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Author Topic: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Christmas Special] Under the Mistletoe (29 Dec)  (Read 238764 times)

Offline Megumi

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Re: [MaYuki] Innocent Jelly Beans (21 July)
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2012, 02:08:13 AM »
Hahahah 69 beans :k-wink:

What a amazing way to write fic about Mayus new single and connect it.
Poor Yuko she had to clean after their mess  :rofl:

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline miyumi

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Re: [MaYuki] Innocent Jelly Beans (21 July)
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2012, 12:07:12 AM »
Ahhhh seigus where are you?  :dunno:

Where did you go!  :OMG:

Please update soon!  :farofflook:

I miss you!  :pleeease:

Offline Seigus

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Re: [MaYuki] Innocent Jelly Beans (21 July)
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2012, 05:19:48 AM »
Ahhhh seigus where are you?  :dunno:

Where did you go!  :OMG:

Please update soon!  :farofflook:

I miss you!  :pleeease:

I'm still in Hong Kong! But don't worry, I will be flying home tomorrow and the second part of Dr. Watanabe and Nurse Kashiwagi is almost done! Just need to type it out :D

And I've been stalking your Second Chance everyday! Loving all the developments. Great job! :thumbsup :inlove:

Offline kiruchi

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Re: [MaYuki] Innocent Jelly Beans (21 July)
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2012, 06:11:59 AM »
Ahhhh seigus where are you?  :dunno:

Where did you go!  :OMG:

Please update soon!  :farofflook:

I miss you!  :pleeease:

I'm still in Hong Kong! But don't worry, I will be flying home tomorrow and the second part of Dr. Watanabe and Nurse Kashiwagi is almost done! Just need to type it out :D

And I've been stalking your Second Chance everyday! Loving all the developments. Great job! :thumbsup :inlove:

OMG... I'm excited for the update tomorrow!! Finally the weekend is about to come! Heheh...

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Re: [MaYuki] Innocent Jelly Beans (21 July)
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2012, 03:03:38 PM »
 :cow:WWOOOOOOOOOH :shocked

Dr. Watanabe and Nurse Kashiwagi have a second Part Yeah :cow: :cow:

Yay Update soon  please :peace:
Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

Offline kurogumi

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Re: [MaYuki] Innocent Jelly Beans (21 July)
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2012, 04:42:49 PM »
D-doctor! Help! I need watanabe!

Hehe LOL

I miss your story...


Offline Seigus

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[Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2012, 09:43:14 PM »
A/N: Hi everybody! I'm back from my trip to Hong Kong! Just as Kuji-san said, it was typhoon season and there was a really severe typhoon sweeping across Hong Kong on the first day I was there. Nevertheless, I enjoyed myself and and scored lots of Mayuyu and Yukirin-related items there!

Anyway, here's the promised continuation of my Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi story. It's longer than the first one so I took a long time to type it all out and do some final editing in between dozing off. Thank you all for your wonderful support and I hope you enjoy this update! :deco:

Note: This is a genderbend story.


Eyes for You

Dr. Watanabe Mayu tapped his Mont blanc pen against the patient’s file as he studied the person’s medical history. He was all alone in the emergency doctors’ office after his mentor Dr. Oshima Yuko had rushed out on the ambulance two hours ago to the scene of a machinery accident. Setting the black and gold pen aside, Mayu ran a finger over the familiar face in the patient’s photo.

Krr… Krtz…

Static crackled through the intercom, breaking the stillness in the room.

“We need a doctor at the ED stat! Whoever is available please respond!”

Mayu’s hand shot out to press a red button on the receiver. “Watanabe here. I’m coming.”

The bespectacled doctor hurriedly closed the file he was poring over and shoved it under a pile of other documents before bolting out of the room. Forty minutes after he was gone, Dr. Oshima returned from her job. As she walked past Mayu’s desk, she spotted the familiar-looking file peeking out from under the stacks of papers. She pulled it out gingerly to confirm her suspicions. On the front cover of the beige file, it read the name of one of their colleagues.

Kashiwagi Yuki.

Shaking her head, Yuko put the file back in its original position.


“I’m sorry. We have done our best.”

Loud wails erupted and an elderly couple lunged forward, grabbing at Mayu’s surgeon attire. The young doctor stood unmoving aside from a slight bow of his head.

“Please, we can’t lose Tacchan! She’s our only daughter!” the mother dropped to her knees and tugged Mayu’s pant leg as tears flowed freely. “You can save her, right? Right? How much money do you want? We’ll pay!”

“I’m really sorry. Please go in to see your daughter one last time,” Mayu pried the woman’s wrinkly hands off his legs as gently as he could. As he turned to walk away, he bumped into the stout chest of a man in his mid-twenties. Adjusting his glasses, he recognized the tanned and muscled man with a blonde crew cut as the patient’s boyfriend.

“You shrimp!” the man yanked Mayu by the collar of his shirt. “We are already begging you so go in there and do something!”

Even though the rough action was making his throat feel constricted, Mayu kept his cool and repeated his earlier words, “We have already done our best. Now let me go.”

The man’s grip loosened as his expression became unreadable. Suddenly, he slammed his fist against Mayu’s jaw, sending the doctor to the floor. A horrid metallic taste filled Mayu’s mouth. He slowly pushed himself off the ground, resisting the urge to spit out the blood that was pooling in his oral cavity. The man charged forward, roughly grabbing him up by the collar again. However, instead of the fearsome face he displayed just seconds ago, it had been replaced by pleading desperation. His lips quivered as he sobbed before the silent doctor.

“Please… Takane is very important to me…”

Mayu’s eyes reflected sympathy as he looked at the broken man. “I understand how you feel. I wouldn’t want to lose the woman I love too.”

Upon hearing those words, the man peered up with expectant teary eyes only to have his hopes dashed by Mayu’s next words. “However, Hirasawa-san’s heart had already stop beating by the time she arrived. There was really nothing much we could do. Now if you’d please excuse me.”

Mayu easily freed himself from the grasp as the man’s hands went lax. As he strode down the corridor, he saw Dr. Shinoda leaning casually against the wall.

“As cool as ever huh, Watanabe-san?” Mario spoke.

“I take it that you saw everything,” Mayu said, not bothering to stop as he headed towards the gents. Mario smoothly fell into step with the shorter doctor.

“When he threw the punch,” the older man answered. “I wanted to call security but then I noticed you had the situation under control. Well, this kind of thing happens to all of us.”

Mayu grunted a reply as his inner left cheek throbbed with pain. His teeth had probably cut the soft flesh open when the man’s fist connected with his face. Upon reaching the washroom’s sink, he spat out warm crimson blood before gargling some tap water.

“Want to have it looked at?” Mario offered but was declined by Mayu’s raised palm.

“It’ll heal in time.”

“Or you can ask Yuki-san to ice the bruise for you.”

Mayu turned sharply to face Mario. “What?”

The tall doctor simply laughed and chucked a piece of paper towel into Mayu’s hands before exiting the washroom.


It was lunch time and Mayu was walking towards the cafeteria to grab a quick bite. In order to reach his destination, he had to pass the Nurses’ Counter. From far, he spotted Yuki’s colleagues chatting away and hastily covered his bruised jaw.

“Hi, Dr. Watanabe!” Mocchi called out cheerily. Akicha and Rie echoed her greeting from their seats.

Mayu nodded in response and quickened his pace but luck had it that Rie had extremely sharp eyes.

“What happened to your jaw?” she piped. The other two dropped what they were doing and crowded around Rie.

“You’re right,” Akicha pointed at Mayu’s face. “It looks red!”

Without asking, Mocchi reached out and pulled Mayu’s arm down, revealing the swollen bruise on his left jaw.

“Oh my God!” the trio gasped. “Did you get into a fight?” Rie asked.

“Who dared to disfigure such a perfect face?” an incensed Mocchi raged loudly as the large red mark stood out like a sore thumb on Dr. Watanabe’s fair and otherwise blemish-free skin. She extracted a cold compress from the mini cooler behind the counter, jogged over to the stunned doctor and began fussing over him.

“P-Please stop, Kuramochi-san,” uneasiness overtook Mayu as he stepped back but Mocchi merely closed the distance again and pressed the ice cold pack against the bruise, causing Mayu to flinch.

“What’s going on here?”

Mayu froze at the sound of the nasally male voice while Mocchi seemed oblivious to the new arrival and continued attending to his wound. “Stop moving!” Mocchi grabbed the back of Mayu’s top as he turned his back on her.

“Psst, Mocchi!” Rie whispered.

“Dr. Matsui’s here,” Akicha added, also in a whisper. Instantly, Mocchi stopped behaving like a mother hen and spun around, putting on her brightest smile.

“H-Hello, Dr. Matsui!” Mocchi fluttered her eyelids at the kind-looking doctor who had skin as white as snow and hair as dark as night.

“Good afternoon, Kuramochi-san, Kitahara-san, Takajo-san,” Matsui Ren acknowledged with an amiable smile, “and Watanabe-san.”

Mayu gave a small nod while the nurses swarmed to the new transfer doctor. Just as he was about to slip away, he caught the face of the woman who had been occupying his mind behind Dr. Matsui. His heart clenched at the sight and he slinked away before she could notice him. As he made his way past patients and staff, he grimly recalled how he came to feel this way.

It had been a month after Yuki’s birthday and she was still wearing the necklace Mayu gave her every day. The quiet doctor and the beautiful nurse had been spending more time together. Whenever she was off-duty, she would pop by his office when he was alone and watch him do his paperwork. She enjoyed the little quirks he displayed: spinning the pen while in deep thought, doodling little snowmen when boredom struck, taking off his glasses and rubbing his nose bridge when he was tired. One day, while the pair was having lunch at the cafeteria, Mayu was called to the Hospital Director’s office where Yuko was already waiting too. The two doctors were informed that they had been selected to attend a conference on emergency medicine in America and were to leave the very next morning.

“How long will you be gone?” Yuki asked Mayu that night as they enjoyed the cool breeze at one of the hospital’s balconies.

“Most likely a week,” he answered, swirling the contents of his warm canned coffee. Yuki played with her fingers as she bit her lower lip.

“I… I will miss you,” her voice was so soft that it almost got carried away by the wind.

Mayu faced her and gazed into her shy eyes. There was a rare sincere smile on his face. Taking her hands in his, he smoothed the nervousness away, warming her cool palms.

Two days later, in America.

“The chicks here are so hot! Yuko exclaimed as she set her tray of food on the table that she and Mayu shared in a fast food restaurant near the conference venue. “Check out that blonde behind you. Her boobs are boing-boing huge!”

Mayu rolled his eyes at his salivating senior. Oshima Yuko was well-known as a raging lesbian among the Akiba Hospital staff. She never hid her sexual orientation and was rather open with her fantasies, often sharing them with her fellow doctors much to their discomfort. Mayu was, unfortunately, her No.1 confidante.

Yuko frowned upon detecting Mayu’s lack of response as he calmly unwrapped his hamburger. “Seriously, if I didn’t know you better, I’d have thought you were gay,” Yuko tsked, wagging a French fry at his stoic face. “I mean how can any straight man not be moved by these babes? Some of them don’t even wear bras!” Although they were conversing in Japanese, “bras” in Japanese sounded similar to its English counterpart.

Feeling the appalled stares of the surrounding patrons, Mayu hissed, “Yuko-san, you are too loud.”

Not getting his hint, the agitated woman continued in her usual blaring voice, “Oh wait, I understand now! You ain’t interested because you’ve got your own big-melons Yuki-chan back home.”

Hearing that, Mayu choked on his food and launched into a mad coughing fit, successfully drawing more attention to their table. His mentor cackled heartily at his plight while he took big gulps of his cola.

“I’m right, ain’t I?” Yuko flashed a smug grin at the red-faced doctor.

“T-That’s not a nice thing to say,” sputtered Mayu.

“Oh come on,” Yuko waved off his words, “don’t deny it. You’ve seen her naked body before during the operation.”

“I don’t think of her that way!” Mayu retorted even as his blush darkened.

“How’s your progress with Yuki-chan? Have you reached third base yet?” Yuko was greatly amused as she found immense joy in watching a flustered Mayu. To her astonishment, Mayu snapped, slamming his hands on the table, “Even though you are my mentor, I forbid you to talk about Yuki in that manner!”

Now it was Yuko’s turn to look around nervously. “Chill, Mayu boy!” She breathed a sigh of relief after Mayu had visibly calmed down.

“But seriously, how are things between you and Yuki-chan?”

Mayu shrugged. “Friends?”

Yuko resisted the urge to do a facepalm. “You do know that she’s hot property among the doctors and patients, right?”

“I just… don’t want to rush things.”

“Gosh, please don’t tell people that you are my pupil. Wishy-washiness doesn’t run in the Oshima blood.”

“We are not family.”

The exasperated woman ignored him, her large eyes turning serious. “Someday, someone better will come along and snatch Yuki-chan away if you don’t take action soon,” she warned gravely before taking a big bite of her cheeseburger, leaving the young man to his own thoughts.

Never did Mayu expect that “someone better” to appear so soon. The day he returned to Akiba Hospital, he caught wind of a new transfer doctor from Nagoya and Yuki had been assigned to orient him on the hospital’s workings and facilities. He did not think much of it until he heard his colleagues raving about the new heart specialist a couple of days later.

“That Matsui dude is pretty good, huh,” Mario said as he made a mug of hot coffee in the Staff Lounge. Sae who was fixing his tie by the counter groaned. “Yeah, all the girls are fawning over him. I can’t stand it!”

“Is our great player Miyazawa feeling threatened?” Mario remarked wryly, setting his steaming mug down. Sae’s eyes widened in mock shock, “Me, threatened by that scrawny pale stick? No way! The girls just find him fresh, that’s why they go to him now. But after the hype is over, they’ll flock back to us.”

“Us?” Mario cocked an eyebrow. “I’m not interested.”

“Oh right, I forgot you only have eyes for Haruna-chan.”

Mario took a sip of his black coffee. “Good that you know.”

“But what about Yuko-san?”

“That pervert is no match for me,” Mario’s brow creased into a small scowl.

“But didn’t Haruna-chan just go on a date with her two weeks ago? I heard that they had lots of fun at Disneyland.”

There was a pregnant pause in the room as the only sounds came from Mario drinking his coffee.

“Yuki-san seems happy showing Matsui around,” the most senior doctor in the room finally broke the silence, changing the subject as if it was the most natural thing to do. He smirked inwardly when he notice a certain Dr. Watanabe who had been resting quietly on the couch all along stiffened. “You don’t seem to be going anywhere with her, Sae.”

Sae snorted.

“It’s rare to see her smile so happily,” Mario continued, keeping a discreet eye on Mayu.

“She’s just being nice and doesn’t want him to feel left out,” Sae reasoned confidently. “And she’s been busy lately so she can’t go on that date with me. Yet.”

“Right, right,” Mario stirred his coffee, not convinced at all. “He’s been driving her home the whole of last week. I bet you don’t even know where she lives.”

“Of course I do! She lives in… in… Tokyo!” Sae finished lamely.

There was a sudden rustling of clothes and Mayu stood up, exiting the room wordlessly. Sae snapped his head up at the door.

“What’s up with him?”

“Who knows?” Mario shrugged. “Maybe too much coffee.”


Mayu sighed, staring at the unappealing bowl of plain porridge before him. The stinging cut in his mouth had put him off anything savory or solid for the time being.

“Hey, hey, so have you talked to the new Dr. Matsui yet?” a nurse whom Mayu recognized belonged to the Respiratory Ward asked her partner. The two nurses were sitting at the table next to Mayu’s.

“Yes!” the other nurse squealed, abandoning her lunch completely. “I tell you Yuka, he is just as the rumors say. So handsome. So friendly. So gentle. A bit shy but that just makes him cuter!”

The nurse called Yuka leant across the table and spoke in a hushed tone. “Ne, Umechan. Don’t you think Dr. Matsui and,” she shot a subtle glance at Mayu, “are kind of similar?”

Umechan pondered briefly before replying, “That’s true. Both of them have black hair and perfect fair skin but Dr. Matsui’s taller and nicer. Dr Watanabe is a little too cool and I certainly prefer an older man.”

Yuka nodded in agreement. “It’ll seem like you are going out with your younger brother.”

“Exactly!” the two nurses burst into a round of girlish giggles, neglecting the fact that in their excitement, their voices grew loud enough for people around them to hear.

Mayu pushed his bowl away, suddenly feeling very full. As he walked over to the Tray Return Area, Yuki and Ren entered the bustling cafeteria.

“What are you looking for?" Ren asked Yuki who was craning her neck and scanning the crowded place. Embarrassed at being caught, the nurse smiled sheepishly and shook her head.

“You can’t hide anything from me, Yuki-chan. You’ve been quite distracted since Tuesday,” Ren chided.

“Like you would know,” Yuki stuck her tongue out at Ren and wanted to retort further but she caught sight of the man she had been looking for all week. Without excusing herself, she sped towards him, leaving a baffled Ren by himself.


The troubled-looking doctor froze right as he was about to load his tray onto the rack.

“Eh?” Yuki frowned at the untouched bowl of porridge. “You didn’t eat?”

Mayu stared down at his bowl. “It was… It didn’t taste fresh.” When he looked up, he heard a sharp intake of breath.

“What happened to your jaw?” Concern was written all over Yuki’s face. Mayu set his tray down and averted her questioning eyes but the worried nurse was quick to close the distance between them, cupping his cheek gently as she inspected the swell.

“It’s nothing,” mumbled Mayu.

“Open your mouth.”


“You have a cut inside, right? That’s why you were having porridge. Tell me, did someone hit you?”

The teary face of Takane-san’s boyfriend flashed past Mayu’s mind and he nodded. Yuki’s features softened a little, “You need to learn to take better care of yourself.”

“Yuki-chan!” Ren ran up to the nurse. “Man, you were so fast.”

Mayu’s brow twitched.

“Oh hi, Watanabe-san,” Ren smiled at the emergency doctor. Realizing the close proximity between Mayu and Yuki, something clicked in his head. “Am I interrupting something?”

Yuki let her hand fall from Mayu’s face. “Oh no, Ren-kun. By the way Mayu, I never got a chance to introduce. This is Matsui Ren. He is my childhood friend from Nagoya. And Ren-kun, this is Watanabe Mayu, the doctor who saved my life.”

Ren put out his hand to Mayu, “I’ve heard a lot about you from Yuki-chan.” The shorter man, however, seemed to be in a state of shock as he stared blankly at the offered hand.


Snapping out of his thoughts, Mayu shook Ren’s hand. “I didn’t know you and Yuki knew each other.”

Ren chuckled, “Yuki-chan and I go a long way back. I was really sad when she left for Tokyo six years ago so I’m glad I’ve been transferred here now.”

“I didn’t know you were so affected by my departure,” Yuki’s soft laughter sounded like a melodious tinkle to both men’s ears. “Anyway, please excuse us. Mayu is not feeling too well.” Since the start of the conversation, Mayu’s injury had been weighing on her mind.

“What about your lunch?” Ren asked. Mayu did not miss the flicker of disappointment in the other man’s dark eyes.

“I’ll just grab a snack later,” Yuki gave a hasty wave before dragging Mayu out of the cafeteria.

Ten minutes later, Mayu found himself sitting on a bench at the balcony where he and Yuki enjoyed each other’s company before he left for America. Fortunately for them, there was a shelter which shielded them from the blazing noon sun.

“I can do this myself,” Mayu backed away from the cotton bud laced with a transparent gel that Yuki was holding. Her brows knitted together at the resistance he was displaying.

“Let me do my job as a nurse,” clutching his right arm, she pulled him towards her. Feeling a dark oppressive aura being emitted by the staff nurse, Mayu decided he had better obey her instructions and opened his mouth for her to apply the medicine. He winced the moment the cotton bud made contact with the deep cut but soon after, the cooling gel took effect and numbed the area. Digging into his pocket, he produced a packet of energy drink.

“It’s not good to skip lunch,” he said, pushing the dull silver packet towards Yuki.

“When did you get this?”

“When you were taking the medication just now,” Mayu scratched his uninjured cheek. Yuki felt the same unexplainable warmth that she experienced whenever she was with the doctor spreading through her chest again.

“Thank you,” she accepted the drink and unscrewed the cap. “Let’s share this. You haven’t had anything too.”

“Don’t worry about me. Yuko-san has a carton of this in our office.”

Yuki’s eyes bulged. “Is that why she’s always so hyper?”

“I guess. She also takes lots of sugary food.”

“Oh my, that’s not healthy,” Yuki commented, looking a little worried. Mayu shrugged, “I’ve warned her before but she doesn’t listen.”

The pair fell into a comfortable silence as Yuki drank the blackcurrant-flavored jelly drink. However, Mayu’s mind was replaying his earlier words to Takane’s boyfriend as he watched Yuki tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

I wouldn’t want to lose the woman I love too.


“Hmm?” Yuki smiled with the drink packet’s opening between her lips.


Yuki’s cellphone rang, causing its owner to jump a little.

“Sorry,” she muttered and picked up the call. “Hello, Ren-kun? No, no, you don’t have to buy me anything. I’ve eaten already. Yes, I’m not bluffing you. I’m with Mayu at the balco-”

Suddenly, the phone was snatched from her. “Mayu?” she gaped in bewilderment, almost dropping her drink.

“Hello, Matsui-san,” Mayu spoke into the phone as his expression turned cold. “This is Watanabe. I’m sorry but the call ends here.” Without waiting for a reply, he pressed the red hang up icon and set the phone aside. Looking up, he was met with Yuki’s flabbergasted expression.

“What… What was that about?” Yuki finally regained her voice, still reeling from Mayu’s unexpected actions. The young doctor’s brown eyes bore into hers, as if staring right into her soul. Yuki felt her cheeks heating up as her heart thumped loudly against her chest.

“I am a rather selfish person, Yuki.”

Yuki nodded slowly, unsure of where this was heading to.

“I can tell that Matsui-san likes you and I don’t really like that.”

Yuki swallowed. “W-Why?”

“Because I don’t like to share the woman I love with others,” Mayu enveloped Yuki’s clammy hands in his. Once his words sank in, a lump formed in her throat. Her vision misted as her eyes brimmed with unshed tears. “If you are alright with me being this way,” Mayu took a deep breath and tightened his grip on Yuki, “will you be my girlfriend?”

He watched in trepidation as her lips trembled and a lone tear rolled down her flushed cheek. Soon, more droplets followed and she lunged forward, throwing her arms around the alarmed doctor and crying uncontrollably into his shoulder.

“You have no idea how… how l-long I’ve waited for this,” she said in between sobs. “Ever since the day you appeared in my life… Mayu…” her voice trailed off as sobs racked her body. Mayu patted her back, holding her close.

“So you don’t mind me being younger than you?” It was an issue that had been plaguing him. Yuki shook her head vigorously. This simple action brought a very broad smile, one that nobody thought the aloof Dr. Watanabe was capable of, to Mayu’s face.

Yuki’s cellphone rang again but this time, she made no move to separate herself from Mayu.

“Aren’t you going to pick it up? Matsui-san’s probably worried about you,” Mayu reminded albeit a tad bitterly.

Yuki buried her face into the crook of his neck. “Are you jealous?” He thought he felt a smile against his exposed skin.

“Kind of.”

“I’ll tell you a secret,” she whispered huskily into his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. “I love Ren-kun…”

Mayu’s heart skipped a beat.

“… as an older brother. But I don’t love you as a younger brother.”

“Then what am I?”

Yuki withdrew from the embrace, her hands slipping down to Mayu’s as she studied his tense face.

“I love you as the man who gave me meaning to live.”

The doctor’s tightly pressed lips relaxed into a heartfelt grin. Bringing a slim hand up, he wiped the moisture from the corner of Yuki’s puffy eye.

“Can I… kiss you?”

A hand slapped his chest.

“How do you expect a girl to answer that?” Yuki cast her eyes to the side, the apples of her cheeks turning bright pink.

Tilting her chin gently, he said in a low tone, “Then I shall not ask,” and brought their lips together in a soft and chaste kiss. When they pulled apart, he joked, “You taste like blackcurrant.”

“And you taste like medicine.”

Resting their foreheads against each other, they shared a blissful laugh as Yuki’s white rose pendant gleamed under the sunlight, a witness to the couple’s blossoming love.


The End.

Thank you very much for reading! As always, reviews are greatly appreciated :deco:

Edit: A little bonus for everyone! This is a picture I took of my Yukirin daruma in the hotel room. It's a character designed by Yukirin and is so damn adorable! I seriously think it looks like her so in this story, the little snowman doodles that Dr. Watanabe drew are actually this! :lol:

« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 07:43:00 AM by seigus »

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2012, 10:09:30 PM »
UWA~~, this was really entertaining, the parts with Yuko-sama and Maritroll  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And Mayuki KAWAII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!  :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco:

Poor Ren.. Come here, I'll comfort you  :wub: :wub: :wub:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2012, 11:01:30 PM »
Ren appears!!! I still support Dr. Watanabe though!!!
I like the sequel story... (jealousy knows how to make some people to do their first move.)

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2012, 06:57:30 AM »
Dr. Watanabe and nurse Yuki are so cute!  :luvluv1:

Poor Mayuyu she punched in the face!  :fainted:

But Yuki was on the job caring for him.

Omg he asked Yuki to be his girls friend? My mind has been blown!  :shy2:

Please update soon!  :pleeease:

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2012, 07:38:29 AM »
omg I love this story so much xDDDDD
Mayu is such a jealous doctor and he never fail to make me surprise at the end  :luvluv2:
Thank you for writing this, pls more :kneelbow:

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2012, 10:04:05 AM »
Eh~ almost all of Dr. Watanabe's kakkoiness was vanished? My first reaction was ... bikkuri shita! :shocked

But then I think about it more, and I realize I often forgot Dr. Watanabe was still young that his tendencies of losing his cool are quite easy to be lit up with the jealousy and selfishness.
So childish but so cute that I think it is enough for me to say "Dr. Watanabe sugoku kawaii~!" :wub:

And I seriously love it when he stopped Yuko from talking more inappropriately concerning Yuki and when he asked permission from his girlfriend for a kiss. Such a polite gentleman he is. :yep:

By the way, Dr. Watanabe.. Nurse Kashiwagi.. omedetou~! :thumbsup I love imagining both of you.. such a perfect couple in my eyes. :D
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 06:46:47 AM by aruka »
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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2012, 10:31:21 AM »

I Hope you can make atsumina please..

thank you...

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #33 on: July 29, 2012, 12:51:39 PM »
After reading through the story again today, I realised I made a few typos and left out some words in my half-asleep state last night :banghead: I've fixed them and the story should flow more smoothly now.

Anyway, thank you all for your comments and support towards our handsome doctor and beautiful nurse! I'm sure they feel your love too :P

But then I think about it more, and I realize I often forgot Dr. Watanabe was still young that his tendencies of losing his cool are quite easy to light up with the jealousy and selfishness.
So childish but so cute that I think it is enough for me to say "Dr. Watanabe sugoku kawaii~!" :wub:
I'm glad that you see the reason behind Dr. Watanabe's actions in this update. My image of him is a cool professional at work but an awkward little dork when it comes to affairs of the heart. The women who are capable of breaking that cool facade are the in-your-face Yuko and his girlfriend Yuki (I get tingles when I say "his girlfriend" :wub:). Then there's the godly Maritroll who triumphs over pretty much everyone :lol:

I Hope you can make atsumina please..
Hi there! I'm sorry but I'm not an avid fan of AtsuMina. It's not that I dislike them. It's just that I am too overwhelmed with love for MaYuki :nervous I don't understand AtsuMina's personalities and behaviours to the point that I'll be able to write a decent story on them. They will probably make an appearance in my future works but they won't be the pairing in focus. Hope you understand!

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2012, 06:33:01 PM »
Woah~ you made it!  XD XD Part 2~  :wub: :wub:
Love it, definitely  :heart: :heart: :heart:
Mario-sama and Ren-sama appeared in this story  XD XD they must be really kakoi~
Poor Mayu got punched at his handsome face  :cry:
Teases from Mario and Yuko plus Ren's close relationship with Yuki finally made Mayu to confess and the ending  :wub: :wub: sweet~
Thanks for this update  :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2012, 04:59:23 PM »
i know this is to much..
But please make a
PART 3!!
Im so inlove with this to!!

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2012, 06:56:06 PM »
Wahhh this is so cute! All of your one shots are super cute.

I usually don't like genderbent fanfics and I try to avoid them, but for some reason I really loved yours. They're really well written, and Dr. Watanabe is super cool. Ahh, I hope you write a part 3 :]

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #37 on: July 30, 2012, 09:26:31 PM »
 :luvluv1: :luvluv1: Yes Yes Yes It is a really good END :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

But I want a Part 3 because I want to know what the other think about this relation

But if there is the problem I do not wanna a Part3 XD  :oops:

And just a question Why minna cold Mariko ,Maritroll? sorry to ask here XD :(
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 10:32:13 PM by Pwety »
Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #38 on: July 31, 2012, 04:42:58 AM »

But I want a Part 3 because I want to know what the other think about this relation

I AGREE to this one!!!

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 2] Eyes for You (29 July)
« Reply #39 on: July 31, 2012, 07:22:19 AM »
PLEASE PLEASE MAKE A PART 3!   :pleeease:  :pleeease: :pleeease: :pleeease:

Dr.Watanabe's and Nurse Yukirin's relationship is just so... so cute!  :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

Please make a part 3 if it's not too much to ask.  :kneelbow:

I'll really look forward to it!  :shy2: :nya:

Update soon!  :on lol:

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