped at the contact. She smelled like flowers and candy and sugar and spice and anything and everything pleasant. I, on the other hand, reeked of sweat and the sickeningly sweet fragrance of blood. Suddenly aware of my unwanted body odor, I cursed myself for not at least wiping the sweat off in the dugout.

“Sorry,” I apologized. “I probably smell really bad, and I’m getting your uniform all dirty too.”

“It’s okay,” she replied shyly. “We have to take care of your leg.”

We spent the rest of the trek to the nurse’s office in silence, with me racking my brain for conversation topics and her refusing to even look at me. I was in despair as she slid open the door.

“Huh, doesn’t look like the nurse is here.”

“That’s fine. I know how to administer first aid, so just sit still.”

I obediently settled on the edge of one infirmary beds, watching Nishino prepare gauze and rubbing alcohol. She maneuvered herself around the counter, reaching over to a cabinet for a bag of cotton balls. Setting the bag down, she grabbed a pack of wipes and handed it to me.

“Can you wipe off the blood and dirt while I finish this?”

“Sure.” I peeled off the sticker on the bag and pulled out a wipe. Bracing myself, I gingerly wiped off the surrounding gunk on my leg, careful not to reopen the scratches. A couple wipes later, I finished the job and tossed the used sheets in the trash.

Nishino came over and propped my leg up on a foot stool, carefully dabbed a couple drops of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and apply it to the wound. I hissed at the burning sensation in my leg, my jaw clenched in a grimace until the stinging went away.

She dropped the cotton in the trash can and unwound a roll of gauze, wrapping it around my calf.

“Can you hold this end in place?” I took the white fabric in my hand and rested it against my leg, relaxing as I watched her work.

“So what exactly is your project?” I asked, gazing hopefully at her.

“For the manga club? I’m creating a manga about a softball club, so I thought I’d check you guys out.”

“Did you just start today? I haven’t seen you at the field before.”

She nodded. “We just got the project today, so you’ll probably see me around for a while. If that’s okay with the team, of course,” she added hastily.

“No problem,” I beamed. I was delighted with the prospect. “Stay as long as you need to.

“Thank you, Shiraishi-san.” My heart skipped a beat at her words. It was the first time she had ever said my name, and I certainly wouldn’t mind if she said it a couple more times.

My eyes drifted to her hands, which were swiftly weaving a bandage around my leg. Slender fingers and smooth hands, I noted. She probably has never played sports or anything too rigorous. I silently observed her fingers, nimbly unwinding the roll without a break. For a moment they brushed against me, and I was surprised to find that they were rough, unlike like their soft appearance. Taking a closer look, I found that her index and middle fingers had callouses on them, built up from years and years of drawing.

“Shiraishi-san.” Her voice startled me out of my musings; it didn’t seem like her to initiate conversations.

“Y-yes?” I squeaked meekly. She giggled at my response. God, she was such an angel.

“Haha, that was kind of cute.”

“Cute?” My face was betraying my brain. I could feel all my blood rush to my face, a very evident blush blossomed on my cheeks.

“Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.” She deftly tied a knot with the gauze and cut the strip off. “There, all good now.”

“Oh, thanks.”

“Mhm. Anyways, I meant to say that you always seem so cool and aloft; it surprised me a little to see you like this.”

“What do you mean ‘like this?’” I cocked my head to the side, confused.

“Hm, I guess you seem more vulnerable and less perfect.” It took all my willpower to maintain my cool. I wanted to coddle her.

“Do I really seem that way?”

“A little. You’re kind of hard to approach.”

“That’s surprising. I didn’t think I was like that.”

“Well, I’m just shy, so don’t worry about it too much. Normally, I’d never have a chance to talk to you like this, so this makes just a bit happy.”

“Same here.” We finished tidying up the room and headed back out towards the field. By the time we got there, practice was already ending and the team was already walking to the locker room. I gathered up my belongings, pausing to wait for Nishino, who was organizing her notes.

“Um, Nishino-san,” I called.

“Is there something wrong?”

“I forgot to ask this earlier, but would you like to be friends?”

“If you’re alright with that,” she replied, genuinely surprised.

I grinned to myself. That was one step closer to where I wanted to be.

Nishino POV

I studied Shiraishi-san with renewed interest. Ever since her dynamic entrance on the first day of school I had viewed her a mysterious figure too distant for me to reach, but the events of the day had changed that. In the nurse’s office, she was friendly and approachable, not at all like what I had imagined of her. At the end of practice, when she asked to be my friend, I found myself taking an interest in the beautiful girl.

Intently observing her figure, I noted the lean, muscular arms the melded into a slender back, complete with perfect curves. Shiraishi-san’s body was that of a model; her pale skin was untarnished and held no traces of blemishes.

She turned around to grab a towel and for a brief moment, made eye contact with me. I immediately whipped my head to the side, praying that she had not noticed my staring. Feeling the heat in my cheeks, I focused on the rest of the team, taking note of the different interactions they held.

I had followed Shiraishi-san into the locker room in order to gather more data for my manga, but all I seemed to be doing was ogling her body. It was much more toned than I had expected, and I found my self idealizing the body.

Switching my attention to Wakatsuki-senpai, who was engaged in a heated debate with the short haired batter from before, I made a quick sketch of the two. I strained my ears to catch a bit of their conversation, but failed to make anything out of it. I shrugged. It didn’t really matter, I would just fill in the scene with another topic.

Slowly, players began to trickle out of the locker room in pair or trios, leaving only Wakatsuki-senpai, her short-haired friend, and Shiraishi-san.

Noticing that the three of them were all preparing to leave, I quickly gathered my belongings to go home as well.

“Nishino-san, where do you live?” Wakatsuki-senpai’s voice stopped me from exiting, and I turned around to face her.

“I live near Omotesando. Why?” I tilted my head quizzically.

She laughed. “I was going to offer to walk you home, but it seems like we live in opposite directions. I live in Akasaka. Maiyan lives in that area though, so she can walk you back.”

“It’s fine,” I protested. “I can get home by myself.”

“Don’t sweat it, Nishino-san,” Shiraishi-san smiled kindly at me. “I could use a little company on the way home.”

“That settles it then. You two stay safe; Nanamin and I are heading home.” She paused by the door and gestured at the short haired girl from before. “Oh, by the way, this is Hashimoto Nanami.”

The tall girl nodded, extending her hand to me. “Hashimoto Nanami. Nice to meet you.”

I received the hand cordially. “Nishino Nanase. It’s my pleasure.”

“Not at all,” she responded. “Sorry I almost hit you with the ball.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She smiled apologetically and exited the room with Wakatsuki-senpai, leaving Shiraishi-san and I in an awkward silence.

She shuffled her feet. “Shall we get going?”

Shiraishi POV

We strolled down the streets of Omotesando together, taking in the night lights. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this would happen. I fist-pumped to myself, mentally noting to thank Wakatsuki later.

“The lights are so pretty,” my companion marveled. She was enchanted by the fully of lights and colors, and I was enchanted by her.

“Aren’t they?” I agreed. I kept my real thoughts to myself, voicing in my head silently. I think you’re the pretty one though.

A/N: SHE THOUGHT THE VIEW WAS PRETTY, BUT I THOUGHT SHE WAS PRETTY. Anyway, sorry for the delay, but I hope you've enjoyed this chapter.  :lol: :lol:
@ミサキ: Yup, we all know who Wakatsuki belongs with!
@weirdasspotatoe: I hope this was the moment you were waiting for lol
@pretend_2besome1: I am too. Nogizaka girls are just so ship-worthy.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 11:54:46 PM by tigers parade »

Offline ミサキ

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Re: This Isn't What My High School Life Is Supposed To Be! Ch. 2 [Nogizaka46 fic]
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2016, 02:35:54 PM »
thank you! i'm sick now, but your fic cheer me up and make my day lol
yeah we all know that old married pairing can't be separated from each other :D when you make our capt. appear in this fic? and please add more nogi-memba too :bow:
and, ugh... i can't breath, nanamai scene is too much for me :wub: :inlove: really, you should thank waka later maiyan for adding more precious time with naachan :roll:
please update soon author-san! :bow:
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: This Isn't What My High School Life Is Supposed To Be! Ch. 2 [Nogizaka46 fic]
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2016, 04:01:42 PM »
Is Nanamin alright? Or the mistakes were all just coincidence?
I wanted to laugh at Maiyan attempting to be cool around Nanase, that silly person. Plus, what’s with the smell thing? That’s very Reika like.
But NanaMai is making a nice progress in this chapter. They’re being awkwardly cute around each other.
Wakatsuki is always nice   :mon cute:
Now, it’s Waka 1 Maiyan 1. And if the walking home goes smoothly, Maiyan might have the upper hand before another character(s) shows up.
Maiyan, ask Naachan if she wants to go to school together too  :mon psst:
Gosh, all those thoughts….Maiyan is so gay for Naachan  :wahaha:

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline weirdasspotatoe

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Re: This Isn't What My High School Life Is Supposed To Be! Ch. 2 [Nogizaka46 fic]
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2016, 04:51:26 PM »
I agree, Maiyan being so gay for Naa-chan is adorbs hihihi. And yes Maiyan should probably walk Nanase to school as well to gain an upperhand. But softball Shiraishi is always so cool and seeing her demeanor crumble slowly for Nanase and turning awkward and shy mess is really cute. Not to mention NanaMai interactions and Shiraishi's rivalry against Waka-sama for Nanase  :twothumbs . Thank you for the update author-san!

Offline finiarel

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Re: This Isn't What My High School Life Is Supposed To Be! Ch. 2 [Nogizaka46 fic]
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2016, 04:39:36 AM »
Hello, this is a nice story  :deco:
I wonder what's wrong with Nanamin she was pretty messed up, but in the other hand it gives Maiyan opportunity to get closer to Naa-chan so yeay!
Aaah Maiyan is falling hard with Naa-chan  :heart: But on the other hand Waka is natural lady killer that getting Naa-chan to like her seems so easy. But I'm still not sure whether Wakatsuki actually like her back or not.
I'll be waiting for the next chapter  :cow:

Offline tigers parade

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A/N: Hello everyone! I'm finally back with an update after a (very) long hiatus. It's a bit short, but I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 3

Shiraishi POV

Light filtered in through the window blinds, illuminating a spot on my bedroom floor. It created a sort of picturesque, peaceful atmosphere, but I was in no shape to appreciate it. Ironically, on the other side of my room, I was a hot mess running around, trying to get ready for school in a flurry of chaos and disorder.

I flew down the steps and out the front door, automatically slipping a hand inside my skirt pocket, feeling for my phone. The screen switched on, displaying the time.

7:43 AM.

I was late. Cursing under my breath, I stuffed the phone back into my pocket and dashed down the street, throwing out a quick greeting to the grandma who ran the corner store across from my apartment. As I ran, my thoughts flashed back to last night, walking home in the dark with a certain girl. My face flushed and I quickly shook my head to clear my mind. Focus on running, or you’ll get detention for being late.

Fifteen minutes later, I stormed into classroom 1-D, just barely making it on time.

“Shiraishi!” My teacher scolded. “Stop being so noisy in the morning! This is a school, you hear?”

“Yes,” I muttered. “Sorry, sensei!”

“And come to school earlier!” She turned back to the blackboard and continued writing.

As I made my way down the aisle to my seat, I suddenly came face to face with the girl I spent last night dreaming about. Nishino Nanase. God, what an angel.

“Good morning, Shiraishi-san,” She smiled kindly. “Glad to see you’re as punctual as always.”

I laughed nervously. “Haha, I try my best,” I replied idiotically. “Are you going to the softball club today too?”

“Yeah, I’m still trying to figure out what I want the manga to be about.”

I fisted pumped mentally. Yesterday was a mess, but I would show off my skills during today’s practice. Screw Wakatsuki. I’d be the hero today. “Ah, then would you like to go together after school?”

“I’d love to. I’m still a bit shy around the team,” She smiled sheepishly. “So it’s nice to know you’ll be there.”

I must have turned into a tomato. Her cuteness was definitely not good for my health. I ducked my head and mumbled out “no problem” before plopping into my seat. I was such an idiot.

Nishino POV

I giggled at the sight of Shiraishi-san with her head in her arms. So she has a side like this, too. Yesterday night, she had walked me to my house, despite the fact that it was already late. In that moment, I thought she was quite the gentleman, much like Wakatsuki-senpai. Maybe the softball team was just filled with cool people.

Someone poked me on the head. “Naa-chan, good morning!” I turned around to find an energetic Ikoma-chan. “How was manga club?”

“It was fun,” I smiled. “We got assignments to draw manga, and mine is supposed to be on softball, so yesterday I spent the afternoon observing the softball team.”

“Ohhh, Wakatsuki-senpai is on the team, right? I heard she’s really popular with the underclassmen.”

“You know her?” I felt a strange sinking feeling in my chest. Was it disappointment?

Ikoma-chan nodded. “She’s gotten five confessions in the last month.”

“Woah, that’s a lot…” I trailed off, not know how to respond. Thankfully, the teacher chose that moment to begin the class, and I averted my attention.

After listening to the lecture for about twenty minutes, I could feel my focus start to run out, and found myself staring out the window. To my surprise, Shiraishi-san was also gazing out the window, contemplating about something.

My mind kept drifting to what Ikoma-chan had said earlier, the fact that Wakatsuki-senpai was so popular. I had gotten a bit caught up in the way she had saved me (multiple times), that I guess I had begun to hope that I was a bit special to her. However, this prospect now seemed unlikely. I sighed and turned my attention back to the window.

Shiraishi-san had stopped staring out the window and was now focused intently on the teacher, periodically scribbling down notes. Just like I had in the dressing room yesterday, I began to observe her features.

I already knew she was beautiful, but her arched eyebrows and straight nose gave her a tomboyish look. Ah, Shiraishi-san is probably popular as well. My eyes wandered around the classroom. Our class was filled with absurdly cute girls. Everyone looked like they could be part of some idol group. No doubt some of them would be attracted to Shiraishi-san, or that Shiraishi-san would be attracted to one of them.

Oddly enough, I found myself experiencing the same emotion I had felt earlier when Ikoma-chan told me about Wakatsuki-senpai. Maybe jealousy was a better term for it. No, not jealousy. I shook my head. It couldn’t be that. I had just gotten to know Shiraishi-san, and was most likely excited over the prospect of a new friend. Disappointment was still more accurate.

I frowned. What an unpleasant feeling.

Shiraishi POV

School could not pass by fast enough. I barely registered anything the teacher talked about. All I could think about was after school, when Nishino would be watching the team—watching me—practice.

The lunch bell rang, and I instinctively reached into my bag for my bento box. I rummaged around for a bit, but no lunch appeared. I swore silently. In my rush to get of the house this morning, I had left my lunch at home.

“What’s wrong, Maiyan?” Matsumura Sayuri towered over my desk, holding an impressive amount of yakisoba bread in her arms.

“I forgot my lunch at home, so I’m gonna go to the school store to get something. Do you want me to get anything for you?” I asked, eyeing the bread mountain.

“Ohh, can you get three pork buns for me? I’m feeling a bit hungrier than usual.”

I rolled my eyes at Sayurin’s gluttony. “You’ll get fat, you know.”

“No I won’t,” She pouted. “You’re just jealous of my yakisoba.”

“As if,” I snickered. “Iku-chan, want to go to the store with me?”

Ikuta Erika, who was holding her own massive pile of bread, nodded happily. “They’ve got good sandwiches today!”

“Alright,” I gestured at Sayurin. “We’ll be back soon.” I stood up and stretched a bit. Sitting down was tiring. I preferred to be active, but sports like soccer and basketball were a bit too physical for me. Softball, however, required feats of teamwork but still allowed you to maintain personal space. Unless, of course, if someone crashed into you.

I was reminded of the damage Nanamin had caused when a sudden stinging sensation shot up my leg as I walked.

“What’s wrong?” Iku-chan had noticed the grimace on my face.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” I smiled. “I got a bit scratched up yesterday during practice.”

Iku-chan frowned. “You gotta be careful, Maiyan. Sports are so dangerous. Unlike piano.” She nodded approvingly to herself.

“Thanks,” I laughed. “But softball has its merits as well.”

“Like what?”

Like being an excuse to see Nishino everyday after school. As if I could say that. “Like working off all that fat from eating so much.” I reached over and pinched Iku-chan’s stomach, resulting in a yelp.

“That’s not fair!” She cried. “I can’t help it that I love eating!”

“Sure, sure.” I grinned. “Teasing you is so easy.”

“I hate you.”

“You love me.”

“Shut up.”

We turned right down the hallway, nearly bumping into another classmate.

“Oh good timing, you two!” Sakurai Reika seemed very out of breath and very irritated. “Have you seen Waka anywhere?”

“Wakatsuki?” I raised my eyebrows and looked at Iku-chan. She shrugged. “Nope, sorry. Is it something urgent?”

“Uh," Reika suddenly seemed very flustered. “It’s just that she promised to eat lunch with me today. But I can’t find her anywhere!”

I smirked. “Awww, cute. A romantic lunch.”

“S-shut up!” Reika flushed.

Iku-chan grinned. “Reika, why don’t you just confess already. With how popular she is, she’ll be taken any time now.”

“It’s not that simple!” Reika pouted, looking at me.

I shrugged. “She’s got a point.”

“Ahhh, whatever!” She thrust a finger at us. “You guys don’t understand a maiden’s heart at all!”

“Hey,” I protested. “We’re girls—I mean, maidens—too.”

“Yeah, but you’re also dense. So it doesn’t count.” She stuck her tongue out. “But anyway, if you see Waka, tell her I’m looking for her.”

“Sure thing,” I laughed.

“Thanks!” Reika began to walk away. “She’s in for it now, that Waka!”

Iku-chan and I stared at the retreating figure for a moment.

“Am I really that dense?”

Iku-chan nodded. “Yep.”

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Interesting fic Author-san :) Please include Kazumin here, coz I ship NaaZumin (NanaseXKazumin) sorry I don't know the real ship's name, I'm new to the fandom tho. Waiting for the next update Author-san :)
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline Janix123

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I just finsihed first day of test and then....BAAAM!! Yesh a Nogizaka fandic update today. Love the pairing of Maiyan and Naachan...been looking for fics with the pairing...mah OTP.

I can understand the feeling of being dense... My high school days also like that. I like how Maiyan describes Nanase in her mind...makes me squeel (a lot...dunno why....probably instinct) Wakarei...Nanamai...will Nanamin have her own scenario?

Would love to read more Nanamai scenes...Kyaaa

Thank you for the update Author-san...I dont really mind if its the content. Ahihihihi

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finally, you update this fic.. I'm so glad that you come back from your hiatus.. Love the story of nanamai so much. And, can you put another couple like hashigawa (nanaminxmaimai) or ikuhime (ikuchanxhimetan). :mon cute: :mon cute: :mon cute:

Thank you for the update  :mon inluv: :mon squee:

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Thanks for a new chapter :D
The story is great
I will wait for more moments NanaMai and some moment of WakaRei :heart:

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