Chapter 5 “Which do you want, Nanase?” Mai asked while looking at Nanase staring at the stuffed toys that were displayed as prizes for the game.
“I want that one, Maiyan.”,Nanase pointed out to the mini-whale stuffed toy.
The game was to pitch a ball at the center of the target, three balls were given to the player but Mai only took one and pitched magnificently that left the owner shocked.
“Maiyan, sugoi!” Nanase cheered.
“Congratulations! That was an amazing throw! You can take the 2-meter sized teddy bear for hitting it for the first try young lady.” the owner said.
“Thank you very much, but I’ll take the whale doll instead.” Mai calmly answered.
“Are you sure?” the owner asked back, while getting the whale that is on the top and handing it to her.
“Yes, sir, I am very much sure. This is the one she likes.” Mai said while glancing at Nanase. “Here, Nanase. It’s another gift from me for your birthday.”, the little girl hugged the doll immediately.
Reika spoke, “So what are you gonna name the doll, Nanase-chan?”
Nanase looked to Mai who was smiling at her then to the doll before saying, “Koketani,his name is koketani. Thank you for giving him to me Maiyan.” she beamed.
“Alright! Then I’ll get Reika that teddy bear!” Yumi exclaimed. She managed to hit the target on her second. “Here, Reika, for you.” she said while barely managing to hold the bear because of its hugeness.
“waah… thanks Wakachuki, but how are we supposed to walk around with this?” Reika explained.
“hehe… I forgot about that. I was so focused on getting the bear because I know how much you love them…” Yumi said while scratching the back of her head a little.
“I like the bears you made me on my previous birthdays.” Reika thought back, and said with a smile, “Why don’t we put the bear in the car first and we’ll follow Mai and Nanase after.”
Waka agreed to that and spoke to her cousin, “Ja, we’ll meet up with you later.”
Watching her friends go, Mai once again held Nanase’s hand and said, “Why don’t we ride the ferris wheel next?”
“Okay.” Nanase answered.
In the ferris wheel… “Wah….takai…. tonderu mitai…”Nanase mesmerisingly said while they near the top and almost leaning to the glass door.
“Be careful, Nanase…” Mai reminded.
“Hai!” Nanase said while taking a seat opposite of Mai, she put her hand in her pocket to get the drawing she made a while ago and quickly said, “Ano… ne, Maiyan, I also haf a gift for you.”
“Eh? A gift for me?” Mai was surprised when she heard this, “Ja, what is it?” she continued. Nanase took out the drawing and gave it to Mai.
“Wow! Nanase, you’re really good in drawing…” Mai praised, “Is this me?” she pointed to a girl drawn with a cap while holding the other girl’s hand.
“Yes, and the other one is me, so we’ll always be together Maiyan.” Nanase explained grinning widely.
Mai stood up and hugged Nanase, “Thank you, I’ll treasure this forever.” Mai told her.
“Ne, Maiyan, can we go here again next time when it’s your birthday?” Nanase innocently asked.
“Then, how about this Nanase, why don’t we go here every year on our birthdays?Promise we’ll go here every time it’s our birthdays…” Mai offered her pinky finger.
Nanase entwined her pinky finger with Mai’s and hummed in agreement and answering back, “Pwomise…”
After the ferris wheel ride Waka and Reika joined them and went to the carousel. Yumi lost to Mai in rock-paper-scisscors so she had to buy their snacks, while Reika and Nanase chose to ride carousel. Mai had to wait for Waka near the ride and watch over the other two while they were in the carousel.
“Maiyan!”, Nanase called when the horse she was riding came into where she can see the older girl when the ride was turning around she looked back to Mai…
Mai looked to where she was being called and saw Nanase was looking a bit anxious when the ride was turning around so decided to run and follow Nanase so she won’t lose sight of her during the ride while shouting, “Smile, Nanase, smile! Happy birthday, Nanase!”
~~~and updated.... I decided to finish the amusement park chapter first and the on the next chapter would be the time skip...~Ajan05
P.S. 1) the doll concept was thanks to Nogizakatte doko? the episodes where there was the ne wo dokkiri where i saw Nanase's doll since kinder named koketani and the episode where Reika won the huge 2-m teddy bear from Chiharu....hehe...
2) Once again, thanks for the messages and tips.... May you find this chapter to your liking even though it's a bit short...