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Author Topic: The Mad House/Genking Deka  (Read 99781 times)

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 5
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2012, 09:44:10 PM »
Takamina ur spoiling that acchan brat too much :angry:

Love ur work  :heart:


Offline yukofan

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 5
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2012, 10:42:22 PM »
mayu vs jurina..LOL..
it's like a fight between center and nezumi in mad house version..

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 5
« Reply #42 on: June 30, 2012, 12:29:37 AM »
Prologue: Lol poor acchan XD
Ch 1.:
-Yuko may be the cause of Haruna's paranoia... That's awful. Poor Haruna and Bad Yuko  :P
- Hmm an easy to anger Jurina... hmm this will get interesting
- I feel really bad for Rena  :(
Ch 2.:
-selfish Acchan is epic XD
-Omg acchan is so mean. Poor Haruna.  :P
- Sayaka to the rescue  :twothumbs
Ch 3.:
- Rena and melon pan moment was kawaii  :heart:
-Gekikara has appeared ... Oh crap
- Bad Yuko! No groping a person while they are having a seizure.
Ch 4.:
:lol: an ADHD Sae  :twothumbs
- Oh no Sae had sugar
Ch 5.:
-Jurina reads TMM  :P
-Mayu chan with a sword is scary  :shocked
-Mayu vs Jurina lolz I just thought of them in their Majisuka Gakuen outfits fighting XD

This is a really good series. I can't wait for your next update.  :thumbsup

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 5
« Reply #43 on: June 30, 2012, 03:50:54 AM »
Your fic is awesome!
I like the new concept ^^

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 5
« Reply #44 on: June 30, 2012, 03:53:17 AM »
there...takamidget spoiled acchan again *sigh*

and mariko,you're so impulsive...since you're the main char here-cmiiw-why don't you use your trolling skill,it would makes things more 'spicy' :kekeke:

Offline miyumi

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #45 on: June 30, 2012, 05:15:46 AM »
Hello! I'm back with more ideas! Here's chapter six. Please enjoy!

Chapter 6

It was a slow day at Hirokawa Mental Facility which was very odd. Everyone was in their rooms not causing any trouble. This bothered Mariko because she got most of her entertainment from her patients. Being bored out of her mind, Mariko decided to go see what the other doctors were doing. Mariko first stopped at Yukirin's office. She was about to walk in but then she remembered what happened last time with Mayuyu. She didn't even want to get involved with the otaku again. Mariko decided to move on to Takamina. She found her alone which was really suprising. She was so used to seeing Acchan wrapped around her.

"Hey Takamina." Mariko said.

"Oh hello Mariko." Takamina said.

"Where's Acchan? Isn't she always clinged around you?"

"Well Acchan went a little too far yesterday so I put her in time out."

"How'd you manage to do that?"


Takamina gestured to a door that had a window on it. Mariko looked inside and saw Acchan wrapped in a straight jacket. She was kicking and screaming pounding on the walls that were padded. The room must be sound proof because she couldn't hear anything Acchan was saying and to be honest, she really didn't want to.

"How long has she been in there?" Mariko asked.

"About five minutes." Takamina said.

"Jeez. Well I'm glad to see you finally getting a hold of Acchan. You've been spoiling her for too long."

"I know. But I can't help it. I love the way she acts when I spoil her. It reminds me of that one time when I was at the super market and..."

Mariko began to space out. She didn't really want to listen to Takamina talking to her about uninteresting things. Her mind began to wander and think about other things. Like what she was going to have for dinner. Her train of thought was stopped when Takamina shook her.

"Hey Mariko are you listening to me at all?" Takamina asked.

"Uh no sorry. The stuff you were talking about wasn't really interesting so I spaced out." Mariko said.

"Man! Everyone says that my stories are boring."

"You sound like my grandma talking about her days back in highschool and to be honest, I'd rather listen to her than you."


"Well gotta go!"

Mariko smiled and left before the midget doctor could do anything. She really liked messing with her. After the not so interesting talk with Takamina, Mariko decided to go visit Haruna who she rarely checked in on. To her suprise, the girl was actually awake and was doing what looked like exercise.

"Hello Haruna." Mariko said.

"Hey Mariko." she said.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting myself into shape." she said as she started stretching her arms.


"So I'm ready to run when Yuko tries to attack me."

"You know she only does it cause she loves you." Mariko said.

"Yeah but it's scary! I'm afriad she'll hurt me." Haruna said as she tried to bend over and touch her toes even though she didn't get very far which was sad.

"That girl would do everything else to you except hurt you. Just give her a chance and maybe it won't be as bad as you think."

"Well ok, maybe next time I won't run away."

"Good. Plus Yuko finally might be able to get to third base with you." Mariko said with a perverted smile.

"What?" Haruna asked with a confused look.

"It's nothing."

Mariko left before Haruna realized what she meant. After talking to Haruna, Mariko felt like talking to Yuko. She walked over to her room and when she walked in, she found the little squirrel leaned up against the wall.

"Uh Yuko what are you doing?" Mariko asked.

"Listening for Nyannyan. Shhhhh!" she said.

"Well I wanted to tell you something that involves Haruna but since your busy..."

Mariko turned around to leave but then she felt a tug on her arm. She turned around and saw the squirrel girl with a very serious look on her face.

"Tell me." she said.

"I've convinced her to stop running away from you." Mariko said.

"Really? YAHOO!" Yuko jumped up and started cheering.

"Just don't go crazy. Take it nice and slow like they do in the dramas. You know?"

"Ohh you're right! Why didn't I think of that earlier!" Yuko said face palming herself.

"Well good luck and also look out, I may or may not have given her a weapon to defend herself with."

"You what?!"

Mariko left before Yuko could do anything. She liked messing with Yuko too. Maybe Miichan was right when she said Mariko was a sadist. The next stop was the Matsui sisters. She walked in the room and was suprised to only find Rena in the room.

"Where's Jurina?" Mariko asked.

"She's getting a check up." Rena said.

"Why aren't you with her?"

"I had another attack so I have to stay in bed."

"I see."

There was a moment of silence. Mariko had never really talked to Rena before because she was always so quiet. Talking to her was really nice. It was a lot better than being yelled at by Jurina.

"Um Shinoda-san I wanted you ask you about something." Rena said.

"What is it?" Mariko asked.

"Well I was wondering, next time Jurina gets mad, could you please be a little easier on her. She only acts that way because she's protecting me."

"No problem. As long as you tell her to hold back on me. I don't want to be killed by her."

"Sure." Rena said as she giggled a little.

"Well I better go so you can rest. I'll be checking in on you later ok?"


Mariko left feeling warm inside. Rena was a really nice girl. It's hard to believe that girl holds a psychotic side inside that frail body of hers. The final stop was Sayaka. Mariko hadn't talked to Sayaka in a long time. She walked in and found her with Sae. It looked like they were trying doing some sort of test seeing how Sae was hooked up to a brain wave scanner.

"Oh sorry am I interuptting?" Mariko asked.

"Oh no you're fine. We're just about done." Sayaka said as she took off the head gear on Sae.

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MARIKO!" Sae shouted as she twitched.

"Sae inside voice please!" Sayaka said hitting her head.

"Hi Sae. How are you?" Mariko said.

"Good good good! Sayaka was doing some weird brain scan thingy on my head." Sae said.

"I'm checking for abnormalities but there are probably a ton in that head of yours." Sayaka said.


"Anyways, I heard what happened between you and Mayuyu. You alright?"

"Yeah. No injuries suprisingly." Mariko said.

"That's good to hear. I would've come down to help but Sae got a little out of control." Sayaka said glaring at Sae.

"I found a book and tried eating it!" Sae said with that genking smile of hers.

"Books are not meant to be eaten."

"But it had a picture of chicken on it so I had to take a bite." Sae protested.

"It wasn't even a book about food! It was a farm animal book for little kids." Sayaka said trying to make Sae understand.

"Still, it looked good."

"Uhh you're useless."

Mariko couldn't help but laugh at the two arguing. They were fighting like a mother and child.

"Hey Mairko before you leave. Can you hand me Sae's medicine. It's sitting on my desk in a orange container."


Mariko walked over to her desk and found two orange containers. She didn't know which one was Sae's so she just randomly grabbed one.

"Here." Mariko said handing Sayaka the container.

"Thanks." Sayaka said.

Mairko left and on the way out, she found Miichan walking down the hall.

"Oi Gachapin!" Mariko said.

"Stop calling me that" Miichan said.

"I can't help it. You look like one so therefore I dub you Gachapin."

"It's not funny."

"I could give you something different. Like human shield."


Just then, another nurse tripped and dropped her tea. Mariko quickly grabbed Miichan and placed her in font and the tea splashed all over Miichan.


"Well it's either human shield or Gachapin. Your choice." Mariko said with an evil smile.

"Mou fine! You can call me Gachapin." Miichan said as she began dabbing out the tea on her nurse outfit.

"Man everything is so boring!" Mariko said stretching across the desk.

"Why don't you go check on your patients." Miichan asked.

"I did. They're all fine... Sadly."

"You really are a sadist."

"Shut it Gachapin."

But then there was a loud crash followed by laughter. Then Sae came bolting down the hall laughing like she always did. Soon after, Sayaka ran past. But then she stopped and ran back over to Mariko.

"You idiot!" she said.

"What?" Mariko said.

"You gave Sae the wrong pills. You gave her sugar pills that were meant for a different patient of mine. She ate five of them!!"

"Oops sorry. Guess you'll have to go after her."

Sayaka was about to say something when there was more screaming down the hall.

"Sae stop trying to eat the nurse!" Sayaka said as she ran off.

Then running in the opposite direction, Haruna was running down with Yuko right behind her.

"Ahhh I can't do it! I just can't!" Haruna shouted.

"Come on Nyannyan! I'll go nice and slow like they do in those dramas!" Yuko shouted back.

"That's only in the perverted dramas you pervert!"

The two ran down the hall like a cat and mouse. Then Takamina came from behind screaming.

"Ahhhhh! Acchan calm down!" Takamina said.

"You locked me in a room with my arms tied!" Acchan screamed as she ran after the midget.

"Acchan I'm sorry!"

"You're gonna be sorry!"

The two ran past Mariko and then out of nowhere, Jurina and Mayuyu came rolling out into the hall. They were on the ground punching and kicking each other.

"Give me back my manga!" Jurina said punching Mayuyu.

"Never!" Mayuyu said kicking Jurina said.

Mariko stood there staring at all the craziness around her. Then Miichan tapped her on the shoulder.

"Aren't you going to do something about this?" she asked.

Mariko sighed and then said,

"I guess so."

As much as Mariko hated it, she did have a job to do. But she was glad that things were back to normal. Back to it's normal mad self.

THE END ..........

Or is it?

I'm not sure if I should stop here or keep going. Tell me what you think whether or not I should continue or stop? It's up to you!

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #46 on: June 30, 2012, 05:24:38 AM »
OMG, continue, PLEASE  :bow: :bow: :bow:

This was so hilarious!!!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I can't comment more, I find no words to describe this madness, but oc, I liked Yuko-sama here the most  :wub: :wub: :wub:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 5
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2012, 05:26:57 AM »
Seriously Jurina, Tokyo Mew Mew?? :rofl:

Finally Yukirin and Mayuyu make their appearance in this story! And I love their characters :heart: Yukirin is so "invisible" and cold like Black. Her charge is really easy to handle compared to Mariko and Sayaka's. My MaYuki senses tell me that she secretly enjoys watching Mayuyu read manga :wub: Looking forward to more MaYuki interactions!

Jurina and Mayuyu having regular battles makes the Mad House an even more awesome place! :rock: :grin:

And Takamina, you are not helping Acchan's condition :doh:

Anyway, I want to say I really love this story and your updating speed amazes me! Keep rocking the Mad House! XD

Offline aruka

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #48 on: June 30, 2012, 06:15:40 AM »
I'm seriously happy with this fic. :thumbsup
Happy because the setting is kind of extreme for my tastes, but never thought I would enjoy a lot 'being' in a mental facility. :rofl:
And happy because it's Mariko-centric, although it's quite odd when seeing Mariko more as the rookie. Moreover, to Takamina? :lol:

This chapter 6, I guess this also proves that Mariko is a masochist.
She likes messing with the patients, yet in the same time she felt bored that her patients not (initiatively) messing with her. Isn't it like her wanting people to bring her 'trouble'? :lol:

And I would be glad to wait for more exploration of her and her nurse's relationship. I bet this two only can also ignite some madness, even escalate it to some degree. :lol:

One more, I'm happy because you update so rapidly too! Excellent! :thumbsup

I'm not sure if I should stop here or keep going. Tell me what you think whether or not I should continue or stop? It's up to you!
Judging from our comments here, I think it's safe to say that we'll be super disappointed if you end this faster than when it's supposed to end. :yep:
Update faster.. yes, end faster.. no! :lol: (unless a serious restraint comes over you and forces you to stop)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 08:45:26 AM by aruka »
My fanfic thread      : The Book of My Single Shots | Current update: IKEMEN GAKUEN Troubles [MINOR UPDATE 03/12]
Contributing a bit in : [script?] saku-chan's Drabbles | Completed: #33 - #40 - #89 - #213 - #214

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #49 on: June 30, 2012, 06:59:05 AM »
OMG!! atsumina!! your are amazing... haruna let yuko make her move.. :D dont be afraid..

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2012, 07:26:03 AM »


But I wish Gekikara came out more often to add to the lulz.

Nice and slow LOL!!! This fic is just cuteness overload!!!

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2012, 08:21:42 AM »
AWSOME FIC~!!  :thumbup :thumbup
madness overload, hilarious overload  :rofl: :rofl:
You should continue it  :yep: :yep: :yep:
I'd like to see another update from you  :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #52 on: June 30, 2012, 12:55:22 PM »
Don't you dare to stop this fic!!  :twisted:
we love it ya know!
esp me!!
i know taka won't resist acchan.. she would release her in about 7 minutes lololol.. :lol:

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #53 on: June 30, 2012, 01:20:06 PM »
I just got up from bed and 1 new chapters.  :jphip:
Mayuyu reeally is crazy. I think she is the craziest in there.
MORE ATSUMINA! I wonder what is Acchan going to do to Takamina for locking her up with her hands TIRD UP?! :D
"Sae, stop trying to eat the nurse" I laughed so hard.
Looking forward to the next chapter!  :thumbup

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 6
« Reply #54 on: June 30, 2012, 01:23:50 PM »
dont stop this!!! :farofflook: :farofflook:
ur fic is really good!!!omg!
plss continue this!!!
and thanks for the update!!!
 :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 7
« Reply #55 on: June 30, 2012, 01:47:43 PM »
Minna! I just wanted to say thank you for all your support and so therefore, I have decided to continue the Mad House series! And as a special present for everyone, I've come up with something great! It's a battel of epic proportions! I present to you, the double team battle between MAYUKI and WMASTUI! With guest star, GEKIKARA! Please enjoy and once again, THANK YOU so much for your support! You guys are the best!
WARNING: Contains violent and diisturbing scenes. Is not reccommended for those with a weak stomach. You have been warned. Please enjoy.

Chapter 7

Mariko was going through her daily rounds when there was a loud crash and banging coming from the lunch room. Mairko ran down there only to find everything a mess and people knocked back. She also saw Yukirin and Mayuyu arguing with Rena and Jurina.

"Tell your little rat friend that I want her to apologize for what she said about my sister!" Jurina shouted.

"Not until you apologize fo spilling juice on my manga!" Mayuyu shouted back.

"I did!"

"Yeah but you didn't mean it."

"Both of you please try to calm down." Yukirin  said trying to break the two up.

"Shut up! All you do is follow your rat around like a pet. You're lower than a rat. How sad." Jurina hissed.

"What was that?" Yukirin's expression changed. She was done using the nice technique and was now ready to use force.

"You apologize right now!" Mayuyu demanded.

"You first!!" Jurina demanded back.

"Fine! You leave me no choice."

Mariko didn't know what she meant but I guess she was about to find out. Mayuyu reached into her pocket and pulled out a night stick that police use to beat prisoners with. Mariko wondered if Mayuyu's was electrically charged. Mayuyu wasn't the only one with a weapon. Jurina reached into her pocket and pulled out two hunting knives. They both looked like they were ready to battle. At first, no one made the first move. But then Jurina decided to attack first. She jumped onto a table and then dove to Mayuyu. She managed to knock Mayuyu down but when she tried to stab her, Mayuyu was quick enough to defend herself and blocked her attack with night stick. Then she threw Jurina off sending her flying across the room. The entire time Mariko was watching the battle, she wondered where Rena was. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rena hiding under one of the tables. Mariko crawled over to Rena and took her somewhere safer.

"What happened?" Mariko asked.

"Jurina spilled juice on Mayuyu's manga. So then Mayuyu said mean things about me and it angered Jurina. Now they're fighting like this." Rena said.

"Can't you stop them?"

"No. When Jurina gets mad, trying to stop her is only going to make things worse. That's why it's best to sit and watch."

"Good point."

After watching the two fight, Mariko decided not to get involved. Besides, she didn't have a weapon either. Mariko watched in amaze as Jurina managed to cut Mayuyu's arm but Mayuyu whacked Jurina in the side and zapped her. During the struggle, the two ended up rolling out into the hall.

"You wait here." Mariko told Rena.

"Go over by Takamina and stay there. Got it?"

Rena just nodded her head.

"Good. Now go!"

The two split up and Mariko ran down the hall only to find Jurina and Mayuyu still figthing. Mariko noticed one of Jurina's knives deeply embedded in Mayuyu's leg. Jurina's right arm also didn't look right as it hung limply on her side. The two were still fighting despite their injuries. It was like watching a war movie. Mayuyu charged at Jurina who managed to defend herself with her one good arm. Then she knocked Mayuyu back and managed to get on top of her. Jurina was going to make the final move when Yukirin came up from behind and whacked Jurina with a chair. Then she pulled out a stun gun and zapped Jurina right in the neck rendering her unconsious. Jurina fell to the ground out like a light. As Yukirin helped Mayuyu up Mariko heard a loud crack. Mariko recgonized that crack. It was the sound of a beast awakening.

"Rena!" Mariko shouted.

Mariko looked over only to find Rena with that wicked look on her face again. Rena snapped her neck a couple of times before finally adjusting. Then she got a disturbing smile on her face and started biting her nails. She walked over to Mayuyu and Yukirin who didn't even notice her. Before they could do anything, Rena punched Yukirin sending her flying. Then she grabbed Mayuyu by the neck and pushed her against the wall. Rena laughed with that same giggle she got when she was like this.

"Hey.... you mad?" she said as she tightened her grip.

"I'm going to make you suffer." Rena said.

Rena reached down and grabbed the knife in Mayuyu's leg. Then she pushed it in deeper and started twisting it while it was still in her leg. Mayuyu screamed in pain as the disturbed girl laughed. Rena pulled the knife out and licked the blood off the blade. Then she held it close to Mayuyu's face waving it back and forth.

"Hey what should I do first?' she asked.

"Should I cut off your hands so you can't hold a manga or gouge your eyes out so you can't read? Ha ha ha I'm going to destroy you!"

"Screw you... you nut job." Mayuyu said.

"Oh. Still got fight in you I see? Well then..."

Rena threw Mayuyu onto the ground and got on top of her.

"Let's have some fun then shall we?"

Rena held down one of Mayuyu's arms and then stabbed her right hand. Then she started twisting it only making a bigger hole in Mayuyu. Mayuyu screamed in pain as blood dripped on the floor. But Rena wasn't done yet. She took the other arm and bent it so far until you heard a loud snap. Mayuyu was now sobbing from the pain she was experiencing. She probably thought she was going to die. Rena then started throwing punches at Mayuyu's face pounding it with brute force staining her hands with blood. She continued like this for about five minutes but then Yukirin woke up and saw Rena. She quickly ran over and shocked Rena too in the neck. Only, Rena didn't go out like Jurina. No instead, she just laughed and knocked Yukirin back again.

"Hey... that tickled." Rena said as she started laughing again.

Mayuyu was going to say someting but Rena quickly shut her up with another punch to the face. Rena got up and walked over to Yukirin who was slowly starting to get up. Rena charged at Yukirin and tired punching her only to miss and leave a large indent in the wall. During that time, Yukirin pulled out a syringe and stabbed it into Rena's arm. She injected whatever was in it into Rena. Mariko guessed it was sedatives and thought the fight was going to end here. But she was wrong.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" Rena said as she pulled the syringe out.

"What is this stuff? I feel tingly. Ha ha ha!"

Not even sedatives could bring Rena down. She was really mad. Rena kicked Yukirin in the stomach causing her to throw up whatever she ate for lunch.

"Oh look. It looks like you had Ramen today." Rena said as she studied the substance.

Rena grabbed Yukirin by her hair and faced her towards the vomit. Then she shoved Yukirin's face into it and moved her head around. She started laughing again and said,

"Eat up! That food is still good. You don't want to waste it. I want to see every scrap gone."

Mariko thought she was going to hurl herself after seeing a scene like that. Then Rena picked Yukirin up by her hair and slammed her head into the wall. She kept slamming Yukirin's head until there was blood on the wall. To make things worse, she dragged Yukirin's face across the wall making a line of blood. When Rena was done, she dropped Yukirin and walked back over to Mayuyu. She knelt down and said,

"I'm not done with you yet."

Then she dragged Mayuyu towards the stair case leaving Mariko behind. Once she was gone, Mariko called over Sayaka who happened to be near by.

"What happened?" Sayaka asked.

"Rena went mad. She's got Mayuyu and it looked like they were heading up to the roof." Mariko said.

"Not good. You go after Rena and I'll stay and treat Yukirin's injuries."


Although, Mariko wondered why she had to go and face the psyco. When she got to the roof, she found Rena holding Mayuyu over the edge of the building.

"Rena stop!" Mariko shouted as she began running over to her.

"She deserves to die!" Rena said as she began to strangle Mayuyu.

"Stop it Rena. Get a hold of yourself!"

Even though she said that, she knew Rena was far from coming back to her old self. Mariko didn't know what she was going to do. But then something ran past her and up to Rena. It grabbed her from behind and pulled her and Mayuyu back onto the roof. It was Jurina who was now holding her sister tightly.

"Rena that's enough!" You've already done enough." Jurina said with tears flowing down her eyes.

"Jurina?" Rena said still trying to figure out what happened.

"You've done a good job protecting me. Now take a rest ok?"


Just then Rena grabbed her head and started shaking. She was screaming until everything went silent and Rena fell silently into Jurina's arms. As the two sat there, the door swung open and Yukirin came rushing in with blood still on her face.

"Mayuyu!" she said.

She rushed over to her and started craddling her head. The battle was over with both sides suffering great injuries. Mariko was just glad that it was finally all over.

After the battle was over and everything was cleaned up, Mariko walked down to the intensive care unit where Mayuyu was. She didn't walk in but saw through a window Mayuyu on a bed unconsious and covered in bandages. Yukirin was right by her side holding her hand and softly singing a lullaby. Her head was also wrapped in a bandage but not as much as Mayuyu was. Mariko walked down to Rena and Jurina's room and found Rena in the bed again. There were restraints all over her body plus chains wrapped around the whole thing. Jurina was sitting in a chair next to Rena wrapped in a straight jacket.

"Hey." Mariko said.

"Hey." Jurina replied.

"How is she?"

"She'll be alright. Sayaka said it was a good thing I stopped her when I did. Otherwise Mayuyu could've died."

"I thought she was going to die seeing her hang Mayuyu over the edge."

"My sister is really scary isn't she?" Jurina said.

"Yeah. She is..." Mariko said.

"But she's only scary when you're in danger. She acted that way because she wanted to protect you."

"Yeah I know. It just scares me. When Rena gets like that, she's almost unstoppable."

"That's for sure. She got tazed and sedated and that still didn't stop her."

"Yeah. Rena was never really good with pain."

"I see. Well I'm just glad everyone is safe and no one got killed." Mairko said.

"Me too. Even though I was kind of hoping someone would." Jurina said.

"Hey you watch it. Otherwise I'll be the one to kill you."

"Haha you wish. Baba."

"Hey I'm only 24!"


The two laughed as they sat there enjoying themselves. Then Mairko thought,

"She really is a nice girl."

Well there's chapter 7! I hope you enjoyed it! I'm sorry if this chapter disturbed anyone. But when you're dealing with Gekikara, there's bound to be something scary. Anyways, I hope you all like it and tell me what you think!   


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Re: The Mad House update chapter 7
« Reply #57 on: June 30, 2012, 01:59:19 PM »
Somehow it's quite disturbing for me.. the part making hole thing.. :lol: but yeah.. when it involved Gekikara, there's bound to be something scary.. so true..  :nervous

can you please update on AtsuMina..  :bow: :bow: I wanna know if Takamina and Acchan are actually more that just doctor-patient relationship..


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Re: The Mad House update chapter 7
« Reply #58 on: June 30, 2012, 02:43:08 PM »
Last thought:
Could it be Mariko is the one who's really crazy? Maybe she's the real patient here? And maybe all of this just happened in her imagination only?
Maybe none of these were real....:lol:

Come to think of it.. this might be true.. This is one mad fic after all.. :twothumbs there's a possibility for a mad twist in it..  :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Mad House update chapter 7
« Reply #59 on: June 30, 2012, 03:27:09 PM »
My sister is really scary isn't she?" Jurina

btw.. i wanna know what happen to atsumina please...make some of them tooo  :jphip:

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