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Author Topic: I am sorry Chapter 3 Finally Updated!  (Read 13472 times)

Offline Haruto Lee

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I am sorry Chapter 3 Finally Updated!
« on: December 10, 2013, 03:38:34 PM »
This is another new series of mine. I have another fanfic named as 'The feeling' so checked it out. And I am sorry for not updating that one. Actually I am having fever right now. So I am sorry. This fanfic is named as 'I am sorry'. And I have to thank TD for helping. Thank you TD!!!! And now the prologue. And I forgot to mention again. This fic will have a lot pairing!!! Pls enjoy it....

'It had been five year since I last saw you. In this five year, I couldn't stop myself from regretting for what I did.'

A certain young woman with raven hair thought as she was surrounded by unknown guys with a bat on their hand.

'Did you pursue your dream? Did you live a better life than I did?'

She thought again and glared at them but they didn't even flinch and started to hit her furiously. Of course she did fight back but her strength completely lose to them. She started to feel tired and fall down.

'I should listen to you on that time but I was being stubborn.'

The poor girl had to curved herself up but they didn't stop hitting until the poor young woman was down. 'Mayu..... I am sorry....' She whispered before she fainted.

And sorry for making them suffer again. I know these days, a lot of mayuki fanfic are suffering but why don't let them have their hardship. Having a hardship together will make the relationship better. This is what I thought. And pls enjoy it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 07:14:23 PM by Haruto Lee »

Offline Konoe

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Re: I am sorry (new series) prologue
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 03:46:28 PM »
At least its Yuki who is suffering this time. :nervous It's always Mayu who gets hurt a lot!!!

Those guys are so low hitting a girl. Why did the situation became like that? Update soon. :lol:

Get well soon Haruto. :on cny2:

Offline anakpanti

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Re: I am sorry (new series) prologue
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 03:55:05 PM »
Cool Prologue..  XD
You have to update chap 1 soon, okay?  ;)

Woww... Is MaYuki become an angst icon now?  :lol:
Lately.. their love become a bit hard and extreme.  :cry:

This one is Yuki who beaten up? Interesting.

I know these days, a lot of mayuki fanfic are suffering but why don't let them have their hardship. Having a hardship together will make the relationship better.
This make me calm down.  XD

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: I am sorry (new series) prologue
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2013, 04:01:42 PM »
Now, Yuki's turn to be a punching bag.. :cry:

Ahh.. You are so right Haruto-san.. :thumbsup

Get well soon.. Thanks for your hardwork.. :bow:

Offline imteedee

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Re: I am sorry (new series) prologue
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2013, 12:53:44 AM »
YEAH. BEAT YUKI! ahem~ I mean, I'm tired seeing Mayu being hurt and most of the time DEAD :V  :lol: XD and yeah I've seen quite a bit of the story and I could say this type of plot hits on my kind of thing  :lol:

I recommend it to MaYuki shippers  :thumbsup
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: I am sorry (new series) prologue
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2013, 04:04:12 AM »
Interesting start

A hard-ship ka?

Please update soon

Offline Zita

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Re: I am sorry (new series) prologue
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2013, 09:23:00 PM »
:mon scare:

someone: help her, please. :cry:
me: I am coming.
"is hit by baseball bat" 
me: maybe another time.

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: I am sorry (new series) prologue
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2013, 07:26:57 AM »
@ Konoe: actually look carefully, I think Yuki was the one suffering the most. As Mayu always die in fanfic and a dead person only can suffer physical pain not mentally. Yuki felt the mentally pain which could only heal after a long period of time. So, I think Yuki was the one suffering the most for me. Just up to u that how did u see the situation. Actually the guys had their reason for hitting Yuki. You will read it soon. And thx for reading and commending and worrying for my health

@ anakpanti: wow.... Is it rare to see your commend in my fanfic... Actually I am kind of happy to see your comment... Thx a lot... Haha just like I said, it was better to be suffer then only have their happiness.  :? Am I using the correct sentence to explain? Never mind.... As akb documentary's name 'no flower without rain'. Actually it is quite true. If don't have hard work, how is the flower is going to bloom beautifully? Thx for reading and commending...

@ kenjoy12: haha.... I am sorry for making Yuki suffer.... Actually they had their reason for punching Yuki... You find it sooner or later.. And lastly thx for reading and commending....

@ imteedee: TD-san you like Yuki to get the punch... :cry: it will spoil Yuki's nice body body and face.... Haha... Thx for recommending..... I think I need your help a lot in the future.... Sorry to be a bother, TD-san

@ kirozoro: thx for commending and reading....

@ zita: lol zita-san..... Maybe next time you can help her and Mayu to get over the hardship.... Anyway thx for reading for commending....

Okay I am sorry if I am taking too long to update the chapter 1... I am going to update soon... So pls wait for the update and bear the pain for waiting....

Offline imteedee

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Re: I am sorry prologue (reply)
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2013, 07:40:26 AM »
it will spoil Yuki's nice body body and face....

OMG! HAHAHA you got the nice body body body virus too!  XD (bet you didn't notice that LOL)  :lol: looking forward  :thumbsup
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: I am sorry prologue (reply)
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2013, 07:22:56 AM »

I really didn't realize.... The song always haunt me..... It really wants to make me turn as a pervert already :banghead:

I really need to stop..... If not I really became a pervert...

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: I am sorry prologue (reply)
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2013, 04:56:54 PM »
Yeah!!! It was Christmas, minna!!!! And have a happy Christmas. I know it was kind of late now as today is 26 not 25 but still I wish you all merry Christmas

@imteedee: TD-san I already received your mail and I did reply but I didn't know did it send to you or not.... :sweatdrop: but still thx for the message and merry Christmas!

And here is the new update!!!!

Chapter 1

Fifteen years ago.....

Under a sakura tree, there were two little girls talking to each other. They looked like around 5 or 6 years old. One shorter and the another one was a bit taller. The shorter girl had twin-pigtailed hairstyle and the taller girl had a long raven hair which was tied in ponytail.

'Hi.... Hi.... I am Mayu, Watanabe Mayu. I am five this year. Nice to me-meet you.' The shorter girl stuttered and blushed. Looked like the shorter girl was named Mayu. 

'Hi! I am Kashiwagi Yuki. You can call me Yuki or Yukirin. I am six this year. I am your new neighbor. Nice to meet you.' The taller girl said with a wide smile. Mayu just nodded shyly. Seeing no reply, Yuki started to talk again. 'Watanabe-san.... Can I call you Mayu? It is easier for me. And let's be good friends from today onward, okay?' Yuki asked and winked at her.

'Yes... Yes you can... Yuki-chan....' Mayu said shyly as this was the first time she talked to a complete stranger and the stranger was a beauty. She also could feel her heartbeat thumping like a drum when she saw the wink from her.

'Lets go to play! Mayu-chan!' Yuki pulled the smaller girl with her and smiled at her. From that day onward, they became very close with each other just like Yuki said.

Six years ago - In their Junior high school (Mayu-14, Yuki-15)

'Mayu-chan! Mayu-chan! I have a good news for you.' A certain long raven-haired girl shouted happily and started to shake the younger girl with twin pig-tailed hair who was sitting beside the class window while reading her manga.

'Okay.... Okay.... stop shaking me, Yuki.... I am going to faint....' Mayu begged Yuki and Yuki smiled sheepishly. Yuki stopped shaking the girl and started uttering something exciting for her but horrifying to Mayu.

'Someone just confessed to me! And guess who he is.... He is Nakagawa Hiro. And I accepted it.' Yuki said in excitement.

'What!? You accepted the guy's confession.'

'What's wrong? You knew that right? I have always loved him since I came to this school.' Yuki said. Mayu just nodded and she felt her heart ached painfully.

To Mayu's unfortunate, she had always loved Yuki all this time but the older girl didn't know about it. Of course, when she heard about this news, her heart ached  but she forced a smile for Yuki and congratulated her. She didn't want Yuki to know about her forbidden feelings.

After a few months, when Mayu was buying groceries for her mother, she saw Yuki's boyfriend. But the guy was not alone. He was kissing another girl in public. When she saw that, she was shocked and quickly bought the things that her mom wanted and ran to Yuki's house. She wanted to tell Yuki as soon as possible but to her bad luck again, Yuki didn't trust her words.

'Mayu don't simply say. Hiro won't do something like that.' Yuki said and sat on the couch, being slightly irritated with Mayu's words.

'Yuki. I saw it. Pls trust me. I really saw him kissing another girl.' Mayu tried to convince and approached the older girl to believe her words.

'Mayu this is not the first time you told me about this. And it always end up hurting both of us.' Yuki said and pushed Mayu away from her. It was true that Mayu had told Yuki about this but they all were only lie.

'It is real this time Yuki! I'm not lying. It is true that I sa----' Yuki slapped Mayu hard as Yuki already felt really irritated with Mayu's attitude. She couldn't tolerate her being childish anymore.

'Enough! Mayu! Why should I trust you again and again?' Yuki said.

'Because I am your best friend.' Mayu said innocently, trying not to cry and looked at Yuki.

'Best friend? Just only that!?' Yuki shouted angrily, feeling irritated and pinned Mayu to the couch. Mayu trembled as this was the first time she saw this Yuki. 'Then, I can't trust you.' Yuki said angrily and slapped Mayu. Mayu's hand moved to her cheek as she felt the pain for the second time. She was shocked as she still couldn't believe that her best friend treated her like that. Before Yuki walked away, Mayu shouted at her. 

'It is not just like that. Because I-I love you.' Mayu shouted and cried out loud. Yuki was surprised by the sudden confession but she rejected it right there and walked away just like nothing happened. Seeing her only best friend just walked away like that, Mayu felt that her whole world corrupted. She cried and cried until she had no more tears.

Five years ago (Yuki-16 & Mayu-15)

Chapter 1

Fifteen years ago.....

Under a sakura tree, there were two little girls talking to each other. They looked like around 5 or 6 years old. One shorter and the another one was a bit taller. The shorter girl had twin-pigtailed hairstyle and the taller girl had a long raven hair which was tied in ponytail.

'Hi.... Hi.... I am Mayu, Watanabe Mayu. I am five this year. Nice to me-meet you.' The shorter girl stuttered and blushed. Looked like the shorter girl was named Mayu. 

'Hi! I am Kashiwagi Yuki. You can call me Yuki or Yukirin. I am six this year. I am your new neighbor. Nice to meet you.' The taller girl said with a wide smile. Mayu just nodded shyly. Seeing no reply, Yuki started to talk again. 'Watanabe-san.... Can I call you Mayu? It is easier for me. And let's be good friends from today onward, okay?' Yuki asked and winked at her.

'Yes... Yes you can... Yuki-chan....' Mayu said shyly as this was the first time she talked to a complete stranger and the stranger was a beauty. She also could feel her heartbeat thumping like a drum when she saw the wink from her.

'Lets go play! Mayu-chan!' Yuki pulled the smaller girl with her and smiled at her. From that day onward, they became very close with each other just like Yuki said.

Six years ago - In their Junior high school (Mayu-14, Yuki-15)

'Mayu-chan! Mayu-chan! I have a good news for you.' A certain long raven-haired girl shouted happily and started to shake the younger girl with twin pig-tailed hair who was sitting beside the class window while reading her manga.

'Okay.... Okay.... stop shaking me, Yuki.... I am going to faint....' Mayu begged Yuki and Yuki smiled sheepishly. Yuki stopped shaking the girl and started uttering something exciting for her but horrifying to Mayu.

'Someone just confessed to me! And guess who he is.... He is Nakagawa Hiro. And I accepted it.' Yuki said in excitement.

'What!? You accepted the guy's confession.'

'What's wrong? You knew that right? I have always loved him since I came to this school.' Yuki said. Mayu just nodded and she felt her heart ached painfully.

To Mayu's unfortunate, she had always loved Yuki all this time but the older girl didn't know about it. Of course, when she heard about this news, her heart ached  but she forced a smile for Yuki and congratulated her. She didn't want Yuki to know about her forbidden feelings.

After a few months, when Mayu was buying groceries for her mother, she saw Yuki's boyfriend. But the guy was not alone. He was kissing another girl in public. When she saw that, she was shocked and quickly bought the things that her mom wanted and ran to Yuki's house. She wanted to tell Yuki as soon as possible but to her bad luck again, Yuki didn't trust her words.

'Mayu don't simply say. Hiro won't do something like that.' Yuki said and sat on the couch, being slightly irritated with Mayu's words.

'Yuki. I saw it. Pls trust me. I really saw him kissing another girl.' Mayu tried to convince and approached the older girl to believe her words.

'Mayu this is not the first time you told me about this. And it always end up hurting both of us.' Yuki said and pushed Mayu away from her. It was true that Mayu had told Yuki about this but they all were only lie.

'It is real this time Yuki! I'm not lying. It is true that I sa----' Yuki slapped Mayu hard as Yuki already felt really irritated with Mayu's attitude. She couldn't tolerate her for being childish anymore.

'Enough! Mayu! Why should I trust you again and again?' Yuki said.

'Because I am your best friend.' Mayu said innocently, trying not to cry and looked at Yuki.

'Best friend? Just only that!?' Yuki shouted angrily, feeling irritated and pinned Mayu to the couch. Mayu trembled as this was the first time she saw this Yuki. 'Then, I can't trust you.' Yuki said angrily and slapped Mayu. Mayu's hand moved to her cheek as she felt the pain for the second time. She was shocked as she still couldn't believe that her best friend treated her like that. Before Yuki walked away, Mayu shouted at her. 

'It is not just like that. Because I-I love you.' Mayu shouted and cried out loud. Yuki was surprised by the sudden confession but she rejected it right there and walked away just like nothing happened. Seeing her only best friend just walked away like that, Mayu felt that her whole world corrupted. She cried and cried until she had no more tears.

Five years ago (Yuki-16 & Mayu-15)

It was the first day of the school. Yuki went to Mayu's house to pick up Mayu. They didn't talk or say anything after the accident. Yuki only went to Mayu's house every morning to pick up Mayu as they didn't want their parent to worry about them but she would only stand in front of the house's gate. She wouldn't go in.

And that day, Yuki also went like usual but Mayu didn't come out from her house after waiting for 20 minutes. She decided to ask Mayu's parents and knocked the front door. She thought it would be Mayu's parent but it was Mayu's elder sister, Miyuki.

'What do you want?' Miyuki asked irritably.

'Pick Mayu up.' Yuki answered shortly as she didn't want to waste more time. She was going to late for her first day.

'Mayu was not here and you don't need to pick her up again.' Miyuki said and closed the door. Before Miyuki could, a hand stopped her.

'Why?' Yuki asked worriedly and it had been a long time that she worried about Mayu.

'Now you only worry about her?' Miyuki pushed Yuki and grabbed Yuki's collar. 'But it was too late!' Miyuki said and harshly pushed Yuki down. Yuki didn't care about her sudden rudeness action and stood up, after standing up, she brushed the dust away and straighten her uniform again.

'Why?' She asked again. Before answering Yuki's answer, Miyuki grinned childishly.

'She transferred to another school. She will live in the school dorm from today onward.' Miyuki said and kept her expression. Yuki was pure surprised as she didn't hear it from Mayu before. 'Now you only worry about her? You know? Mayu was crying every night when you did those things to her. You are lucky that my parents didn't know about it, if not, I am surely they'd be the first ones to kill you.' She said madly and slammed the door.

Yuki was surprised with that sudden news. She didn't even go to school, just stayed at her house the whole day and didn't stop scolding herself for being stubborn. She regretted her actions but it was too late now.

After that day, no matter how hard Yuki tried, she just couldn't find Mayu's whereabouts. She even begged Miyuki to give her some information about Mayu's location but Miyuki refused to give her and even warned Yuki to leave her sister alone. After some time, Yuki finally accepted the fate that she wouldn't meet Mayu again.

As for Mayu, she followed her sister's advice and transferred to the school which always offered her scholarship. Her parents were very happy and proud when Mayu finally accepted it. In the new school, even though she met a lot of new friends, a part of her still missed Yuki very much. Sometimes, she would ask her sister to send her mail to Yuki but to her unfortunate, she wouldn't get any reply from Yuki. After some times, she also gave up sending and accepted that she wouldn't meet Yuki again.

Because of that, they didn't even meet each other until.....

Now (Mayu-24 & Yuki-25)

A young female doctor was looking outside the window while sipping her hot coffee. It had been a hard day for her as she was working for a whole day without getting any rest. When she thought that she could have a rest, a nurse was rushing out from nowhere and ran to her direction.

'Dr. Watanabe! We need a doctor in the emergency department now.' The nurse said panicky and dragged the doctor with her without even letting her put down her coffee. Looked like the little girl, Mayu had became a doctor in Tokyo General Hospital.

'Marina-chan! Patient's name? And the patient condition?' Mayu said and rushed to the emergency center.

'Kashiwagi Yuki. A female Yankee. Badly-beaten and had a deep wound on her head.' The nurse said. When Mayu heard the name, her leg suddenly stopped her and cold sweat became apparent on her face.

Okay I know it is Christmas and the new update is not that fluffy but i have to still make it according to my plan.... Sorry :( and don't worry I will update an one shot when new year.

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 1 (New update!!!!)
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2013, 05:18:57 PM »
They finally meet again after several years...  :w00t:

But, a doctor and a yankee??


Update soon, please... :bow:

Offline mo-chan

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 1 (New update!!!!)
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2013, 08:28:24 PM »
Sad story for Mayuki  :cry:
don't tell me Yuki will lose her memory  :shocked
Mayu save Yuki she was suffering for years  :catglare: :(

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Konoe

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 1 (New update!!!!)
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2013, 01:32:48 PM »
Huh? It seems that I missed your reply. :nervous
@ Konoe: actually look carefully, I think Yuki was the one suffering the most. As Mayu always die in fanfic and a dead person only can suffer physical pain not mentally. Yuki felt the mentally pain which could only heal after a long period of time. So, I think Yuki was the one suffering the most for me. Just up to u that how did u see the situation. Actually the guys had their reason for hitting Yuki. You will read it soon. And thx for reading and commending and worrying for my health

You are right... I guess I was too bias at Mayu. :lol: It hurts me whenever Mayu is in pain. :cry:

Chapter 1, my poor Mayuyu got ignored by Yukirin. :cry: But what shocked me is what happened to Yuki. How did she became a yankee?! :?

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 1 (New update!!!!)
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2013, 04:53:38 PM »
 :banghead: This is so many emotions for me.

Offline imteedee

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 1 (New update!!!!)
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2013, 12:17:17 AM »
I know I already said this in a private talk but LOL

WOOOH! DOCTOR WATANABE FOREVER! :jphip: XD I'm LOLing on how Yukirin can flexibly change roles as Mayu stays as a doctor!  :lol:

okay now it's a yankeexdoctor  XD
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 2 Updated!
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2014, 04:17:16 PM »
@ imteedee: hahaha! But it is still quite hard to write a long series about doctor x Yankee... And thx for reading and proofreading it! Really appreciate your help,  :thumbsup

@ zita: I am sorry if I am making it too emotional!  :bow: but I still hope you will enjoy it! Thx for reading!

@ Konoe: hahahaha! Same as me, I felt hurt whenever Mayu get hurts! And the next chapter maybe will reveal your answer. So pls do read it! Thx for reading!

@ mo-chan: yup sad story! I am sorry if you don't like sad story.... And don't worry! Yuki won't lose her memories that easily! Thx for reading!

@ olive29: olive-chan when are you going to update yours? I am still waiting here! So pls update it if you can! :bow: and thx for finding it interesting!

I am sorry if I am taking too long to update! And now enjoy the next chapter!

It was a quite quiet afternoon in the department of neurosurgery. Most of the doctors went out for a lunch. There were probably left some doctors there. Suddenly a young woman with long raven hair and a pale face was rushing down on the corridor. Looked like she was in a hurry to somewhere. Sweat and worry could be seen on her face. When she arrived her destination, she knocked the door but didn't wait for the reply and opened the door. It startled a certain doctor there.

"You know that you should wait for the reply, sergeant....." The doctor said and looked at her guest after recovering from the shock.

"Mayu-chan, how is she?" The sergeant simply ignored what her friend said and asked what she really wanted.

"And who do you mean by she, Rena-chan?"

"Kashiwagi Yuki." The atmosphere tensed up but just for Mayu. When Mayu heard the name, she immediately stopped what she was doing and stared at Rena like she said something in an unknown language.

Matsui Rena is a police officer in criminal investigation department. Mayu met her when they were in high school but Rena was one year older than Mayu. She really loved anime but not a lot of people knew about it. So sometimes she would invite Mayu to watch anime together. She didn't know about Mayu's secret love but she did know about Yuki because of Mayu's blabbering when she was asleep. And she had always wondered why Mayu will have tears forming every time Mayu blabbered about Yuki. And the most important point was she didn't know Yuki who Mayu blabbered about was the Kashiwagi Yuki who she knew. You know this world could have two person have the same name or even more people have the same name.

"Is she some criminal that you are looking?" Mayu said, trying not to sound panick. She didn't dare to look at Rena because she was afraid what the answer would be. While waiting for the answer, she could even hear her own heart beating. It goes to ping, pong, ping, pong and it became faster. Unconsciously, she also gripped tightly on the folder that had the patient's name on it. And unknown to Rena, the folder was the person she was looking for.

"No. I didn't remember that Yuki-san had done some crime which I had to look for her. So can you tell me now? I thought you will know about it as I heard that she was under your care." As soon as she finished her words, someone suddenly slammed the door and startled both of them.

"Rena-chan! You are here!" A certain young girl with a cat-like smile who was around Mayu's age suddenly came in and hugged Rena. Rena tried to break it off instead of breaking, she felt the hug was tightening.

"You know..... I am worried about you."

"And you know.... Jurina-chan you should knock the door before you come in and for your reminder, this is hospital not your house." Mayu said while looking at them. It was not surprised her that Jurina hugged Rena like that. In fact, it happens everyday.

Matsui Jurina was Mayu's best friend in high school till now. She worked as a police officer and was in the same department as Rena. She fall in love with Rena but she didn't dare to confess and Mayu knew about it well. Although she was the first friend after Mayu's transfer and best friend, she didn't know about Yuki at all.

"Huh? House? What are you talking about?" Jurina said and broke the hug. Rena quickly gasped as much air as she could before she would suffocate by Jurina's hug again.

"Thank god! Finally air! Mayu-chan, you still haven't answered my question yet about the things that we discussed just now." Before Mayu could say something, Rena continued their 'business' again.

"I just finished her report. Then you can have a look at it." Mayu said and passed the file to Rena.

"What business do you have here? A criminal?" Jurina said without any clue about what they were talking about.

She tried to look at the file but she got blocked by Rena. That instant rejection made Jurina have the little cute pleading puppies eyes and showed to Rena, trying to melt the cold wall away but unfortunately, she got rejected again.

"None of your business. Oh yeah.... Mayu do have duty tonight?"  Rena asked and returned the file to Mayu.

"No. Why?"

"The same as always. Can?"

"Can I join?" Jurina suddenly interrupted their conversation and she instantly got her glare from Rena. Jurina quickly turned away to avoid the glare or didn't even dare to interrupt the conversation again as she didn't want the glare to turn into gekikara's glare. It will really bad if that really happen

"Okay but I am not too sure about it. You know... Sometime.... Emergency...." Mayu said, trying not to make Rena mad as this was not the first time that she didn't make it. Rena just sighed and nodded as she understood the situation.

"And you know..... The more people it is, the merrier it is-----"

"Dr. Watanabe!!!! The Kashiwagi patient!!! We lost the patient! The Kashiwagi patient!" A nurse suddenly bragged into the room breathlessly and interrupted the conversation.


'What do you want? Called me out and... Now standing here, looking at me?' Yuki yelled at her boyfriend angrily as her boyfriend called her out of sudden and now staring at her. Hiro didn't reply anything but continued staring at her. Uneasiness felt in Yuki's spine. She didn't know what it caused. Maybe because of the intense stare or the certain bad feeling or the cold temperature in that night. 

Suddenly her boyfriend chuckled and started talking. 'No... Just to make sure that you are beautiful enough if not it is useless.'

'Huh? What are you talking about?' Yuki asked but her boyfriend only laughed at her reaction, feeling something was really wrong. She rushed to the door, trying to get out. But no matter how hard she wanted to unlock the door, she just couldn't do it.

'Want my help?' Her boyfriend offered his help and his irritated smirk were still there. Instead of helping her, he pinned her on the wall. Yuki growled in pain as she felt her back and her hand were arched. Before the pain even registered fully in her mind, fear already took over her.

'You know.... You should listen to your little mouse...' Without further explaining, he crashed his lip to her.


Yuki shot up in her bed, her heart thundering in her chest and tears were forming as she dreamed the nightmare which haunted her every night. After a long time of catching her breath, she turned around and realized that she wasn't in her room. She caught a nurse who was walking by and asked her whereabouts.

"You were sent in hospital. Are you okay?" The nurse replied as she saw sweat pouring down on her neck and it soaked her patient uniform.

"I... I am okay... Can I borrow your phone? I need to make a call now."

"Here you go. Pls return back to me later. I will be there." The nurse said and went away to the other patient who was calling for some help.

Yuki took the phone and quickly dialed a familiar phone number to her. While waiting for the other side to pick up, more swear were pouring down. Not long after, the other side answered the call, relief and small smile could be seen on her face. But it quickly turned to horror. She rushed out from the room and ran all the way to the emergency center. She could hear all the nurse's shouting but she couldn't be bother that much.

She ran and ran and ran. Different of thoughts were in her mind, scaring her that she might lost something important to her again. Finally, she arrived the emergency center. She caught a doctor near by but got ignored by the doctor as the doctor was rushing to the theater operation. That didn't stop her, she continue to ask but all the nurse or doctor ignored her or pushed her out of the way. At last, she couldn't contain anymore, she shouted out loud desperately.


"Son?" Mayu asked, not knowing what to reply and too shocked as she just arrived at the scene when Yuki out bursted.

I am sorry if it is a short chapter!

Offline olive29

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 2 Updated!
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2014, 05:32:40 PM »
Ahhhh.... which story you want me to update??  :grin:

On the other side, about this fic...
Yuki was raped and has a son because of that rape incident??
Poor Yukirin... :cry:
What will happen when she finally get to see Mayu? When she know that it was Mayu who saved her...
And what will Mayu think about Yuki's son??

Bring me the next chapter !!!!  XD

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 2 Updated!
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2014, 06:34:01 PM »
hohoho~~~ son eh~~~~

i know where this will end >_<

mayu will be the father!!!!!!!!!!! XD


it's up to the story XD

but mayu will be the father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline Zita

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 2 Updated!
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2014, 08:06:31 PM »
Next please :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
She has a son? :O Ups....No worries Mayu will take care for both of them.

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