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Author Topic: Mystery of the Moonlight  (Read 4923 times)

Offline maverickpanda

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Mystery of the Moonlight
« on: September 06, 2008, 02:15:55 PM »
Hello there everyone.  Maverickpanda here to inform about my new fic.  Okay there are some things about this fic you should know.  Now for the past week I have been fighting a tough bout of insomnia while at the same time starting my (Hopefully) last year of college, so to say the very least I have had a few lapse in judgement.  Dont worry though, I still plan to update CIW weekly, but inbetween classes I threw this fic together, its different from what I usually write but I still like it.  Nothing strange about that I know, but as some of you might know, I am a huge Ishiyoshi fan, but this fic has NO ishi and no Yoshi. Crazy I know.
Well I hope you enjoy the fic please comment and I apologize in advance if it makes anyone's eyes bleed.  :pandaaa:

Urgent. My house. Hurry!

Nothing more than those four words. What could of happened to her? She had to find out.

“May I be excused? Something just suddenly came up that I have to see to. Dinner was delicious mom.” she requested, her words muffled by the screeching of her chair as the legs scraped against the wooden floor. 

“Oh course dear, did something hap...” Slam.  Her mothers words cut off by the sudden crash of the closing front door.  She would explain everything to her mom later, when she herself finds out what is going on.  Her laces creaked as she tightened each loose loop, “Urgent.” It was a long way there, “My house.” But all she knew is that she had to “Hurry.”  She leaped for the sidewalk, in an attempt to shave seconds off of her travel.  She landed softly against the cement sidewalk, quickly bursting into a feverish sprint shortly after landing.  She was never that athletic, her legs and chest burned with exhaustion, her eyes stung with sweat, but she had to get there as quickly as she could manage.  In the sudden confusion she forgot to wear a disguise when she left the house, hopefully no one would notice her as she sprinted down the street.  As she reached the estate, her legs quickly brought her to the door, the anxiety that weighed heavily on her mind numbing the searing pain that radiated throughout her body.

Bang. Bang. Bang.  The heavy wooden door rattled in the frame as her fist furiously beat against it.  No answer. In a fit of desperation she frantically tried to turn the door knob that continued to stay frozen in its locked state.  The increasingly frustrated girl quickly made her way to the back of the estate.  Her feet clumsily stumbled over a few of the steps that led to the back door, sending her body crashing to the ground.  She scrambled to her feet, ramming into the door with a loud thud.  She firmly knocked against the door hoping, this time someone will answer.  Some of the worry that she bore on her shoulders was alleviated when the sound of quick clumsy footsteps running down the stairs could be heard.  The girl leaned against the house, her breath slowly reaching a normal rate and her bangs matted against her forehead by sweat as her breathing quickly returning to a normal rate.  With a sudden click and creak, the door swung open and the tired girl jumped back feeling two arms snake around her neck.  As the tired girl collected her thoughts, her mind once again became blank. Her eyes widened and the fatigue of her body was suddenly replaced by a surge of energy.  She winced silently at the sharp pain that washed over her lips, as a set of lips roughly press themselves against her own.    She met each motion, barley able to keep pace with the set of hungry lips that greedily devoured hers, each kiss stealing away a bit of her breath.  The older girl broke from the kiss suddenly, to the slight disappointment of the other party.  The strangely rejuvenated girl traced her lips with her fingertips.

“Wow” the younger girl whispered.

“How many times do I have to tell you? We have been together for two years now, you can drop the san.  Ai is just fine, but if you really wanna use some kind of honorific Ai-chan is fine, even though I am older. Hey are you listening to me?”

The younger girl stood quietly with a dazed look in her eyes. “Oh sorry just got a little...damn what a kiss! But more importantly, what is up with that text message? Did something happen?”

“Oh. Well about that...nothing bad happened...well kind of.” Takahashi answered.

“Huh?” The other girl quickly responded.

“Its kind of a long story and it is kind of hard to explain. Come in and I will try to explain everything to you.” The older girl explained, pulling her arms away from the other girl's neck, tracing her fingertips along the taller girl's side.  As their hands met at the girl's side, Takahashi quickly intertwined their fingers, smiling at the soft touch of the other girl's hand.  Ai gently tugged on the girl's arm signaling her to enter the house, the door closing softly shortly after the girls step into the house. 

“I'll show you in my room.” Ai said, leading the girl up the steep stairs.

“Your room?” the other replied kicking off her shoes before being dragged away.

The younger girl took in a deep breath followed by a rough gulp. “ I don't know what is going on, but something is up.  But it does not seem like she is in danger so I guess it is okay. I wonder what is on her mind maybe...” she quickly dismissed any of those thoughts, she was always amazed at how fast her mind would drift to that if left lawless and unchecked.  Lost in her own thoughts, the taller girl bumped in Takahashi.  Her mind quickly snapped back to reality as their bodies collided, realizing a small hint of excitement as she felt Ai's slender body press against her.

“Itai.  Spacing out again? That is so like you, but anyways here we are.  Go in and make yourself comfortable, I will explain everything.” Takahashi requested. 

Her voice was soft and comforting.  It still amazed the girl how, in such a short period of time, the shy timid girl she once knew blossomed into such a confident strong woman.  Many would speculate it is due to her sudden appointment as leader, but she knew otherwise.  She knew from their first meeting that Ai would be someone special and go on to do great things.  But what could shake her confidence so suddenly?  Many questions ran through the girls mind as she stood at the threshold of Ai's room.  She had stood here countless times, but something felt different.  Takahashi opened the door and extended her right arm into the room.

“Ladies first.” Takahashi said playfully.

“Why thank you kind sir. My my, aren't we gallant.  Channeling Yoshizawa-sempai I see.” The other replied while bending into a curtsy.

The soft giggles that had escaped quickly stopped as the small smile that Ai wore faded. “Did I say something wrong?”  The girl quickly stood up and marched into the room.  Even though concerned at her girlfriends sudden mood change, Takahashi's room always brought a smile to her face.  It screamed Takahashi.  She made her way to the bed, her eyes drifting across the random mix of photos and Takarazuka pictures that littered the walls.  The taller girl stood at the foot of the bed and looked over her shoulder.

“Do you mind if I lay down for a bit? I am beat.” She asked.

“Of course. Make yourself at home.” Takahashi replied.

“Oh I was meaning to ask about that, how did you get here so fast?” Takahashi questioned.

“After I got your text message, I pretty much ran non-stop here.  When I saw the message I thought you were in trouble so I came  as quick as possible.  I am so exhausted.” The girl exclaimed as she fell back onto the bed.

“Oh you poor thing. I am sorry that I made the message sound more urgent than it actually was.” Ai said apologetically.

The bedded girl waved her hand lazily. “Don't worry about it. Anyways what is so urgent Ai-chan.” She inquired dropping her arm over her tired eyes.

“Okay. I guess I will start with why you are here.” Takahashi explained with a slightly muffled voice.

Her voice sounded different, somewhat distant.  The bed ridden girl lifted her arm and surveyed the room with a partially open eye.  “Where did she go?...Oh there she is...” She asked herself, before catching her silhouette against the thick paper of a changing screen.

“As you know it has been a crazy year, me suddenly become leader, the addition of the eight and ninth generation members, and the upcoming tour, its all a bit much.” Takahashi stated frankly.

“And you do not know if you can handle it all. Am I right?” The other girl interrupted. 

“Well not exactly. I think I can manage with all of that, with the help of my friends and coworkers of course, but...”  Takahashi's said, her voice softening to a bare whisper.

“But...” the younger girl repeated.

“But I just found out that in one of the shows, one of the songs in the set list will be Ai No Big Band, and I am going to be the lead, I will be Mr. Moonlight.” Ai blurted out.

“Really?! Well congratulations Ai-chan” The girl shouted excitedly clapping her hands together.

“NO! Don't applaud, don't you see how terrible this is!” Takahashi snapped.

“How so?” the other girl asked.

“Come on, you know what they say. Ai No Big Band was written FOR Yoshizawa-sempai...she IS Mr. Moonlight.  How can I live up to that? I can't be Mr. Moonlight.” Ai argued.

“Silly girl.  Okay so even though the part pretty much was written for Yoshizawa-sempai, no one is asking you to be that Mr. Moonlight.  You are an incredible singer and sexy to boot.  Don't think about it as trying to live up to Yoshizawa-sempai,  I have faith that would make a great Mr. Moonlight. One that the fans would love and more importantly an original interpretation that only you can create.” She interjected.

“Do you really think so? I bet you are just saying things. Anyways there is also another problem.” Takahashi added.

“I am not just saying that, and what is the other problem?” the girl inquired.

“It concerns the costume. I think it” Takahashi bellowed.

“It can't be that bad, what does it look like?”

“Here, I borrowed the costume from wardrobe so I could show you.” Takahashi answered.

Show?” The girl's interest was peaked.  She lifted her arm and laid it at her side.  Both eyes shooting open as Takahashi undressed.  How cruel the world was.  Takahashi's shadow teased her, every undone button, every sound of a zipped, sending her senses into a frenzy.  It was useless, her mind went wild.  Images of what was behind that thing screen flooded her mind, preemptively wiping away the small trail of drool from the corner of her mouth.  Oh how that girl made her mouth water. She had no idea.  Every sway, every arch, every inadvertent shimmy burned its way into her memory.  The girl quickly looked away, she might feint if she sees any more.  The furiously blushing girl pressed her index finger to her upper lip, “ Good no bloody nose.

“Okay I'm going to come out now, no laughing okay.” Ai-chan pleaded.

“Don't worry.  I bet it is not as bad as you think.” the other girl replied.

The rather timid Takahashi crept out from behind the changing screen.  The other girls jaw dropped as she watched Takahashi.  The girl was speechless.  All she could do was look, her eyes traced very intricate pattern that had been embroidered onto the white coat that hugged her beautifully along her trim waistline.  The girl closed her mouth, running her fingers across the corners of her mouth, tracing every curve that the jacket outlined. “She thought I was going to laugh? Maybe lus...” The girl cleared her throat before her mind could finish the thought.  Her every attempt to speak was futile even though she could hear the words in her mind, she was unable to vocalize. She had become mesmerized by the enchanting Takahashi.  She secretly cursed the jacket, how it teased her with glimpses of Takahashi's tempting thighs with every step.  Takahashi looked at the girl, a bit confused to why the other girl was so focused on her lower half.  Takahashi slipped her hands into the pockets and lifted the tails of the jacket, twirling quickly to show her complete costume.  This was to much for the other girl, but she had to keep as calm as possible.  She could feel her body shake with excitement as she glanced over to Takahashi, a barely-there skirt wrapped around her waist falling no more than a few inches, long black stockings that faded into her high boots. 

“USO! Really Ai-chan?” The girl managed to spit out.

“What? Does it look bad?” Takahashi retorted.

The slightly flustered girl slipped off the bed and sauntered over to the increasingly anxious Takahashi.

“Its the feathers and the hat isn't it.” Takahashi squeaked.

The girl stood silently, capturing Takahashi's full attention.  Her fingertips ran effortlessly through Takahashi's curls, catching the brim of the hat with the back of her hand.  She placed her free hand on Takahashi's shoulder, pushing her roughly against the wall while knocking the hat off of Ai-chan's head.  In the two years of their relationship Ai-chan never knew her to be the aggressor, but something was different, something that she could not really explain.  Ai bounced off of the wall with a hollow thud, her eyes widening at the sudden attack.  She quickly pressed herself against the wall, her palms rested flush against the wall, feeling a sudden moisture against the nape of her neck.  Takahashi was lost, all she knew is that sudden advances have been made, and she will have no part in stopping them.  Each soft kiss that found its way to her neck sent waves of excitement through her body, her knees shook and buckled as each kiss inched its way to her lips.  The pinned girl desperately clawed at the wall hoping to find something, anything to support her before her knees gave way. 

“H..he...hey...wha...whats goin...going on wi..with you?” Takahashi quickly whispered.

“Its been forever since I heard you stutter. I thought you were over that,” the girl impishly stated, her lips curling up into a devilish smile “lets see what I can do to help you with that little speech problem.” 

Before Takahashi could answer, her lips were captured by the other girl, the younger girl's luscious lips masterfully leading her own in the kiss.  The sweet sting on her lower lip from the other's playful sucking, was enough to coax a loud moan from Ai.  “This is not like her.  I wonder what is going on.” Takahashi thought to herself.  Ai jump suddenly at the warm touch of the girl's hands against her bare stomach.  Ai-chan's eyes fell shut, the two bodies swaying as Takahashi quivered under the other's gentle touch. Each soft touch against her bare skin sending a shiver down her spine.  A low growl rumbled from Takahashi as she felt a pair of daring hands run along her hips, the flaps on her skirt bouncing slightly as curious fingertips fiddle against them.  Ai-chan;s chest rose and fell with each pant, “ It was supposed to be just a “ her thoughts screeched to a halt, her body tensing as a hand shamelessly falls against her backside.  A gently squeeze oh Takahashi's backside was merited with a sharp moan, the keep kiss broken as each girl furiously took in air.

 In those few moments Takahashi knew what was different.  The pinned girl pushed off the wall, rocking the two backwards.  As the other girl fell backwards, she felt Ai's hands on her hips.  Takahashi quickly spun on her heels, reversing the position she had recently been in.  The other girl was taken aback by the sudden role reversal.  Words failing to form in her mind as she watched Takahashi's timid face transform.  Her eyes were sharp and her gaze piercing.  Any doubt that could be seen in her eyes now replaced by something ferocious.  Was it fear that the girl felt as she pressed herself against the wall. No, it can't be. Both girls knew what it was, what she was feeling was pure unbridled excitement.  Something in the moonlight changed Takahashi, funny how things work out.  Takahashi rested her forearm against the wall, her left leg wedged between the other girl's legs.  The other girl jumped feeling Takahashi rub the cotton of her pants against her own raw thighs.  Takahashi watched the other girl's face as she bit her lower lip, her breath shortening to quick pants under her touch.  With her free hand, Ai slid her delicate fingers into the other girl's pocket, her index finger pressing against the girl's thigh through the thin pocket material as she extracts the girl's cellphone.  She quickly flipped open the phone and navigated through the contact list. Click. Ring. Ring. Ring.

“Moshi Moshi, Niigaki residence, is that you Risa?” the woman asked.

“Oh no Mrs. Niigaki, this is Takahashi Ai.  Risa-chan is busy doing something and I just wanted to call you to see if it is okay if she can stay the night.” Takahashi purred.

“Oh of course.  Your such a sweet girl, does she need to come back for clothes?” Risa's mom questioned.

“No, don't worry, we have everything here. I will tell her the good news.” Takahashi answered.

“Okay girls, have fun.” she answered before hanging up the phone.

Click.  Takahashi dropped the phone and quickly gazed into the pleading eyes of the other girl.

“Hey Risa-chan did yo hear?” Takahashi smirk playfully,”We are going to have a sleep over.  With your help, I think I can really start to like this Mr. Moonlight thing.”

« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 12:12:01 AM by maverickpanda »

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Offline Yankii Heart

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2008, 08:58:46 PM »

It may not be Ishiyoshi...But is Ishiyoshi related  XD

Nice story, I can see that happening...

But I expected at least un "USO!" con Mame  :shock:

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2008, 02:48:38 AM »
Although I'm not really a big fan of Ai or TakaGaki much, I loved this story :heart:
Great idea using the Mr.Moonlight outfit Ai had to wear (which looked amazing) :oops:

I doubt you made anyone's eyes bleed, more like their noses :on bleed:

Credit to Clamy-san!
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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 03:14:12 AM »
I got a little worried at the beginning because the running girl seemed a lot younger. My initial thought was Aika and I was like :shocked: But I'm glad it was Gaki!! Because I am first and foremost a TAKAGAKI shipper!!!!! XD Ai as Mr. Moonlight.... :drool:

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2008, 03:24:00 AM »
I am glad that you guys liked the story. I wanted to see if I could write something besides Ishiyoshi and in my own personal world there there are three pairings that I ship.

2) makoyosahi
3) tagaki

I don tknow why but I just feel that these are the three top pairings in MM but everyone has different opinions.

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2008, 07:03:49 AM »
This story is so amazing! I don't even know what to say besides that
It was just

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2008, 01:47:58 PM »
haha, i love this.
i wonder if there is a continuation from where they left XD mwahaha..

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2008, 08:54:52 PM »
Oh fook yeah. :rockon: :hump:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2008, 03:10:11 AM »
^ I think that was the best comment I have ever got from you. lol  :pandaaa:

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2008, 11:12:50 AM »
Wow, is there gonna be a continuation? This is great! Really enjoyable and it's TAKAGAKI :wub:

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Mystery of the Moonlight
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2008, 12:57:18 PM »
no saddly, this was written as a one-shot, I dont have confidence in my ability to write a continuation that would be good.  But thanx guys for all the great feedback

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