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Author Topic: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (MaYuki & WMatsui) - COMPLETED  (Read 107298 times)

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #240 on: February 01, 2015, 06:19:04 AM »
That is... I can't say anything about this chapter.

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #241 on: February 01, 2015, 06:19:49 AM »
Love the ending. Taking things slow.
Mayu is too cute in this fic.   :love:

I wish for an epilogue too. Please..  :panic:
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
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Offline rhin12

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #242 on: February 01, 2015, 06:20:45 AM »
aww.. no angst for MaYuki?  XD

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #243 on: February 01, 2015, 06:45:55 AM »
@Archer1992 @Koneki @Zhen: Sorry there will not be an epilogue for this~ XD I'll leave the 'epilogue' to your imagination~
@DC2805: Thank you for supporting  :)
@RenshuChan: Lol? Not sure what that meant, but thank you for reading~  :)
@phoenix0i: Sorry, no epilogue for this~ You'll have to guess yourself what happens in the end XD
@rhin12: Haha... Angst isn't my kind of thing, so no angst for Mayuki.. I feel bad enough breaking Wmatsui up XD

Offline mirurunky

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #244 on: February 01, 2015, 08:36:24 AM »
epilogue for wmatsui pleaseeeeee~ :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #245 on: February 01, 2015, 10:35:58 AM »





Offline Siren

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #246 on: February 01, 2015, 12:09:24 PM »
Wah the end already  :shocked

But wah my WMatsui is hanging  :O

All and all its a nice fic, great job author-san~  :lol:
Kami Oshi is Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena and Jurina

WMatsui and Mayuki all the way :D

Offline kahineechan

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #247 on: February 01, 2015, 03:08:06 PM »
Okay so uhm...

I'm a mess right now. Thank you so much for that hubby.

Also... In my head wmatsui and mayuki are married. Mayuki has tons of cats and wmatsui have kids.


Thank you for writing this hubby.

Will read the other one now.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 09:36:11 AM by kahineechan »
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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #248 on: February 01, 2015, 03:57:00 PM »
Been a long while I've commented.

I would say writing a concluding chapter is the hardest, its like the face of your whole fanfic XD If u leave a very good impression, then it will be a really memorable fanfic, but if its a bad ending it kinda spoils the fun that you created so far….and I would say, this is one of a splendid ending written by you. WAY better than many of the fanfics (OS included). Maybe this would be the best of all you’ve written so far. I’m really impressed with how you improved man XD

First start off…
“...” Yuki definitely understood what’s going through Jurina’s mind right now. They did grew up together for a reason. “I know how you’re feeling right now, Jurina. I really do. But this might actually be the last time you’ll see Rena until the next few years.”

Jurina was startled from this statement from Yuki. “Huh? What do you mean?”

“Rena recently found a job as an International Aid Worker. It means she will be traveling around the world for quite some time. Her flight is actually at 5pm today. You see, I was gonna go to the airport for her farewell after this.”

“She’s leaving today!? Why haven’t I heard about this?”

“Why should you?” Yuki was right. It’s not like Jurina kept in contact with Mayu and Rena any longer.

“And you kept this from me all this time?” Jurina questioned.

“I could have just kept quiet and left for the airport earlier, but here I am.” Yuki said.

“I.....” Jurina swallowed her saliva and shut her eyes as she placed her thumb and index finger on her forehead.

Yuki convinced Jurina. “It’s already 2pm now. If you chose not to go, the chances are, the next time you meet her will actually be at least few years from now.. Do you actually want to make a decision that you’ll regret for another time?”

^ Oh the classics! XD What a common yet classic scene (can reuse so many times without getting that bored with it) This idea will be so great depends on how you develop the story. With how Jurina and Rena did break up and they haven’t contact with each other…also with both of the character’s feelings are at currently in the scene…this approach you made is sure a solid move. I like it. Its like adding a little shove to both Rena and Jurina so that they can have a first and last talk after they broke up.

With Mayu and Rena’s entertainment…
LOL, its all good~ its so your style and it it sure brights up the situation in a way. Watching how their friendship is and indirectly show how they are worried about each other. But it cracked me up with this ice cream business XD I was like WTF, but its not completely unrealistic, it is good actually. That’s hard to pull it off, but you did it really well. XD

wMatsui Scene:
“I’m glad that you actually understand... Oh, and I have something to give you...” Jurina then took out a familiar star shaped cardboard and handed over to Rena. “Remember this star you gave me on my birthday? You told me that if I wrote a wish on this star, then it will come true. I don’t actually believe in things like this, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to do it, so why not? Here. I want you to have it. This is my wish. Forgive me for the ugly handwriting. I wrote it down on the way to the airport. The road was bumpy.”

As Rena took the star shaped cardboard from Jurina, she remembered the events of Jurina’s birthday and smiled to herself. “Yes, I remember this…”

“Hmm.... Ah... Found something..” Rena grabbed something. She then proceeded to the counter and paid for it before returning to Jurina.

“You bought something without my consent. Why are you so sure that I would want what you bought?”

“Because I believe that you might need this. Here you go.” Rena took out a star-shaped cardboard. “You can write your wish on this star and your wish will come true. Just keep it with you at all times. Just like the star sicker I gave you earlier.”

“So you’re telling me if I write a wish on this star, it will come true? What if it doesn’t come true?”

“Well, then at least you still can use it as a bookmark, right?” Rena shrugged.

“Hmm... Alright, then. I’ll accept this present from you.” Jurina nodded and took the star from Rena’s hand and kept it in her pocket. “So altogether, I received two presents from you today. A ‘good luck charm’ star sticker and a ‘wish come true’ star cardboard.”

^I actually love this scene, its very subtle yet very touching. With how adorable Jurina pulled out with the wishing star she received from Rena. Not bad~ Good job man! This is great, you built HECK of a tension between the two. It’s not just great, it’s SLENDID man. Give you 5 stars man (first time ever did that, be proud yo). Then we have the flashback to remind us the fluffiness between the two when they’re together. (y) SWEET YO

“You’re always welcome to join us again.” Jurina offered Mayu.

“No thanks. Same like Rena, I’m tired of working inside a box. I was planning to do something out of the box. Like maybe.....” Mayu was giving it a hard thought.

Jurina snickered. “Like what? Selling ice creams?”

At that time, Mayu got stunned for a moment. “Shit. That’s actually a pretty good idea. I can sell them to the kids at the AKB Park. The park is always filled with kids.”

Yuki placed both her hands on Mayu’s shoulder. “Mayu, if you were to become an ice cream vendor, I will love you for all eternity..”

“Guess you and Rena are the same.. Having a Masters Degree in Hospitality, you both had so much potential in the hotel industry. And yet you two planned to take on jobs that has nothing to do with the degree in the end.. Sometimes I don’t understand why did you both even take on the Degree in the first place.” Jurina pointed out.

“No no no... It’s actually the same thing. You need to have some sense of hospitality so that you’ll seem friendly enough for people to do business with you, even if it’s selling ice creams. But hey... Being an ice cream vendor isn’t a bad thing. Seeing kids happily running around with their ice cream is actually quite the satisfaction.”

“Guess you will never know until you try it out yourself. So why not go for it.” Jurina said.

^ Lel, that’s pretty funny. But its not too unrealistic. I like how you made Jurina throw in “Guess you will never know until you try it out yourself. So why not go for it.” That’s a good teaching you left! It really did concludes Mayu and Rena’s personality throughout the whole fanfic. That’s really not something that easy to pull through. The puzzle pieces fit perfectly with each other, you really did bring all of it together and put it together to make it shine out despite the silly funny part about Mayu and her ice cream business. Just one line (said by Jurina) just makes every pieces you created within the story combined as one. This is really nice. I love it.

Mayu started an ice cream business just like she said. She got an ice cream truck and her stocks as a gift from Jurina and Yuki. Months had gone by since she started her ice cream business. Her business started off decent. She wasn’t earning a lot, nor was she earning little. Just enough for her to get her by. Besides, she understood that there are millions of ice cream vendors just like her in Japan. But one thing for sure, Mayu was happy that she was able to make kids happy with the ice creams that she sold. Yuki was definitely happy with Mayu becoming an ice cream vendor. Sometimes it just made Mayu paranoid about whether Yuki was really in love with her or the ice creams. But overall, she was really happy with her job. Put aside the fact that she pinched a few kids cheeks just because they were too cute and they ran to their mom crying. Sometimes, Yuki would drop by Mayu’s ice cream truck to help her sell ice creams during her time off. Jurina would drop by as well to buy some ice cream to eat.

“Since when did you became a fan of ice creams? You’ve been coming to buy it like everyday.” Mayu squinted her eyes at Jurina.

“I never was a fan. I was forced to buy them..” Jurina then looked over at Yuki.

Yuki acted dumb as if she wasn’t the one who forced Jurina into buying those ice creams.

Mayu then stated as she passed an ice cream to a small kid. “This is definitely more fun than working in the hotel.”

“And earn 10 times less.” Jurina added on.

“You do you always have to stab me with a knife, huh?” Mayu rolled her eyes.

“Hey, I made business with you. So don’t complain, alright?”

^ The way you portrayed all 3 character’s relationship is amazing. Its just them being themselves and united together. Even just little things like this, but this is the final chapter we’re talking about! This little scene is like concluding Jurina Mayu and Yuki’s relationship through out the whole fanfic, and you portray it really well. (y)

“Rena!!!” Mayu screamed at the top of her lungs while shaking her gigantic cardboard like a mad woman, garnering more attention from everyone around. The tall lady almost didn’t want to admit that she was the one Mayu was calling for. It was too embarrassing for her to do so while people was watching. She just placed her right palm over her eyes to cover her sight of Mayu and continued walking on without answering to Mayu’s call, acting like a total stranger. Too bad Mayu already noticed her as she called out yet again. “Hey you! I saw you, Rena! YOU RIGHT THERE!! OI!!” This time, Mayu pointed at Rena again and again, attracting the attention towards Rena this time.

“Shit...” Rena rolled her eyes and removed her hand off her eyes. She then fakely smiled at her best friend and embarrassingly waved back at her. “Hey Mayu..”

Seeing Mayu walking towards her, Rena opened her arms to the side, actually expecting a hug from her best friend after 5 years not meeting with each other in person. But no. Instead of a hug, Mayu went straight for Rena’s collar and started shaking her uncontrollably. “I’m gonna kill you, you hear me?! Where’s all my phone calls these past few years, huh?? You ungrateful thing!”

“Hey hey, is that how you treat me after 5 years not meeting??” Rena laughed while her collars were shook by Mayu.

“I don’t care!!!” Mayu shook Rena’s collar harder and harder. Just like what they all said. Best friends will stay best friends forever no matter how long they have not met one another. Not an inch of awkwardness could be sensed between both Rena and Mayu even though they were apart from each other for 5 whole years.

“I called you like ten times already, Mayu..”

“Yeah. Ten times in like a span of 5 years! And the last two calls were made just yesterday and today! That actually makes it eight calls in freaking 5 years!”

^ Aw, LOL. That’s pretty funny! XD I like this scene. Maybe I could relate to it in a way. (Uni life abroad, coming back home during holidays) So I really did get a lot of feels from this part of the chapter. XD I like how Mayu complains it, its just like how my friend would literally complain about me not contacting them so often!

“Thank you for coming to my birthday even when you just arrived back in Japan yesterday, Rena. I really appreciate it.” Jurina thanked Rena.

“I had to. You finally revealed your real birthday to the public. I’m happy that you’re able to celebrate your real birthday with people.” Rena said.

“It’s not like you haven’t celebrated my real birthday before.” Jurina was reminiscing those times once again.

Rena smiled back and nodded her head, remembering those moments as well.

“Rena spent a long time trying to look good for you, Jurina.” Mayu said that out loud before getting hit on the shoulder by Rena.

“I’m glad that you can finally lift off this weight from your heart, Jurina.” Rena shot a sweet smile at Jurina.

“Yeah..” Jurina replied the smile and nodded as she looked on at Rena. They continued looking at each other not for a little while but for quite some time.

Mayu suddenly interrupted. “Just how often had you both been contacting each other, really?”

They both didn’t answer to Mayu’s question as they started giggling at one another.

“Alright, I can’t stand any more of this. Aren’t we going to the hall to celebrate your birthday, Jurina? Let’s just go already. Everyone is waiting.”

^ Such a subtle yet sweet way of they reunited again. I’m touched by it. Then my favorite part is that Rena contacted Jurina more often than with Mayu. With how both of them are subtle in an adult way, its very fluff and gentle. Just like how their relationship is that you build through out the fanfic.

Before they knew it, the party was over and everyone went back home. Even Yuki had brought a drunk Mayu back home, leaving Jurina and Rena in the hall. Rena giggled. “Some party that was, huh?”

“Yeah.. Did you have fun?” Jurina asked.

“It was fun. It’s funny how Yuki was clinging onto my arm for almost the whole party. I guess she missed me a lot?”

“She sure did. I told you on the phone about how much she missed you, remember?” Jurina smiled.

“Speaking of that.. Mayu is so gonna kill me if she knows I’ve been contacting you more often than I contact her.”

“Yeah.. So why did you?” Jurin asked.

Rena couldn’t answer, so she just gave out a completely random one. “I don’t know. I just feel like it.”

Jurina knew there was something going on in that head of hers. She then started another topic. “So, when will be your next job posting?”

“My next posting will be in a month time. I’m not sure for how long I’ll be gone this time. Might be weeks. Might be months. Might be years again.”

Jurina let out a smile as she sighed. “Guess I’ll miss you again.”

For some reason, Rena’s heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t sure why. It’s not like Rena was falling in love with Jurina all over again. It’s too fast for that. But yeah, her heart did skip a little. “Yeah.. I know.. You did tell me that on the wishing star... That you miss me.”

“Wishing star? What wishing star?” Jurina tilted her head a little.

“This..” Rena took out a star shaped cardboard. “I kept it with me the whole 5 years. See? It’s still in good condition.”

“You really cherished it well..” A slight grin came across Jurina’s face.

“This is the one thing that I cherish the most. Thank you for the wish, Jurina.. This helped me go through all the hard times.”

“I’m glad to hear that..” Jurina smiled. Her grin was completely infectious and charming, hints of the old, pre-relationship-meltdown-Jurina shining through beautifully. “So, you wanna go out sometime? Grab a coffee or something?”

“You know I don’t drink coffee, Jurina.” Rena smiled. “But... It wouldn’t hurt to try new things right?”

“Let’s go then.” Jurina stood up from her seat.

“What, like now?” Rena sounded surprised.

“No. When you leave for your job posting next month. Yeah, now.” Jurina laughed a little.

“Alright then. Let’s.” Rena stood up as well.

“What are you planning to order this time?”

“Definitely not your favourite Triple Espresso. That will be a little too violent for a newcomer like me.”

Jurina then let out a laugh. “You still remember.”

“Oh, yes. The nightmare... You shoved it down my throat that time.” Rena giggled as well. “I think I’ll just start with a normal coffee with milk and sugar.”

“Just normal coffee with milk and sugar?” Jurina was asking in a doubtful manner. “Till when are you gonna start accepting Triple Espresso then?”

“Triple Espresso?” Rena was giving it a thought. “We’ll see how this coffee session goes. If it goes well, then maybe....I might start accepting Triple Espresso in the future? Everything has to start from the beginning, yes? You can’t be pushing it too far from the start.”

A huge grin crawled over Jurina’s face. “Coffee with milk and sugar, it is.”

^ kevin, all I can say this is amazing. I did mention earlier that this is (high likely) the best ending ever you’ve written so far. It is truly splendid, its not just gold, its diamond. You polished it so well that it gives the brightest light it could give. Such a subtle cute way how both of them keep contacting with each other without telling Mayu or Yuki at all. This is more of wMatsui fanfic than to be double pairing. XD A little cute with them mentioning about the wishing star again but what really gave me a heart race is the “coffee moments” Just a little with how Jurina respond, if i did get it right at first she said no and she changed her mind to yes is it? 

“No. When you leave for your job posting next month. Yeah, now.” Jurina laughed a little.

You could’ve make it more obvious that she changed her mind. XD The fact that I (reader) isn’t so sure about that tells you. Anwyays…with the TRIPLE EXPRESSO COFFEE is such an amazing scene. This is the best. It leaves such a powerful impression of your fanfic. Its not only about this chapter…but your whole fanfic. Really. I don’t know how can I say more. Especially with Rena hinting

“We’ll see how this coffee session goes. If it goes well, then maybe....I might start accepting Triple Espresso in the future? Everything has to start from the beginning, yes? You can’t be pushing it too far from the start.”

That is sweet. I see what you’re trying to say there Kev. :P What is my favorite is Jurina’s character and how she’s portrayed in this chapter. This is bloody amazing man. I love how subtle both of them are (in an adult way) and not being such a teenager, as expected to see after 5 yrs time skip man.

What could I say now?
Despite some little loose parts through out the fanfic, you constantly remarkable improvement and then you just BAAAAAM! Slap everyone across the face with such a splendid ending. This is amazing, I give 5 stars. Who ever read this comment do read “Management Affairs” until the end, don’t stop. You’ll realize its truly a gem when you finish the last chapter. One of the fanfics I would recommend to people. That’s pretty much all I’ve got to say. I’m proud of you my apprentice (y) :P I look forward to your 3rd fanfic then.

This is just my personal comment, I would say don’t continue next season or epilogue. If for epilogue, its okay to do for MaYuki, but NOT FOR wMATSUI. If you do it will ruin such a SHINING moment you’ve created (sorry to those that wanted it). This is bloody amazing already, and with such a gem that Kevin created, I personally wish it to remain shining gallantly like this forever.

 :pen_read: :pen_read: :pen_read: :pen_read: :pen_read:
5 penquins, 5 stars. LEL I don't usually use stickers, only on certain special occasions that someone deserves it.

Cheers bro,

PS. Anyone that reads this, if you enjoy the fic and the ending, don't forget to give this writer THANKS man. He deserves it.  :thumbup

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #249 on: February 01, 2015, 10:51:55 PM »
Please make an omake

So Rena and Jurina comming back together?

Is Mayuki getting married yet?!?

Thank you for another wonderful fanfic

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #250 on: February 01, 2015, 11:11:09 PM »
Eh... final chapter already???

It's been a while since I read the story...

Oh... lots of chapters needed to read...

But very happy to get that much to read...

Thank you for the updates

Can't wait to see the epilogue if there would be one.

Or even a sequel Or new story

Thank you again.

Happy ending for everyone... Atsumina, Wmatsui and Mayuki

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #251 on: February 02, 2015, 04:33:40 AM »

HOW LONG DID I GO? :fainted:

Really? No epilogue? :gyaaah:


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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #252 on: February 02, 2015, 07:30:54 AM »
whaks oh my.....
epilog plizzzz hiks.... :cry:

I'm waiting for ur next project fighting 

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (Chapter 17)(FINAL CHAPTER) UPDATE!
« Reply #253 on: February 07, 2015, 07:50:46 AM »
time to comment for the last chapter~  :cow:
honestly I love the ending  :twothumbs
its really good one.. you did it!! *throws popcorn in the air*
and yeah, no need for epilogue. I like the ending that way..  :D :D :D
Mayu selling ice cream.. :yep:
its a good thing that Jurina has changed and become more like a happy person.
great story, can't wait to see another masterpiece from you in the future.. hopefully an angst+fluffy one lulz

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epilogue pls~  :bow: :bow: :bow:

mayuki wedding pls :bow: :bow:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

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ah no epilogue... but it's ok. you have gave us enough fluff angst romance that I'm not going to complain for the ending. it's a beautiful story, really. keep up the good work!
i'm stuck in yukirin's world.
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  • Too bad they all graduated.
I really like the setting. One my more favorite Akb stories out there.

Hope you do more! :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Yeahhhhh i finish reading in 2 days
Thank you for a wonderful story!
I really enjoy it!

forever with you

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Management Affairs (MaYuki & WMatsui) - COMPLETED
« Reply #258 on: April 30, 2018, 07:25:56 PM »
Too bad it wasnt said that theyre officially back together...I DEMAND A OS FLUFF AHAHAHA but other than that good story! ill be reading your other fics if I ever i feel like it uwu
There are nights when even Heros cry, Nobody is strong all the time.

Goodbye...I love you.

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