cisda, well Maeda is a pervert to begin with, as per stated by her herself, so it's not that weird. As for why she groped Saya-nee, well, she loves Saya-nee's breasts. And of course nobody would care about the Ace's perverted hands. Since they think she's just playing around
apple, chill, chill

We called t truce, remember~?

So no revenge. Notta! And thanks for the advice there. Means a lot.
TD, don't join 'em LoL

And I thought we were brothers...

Because I was bored, I thought which Pokemon suits each of the members. So here's something to pass the time by. Mostly mainstream pairings, since it'd be more fun like dat
[POKEMON to XX and Why's] "Urg... What happened?"
A girl woke up from her slumber and she assessed her surroundings. A void of darkness. Nothing inside, not even air. It took her a few seconds to finally adjust herself with her current situation. Her eyes opened wide and she quickly got up and scanned the area.
"Hello there. *bla bla bla* Are you a boy or a girl?" a man appeared, with his usual coolness and awesome aura, he fixed his glasses.
"Wait- Akimoto-san?! What happened?! Where am I?!" the girl raised her voice, confused of why the man was there.
"*bla bla bla* Pokemon *bla bla bla* Are you a boy or a girl?" the man asked again.
"Huh? Pokemon? What?" the girl asked, still confused. "And it's pretty obvious that I'm a girl, right?" she said, as a matter-of-factly.
"What do you look like?" he asked.
Then suddenly, in front of the girl were 3 mirrors. The left one has a face of Lady Gaga, the middle one with the face of her roommate, and the right one is her own face.
"What...? Of course it's that." she showed at her own reflection.
"Would you like to tell me your name?"
Then the girl was silent. She remembered the very first time she met the man. The start of everything. She chuckled and finally looked at him straight in the eyes.
"Pretty ironic." she chuckled again. "It all started by that audition. The audition which turned my life from normal into something far wilder. Then I quit from everything and took my first step towards the unknown. I wanted to be independent so I could prove to you that you have raised me well... To tell the truth, I was happy. Happy that something like that could happen to me. To someone like me. You've changed my life, and for that, I thank you, Akimoto-san."
The man was confused, which earned another chuckle from the girl.
"You probably don't know what I'm talking about, huh? I'm like a crazy person rambling about something. Don't mind it. I'm just talking to myself." she smiled warmly, this time, she smiled from the bottom of her heart. "Maeda Atsuko, reporting for duty."
The man then smirked, and then...
The door opened.
Maeda Atsuko woke up again, in some sort of room, almost painfully as some sort of bird pokemon came in and headbutted her when asleep. She groaned and got up. She stretched to loosen sore muscles and then after a few seconds, she realized she wasn't in her own room.
"Okay... So the dream was real... I'm in the Pokemon world..." she judged and then tried to open the closet so that she could change.
But... The closet won't open. She raised an eyebrow and tried to open it forcefully with her little strength, but the door won't budge.
"Guess it's locked" she stated the obvious and sighed. She looked around more and found that there's a door, probably leading towards the outside of her room.
She opened the door and found some stairs. She then walked down coolly, not forgetting that she was still in her pajamas. She came down and then saw a figure. A woman she knows well.
"Mom?" she was surprised to see her own real mother in this faraway fantasy and weird house.
"Oh, Atsu! You look like you just rolled out of bed! Why don't you take a look at yourself in the mirror and change out of your pajamas?" Maeda-mama ordered her.
"Eh? But the clos-"
"Go, Atsu!" one interruption from her mother sent her sprinting towards her room.
She closed the door and then found an mirror next to her bed. She looked at herself to find herself as stunning as ever, though she won't admit she thought that. She's no Narcissist. After smiling once in the mirror for self-appraisal, she then went to the closet again. This time, the closet opened without any hitch.
"What the f-" she cut her own words, thinking it was not polite and then her eyes went towards the clothes again. She was shocked to see that they were all her stage outfits. She laughed wryly, thinking that it was all set up for her or something.
Atsuko chose her favorite costume, which was the Team A's PIONEER uniform. (forgot what it's called so imagine any uniform ya like) She laid in on her bed and then slowly but carefully unbutton her pajamas, and then strips herself, revealing her smooth and pale skin. She glanced at herself in the mirror, looking at her body. She actually takes satisfaction in seeing the naked female bodies, even herself. She smirked, with a nod, and then looked at her breasts. It was a little small, compared to most of her friends, so she sighed. Feeling a little sad with herself, she grabbed her own breasts to feel the size.
Atsuko's hands stopped their actions after she heard a familiar voice call her nickname. She looked at the unlocked door and saw Yuko smiling wryly while seeing the scene in front of her. Her butt faced Yuko and the older girl couldn't help but look at them, amused.
"Nice ass."
Thus, Atsuko snapped.
Yuko rubbed her sore butt and looked at the angry Atsuko. The two were already outside. Turns out that Yuko and Atsuko were childhood friends and they were going to get their very own Pokemon from none other than the greatest Professor in the region.
They arrived in front of a laboratory and saw someone sitting outside of it, near the door. The figure has long, silky black hair and nice proportions. She seemed to be tall and her face looked exotic and beautiful. Wait, that's Akimoto Sayaka.
Atsuko, being the good girl she is, tried to wake up the poor, pretty girl and then Sayaka woke up.
"Un?" Sayaka's eyes focused on the two figures that woke her up.
"Morning." Yuko greeted followed by Atsuko.
"You girls are the ones that wanted Pokemon?" Sayaka asked, as she got up and yawned.
"Yes. My name is Maeda Atsuko. And this is Oshima Yuko." Atsuko introduced herself and Yuko.
"I'm Akimoto Sayaka. Daughter of Akimoto Yasushi. Nice to meet you." Sayaka also introduced herself and smiled brightly at the others.
Sayaka then guided them into the Laboratory to meet with her father. They reached inside and Akimoto Yasushi was already waiting for them. Though there was one other person.
"I tell you, uncle! I saw it with my very own eyes!" the girl raised her voice.
"Jurina, you know that nothing of sort can ever happen. To stumble upon a Legendary is already rare enough, but to stumble upon Lugia in this region? That's ridiculous." Akimoto said, unmoving.
Before Jurina could speak again, Akimoto redirected his attention towards the ones who had entered the room.
"Oh, welcome, Maeda Atsuko, Oshima Yuko." Akimoto greeted.
"No greetings for your own daughter whom you've locked outside?" Sayaka hissed but was ignored by her father.
"I heard that you've been wanting to raise Pokemons ever since you were little." Akimoto said.
"Hell yeah that's true!" Yuko pumped her fist up. "Isn't that right, Acchan?"
"Huh? No. I never even thought about raising a pokemon." Atsuko stated honestly.
"Quit joking, Acchan." Yuko glared at the younger girl.
"I heard that you've been wanting to raise Pokemons ever since you were little." Akimoto said, just like before.
"Hell yeah that's true!" Yuko pumped her fist up again. "Isn't that right, Acchan?" and stated the question.
"...No. Not that I recalled." Atsuko stated awkwardly
"Quit joking, Acchan." Yuko glared at the younger girl.
'What the hell is with this loop?' Atsuko thought to herself and finally answered 'Yes' after the 4th loop.
"I shall give you four, including you, Sayaka and Jurina, a pokemon each. On the table are four POKEballs. You may choose any one you want." He pointed at the table.
Akimoto sat quietly and watched how they interacted.
"Matsui Jurina." Jurina introduced herself and the two, Yuko and Atsuko did the same. Sayaka and Jurina are cousins.
"Why don't you two pick first? Jurina and I can wait." Sayaka said.
"You can pick, Acchan. I think you deserved to get the first pick, since you've loved Pokemon even more than the Great 'ol me." Yuko joked.
Atsuko rolled her eyes and then proceeded forward. The PokeBalls than shows a hologram of what's inside it and their species name.
"WAIT A FRIGGIN SECOND!" Atsuko raised her voice and pointed at the holograms.
The other three and even Akimoto was curious as to the girl's reaction.
"THEY'RE HUMAN!" Atsuko said, and true enough, they looked human.
Everyone looked at Atsuko with half-opened eyes and pity.
"Are you okay, Acchan?" Yuko asked worriedly and checked her temperature, placing Atsuko's forehead on hers.
"They're girls, I said!" Atsuko removed herself from Yuko and looked back at the PokeMons.
Everyone else sighed and then pitied Atsuko.
"Why the hell?! That's Takamina!" she pointed at the EEVEE.
"That's Sae-chan!" she pointed at the POOCHYENA.
"That's NyanNyan!" she pointed at the VULPIX.
"And that's Rena-chan!" she pointed at the LAPRAS.
"AND WHY THE HELL AREN'T THERE ANY LEAF TYPE?! WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THIS REGION'S POKEMON?!" Atsuko protested, and voiced out her dissatisfaction.
[A/N: Blame the Author's lack of knowledge for the new Generation.] The girls then sighed and patted Atsuko on the head.
"There there. It's just your imagination." They said in unison, almost scary.
Atsuko lost it and grabbed any of the PokeBalls at random. She showed it to Akimoto and he chuckled.
After each of them picked a PokeBall, Akimoto gave them each some sort of outdated PokeDex and the four left.
"Now where to?" Yuko asked Atsuko.
"Did you two check with your parents yet? We're gonna have to go on a journey, like Yasushi said." Sayaka advised.
"Yeah, let's meet at the opening of the next route after we're finished." YUko said and left.
"Can't she just wait and go together? That Yuko." Atsuko said and entered her house. "Mom-" she was cut off before she could even say anything.
"Oh! Atsu! A PokeBall? You're going on a journey? Yuu-chan's going as well? Well, that's splendid! Here, have this map. I've got to go gossip with your neighbors a bit. Have fun on your long journey, Atsu~" then after handing Atsuko the map, Maeda-mama left.
"... What kind of mother did I have, again?"
Atsuko reached the entering of the route and saw Yuko, Sayaka and Jurina already waiting for her. She sighed and then walked towards them. She brought a small backpack which could fit her normal AITAKATTA uniform.
"Hey." Atsuko greeted.
"Yosh. Now let's all take the first step together!" Yuko said.
"That's kinda childish." Sayaka chuckled.
"But that's kinda fun. Let's!" Jurina smiled widely.
All of them took the first step with their right foot at the same time. Then, suddenly, a wild EEVEE appeared!
"Now THAT is an EEVEE. That's normal!" Atsuko said, pointing at the 'normal' EEVEE.
Everyone sympathized with Atsuko yet again.
"Well, whatever. Come out, Pokemon!" Atsuko called out her Pokemon.
It was a TakaMina!
"I just HAD to choose her of all people." Atsuko mumbled and ordered her Pokemon. "TakaMina! Tail Whip!"
TakaMina used Tail Whip! She kicked the Wild EEVEE! Wild EEVEE's Defense decreased!
Then the Wild EEVEE used Helping Hand!
... It doesn't have any affect.
"Takamina! Use Tackle!"
TakaMina used tackle and then it choke slammed the Wild EEVEE and puts it in a cage.
Atsuko Won!
TakaMina gained 92 EXP!
TakaMina's leveled up to Level 20!
"Phew. Wait, what did TakaMina just do?" Atsuko questioned herself.
"Whoa, nice one, Acchan! Your PokeMon's really strong!" Yuko congratulated her.
"Seriously. You're like a real trainer!" Jurina also complimented her.
"Your 'TakaMina' is stronger than most EEVEEs." stated Sayaka, looking at Takamina who was sitting on the ground, not minding the discomfort.
Thus they continued on their journey towards a far better future with their PokeMon, though it was only the beginning.
[To be Continued(?)] Question yourself this.
"What the hell did I just read?"