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Author Topic: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Flashbacks of a Broken Past (Keyakizaka46) 8/1/18  (Read 55907 times)

Offline FZA02

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the flashbacks of a Broken Past..
this feels so real somehow

and dear techi, i hope she is okay, indeed she doesn't smile while performing as much as before but a tleast by hearing her radio broadcast she seems okay.

but...dear God why i can relate some much to this, i can relate so much with how techi's feeling the feeling of insecurities and self doubt to the point you questions your own existence and doubt to people around you, and it really makes my heart ache. this is somehow makes me more fired up to work hard so i can meet techi in real life there is a lots of things that i want to talk and discuss with her,

this is so beautiful and touching, thank you for that amazing OS and God bless you, and God bless techi as well

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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I'm looking forward to Night of Revolution~ (lol, I'll reread Rebellion as well since I have the memory of a goldfish)

Thank you for enjoying Eccentric! I'll definitely make sure YuukaNen gets a happy ending! I'm a believer in happy endings (with disgustingly sweet flirting and all that good stuff) even though I also enjoy putting people through a little bit of pain beforehand.

Ah, since YuukaNen got a bad ending in Rebellion, I wonder if I can ask for a little bit of happy YuukaNen in the prequel. Hehehe.

On Flashbacks of a Broken Past...

Uwahhh, this was good. Techi's pain made me feel pain too. I'm glad that the members are like lightening rods for her.

I'm hoping that Techi will be able to smile again one day without so much heavy stuff weighing on her. Before reading this, I just watched the One Man Live for the first time, and it was amazing. Techi's smile was so bright. (Who said Keyaki was an idol group that didn't smile? Since they smile a lot, and those smiles are beautiful XD) I want to see that smile again.

Hence why I thought Hiraishin was a good BGM for this oneshot. I NEED TECHI TO SMILE T^T And yes most likely there will be happy YuukaNen in Night of Rebellion, but don't quote me on it.

the flashbacks of a Broken Past..
this feels so real somehow

and dear techi, i hope she is okay, indeed she doesn't smile while performing as much as before but a tleast by hearing her radio broadcast she seems okay.

but...dear God why i can relate some much to this, i can relate so much with how techi's feeling the feeling of insecurities and self doubt to the point you questions your own existence and doubt to people around you, and it really makes my heart ache. this is somehow makes me more fired up to work hard so i can meet techi in real life there is a lots of things that i want to talk and discuss with her,

this is so beautiful and touching, thank you for that amazing OS and God bless you, and God bless techi as well

Thank you. And I guess... I didn't write this as if I was Techi... but I was writing from personal experiences but imagining myself as if I was Techi, yknow? Also she's injured her arm... so no Kanji for the 3 day live. It's gonna take her a month to recover from it :(

Woah. :shocked

I did not see that one coming. :(
It honestly felt too realistic to me.
Techi, please, never think of ending it all ever again. :cry:
You will always have the other K46 members to support you.
Especially Neru. She will always love you and support you when you are feeling down. :wub:

I am glad that in the end it was a happy ending.
Although I see the tragic role fitting Techi more, it felt really tragic here.

On a different topic, I look forward to "Night of Revolution". :)

Ofc. Again, I wrote it (with Ruka) from my own personal experiences... and I guess writing angst and sad fanfiction is a coping mechanism for my own sadness. And thank you for the encouragement! I don't know when Night of Revolution will be out but when it does pls make sure to comment on it ^-^

JPHiP Radio (12/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Hotei Tomoyasu - Mirror Ball