@Gekikara chan : Haha. Thank you for your support^^ but please don't expect much from me, i just write from MonaBeri side of drama^^
@huffhuff : i even blushing while write that part

@aergia : Hi.

Thank you^^ you even used your 1st post for commenting here... once again, thank you very much

@wakasama__ : yeah, she is^^ haha. i won't, i fall in love with her too... so please keep this as secret from waka ne~

PART 422nd
10 : 30 am
Today is the last preparation day before Keyakizaka Private Academy festival started but everyone still sleeping in the classroom, exept Shiichan who didn’t sleep because she had to draw the wallpaper for Ghost House’s props. Yes, they would do a Ghost House instead of Maid Cafe for festival. It started with Akanen’s Group idea to use the corpse to make the Ghost House setting looked more real.
The first to wake up was Techi who then, went out to find more clues. 5 minutes later, the whole class wake up one by one and got themselves terrified after looking at Shiichan’s drawing. Then the door was opened abruptly by Techi who’s showing Tokuyama’s phone while saying that it’s the time to determine the murderer.
Shida’s POVWith Tokuyama’s black colored phone in her hand, Techi smiled and showed us Tokuyama’s mail that’s full of his conversation with our new homeroom teacher, Kanzaki-sensei. We lifted sensei’s corpse to sit on a wheelchair and planned to ask Kanzaki-sensei about the mail by calling out her to go to the class. To surprised her, we wore the ghost costume and hide. Right after she entered the classroom, we came out from our hidden place and made a big circle arround her.
Techi was the last person who came out and asked Kanzaki-sensei about her secret relationship with Tokuyama-sensei. She read some of Tokuyama’s sent mail as an attempt to taunt her. It didn’t take long to make Kanzaki-sensei confess that she was Tokuyama’s murderer. However, Techi asked more, including about how Tokuyama was killed in sitting position, she questioned on the possibility of another person who helped Kanzaki and showed the corridor’s hidden camera.
In the recording, Neru and Zuumin entered and exited the classroom before Tokuyama died. After 3 minutes passed, a certain twin-tailed girl that’s holding a dog puppet recorded entering the classroom, followed by Kanzaki-sensei not long after.
Our eyes fixed on the two, we told them to confess their motives. I examined Berika, after a long silence she just said that she was the one who did all by herself and Kanzaki-sensei was only covering her crime. She requested Kanzaki-sensei to got out of the class as she will explain it to us.
After sensei went out, Berika pushed the chair which corpse was sat, and confess in front of the class that she did it not to protect Kanzaki-sensei as the latter had said so, but just for fun. I frowned at her statements.
Is she already crazy? Killed someone and get excited from that? “Don’t you think, thanks to corpse that make this class more lively?” said her calmly to us.
“I DON’T!” said Fuuchan.
“ARE YOU STUPID?!” told Miichan.
“IT WAS HOPELESS YOU KNOW!?” Ozeki then spoke to her.
“Especially having to deal with the corpse... and many more...” said Zuumin with teary eyes.
I looked at all my classmate that already had piercing glare to Berika, then my eyes looked back at Berika. With that gaze in her eyes, I knew she was lying.
That wasn’t her real reason.
But then with a soft sniffle, she admited that she did it because she was lonely. She did all that to make her classmate notice her presence. Berika realized that all she did was wrong and apologized, reassuring us that she will take all the responsibility for it.
Before she could exited the classroom, Techi stopped her, saying that Berika forgot one important point;
Tokuyama was already died even before Berika killed him.To prove that, she played the video from Tokuyama’s phone, and we’re surprised that Tokuyama actually died because of heart-attack.
Damn it.While we’re still confused on how to respond to this new discovery, Risa told us that regardless, it’s still a crime. Then we realized all of us are at fault (since we had touched sensei’s corpse too) and decided to clean up the mess and keep sensei’s corpse in Neru’s locker for the moment.
Before the camp fire event, we started to tidy up our classroom, but then Neru said that the corpse was not in her locker anymore. We panicked and searched for the missing corpse, until Techi informed us that the school janitor, Hashibe-san already took out that and burried it.
We took time to recall these one week incident at the window then went out to watch the camp fire. I took a glance at Techi who was the last one to left to whisper thank you for the last time to sensei’s spirit, and Berika who was left standing there alone. I stopped my walk to looked at her. Maybe I should turn back and invited her. But before I could, I saw Yukka already approached and invited her, so I continued walking with Akanen who was waited for me.
End of Shida’s POVAfter the camp fire show ended, everyone went to their own destination, especially Berika who had left earlier. Unike her usual routine, she went straight to her home, took a bath and prepared for dinner because her parents was coming home from their business meeting in Osaka. Right after she finished cooking the main dish, she heard her parents called her name while knocking the door. With her wide smile she opened the door and helped her parents carry their suitcases inside the house before moving on the kitchen. They eat their dinner quietly, until Berika’s father broke the silence.
“How was school?” Mr.Watanabe tried to start a conversation.
“It’s fine, dad. How was the meeting?” asked Berika back.
“It was tiring, we have to argued for 5 hours before we have a deal to make the project, right?” Mr. Watanabe answered it while looking at his wife.
“Yeah. And tomorrow morning both of us need to go to Hokkaido to prepare for next Monday’s meeting. So take care of yourself, okay?” Mrs. Watanabe reminded Berika.
“I will, dad, mom.”
So they’re going to left me alone... again..
Meanwhile at Ozeki’s House...Ozeki’s room was in a mess. With a loud rock song boomed all over the house, a certain short hair girl was jumping to her heart’s content at a corner of the room. At one side of the room you can found a braided hair who wear a glasses lying on the floor, reading comics with a few piles of them around her. At the center of room, a ponytailed girl and the host moving around wildly, swishing the remote controller in their hands like mad-mans... playing a tennis game. While in the kitchen, Suzumon was cooking instant ramen with some vegetables for dinner.
Today Akanen’s group had a sleepover at Ozeki’s house since her parents went to visit her grandma who was sick and they’ll come back tomorrrow. It was Suzumon’s idea, knowing that Ozeki will be alone during weekend, so she suggested her friends to have a sleepover tonight. They went to each home to ask for each parent’s permission and got their thing before they came to Ozeki’s house. After entering the house, they rushed to Ozeki’s room to put their thing and started to play until now.
Before the dinner, Akanen gathered them and using janken to decide the one who will cook for all five of them, since they knew Ozeki’s parents left without having the time to prepare any food. Suzumon lose so she was in charge for their dinner. Too lazy to think, she just cooked up instant ramen for them. After she made it in one big pot, she carried and served that to her friend. While eating, they talked about everything; like the comic, magazine, or song that would be released, an upcoming midterm test, and Tokuyama’s incident.
“Ne, I still can’t believe that Tokuyama died because of heart-attack.” Oda-ni started the topic.
“Me too. But the one who knew it first was Kameyama-kun (a class’s turtle) and he didn’t even tell us about it.” Ozeki commented.
“He will, if he can talk.” Commented Shida, and the whole laughed because of the joke.
“Ahaha.... But thanks to Tokuyama, we know of our classmate’s hidden personality like Habu’s .” Oda-ni remined them.
“And of course our classmate’s secret. Like Yukka who entered our school from backdoor, I’m still curious how much is her amount on the list.”Added Akanen.
“E-eh? A student list who entered through backdoor? I thought that was a donation list for the school?” Said Suzumon and everyone nodded their head.
“But still I assume that she passes from backdoor, maybe I’ll call her for that to tease her.” Akanen showed her evil smile.
“Haha.. That will be good.” Ozeki replied while smirking.
“Don’t you think Techi was like a real detective back then?” Shida asked.
“Yeah, she was awesome! She pretty much uncovered all the cases herself. But, don’t you think Watanabe Berika is a little bit odd? I mean stabbing Tokuyama like that just to get noticed by us?” Oda-ni said, munching her ramen.
“Maybe she had another purpose. She could have had a relationship with Tokuyama, then got ignored just like Kanzaki, and stabbed him for revenge.” Ozeki added.
“She’s just a lonely person you know... And I think she is funny too.” Shida told them, then drinking her water.
“How do you know?!” The four of them shocked.
Because I find out and experienced it myself that she’s just lonely yet a friendly person. “Hmm... Instincts?” Shida said jokingly.
After they finished eat a ramen, they prepared a futon and had a pillow fight before they went to sleep.