@Puririnpha : better than not right?

I can't promise to update soon. But i do promise to finish my story,
if the author is not died. 
@Minami-chan : glad you find it interesting. i been thinking what how will i end the story. I bet i need to kill some of my character again.

@MatsuiLee : well, he is part of Furukawa. Will tell the secret soon.

@Naoru_chan : we will see that in the next chapter.

hey all, enjoy and sorry for the bad english..
Wmatsui Chapter 25 : Bed time story
Yui is now being tied on the chair, he is now surrounded by Mayu and the rest.
Mayu : Yui san, care to explain for me?
Yui : I have nothing to say.
Yuki : hit him, as she is very angry right now. she is really are. Don’t dare you say you have nothing to say. spill where they plant to do? where do they take Jun and Rena?
Yui just smirk and ignore every word Yuki asked.
Yuki : fine, if you prefer the harsh way, I will give it to you!!
Yuki then puch him over and over, until Haruka stopped her.
Yuki : get out of my way, Haruka chan!! This guy need to be punish
Haruka : no….
Yui : … don’t do something stupid, get away from me!!!
Haruka : no! I won’t!... please, we can find the other way.. please Kashiwagi san…
Yuki : as Kashiwagi, I can’t let anything happened to Matsui clan. Even if it is to beat this guy to a pulp. Sensing Yuki that desperate
want to find her master, Yui triggered the anger again.
Yui : heh.. you should feel shame of yourself, because you are one useless Kashiwagi.
Yuki then give him a kick in his face, as she want to continue to kick him again, Haruka stopped her.
Haruka : please stopped, Kashiwagi san. hiks…
Sayaka : Haruka… sigh… this are not going to work. I agree with my sister, Kashiwagi san. Do we need to do something this harsh?
Milky quickly give Haruka a hug. She is aware if the girl feeling toward the Yui, but it is really an irony because Haruka fall in love with Yui who seems to be a betrayal. Haruka then break Milky hug and went to face Yui. But even until now, Yui still refuse to see Haruka, they remain silent. Until Haruka broke the silent into sobbing.
Yuki : I can killed you whatever I want to. Now tell me where is Jun and Rena? why they take them?
Yui : If you say killing is easy for you, then do it! what are you waiting for?!
Yuki : You!!!!
Mayu then stopped Yuki before she let out all her frustration again.He held her shoulder and make an eye contact with her, as he feel Yuki finally calm down. He let go of Yuki.
Mayu : Yui san, please understand. We just want to save our friend. Jun is your friend right? why don’t you help us?
Yui : …I don’t know why they take them. And what make you so sure that I am part of them?! You all really pissing me off!!!!
Yuki : and then, why you hide your identity?!
Yui : if I tell you all that I am part of Furukawa then what? they even didn’t know me!
Milky : Oni chan, what if Yui really are not a bad guy here?
Mayu : … sigh… I don’t know Miyuki. Things got harder, and I already told Ikoma san to not tell our father about this incident. I am sure he will be very angry.
Sayaka : then, I don’t get it… why do you know about Yui identify? I won’t be able to see the birth mark, if I didn’t see it closely.
Yuki : blame his own careless, when we are at the beach, Haruka accidently push him to the water right? that time, he remove his cloth and I see something fishy about the tattoo. That time, Mayu is near me, and I ask him about his opinion, and we really sure that Yui have the Furukawa birth mark.
Yui : heh… I am really impressed. I just take off my clothes for a moment, and you two already have know my stupid secret.
Sayaka : why? you are not proud being part of Furukawa family?
Yui : that Family just bring misfortune to my life, especially to my mother. I swear I will ripe out all of that Furukawa!
Yuki : this didn’t help at all!! damn!! What should I do. I fail again… forgive me….
Sayaka : stop it, Yuki. This is not all your fault, about Matsui leader, it is also part of my fault. that time if I am more careful, then
Matsui leader won’t had to die.
Yuki : you all don’t understand! I …I need to protect Rena sama, at all cost. I have fail. after all I fail to protect Reina sama!!
All : who?!
At the same time and in the different place.
Rena : uggh….
Reina : ah ha ha, did I hurt you so much? Rena onee chan?
Rena : pant… pant.. I don’t know you… do you really my sister? But…
Reina : but you forget about me… all of you. ha ha ha… nee… I will tell you a story.
“once upon a time, there are twin girl that been born in one big family. The family didn’t like them, as they are born from disgrace woman. But as the father love them very much, they didn’t care about what other people think about. Day by day, the twin born and become so close to each other. They need each other presence and will do everything together. But one day, the little one get sick all of sudden. Many doctor have come, but the sickness get worsened. rumors rise, the sick child as a disgrace child, as misfortune child, she is not part of the family. she need to be removed from the family. Finally they decided to throw her away, forget she never exist. Little girl missed her family very much especially her sister, so she went to meet them. Happy forever after!!”
Rena : …
Reina : aha ha ha!! Do you love my story? No… It is our story!! Ha ha ha
Suddenly there is a man standing there with a mask, he punch Reina hard, and make her fall down, but Reina quickly stand up and
look at the man furiously.
Rage : I should have know, when you said that you want to take the job. Why did you bring them here, Fool?! This is not our main object!!!!
To be continue…