apple, everyone love smut! WE ARE ATSUYUUNEERS AND SMUT IS OUR BLOOD!!! And yeah, when I make that multi-shot thingy, I'll be sure to think of a decent plot for that
pyonpyon, AtsuYuu is forever! I SHALL FOREVER POST ATSUYUU AND ONLY ATSUYUU! Except this post is different LoL
atsukojiyuu, I blame society for not giving me le measure of le perv room access *sobsob* And no problem~ I'll do anything for AtsuYuu~
Kazan, you're waiting for smut from me? *stare* O.O
cyanical, thanks for taking your time to read it all, cyan!

And yes, you WILL see A LOT more from me~ Oh yeah, welcome to the Ashura OS thread~

So this is a little different. Usual suspects, Mocchi as the rival and Acchan's love for the captain midget. I give credit to Altrox-san's 'Love, life, laughs' for giving me an idea to write this. I even followed his style of dialogues lol

[Of love letters and midgets] It was a beautiful day. Acchan had just finished her practice and was about to leave. She entered the dressing room and went to her purse. She then realized that the purse was open, and a piece of paper was inside it.
“Huh? What’s this?” Acchan asked, then after thinking about the question again, she mentally facepalmed.
“Yo, what do you got there, wifey~” A random bystander, Mii-chan, came and hugged the other girl from behind after noticing Acchan was looking at the paper weirdly.
“It’s a piece of paper, Mii-chan.”
“Err… Yeah, I got that but what’s on that piece of paper?”
“Well you should silence yourself so that I could actually read what it’s about.”
“Oh. Okay. Mii-chan’s silent.”
“Good.” Acchan then continued to look at the piece of paper, reading it in her mind. “Seems to be some kind of letter.” She noted after reading a bit.
“Oh, what kind of letter? Read it out loud~”
“Let me see…”
Atsuko then read the letter out loud; or at least loud enough so that Mii-chan could hear.
“Dear Maeda Atsuko-san, I have always been looking at you, always admiring you from the distance. I have fallen for you ever since I first laid eyes on you. Your voice, your hair, your eyes, your breasts.” Mii-chan laughed when she heard that part. “Everything about you. I wish that we could actually get together. I know we’re both girls, but that doesn’t matter much at the moment. All I want you to know, is that I love you. More than anyone I’ve ever loved before.
-Sincerely, your secret admirer”
Hearing that letter read by Acchan herself, Mii-chan couldn’t contain her laughter anymore and burst out laughing, causing the twenty-odd girls in the room to look at her weirdly; thinking what the heck did Mii-chan drink last night.
“Okay, Acchan. That was seriously too funny. Besides, who the hell would write a Love letter at this day in age?”
“I don’t know. Maybe she’s old-fashioned or something.” Acchan thought as she read the letter again, this time in her mind so that Mii-chan wouldn’t break out in a laughing fit again. “Any ideas whom that could be?”
“Dunno. Any possible candidates in mind?”
Acchan listed out all possible names in her head, thinking of what or why they would love her at all.
“Harugon? Nah, she’s too kiddy to write love letters. She’d probably yell and confess straight out, knowing her. Yui-chan? Nah, she’s not really the romantic type. Oh, I got it!” Acchan placed her palms together.
“Found someone?”
“It must be Sasshi! Damn it, that little prankster!”
“As much as I’d love to agree with you, Sasshi’s too much of an idiot to write.”
“Ah, that’s true.” Acchan sighed, running out of options in her head after hearing someone, presumably her teammate, Sasshi, sneeze out of nowhere.
“You know who I think it is?” Mii-chan asked, a hint of amusement in her voice as her head sat on the girl’s shoulder.
“Hm? Who?” Acchan asked, now interested in the topic.
“Takamina~” Mii-chan singsonged, making Acchan blush faintly as she avoided eye contact with the Gachapin.
“Eh? Takamina? No way~ I mean, seriously? Takamina couldn’t have… Nah… Seriously…?” Acchan then looked straight into Mii-chan’s eyes. “You think so?”
“Of course~ Knowing how close you two are, there’s probably no doubt that it’s her!”
“B- But come on~ It’s Takamina here~” Acchan fidgeted cutely.
“Listen here, Atsuko. You’re the Ace of the group. Get your act together and sweep that midget Captain right off her feet!” Mii-chan reassured.
“Yo, what’s going on?” then came a new comer in their conversation.
“Oh, Yuko. Great timing!” Mii-chan grabbed the girl into their circle and huddled up. “Acchan just got a love letter and I’m now persuading her to answer to Takamina’s feelings! Help me out, here!”
“And why do you assume it’s Takamina out of all people?” Yuko asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Come on! Old fashioned love letter, love in every sentence, gooey mushy love lines, letter for Acchan, this REEKS of Takamina!”
“Now that you mention it…” Acchan puts a finger on her chin as Mii-chan’s words sank in.
“So what are you going to do, Acchan?” Yuko asked, now interested in the topic.
“Pffttt! I can’t just run up and answer to Takamina! I mean, what if she’s not the person who wrote it? That would be really awkward! Plus, she’s Takamina for God’s sake! She makes non-awkward moments feel awkward already and now that I would make more awkward moments for her, think of all the awkwardness that midget would bring into the situation!”
“Or you could just ask her.” Came Mii-chan’s reasonable suggestion.
“Ask her? Pffttt! NO! I’ll use lies, trickery and deceit!” Acchan grabbed both of them to a nearby corner and surveyed her surroundings. There she spots the midget they were talking about. “So this is what we’ll do!”
“Okay, how does that sound?”
“Pretty weird, considering she would recognize you right away.” Mii-chan criticized Acchan’s plan.
“Who cares about Mii-chan’s criticism? Go for it, Acchan!” Yuko supported it instead.
“… Crap. I forgot my cell.”
“And so we’re gonna abandon this plan and you’d go ask Takamina instead, right?” Mii-chan tried to persuade again but stopped as she realized the glares of her two counterparts. “Okay. Mii-chan shutting up.”
“I need a phone. Yuko! Phone!”
“Roger~” Yuko gave her cellphone to her fellow Ace.
“Now to call Takamina…” Acchan dialed a number.
“Can you explain this plan in full detail again?” Mii-chan asked, somewhat confused as to why the two girls were doing this.
“Haven’t you been listening at all, Mii-chan? I’ll call Takamina, pretending to be her best friend, which is you, Mii-chan, and we’ll talk about our likes and dislikes and people we like and all. Simple as that!”
“And why aren’t you giving the phone to me instead so that I could pretend to talk girly girly with Takamina? Heck, why are you even using Yuko’s phone to impersonate as me?”
“Shut it, Mii-chan, I heard a beep!”
Mii-chan only shrugged as the squirrel covers their mouths.
“Moshi moshi?” it seems that Acchan put the call on loud speaker so that they could hear.
“Yes, Takamina, this is… err… Mii-chan~” Acchan said with the tiniest voice possible, Yuko trying to hold her laughter and Mii-chan facepalming herself.
“Huh? Mii-chan? Why does your voice sound weird? Heck, why are you using Yuko’s phone?”
“Told you.” Mii-chan whispered but was hushed by the Ace’s glare.
“No reason~ Er, just, er, stuff happened. That’s all.”
“So how about we do a little girl’s talk~”
“… Eh? Seriously?! With me?! Aw Mii-chan that’s so sweet of you~ Okay, lets!”
Acchan at the time was making a victory pose as Yuko clapped silently whilst Mii-chan was looking at her with her pokerface.
“So, is there anyone you like?” Acchan asked.
“No, you first~ Is there anyone you like~?” Takamina asked back.
“No, you~”
“No~ I insist~”
Acchan thought to just give up on it and take the bait.
“I like… err…” she surveyed her surroundings. “Yuko. Yeah. I like Yuko.”
“Aw, Acchan you shouldn’t have~” came Yuko’s tease.
“Yuko and Acchan~ Sitting in a-“ Mii-chan wanted to tease but was stopped by a karate chop from le Ace.
“Eh? What do you like about Yuko~?” came the question from Takamina.
“Err… She’s funny… Cute… and… er… has big boobs.”
“As expected of the boob lover.” Mii-chan mused but again, she was hit by Atsuko at the same spot with the same technique.
“Anyway, who do you like?” Acchan proceeded to ask instead.
“Erm… Well, I like…”
Just when the most important word would come out from Takamina and the others held their breaths patiently, waiting for the moment, a sudden dull pain came in contact with Acchan’s head. The Ace yelped and rubbed her head.
“Ouch, What was that for yo- T- Takamina?!” Acchan leaped up when she realized who hit her in the noggin.
“Well hello there, ‘Mii-chan’.” Takamina closed her cellphone, still looking at Acchan.
“Err… I can explain.” Acchan puts both of her hands up.
“No need. I realized you were trying to prank me from the start.”
“From ‘when’, exactly?” Yuko asked with curiosity in her eyes.
“From when Acchan said she liked your big boobs. Besides, Mii-chan likes small boobs.” Takamina clarified.
“Hey! I’m offended.” pouted the unsatisfied Mii-chan.
“Well, everyone knows that… Except that I think you have a thing for kids. Hey, do you have a thing for kids?” Yuko asked the Gachapin.
“You mean pedophilia? Of course I don’t.”
“Then why do you know what it’s called?” Takamina asked this time.
“Why DO you know what it’s called?” Acchan narrowed her eyes.
“Okay, plan A failed. Now it’s onto plan B!” Acchan announced as she sat in the table in the restaurant.
“And why exactly are we in a restaurant?” Mii-chan asked seemingly unaware of Acchan’s needs to eat something; anything!
“Because I want to.” Then her stomach grumbled. Yuko heard it but decided to just let her off the hook this time. “And to do that, I have acquired the assistance of two other people.”
“Hey Mii-chan, Yuko.” Rena greeted.
“Wuzzap~” Jurina also greeted.
“And why exactly are you two here? Tell me you didn’t use your Ace authority again, Acchan.” Mii-chan narrowed her eyes at the girl who was drinking her ice tea calmly, waiting for her other gluttonous servings.
“Please, Mii-chan. Jurina’s like a child to me. I could order her to do stuff whenever I want. Just that I don’t feel like it most of the times. Jurina, can you get me a napkin?”
“I thought you’d ask that.” Jurina took out a napkin from her pocket and gave it to Acchan.
“As expected of my child.” Acchan nodded, satisfied with the status quo.
“And why exactly is Rena here?” Mii-chan looked at the other new comer.
“I’m always there wherever there is Jurina. Wherever there is Jurina, I am there. Jurina is there only for me. I am there only for Jurina. She is my love, my friend, my love, my love, and most importantly, my love.”
“Okay, Rena is creeping me out.”
“What are you talking about, Mii-chan my fellow ped-“
“Okay, quiet Rena or you’re gonna make the situation worse for me.” Mii-chan interrupted as she realized the stares of the other girls.
“That’s it. The answer’s clear. Mii-chan loves lolies. And God knows if she’ll actually get into some team full of lolies in the future.” Yuko closed her eyes, imagining Mii-chan with a loli-harem. “Wow, that’s a sight to see.”
“Pffttt.” Rena chuckled. “By that time, I would have already gotten hold of all the lolies in SKE. Mii-chan is nothing to me!”
“I feel somewhat challenged…” Mii-chan had doubts inside her mind as she heard the challenge from Rena.
“And she’s even considering Rena’s challenge to get lolies. Now that’s just creepy. Someone warn the other members.” Acchan looked at Jurina.
“Already did it. For SKE, I mean.”
“Okay, now all we need is to get someone to tell the AKB members about Mii-chan’s disease, infected by Rena.”
“No, Acchan. I didn’t show her the way of the pedo.”
“Huh? Then who exactly infected her?” came the question from Acchan.
“…” They all looked at Mii-chan.
“… Meetan.”
Then knowing glances and nods appeared on the other girls.
“Forget that. The question is, who to call when we need to inform AKB of the dangers which is Mii-chan?” Yuko asked, finally getting pumped.
“Mii-chan is not a danger, and I will never be one.”
“Quiet, Mii-chan. We’re discussing your disease.” Jurina hushed the older girl.
Mii-chan could only sigh in defeat as she listened to the others’ discussion.
“I think there’s only one person to call, and that’s Takamina-san!” Rena voiced out her opinion.
“Nah, Takamina’s a nervous wreck. She’d probably go all midgety and nobody would believe her.” Yuko rejected the opinion.
“Plus, she’s Takamina. God knows what would happen to a Takamina being midget.” Acchan stated.
“I COULD HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW!” came the said midget’s voice from behind Yuko and Atsuko’s spot.
“Oh, hello there Takamina. I seem to not recall that you were there.” Acchan closed her eyes, not even looking behind.
“I was here from the beginning, talking to Harunyan! Besides, you guys already saw me!”
“Eh? Is that so? Did we, Yuko my dearest?”
“Oh, I do not think so, Acchan my dear.”
“Or so it seems, Takamina.”
“You guys are insane…” Takamina had her palm on her forehead as the girl in front of her looked at her with worry.
“Relax, Takamina. I’m sure they’re just fooling around.”
“I know, Harunyan. That’s why I never wanted Acchan to get too close to Yuko.” Takamina sighed and then got up. “We’re leaving. NOW!” then she grabbed Haruna’s arm and dragged her out of the restaurant.
Back to Acchan and the crew’s table,
“Wait, Takamidget was here?!” Mii-chan asked, though she’s the only one being confused as the others looked at her with pity. “Why was I not informed of this?!”
“Quiet, Mii-chan. We’re here to listen in on NyanNyan and Takamina’s girly conversations. Since they’re close, they’d probably talk about people they like. I’m going to extract the information off of her whilst we listen in closely as they fail to realize our presence!” Acchan stated proudly.
“Too bad those two already left.”
“WHAT?!” Acchan turned around briskly, looking at the now empty table behind her.
“Tch. Nice job, Mii-chan. Coz you were being all creepy, Takamina escaped. AND WITH MY NYANNYAN!” Yuko complained as she got up with Acchan.
“Yes. Blame it all on Mii-chan...” Mii-chan frowned, looking at the other girls.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but this sounds fun!” Jurina had sparkles in her eyes.
“I fail to see the reason you’re even near the vicinity.” Rena elbowed Mii-chan.
“Oh, you’re right. I should get going now-“ but Mii-chan shut up as Acchan glared at her yet again.
“Mii-chan, sit. I may need to use you since you’re one of the No3bs, and I might need to make out with someone to use Plan J. I can’t make out with Yuko since she’s Yuko, I can’t make out with Jurina since she’s way too young, and I seriously can’t make out with Rena. They’re gonna skin me alive if I did that.”
“Who will?” Mii-chan asked.
“The lolies.”
“Ah…” Mii-chan only nodded. “Acchan, I would love to make out with you, just as much as the other girls, but I think I should-“ then Acchan let out a terrifying grin, her eyes turned evil as the background changed to black and lightning clashed with each other as a couple of wolf howls could be heard. “-make out with you. Yes, Acchan. I will make out with you.”
“NOW TO PLAN C!” then Acchan dragged the unwilling Mii-chan, and with Yuko, Jurina and the somewhat confused Rena, they left the restaurant to give chase the pairs, or so Mii-chan thought…
“And why exactly are we in Takamina’s house?” Mii-chan asked as she looked around.
“SO PINK! WHY THE HELL IS EVERYTHING SO! FRIGGIN! PINK?!” Yuko covered her eyes as she lied on the floor in agony.
“I heard about this, but this is way pinker than I would have imagined.” Rena scanned Takamina’s pink pink house full of pink pinkness.
“Okay… Am I the only one feeling nauseated here?” Jurina placed her hand on her forehead, almost as if a sudden headache would appear.
“Quick, people! We only have about a couple of minutes to search all of Takamina’s house for some shrine of me!” Acchan shouted.
“Huh? Shrine? What shrine?” Mii-chan asked, confused.
“Seriously, Mii-chan? Everybody knows old-fashioned people usually make shrines for their crushes! That’s like, Takamina’s thing!” Jurina stated, answering the older girl’s question.
“You’re seriously gonna make Takamina cry if she heard that, you know?” Mii-chan sympathized with the midget Captain. “Wait, how did we even get into the house?”
“Do not question my Ace authority, Mii-chan.”
“So you DID use your Ace authorities!” Mii-chan narrowed her eyes at the taller Ace.
“Mii-chan aside, we need to be quick. I’ve already deployed two trustworthy members to delay Takamina from coming home. Use this chance, my fellow comrades!” Acchan announced and they started searching, except for Mii-chan who had a question in her mind.
“Who did you deploy?”
“… Trustworthy companions…”
“Sasshi? Rie? What are you two doing here?” Takamina looked at the two who just somehow ended up on a road on the way to Takamina’s house.
“Ah, Takamina-san. What a coincidence to bump into you on this fine day.” Rie smiled, somewhat suspiciously.
“We just got back from practice. Heck, your house is on the other side.”
“Yes… A very intriguing coincidence, Takamina-san.” Sasshi interfered and grabbed Takamina on the wrist.
“Wait? What are you doing?! Please tell me Acchan isn’t behind this and you’re not trying to stall me as Acchan tries to prank me.”
“What?! My word! We would never do that, Takamina-san!” Rie said, not looking at the midget Captain.
“Yes! We are only going to drag you to some place which is far away from your home as possible as Assan goes through all your stuff like a sex-crazed individual!” came the confession from Sasshi.
Rie facepalmed as her younger accomplice goes around confessing out of the blue like that.
As Sasshi struggles to keep Takamina on hold as the older girl was obviously trying to escape, she had an idea. She knew that it was risky and Acchan would probably get mad at her after that, but this was the only way to stall Takamina for time.
“Rie-chan, get my phone and call Mocchi.”
“And we STILL didn’t get anything! Heck, where do you usually place something as weird as a Shrine of your crush?! LIKE ANY OF US WILL KNOW!”
“I agree with Mii-chan there… As much as I don’t want to admit it…” Rena shivered at the thought of agreeing with the somewhat younger girl. “Where would you usually place a shrine of your crush?”
“This is Takamina we’re talking about. I’m sure we’ll find it eventually.” Jurina mentioned in an attempt to brighten up the others’ spirit.
“Acchan, any luck?” Yuko looked at the taller girl who was searching under Takamina’s bed for something.
“Porn magazines? None.” Acchan clicked her tongue as she got up.
“No, I meant the Shrine we were looking for… But that’s also a good search item.”
Acchan sighed as she looked around the room. No luck.
“Damn it. Isn’t there some sort of cliché secret drawer Takamina puts her stuff in?!” Acchan complained to the other girls.
“Well, if you’re searching for a secret drawer…” Jurina pointed behind Atsuko, next to the bed.
There, a drawer with ‘SECRET DRAWER’ written on it could be seen.
“NO! MERCY! MERCY!” Takamina cried as the younger girl was clinging on her.
“No~ Takamina-san~ It’s been such a long time since we pronounced our love to the world because a certain Ace forbade our relationship! Let us confirm our feelings for one another again!”
“No, Mocchi! I don’t love you and I never will so get the hell off me!”
“Then what’s with the red flushed face you have right now~?” Mocchi pointed out.
“If someone was clinging to another’s arm, of course their face would flush uncontrollably!”
“That means Takamina-san shares the same feelings as I! Ah~ Takamina-san is so cute~” Mocchi snuggles up to the midget captain more, much to Takamina’s dismay.
“Our job here is done.” Rie sighed in relief as her younger counterpart nodded.
“Now, how about we go grab something to eat for the meantime?” Sasshi placed her hand over the willing Rie.
“Well, can’t hurt to have fun a little.” Rie smiled, somewhat tired. “Let’s ditch these two lovers.”
“Oi! Don’t leave me alone with this ear-lover!” Takamina cried again as she watched her uncaring members leave, not caring about what happened behind the scenes.
“Seems like it’s locked.” Yuko stated the obvious.
“Well, considering there’s a keyhole on that drawer, and considering it’s SECRET, meaning nobody else should ever see it… OF COURSE IT’S LOCKED!” Mii-chan retorted.
“There ought to be some way for us to get the drawer to open…” Rena placed a finger on her chin as she tries to think of a solution for their current problem at hand.
“Well, won’t Takamina usually place a spare key around her room? Maybe we should search for that instead.” Jurina suggested.
“Ain’t nobody got time for that!” Acchan stated, with an alien accent. “Yuko, picklock this drawer like how you usually do to NyanNyan’s door!”
“W- What are you talking about, my dear Acchan? There’s no way I would know to pick locks of NyanNyan’s door and drawer which contains her panties and even her bathroom which she usually puts her used panties!”
“…” Everyone narrowed their eyes, looking at the guilty squirrel.
“Okay, fine. Damn NyanNyan-CCTV.” Yuko was about to take something from her pocket.
Everyone raised their hands above their heads because of the warning from the person behind them, at the door. Slowly, they turned around to look at the source of the voice and as per suspected,
“Eh? What are you doing here, Takamina?” Acchan asked with her confused face.
“This is my house… SO OF COURSE I WOULD BE HERE!” Takamina stated the obvious.
“Well, that was pretty obvious.” Mii-chan mumbled.
“Wait, whatever happened to Rie and Sasshi?” Yuko asked since she didn’t see the two people Acchan mentioned, but stopped because she just saw someone she least expected behind Takamina.
“What are you doing here, Mocchi?” Rena asked, confused to see Mocchi sticking like glue to Takamina’s back.
“Yes. What. Are. You. Doing. There. With. TakaMina. You. Stalking. Kuramochi?” Acchan asked in broken sentences as she glared at the seemingly terrified Mocchi.
“Takamina-san said that she’d let me eat up her ears if she I let her go to her house.”
“I said ‘touch’!” Takamina retorted, her face flushed red.
Acchan made some signals with her hands which meant ‘You’re’, ‘Dead’, to Mocchi who shivered at the glare of the older girl.
“Now…” Takamina caught her breath and then proceeded to glare at the taller Ace in front of her.
“I can explain!”
“Why… are you here in my house, in my room, in front of my drawer…?”
“… Well, there’s this sudden thrilling adventure that awaited me and-“ before Acchan could make up some lie, Takamina was already crying.
*sob* Takamina was in tears, looking at the Ace, who was at lost for words.
Rena glared at the older girl who was the root of the problem, Mii-chan made an ‘I told you so!’ face, Jurina sympathized with the midget and Yuko was thinking about boobs.
“Er…” Acchan couldn’t come up with any words to back up her intrusion to the midget’s home.
“I thought you were my friend…” Takamina said in tears.
“What?” the others looked at the Ace, baffled.
“You can ‘what’???” Takamina was also confused with the Ace’s outburst. “I never wrote you a love letter, Acchan…”
“Well, I’ll have to go now. See ya, guys.” Acchan was about to leave, just when she felt a hand grabbing her arm.
“What did you say you would do If I wrote the letter?” Takamina asked.
“I… Err…” Acchan looked at her accomplices who just shook their heads, Rena looking away, Jurina made a sorry face, and Mii-chan had a sadistic grin pasted on hers. And as for Yuko… Well, she’s still in LalaLand.
“Acchan?” Takamina was still focused on her, her hand gripping the Ace’s arm tightly.
“… Err… Look! One Piece!”
“WHERE?!” Takamina fell for it.
With this chance, Acchan fled.
“Darn it.” Takamina cursed herself as she was fooled yet again by the Ace.
“Well, that was foolish of you to fall for a simple trick like that.” Rena sympathized with the midget.
“WHERE?!” Rena turned around briskly as Jurina pointed at some pencil. “…”
“Hah! You fell for it!” Jurina teased and was chased by the angered Rena, leaving the house.
“Relax, Takamina. I’m sure she’ll come around sooner or later.” Mii-chan patted the shorter girl.
“Yeah… I hope so.” Takamina could only let out a weak smile as she looked at the taller girl with the same name.
“So Takamina-san, about that dea-“ just when Mocchi was about to attack the midget, another midget saved her and dragged Mocchi out of the room. “NOOOOO!!!!”
“I’ll leave her to Akicha for now.” Yuko dragged the unwilling girl out of the house.
“Thanks for trying, Mii-chan…”
“Yeah. But Acchan’s too shy to do it straightforwardly, you know what I mean?”
“Pretty much.”
With that, Takamina grabbed a key that was hung around her neck as a necklace. She then used the key to open the drawer which was the main focus of the other girls a few minutes prior. When it opened, it showed a picture of a certain girl and below It was a book; A magazine, entitled “ACCHAN”
“Damn it, I can’t believe what happened today. That was so embarrassing.”
Atsuko sat on the bench. Her facials were weary and tired from running. She wasn’t too fond of being the center of everything, much to Akimoto Yasushi’s dismay. She then looked at the sky. She hid herself too long that it became night time already. She sighed and stretched her arms for some reason, tired from everything that happened at the time.
She then got up and went to the handrail, looking at the scenery she could see from above.
“Blame yourself for running away.”
She heard someone mention such and then the person went to the girl’s side. Atsuko didn’t even have to glance to her side to see who it was. She could recognize the voice of the person from a mile away. That was how close the two are.
“Hey, Yuko.”
Atsuko greeted the girl next to her and the shorter girl greeted back. She could see that Yuko was amused by what happened that afternoon and she could’ve sworn that Yuko actually knew something.
“Who do you think wrote that love letter?”
Atsuko asked, the writer of the said letter was still not confirmed and Minami, the suspect that she thought of the most, wasn’t the culprit. She wanted to know but the possibilities inside her head kept piling up, making her confused of what to do anymore.
“Who do you think?”
When Atsuko heard that, she jolted. She glanced at the shorter girl whose cheeks were red as she smiled, looking only at the scenery and nothing more. The taller girl’s heart jumped as she realized the way the shorter girl was saying that. Yuko’s voice sounded a lot more different than her usual voice and just by looking at Yuko’s face, Atsuko knew.
Silence filled the atmosphere as Atsuko looked at the same place as Yuko did; Particularly nowhere. They just looked at a certain spot without minding what that spot was. They kept looking like it was some sort of interesting situation in front of them, but there wasn’t. Was it their shyness, their inability to proceed with the topic, or just plain spacing out?
They don’t know, but under the moonlight, two top AKB48 members….
…Intertwined their hands.

Man, if there was any AtsuYuu-haters reading this, that probably would've killed me

Anyways, see you next Sathday!