(A/N: This the last part, i'm sorry of it was too long or complicated. enjoy your reading! ROOMMATES
“Papa used to tell me that, only mama was his love. So when mama was gone he can’t use the word of love anymore. Even if he is a big playboy after mama passed away.” Wakatsuki interlock her fingers with Reika’s.
They was just lie down on the bed, still lazy to wake up even if it is already 10 in the morning. But luckily this week is the study week before final exam approaching.
“Do you sad that she was gone?”
“At first yes. But papa needs support from me. She is the most important person to him.” Wakatsuki smiles back as she facing Reika. It almost a week since they were together, but still, something was off and still doesn’t change. But of course, she can’t tell it on Reika’s face.
“I love you Reika.” As usual, it has become her habits every morning to say that word and kiss Reika’s forehead. But for sure, Reika still can’t utter the word of love, still averting her gaze each time she said that.
As their eyes met, Reika beam a smile just to make her love feel assured and not thinking too much about her behavior. Of course she felt guilty but how should she said that? That she still afraid and confused at the same time.
For a second, there was an awkward air between them when nobody takes charge to talk. Wakatsuki just nods, even if Reika didn’t admit anything, she still can cooperate with that, all matter is how long she can do that.
Ringing from Reika’s phone save their environment. Without further ado, Reika’s grab her phone. Eri’s name on the screen which Wakatsuki also saw it at her first glance. Even if they are now in different relationship, the presences of Eri still make her feel off and uncomfortable. Reika smiles as she telling that she gonna pick up the call. Wakatsuki, however not speaking a word but move from the bed, giving Reika more spaces to talk privately. But as soon as she moves, her hand was grabbed by Reika and shorten their distance. So at the end, she leans besides Reika while listening to their conversation.
“Your mom said she would be there today. To give support to you before your exam started.”
“Ah.. sokka, Roger that.” Reika nodded few times, have nothing to said against Eri, she sometimes glance to Wakatsuki at her side, their fingers still entangle with each other. Somehow, that upset expression looks so cute. “So, who will be here first? You or my mom?”
Loud grumbling sound can be heard out from Wakatsuki’s lips. Reika once again glance at her, beaming an assuring smile and a light kiss on her cheek before ending her call. “Are you jealous?” Reika asked straightforwardly. She cannot help but feeling amused by the upset face of Wakatsuki as she turn away her body.
Reika sighed as she received no responses from Wakatsuki. “Eri just asked me to do accompany him doing some errands from my mom. She will be there too, can I go?” Knowing things wouldn’t go anywhere, she chooses to be honest.
“It is okay, you can go.” Wakatsuki answers reluctantly, she is not even looking at Reika. Feeling jealous burning inside her chest, but she can do nothing about it, isn’t she?
“Haip. Arigatou nee.” Reika grabs Wakatsuki neck and peck a kiss lightly on the cheeks, trying to enlighten the girl back. “I will be back as soon as possible, but you should take care of yourself too. Don’t let Manatsu flirts with you. Because I’m very jealous girl.”
“I can tell Manatsu right away about us Reika.”
“Don’t be crazy.” Reika retort and pulled away her hug from Wakatsuki. She sighs again, knowing what actually an issue here. “I don’t know what will happen after this Waka. I don’t know what to answer when someone asked me about us or if someone would know about us.” Reika scratches her own head, brings her knees closer to her body. That is what exactly offed between them, while Wakatsuki ready to be open about their relationship but Reika still afraid about peoples view to them.
“That has nothing to do with us Reika, we don’t have to be ashamed, and there is nothing to be afraid of.” This time is Wakatsuki’s turn to back hugged Reika, calming the other girl from her overthinking. “I love you Reika.” Once again she whispers the words and again she receives no answer.
“I’m not ready yet Yumi. I don’t want anyone to know about us. Do you understand me Yumi?” Reika confessed with a low and soft voice, using Yumi make it softer than usual Waka. Well she will always use it against Wakatsuki rare grumpy face and mood. She turns to Wakatsuki, seeking for an understanding but Wakatsuki just simply look away with upset all over her face.
Right after Reika left, Wakatsuki was left alone in the room, doing her usual chores, cleaning the room. She looked at the brown board, hanging on the wall in front of their study desk. Lots of their daily picture was pinned on the board, starting from their first day together until today, it was exactly a week, and they would take picture of themselves every day. And as for today, she pinned another Polaroid on the Tuesday empty column. The picture was taken as soon as they wake up from sleep, still with their own sleeping shirts. It define everything about their relationship nowadays. Reika will be all lovey dovey with her but it will only last in their private space which is only in this room.
For Wakatsuki, it is quite disappointing because she can’t show it in public.. well she is not that kind of people who proud of their lover in front of other people, but what should she do when Reika always mad if Manatsu acts girlish with her but she can’t show that she is taken? Wakatsuki sighed for nth time as she looks at those pictures. It is really complicated relationship with Reika.
Feeling all bored and having enough cramped in her head due to over study, she chooses to stop by her aunt café. It is still early in the morning so, the café still empty. Only her aunty was there, preparing her shop even if it is still early to do that when the café is only open for public in the evening.
Notice that her niece unusual bad mood, Mai grabs a piece of cake and bring it to Wakatsuki’s table. The girl still spacing out from her thought.
“Waka Waka..” She calls few times but still no answers, Wakatsuki simply turn away looking to the garden on the outside, emotionless.
“Nee Waka! Try the cake. It is the new recipe, bet you it will be good.” Mai tries to grab her attention once again but still nothing was ticked on her niece face. Knowing it is the best to left her alone, Mai just walked away and doing her job on the front desk.
Wakatsuki’s phone rings few times right after Mai left. It is Manatsu. Wakatsuki not taking another small glance at the callers but straightly pushed the red button and off her phone right after that. She is really not in the mood to talk to anybody today, much more to entertain Manatsu flirty conversation.
It is already late in the evening when Reika finally finished accompany her mom shopping. All the plastic bags was thrown inside the car’s bonnet and back seat, leaving no space for other people to sit. Well, since they were only two. Eri left right after sending her mom at her place.
“Nee Reika, let’s go something to eat.”
“In your dorm of course, I never met your new roommates, we can have a meal together.” Sakurai-san suggests with cheerful tone. Maybe excited meeting her daughter and idea of meeting her daughter’s friend also make her all hype. “Call her first, asks her what she want for dinner.”
“Huhh? My dorm?” And of course, the idea of meeting her mom with Wakatsuki never a good idea, Reika’s eyes widen with shock and her head quickly finding excuse not to make that happen.
“She might be not there, maybe she went home.” Reika is trying hard not to make her tension looks obvious. Even if it does, her mom would never grab that idea why she would be that restless.
“Call her first to make sure of that. It will be enjoyable dinner.” After making that fixed decision, Sakurai-san enters the car, leaving Reika outside feeling nervous. Right after her mom left, she dialed Wakatsuki’s number right away. But the one who answer it was the operator, saying that the person she dialed is not in the coverage. Bunches of her attempts was failed for the same reasons. Now she is upset, where would she go that she is out of coverage? Stupid Wakachuki!
Finally, she betting all her fate to go back without any notice, hoping that miracle would occur and her mom will never meeting with Wakatsuki. It will be totally disaster if it gonna happen. Because only her know how hate her mom towards the ‘Wakatsuki’s kind’ even if she knows that Wakatsuki is not? Well, it is not really true when they are in relationship right now.
Reika heave a relieve sigh when she realized that the door was lock, indicate that her roommate is not in there. But it is still not safe enough. She opens the door widely to her mom and closes it quickly, not to give her any chance to be alone. “Mom, you said you need to use the toilet. It is here.” Reika stands there like a statue, but actually she is blocking her mom way into her room.
“Ah alright.”
Right after the bathroom door was closed, she rushed to the brown board on wall of their study table. She pulled away the board and throws it in the wardrobe. It will be dead if her mom saw this. She will be dragged home and killed right away. The safest way is not to show her this. Or else she would die due to shock. It could happen since she believe her daughter too much.
In a fast step and movement, she back to the front hallway not giving any hint to her mom that she trying to hide something from her. She cover her relieve with a smile as her mom came out from the bathroom.
“It is a nice room. Does your roommate know how to decorate rooms?” Sakurai-san commenting as she was amazed by the room design. It is totally different from her daughter previous room. And of course she could tell that the doing is not from her lazy daughter who loves to sleep in her free time.
“Ahh sort of, she loves to clean and cook to mom.” Reika smiles awkwardly. She loves to clean and cook but I’m in love with her. Reika continue inside her head.
Having enough satisfaction with the walk inside the small room, they sits on the bed while talking lots of random things.
On the outside, not knowing and expecting a guess inside her room, Wakatsuki lazy step approaching the room. She abruptly opens the door from the outside and step in. And everything falls into weird silence; Reika and her mom look into each other while Wakatsuki giving her awkward eyes to the two people.
“Hajimemashite, I’m Wakatsuki Yumi..” Wakatsuki introduce herself in soft girlish voice while giving a 90º bow. “Reika, I’m here to retrieve my book from your roommate.” Without dragging more time, Wakatsuki’s head quickly creating excuse. But Reika sitting there like a statue, shock from Wakatsuki sudden appearance. Luckily Wakatsuki is fast enough to think of an excuse even she is totally flustered.
“Reika. My book.” Wakatsuki reminds her again, urges Reika to move and she could away from this thick uncomfortable air. She is not too stupid to not realized killer aura from Reika’s mom.
Back to her sense, Reika quickly grab any book from her desk and give it to Wakatsuki. Not to escape from hinting the other girl to go away as fast as she could. After receive the book and bowing, Wakatsuki get out from the room but of course she is not away. She stand outside of the room, it is not her intention to eavesdrop but the talks can be heard all the way out of the room. And all she could feel is, hurt and pain.
“If she is not talking, I will never realize that she is a girl. How can your roommate befriend with girl like her Reika?” Reika’s mom confessed her inner thought, her body shivering from all the bad and scary thought of the new girl. Reika cannot help but to smile awkwardly, in this situation she will never able to go against her mom. Keep silent is the best decision.
“Please stay away from that kind of girl Reika-chan.” As usual, she would remind her daughter of that familiar advises. Reika unwillingly nods and smile.
It is normal for Wakatsuki to have migraine whenever she over thinking of something. She admits that this is her weakness, easy to fall sick and having severe migraine. And all the talks she heard last night doing nothing good to her but fasten and hurting her more. Luckily, she doesn’t have any paper for today so she can sleep until she can forget everything in her mind. Migraine might be hurt but she accepts that as her way of coping with problems as she would forget all the unnecessary pain things after that. So she believe she can forget everything after long deep sleep.
“Wakachuki, wake up.. drink your medicines first.” Reika shakes the other girl body and laid the head on her laps. She massages Wakatsuki’s head lightly. “Come on Waka, have your pills and you can continue you sleep after that.”
Wakatsuki open her eyes lazily, with the help from Reika, she sits and swallows all the pills. She thanks Reika with a small smile.
“I have paper today, are you sure you can stay alone?”
“I will back for lunch.” Reika pecks on Wakatsuki’s cheek and brushing it lightly.
“You don’t have to do that Reika. I’m having migraine, I would not feel hungry. Don’t tired yourself.” With eyes still shut, she answers.
“What, it is not a problem for me to meet my girlfriend. You know that.” Reika casually answer while fixing Wakatsuki’s head on the pillow, pulled the blanket over her body and put the blindfold on. She kissed her again before walk out from the room. “I will be back soon.”
In the library, Reika was seen doing some reviews with Manatsu since they are having same paper for this morning. Ikoma was nowhere to be seen which was not odd at all, that boy will always study alone at his private place.
“Nee Reika, how many subjects do you left?” Manatsu asks as she close her book and get ready for next paper.
“I have two more, it will finish tomorrow.” Reika also closed her books, have enough of reviewing the subject she will face today.
“Where is Waka?” Manatsu asks hesitantly, even if she knows that it will be sensitive topic for Reika but it is not a crime to ask about her friend. Right?
“Ahh Waka? She is having migraine and just sleeping in the room.” Reika looks away while answering the question. Whenever people asked about Wakatsuki, she will feel terror running in her blood vessel, afraid that people will notice what she trying to hide.
“Sokka..” Manatsu nodded. They walked out the library together when it almost the time for their next paper.
But Manatsu can’t stay focus on her paper; she can only thought the way that she could get closer to Waka again. It is almost a week she don’t see her face, all her calls was rejected by Waka. She might be said nothing but she is not stupid not to know that something was off. Because whenever she went to Reika’s room, she will never accepted by them. Either they were away or they don’t want anyone to enter their room. She can tell that the least. So Manatsu decide to pay a visit for Wakatsuki after she finished her paper. She can finished it earlier than Reika since she was smarter than her. Well, that is not a wise idea but all she could feel is desperation to meet the girl and this is the only chance she have to grab.
The door is not locked when Manatsu turns the knob. She steps in stealthily, careful not to wake up the sleeping girl. She sits on her leg on the bed beside Wakatsuki. She rolled her sleeves and starts to give massage to Wakatsuki. She can’t tell that how much she miss Wakatsuki, that her breaks into thousand pieces whenever Wakatsuki try hard to avoid her. What was wrong with her that everyone hates her?
Reika whistling as she arrive her dorm and approaching the room. The key was dangling on her fingers; ready to be inserted on the knob hole. But to her surprised; the door not even locked and slightly open. Did she forget to lock the door before? Or did Wakatsuki already wake up? Or someone breaks into her room? Her eyes widen to the last thought across her mind.
She pushed the door slowly, but to her shock all she could see is the figure of Manatsu kiss Wakatsuki while hugging her and Wakatsuki not even rejecting the touch from Manatsu. Using her left strength, she steps into the room feeling dumbfounded. “Waka..” She calls, her voice almost unheard but Manatsu heard it as the room is not that noisy.
“Reika..” She pulled away from Wakatsuki when she realized the girl standing there with red face, holding her anger.
Realized the touch was suddenly pulled away, Wakatsuki open her blindfold. It takes her five seconds to have clear view of Manatsu in front of her and not Reika as she would expect it. And the terror in Manatsu’s eyes sensing her that something was wrong, she looks at the Manatsu eyes directed her. Her mouth fall into a wide gape when she saw Reika standing there with tears on her eyes.
Reika can’t control her feelings anymore and pushed the small aquarium gift from Wakatsuki the other day, and the glass aquarium crushing into the floors into thousand pieces. The loud sound of breaking glass awakes Wakatsuki from her shock, she runs to Reika but the grab on her arms stopping her from doing that. Manatsu is holding tightly on Wakatsuki’s arm, prevent her from moving.
“Waka! Explain to me please.” Manatsu begging to Wakatsuki, the grips was tighten as she desperately holding her tears.
“I am sorry Manatsu, but can we talk later?” All that important to Wakatsuki is Reika, so she pushed the other girl to the bed when there is no sign Manatsu will let her go. She started to chase for Reika.
On the hallway of the dorm, Wakatsuki runs like a crazy girl, still with her sleeping shirt and short pants. Phone still on her hands and fingers keep dialing Reika’s number but everything was fail. The calls not even connected. So she runs and searching like crazy girl, her shirt drenched in sweats as she never stop from running. She went to the garden, to the café, to the restaurant and the last place she went to is at Mai’s café. She finally able to catch her breath there but Reika was nowhere to be seen.
“Aunty Mai, do see Reika?” Wakatsuki asked while panting and gasping for air.
“No, I not see her anywhere.” Mai answer in shocked, shocked with her niece condition. She wants to ask more but the rings from Wakatsuki’s phone stopping from doing so.
Without looking at the caller, Wakatsuki pushed the green button. The call connected and Manatsu’s sobs was heard loudly on the speaker. Mai once again taken aback, having no idea of what actually going on.
“Waka, can you explain things to me please? What is the meaning of this?”
“I’m sorry Manatsu, but you I was blindfolded, I never thought it was you. Don’t misunderstood things please.” She yelled as she no longer can hold her anger and frustration.
“I never thought you were like this, that you have something with Reika. I.. I will tell everyone about two of you.” In between her sobs, Manatsu threaten Wakatsuki, giving her no other choice but to run again.
“Are you mad Manatsu? Don’t be crazy!” And she run again all the way to the dorm hoping that she wouldn’t do anything stupid, Reika will never accept that. At least not from other people moreover Manatsu.
In the room, Manatsu crying tones of tears as all she could think is betrayal and rejection. Even if she expect this, but everything that happen is too shocking to her. Manatsu bring her knees to her chest, again she start sobbing another tones of tears. Call her stupid, call her crazy but yes she is the kind that would desperately cry over breaking heart.
Wakatsuki take another 10 minutes of detour from her aunt café to her room. She reaches the room while panting and gasping for another air. All the running tiring her but she can’t stop from doing that. Seeing Manatsu on the floor, she heaves a relief breath. She approaches the other girl and sits beside her.
“Tell me Waka, what is wrong with me? Why you can’t accept me but Reika?” Manatsu begging another chance from Wakatsuki with tears filling in her eyes.
“You are okay, you are kind and beautiful. But you know, love is not that simple, you can’t hope your love will be replied. If it is happen, world will always in peace.” Wakatsuki answer calmly. “You love me, but the person I love is Reika.”
In her home, Reika also crying tones of tears. Sobbing without giving any clear reasons to her mom. And her mom, of course feel worry looking at her daughter crying nonstop for over two hours already. And Eri, just standing on the door watching all the drama without speaks up. Reika calls him right after she runs away from her rooms, and Eri of course willingly arrive there any minute, bring the girl away but to her home, the place no one would know including Wakatsuki. He might know nothing but he knows that bring her here is the best decision ever. Watching Reika like that make him hurts more so Eri left with heavy steps.
“Reika, are you okay? You have crying for hours already.” Sakurai-san hands out a glass of water to her daughter as she sits beside her. She pats her daughter’s back as attempt to soothe her and stop crying.
Reika reach for the glass and brings it to her lips, it calm her a little but not stopping her from still sobbing.
“Is there anything I should know? Is something wrong? Or did Eri did something bad to you?” Sakurai-san guessing some random answer while brushing Reika’s hair.
Reika shakes her head few times before finally have enough strength to speak. “Mom, if I don’t love Eri, will you feel sad?”
“Of course I will now. I’m not forcing you with Eri, it is just I used to see both of you always together since you were little. So I thought you like him.”
“And what if.. someone that I like is.. not a man. Will you be angry at me?” Reika carefully asking the question while looking at her mom’s eyes. And everything falls into deep silence, Reika looks down as she could sense her mom’s dissatisfaction.
Listen to her daughter’s answer make Sakurai-san is taken aback but she try to look composed as she could. She can’t get angry at this time, not when Reika is still unstable.
The next day is Reika’s last paper, even if she was feeling heart broken, she wouldn’t dare to bet on her future, not when today is the last paper for her. Eri accompany her to the college and waiting for her to finish her exam. Reika however, trying hard to avoid everyone’s eyes onto her, scared that everyone would know the last night fuss. She can never take it lightly when it involved Manatsu. And of course, the person she tries to avoid the most is Manatsu and Wakatsuki.
While waiting for Reika to finish her paper, Eri walks around the garden. There, he met with Wakatsuki. The girl at first didn’t realized his stared but as soon as she meet with Eri’s gaze, all she could think is Reika seeing him here again make her heart wounded. They didn’t utter any words, Eri is just simply stand there while holding up to his anger, even if Reika is not saying anything, he knows that it must be related to Wakatsuki. And his guess is right when he saw her today. Wakatsuki is not much different than Reika, both looks so pitiful and in mess. Wakatsuki too standing there doing nothing, across the water fountain, both people look at each other with deep meaningful gaze.
Reika finished her last paper within three hours and go home straight after that. Luckily she didn’t bump into Wakatsuki. Well, the chances of bumping into her itself is low as they don’t have any similar subjects. And Eri, of course he didn’t say anything. He couldn’t afford to see Reika suffer more than this. If Reika is hurt, so do him, what you can expect from person who love her since forever but he still can’t let her go even if everything is so obvious that Reika will never return his love.
Seeing Eri that day, make Wakatsuki clear of Reika’s where about. Where would she go when the only place Wakatsuki never dared to step is her house and meeting with her mom. Wakatsuki might never have the courage to face Reika’s mom but she need to clear things up. So, after she finished her last paper which exactly a week after that incident, she went Reika’s house. After gather all her courage, there she is, sitting in the middle of living room facing Reika’s mom stern face. The older woman just crosses her arms around her chest.
“I need to apologize to you first about our meeting before. That I pretended to borrow her book, I’m her roommate.” Wakatsuki carefully arrange her words, careful not tick any sensitive matter that would make the older woman angrier at her. Because even right not she can feel the stare pierce into her face. She looks up, meeting eyes with Sakurai-san to express her honesty in her words.
“I’m not surprised, people like you will lie anyway. But why did you need to lie to me? Did Reika tell you to?”
“No! Of course not, I’m doing it at my own consciousness.” Wakatsuki quickly deny and admitting at the same time. “I happen to know that you don’t like people… like”
“Enough, you don’t have to explain that things. It is good you know that.”
“I am very close with Reika.. and I want to ask for your permission to be together with her.” Her voice turn down at the end her sentence as the gaze piercing into her more and more.
“To be with her?”
“I love Reika.” She adds.
“What answer do you want from me? When you already know that I can’t accept this kind of relationship. And you came here to ask my permission to have relationship with my only daughter. What answer do you want? Should I tell you that please be happy and take care of each other? And lead a good life? Let me be honest, I don’t think this kind of relationship will be last long.”
“But I’m serious.” Wakatsuki quickly cut the sentence and voicing out her seriousness, that she didn’t take thing lightly, that she thinks it very thoroughly.
“Okay, if you’re that serious.. let asks Reika, is she really serious with this or not.” She challenged Wakatsuki with her low confident voice before called upon Reika who is waiting and listening on the stairs.
Listen that her name was called; Reika didn’t have any choice but to obey. She steps down and for the first time after a week, she finally face to face with Wakatsuki. She missed her so much but stays composed, knowing that her mom will mad at her if she didn’t hear what she wants to hear. So Reika don’t even looks into Wakatsuki’s eyes when her walk closer to her, giving her signal that don’t come nearer. “I’m sorry mom but..”
“We can talk about that later. But I want to know what happened.”
Reika takes a second before answering the question. She takes a deep breath and starts to speak. “No, it is nothing between us.” She looks straight into her mom’s eyes telling her she is not lying. She averts her gaze into Wakatsuki. “Yumi, I’m sorry but I’m just playing with you.”
“Do you think she is serious?” Sakurai-san once again looks to Wakatsuki who is now approaching her daughter.
“Reika, I understand. But the reasons I’m here is to tell you that.. I don’t know it was Manatsu, you know I was blindfolded and you know that I’m waiting for you.” She looks into Reika’s eyes who just look down to the floor, ignoring her explaination. “I didn’t have to explains it right? You don’t even care about it, right?” Wakatsuki at her verges if broken down, tears already filled in her eyes.
And Reika, don’t even have courage but looks down guiltily as Wakatsuki is now in front of her. Their distant was now a meter away.
“Reika, I will go now.” Wakatsuki said before leaving. Her voice trembled as she try to stay calm in front of her and not to cry. Without waithing any answer, she walked down the stairs, leaving the two people with different content. Sakurai-san would feel all satisfied because her daughter obeyed her but Reika with her guilty as she once again hurting Wakatsuki.
As Wakatsuki finally leave, Reika legs simply giving up of supporting her, she falls to the floor and starts to cry again. How she feel sad when she need to lie about her feeling and hurt Wakatsuki even more. The other girl just coming here with pure intentions to clear things up but she can’t simply said yes, I forgive you. The frustration inside is killing her. Seeing her daughter like that, Sakurai-san sits beside her and give little pat on her back. It was the least she could do when she is still angry at her own daughter but everything that happen just now has solve the complication inside her heart.
Wakatsuki meet with Eri at the front door, the man has been standing there since she arrived before. She stops in front of the tall man. Her tears start to fall onto her cheeks. “Please take care of her.”
With that words, Wakatsuki walk away with tears on her cheeks. She don’t even turn back and bringing her wounded heart away.
“Eri, I’m sorry.”
To Eri, Reika just can say sorry, sorry for keeping him waiting for a long time but at the end she can’t return his love. Sorry for keep searching for the man every time she needs him. Sorry because she always turns down him whenever he came to her. Sorry that once again she can’t promise him anything. Because the person she loves all this time is Wakatsuki, and when that person is not around, she can’t love anymore, she miss that capability to be in love.
How can she only realize it now? That she can only be herself when Wakatsuki was there, that she finally now can accept the fact that she is in love with a girl. That she can only say the word of love to Wakatsuki and wanted to say it to her. That she only can see butterflies when Wakatsuki was there, now she wants to see those beautiful butterflies. Why love is so mean to her? Walked away when she want her to be by her side even if the world go against her, saying the word of love then leaving her alone in cruel world full of act.
Wakatsuki is still crying when she waiting for her uncle, Hashimoto Naoki to pick her up at the college garden. The older man is not saying anything when he picks her up with all the swollen face in mess. He can ask her wife later when they met. Going back without knowing anything is like booking his own death with his brother.
Reika is back in her room after a month of mourning. And everything was normal. The bed already at their normal place like the first time they met. The red line was still there, keeping the boundary like before, the only different is that person is now wasaway, nowhere to be seen. And her first greeting with lipstick was still on the mirror. How she now longing to see her but guess that is now happening. Not when she hurt her that much.
Why she never have the courage to love her like Wakatsuki would? Why she was so afraid to love her before when losing Wakatsuki right now are more
painful than everything? Why she can’t even say she love her when right now the words she want to say the most is ‘I miss you’ and ‘I love you’? Why can’t she walk together with her under the blue sky when right now she only can stare at the dark cloud waiting for blue sky to appear again? She wishes that someday, someday when she got her Wakatsuki back, she would never looks down to the ground waiting for people to keep her eyes away from her and she would raise her head to look into her eyes. It is never Wakatsuki fault that she can’t love her publicly. Because the inferior always come inside her.
Now, the only thing she could do is drawing the sad face on her sandwich and eats them alone. That now she can only playing with shadows alone, even the bird reflection looks so lonely with only her hand moving them. Now, the only thing she saw and on brown board on the walls was her picture with only Yes or No without any question. Well, the question lies inside herself, did she have any courage to love her? How long she would endure the loss? How long she can endure the missing inside without fighting for her rights to be in love? It was hard, it is so hard. And she needs to fight the pain alone.
“If one day you have courage, we will fly together.”
That is one day she finally have courage to open the letter in butterfly shapes that she found in her book and the letter still asking for her, still waiting for her to fly together. Reika can’t help but to cry again. Yes or No? It only depends to her, how long she should endure the loss without fighting for it? It is enough, when she is the one who hurt her, she is the only one who should treat the wound.
So, that week, Reika is makes her decision to follow for Wakatsuki all the way to her hometown in Shizuoka. She at least need to say sorry and try again, as much as Wakatsuki would try to fix their relationship, as much as Wakatsuki ever tried to this relationship possible.
“Hashimoto-san!” She calls when she saw the tall man in the farm. Well she still remember all the story Wakatsuki told her before, where her farm is,
what the name of her beloved uncle and how funny her papa is. Thanks to Aunty Mai, she finally reaches this place. “Do you still remember me?” She asks with smile plastered on her face complimenting her big round eyes.
Hashimoto-san only can smile awkwardly, confused on how to treat the girl who hurt his niece that much. But he still bring her inside, meeting with his brother. Luckily that Wakatsuki-san is not as stern as her mom would be. Her presence was accepted happily by the old man.
“I was here to ask your permission to meet with Yumi.” Reika straightforwardly declare her intentions after introduce herself.
“Oh sure you can, you can found her near the river down there. Naoki-kun, show her the way.”
And here she is, Reika can saw Wakatsuki’s back from here. Even her back looks so sad right now. Even the sound of flowing river so frustrated at her. “Yumi.” She calls softly, making the other girl stand abruptly and facing her. ahh, how she miss that beautiful face. She looks more sunken than before, the bones on her cheeks even obvious. How she can see that Wakatsuki is suffer as much as she is because of her own doing.
Seeing Reika standin there, she walks to other girl. Emotionless. She is not uttering any words but waiting for her to speak.
“How dare you left your girlfriend picture inside the room.” Reika pinned her photo that she brought together onto Wakatsuki’s chest. She is with her usual cheerful tone, but still there is no any respons or emotion being displayed on her face.
“I’m hurt Reika.” It is a statement.
Listen to the confession makes Reika looks down. She try not tearing up once again, not when she need the courage the most right now. “Why? It is just a small matter.” She tried to tease but nothing was success.
Wakatsuki stare straight into Reika’s eyes telling her she is really hurt.
“Waka.. I’m sorry.” Reika tries to find the right words. “I’m sorry. That I was afraid, I was confused.. and I was afraid of everything. That my mom would mad at me, that my friends would tease me, I was afraid with people eyes.” She stops and starts sobbing a little. “But now I know, that if I was still afraid, I will lose you. And I don’t want to lose you again, it is too painful.” Her voice trembled as she try hard not to cry. There is still no answer from Wakatsuki.
“Am I too late? It is okay, I came too late” Reika smiles bitterly, calming down herself before she can walk away with tears in her eyes.
“Reika.” The soft calls stop Reika from her steps.
“It is okay, I’m okay.” Without being asked, she answers. Much more like her own persuasions to her own heart. Before all she could feel is Wakatsuki warm hug from her back.
“Thank you that you finally have courage to love me.”
Reika turn her body and return the hug. Now she can hug as much as she can without thinking about people’s eyes.
To her mom, she knows her mom would be furious over her decisions but she can only say sorry. Saying that she only feel and see butterflies when she was with Wakatsuki. Even if asking her mom permission would be much but still she asks for that opportunity to know more about love, she loves Eri but she never feel the butterflies inside her whenever they was together. And if this is true, she wants to feel the fall, the breaks when she was in love. And she never wants to keep curious about this love forever, so she want to try this out with Wakatsuki.
To Eri, she can only said that she was sorry. He is like her brother that she never thinks as love as much when she was with Wakatsuki.
Now she wonders that, why the sky has turned blue all of sudden? And why the butterflies are suddenly flying all over the place?
They will never know how future would be, will it be tough and intricate? But as long as she have Wakatsuki, she thinks she has more than enough to face it. She have the courage now.
(A/N: LOLSS finally I have time to finish this story. I take more than 12 hours to write this story since last evening, now it already 5.14 in my country. Well, here you go. I’m sorry if the story was poorly develops. THANKS FOR READING
I don’t really remember but the scene at the end, was it in the movie or the bonus part?
Yeah, sort of.. i just expanding it little bit. is it okay?

wakasama__: Yes i'm updating the last part. i'm sorry if i'm late. stucked in the lab with all the samples. Varsity life is tiresome! (Just kidding)

yes it is disappointing not to have them in the same row. but it more disappointing when i'm hopping to much on their duet together but instead got ASUKAXMIONA duet even though it was good but the MV is complicating~!
ミサキ...*heavy breath* too much sweet (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
hope reika's mother will accept waka 
that was a surprising announcement, hope that's not a last single to nanamin
and yeah, welcome back for waka into fukujin 
thank you! i'm happy you like it and here is the last part of roommates.
unfortunately it is the LAST SINGLE for Nanamin.
yayyyy Waka is back into Fukujin!!