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Author Topic: [.::WINNERS::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]  (Read 79471 times)

Offline Yuuyami

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[.::WINNERS::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« on: April 05, 2009, 01:49:49 AM »
I realize that it’s VERY late to conduct this… but hey, we worked hard on doing all of this, there’s no way we could save it for next year!! xDDDD!!!!



Even though it may have the same name as Kouhaku, we don’t have a red team white team thing (if we did, well… the guys would totally be overpowered, roffle) as we don’t have any experience with this, so we’d like to give this a test run~!

Basically, there was a panel of judges consisting of people from most generations (so we’re not Veterans vs New Writers), we had one first, second, third, fourth, and seventh gen judge make the nominations and the nominees.

First off, give these people an applause for being nominated, WOO! They were chosen by the judges, so that’s honorable mentions right there~!

But now here’s where all of you come in… You get to vote for the winner of each category~! Since the polls can’t handle this kind of thing, this will be a PM’d thing only! Basically, what you’re all doing is reviewing the categories, check out each nominee and the snippets I took for their nominated story, and then in your PM, you will write each category name and then you write who you voted for underneath~! Linebreak between each section so that it doesn’t look confusing~!








The voting will be open on APRIL 24TH, 2009!! That gives everyone 20 DAYS to read over all the nominees and pick a winner! The voting will be closed on APRIL 30th!!

Okay, got it? PM them ALL to ME! Yuuyami! Any votes that go towards anyone else will NOT be counted! ALL PMs HAVE TO BE SENT TO YUUYAMI!!! Oh and the votes will be strictly confidential xD Not even my Loser-chan can look at them, nyaha xDDDD!!The winners will be announced on MAY 2ND!!!!!

Now here are the categories and nominees~!

(This forum’s all about the relationships and interactions between each idol, yo!)

Hitomi Yoshizawa and Miki Fujimoto
Memoir Series

Yoshizawa Hitomi slowly opened her eyes. The smaller woman in her arms stirred and rolled over to face her.

"I love you, Yocchan," Miki said sleepily.

"Good morning to you, too," Yossi replied with a smile.

"It's not my fault," Miki replied with a yawn. "I kept it in so long, the words just pop out of their own free will now."

"Miki, how did we end up like this?" Yossi asked with a far off look in her eyes.

"Well, first you threw me over your shoulder and marched us in here, and then you - "

"No, I mean in general. How the hell did I get so lucky?"

"It involved a lot of closets," Miki deadpanned, making Yossi laugh. "I dunno. I have trouble keeping my thoughts straight most of the time. Oh, by the way, I love you."

"I love you, too. You should try writing it all down. Maki told me that once and it really does help sort things out."

"Who in their right mind would want to read that?" Miki scoffed to Yossi's amusement.

"No one's supposed to read it, my darling dumbass."

"I love you. too," Miki replied with a lazy grin. She pressed her tiny frame against Yossi's body. "Now... what closet do I have to lock us into to get some action around here?"

Reina Tanaka and Ai Takahashi
A Young Girl’s Odyssey

Ai finished her tea and set it on the tabletop. “Are you warm?”

Surprised at the question, Reina responded quickly, “Yes, thank you.”

“Good. Then it’s time for more training.” Ai rose from her comfortable-looking seat and stretched slightly. “We’ll stick with the knives for a while yet; probably the rest of the day. You still need to find your focus.”

Reina peered pleadingly up at the girl, not willing to leave the warmth that was cradling her legs. “You saw how exhausted I was after we finished a bit ago. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to keep going like that. I’ve gotten hardly any sleep…”

Ai made her way to Reina and leaned down to grab her arm, pulling her up quickly to squeaks of protest as Reina’s legs grazed the table. Ai grinned. “There’s a little more strength left in those chicken arms and legs of yours than you think, dear Reina.”

Reina shook off the girl’s hand and glared at her. Intensity flared within her body as it came to life with strength she’d not felt in what seemed like ages. “Stop making fun of me!” she demanded. After a moment of Ai just smiling at her, her fury faded and she was left with the energy in her muscles, confused.

“I take it you noticed that was no ordinary tea. Now you’re noticing some of its effects.” Reina darted a glance down at her cup. “Don’t worry, I told you that you would learn everything. I’ll teach you how to make it in time, when you’re ready, because there will be times when you need a little extra… jolt.” At the last word, Ai once again grabbed Reina’s wrists, pinned them behind her body, and pulled Reina tightly against her in a move too fast for Reina to catch. With the breath suddenly jolted from her lungs, Reina looked into the face of the girl just inches away. “Just remember, sometimes it takes more than that to succeed. There’s one question you need to ask yourself – now, and whenever you’re threatened. Do you want to live… or die?”

Reina’s breathing quickened throughout Ai’s whole speech, no longer just from inability to use her lungs but from growing horror. “I…” she gasped. “I want to live…” Tears began to come to her eyes. “Ai… Ai-chan… I’m just a girl.”

Ai stared at her hard a moment before quickly pressing her mouth to Reina’s, giving her breath, giving her a hint of comfort, while still holding her in an unbreakable embrace throughout what became a long kiss. Reina felt like her world was held in the arms of this unusual girl. She couldn’t feel anything except the tight embrace around her and the surprisingly soft lips cemented to her own. Images flashed through her head of knives, of Miki, of Eri. It was pure sensation. Was she in heaven… or hell?

She felt the lips withdrawing from her own, leaving only their moist imprint behind. Her breathing didn’t slow, but she could hardly even tell if the girl holding her was breathing. She felt like she’d been torn away from ecstasy, and given a reprieve from torturous exile.

“Then…” Ai spoke, “The time for questions must be over for now, and you must learn to survive. And dominate.”

Hitomi Yoshizawa and Rika Ishikawa
Runaway from the Past

Rika was both surprised and embarrassed to see Hitomi standing there listening to her. When she began to move to stand up, Hitomi quickly stopped her. Hitomi walked to the side of the room to her violin “Ano… I was wondering if… I can play along with you… … Moonlight?”

Rika nodded enthusiastically, trying hard not to let a peep out of her lips.

“Let me just tune this… Can you give me a low A?” Rika pressed the key. Hitomi listened to the note and hummed the note. She carefully adjusted the pegs of her violin and played a scale to be sure. “All right… let’s go”

Rika poured her heart out onto the piano— everything that she wants to forget, everything that she’s running away from, everything she wanted to say but can’t, everything that she’s been keeping secret from the one whom she wanted to know about her most-- the one playing the violin right beside her. The world stopped spinning and time stood still.

Today was the first time in five years that Rika has touched a piano but right now she could do no wrong. Hitomi’s violin guided her to pressing down the right keys. They played their duet with passion and intensity, as if they were dancing, as if they were feeding off each other’s energy and passion. They felt that they were one.

At the last note they looked at each other. They were both sweating profusely, breathing heavily.

Rika got up from the bench, offering her seat to Hitomi who looked exhausted. Hitomi simply rested her violin on the bench. The fatigue from running up the stairs and playing the violin like that sent her falling on to Rika.

It was an awkward position to be in. They already learned that from yesterday morning. But today, they didn’t move from their strange position and just stared at each other.

Hitomi brought her lips close to Rika’s ear, “I came home very early today so that I can be with you… Rika-chan…” Rika just closed her eyes and breathed in deep as she felt Hitomi’s heart beat against her chest.

Erika Umeda and Maimi Yajima
The Art of Stealing a Girl’s First Kiss

Maimi sighed heavily before sliding down against the wall, a little in shock. Erika a little worried walked over cupping Maimi's face with one hand. "Maimi-chan? You okay?" Maimi stared at Erika, unresponsive and Erika really worried touched her forehead.


Swift and almost predatory, Maimi grabbed Erika's wrist and pushed the older girl onto the floor. Maimi loomed over Erika, straddling the poor older girl, securely keeping her hands bound to the floor, "Gotcha' "

Flustered and embarrassed Erika wriggled under Maimi attempting to escape but the girl just didn't have the strength nor any ability to escape Maimi's pin. Maimi stuck her tongue out in triumph, grinning devilishly.

"Maimi! Let me go or I swear on Chisato I'll kill you in your sleep!" growled Erika as she wriggled some more, however stopped when Maimi leaned in incredibly close, so close she was breathing the air Maimi breathed out.

Maimi's hair grazed Erika's cheeks and the blush grew to the point Erika was beginning to sweat, she felt caught, she was caught.

"You wouldn't really kill me would you?" asked Maimi, her voice barely above a whisper, it was so light, so seductive..So unlike Maimi..

"I..." Erika's mind racked for words that scrambled to her brain and when they were sorted her voice wouldn't work to form the words she wanted to say. "Erika...If there was something about me you wanted to change..What would it be?"

Blinking, almost automatically, without a second thought she said, "There's nothing about you I want to change. You're perfect just the way you are..." Maimi grinned a little leaning in a little closer..

"Is that so?"

The last thing Erika thought before going into a blank, something so small and insignificant but it was everything to the older girl..

'Maimi-chan...tastes like cherries..'

Aya Matsuura and Miki Fujimoto
Love x2 Universe

" ya... love... Aya... Love you, Aya.  Love you, Aya.  Love you, Aya..." she repeats.

My heart speeds up and I blush and smile.  Is she dreaming about me?  That's so sweet. 

I move my head away slowly to rest it on my pillow and watch her, but she suddenly opens her eyes again and I freeze.  This time she smiles at me and keeps repeating the phrase.


I frown in confusion, and she stops muttering and raises a hand to my face.  She pats my cheek.

"Good morning," she says.

I stare at her.  I'm not sure if she's awake or asleep or... What the heck?

"Are you asleep?"


I don't know whether to believe her or not.

"Who's the prime minister?"  I ask suspiciously.

"Who cares?" she replies languidly, rolling onto her side and putting an arm around me.

"Are you messing around with me?"

"No, but I'm just about to start," she grins wolfishly, her hand travelling to my ribs.

"Okay, wait.  What were you just saying?"

"My mantra.  Do I get a good morning kiss, or what?" she asks impatiently, putting her face right up to mine.

Yes, I think she's awake.  I ignore her advances and pull back from her.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Since the stupid phone rang.  How could anybody sleep through that?"

I groan and drop my head on the pillow.  Innocent, sleeping Miki?  It was too good to be true. 

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I like it when your guard is down in the morning," she smirks.

(Come now, Miki is one of the most dynamic, kickass idols out there. And obviously, everyone interprets this cool cat in a different way! )

Memoir Series

"I told you my romantic history, short as it is. What about you, O Queen of the Grope?" She made a face.

"The groping doesn't count, right? Are we talking just sex or including making out?"

"Making out included." She looked thoughtful.

"You, my friend Miyuki, my friend Rei, Aya, um... Maki, some girl on my concert staff, Rika, Aya, Ayumi, Masae, Takahashi, Aya, and, uh, you. ...oh, Mai's in there somewhere and I'm sure I've missed some." I blinked several times.

"You've been busy." She grinned.

"Yeeeeah," she said smugly.

"Aya made, uh, quite a few appearances on that list."

"Yeah, I get bored easily." As if to prove a point, her hand started tracing a lazy path towards my chest.

"What about sex?" I asked.

"Sounds great," she grinned. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh fine. You in the storage closet, you on my couch, you in my bedroom, you in my shower, you on my kitchen table, you on the floor outside your bedroom, you IN your bedroom, you against that wall over there, you in that empty dressing room during Rika's last concert, you in the taxi ride back to my place, you just inside my front door, you in my bedroom again, and, hopefully, you on your couch." She smiled wickedly as her hands did what they did best.

"I think you forgot a few," I replied. She shrugged.

"Probably. Don't care."

Love x2 universe

"I didn't know what to get you anyway, so I figured I may as well go with what you said you wanted," I end up saying.

"The fact that you came to visit me just now is the best birthday present you could ever give me, you know that?"

I blush because it makes me happy to hear, but I have to get us off this topic because I feel like I'm going to die of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier.  Work," I say with a roll of my eyes.

"Idiot," Aya says, hitting me lightly.  "You're here now.  That's all that matter...s..."

She trails off suspiciously.  She sounds like I do.  Silly and in love.  This is when I seriously start to suspect something's going on.  Or is it wishful thinking?

Ug.  I still can't tell.

"Well, I'm glad I could come and watch.  Nothing could've made me happier," I reply.

The awkward atmosphere that we find ourselves in is unbearable.  At least I'm not the only one acting strangely, but I'm dying to know what the motivation behind her odd behaviour is.

"I guess I should get changed," Aya laughs after breaking the silence with a cough.

I laugh along because I'm so nervous, and I go to sit on the couch while she changes.

I can't look at her, I think.  If I do, I will cross that boundary line and stray from good friend to creepy stalker territory.

So I stare at everything that is not Aya.  At one point I stare at a pillow on the couch and I wonder how long it would take to make one similar to it.  The stitching is tight, surely done by a machine.  Could I mimic a machine's work?  I could try.  I could go to Parco and buy some cheap thread, a few needles, fabric, and stuffing, and then...

Why am I thinking about sewing a pillow?  This is really pathetic.

Our Cursed Gift II

“We had a song in the past? Interesting…” Kagami’s glasses seemed to have flashed. “Do you mind reciting the lyrics?”

“Sorry bastard, she ain’t gonna recite anything to you!” came a familiar voice.

Miki had her chopsticks pointing at the back of Kagami’s neck. Meanwhile, from the door frame, Miyabi had one gun pointed at the chief while the other was aiming at Hitomi.

“Now now, hand over the sexy maiden and I won’t shove these sharpened and black diamond chopsticks through your windpipe,” Miki said with a confident smirk, feeling very arrogant now that she and Miyabi had the complete advantage.

“Who are you?” Kagami asked.

“I’m Fujimoto Miki and I’m—”

Miyabi shot the gun in the air, surprising Miki.

“What the hell was that for?!” the demon turned her head to look at her sister.

“You’re such an idiot, Nee-san!” Miyabi retorted, “Why don’t you give him our address and invite him to dinner too?!”

“What are you—Oh shit…” Miki blinked a few times, realizing her mistake of giving her name to the enemy.

“…Fujimoto Miki, huh?” Kagami’s mouth turned upwards in a small smile.

“ANYWHO~!” Miki laughed excessively loud, trying to give her arrogance a boost from the embarrassment earlier, “I’ll just be taking her and we’ll be off~!” the demon nervously glanced left and right to make sure that the coast was clear.

Gunfire was heard.

Miki turned around to find that Miyabi had a bullet just slightly graze her hip. Immediately, Miki reverted to a defensive pose, running over to hoist Maki over her shoulder like a prehistoric caveman. Miyabi on the meanwhile, went on the defensive as well and took cover from the guards firing from the elevator by leaning against the doorframe, watching and listening carefully as the bullets grazed the frame.

“I’m sad we just can’t sit around and have tea, grope each other, all that fun,” Miki shrugged.

When Miyabi heard the guards reloading their guns, she went on the offensive and stood in the doorway and aimed with precision. The guards, seeing Miyabi in an open zone, tried furiously to load their weapons faster, unfortunately, the young teen saw to that first, and shot them straight in the legs.

“Nee-san! The way’s open! Let’s go!” Miyabi’s voice trailed off as the person herself ran down the hallway.

“You heard the kid, I’m off now~! Thanks for a good time, and I now take my leave!”

All Aboard

"You know," Miki started conversationally, "I really really hate assholes like you who don't even have the balls to go down fighting like a man." Even as she spoke, the pointy end of her dagger moving down from his throat, down the chest and stomach, ending up down below at a very sensitive region. The man started sweating even harder, if that was even possible.

Miki was smiling with all the warmth of an iceberg. "Since you're such a poor excuse of a man, I don't really see the need for you to have them."

Ai-chan buried her face in Miki's chest as the man howled in agony. All the other males in the general vicinity winced, unconsciously using their hands to cover that portion of their anatomy at the same time. Miki didn't bother to extricate her dagger even as the pathetic creature in front of her collapsed. She did, however, yank the other knife out from her victim's shoulder before escorting her prize back to her amused shipmates.

"You know, as much as I like the fact that you're clinging to me, it's ok to look up now." Ai-chan looked up into the smug face of her rescuer, embarrassed by her own actions, and was about to thank the smirking pirate, when she felt those damned hands going too far south for her liking.

Gratitude turned immediately to embarrassment, and then quickly on to anger. Without even thinking about it, she made to stomp on the pirate's foot, but Miki simply jumped back laughingly out of the way, releasing her at the same time. Miki smirked again, deliberately licking the fingers that had touched her down there...

Her face flaming, Takahasi Ai fled, too mortified to stay around that infuriating, arrogant and lecherous groper of a pirate, Miki's mocking laughter following her all the way as she made her escape.

Little Death

"Another fucking pile of pancakes KonKon! With lots of fucking syrup!" shouted Miki, pouting like a child. Konno Asami looked up sighing heavily, pouring a cup of coffee to a different customer before heading to the back to order Miki's pancakes. Quick steps were heard, making its way to the table in which Miki and Rika sat at.

"Hello Ishikawa-san...Fucktard..." greeted Maiha as she eagerly took a seat next to Ishikawa, Miki immediately sat up an even more frustrated face plastered on, "Why does everyone treat me like I'm some sort of dirtbag?!" Rika looked at Miki satisfied, "Because like I said Miki...We're only treating you the way you deserve to be treated."

"I don't deserve to be treated like this! What did I ever fucking do to you guys?!" exasperated Miki.

"Well, for starters, you robbed me of my money.." started Maiha.

"You smuggled drugs and hid them in the apartment I was staying at" Continued Rika.

"You got me fucking shot"

"You told those Yakuza members that I was the one that stole all their money, when you swindled them out of it.."

"You interfered with my reap!"

"You had sex in my bed!"

"You threw up in mine.."

"You absolutely do not respect anyone"

"You smell really bad sometimes.."

"Hygiene is important, very, very, very important Miki"

"You stole my fucking Playstation 3" finished Maiha.

Miki stared at them, mouth slightly opened, a face emulating an innocent look and soon, "So, fucking what?! I still don't deserve to be treated like shit in this group for some minor misdemeanors! Shit, the Newbie treats me better than all of you combined!"

(I can’t quite create snippets for the rest of these awards, as they are something that happens over a period time and I feel that snippets are not the ideal representation of growth and advancement, therefore, you should read these stories yourselves~!)

Best Character Development

Aya and Miki
Lovex2 Universe

Reina Tanaka

Reina and Ai
A Young Girl’s Odyssey

Mutant Musume!

Maki Goto
Our Cursed Gift

Best Villain

Saki Shimizu
Circle of Three

Detonator M


Rika Ishikawa
When Love Hurts

Rika Ishikawa
Our Cursed Gift

Best Romance

When Love Hurts

Our Cursed Gift

Lovex2 Universe

Circle of Three

The Art of Stealing a Girl’s First Kiss

Best Emofaggery

Miki Fujimoto
When Love Hurts

Miyabi Natsuyaki
The Art of Stealing a Girl’s First Kiss

Maki Goto
Our Cursed Gift

Niigaki Risa

Reina Tanaka
Guardian Angel

Best New Writer

This Thing called Love, Our Dance, My Everything,
Kamei Eri: Photographer extraordinaire,
Being in love with my Best Friend

Whipcream and Handcuffs, Stabbed in the Heart

Inside the Turtle’s Shell, Entangled Memories: A night through Hell

Runaway from the Past, The Tru+h

Battle of the Titans

(Everyone has to admit, these three are the gods of writing in this forum. Who do you worship?)

Curse of the Dragons,
A Young Girl's Odyssey
Circle of Three,
Berry Beautiful,
The Sword and the Dove

All Aboard
Estrea's Sandbox

Lovex2 Universe

Woo~! o_O We originally planned this for the end of the year, but we all thought that we should be rebels and conduct this every spring. We're writers after all, screw structure and "proper" ways to do things. '_'

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask below~ '_'...
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 01:21:54 AM by Yuuyami »

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2009, 03:27:10 AM »
I'm not voting, just wanted to say great idea yuuyami, i hope this does well!

good luck to all the nominees

also, Best Emofaggery is the best category of all time.

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2009, 04:28:11 AM »
Do you actually want us to pick just one of the Titans?  :shocked   I'm pretty much polytheist, you know.  :lol:

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2009, 04:29:56 AM »
Unfortunately, yes xDDD

Popularity contest for the titans, yo~! Though as a joke, I suppose you can vote for all of them, roffle but I'm just gonna count the first person you pick '_'...

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2009, 04:56:53 AM »
Wow, this IS big. XD Gonna have to read up. :P

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2009, 04:59:11 AM »
1. Holy shit, I was nominated! *weeps tears of joy* I doubt I'll win with the amount of oneshots I have, but being nominated is an honor enough. <3

2. Are we allowed to vote for ourselves?

3. You spelled my name wrong. XD (I'm not from Yugioh... [/coldjoke])

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2009, 05:46:01 AM »
this sounds fun!  :glasses:
can't wait for the results~  :pig xmas1:

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2009, 05:52:03 AM »
At Shicchan, Oops, my bad '_'... And yeah, You can vote for yourselves too xDDD

But yes, told y'all that something epic was coming '_'!

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2009, 06:15:03 AM »
I refuse to vote for myself, I'm not a narcissist like you, Yuuchan. :P

And you kinda know who I'm gonna vote for most of the time. I JUST TOLD YOU ON AIM. Ha. :lol:


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2009, 06:18:27 AM »
Yes but the panel of judges really put me in position with a lot of competition! Especially the ones I really like~ T_T

Man, I bet everyone's torn over who to vote for... o_O;

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2009, 06:18:58 AM »
Aw, it's all right. I thought I'd just let you know. XD

Well, I have yet to decide if I'd vote for myself, seeing as how I haven't really read the work of two other authors. *scuddles off to read before making a fair decision*

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2009, 08:09:43 AM »
I'm nominated?!  :shocked I didn't even think I would be! Wow. And there's so many great fics nominated here. It would be hard to choose. So many great fics.

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2009, 09:52:43 AM »
Hmm..there are a bunch of choices but at the same time I feel that it's very limited.

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2009, 04:28:52 PM »
I checked this forum very late last night, so I was already half asleep when I saw this thread.  I skimmed through it, saw the final category, kinda of went "Huh...? Hahaha!" and then went to bed.  This morning when I woke up, the first thing I thought was, "I had this weird dream where I was being pitted against Rokun and Estrea in some writing thing called Battle of the Titans."  After a few moments of thought and shaking the fuzziness out of my head, I realised that it hadn't been a dream. :lol:

I don't deserve it, but thank you for considering me as someone worthy of note here.  (Is that humble enough for ya, Rokun? ;P)

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2009, 05:30:45 PM »
What? What did I ever say about being humble? XD Where have you been lately anyway? :P We need to talk about Japan sometime!

Well, if even OTN commented I suppose I have to as well... I'm not sure I deserve what you all have apparently been saying and thinking of me, if nothing else than that I just don't really know what other great stuff is out there, but I'm flattered to be in the company of all these other writers. Honestly, I'm just happy to see that our little fanfic forum here has become the place it has lately, and even though more and more people seem to be leaving H!P fandom all the time (damn Korean groups...), that it's managed to stay as active as it has. I hope it can last a while longer, and hopefully something like this will bring more interest to our community.

Speaking of which, I saw tenkei up there, but I'm awaiting an appearance by daigong still. :lol: Ah well, he's probably just busy with AX preparations. ;) Thankfully I've got basically everything I can do at this point finished for that...

Anyway, but yeah, I don't like talking about myself when I'm embarrassed really... *slips back into the shadowy corners of the forum*

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2009, 05:33:00 PM »
oh Yuuyami I don't have a fic that's titled Yokozano

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2009, 06:29:36 PM »
Ah crap xDDD I'm like all over the place today, aren't I?


And wow! All three Titans in one thread! :heart:

And for Sukoshi, the panel of judges and I gathered before the end of December doing this, any fic after the start of 2009 was excluded. Also, the panel of judges only chose the people who were active in the past few years, so already, that eliminated many people o_o; And again, this is something we're trying out xDDD If there were ten choices per cat than fiveish... the votes would have been too spread out, I think o__o; So sorry if we didn't nominate the ones you would've liked us to nominate.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2009, 06:32:23 PM by Yuuyami »

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2009, 11:32:42 PM »
This is genial!

I always wondering who's the best here

When I read all the fics...

I know of course all of you are great and you are so great that give me the desire to wirte some fics.. but time never helps me u_u

Yuuyami-sama o_O you should be there too... with the Titans =)

Well I have 3 hours for Internet so I gonna send my PM just now =D

God!! She knows she's HOT!

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2009, 02:17:25 AM »
Again, reminding everyone that voting is not open until the 24th.

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Re: [.::.::.::WRITERS' KOUHAKU::.::.::.]
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2009, 04:08:21 AM »
Haha, Rokun, you once made a comment about my being humble in some thread here.  It left an impression on me.  Actually, I've been thinking about you a lot lately, wondering how you're doing and what kind of adventures you've been having (I have lost the link to your journal...).  I've been keeping somewhat busy and happy, lurking about here and there.  I think we're going to be able to get together and talk about Japan in a few months.

I'm sorry to have gone off topic here.  I can't possibly vote since I haven't (and probably won't) read all of those stories by the deadline.  It wouldn't be very fair of me to speak out without doing any research.  But I do come around here regularly and keep up with discussions and also sometimes read JFC's comments in random threads without reading the stories.  I miss his longer-than-the-actual-story summaries from my story-writing days. :lol:  There should be a "Best Commenter" category.  He'd definitely be nominated.

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