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Author Topic: Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 1/5/13 OTP trial  (Read 74433 times)

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Kuro's Unusually Weird Oneshots 1/5/13 OTP trial
« on: November 11, 2009, 11:04:05 AM »
Birthdays were sort of a sentimental feeling to me, I never felt happy about somebody telling me “Happy Birthday” or “Wow, you have grown since the last time I met you.”  Now, at being hatachi and being able to drink, I wanted to over come that dreaded unhappiness.

Ai, Risa, and the rest of us who could drink went out to the local to celebrate my birthday, luckily it had yakiniku, which made me a happy kitty.

I ordered the usual combination of meats and other goodies that I like to grill while I watch the others down some beers in celebration of my birth.

“Reina, what is wrong?” Jun looking at me with some concern.

“Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.”  While I play around with my glass of water.  Then, leader comes up in her half-drunken state and orders my first alcoholic drink.

“Reina, you have joined the many of us single drunken...” Ai paused before trying to reference to her senpai who was a single lady who likes alcohol.

“Anyways, you have joined the ranks of the people before you and for you, let me order you a shot of whiskey and a pint of beer.”  Everyone else cheered but I half-halfheartedly not feeling to well after eating the meat and the other products.

I got the shot and tried to down it but the burning motion of the alcohol traveling down my throat made me gag but I managed to finish it.  It was quite an adventure for the first taste of alcohol but it ended up okay and the beer loosened up my tight demeanor that I brought in tonight.

It became quite a show after a while, Ai and Risa acting like the couple they are and my 6th generation  mates enjoying themselves at the other corner, and then there was Jun, she had been sipping her beer at a snail's pace.  Every time I took a glance at her she would smile but it would go away with with the classic frown I began to appreciate.

“Jun, I have a question for you.”  I was already experiencing the drunken experience.

“Yeah, Reina.”

“I wanted to know that if you had a crush on Ai, since that day.”  Jun took a deep breath before the words come from her mouth about the day Ai took her out for drinks because Risa was busy with the radio show.

She nodded yes and it was killing her inside that Risa and Ai were great friends, especially with the touching, and the whole world must have seen that.

I leaned back and slouched towards the ground, I remembered how Eri and Risa were better girl friends than I was with her.  I had become jealous of the fact that I wasn't that open to looking at guys but I always wanted to check them out but Sayu was not great person because she would pounce rather than survey.

That last clue to understand Jun was she began to stare at them for periods of time and I knew I should comfort her in case she might burst into tears.

I told them thank you for celebrating a special birthday with me and we all went our separate ways but I grabbed Jun's hand.

“My house is that way.”  She was not as drunk as the other people but I knew what my duty was tonight.

“Reina wants some company tonight.”  My facial expression never fails me.

She followed me to my apartment and we sat there on the couch, it seemed like time was passing by us slowly and I managed to push out the conversation starter.

“Jun, I hate to break it you but you and Ai are never going to be together.”  I felt an instant punch to the stomach but Jun seemed to not react in such a way that would torture me for now.

“I know, but I want to be with the older members sometimes because they provide some insight to life in this job and one day I want to see the world as it is.”  I nodded but the rush of excitement came and I put my lips onto hers.

The room suddenly went quiet and both of us were speechless.
“Reina, did you kiss me?”

“Yeah, does that bother you?”  I reacted in my yankii way and I see her face red as a strawberry.

“Reina... do you like me?”  I paused to realize how much Jun has grown since I seen her.  I never saw in her this way but it was happening right now.

“Jun, Reina likes Jun and she likes her a lot.”  Jun grabbed my hand and kissed me on my lips.

We had a discussion about who else would be like us and I could never see through my drunken state that it was Jun and I becoming so close.

The talking went through the whole night and we began to learn about each other personally.

We were like two girlfriends learning about each other and we wanted to experiment on each by touching each other.

It was like poking each other in the breasts after every confession and we touched each other's flesh.

Jun was funny with her being drunk and

The laughing continued and I saw her eyes closed.

I laid back with her and closed my eyes with her hand in mines.

I woke up to the sun peering through the blinds, I looked at Jun's face and I began to laugh.

She is such a cute girl when she is sleeping, I thought to myself, and I put my face towards hers and then she opened her eyes.  I feel backwards onto the floor.

“Reina, you are too funny.”

“And hungover.”  I soon realized the after effects of the alcohol.

“I'll get you some water, Reina-chan.”  Jun ran over to the sink and fetched me a cup of water.

The headache was a lingering thing for the whole day and even Eri's call was a horrible wake-up call.

Still, Jun's face was the light I needed for the day, I put my head on her shoulder, and it was a warm feeling inside and her head on mines.

“Is there anything else to do today?”

“I don't want to Jun, I rather stay her, and enjoy my time with you.”  Jun squealed joyfully.

The whole day was Jun and I enjoying ourselves to the television, and the phone rang to the sub-leaders enjoyment of my birthday with her property.

Maybe we should do it one day?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 01:03:43 PM by kurosawa87 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Reina's Birthday Outing 11/11
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2009, 12:28:17 PM »
Getting a hangover on your birthday :lol: At least she had some "heart-to-heart" talk with Jun :P

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Reina's Birthday Outing 11/11
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2009, 03:55:14 PM »
Jun finally gets invited to Reina's house. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Reina's Birthday Outing 11/11
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2009, 04:08:50 PM »
Jun finally gets invited to Reina's house. :lol: :lol:
Oh yeah didn't think of that XD At least one of Jun's wishes did come true, even if it's only in the fics :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/15)
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2009, 10:49:15 AM »
“Damn Koha and Mittsi.”  Reina yelled to everybody else.

“What is it, Reina?”  Ai-chan walked over to Reina who was in the state of shock.

“Them two have been experimenting by kissing.”  Reina grabs Ai's hand.

“What's wrong with that?”  Reina whispered into the leader's ear and her eyes grew to melons.  Risa and Eri walk into the room with Ai's eyes open.

“What's up?  Did somebody do something wrong?” Risa began asking around until Ai whispered into her lover's ears.  Risa suddenly fell to the ground.

“Risa has hit the ground, Ai don't tell me you are going to leave her?”  Eri heard the whispering and she was shocked by the revelation.

The four sat in a circle in the realization that they might have pushed them to do it but they saw the two walk out of the room and the four infiltrate the room.

They looked furiously at their contents and they came up empty with anything that proves the rumors.

Ai went to the laundry area and found the normal stuff until she hit the bottom of the basket.

“I found something.”  They all ran into the room with the DVD player and popped the disc into the machine.

The thing played an innocent girl being bullied by the classmates until a girl dressed up as a guy comes and saves her.

“It looks all right to me.”  Ai went fast-forward to the part where they kiss each other and both hit a wall among each other.

“That is all wrong.”  Risa stood up and put her hands underneath Ai's face and planted one on her.

Reina, Eri, and Sayu who had food dropped their jaws.

“Sayu, where did you come from?”  Risa said with a smile while her partner was in shock on how deep that kiss was.

“I just came home from shopping with Jun and Lin.”  Sayu was trying to think of something to say before the Chinese girls come to see the two kiss again.

It was too late, the two arrived with five pairs of eyes staring at them.  Both were wondering what happened and they turned to the DVD that was on.

“Is that porn?”  Jun asked innocently.

“No it is a movie that we found and we wanted to see the content of it.”  Eri tried to cover up the TV while avoiding the situation at hand.

“Is that the DVD with the two girls kissing?”  Lin asked.  Everybody turned to her with a stern look.

“How do you know that?”  Risa asked with a serious tone in her voice.

“Oh the movie was about these two girls trying to be compatible to loving each other but when they try to move along the steps it leads them back to step one.”  Lin explained in which she knew the whole plot of the movie.

“Why would Mittsi and Koha watch it?”

“I don't know, maybe they fell in love or something.”  Lin withdrew herself from the conversation.

“Reina, if it is true then what should we do?”

“Well we can talk to them about emotions and relationship stuff.”  Reina was trying to push herself out of the conversation.

“I guess we shall.”  Risa raised her hand with Ai and Ai pulled her hand back.

Both of them started  to bicker while Sayu and Lin quietly left to eat their meals in peace.

“Risa, Ai stop complaining, we know you two have been together for a while.”  Reina yelled.

“What about you two?”  Risa yelled back.

“Us?” Reina looked at Eri.  The truth was both had been fooling around with the idea but never got really serious about it.

“Okay, if you guys are not going to talk about it we will.”  Mittsi walks in.

“Talk about what?”  The four shut their mouths as soon as they realized she was there.

“You and Koha.”  Reina said in a soft voice.

“Oh us?  We were going to talk about what you guys do.”  She walked away with a smile.

“Oh shit we are done for.”  Ai trying to hint at Risa that what they do is wrong.

Koha pops in, “You guys are all pervs, why would you taint her mind like that.”  The four were shocked that Koha was meaning relationships and not that.


“What!”  The yankii had come out with a vengence.

“Why didn't you gave us the whole story?”

“I didn't know you guys go that far.”  Reina was in the middle of her thoughts.

We soon realize that it wasn't a problem because Reina thought both of them were being casual but they were truly in love.

Author's note: It was first left undone on purpose for the reason of keeping the reader thinking but I finished it on the note of people might get confused so it is more done on the fly than the story alone  :(
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 07:17:30 PM by kurosawa87 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/15)
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2009, 11:40:41 AM »
 :wth :dizzy: :mon ko: :mon huh: What the hell is going on? Hun, I think you need more description here.

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/15)
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2009, 04:12:50 PM »
What was being whispered?  :D

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/15)
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2009, 07:10:57 PM »
What was being whispered?  :D

honestly its something i can't do yet but i leave that up to the reader :lol:
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 03:57:16 AM by kurosawa87 »
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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/15)
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2009, 03:18:22 PM »
Perhaps a 2-shot to tell us what happens next? :)

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/15)
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2009, 09:00:13 PM »
A short continuation of the story before

Jun left the room, which left us four to ponder on the situation.

“Ehhh, Mittsi and Koha are having a relationship with each other.”  Risa was lying down next to Ai and Ai was tracing Risa's stomach.

“Eri, I am going to spy on them.”  Reina ran up to the door and put her onto it.

Both bolt out of the door and knocks Reina over in the heat of the moment, they were fighting but they went into the living room.  Koha pushed her junior onto the couch and Koha fell on top of her.

Eri and Risa went to stop the fighting but it was too late, they were making up, and laughing.

“Reina is a nosy person, we got her.”  Koha was on top of her and looking at her fallen roommate.

“That was too much fun.”  Mittsi was giggling before Koha went for the kill.  Koha went forward and her chest fell on her face.

“I can't breathe.”  Mittsi was trying to push her off but the two who were watching the whole action were stunned.

“Eri, these two lovebirds are crazy.”  Risa walked away and went back into the room.  Eri sat there and watched the action bloom.

Ai wanted to walk out but she was waiting for her lover to come back and when she saw her, she jumped onto her.

“Ai, have we done something wrong?”

“No, why they are in love.”  Ai gave Risa a kiss on the forehead.

“Well, I have a feeling they might be like us, for four years the constant touching, and the worst part.”  Ai decided to quiet her with a kiss.  While Eri was savoring the moment between the couple on the couch, Jun saw the scene for herself.

“Eri, you are drooling.”  Jun was trying to catch her attention but it didn't work until she blocked the scene with her body.

“Jun, I was missing the good part.”  Eri with her pout walked back to the room where the other ultra sensitive couple were making out.

“Eri help me.”  Reina laid there waiting for someone to pick her up but she was not going to get picked up until Sayu came by.

“Reina, are you okay?”  Sayu asked.

“Yeah, them two make me sick.”  Say looked into my eyes.

“Reina, you look cute when you pout.”  Instantly Reina slapped Sayu and kissed her where she slapped her.

“I know.”  Reina smiled and went into the room with Ai and Risa.

Koha and Mittsi got up from the couch and walked into the room with the other wild couple, both were in for a surprise. 

Ai and Risa on the floor half naked, kissing, and rolling around.

“Now, we know where their inspiration came from.”  Eri said out loud and everyone laughed at the scene.
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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/23)
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2009, 10:30:36 PM »

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/23)
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2009, 06:50:57 AM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/23)
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2009, 02:29:54 PM »

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/23)
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2009, 06:53:43 PM »
 :mon lol:

“Never regret anything coz at one time it was exactly what u wanted……;))”
-Ayumi Hamasaki
The WrecKreated Co.

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Misinterpreted 11/23)
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2009, 12:23:49 PM »
Somehow it seemed weird for me to come back here and realized the last one was interesting  :nervous

Movie Night

“Miya, I am cold tonight, can you get me a blanket from the other room.”  The dark-haired girl asked while she is sprawled on the floor waiting for her friend to come back.

Miya thought to herself that she is too cute to get mad at but maybe she would try to scare the younger girl when she had the chance.

She walked over to the room where the big blanket was and she found an open diary with her writing inside.

Dear self,

I am falling in love and I cannot say it to her now because I fear the the ending if it doesn't end well or if she moves away from me.  I want to say we have a great friendly relationship with each other but I do not know how she feels about moving to a intimate relationship.

I skipped a few lines to the end.

Tonight I want to ask her about us and I hoped that she doesn't say no.

I put the diary down and grabbed the blanket slowly  hearing the creaking noise from under my feet, I began to think about all the times we were together in the group.  I wanted to have her as my girlfriend but I felt that she would need to mature a bit to understand my true feelings.  Reading the diary confirmed my feelings for her but now I feel more afraid that she might have a jerk reaction and it might cause a rift in our current relationship.

I was getting nervous with every step into the room where she was lying on her stomach and just staring at her body, I felt the panic in me.  Looking at the empty bathroom, I ran in with the blanket still in hand, and began to contemplate my choices.

Miya calm down, it is just Rii-chan, she is a good person

Rii-chan will understand

I like her but to love her is hard

Not hard but just to move up a level in commitment

Damn Miya baka baka baka

I just have to follow up

“Miya, where are you?  I am getting cold.”  Hearing her voice scared me in my own world.

I just have to do it

1, 2, 3

Go Miya, get Rii-chan good.

I walk out of the bathroom and see her still on the floor watching the tube with her hair in pigtails.  I thought about her charm point of still being cute to other people despite her stern face and soft-spoken attitude.

I walked with the blanket close to my chest and I was ready to pounce on her but she turned around before I could have the chance.

“Miya, you weren't going to play your game again about surprising me again.”  Rii-chan in her tank top and shorts.

“Ah, no, I just wanted to put it on top of you.”  I responded

Smooth move Miya.  I shook my head.

I laid the blanket on top of her body and she held onto my ankle with her eyes I could sense her looking up to gain my attention.

“Miya, I wanted to ask you a question.”  I froze and my mouth couldn't move with my brain processes.

“What is it?”  I just said the first thing that came into my mind but it came out slower than expected.

“I was wondering about the movie you got for us tonight, is it scary?  I like scary music but I tend to scream at the good parts.”  She was toying with me right now.

Damn Rii-chan just say it.

“Nah, I thought it had a lot of suspense and some romantic scenes you would like.”  Rii-chan had a surprised look to her face.

“Um, I like it but with another girl, it seems awkward.”  She laughed nervously.

I hit her nerve and got her to break off the truth, YES!

“Just think about it as friends going to watch a movie, not as a couple.”  I quickly explained to her.

“True, let's do that.”  She smiled at me before popping the DVD in.

I slipped next to her and we watched the start of the DVD, she was trying to adjust to where I was sitting, and I giggled at her trying to avoid body contact.

She had dragged the blanket away from me and I grabbed it back forcing her to be inches away from my body.

I decided to play my game first with playing with her hand, I placed my hand on top of hers, she pulled it back, and put her back toward me.

Rii-chan I love you but you have to show some love back.

I watched the movie and when it came to the scary part I would leave myself open for her to fall into arms.  I was anticipating for the moment and when it came she turned into me and her hands were placed perfectly right above my chest.

“Miya, I am sorry, I didn't mean to...”  She turned away.

“What you didn't mean to do, Rii-chan?”  I asked.

“Um, touching your body, you don't like that right?”  Rii-chan was ready to slip out but I grabbed her hand.

“Well maybe when I am not naked but like this it is fine, I mean you hugged people so you had body contact with older men and why does it matter with me?”  I turned off the movie.

“Well you are my friend and we shouldn't be this close.”  Rii-chan started to walk away but I commanded to her stop.

“Why?”  I walked towards her.

“Because, we are group members and what if Captain sees this, she will tell us off.”  Rii-chan walking backwards toward the wall.

“Captain has been with Maasa for so long and she hasn't cared for anybody else hooking up within the group.”  I explained to her with my face inches away from hers.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”  She escaped to the empty room and I stood there with my ears to the door.

I heard her panicking through the thick door, she started to yell and scream out her feelings.  She was in the middle of an emotional breakdown.

Her voice was asking for help but I wanted to see her true emotions before I could act upon it.  I knocked on the door and she opened it for me.

“Miya, I want to ask you a question and please be honest about it.”  Rii was crying and I hugged her frail body.

“Go ahead, I am listening.”

“Do you love me as a friend or a girlfriend?”  I knew she was going ask it but I had no prepared answer.

“Well, ever since we have been part of the group, you were the youngest correct?”  She nods.

“You were your own person before you grasped the group concept, right?”  She nods again.

“However, I was there to cheer you up every time you missed your family, right?”  She looks up and pecks me on the cheek.

“Well, do you think that we have been friends for so long that I would throw it all away for a more intimate relationship?”  She pushed me off and she began to think.

“Well, I wanted a special relationship with a person but not with my best friend, do not get me wrong, I love you a certain way but I did not want it to become one way with us.”  I was surprised yet understanding.

Before I could utter a sound, she had my lips onto mines and the sweet taste of the gloss caught me by surprise. 

“Strawberry?”  I asked.

“Yeah, I actually knew what you were doing because you read my diary before coming into the room.”  She knew that I did that, How did she knew? I began to ponder.

“Silly you, I knew it because you would always ask if I was alright.”  I just shook my head.

“Rii, let's go back and watch the movie.”  As we slipped under the blanket, I felt her hand on my lap.

I just had the thought of her head being on my shoulder and I could imagine her cute face sleeping on there.  Although before I could utter another word, she was down for the count.

I lay her down on the couch and she had a cute snore that I couldn't help but love it.  I put her head on my lap and caressed her hair.

The song popped up on the DVD and I began to whistle to the familiar sound.

Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine
I'm leavin' my life in your hands
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance
And how you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
Don't care what is written in your history
As long as you're here with me
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Movie Night 12/23)
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2009, 12:48:43 PM »
 :wub: So cute!

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Movie Night 12/23)
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2009, 04:39:30 PM »
Nice!  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Movie Night 12/23)
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2009, 05:21:06 PM »
Awww~!!! :love: :love: :love: They're so sweet.. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Movie Night 12/23)
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2010, 05:45:46 PM »
Apparently I don't do enough of these stories and now a very unusual take at young love


“Ai-chan, please help me down.”  As the younger child was trying help her friend get her frisbee and now her fear of heights set in.

“Nii-chan, just jump off, its only five feet.”  The older one tried to comfort her by estimating the height to be five feet but obviously she missed it by three short.

“I am scared, just call my mother to bring me down.”  Nii-chan was on the verge of tears.

“Okay, okay I will help you down.”  She looked up to see her friends legs dangling from the tree and her virgin mind seeing something unusual.

Ai had her arms open as the younger jumped off the tree and landed in her arms.

“See, it wasn't so high.”  Ai laughed.

“It was too and why were you grinning when you looked up at me, was there a bug in my hair?”  Ai didn't want to tell her truth but something she was always curious about when playing with other girls.

“There was a cute bird up there and I couldn't help but smile at its beautiful singing.”  Ai comforted the younger ones emotions from her own hell.

Ai noticed that Risa's cuteness was not only on the outside but she had a warm feeling on the inside and she had her heart beat skipped every day they played together.

“Ai, are you okay?”  Risa asked as Ai was on another planet.

“I don't know, but I always feel happy around you.”  Ai giggles nervously.

“You know you do have your accidents and I don't want it happen right here.”  Ai pushed the younger one down.

“Stop teasing me, you still have them too.”  The younger one knew she hit a nerve but couldn't help her own curiosity to ask again.

“So what is wrong with you?”

“I feel happy around and sometimes I lose my breath or get dizzy or laugh at awkward times.”  The younger one noticed that pattern lately but had no clue to what it meant.

“Maybe you don't feel well.”  Risa put her hand on her head and she instantly felt her heart jolt and pulled her hand back.

“Do I have a fever?”  Ai asked as Risa had become lost for words.

“No, I just realized I have to go to practice soon for...violin.”  Risa nervously walked away before being stopped by Ai.

“You don't play the violin, Risa, and I have a feeling you saw something, was it a boy?”  Risa shook her head furiously as she tried to avoid the issue.

“Come on, Risa, you know that I know you have a crush on the boy from our school.”  Ai laughed.

“No, I just r...realized...” Risa stopped midway as Ai put her hand on Risa's chest.

“What are you doing?”  Risa's heart beated a little faster and Ai was quickly noticing on what was happening.

“ me?”  Ai swallowed and Risa walking backwards from the situation.

“No, you got to be silly, we are friends, and we don't know about that yet.”  Risa had become nervous that her best friend was now digging into her.

“You're right, let's go home.” Both realizing it was nothing until the issue came up again years later.

As both entered middle school, they saw every change, and it it became chronicled as their own personal achievement but there was one thing left open: dating.

“Ai-chan, is there anyone in particular you have a crush on?”  Risa brought up a question that had still wighed heavily on her mind.

“Yes and no.”  Risa had the same feeling towards her but with an extra person with them, the situation took an awkward turn.

“You two have been friends for a while and I just moved here a year ago.  I don't want to become a burden but it seems you two have some feelings towards each other.”  The third girl pointed out correctly.

“Kamei, we can't have a crush on each other, its too...” Risa paused

“...wierd.”  Ai finished up the sentence and Kamei went toward Risa and sat by her.

Risa's hand was on top of the other girl's lap and Kamei guided the hand to rub her thighs a bit.  Her smile and the look on Ai's face painted the picture.

Risa pulled her hand back and Ai had become upset with Kamei but she calmed down before uttering another word.  Ai had the feeling in her gut if she made the move and Risa didn't approve of it, it was going to hurt their lifetime friendship.

Kamei slyly move over to Ai and hugged her from behind, Risa began gritting her teeth watching her new found friend hug her best friend but she held back any violent intention upon her.   Risa took a couple deep breaths before watching Kamei's hand graze her chest.

“Kamei, stop.”  Risa yelled and she pushed over the turtle to hug her friend.

“I love you.”  The younger whispered.

“Same here.”  The older one answered.

During the embrace, Kamei giggled and both turned to see her reveal their true feelings.  Risa grabbed her friend and gave her a long passionate kiss.  Risa's body pressed onto Kamei and watching this scene, Ai knew that Risa was no amateur at doing this.

“Eh, what was that for?”  Kamei replied.

“Something for you future girlfriend, flirt.”  The three laughed about the issue and years went by to come to the next stage: affection for each other.

High school made them both blossomed into young ladies and complex the idea of being a romantically linked couple.  It wasn't unusual but to show affection out in the open made it difficult to cope with the view of it.  They had been friends for ten years and closer for less than three. However, they rarely kissed outside their own room and it caused frustration on both sides.

“Ai-chan, let's go to the mall.”  Risa asked as she was in need of clothing for the social.

“I don't feel like going to the social with boys, they disgust me.”  She was playing her video games as Risa was trying to entice her to go.

“You can always be with me for that whole time, it is not hard.”  Risa explained.

“I just don't want to go and have the boys look at me as a piece of meat.”  Ai finished the game and dropped the controller to find some food.

Risa couldn't help but to take a visual representation of her lover's body and just simmer in her own mind on how much she loved her.

“Ai, I have an idea.”

“Yes, I am listening.”

“If you don't go to the social, I will take away your games, and put them in the trash.”  Risa gave Ai a stern look and she wasn't pulling a bluff.

“Risa, I would do anything for you to not go to the social.”  As she ran over to protect her games.

“Anything?”  Ai nodded.

“Okay, you don't have to but I'll ask Kamei to go with me instead.”  Ai shook her head.

“I don't have a date if you don't go with me.”  Ai began to contemplate the situation and caved in.

“Okay, I will make it worth your time.”  Risa promised that she wouldn't suffered one bit.

They walked over to nearest mall to find clothing and Risa found a nice set of clothing for Ai.  While, the older one was looking at the casual section.

“Ai, I have something to show you.”  Ai hurried over and her jaw dropped.

“No way I am going to wear that, that is way too revealing.”  Ai turned her head and found a longer dress and it seemed more elegant than Risa's choice.

“I'll take this one.”  Ai fell in love with it and Risa found something with a shorter skirt.  As they were ready to buy the clothing, Risa spied out a couple, and they were kissing each other.

She grabbed her lover and pointed them out to her.

“Yeah, they are a couple.”  Ai said bluntly.

“What if we did that.”  Ai's eyes opened up.

“Well, we could try but I don't think it will go over well.”  Ai laughed nervously.

Risa lifted her lover's chin up and kissed her on the lips, the excitement grew as this was their first kiss outside in the open, and it wasn't going to be the last.

“That felt great.”  Ai and Risa laughed before getting their dresses paid.

It was approaching the day before the social and they decided to have a sleepover which made both of them reveal certain things about themselves and the longest kept secret between them.

“Risa, when was the first time I have seen you in you underwear?”  Risa began thinking.

“I think it was middle school.”  Ai snickered at that reply.

“Remember when you got stuck in the tree and I began giggling.”  Risa nodded and then punched Ai in the shoulder.

“You are such a pervert, but you were there for me, and I forgive you “bedwetter.”” Risa laughed and Ai pouted.

They had fun that night and they had one more goal to approach but they were not ready for it but emotionally they were ready for everything else in the world.
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kuro's not so very good One-shots (Movie Night 12/23)
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2010, 05:57:55 PM »
Very interesting. The Kamei bits were cute.

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