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Author Topic: A love to change the History books chapter 5 24/8/13 ANNOUCMENT!!!!!  (Read 16914 times)

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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A Love to change the history books
By XxRoByNxX78



It completely sucks well thats what I think its always been a thorn in my side I dont see why I have to learn it I mean why do I have to know about something that has already happaned its not like I knew them people and its not like I care so why? Thats all I ask anyone care to explain? No? Thought not everyone is to consumed in their own little worlds to answer one question aish you selfish people. But then I cant really speak well think like that considering im just as consumed in myself as the next person mabye even a little bit more than the normal teenager my age. Afterall im the girl that wakes up in the morning looks in the mirror and says "Yosh the always cute Michishige Sayumi." with a cute pose.

Anyway as said before im the always cute Michishige Sayumi the daughter of Takahashi Ai and Niigaki Risa who are otherwise known as Takagaki. Im currently living in China thats right China and I coudnt hate it here more. The language is amazingly hard and everytime I speak it I always end up stuttering which in return makes me look like a fool. Im originally from Japan my blood type is A oh and my favourite colour is pink. I have a elder brother and sister but they decided to stay in Japan on there own since they are both in their twenties while im stuck following my parents where ever they go since im 18 oh lucky me. Im currently attending H!P highschool and hating every minute and second I spend in it oh did I mention I also hate the people in it. All they ever seem to do is make fun of me you know cause they are such mature and nice people.

So other than the basics of what I told you im gusseing you want to know more correct?

Well tough your going to have to wait because right now I have to complete my damned history homework because I left it until the last minute and if I dont finish it I fail the subject and my last year in school which means I will have to repeat. And its not like im leaving on good grades anyway in every subject ive got a D except for PE which is a F and this subject that I dont know what grade im on for it though im apparently failing the subject with flying colours so I need to complete this homework to bump up my grade so I can pass. And well unfortunately for me im stuck in the school library trying to find out about this apparent princess or was it queen of China Tanaka Reina who is ment to be the greatest ruler that China has ever had.

See I do listen a little in class just you know not enough to:

A) Care
B) Pass the subject

And well its not like I can understand what the teacher is saying anyway.

Now back to the task at hand.....ahhhh this is so frustrating how am I ment to know what book to use when I can barely remember the girls stupid name. Finally something caught my eye and its aish once again the wrong book you would think the library would have books on the information I would need right? Well wrong! Apparently the school thinks a book on rocks is going to help us in the future ... idiots. Tanaka Reina Tanaka Reina where is the book about her for crying out loud!

I searched for what seemed like years and finally found the book about this girl called Tanaka Reina.I opened up on the first page and layed it down on the table in front of me and sat down then began to read the book. Oh thats right my notebook and pen duh!
I opened up my bagpack that was hung on the back on the chair and started to search for my notebook and pen. A couple of minutes later I found them and placed them on the table by the book on Tanaka Reina. After reading for a little while I can feel myself slowly feeling drowsy because the book is boring like really boring. Let me read you some of it.

Tanaka Reina took over the throne at the young age of 20 after her parents the great JunLin died in battle protecting China against the english. Reina was a strict ruler with a strong sense of justice her subjects loved her and would willingly die for her.


God I would rather watch paint dry than read this crap ive got better things to do than read this but noooo if I dont I fail great just great.

Ding! I jumped up from my seat startled by the sudden sound soon realising that it was just the clock stating that it was 12pm. Thats right 12pm and im in the library see I really did leave it till the last minute. Ahh thats right I just remembered did you know that this school has and old legened? No didnt think so well apparently when the clock strike's 12 a ghost or something of the sort appears and causes havoc in the school. Of course this isnt true teachers most probaly made it up to terrify the children so they dont come back after school. People who believe this rumor are fools thats all that needs to be said about them I mean you think that If a ghost was gonna papear it would appeare at day time you know to have fun and scare the pupils of the school ahahaha. Well thats what I would do but then im mean.

"Hummm." Did you hear that? What no it must have been my imagintion then must be the lack of sleep. I continued to flip through the pages of the book and jot down notes as I read them. After about half an hour I had completed the work thankyou GOD! I started to pack my things back into my bag pack then that noise came out of no where again. "Hummmm." Please tell me you heard it this time. I shook my heard determined to not believe that those sounds is the so called ghost of the school aish I should get out of here. I started to walk out of the library when a slim pale figure came out in front of me out of no where. All the things I had packed in mags came tumbling out onto the floor and well I jumped screamed and ran. What dont judge me you would do the same thing if you where in my postion especially if something randomly appeared infront of you.

I hid behind a bookshelf when I felt a sudden tap on my should sending a chill down my spine. Oh god please no please dont let me die here dont let this be a ghost please im begging. I slowly turned around and then my eyes widened right before me was a pale slim girl that I could see through. Just when I was about to run she took me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me towards my bag. As much as I struggled and screamed she woudnt let go and when I tired to hit well you can gusse what happaned there right? What the hell though seriously ghosts arent real and even if they where how come they can touch me but I cant touch them how is that fair I mean come on!

Next thing I knew I was thrown to the ground ontop of the Tanaka Reina book and hear a voice speak "You have been a bad girl time to serve your punishment." before I could open my mouth a black hole appeared underneath me and I went falling into it along with my things.

I hit ground with a thump and boy did it hurt.

I opened my eyes to see where I was and found I wasnt in the library anymore. So where am I well thats a good question because I dont know all I can see are houses made of wood and wait what the hell! Horses you have got to be kidding where the hell am I and how did I get here? "Excuse me do you need some help there?" Asked a voice I looked up to be met with face of a beauty. Our eyes locked and her chocolate brown orbs instantly frooze my soul and stopped my beating heart. She had brown long straight hair that cascaded down past her shoulders she also had slightly tanned skin. Lost in my day dream I didnt even realise that she was looking at me weirdly and waving her hands infront of my face to get my attention.

"Hello do you need help there?" She asked again finally snapping me out of my admiration of her beauty.  "Erm yer sort of where am I?" I replied gathering around my scattered things and placing them in my bag. "Erm China duh." She said sarcasticly making me glare at her. After finally putting everything that had fell out my bag back in I got to my feet and began to speak to her. "Never I didnt know this was China wanna tell me the year because it doesnt look like 2012." I retorted earning a giggle from the angel. "Erm its 1566 have you been hit on the head what do you mean 2012 ahahah your funny." She said holding out her hand smiling showing off her perfectly white teeth. "Tanaka Reina." She introduced I reached out my hand and took hers and replied "Michishige Sayumi." she smiled once again.



TBC ....

A/N: I havnt writ a H!P fic in a while so I hope this is okay and that you enjoyed it thanks for reading it everyone
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 10:47:13 PM by XxRoByNxX78 »

Offline farquhar97

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Re: A love to change the History books
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2012, 05:32:50 PM »
It's dead good Robyn lol I love the way you have writ it so like the character is narrateing over her own story lol its cool and yeah it should be a good mm fic lol btw keep the paragraphs it makes it a lot easier to read and it reminds me of A Christmas Carroll lol

Offline kuro808

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Re: A love to change the History books
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2012, 07:40:38 PM »
China in 1566 with Reina... I find it quite interesting and I will see some historical consequences I assume :lol:

Good start
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline yellow

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Re: A love to change the History books
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2012, 05:28:06 AM »
 :lol: robyn,
i like how the story being phrased and plotted especially the relationship combination... it is interesting, new and refreshing to me as i have never thought to see them like that before... please come and update more often... i am looking forward  XD

btw TakaGaki, who is the papa and who is the mama?  :P

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: A love to change the History books
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2012, 07:22:26 PM »
A love to change the history books
by XxRoByNxX78

chapter 1

"Hello do you need help there?" She asked again finally snapping me out of my admiration of her beauty.  "Erm yer sort of where am I?" I replied gathering around my scattered things and placing them in my bag. "Erm China duh." She said sarcasticly making me glare at her. After finally putting everything that had fell out my bag back in I got to my feet and began to speak to her. "Never I didnt know this was China wanna tell me the year because it doesnt look like 2012." I retorted earning a giggle from the angel. "Erm its 1566 have you been hit on the head what do you mean 2012 ahahah your funny." She said holding out her hand smiling showing off her perfectly white teeth. "Tanaka Reina." She introduced I reached out my hand and took hers and replied "Michishige Sayumi." she smiled once again.



Okay time for me to calm down I think okay Sayu take deep breaths in and out ....... okay not working!

This has got to be explantion for this. Okay Sayu lets think of the logical solutions here okay well first of all it could be a prank but then who would go through all of this just to prank me okay so that one is out of the question okay hmm there is no way this is real so thats completely out of the question. And then there is the most likely which is me dreaming ..... yer thats right im dreaming thats got to be it which means I can do what ever I want correct? Of course im right why do I even need to ask im Michishige Sayumi the cutest girl in the world and might I add im always right .. always.

Now that I have came to the conclusion that this is dream this means this girl in front of me is a figure of my imagination I suppose I mean seems the most logical considering the thing I last thought of was most likely her Tanaka Reina. Aish its like my own mind likes to torture me I mean reading about her was boring now I have met her in my dream God I hate myself. Right what can I do now? Hmm mabye fly or even turn into a monster and eat her for being annoying and appearing into my dream MY DREAM! Okay Sayu calm calm 1...2...3....4 phew thats better.

"Excuse me hellooooo." I heard someone said I snapped back into 'reality' and found that it was Tanaka Reina who was speaking to me again! Dont get me wrong she is very pretty but come on she sounds like a chipmunk and well ive met her for about five minutes and im really finding her irritating espically when she pouts. "What do you want?" I replied with a tone of anger in my voice she looked slightly shocked but then she started smiling oh come on what can I do to make this idiot go away or something. "Erm well I knew your name so how about you tell me why are you wearing those strange things Michishige-san." She answered in Japanese ........ HOLY CRAP SHE CAN SPEAK JAPANESE!

"You c..c..can speak japanese." I said stuttering a little because honestly since when can a Chinese princess speak Japanese? Oh yer remember Sayu this is a dream its a figure of my imganation she can do what I want which mean she is obviously going to be able to speak Japanese duh I thought face palming myself for being so dumb. "Of course I can speak Japanese my parents say a princess should be able to speak all languages." She said proudly making me scoff. God this girl is annoying "Anyway Michishige-san whats with the clothes your wearing?" she asked curious. "Its called fashion sense which for obvious reasons is quite clear you have none of." I retorted and I could literally see steam coming from her ears ahahha triumph dance.
"Excuse me what im wearing right now is a dress specially made for me tailored from the best taliors of China this is 10x more expensive then anything you are wearing on your pale skinny whimpy excuse for a body."

Oh hell no she did not just insult me!

"Ha dont you dare speak to me like that you piece of filth infact speak to the elbow your not worth the extention."


I span around on my heels only to walk into a wall of people. I fell onto the floor and looked up to see the faces of those who dared to stand in my way and seen that a group of people had circled around me and Tanaka-san.

"How dare she speak to our Tanaka-sama like that."

"What is she wearing ahahahah."

"How dare she speak to lady Reina like that."

"Such insolence she should be beheaded."

These were all but a few of the sentences that started to fly around the warm air. I swear people need to mind their own business and keep their opinions to themselves cause I seriously dont care.  "Its okay she doesnt know who I am atleast I dont think so." I heard the chipmunk say. "Do you have a place to stay?" She questioned erm good point even if this is a dream were am I and were the hell do I live here? "No why?" I inquired raising my eyebrows.

"Because you can stay with me."








"Okay so its settled your coming live with me."

How did I fall for such a stupid trick stupid head stupid Sayu.

"But - "

"No buts come on everyone please move aside so the two of us can get to my carriage."


"Yes problem?"

"Nope none at all."

What a weird dream. She took my hand in hers and dragged me with force since I didnt want to move from my spot to her carriage and when we got to it she pushed me inside and followed me in. "You know this is classed as kidnapping?" I said glaring "No its not you said yes." She replied while I was looking around for away to get out of the carriage which was now moving. "Because you tricked me!" I excalimed "Same thing." she said waving her hand. Can she get anymore annoying?! The carriage was then filled with silence the rest of the way to the castle and when we arrived the two of us got out and she made me follow her.

Then as soon as we were out of the sight of anyone in the castle she pushed me against the wall and looked into my eyes mesmerising me. "Your interesting however you dare to speak like that to me like you did before your head will be hacked away from your ugly body got it?" Okay bi polar much what the hell I thought I had a attitude problem. She pulled away and motioned for me to follow her and with out a argument I did.

We stopped infront of what I assume to be the scullery (Kitchen). "Ishikawa get here now!" She screamed and a young looking women came stumbling out of scullery looking down at the floor. "Yes Tanaka-Sama."
"This girl will be staying with you from now on teach her how to be a good servant."

"Yes Tanaka-Sama."


"Servent excuse me you said I was gonna live with you!"

"Yes but did I say were and did I say you would live here for didnt think so Ishikawa here will be your mentor now ive got to go cya later new servant."

Why that little ..... I think its time to wake up now.

I pinched my skin hoping that I would wake up but to my dismay I didnt.


TBC ....

@Adam: Lol thanks for that and merry xmas

@Kurosawa87: Thankyou for reading and comment also I will give some historcal events ago any suggestions tho? oh and merry xmas

@Yellow: Hey how you been??? thanks for reading and commenting im really glad you like it and find it refreshing I hope this chapter didnt disappoint you as for who is the papa and mama in takagaki I have no idea yet but they will make an appearance in flashbacks lol merry xmas
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 10:33:01 PM by XxRoByNxX78 »

Offline kuro808

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 1 21/12/12
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2012, 08:44:37 PM »
Sayu's adaptation to the times will be a difficult one at best  :lol:

As for historical significance... you probably need background for Reina being in China and speaking Japanese for one :nervous

Other than that, you have to add Jun and Lin to this story  :nervous
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline farquhar97

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 1 21/12/12
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2012, 08:45:50 PM »
Lol it was really good lol the way she needs to be a servant and lives it a castle reminds me of tht program i always watch lol you know the one any way the comedy in this fic is so funny and good idea about meeting the person she's learning about update soon and merry Christmas and a happy new year

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 1 21/12/12
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 02:35:12 AM »
Very cool.

I wonder, since this is Shige, if the story will take a Fushigi Yuugi like turn and have Sayumi have to complete some adventure aided by a harem team of bishoujo warriors before she can return to her home?

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 1 21/12/12
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2012, 02:57:29 AM »
robyn  :)
i'm fine... but just that i catch a little cold due to the chilly cold weather  :( at the same time  preparing myself for next year (like things for the new school semester, etc..) since it's year end.

i like this chapter too... no worries, i am not very choosy towards content... as long as there is something to read, i will be contented XD

for takagaki, so i just presume both of them are females here, so there is no papa and mama here  :) only mama and mommy  :D like that also easy for you too... as to decide who is papa and mama for your later part... and i am looking forward for their appearances, even it is flashbacks.

as for the story,
i feel that our ichiban kawaii usa-chan really have been so self-deceiving here... and it is really a good setting for sayumin to be reina's servant and i presume it is the personal care type, where 24/7 by her side in attending her since reina is a royal.

as for the language part, i think you have handled well :thumbup by stating that the princess has to be multilingual.

but i think since she is a royal, she should be secretive in some sense, because according to real chinese history, the nobles will not expose their identities easily for the civilian's knowledge... and reina here really too easy-going, does not give me that feeling that she is a princess or queen type... but i like it as it makes me feel she is a friendly person in nature.

and lastly, merry x'mas and happy new year too  :cow:
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 04:12:19 PM by yellow »

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 1 21/12/12
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2012, 03:39:12 PM »
A love to change the history books
By XxRoByNxX78

Chapter 2

"Servant excuse me you said I was gonna live with you!"

"Yes but did I say were and did I say you would live here for didnt think so Ishikawa here will be your mentor now ive got to go cya later new servant."

Why that little ..... I think its time to wake up now.

I pinched my skin hoping that I would wake up but to my dismay I didnt.


This is real you are kidding me which means the ghost was real! OH MY GOD GHOSTS ARE REAL! AND WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?!

"Follow me erm ...."

"Michishige Sayumi."

"Follow me Michishige-san."

I nodded and followed her outside to what looked like a huge shed and then said "This is were you will be staying there is about ten more people living there including me this is were the servants live you will meet everyone later and abit of advice about the royals Tanaka-sama may seem nice but she isnt she only acts like that infront of her subjects as for her parents Linlin-sama is very kind and gentle Junjun-sama is well different she is short tempered strong and is quick to end someones life is something is done wrong then you have Tanaka-sama's friends Fujimoto miki and Abe Natsumi the pair of them are skilled in fighting they have quick wit and protective of Reina also they pair are very mean then lastly you have Reina's younger sister Eri she is 8 years old and nothing like her sister so hopefully she wont be a burden thats all now I will show you around this place." She explained.
How am I ment to remember all of this? And more importantly how do I get back to 2012?

She shown me around the back of the so called servants quarters it had a little barn which held around about 5 horses then finally she shown me the inside. It was a cramped space but by the looks of things they made it work. Beds well rugs were spread across the floor in various areas with pillows on top and one tiny circular table was in the middle of the room. Food covered the table top and so did bits of paper with what looked like notes on them. Ishikawa-san the pointed to a rug that was on the floor next and then said "Thats yours." I groaned inwardly then walked towards it and placed my bag on top of it. I breathed in then started to cough uncontrollablly God the stench it .... its...its...........disgusting! "Oh yer please excuse the smell and the mess its always like this so you have to get use to it." She said.

How do they live like this?

"Oh you should also change from those strange clothes you can use my spare ones for now."

Ishikawa-san then pulled out some horrible looking dress from a medium sized bag. "Im not wearing that!" I shouted walking backwards as she got closer. "Im sorry but you have to if you dont you will be punished."








Are you kidding me I fell for the same trick again!

I facepalmed and ragged the ugly dress from her hands "Can you please leave so I can get changed?" I asked politely which she answered "Theres no point in being shy you will have to get changed infront of nine more people everyday so get use to it now." she has got me there.

I changed quickly and stuffed my things inside of my bag which held my book on that stupid princess and other things like my phone. "Good now your changed come with me I will introduce you to the others."

We arrived back at the scullery and Ishikawa-san clapped her hands gathering all of the attention of the people in the room.
"This is the new servant Michishige Sayumi please introduce yourself to her."


They all lined up infront of me and began to say their names.

"Im Tsuji Nozomi nice to meet you."

"Yaguchi Mari."

"Yasuda Kei."

"Nakazawa Yuko the eldest."

"Konno Asami."

"Ogawa Makoto."

"Suzuki Kanon"

"Kusumi Koharu."

Wait didnt she that there was ten including herself if im right there is one missing. Before I could ask to women came into the scullery and thrown the fruit that was placed in a bowl on the table to the floor. Who the hell do they think they are? "You better pick that up." I said with a tone of anger in my voice. My parents always said "You make a mess you clean it." and I always have and I believe others should stand by that sounds stupid over a small thing yes but its sort of has a moral. Its basically saying dont always relay on other people or thats at least thats what ive always thought. "What did you say?" The taller women questioned her voice cold and threatening. "I said clean up your mess." I replied thankfully showing no fear in my tone. "Ahh it looks like we have a rather feisty one here Miki." Said the smaller one "Your right Nacchi." said the girl that I believe to be called Miki .... oh no. Didnt Ishikawa-san warn me about these two before oh crap what have I got myself into. I looked around to find that everyone else was froozen to their spots with sweat crawling down their pretty faces.

"Wait a second I dont remember you what about Nacchi?"

"Nope never."

"Im new."

"Looks like we will let it slip for now Ishikawa you should teach the newbies better."

"Yes Miki-sama."

"Junjun and Linlin are asking for Yasuada and Yaguchi."

The pair then left and everyone sighed in relife looks like I wasnt the only who was happy they went. Yaguchi and Yasuda then left the scullery heading to were I think the throne room or whatever its called is.

"Michishige-san please be carefull about what you say next time you have no idea what they are like once they get angry."
"I will keep that in mind."

Can this day get any worse ive been put into the past now been made a servant and been shouted at by some random idiots and I have to share a shed or whatever it is with ten different people! God I hate my life. "Can you please help me Michishige-san I dont think I can carry all of these." Asked a tall girl with a very VERY HIGHPITCHED VOICE! "I am right next to you dont shout!" I screamed into her ear "Ouch sorry but can you?" She asked again in a lower tone than before. I nodded and she smiled then pointed to where to baskets full of bananas was on the table infront of me. We picked up a basket each and I followed her to where ever she was going. "Where are we going?" I questioned simply because I was getting bored and tired of walking every where. "To Eri-sama's room she wants bananas for some weird reason." Koharu replied I just nodded as I coudnt be bothered to say anything else.

We arrived infront of a room with a huge wooden door. Koharu put her basket of bananas onto the floor and knocked on the door to hear a small voice shout "Come in!" Koharu then opened the door and picked her basket of bananas back up and walked in the room with me following swiftly behind. "Koharu!" A little girl shouted jumping into Koharu and giving her a bone crushing hug once she had put the basket full of bananas onto the desk by the window. "Lady Kamei meet the new servant picked personally by your sister her name is Michishige Sayumi." Said Koharu introducing me. Kamei pulled away from Koharu and watched me closely as I mimicked Koharu's actions with the basket of bananas. "Nice to meet you Sayu." Said the little girl bouncing her way over to me and held out her hand. I smiled sligtly and took her hand in mine and shook it but when I was going to let go her hold on my hand tigthened. "You can be my new best friend hahahah." Shocked my eyes widened that was something I didnt expect for her to say "You said my sister personally picked her?" she asked Koharu earning a nod from the latter.

"That means your her personal servant."


"Dont worry my sister is really nice I dont know why everyone including my parents call her the devil because I love her she is a angel and all our subjects love her dont worry seriously my sister is the kindest person ever." Kamei complimented. Wow she really thinks highly of her sister huh.  "Ah Koharu I got you a plum its in my draw." Said Kamei still not let going of my hand what a annoying kid. "Ahh you really are the best Kamei-sama which reminds me why do you need the bananas?" Inquired Koharu as she went searching through the draws of the desk to find a measly plum. "Ahh its so when my mummy Junjun gets mad at me I can give her one you know so she forgets about so im stocking up not so much for me but for Reina." She replied smiling cutely. She is mature for her age and seriously how much can one care for their sister Reina must be good to her. "Oh yer you need to meet my parents come on I will take you Koharu you can go back to the scullery."

Kamei then dragged me to where her parents were.

Just when we were about to go into what I believe to be the throne room we heard shouting from inside.

"How many times have I said to you not to go out the castle alone!"

"Relax I had the carige guy Touya with me so its fine."

"No its not anything could have happened he is not trained in combat!"

"No but I am remember you taught geez have faith wil you."

"You didnt have your weapons are you stupid Reina grow up what if something happened to you!"

"Well nothing did all that happened was I met a strange girl who is now a servant here so calm down."

"And when where you going to tell me we had a new servant?"

"Well I just did then if you listened and relax seriously all your shouting is giving me a headache she is my personal one I chose her though I dont think she knows yet."

"Reina no leaving the castle for a week."

"What are you kidding me I havnt done anything wrong there is no way im staying in this place for a week!"

Before I could hear anymore I felt the grip on my loosen the eventually disappear then the doors infront of me opened and a sharp piercing scream hit the air."Stop arguing Reina do as mummy says please dont anything stupid or mama will be caused stress and you know she cant have any stress now please Reina." Kamei screamed running up to her elder sister hugging the taller girls waist. "But.....fine Eri go to see Mama she was asking for you." Said Reina patting Kamei's head. "Okay remember no fighting oh an mummy I brought the new servant here to meet you." Said Kamei pulling herself from Reina and skipping away. Then well as you most likely gussed all eyes landed on me. "So you are the new servant let me introduce myself im Junjun call me Lady Junjun im the queen of China oh im aka Eri's and Reina's mother im also married to Linlin who you will address by the name Lady Linlin she isnt here right now due to reasons that can not be exposed to the likes of mere pathetic servants such as yourself I dont care about your name nor of your life story just know you will be doing as my daughter says and if something is done wrong your head will no longer be attached to your skinny little body got it?"







TBC ....

@Kurosawa87 : Linlin and Junjun had to be in this story lol as if I would leave them out gotta love them thanks for the comment and the feedback merry xmas and a happy new year

@Adam : I updated yayayayayay and then I realised I have like ten other fics that need updating lol and i seen bout 5mins of a ep of merlin its decent lol and ahh Glee has turned crap gonna cry Ryan murpyhy is pure evil lol oh an merry xmas an happy new year

@Resop2 : Fushigi Yuugi ???? Also I like your idea lol thanks for the comment merry xmas an a happy new year

@Yellow : Nooo you have a cold get better soon then oh an Takagaki will make an appearance next chapter lol and I think you are right about the royals being secretive so I took that into a account oh an I used your idea about the personal servant hope thats okay merry xmas an a happy new year

@Everyone: To the silent readers thanks for reading I hope you are all enjoying it also a merry xmas and a happy new year.

Offline farquhar97

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 2 24/12/12
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2012, 04:03:07 PM »
Ahhh tht little girl is so cute but I could see her getting michishige into trouble hope she doesn't lol and told you it was awesome lol and I haven't seen tht in a while Lucky me and hehe why are you updating so fast my god and yeah happy Christmas to you too lol

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 2 24/12/12
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2012, 07:13:42 PM »
Interesting concept and all the servants, it has a lot of head butting :lol:

Happy Holidays!
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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 2 24/12/12
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2012, 04:32:56 AM »
i am looking forward to TakaGaki appearance

thanks for taking into account of my suggestion  :P

i really like how the relationship in your characters... and i thought Junjun will be a man in the story but never would i expect her is a lady... but never mind, it is interesting being so.

merry x'mas!!

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 2 24/12/12
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2012, 05:19:05 PM »
A love to change the history books
By XxRoByNxX78

Chapter 3

Before I could hear anymore I felt the grip on my loosen the eventually disappear then the doors infront of me opened and a sharp piercing scream hit the air."Stop arguing Reina do as mummy says please dont anything stupid or mama will be caused stress and you know she cant have any stress now please Reina." Kamei screamed running up to her elder sister hugging the taller girls waist. "But.....fine Eri go to see Mama she was asking for you." Said Reina patting Kamei's head. "Okay remember no fighting oh an mummy I brought the new servant here to meet you." Said Kamei pulling herself from Reina and skipping away. Then well as you most likely gussed all eyes landed on me. "So you are the new servant let me introduce myself im Junjun call me Lady Junjun im the queen of China oh im aka Eri's and Reina's mother im also married to Linlin who you will address by the name Lady Linlin she isnt here right now due to reasons that can not be exposed to the likes of mere pathetic servants such as yourself I dont care about your name nor of your life story just know you will be doing as my daughter says and if something is done wrong your head will no longer be attached to your skinny little body got it?"







"You dont have to be so hard on her you know she isnt as dumb as she looks well I think she isnt as dumb as she looks at least I hope not." Why that little im soooo going to kill her just wait until we are alone Tanaka-san you wont make it till tomorrow. But right now lets go back to the current problem and situation apparently if I make one wrong move I die not fair right? And you are most likely thinking why arnt I freaking out like I was before right? Well it all comes down to what I just thought of a moment ago......I Michishige Sayumi is going to run away from this horrible controlling place first chance I get. I dont know when and neither do I know how but I am and no one is going to stop me got that NO ONE!

"You may leave now Reina and take your apparent dim witted servant with you I dont wish to look at her ugly face any longer."

"Okay mummy."

"Reina how many times only Eri calls me that you know what you have to call me."

"Sorry Lady Junjun I will be leaving now."

Ahahahaha did you see that her mum totally went all mean on her pfahahaha God I wish I could see more of this.

Serves her right nice going lady Junjun!

"Hey idiot girl follow me we are leaving." Ordered Reina and she did not just call me a idiot oooo I swear just wait until we are alone you cheeky little! I Clenched my fists tight and restraint myself from jumping on the overly bossy chipmunk I followed her out of the throne room. "Come on your taking me out of the castle." She said and walked away expecting me to follow awww someone is dumb as if I would follow her. I rolled my eyes and turned the opposite direction from her only to hear "If you dont come your head wont be on your body for much longer." now that was uncalled for. Unwillingly I turned around and followed keeping close since she had took hold of my wrist with a tight grip and shown no signs of letting go any time soon. Eventually we got to the gate of the castle after Reina continuosly kept getting stopped on the way there by people who claimed to be friends of the family when she was younger. She well she nodded smiled and acted like a angel then as soon as we walked away quickly started to bad mouth them and much to my amsument one even heard.

"Open the gate and get a carriage im going out."

"But we just got a message from Lady Junjun th-"

"Open the gate and get me a carriage now or you wont see your family again."

"Yes Lady Reina."

Now that was overboard no wonder people in the castle call her the devil. Not long after a carriage arrived with a handsome women at the front of it. "Get in." Demanded Tanaka-san in japanese and waved her hand so that the men at the gates would run over and open the door for the carriage and helped her in then waved again for them to leave. "And you are expecting me to get in this thing how?" I asked with a hell of alot of anger in my voice. "I dunno you have legs use them."

"Spolit brat."

"What did you just say?"

"You are a spoilt chipmunk."


"Yes chipmunk congrats you have a sqeeky annoying voice which matches your annoying personality everyone give her a round of appluse."

"You know I can have you killed any second right you idiot."

"I dare you."

"Aish whatever get in the carriage before you get me anymore unwanted attention."


"Fine Yossi get here and help the idiot up."

Before I knew it the handsome girl jumped off the front of the carriage and picked me up bridal style then placed me gently into the carriage. "Happy?" Tanaka-san asked in a rather sarcastic manner. "Very." I replied trying to sound as annoying and un thankfull as possible. I seen a small smile quickly appear then disappear from her face. "Yossi lets get going N.O.W!" She said making the handsome women jump up in fright because of the tone she said it in. "Didnt you hear me!" She shouted Yossi then ran to the front and made the horses move fast as the gate started to open."You should be nicer to people." I said looking her in the eyes. "Why should I they are not important all that is is me and Eri nothing more why should I care for thoughs who are a lower class than me." She explained with venom in her voice."I didnt say you should care just that you should treat people better im starting to understand why your hated." I said "Im only hated inside the castle not outside." she retorted "Because they dont know the real you." I replied "I dont want scum to know." she said.

God her subjects are blessed to have her as a princess wait till she is queen. "I wonder if you will be saying that when you are queen."

"Im 18 I have a while untill im queen besides hopefully Eri will take my place."

"Why's that?"

"None of your bussiness."

I scoffed and the carriage came to a sudden halt then a quiet knock was hear on the carriage door then a voice."Lady Reina we have arrived." Tanaka-san smiled then motioned for me to open the door relcutantly I opened it and she stood up from her cushioned seat and got out the carriage then I followed. "Close the door." She ordered with her back turned on me. "No I opened it you close it." I replied walking infront of her just so I could face her as I said it. "Why are you so stubborn!" She shouted turning on her heels and closing the carriage door making me chuckle. I take it she doesnt like losing what a big baby HA! "Yossi stay here and dont bother flirting with anyone its getting annoying when unwanted vistors come to the castle gates asking for you remember you have a girlfriend." Said Reina walking away from myself the carriage and Yossi. "Ni shi bai chi Reina." I said as I walked after her.

"Oh why am I an idiot?"

"Because you dont have to tell her not to flirt you know if she loses the person she loves because of flirting and much more then let it be its her fault."

"Fair point but I cant have my servants broken hearted."

"When did you gain a heart?"

"Its always been there and besides if they were broken hearted they woudnt be doing their job propely which causes me problems."

"So in the end its all about you?"


"Selfish brat."

"Gan kuai the markets will be closing soon."

I hurried behind her once again trying to restrain myself from trying to jump on her and beat her up. "You are so slow!" Complained Reina God is that all she does complain......"I said GAN KUAI!" Ha no I dont think so bye bye its now my chance to escape this place and figure out how to get back to my time. I lifted my dress up ever so slightly so my heels were in view and ran like hell was I staying here. Just after I started running I heard a loud scream instantly stopping me. "GET OFF SOMEONE HELP!" Reina......I turned around and seen a man dressed in black aromor with a helmet covering his face holding her wrist and dragging her away while her subjects were trying their best to try and free her. Damn what should I do its my chance to escape but no one can seem to free her and now more of those men have came. God dammit!

I ran ran and ran finally getting to were Reina was screaming. "Let her go or I will call the guards!" I shouted the man stopped on his spot "Are you sure you dont want to get rid of this spoilt brat?" He questioned not looking at all frightened by my threat. "I must say im tempeted but no." I replied "Tell you what I will let her go for now since well you are tempted to letting me take her since I really want you to feel pain when I take her away." he said throwing Reina towards me. She landed on me and her arms wrapped around me and I could feel my shoulder getting wet the man then ran away as quick as he could.


"Sayu were are you?!"


They shouted and shouted still not getting a single answer from me. Simply because a strange man had his hand over my mouth. He said we were going to play a game that he would give me a bunny since im cute. But it turned out he was lying. Next thing I knew I was thrown to the floor and the man climbed ontop of trying to rip away my clothing. "Get your hands off of my daughter!" I recognised the voice in a instant I knew they would come and save me. Then as quick as a flash the man fell to the ground holding his face yellping in pain. "Dont you dare come near anyone in my family again!" My mother Takahashi Ai screamed and as she was going to jump on the man again my mum  Niigaki Risa took hold of her wrist and tugged her back.
"Dont ive called the police."
"But he he he."

"Shhhh I know but Sayu is our first priorty."


My mother pulled me up from the ground and the pair engulffed me in a hug."We were so worried Sayu never ever ever leave our sight again got it?" They said in unison I nodded words not able to leave my mouth I was so scared so so so terrified that I would never see the my mothers again.

End of Flashback

Wow what was that?

Why do I have to remember the part of my childhood I hate the most the part that scared me the most right now.

Anyway ........

"Reina are you okay?" I asked but she didnt reply instead her sobs got louder and her arms that were wrapped around me waist started to tighten their hold on me. Of course there was a crowd around us I mean she is a princess so thats something that would obviously happen rigth? But the things people were saying started to annoy me.

Saying things like:

"She dares to hold Lady Reina like that."
"She saves her then holds her like that!"

Im sorry but come on if you have eyes you can obviously tell that I am not hugging her back hello its OBVIOUS! And then as her subjects continued to bad mouth me she pulled away a little and then shouted "Zhùkǒu!" shocking all the people around her I take it they have never seen this side of her. "She saved me!" "She helped me!" She shouted I was well abit weirdered out I mean she is completely mean to me since I have came here and now she is sticking up for me huh? Her head the plopped back down into the postion it was before only she wasnt crying then she whispered ever so slightly "Hold me please." I sighed and wrapped my arms around her stroking her back to try to calm her luckly she did. Though even after she did her arms were still wrapped around me tightly. "I want to go back to the castle come on."

She pulled away but as she did took hold of my hand. When I was about to pull away I seen misery in her eyes so all I did was tighten my grip making her stop and turn back to me as we walked to the carriage. "Xièxiè but this doesnt change anything and dont you dare speak a word about this to a soul."

Oh what an angel.

When we arrived back at the castle news had already spread about this stupid girls almost kidnapping. Wow news travels fast in this time too. Then as soon as we got out of the carriage with the help of Yossi Lady Junjun was already standing there waiting for us.


Tanaka-san bowed her ashamed to look her mother sorry afraid to look into Lady Junjun's eyes.

"Im sorry Lady Junjun I promise I will do as you say next time."


"Calm down she saved me you should be thankfull!"

"Just retire to your shed or whatever it is that goes for you to Yossi."

Before I could say a thing Yossi had put her hands on my shoulders and started to push me away from the scene. "But-" I was cut off "But nothing you dont want to get involved trust me." I just nodded there was no point to argue plus I dont even know why I was going to in the first place. I let out a sigh and contiuned walking without Yossi holding onto my shoulders.
Aish I wanna go home.

The two of us walked into the shed or the so called servants quaters and quickly headed to our beds sorry rugs that were like I said before placed on the floor. Oh wait a second that must mean Yossi is the 10th servant here then ooooo that explains why there was only nine in the scullery.

Ah my bag the book!

I started to search for my book and found it after about five minutes. I flicked through the pages then stopped when I seen a picture of myself and Tanaka-san together and hold up that looks like what just happaned before wait one minute it is listen to the description thats under it I will read it for you guys to hear.

This is the famous picture of Tanaka Reina and Michishige Sayumi when Reina was almost kidnapped lucky Michishige Sayumi managed to stop the english kidnapper. Michishige Sayumi was a servant in the castle who also happaned to Tanaka Reina's personal one its said that Reina was very fond of Sayumi. This theory of her being fond of Sayumi was then proven when a rumor was then spread around China saying that the pair were in a relastionship and a public appearance was then made confirming the rumor. The couple was loved by the people and ruled China like no one had done before them.






TBC .....

A/N: Seriously sorry for this crappy update promise the next one will be so much better
Oh and my MM cd finally arrived today yayayayayayyayay  :yossi: :otomerika:

Chinese words that ive used in this chapter :

Dui = Yes
Gan Kuai = Hurry up
Ni shi ba chi = You are an idiot
Shut up = Zhùkǒu
Thank you = Xièxiè


@Adam: UPDATED!!!! Lol and just because you aint seen glee in a while dont make you happy they done a cover of gangnam style which was pretty funny but other that not worth watching bar one song which is amazing but cant remember what
@Kurosawa87: Headbutting??? Anyway lol did you have a nice xmas?? Ahh which reminds me is there anyone you want in the next chapter can be any one from MM current or past or even someone from a different group within in H!P

@Yellow: Hey did you have a nice xmas?? Hope you liked the Takagaki appearnce even if it was small. Oh an about Junjun being a dude I was gonna do that but I sort of forgot lol im not really the best when it comes to remebering things.

Offline farquhar97

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 3 28/12/12
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2012, 05:40:20 PM »
Ah she was lucky not to be kidnapped and good thing her mum got there in time ah and this was really long lol it was dead good not crappy an I've not seen the cover yet lol watch it in a bit

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 3 28/12/12
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2012, 06:14:53 PM »
nice update! though it was a bit difficult to me to read in pingying since my pingying is not good  XD

please continue to update  :bow:

and thank for the updating :)
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 3 28/12/12
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2012, 06:58:31 PM »
Sayu becomes part of history but... where's the father?  seems weird without one and I would assume it would be scandalous if Reina and Sayu were together right? :lol:

As for your question, I had a nice Christmas and for the story stick with the characters you have, adding more now would be too cloudy to consider unless another switch towards history again XD
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 3 28/12/12
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2012, 09:19:24 AM »
x'mas... like any other christmas, spend it with my loved one. how about you? :)
for takagaki, even it is so subtle but at least they did appear as promised. yup, i like it.. if there is a next time, please have more content :D because i really like them very much.

XD you are just like me, i also have a goldfish memory XD

about the chapter:
as i was reading, i have some questions that i need to clarify:
1) why reina cannot like eri address junjun as mummy?
2) why eri is not a princess?
3) so, sayu know chinese too?
4) are you a chinese? :lol: because got quite a handful of pinyin appearing in your chapter :lol: actually when i was reading those part, i feel like i am having a conversation with people because i always have that habit to mix my languages when talking to people... actually, everyone here i know is doing so XD really quite a bad habit XD

about the flashback,
it is a sad one to ever remember... if i ever have one, i will selectively choose to forget about it than to remember it even it would to only involve my parents or someone important. however, i can understand that such memory is really hard to get over.

about the last part, on the content of the history book. i was totally  :rofl: when i read that.

for the father's part, like kuro has commented. i presume this is a land of women, just like Nv Er Guo in China. :roll: am i right?  :theking

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 3 28/12/12
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2012, 08:38:10 AM »
woots~ More more more~~  wondering what if she stays in there and be a royalty in history book..xD

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Re: A love to change the History books chapter 3 28/12/12
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2013, 01:13:58 AM »
Not an update

Will reply to everyone when I update as for now


I hope that 2013 is a great year for all of u and may it bring u all many happy memories anyone got any good memories to share ???

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