i have for some time (very long time) did not follow AKB48 news already maybe bits and pieces hare and there mostly graduation but i still do listen to some of their songs not all but only those interesting ones and those with kojiharu in like Green flash and Heart Electric haha ~
but ..... yea finally my kojiharu nyan is graduating ~~
and since I mostly follow her news and activities only and not much her AKB news, i guess it will still be the same for me only no songs from her should she go the modelling or acting path. also another Kami 7 and 1st Gen member gone which mean the ones left the so-called
"stronghold" are;
miichan, Yukirin, Mayuyu !!
also since nyannyan is going, guess this means i will be off AKB48 too and their songs too after the departure of the last final 3 mentioned above or maybe sooner
hope all kojiharu fans will still update this thread of her activities when she is long off AKB48 as i will check here too should i miss her news.