cover photo here: story is from a Korean movie, although, I will tell you guys later on cause I don't want you guys to watch it and know whats gonna happen

prologue(Please comment what you think about this prologue and other chapters, please tell me what I can improve! Thank you
)“Get away you bitch!” He shouted.
I ran as fast as I could, jumping over obstacles of boxes and walls to try and get to the thug. The sound of our shoes hitting the cement ground were echoing through the night as I panted heavily for breath, it felt as though my lungs were going to come out.
“Why are you chasing me!?”
“You know very well why i’m chasing you!” I screamed back towards him as he hastily scoped around for an escape then speedily took a ladder up to the top of a building. I quickly followed.
“Just stop!” I shouted as I climbed the metal ladder.
He continued to run and panic as he jumped down from one building to another. I panted harder as I glanced around for another route, there was a stoop of smaller building with less obstacles, I took it, immediately causing me to gain on him.
“Stop running!” I said between exhales and inhales.
I heard a small static then a voice in my ear from the device.
“The suspect is heading to 3A”
I gritted my teeth together as I began to taste an all too well familiar taste of blood, although my mouth wasn’t actually bleeding.
My body began to grow tired restless, my muscles began to scream at me, begging me to stop, but I can’t.
He hurriedly jumped from building to building, he was panting just as hard as I was. I kept him in my sights as he turned a sharp corner.
“I need to get this over with.” I whispered to myself as I began to think of ways to get closer to tackle him. I addressed and placed how everything was going to go in my mind, I swiftly jumped through a small abandoned building, running through a narrow corridor before breaking a wide pane of glass.
“Gotchya!” I tackled him to the ground from above as he growled and tried to push me off. I urgently placed handcuffs around his left wrist and strapped it to a metal pipe connected to the roof top.
Without hesitation, I quickly pressed a button that was connected to a small bluetooth headset in my ear, activating speech.
“Takamina, He has been caught, please come quickly to secure the arrest.”
“Good work, Kashiwagi!” A small static was heard as I released the button.
The man struggled to try and release himself from the handcuffs but gave up sooner than I expected.
“Who are you!?” He growled through clenched teeth.
I grinned wildly and quickly took out my golden badge from my long brown trench coat.
“Police officer, Kashiwagi Yuki!”
“A police officer...I’m not surprised…How long am I staying in jail?” He laid his head on the floor of the roof top and shook his head with a sarcastic grin, I could tell he was regretting everything.
“I have to discuss it with the chief, I can’t decide myself.”
A car screech was heard from down below along with millions of loud sirens, as the cars stopped,Takamina stepped out from the van that was in the back of all of the police cars and looked around to see where I was. She looked completely clueless as she stood with a dark green gym suit for some odd reason, but it was honestly funny.
“I’m up here…!”
“Ah! okay, I’ll send my men up there, you can leave the scene if you wish, but before you do, I need to talk to you.”
I huffed to myself and closed my eyes in annoyance, I want rest, not a long conversation about how I could've done my job better. I scoped the rooftop for an open door, but before I needed to strain my eyes, men came bursting through a door near the right, flooding the rooftop with guns in arm.
I rubbed the back of my neck as I walked to the door, avoiding the men that were cautiously walking towards the criminal. I didn’t run down to Takamina, I was a my pace kinda person.
“Kashiwagi!” Takamina ran towards me with a smile as I sighed.
“Ya know you could have at least did your job a little better…I mean-”
“I know, I know…” I looked at her with a serious facial expression, I wanted her to get to the chase.
“Look, the chief has a job for you. You will have to go undercover as a highschool student in Yamamura International High Schoo-”
“Isn’t that a school where rich girls go to...including americans?”
“Listen!” Takamina swiftly smacked me in the head, forcing me to listen to avoid getting hit.
“Yes, it’s a rich school, it’s located in Saitama. the daughter of a famous japanese gang leader is the soccer ball captain at that same school, we need to track him down through her, you have to be friends with her.”
“...Instead of becoming a student, why don’t I become a teacher? You know I hated school, you were even in the same class with me in Junior year!” I said with a innocent smile.
“Oh yea!? What are you gonna teach, huh? English? science? History?”
I kept quiet and stared at the ground, knowing where she was going with this. I took a minute to think about the pro’s and the cons of this mission.
“Okay fine!”
“Fine what?” She replied.
“I’ll do the job!” I growled and kicked my foot at the ground.
“Good, Tomorrow at 8pm, be there…” Takamina turned with an attitude to enter back into the white van.
“And don’t be late!” She shouted pointing her first finger at me in annoyance.
“Don’t be late” I said mocking her from behind, then turning my back towards her.
Going back to school... I barely even passed when I first went. I grunted as I walked with uneasiness and crossed arms.