~ Epilogue ~
Shiraishi Mai smiled as she put down a small sized box on to the floor, tugging the silver ribbon that it has to make sure that it was wrapped perfectly before taking a step back, eyes happily looking at the collection of gifts in front of her where each has a distinct size and colour to add to the festive atmosphere of the room.
Carefully, she makes it way closer to the tree in the middle of the gifts, making sure that she didn’t accidentally step on it. She observed several little frames in hands, each having different pictures of her and people that she loves. After inspecting the thin glowing wire of the tree, she started to hook the frames on the branch one by one.
The first one is a silly picture of her with her two siblings, they were sleeping on the car seat, not knowing that she had taken a selfie with them as a background.
The second one is a much older picture, it was a picture of the whole family when the youngest of them was born. She was only 8 years old, cheerfully cradling her new baby sister as her other sister looking at them in jealousy. How other people’s focus were directed to the baby instead of her was a bother to her. Even to this date, those two siblings of hers bickers a lot. But Shiraishi knows that both of them love each other so much.
Shiraishi eyes wander around the ornaments that were already decorating the tree as her hands moved a little bit up, stopping when she noticed a picture that was hooked by someone else.
On the frame was a picture of a group of girls in a high school uniform, the huge gate of universal studios expands in the background. There was 4 of them, standing side by side shoulder to shoulder, Fukagawa and Hashimoto in the opposite sides, herself and Sakurai in the middle. Shiraishi was grinning as she looks up to the sky, while Sakurai is smiling, eyes looking at her. Even Hashimoto, who most of the times looks composed and collected in that picture was laughing merrily, so does Fukagawa who do the peace sign to the camera.
“Ah- you can take that picture off. Geez, Momoko can’t even select pictures properly,” a sound of complaint pull Shiraishi back from her wandering mind.
She shook her head, sighing a little as she finally let her hand to leave the frame, “no need to, it’s a nice picture, I like it. It was an important moment, the first time Maimai met Nanamin and me. As for Reika, while it’s kind of sad I cherish every moment we had together, so I don’t want to forget every single bit of it. Also, don’t be so hard on Momoko.”
“Do as you wish,” the girl shrugged as if she doesn’t even care from the first place.
The older girl expression softens, she remembers something that the other girl has mentioned earlier. “Erika, is your girlfriend coming tonight?”
“Not a girlfriend, she’s just someone that I date on Tuesday and Friday,” The second child in the family corrected. “She will probably come closer to dinner time though. She mentioned having to work today.”
“The Tuesday and Friday girl, noted,” Shiraishi nodded. “What’s her name again? Sorry, it’s kind of hard to keep track of your girl’s names.”
“Nakamoto Himeka.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Is this girl the one who studies Biochemistry as well?”
“Nope, that’s Ranze-chan. Hime-tan, isn’t even going to university, she works part-time in café and seven eleven, an aspiring singer but hasn’t even score any contracts yet”
Shiraishi raised her eyebrows, noticing something from the description, “she sounds different than your usual type. I wonder why you hasn’t mention her before, you are usually chatty about your collection of girls.”
“Tch- that’s because she’s not worth mentioning. But well whatever she will join us tonight.”
“All I’m saying is that it’s okay if she turns out to be the one. I believe mama and papa will agree with me too.”
Shiraishi Erika squinted her eyes, “geez, thanks for the unnecessary support, onee-chan.”
The older one laughed, turning her head back to the tree in front of her, taking a few seconds to find the space that she needed to hook the last picture in her hand.
Her younger sister took a step forward to inspect the picture in the closer distance, “that’s a cute one.”
Shiraishi Mai took a few steps back until she’s standing just next to the younger girl. Taking another glance to the one last frame that she just hung. It was a picture of her from the last Christmas, she was standing in modern looking living room while holding up a few stems of plant on top of her, her girlfriend giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“Yes, it was-”
The sound of bell interrupt her from finishing her sentence, shortly it is followed by a rush of footsteps from the upper floor, which most likely comes from the youngest Shiraishi rushing to open the door. Erika walked over to the sofa in the room, picking up the television remote from the table as she let herself fallen to the comfort of the cushion.
“NEE-CHAAAAAN, NANAMIN AND MAIMAI ARE HERE!” her youngest sister shouted. Shiraishi shouted their whereabouts in return. Patiently waiting in the room as it took them a few seconds to navigate their way from the front door to the living room.
Mai has a really big smile when they entered the room, giving Fukagawa a warm hug and Hashimoto a series of combined hands movement, high five, and fist bump.
“A secret handshake? Seriously? What are you 8?” Another person comes into the room, wearing simple jeans and black shirt, unlike the other two guest who had dressed up more nicely for the occasion.
“I hope you don’t mind Asuka tagging along,” Hashimoto said with a bit of apologetic tone.
“Of course, I don’t. The whole Hashimoto is already like a family to us,” Mai shook her head. “It’s been a while, Asuka-chan, what have you been up to?”
“Nothing much, boarding school is more or less the same boring shit every day. Oh, but lately it comes with zero roomie and friends. Cool, right?” she sarcastically answered, surprising most of the people in the room.
“Asuka!” Hashimoto reprimands her but her younger sister just shrugged in ignorance, taking a seat next to Erika and started to converse with the other girl in a low volume.
“Wow, that is something,” the oldest Shiraishi remarked, trying hard not to steal another look to the younger Hashimoto. “What was it all about?”
“They caught her selling sake and cigarettes to other students.”
Before Shiraishi Mai could form a proper answer, her youngest sister who’s been staying quiet speak up, “that’s so cool, she must have earnt a lot from that.”
“Momoko, that’s totally not cool. I hope you don’t get any ideas just because mama has been restricting your pocket money.”
Shiraishi Momoko looks a bit disappointed, but thankfully, decided not to say no more and fill the last space left on the sofa instead. The oldest of the siblings sighed, suddenly feeling tired from the whole ordeal.
“Okay, I need to start preparing the food. Would totally love to get some other hands to help me too,” she announced.
“Oh, Nanamin and I are totally up for it,” Fukagawa responded, hands dragging the other girl and started walking to the kitchen before Hashimoto could even give her consent.
In the end, it’s more towards Fukagawa helping her to prepare the food with an addition of Momoko helping to serve them on the long dining table. Hashimoto who looks like she’s still in a bit of a sour mood calmly sits on the kitchen counter, playing with her phone and tried to converse with them every now and then.
“So, how’s Waka? I suppose she is also coming tonight? Considering that you spent Christmas eve at with her family last year,” Hashimoto asked when she noticed the lack of her best friend’s girlfriend presence in the house.
“Yes, she will,” Shiraishi pour the soup from a pot into a bowl. “She’s uncharacteristically late though.”
“Zukki lined me earlier, she said that they got held up by the traffic. But they are on their way here from the cemetery,” her youngest sister surprisingly answered, taking the filled bowl carefully to the dining table.
Mai’s eyebrows furrowed, “did Mizuki-chan mentioned who was it that they visited?”
Momoko just shrugged once she reached the kitchen again, “nope. Do you want me to ask?”
Before Mai could give any answer, came the sound of the house gate sliding close, “don’t need, that must be them. Could you open the door, Momoko?”
The young girl has already run from the kitchen before Shiraishi could even finish voicing her request, earning a chuckle out of Fukagawa, “Momoko-chan is so cute.”
“Definitely! I would swap her with Asuka anytime,” Hashimoto butted in, still sounding a bit bitter when she mentioned her own sister name.
“Nanamin, you really need to stop being angry at Asuka-chan. I’m sure that she has learnt her lesson,” Fukagawa tried to calm her down.
“Maimai is right, you know? It’s not like we didn’t do anything bad when we were at her age,” Shiraishi weighted in, putting on a mitt so both of her hands will be safe from getting burned by taking out the tray in the oven.
Hashimoto didn’t say anything else after that, neither the other two girls in the room as they are busy with the task in their hand.
Shiraishi could feel someone shadowing her as she puts down a tray baked turkey on the counter. An arm circling her waist from behind, pulling her closer. She smiled widely as she felt a kiss landed on the side of her cheek, all the annoyance she had for her being late has vanish instantly.
“Sorry for being late.”
Shiraishi Mai spun on her heels, pressing their lips together as if that’s a proper answer for the apology.
“Woa, hold on you two, just give me a warning. I don’t feel like seeing someone but my girlfriend undressing,” Hashimoto remarked to Shiraishi annoyance.
“My house. My rules,” Shiraishi stuck out her tongue before pulling Wakatsuki into a heated kiss just to prove her points.
The guest rolled her eyes just as childishly as the owner of the house, earning a slight chuckle from the one who has just arrived. Wakatsuki loosen her embrace on her girlfriend, walking to where Hashimoto is sitting to give her a quick hug.
“It’s been a while, Nanamin.”
Hashimoto smiled as she broke the hug, “yeah, you are not even leading the company yet you are already so busy, Waka.”
Wakatsuki chuckled as she moved to the other girl in the room, pulling her into the same friendly hug.
“Can I see the ring? I have only seen it in pictures, you know?” She requested after they broke the hug, which Fukagawa does cheerfully, showing the girl the well-adorned gem on her right ring finger.
Wakatsuki inspect it with an adoration, “this looks even more amazing in person. You have a good taste, Nanamin. And congrats for the two of you, I’m looking forward to the wedding invitation.”
Hashimoto smiled upon the compliment, feeling proud of herself. “Thank you, Waka. And yes, you are totally on the guest list, I can’t say the same for Maiyan though. She’s been ignoring me a lot lately so maybe she would be too busy for that. I suggest you better start to find a replacement partner for that day.”
Shiraishi inhaled exasperatedly, “you called me when I was having an important meeting.”
“Hey! I was trying to help you to get out from those outside work hours meetings, you should be thanking me.”
“It’s true though. Mai-chan has been so busy lately. Even I can’t get a hold of her sometimes,” Wakatsuki confirms.
“Fine, fine. I apologize, it's been hectic in the office lately. With my father passing down the torch and all” the girl finally surrendered with a reason, waiting for Momoko to come back and help her to bring the dishes to the dining table again, but yet the young girl doesn’t seem like coming. “Where is Momoko? She volunteered to help me but she’s not even here.”
Wakatsuki took the dishes in her hands, “she is probably caught up in whatever it is that she was discussing with Mizuki. Let me help you.”
“Ah- right, thanks. Just serve them on the table.”
They finished serving everything not long after that. Leaving the oldest Shiraishi a sense of accomplishment as it is the first Christmas Dinner that she prepared without any help from her mother- who is currently in a romantic vacation with her father. Well, Shiraishi thinks that she did managed very well by herself, in front of them are a mix of their own country cuisines as well as western delicacies to feast on. And seeing by how each of them seems to enjoy it as the light conversation rolls proven her success even more.
Since the girl that Erika invited came just before they started eating, the conversation on the dining table mainly rotates around the newcomer. The older Shiraishi realises that having everyone attention was a bit hard on that girl at first, but she quickly relaxed and started to talk more. Well, her sister wasn’t lying when she said that Nakamoto isn’t pursuing any formal education after finishing high school, which can be concerning. However, when they finally finished the dinner, she sung a little bit as Erika plays the piano then Shiraishi realises that the girl has potential so at least the dream isn’t so far-fetched.
Hashimoto and Fukagawa along with Asuka left the house about an hour after the dinner finished. They were actually planning to spend more time with them, but sadly Fukagawa got an emergency call from the hospital causing them to apologetically have to depart early.
As the house’s help will come to do the dishes a bit later in the night, Mai was able to relax, quietly humming along to the notes that come from the piano that her sister is playing, head rested on Wakatsuki’s shoulder. She could hear the hushed giggled coming from the younger Wakatsuki who is chatting excitedly near the Christmas tree with her sister, probably sharing the school gossips as Mizuki was a recent graduate of the school where Momoko go to.
“So Momoko said that you were visiting the cemetery earlier today. Can I know who was it?” Shiraishi started the conversation.
“Sakurai Reika-san,” Wakatsuki truthfully answered with a sad smile. “I had something to tell her.”
Shiraishi nodded, feeling grateful for the honesty and gives the girl a kiss on the cheek, “you can ask me to come with you the next time.”
A few weeks ago Wakatsuki had asked her about the whereabouts of her past fiance grave, but she didn't say anything after that. So it's not that much of a surprise that she decided to visit the girl.
Wakatsuki nodded, nuzzling her face into the crook of Shiraishi’s neck, “will do.”
“Good,” Shiraishi smiled, “now I think you should open those gifts.”
Wakatsuki chuckled, her hand reaching for the smallest gift she got for the day. It was an envelope with only her name written on it. Carefully, Wakatsuki tore it off.
“You got me a new set of drum?” Her girlfriend eyes widened as she read the card that was inside the envelope.
Shiraishi Mai raised her eyebrows, “I’m pretty sure nothing in there that says that the sender is me.”
Wakatsuki rolled her eyes, “I know your hand writing, there’s no mistaking it.”
“No freaking way, I wrote that with my left hand, you know?”
The girl chuckled before leaning in to give her a kiss, “I still can tell that it’s yours. Remember when your right shoulder was dislocated so you had to write with left hand?”
“That was a long time ago. Damn, you are so attentive its kind of hot,” Mai breathed out before pulling the girl into a kiss once more.
“Thank you for the gift. I love it,” Wakatsuki whispered, earning another kiss from the other girl. “Okay, I suggest we should move this into your room before we disturb the youngsters here.”
To Shiraishi’s gratefulness, her girlfriend helped her to carry some of the gifts to her room, if Shiraishi had to do it alone she would have to do it in two rounds instead of one. She eyed them curiously as Wakatsuki carefully placed them in the corner of the room. Shiraishi took one envelop that lays on the top of the boxes, her smallest gift for the day that comes from her parents.
She had sort of expected to find a plane ticket or something similar inside, but turns out it was something different. She stared on the cards that came from the envelope, couldn’t understand the meaning of the gifts.
Wakatsuki gently embrace her from behind, taking a peek of the cards in curiosity, “is it a Shiraishi family thing to give envelope containing business cards for gift? Like how you gave me the card of a drum store.”
“Well it’s definitely easier than buying the real thing. Just give them the number of the seller and arrange everything so the bill will go to the sender,” Shiraishi laughed. “But still, my parents might have accidentally given me someone else’s gift. I mean, I totally don’t need any kind of kitchen furnishing and interior decoration.”
Wakatsuki eyes widened, pulling back suddenly to grab the tiniest box among the gift, “let’s just keep them aside for now. I would like you to open the one from me.”
Shiraishi raised her eyebrows, but decided to go along with it, placing down the cards on the desk before starting to unwrap the gift’s red coloured wrapping, revealing the small velvety box inside. Gently she pried open the box, finding a set of keys inside.
“Do you remember that once we passed a housing area just next to our park and you said that living there must be wonderful? I purchased a town house just across the park,” Wakatsuki gives her a smile. “Shiraishi Mai, would you like to live with me?”
“You remembered…” Shiraishi gleamed, a big smile decorates her beautiful face. “And yes of course I would love to move in with you.”
In happiness Wakatsuki pulled her into a heated kiss. She started to talk excitedly once her lips left hers, “you will love it. The master bedroom has a garden view. There are also 3 other rooms, I’m thinking to use two of them for a separate working area for us, and the last one for a guest room.”
“Sounds perfect.” Shiraishi cupped the girl cheek, leaning in once more to steal another kiss, “now, can I have my girlfriend under my sheet as a second gift for the day?”
“Demanding a second gift just shortly after opening the most expensive gift I have given to anyone. What a greedy person~” Wakatsuki laughs at her own joke, letting her girlfriend pull her into the bed.
~ Fin ~
AN:And that concludes everything in this story. Happy Happy new year. This year was a big change for me, but despite everything writing stories about Nogizaka is still one of my favorite thing to do and I think how you guys support me is a really big part of that, so THANK YOU. Thank you so much for everything

I hope you guys can like this story as well, and it's up to your liking

Hoping to see you guys around in my other story
Replies @four4four:Yes that scene was really cuteee

Thank you so much for everything, I hope you are liking their development here as well