Chapter 5For Zuumin it was the longest moment she had with Techi as they walk together to visit Neru.
They were just a few blocks away but suddenly a beeping sound alarms both girls as they hear it. Zuumin’s phone is ringing and she took the call amidst their walk to their destination.
“Looks like I can’t go and see Neru after all. Can you send my regards to her and also give these to her. My mom called and I needed to attend some matters with her. I’m so sorry.” She said—her face saddening up and turned a bit blue after that call.
She took out the handouts and handed it over to Techi. Before Techi could even say a word, she fled away hurriedly and only got to waved goodbyes to each other.
“See you on Monday, Techiko.” She screamed—a smile flashed across Zuumin’s face.
Techi is all alone… again. She was just a few blocks away from Neru’s house but she insisted of taking her things back to her home first and get dressed up then proceed to her destination.
She chose an oversized white shirt, tight hugging black pants and a sling bag where she can put her notebooks and handouts that she’ll be lending out. She took a golden necklace hanging by the mirror on her desk to match her outfit. It took her a whole 30 minutes just to dress up and fix her hair. She checked for one last time if her outfit looks good and decided that this is a good fit and stormed down to ask permission from her mom. She told her mom that’s been in the kitchen the whole time that’s she leaving and would text her when she get there. Her mom kissed her goodbye and told her not to run late going home.
She finally approached the front gate of Neru’s house after a few pace from her house. She takes a look of the house and seems amazed that the outside looks really remarkable to look at. She rang the doorbell the first time and waited. No one answered to it. She rang it again for the second time and still no one answered. All she could think about is Neru or her family is probably out. As she was turning her back after ringing it for the second time; the doorknob slowly turning, the door gently opening and a figure from inside steps out to greet Techi. It was Neru, yawning while covering her mouth with her left hand.
“Neru, sorry if I disturbed you from your sleep. I’m here to lend my notes and some handouts that you might need when you get to attend class again.” She murmured—with a bit of shyness that lingers with her words.
“No worries, I was about to make some dinner too. Good thing you woke me up, maybe you could join me and have dinner tonight?” she asked, grasping the metal handle of the gate and letting Techi in.
“If it’s ok with you and your family, I guess.” She purred, smiling back.
“I’m all alone right now so it would be a delight if you’ll be accompanying me.” Neru smiled back.
“Let me just call my mom—. Hello Mom, I’m having dinner here with my schoolmate and so don’t bother waiting for me to eat dinner later.” She pulls out her phone and explained it to her mom.
The moment she enters the house, her curiosity piqued to a higher level and made her wonder how amazing this house could be from the outside all the way to the inside. Neru stares at the other girl who looks like astonished on what she’s seeing. Techi looks like a child visiting an amusement park and wanting to see the attractions from one area to another. Her smile shows with all the amazement that she’s having and wondered why there is such a place like this. She scanned the whole house graciously and her facial expression displays contentment all over her face. She forgot that she was in another home and when she snapped back to reality, comprehending what her face looks like, she was flustered.
“You’re the first person who seems to be flabbergasted what’s inside our house. It looks dull and plain to me.” Neru dumbfounded, leading Techi to their sofa seat.
“The decorations looks wonderful and even the vibe you can get inside feels welcoming.” Techi purred, still gazing at the whole living room.
Neru sat close to her, skimmed at the notes and handouts and thank Techi for bringing it to her. She gripped Techi’s right hand and squeezed it a little. Techi smiled and immediately shifted to asking Neru why she skipped class for the past few days.
She beamed a smile towards Techi and told her about her mom being brought to the hospital due to overworking and she decided to stay with her mom for a few days.
“I’m really sorry if I didn’t tell our homeroom teacher about it. It was too hectic for me to attend to my mom’s need and I totally forgot about it.” She explained, beaming a smile and speaking with her calm and gentle voice.
“Our teacher got worried and she told me to visit you. I got worried too.” Techi purred, squeezing back Neru’s hand.
“I’m sorry for the trouble of you going here and lending me some notes for me to catch up. It’s so nice of you, Techi.” She smiled—scrunching her nose a little while swaying her head from left to right.
Techi suddenly remembered that they still haven’t exchanged e-mail address yet so she asked for it right after Neru’s explanation. She took out her phone from her pocket, pressed some buttons and as the light glows from her phone, she gave her biggest and warmest smile.
“Neru, we totally forgot exchanging e-mail addresses—here’s my address by the way.” She showed the phone to Neru and smiled again.
“I totally forgot about it too. Here’s my address.” She showed her phone as it displays letters and words from the phone screen.
After getting each other’s e-mail addresses, Neru pushed some of the buttons from her phone. Techi suddenly got a beep from her phone and she checked it.
[E-mail] Neru
Test..te—TECHI >.<She looked at Neru still staring at her phone and she broadens a stiff smile after receiving a message. She decided to input a message to her even though it seems silly that they are communicating when they are just close together in one seat.
[E-mail] Techi
|_-。)[E-mail] Neru
Isn’t it silly what we’re doing right now?
(*´▽`*)Both girls locked their eyes and giggled at the same time. Their laughter echoed all over the living room as these two are really enjoying their time together like they’ve known each other for such a long time.
Neru stood up and invited Techi if she wants to accompany her at the kitchen as she cooks. Techi nodded and tags along with Neru as they walk to the kitchen.
Neru led Techi to a vacant seat and grabbed an apron by the counter desk table. She opened the refrigerator door, knelt and took out some veggies from the crisper. She pulled the freezer door and scanned the inside—grabbed a portion of meat and closed the ref’s door. Meanwhile Techi—curious as a cat could be gazes at Neru as she prepares their dinner for tonight. She’s being so attentive on whatever movement Neru does from cutting the veggies up to the stir-frying of the meat. The smell of the newly cooked meal is all over the kitchen and it made both girls tummy grumble a bit and signaling that they are indeed really hungry.
Neru took out some plates from the cupboard and laid it over the dining table. Techi pranced her way to the kitchen sink and washed her hands thoroughly. She took a sit right beside Neru and unfolded the napkin that’s been resting at the top of the dining table. Neru helpfully putting a cup of rice beside Techi’s plate and giving her a portion of mixed meat and veggies she cooked.
“Thank you. You seem to be good in cooking. The food really smells so good. Pardon me if I drool at it.” She jested, as she looks at Neru while she serves food to her.
“I’ve been doing this ever since I was 14 and its fine if you drool but I won’t be wiping off that happiness all over your face. I hope you’ll like the meal I just cooked.” She widely smiled— sat beside Techi and both of them started eating.
Both were quiet as they eat their meals but Techi seems to be overwhelmed by Neru’s cooking. It might be simple but the overall taste and appearance of it looks really superb. Neru noticed that Techi is enjoying and offered if she wants another cup of rice along with the mixed meat and veggies. A bit hesitant but she still managed to say yes—just like a little child who hasn’t even eaten for days.
“You really know your way to the kitchen. This is really good, Neru. Oh, I wish I could eat this at lunch all the time. I’ve been stuck with sandwiches and never get to eat home cooked food for lunch.” She explained while gobbling down her food.
“Uhm… If you want—I could bring lunch for you if you don’t mind. I do cook a lot and sometimes it makes me sad if it spoils.” She insisted.
“I feel like I’ll be troubling you all the time. I’m just saying about my daily lunch woes, don’t mind about it.” Techi murmured, looking down at the floor.
“Think of it as my way of thanking you for bringing me those handouts and notes today. I won’t take no for an answer.” She said, while locking her eyes towards Techi.
Techi felt trapped by Neru’s request and she just gave in. It was like she’s under her spell and she’ll definitely have no escape of talking her way out of it. Neru showing her grandest looking smile as she looks at her and it felt like a blinding light is shining through. Techi told her that she’ll be helping her wash the dishes as exchange for bringing her home cooked meals at lunch starting Monday. After doing the dishes, they went back to the living room and talked for a little bit.
“Neru, do you like to join me jogging tomorrow morning?” She suddenly asked.
“Sure I guess. How early are we getting up?” Neru asked.
“I think 5AM in the morning is ok. We could jog along the park for an hour or two. Are you ok with that?” She asked again.
Neru gives out small nods to it as she agrees for them to meet again tomorrow morning.
Techi decided to go home and waved goodbye to Neru. She led Techi out to her gate and bid farewell. Both are smiling as they part ways, the distant started to grow and Techi’s figure disappears from Neru’s sight. She let herself inside the house and closed the door. She grabbed the handouts and notes lying on the table and went up to her room. She tosses it at her desk and sat on top of her bed. She reflects about something and lay down at the right side of the bed; putting her right thumb by her lips and nibbling to it. After a few minutes she fell asleep.
Techi arrives home and was greeted by her parents as she goes in. She smiled and told them about Neru being their neighbor, a new classmate that has been living in her province for quite some time and a new found friend.
Her parents were listening to her attentively and they kept asking questions about her. It was like a quiz of some sort but Techi answered every little question that her parents asked. After the quiz show, she told her parents that she’ll be washing up and go to sleep after. They let the girl go and continued to watch television.
Techi pulled the curtain window to cover up the whole room. She started to undress and grabbed her pajama that’s been lying at the floor. It’s her favorite pink PJs that whenever she wears it, she always end up having a good night sleep. With just her underwear she slipped the PJs to her head and buttoned it one by one. She pulled the pants all the way to her hips and folded the overlapping sleeves on both arms. She’s finally dressed up and ready for bed now.
“Maybe I should go call Miyu and tell her what just happened today.” She purred, yawning while she heads to her bed.
She lies down and stares at the ceiling. The deafening silence is all you can hear inside her room and it made her sleepier and just decided to give Miyu a call first thing in the morning. She grabbed her phone set the alarm to 4:30AM and dozed off. She still managed to smile right before she goes to dreamland.
The buzzing sound of the alarm clocks warns the girl that it’s time for her to wake up. She opened her eyes and pushed a button to stop the mad sound coming out from the clock. It was already 4AM and darkness covers up the whole room for the girl on top of the bed appears to be yawning repeatedly and still wants to get some decent sleep.
She recollected that she would be jogging with Techi an hour later. The glow of light from her phone guided her to the door and searched for the light switch for her to turn it on. The brightness of the light got rid of the darkness in an instant and made the girl cover her eyes as light seeps in to her vision.
She brushed her hair down and straightens it as she scanned her closet to look for clothes she can wear. Even though she’s still sleepy she made it out of her room, got to wash her face and brushed her teeth. She immediately let her down and took out a glass to fetch some water for her to drink. It was past 30 minutes and she quickly toasted some bread for them to eat when they get hungry after jogging.
She waited till 4:55AM seated on the sofa at their living room and decided to go outside the house. She recalled the note her mom left a few days ago that she’ll be attending some work even though the doctor advised her not to overdo herself. Her mother is such a hardheaded person and didn’t take the advice at all. Neru decided not to ruin her morning and patiently waited for Techi to arrive. A few minutes later, a figure out of nowhere appeared in front of Neru’s vision.
“Good morning, Neru.” She smiled.
was what you thought

here's an extra chapter
Chapter 5.5“Did I startle you?” I’m so sorry.” She bowed her down a few times and flashed a smile.
“It’s ok. I’m not startled. I was a bit surprised that you sprung out all of a sudden.” Neru murmured.
Techi gets closer to looked at the girl who’s been standing on her porch. She looks at her starting from her head all over to her feet and looks back again to her face and smiled widely. Neru still yawning a few times and she just noticed Techi smiling back at her. She got flustered by it and gave out a weak smile. She placed her hand in front of Techi and that signaled her about the toast she made a while ago.
“Techi, I made some toast for us to eat. It’s not much but this would be handy after we jog.” She purred, extending her right hand and giving a small paper bag with the sandwich inside it.
“Thank you, Neru. We better get going before the sun rises.” She took the paper bag and grasped Neru’s hand tightly and went to the park.
It is still dark as they arrive at the park. The grass a bit damp that is scattered around the whole area and chirping little birds on top of the trees are all you can see and hear. Not even a soul can be spotted and both of them got the whole park for themselves. It was aesthetic to look at as the only source of light they got is from the stars above and some lamp posts circled all over the place. Techi seems to notice that Neru brought a bag and got curious about it.
“Is it ok to ask about what’s inside that bag of yours?” Techi asked.
“Oh this one, I brought some towels and a blanket for later. I also got some bottled juice or water for us to drink.” She said, enlightening the whole moment to get rid of Techi’s little curiosity.
“You are such a little girl scout. Thank you and I do appreciate it. Let’s get started then.” Techi muttered, stretching her arms.
Neru giving a nod of agreement as she puts down her bag under the tree and joins Techi to do some stretching. After a few stretching of both their arms and legs they started to jog. Starting slow at first then finding their pace as they stride and ran a few laps till they lose their breath. Witnessing the sun rises as they went for their final lap is quite a pleasant feeling. More like a euphoric kind of sensation to start your day. Neru was the first one to reach the tree spot and took out the blanket inside the bag. She unfolds it and lays it down on the ground. She sits and grabbed the bottled water and offered it to Techi.
“Techi, come here for a second.” She yelled, in a soft gentle voice.
She heard the little voice coming out from Neru’s mouth. She trembled hearing her tender, gentle voice once again. It was like an angel singing to her and the only best thing that she can describe it when she heard her call.
“Thank you.” She quickly replied, releasing the cap from the tip of the bottle and gulping the liquid form inside little by little.
Sweat is all over Techi’s body from her round little face all the way down to her neck. Little droplets are formed and it drips down from her chin to her collarbone. The shirt she’s wearing is darkened as it absorbs her sweat all over her body. Techi sits down beside Neru as the girl offers her a towel to wipe her face off. Techi stretches her hand and got the towel and dabs her face first.
It was a soothing feeling to get rid of the sweat that’s been all over her body. As she reaches her neck to wipe off the excess sweat, she got a glance of Neru laying down plates and taking out some food inside a small box she took out from her bag.
“I’m amazed that you got a lot going there inside that bag. You’re like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It’s surprising to be honest.” Techi murmured, looking down and doesn’t even budge to look at the other girl’s face.
“Hope you would like what I have to offer. I’m just thankful for inviting me to jog with you today.” She offered one box filled with biscuits and sweets inside to Techi.
“Don’t worry about it and thank you for accepting my invite. I find it hard to jog alone and now that I have someone to tag along with me, I’m really happy about it.” Techi said, lifting her head up and tilting her gaze to Neru.
“I’m happy too. Oh—I also brought some juice here.” She offered— handing out the drink to Techi as she nibbles the biscuit she’s been holding for quite a while.
Neru with her right hand placed on her chin as she stares at Techi while they eat their snacks as the sun shines over them. She’s quite thrilled and fascinated as she observes whatever Techi is doing. Techi doesn’t seem to notice it since she’s occupied with her biscuit and sweets. Neru prompt from where she’s seating and laid down on the blanket. She extended her hand upwards as she looks at the sun. Techi suddenly noticed the other girl’s movement and she decided to lay back.
“Do you like looking at the sky at day or at night?” Neru asked.
“I like both but looking at the stars seems more interesting. Gazing at the beautiful vast of darkness and the only thing that gives light are the stars above.” She said, still looking up at the sky.
“I like both of them too but I really love stargazing at night. It actually makes me feel relieved just looking at it and I could actually wander for hours with the aesthetic look hanging out at night. Everything looks so magical and I would definitely love to be lost within it.” Neru explained, shaking her head lightly and showing a smile.
She didn’t hear a reply from Techi that made her lean her head facing the other girl. Techi fell asleep and she was like a little innocent baby who got tired from her routine and dozed off all of a sudden without notice.
“Techi is really cute when you look at her from this distance.” She said to herself, admiring the other girl’s face.
She gently sits and not to wake Techi as she moves closer. Then Techi suddenly moves to her right facing backwards to Neru. She spots a little twig on Techi’s hair and contemplates whether she’ll remove it or not. She hesitates and reaches her hand to take the twig out. Looks like there are more of those twig that probably fell from the tree and she spots another one near Techi’s ear. She quietly removed it and tucked the other girl’s hair above the ear as she is a sound asleep.
Techi didn’t even feel a thing and appears to lose all of her energy from their activity a while ago. She looks down at her and strokes Techi’s hair that is all over cheeks. She patted Techi’s forehead gently and fixed the other girl’s bangs. All of a sudden, Techi’s phone beeps and it almost startled Neru from her position. Opening her eyes upon hearing the faint sound coming from her phone; she realizes that she fell asleep and quickly got up and didn’t notice that Neru is beside her. She rubbed her eyes—with her vision still distorted and a blur, she manages to grab her phone and looks at it with eyes wide open.
[LINE]HirateKaasan^_^: Where are you? I’m about to prepare breakfast. She quickly replied to her mom.
Techiko: I was out jogging with a friend. I’m going home in a bit. ^_^HirateKaasan^_^: You should invite your friend for breakfast. I’m making pancakes.After receiving that reply she asked Neru if she wants to join her and her family for breakfast.
“I might pass on this one. I have some errands to do but I’ll definitely accept your offer next time.” She smiled, even though she really wanted to come along and eat breakfast with her friend.
“See you in school on Monday I guess. We could talk in LINE if you still have questions about our lessons.” She responded, looking towards Neru who is still smiling at her.
They tidied their things up and went to their respective houses. They waved goodbye as they part ways from each other. Techi quickly recalling when she fell asleep and there’s that certain feeling that bothers her. She felt anxious remembering that Neru was talking about something and then she ended up sleeping at that moment.
“Argh... I’m so stupid.” She whispered to herself as she reaches her house.