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Author Topic: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread  (Read 153027 times)

Offline Kimuuu

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2009, 01:48:09 AM »
Guess I'll take the plunge...

Name/AKA: Kim/Kimuuu

Age: 25

Location: US

Gender: F

Favorite AKB48 Member: Sayaka

Favorite Team: K

Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: uh...iono?

Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: Chocolove

Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Blue Rose

When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: Somewhat recently.  A friend of mine linked to Ange's SaeYaka blog... he had linked to a particular post... the one about a certain Blue Rose perf and a leopard-print bikini... after that, I started looking up more stuff about Sayaka.  Now I know a couple more AKB members.  LOL  OH!  But my very FIRST exposure to AKB was when I watched Men*Dol.  THAT was freakin' hilarious, but after I finished the series, I didn't bother following up much with the girls in that show.  However, Takamina holds a special place for being the best character in Men*Dol. XD

Reason why you like AKB48:  Eyecandy and lots of fanservice... and Sayaka.  :fap

Offline Sayange

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2009, 03:44:32 AM »
Yay! That tiger bikini is miraculous.  :inlove: :drool: Killing your bandwidth with hotness since 2007
Follow SaeYaka blog at Twitter @saeyaka48

Offline Naomi

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2009, 09:07:26 PM »
Oops, I never filled this out. :oops:

Name/AKA: Naomi
Age: 19
Location: United States
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 Member: Matsubara Natsumi
Favorite Team: Team K
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Masuyama Kayano
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: Chocolove, I guess. I've never really liked AKB's subgroups.
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Mori e Ikou
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: I first heard of AKB in mid... 2006? Around the time Skirt, Hirari was released. Someone was comparing them to Morning Musume, so I decided to check them out, but I didn't like the song, so I never paid much attention them after that. In October 2007, someone mentioned that AKB's "BINGO!" was a good song, I decided to check it out and I kind of liked it. I listened to more of their stuff, liked it, and "the rest is history". =P
Reason why you like AKB48: The music. AKB has a lot of great members, but I wouldn't be a fan of them if they had crappy music.

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2009, 08:06:10 PM »

Name/AKA: ---
Age: more than 18 ;D!
Location: somewhere
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 Member: Umeda Ayaka  :heart:
Favorite Team: old Team B, and new Team K
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Mai Oshima :heart:
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: Chocolove
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: MARIA <3
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: one of me friend told me about the group, I check them... and I like them... this is the short story!
Reason why you like AKB48: I don't why... maybe beacuse their music is really good!

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Offline sakurasi

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2009, 12:00:48 AM »
Name/AKA: sakurasi
Age: 23
Location: Indonesia
Gender: Male
Favorite AKB48 Member: Takajyo Aki
Favorite Team: Team A, because my favourite member in there.
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Oshima Mai
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: -
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: BIRD
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: In 2007, I listen their song Seifuku, Keibetsu, Bingo, and I became AKB48 wota at "Yuuhi wo miteiru ka" until now.
Reason why you like AKB48: I like their great music, their concept, and I have my favourite member.

Offline johanx841

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2009, 07:27:41 PM »
Name : Johanx841  :)
Age : 23
Gender : Male
Location : Singapore
Favorite AKB48 Member : I love Myao since her RS day and Mayuyu and Lovetan is simply adorable....though love all the girls !!
Favorite Song : All their songs r amazing !!
Favorite Sub Groups : No Sleeves and watariroka hashiritai !!
Favourite Graduated member : Rina Nakanishi...she was amazingly pretty !!  :inlove:
Reason I like AKB48 : I really love the girls for Bonding and being very close with each other !! They support each other and they don't bring age factor between older and younger members....!!  :wub:
« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 12:23:30 PM by johanx841 »

Offline jafeijai

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2009, 06:26:36 AM »
In the spirit of AKB Week, I shall finally fill this out.

Name/AKA: jafeijai aka Kitsuke
Age: 20
Location: The great white north aka Canada.
Gender: Male.
Favorite AKB48 Member: Oshima Yuko.
Favorite Team: With the team changes, I'm going with Team K.
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Oshima Mai, though honourable mention to Saeki Mika for Temo Demo goodness  :thumbup
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: Definitely Persona. :lol:
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: I've got 'Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara' stuck in my head again..
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: I gave up ignoring the sub-forum and found something to like.
Reason why you like AKB48: In comparison to other artists, they seem more 'down-to-earth' in terms of their personalities; as in the way they act or do things makes me think that these girls could be people I'd be able to meet in school or on the street on a random day.

Offline asuna07

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2009, 04:16:47 AM »
Name/AKA: Asuna
Age: 23
Location: Brazil
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 Member: Takahashi Minami  :heart:
Favorite Team: It was Team A, but now it's Team B
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Kayo Noro
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: No Sleeves
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Bird
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: When? I think it was last month... no! it was in October. lol I know AKB48 since 2006, when they released Aitakatta but I wasn't a fan and I didn't like the group. I have to admit that I had a little of prejudice as many H!P fans have (although I had nothing against the girls). I got some interest because I liked RIVER and a friend of mine started talk about the group. And on a precious day he sent me a Takamina's video that made me love her. Since this day I watched a ton of videos, all PVs, various concerts, AKBINGO and SHUKAN episodes, etc, and heard the whole discography.
Reason why you like AKB48: The girls, the music, the dance, the costumes, their world. They are really amazing, I really admire them, their talent, energy, the way they look for their dreams... They are full of personality, that makes me like them more and more. ^^

Offline Sparky

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2009, 11:15:35 PM »
Name/AKA: Jan
Age: 18
Location: Germany
Gender: Male
Favorite AKB48 Member: Oshima Yuko  :drool:
Favorite Team: Team K
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Oshima Mai
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: Watarirouka
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: 10nen Zakura
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: Its about one year ago when I saw on the H!O tracker this "AKB48 Discography" and I thought why always listen to MM, Buono! and the other H!P stuff.... try something new. So I downloaded the whole Discography and I didn´t expect too much. But... damn I totally changed my life  :w00t: It was pure awesomeness Much better than all H!P stuff I´ve ever heard so I became an AKB wota ^^
Reason why you like AKB48: The songs are so great. For every mood you can get there´s a Song that is just what you need. I also love the voices of the members they are cute and right the members really can sing. And what I really like, but what others don´t like to much (of course not all mostly H!P fans) that there are so many member in the teams  :inlove:  And of course I like it cause the girls are sooo .... aaah I can´t find words for their cuteness, I LOVE THEM especially Yuko.
TEAM S !!!!!!!!

Offline xyish

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2010, 08:19:36 PM »
Hey, this wasn't around back in 07!

Name/AKA: xyish
Age: 19
Location: Singapore
Gender: M
Favorite AKB48 Member: Masuda Yuka
Favorite AKB48 Subgroup: Warota
Other favorite this and that: Skip, lol.
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: Heard bout them back as a project annoucement (mostly from naysayers :p), listened to stuff when they came out. Liked music for sukahira, found it interesting, though didn't like voices, PV (girls weren't the lookers they are now, didn't like particular seifuku design and the hirari move was actually quite the turn off for me back then). Almost forgot about them, then noticed quite the bit of H!P "fans" hatin' on group again, so got interested again. Kinda did witness the birth of team K. Aitakatta finally got me hooked and turned me into a pretty hardcore fan instantly. Noticed some threads appearing on several English boards so decided to join them all and start pimpin' the group. That's how I got here. S48 started and since I did get quite a few people to go there I pretty much paid less attention to the other forums. Not too late to get back here when we have an actual section for the group now though, right?
Reason why you like AKB48: What, they never told me you needed a reason!! Well whatever, here's 48 and more!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 09:43:44 PM by xyish »

Offline Iridal

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2010, 11:25:52 PM »
Name/AKA: Iridal
Age: 19
Location: i'm not telling
Gender: F
Favorite AKB48 Member: Maeda Atsuko
Favorite Team: team K
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Oshima Mai
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: No sleeves
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Keibetsu Shiteita Aijou
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: I saw magazine article about them over year ago. I hadn't listened much Japanese girl pop (just some morning musume and.. something) but I decided to give them chance. Soon I found myself quite fond of them. Keibetsu Shiteita Aijou was first song that hit the spot. I fell in love!
Reason why you like AKB48: Girls really try do their best and each of them have their own dreams what they reach for. I just can't hate anyone of this group. Do your best girls! ;__;

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2010, 11:29:39 PM »
^ Welcome to JPH!P, Iridal! :welcome

An Acchan fan, eh? There's definitely something special about her and she's actually the girl who got me into AKB :thumbup

Offline Amarghetta

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2010, 12:50:00 PM »
Name/AKA: Mel/Amarghetta.   
Age: 29.
Location: Lurkdom, mostly.
Gender: Female.
Favorite AKB48 Member: Kasai Tomomi.
Favorite Team: Mostly K, sometimes A.
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Oshima Mai.
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: No Sleeves.
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Among the 5 few I know, Sakura no Hanabiratachi... Romance, Irane...  :P
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: When I realized the girls from Mendol were from AKB48. :shocked  The idea of Idols playing that kind of roles caught my attention, changing my perception of them. Then, I found about their stages and got to know about the infamous OshiMeshi combi, as well as SaeYaka and AKBingo, which only served to deepen my interest.
Reason why you like AKB48: They're both pretty standard and unusual idols. I can tell their personas are clearly defined, but at the same time they go further than common expectations. Also, they're not typical beauties or cuties, which makes me want to know more about them. Oh, and they can sing, too!  :lol:
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 04:45:58 AM by Amarghetta »

Offline LeeMusume

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2010, 07:53:54 PM »
Name/AKA: Lee
Age: 21
Location: Brazil
Gender: Male
Favorite AKB48 Member: Minegishi Minami
Favorite Team: I can't choose lol
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Matsuoka Yuki
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: No Sleeves
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Namida Surprise!
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: This year/ I can't tell how things happened, they just came to me ^^
Reason why you like AKB48: Everything about them touchs my heart, I love them!

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2010, 08:14:40 PM »
^ Welcome to JPH!P, Lee! :welcome

Offline LeeMusume

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2010, 08:30:38 PM »
Thank you very much!!!!!!!! ^^
I'm trying to share here some screenshots that I took from all the members ^^
I hope someone will like it! =]

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2010, 04:53:24 AM »
Name/AKA: FoF
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 Member: Takahashi Minami  :heart:
Favorite Team: Can't decide between Team A and Team K
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Oshima Mai (funny girl) :lol:
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: No3b/No Sleeves
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Bird (second most played in my ipod. Heart no Ondo is first, but I don't know if that's categorized as an AKB48 song.)  :nervous

When/how did you become an AKB48 fan:
I think it was around November when I was bored and remembered watching Coffee Prince about a year ago. For some reason, it never got me hooked like REALLY hooked that would make me search for pictures or videos related to the show. It was the first 'gender bender' show for me so I decided to watch other shows just like that. I don't remember what I typed clearly. It was something like, 'gender-bender dramas' or something like that. I used yahoo answers. There I saw 'Mendol Ikemen Idol' being recommended. I decided to check on it and saw the 3 No Sleeves girls. I was drawn by seeing Haruna as a cute boy.  :lol: So I decided to watch it. Honestly, I almost let go of that drama when I saw the first couple of minutes. Their acting was horrible. I can feel the awkwardness and nervousness. (Thinking back, I guess it's only natural because it was their first leading roles) The only person that got me to hang on was Takamina's acting. She was annoying at first but then if you really look at it, she has the most natural acting between the three. She wasn't trying hard. So I decided to watch it and she slowly intrigued me. After watching Mendol, I started searching out for her and I soon stubled into AKB48. I was a Takamina fan at first, then I became an AKB48 fan when I watched some of their shows especially AKBINGO. I guess Mendol got me hooked like REALLY hooked. Plus it was my first Japanese drama so...YAY!  :thumbup

Reason why you like AKB48:
-When I see them in AKBINGO they're like a bunch of kids but when they perform their songs they're like...different people. They give 100% whenever they perform.
-I like their personality. I can see most of my friends personality in them.
-Their MUSIC!  :twothumbs
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 05:00:16 AM by FoF »

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #37 on: February 17, 2010, 02:01:38 AM »
Name/AKA: Sora
Age: 20
Location: Indonesia
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 Member: Takahashi Minami  :love: :twothumbs
Favorite Team: Team A
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: Oshima Mai
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: No3b
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Can't decide... i like all the song especially the song that takamina sing... :D
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan:
i guess i have known akb for long time but i just not realise it  XD until when i watch no3b dorama "Mendol" . i try to find out no3b members and it lead me to akb. after i watch their pv i more n more like them.especially takamina. every time i hear she sings or watch her performance i always stunned. :yep: and after i follow everything about akb i realise that i have been their fan..  :D
Reason why you like AKB48:
there are a lot of reason :  :yep:
1. i like their music and their voice
2. i like their personality
3. they always give the best that they have in perform etc
4. etc

i guess i would say i like everything about them. it's shorter...  :D XD

Offline aznnerd

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2010, 09:34:00 AM »
Name/AKA: Kayla
Age: 19
Location: US
Gender: Female
Favorite AKB48 Member: Takamina
Favorite Team: Back and forth between K and A
Favorite Graduated AKB48 Member: -----
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: Chocolove
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: Wow this one is hard ummm Kimi wa Pegasus
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: Early 2008,  I had just gotten into Girls' Generation and someone was complaining about the amount of members on a YouTube video. Someone replied that they should probably check out AKB48 before saying stuff lol. Got curious and did a search on Youtube. First thing that popped up was Aitakatta. Loved it (Atsuko is so cute XD) so I like raided Youtube for anything they were in. Been following them for a bit but never actually joined a forum for them until now :D and I still don't know names OTL
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 03:27:07 AM by aznnerd »

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Re: The Official AKBar48 Profile Thread
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2010, 01:29:42 PM »
Name/AKA: Andre
Age: 19
Location: Germany but I´m Filipino :D
Gender: Male
Favorite AKB48 Member: Haruna Kojima, Mayu Watanabe
Favorite Team: A, K and B  :D
Favorite AKB48 Group/Subgroup: No Sleeves and Watarirouka Hashiritai
Absolute Favorite AKB48 Song [ONE ONLY]: there are so many song that i like but i think Boku no taiyo is my absolute favourite :)
When/how did you become an AKB48 fan: Summer 2009 i have watched Mendol Ikemen so i become an AKB48 fan :)
Reason why you like AKB48:  -because I like there music there makes me happy when I´m mad xD
                                               -because the girls look very cute

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