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Author Topic: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #6.2 Busy Student  (Read 42350 times)

Offline masokun

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I'm not a fanfic writer, actually..

But thanks to blame it on 48 groups, this is my 2nd fanfic irl and my first fanfic in jph!p

Another drabbles.. Insipired from BuraGeki no ichinichi and a statement from milky (NMB48) about "which member going to be her wife and kid" maa..that's a weird statement right.. :hehehe:
hope you can enjoy it, as much as I do when writing this  ;)

Character list (from NMB48)
Yamamoto Family:
Papa : Yamamoto Sayaka (Sayanee)
Mama: Watanabe Miyuki (Milky)
#1. Kondo Rina (Riichan)
#2. Jo Eriko (Jo)
Grandma: Yamada Nana (Nana baachan)

Fukumoto Family:
Mother: Fukumoto Aina (Ainyan),
Daughter: Ogasawara Mayu (Maachun, also Riichan’s classmate)

Another char:
Tanigawa Airi (Jo’s classmate, Akarin's niece), Yoshida Akari / Akarin (Neighbour, Airi's aunt), Jonishi Kei (Jo's Teacher) and maybe more..

Namba Residential - #0 Busy Sunday
Sayanee: It’s a day off..I just want to lazing and doing nothing *smirk with pervert mind*..ahhh *take a cup of coffe and binoculars(?) then go to the backyard*

Milky: “Honey, we run out milk, could you go and buy some?”
Sayane: *sigh* “Yes, honey” *put down the binoculars* *go to the minimarket*


Sayanee: “Yeah, it’s me time again” *back to backyard* *put on binoculars and point it to the house accross the street*

Riichan: “Papa..”
Sayane: …
Sayanee: *busy configuring binoculars focus*

Sayanee: “HAII…HAII… whats up? and stop yelling, riichan!”
Riichan: I have a homework project, make a miniature house..
Sayanee: *impatient* “Yeah, so what’s the problem?”
Riichan: “I’m still children, I’m not allowed to use knife and cutter” *angelic smile*
Sayanee: Ok, so papa will help you with the cutting part
Riichan: “And gluing, and painting, and..”
Sayanee: “Hey, it’s your homework, I’m not going help you doing all your project”
Riichan: “But, what if mama knows..”
Sayanee: “Your mama will agree with me, it’s your have to make it yourself” *with authoritative tone* Dem, I’m a good father *proud*
Riichan: “I mean, what if Mama knows that you peeking aunt Akarin house again?”
Sayanee: *freezing* *BIG sigh* *Start working diligently on miniature house* kid nowadays

in the afternoon
Sayanee: There’s time.. I can make it.. I can Make it!! Yes I can! *fired up* *put binoculars on*


Sayanee: *looking back* *sigh*

Sayanee: “What is it Jo-chan?”
Jo: *smile with crescent moon shape eyes*….

Sayanee: “Yes, what do you want jo-chan?”
Jo: *smile*….

Sayanee: “Yes?” *waiting*

Jo: *smile*
Sayanee: *impatient* “What?!!"

Then Milky scolded sayanee for around two hours (or maybe more) for yelling at her fave baby..

at night
Sayane: *Still fired up* Smart me.. I’ve bought night vision binoculars *smirk* *pointing binoculars to Akarin house*

Sayanee hear someone calling her name with a typical nasal voice
Sayanee: “Yes, okaa-san”
Nana baachan: “I need you to massage my shoulder tonight okay?”
Sayanee: “But, okaa-san, why don’t you ask Milky for that?”
Nana baachan: “She’s busy”
Sayanee: “Doing what?”
Nana baachan: “Solving the crosswords puzzle”
Sayanee: ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …..
Nana baachan: “What with that face? you don’t want to massage my shoulder?? DO YOU? you’re not even doing something important now.. how could you, what kind of daughter in la...”
Sayanee: I will…I will.. okaa-san..don’t worry *forced smile* And a crosswords puzzle is something important..dem you old lady
* sadly looking to the house accross the street* til next time *depressed*

putting back the binoculars into the box.

-day off mission: failed-



- nana is one of my oshimen,  but dunno why, I just made her an obaachan (not obachan like the other member usually 'called' her)..but I still fully adore her  :luvluv2:
- Please forgive all the typo and my not-a-very-good-english  :mon emo:
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 06:46:12 PM by masokun »

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family)
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 09:27:39 AM »
LOLOL i want Jo Eriko moreeeeee~~ she's so cute

oh and Ainana pls~~ i ship them  :thumbup

Edit: i forgot my oshi is the grandma ._. WAE YOU MAKE HER AS A GRANNY   :angry: btw im glad you are Nana oshi as well~

(this is not really like burageki tho haha  :nervous you just create new version  :) cause burageki is more like....random drabbles ._. )

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Offline masokun

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family)
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 11:39:53 AM »
LOLOL i want Jo Eriko moreeeeee~~ she's so cute

oh and Ainana pls~~ i ship them  :thumbup

Edit: i forgot my oshi is the grandma ._. WAE YOU MAKE HER AS A GRANNY   :angry: btw im glad you are Nana oshi as well~

(this is not really like burageki tho haha  :nervous you just create new version  :) cause burageki is more like....random drabbles ._. )

I don't know  :on speedy: I've made my oshimen became a granny  XD
But somehow, it's fun imagining Nana as an annoying and fussy granny  :P (is that makes me a sado fans?  :O2)

Wow, not only I got comment from my fave writer, I've found another nana-oshi and AiNana shipper too  :farofflook:


Offline masokun

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #1
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 02:04:34 PM »
Well..before I go and drowning again in my work..
lemme put it in here...

Namba Residential - #1 Busy Parent

Maachun from the next door visiting riichan at Yamamoto’s house

In Riichan's room..
Maachun: *whisper* *whisper* b*obs *whisper* *whisper*

Maachun & riichan : *giggles*

Sayanee paused her walk when hearing that..

Maachun:*whispering* This model really have a big b*obs indeed, oh..oh…look at her sexy butts *giggles*

riichan: *giggles*

Sayanee: Wait a minute!! What are those girl talking about..what are they looking at *angry*

Quickly open the doors and shouting

“What on earth are you girls doing?”

Maachun & Riichan: *slipping something under the bed* *posing angelic face* “Umm? nothing..just chatting”

Milky come to checking what cause all the loud voices..

Milky: “Hi girls, what’s wrong?”

Riichan: “Nothing, Ma.. Papa just checking us, I guess..” *angelic smile*

Sayanee: “No, I can hear what your conversation about..someone is talking about big b*obs and sexy butts”

Milky: “What?!!”

Maachun: What? *stay calm* “We’re just talking about ‘good books and expensive bags’, is that wrong?” *innocence face*

Milky: “Of course not, maachun..” *smiling*

Riichan: *innocence smile* “Probably Papa misheard?”

Milky: “Yes, Dear.. I think Papa is misheard about ‘good books and expensive bags’ ” *staring at sayanee*

Milky: *talk with lower voice* “We need to talk” *serious face*

Sayanee: I got a bad feeling about this *pale*

Then for the next 3 hours, Milky lectured sayanee and blamed her for her pervert mind that leads to misinterpretation which is not a good example in front of the girls. Even Sayanee started to believing that she has an ear’s problem…

Meanwhile, in Riichan’s room

*giggles* “fiuhhh, that’s close” *giggles*..*giggles*

(poor Sayanee)


Family Matter

Afternoon at Yamamoto’s house..

“MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” *crying out loud* *rushing into the house*

Milky: “What’s wrong Jo-chan? Is someone doing bad to you?”

Jo: “HWAAAAAAA” *still crying*

Milky: *patted* “Tell Mama, what’s happen Jo-chan? come on, stop crying, dear” *hugging*

Jo: *still sobbing* “My teacher…said…that..I’m..a..liar” *sob*

Milky: “Did you tell a lie, Jo-chan?”

Jo: “NOOOOOO!” *crying*

Milky: “Ok..Ok.. Mama trust you..hush, stop crying now. What did you say to your teacher, anyway?”

Jo: “I told miss Jonishi that my father is a woman… and she said that I’m a liar” *sullen*

Milky: *awkward* *look at the ceilling*

Milky: *look at her mom and give a help-me-please sign with her eyes*

Nana baachan: *looking to another direction* *whistling awkwardly * …

Milky: “What do you prefer,Jo-chan.. chocolate ice cream, or stawberry taste cotton candy?” *still awkward*

Jo: “ICE CREAM!!” *jumping around*

That night, Yamamoto Family have dinner at pizza restaurant and Jo got the biggest scoop chocolate ice cream she ever imagine for dessert..

Sayanee: *whisper* “We have to tell them..they’re getting bigger you know”

Milky: *whisper* “I know, but I don’t know how to explain it to them, why don’t you try?”

Sayane: *pretend not hearing* “Want more Ice Cream, Jo-chan?”




I’m sorry for making Jo crying and yelling..but isn’t she cute?

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #1
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 06:36:46 PM »
What a cute family~

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #1
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2012, 06:51:54 PM »
Jo: “I told miss Jonishi that my father is a woman… and she said that I’m a liar” *sullen*

Milky: *awkward* *look at the ceilling*

Milky: *look at her mom and give a help-me-please sign with her eyes*

Nana baachan: *looking to another direction* *whistling awkwardly * …

Sayanee: *whisper* “We have to tell them..they’re getting bigger you know”

Milky: *whisper* “I know, but I don’t know how to explain it to them, why don’t you try?”

Sayane: *pretend not hearing* “Want more Ice Cream, Jo-chan?”

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This family is hilarious and beyond cute  :rofl: :rofl: :wub: :wub: :wub:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #1
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2012, 12:48:40 AM »
woah, nmb fanfic <3
what a cute family.. is so cute *pedophile mode ON*
LOL at sayaka peeking on akarin..
and again..Nana is as an old lady..LOL..

pliz update soon

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #1
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2012, 09:09:22 AM »
This fanfic is so hilarious!!  :on lol: :wahaha:

:on gay: Please update more...!!!   :on gay:

Offline masokun

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #1
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2012, 12:51:47 PM »
Thanks for all your comments, friends..
It's just like fuel to my spirit  :deco:
glad you guys love nmb too   :D

after fighting with my modem..
here the another chapter of their life

#2 Busy Kids

"MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..." *dashing into kitchen*
Milky: "Yes, Jo-Chan?"
Jo: " From now on, I'm a CAT!" *wearing cat ear bandana*
Milky: "Eeeee? why? how?"
Jo: "Nyan~"
Milky: *smiling* Ahh, okay nyan-chan. Do you want some milk?"
Jo: "Nyan~"
Milky: *pouring milk into a glass*
Jo: *drinking milk*
Jo: "Nyan~"
Milky: "You're welcome, dear"
Jo: "Nyan~..nyann~"
Milky: "Yes, you can play now"
Jo: "Nyan~" *happily running to her room*
Milky: "Don't running in the house!"
Jo: "Nyaa~an" *walking*
Milky: *without looking* "That's my girl"

Sayanee who's been watching whole dialogue, get amazed.
Sayane: I wonder, who's the reall cat is..
Milky: *looking at sayanee* "Nyan?" *winking*
Sayanee: *blushing* *praying for the night to come earlier today*


Tea Time
Milky, Nana baachan and Riichan visiting Ainyan and Maachun at Fukumoto's house while Sayanee takes Jo to the nearest accessories store because Jo lost her cat ear..(no one gonna believe Jo is a cat without a cat ear, right?)
They are sitting in picnic table and have a mini tea time party in the yard, .
Ainyan: "My my.. its been so many years since our high school graduation day..look at you now.." *poking*
Milky: "And look at you too.." *giggles*

Maachun: *whisper* "Oh crap!, they gonna start the long and boring do-you-remember-when-we-are-young crap!"
Riichan: *whisper* "Pssst, watch your word, baachan gonna hear you"
Nana baachan: . . . . .

Ainyan: "Nobody gonna believe that you're dating our class president" *teasing*
Milky: "I think more 'nobody' gonna believe that finally I'm marrying her too" *giggles*

Maachun: *whisper* "See? It's gonna be boring! It's happened each time they met! crap!"
Riichan: *whisper* "You're right.. but nothing we can do..they won't allow us playing alone..we have to be their lovely princess here" *hopeless*
Nana baachan: . . . .

Milky: "Do you remember in our sophomore time? It's the best year ever right?"
Ainyan: "Yeah..the best! You're  our Cheerleader's captain, and I'm the swimming club captain."
Milky: "Ahh those time..and do you reme.."

Maachun: *whisper* "See?!"
Riichan: *whisper* "Yeah" *sigh*
Nana baachan: *not whispering* "This is no fun.."*almost fliptable* "What kind of game do you have, maachun?"
Maachun: "Umm.. I have PS3?" *confuse*
Nana baachan: "All right, let's play PS3, girls.." *walking inside the house like a boss*
Maachun & Riichan: *grateful* "Yaaaayyyy!!!" *running*
Milky: "Mother?!!"
Ainyan: "Mrs. Yamada??"

Nana baachan: *look back* "We'll leave you two with your nostalgic or nothing conversation. Me and the girls going to have fun!"
Milky & Ainyan: *speechless*

And they are busy playing PS3. For the first time in their life, Maachun and Riichan feel frustrated. None of them can beat Baachan highscore.


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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #2 Busy Kids
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2012, 01:05:38 PM »
jo-chan as a cat is so cute. but, i think milky as a cat is the cutest..lucky sayanee..

nana baachan playing PS and the kids can't beat the baachan..LOL..this is so funny LOL..

i love this fic <3

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #1
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2012, 03:38:35 PM »
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   :lol:

I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you.
I'm laughing at this Namba family antics. :lol: So worth more than a chuckle.

#0 Busy Sunday
Poor Sayanee, she seems to be the unluckiest person in the family on Sunday? :lol: I know Akarin makes people drool, but c'mon, is Milky not enough for you, Saya-papa? XD

#1 Busy Parents
Perverted Riichan and innocent Jo :lol:... the Yamamoto family sure has such contrasting variations of kids. Now it makes me wonder, who inherited whose personality?

#2 Busy Kids
jo-chan as a cat is so cute. but, i think milky as a cat is the cutest..lucky sayanee..
Yep, Milky's still unbeatable. :drool: But Jo-chan's potential as a cat is growing too, hmm... maybe for alluring Tanigawa? :grin: (speaking of which, Tanigawa hasn't made an appearance)

And turns out playing games isn't any way better than listening to parents' chat. Nana-baachan definitely plays like a BOSS!! XD
By the way.. Ainyan, as a single mother? Where's her 'husband'?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 05:38:51 PM by aruka »
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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #2 Busy Kids
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2012, 03:58:45 PM »
You made me LOL so hard on Baba's part that I fell of my bed  :on lol:
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline masokun

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #2 Busy Kids
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2012, 09:37:00 AM »
Thank you for reading  :D

@yukofan:  Thank you.. yeah Milky as a cat is more that cute  :wub: and I have to resist the temptation for adding SexyNyan..but baachan as a cat really not a good idea in this drabbles  XD

#2 Busy Kids
Yep, Milky's still unbeatable. :drool: But Jo-chan's potential as a cat is growing too, hmm... maybe for alluring Tanigawa? :grin: (speaking of which, Tanigawa hasn't made an appearance)

And turns out playing games isn't any way better than listening to parents' chat. Nana-baachan definitely plays like a BOSS!! XD
By the way.. Ainyan, as a single mother? Where's her 'husband'?
Thank you for reading  :)
Yes, I'm working on Tanigawa's appearance and Ainyan's "husband"..please be patient with me okay?  :D

@ChuuuPuffss : Yeah..we made her always a baba on every fic right?  XD If I'm suddenly "be normal" maybe I'm going to write a "normal" baba's love life.. oops.. I'm using the baba term again  XD

Here's another chapter of their life..

#3 Busy Neighbourhood

Jo has lost her cat ear bandana, unlucky for her, the only accessories store in the city ran out of stock and after going to next accessories store, the search return to no result. Instead, Sayanee buy dog ear bandana for Jo  and try to convince Jo that dog is more cuter than cat..

When they arrived at home
Jo: "Maaaaa... is that true dog is cuter than cat?"
Milky: "Uhmm.."
Sayanee show say-yes-sign with her hands and eyes..
Milky: "Uhmmm... cat is cuter.. but dog is braver and more cool, Jo-chan"
Jo: "But I don't want to be cool" *sullen*
Milky: "But cool is fine, Jo.."
Riichan: "Jo, you said you wanna be a prince, right? a prince should look princess love cute only prince"
Sayanee: eee?  I don't even know about Jo want to be a...err.. prince?
Milky: A prince?!
Jo: *A sudden change of emotion* "Okay.. I'm going to be a dog..awk..awk..awkkk" *running outside the house*
Milky: Wow that fast...
Sayanee : So easy to convince
Riichan: Kids! *shrug*

Next morning

A postman comes to deliver mail. Jo (with her dog ear of course) running outside the house and barking(?) to Mr.postman.
Jo: "Awk..awk..awk.."
Mr.postman: "Ow, what a cute kid!"
Jo: "AWK..AWK..AWK!!"
Mr.Postman: "Hmm a dog, right? what a cute dog"
Jo: *angry* *snatching teeth* "AWK.. no cute!! AWK!!" *try to bite*
Then Jo chasing Mr.Postman until outside the fence, but Jo fell down.
Mr Postman:  *Approached jo* "Are you okay little girl?"

Riichan running out of the house and find her sister sitting on the ground with a strange man in front of Jo.

Mr.Postman: *shocked* "What?! Who?! Where?!"
Riichan: "HENTAI OLDMAN!!!"

Maachun from the next house hear her bestfriend's yell then go outside the house and joining Riichan.
Maachun & Riichan: HENTAIIIIIII!!!!

Adults in the house heard the cry of the kids and rushing out of the house.
Sayanee: "HEY what's happen?!! Stay out from my kids you, old man!!"
Mr.Postman: "What?"
Milky: *waving a frying pan* "GO AWAY PERVERT!"

Akarin from accross the street come to the crime scene
Akarin: "What happen? should I call the police?"

Sayane: *blushing* "Hi Akarin, you look beau-.. "
Milky: *STARING*
Sayanee: "I mean there's a pervert ol' man!" *pointing the postman*
Akarin: "I call the police then"

Nana baachan: *carrying a shotgun* "Omaera! Prepare to DIE!" *aiming*
Sayanee, Milky & Akarin: HEY, where's she found the shotgun????

Mr.Postman: *fainted*

It's a busy morning on Namba Residential

« Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 10:39:49 AM by masokun »

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haha..what a poor postman..LOL..

and i also wonder where did obaasan get the shotgun..LOL..i must say that obaachan is my fav character in this fic..

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Once more, thank you for keep reading, friends..  :thumbup

@yukofan: Thank you  :wub:


Here another short chapter of their life..
It's short.. I just want to introduce one more character  :P

#4.1 Busy Prince

Today Akarin visiting Yamamoto's house, she brought a beautiful short-haired little girl with her. She greet Sayanee at the veranda.

Akarin : "Hello..are your family in the house? I want to introduce my niece.." *smiling*
Sayane : *hiding the binoculars* " mean, come on in.."

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Jo is eating sandwich with a glass of milk.
Jo: *nom nom nom* "A pweens comin to ma class today"
Milky: "Don't talk with your mouth full, Jo-chan"
Jo: *gulp* "A prince is coming to my class today"
Milky: "A prince?"
Jo: "Haii.." *blushing*
Milky: *smiling* "Is he cute?"
Jo: "He's handsome" *blushing* *blushing*
Riichan: "Wow, looks like you have your first crush, kid. Daijoubu desu.. it's time to enjoy your youth."
Milky: "hey, that suppose to be my line. Where have you learn those word anyway?"
Riichan: "From Geinin"
Milky: "That surely not a show for kids"
Riichan: I'm not a kid *going outside*
Milky is smiling.
Jo: "He is handsome, I wanna be his prince!"
Milky: "Eee? wait, don't you wanna be his..princess?"
Jo: "No. Prince should be with prince, right? and princess with princess"
Milky: *speechless*
Nana baachan: *laughing* " we have another genre here..kwekwekwekwekwe"
Milky: "Maaaa!"

Sayanee bring guests into the kitchen.
Sayanee: "Honey, we have guests.."
Akarin: "Heloo Milky-san, I wanna introduce my niece. She's live with me now since her parent working abroad. I thing she and Jo at the same age if I'm not mistaking."
Milky: "Hi Akarin-san..and hello there, what's your name?"
Airi: "Airi"
Milky: "What a lovely name, Airi-chan. You're not gonna be lonely here, Jo will be your friend. Jo, say hi to Airi" *look back*

Jo's chair is empty..

Milky: "Eeeh? where is she? She was here a few minutes ago"
Akarin: "It's ok, they can meet later. Airi already love her school, she said she found a prince charming in her class" *laughing*
Airi: "Aunty!!" *blushing*
Milky: "Ah, kawaii!" *look at sayanee* "Honey, can you get Jo here? she's probably at her room now.."

Sayanee came into the Jo's room only to discover that Jo was hiding behind the door.
Sayanee: "What are you playing, Jo-chan?"
Jo: "The prince..the prince" *blushing*
Sayanee: "Eeeh? what prince?"
Jo: "The prince!!" *hiding*
Sayanee: ???

Sayanee has to dragging Jo into the kitchen and the adults found the two kids just blushing and not able to speak.

Nana baachan: "Is it me, or this looks like yaoi scene?


Bonus:  :P

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Jo: "He is handsome, I wanna be his prince!"
Milky: "Eee? wait, don't you wanna be his..princess?"
strike 1... :on yellcard:

Jo: "No. Prince should be with prince, right? and princess with princess"
Milky: *speechless*
strike 2... :on yellcard:

Nana baachan: *laughing* " we have another genre here..kwekwekwekwekwe"
Milky: "Maaaa!"
strike 3... :on thumbb:

Milky mama out :on redcard:

bruakakakakakak... :hiakhiakhiak:

Offline yukofan

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #4.1 Busy Prince
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2012, 11:54:54 AM »
LOL milky not enough for you?

jo and supposed to be yuri but turn out to be yaoi? LOL

visit my tumblr :

Offline hitsuji_14

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #4.1 Busy Prince
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2012, 04:59:22 PM »
This NMB drabble....I couldn't say more  :lol:
Please update soon, masokun~  :onionwhip:

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #4.1 Busy Prince
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2012, 05:06:43 PM »
Yaoi ? No no no... It's still Yuri... OMFG, Yaoi ? or Yuri ? AH ! Its Yaori ! How ironic  :on lol:
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline masokun

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Re: NMB48 fanfic - Namba Residential (SayaMilky family) - #4.1 Busy Prince
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2012, 06:08:35 AM »
@bunny_rabbitXD you've made me LOL-ing here  bunny-san :rofl:  :twothumbs

@yukofan: Milky is enough, but it's just a habit of a perverted mind  :P and I got kinda confuse about Jo and Airi, somehow its hard to imagining them as yuri.. they're more like umm... BL  XD

@anzai48 : Thanks for reading, Anzai-san. NMB has lot of interesting loli member, you know  :drool:
                 No one can compare BuraGeki madness  XD *looking around* fiuhh thanks god Eru-san is not here *running away*

@hitsuji_14 : Thank you hitsuji-san.. glad you like it  :D

@ChuuuPuffss : Oh woooww, I like your new term..Yaori  :rofl:  cool! can I use it?  :w00t:

Thank you,guys for keep reading this silly fic  :D
I'll update soon, after I can reached my own PC  :angry:

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