I'm not a fanfic writer, actually..
But thanks to
blame it on 48 groups, this is my 2nd fanfic irl and my first fanfic in jph!p
Another drabbles.. Insipired from BuraGeki no ichinichi and a statement from milky (NMB48) about "which member going to be her wife and kid" maa..that's a weird statement right..

hope you can enjoy it, as much as I do when writing this

Character list (from NMB48)Yamamoto Family:Papa : Yamamoto Sayaka (Sayanee)
Mama: Watanabe Miyuki (Milky)
#1. Kondo Rina (Riichan)
#2. Jo Eriko (Jo)
Grandma: Yamada Nana (Nana baachan)
Fukumoto Family:Mother: Fukumoto Aina (Ainyan),
Daughter: Ogasawara Mayu (Maachun, also Riichan’s classmate)
Another char: Tanigawa Airi (Jo’s classmate, Akarin's niece), Yoshida Akari / Akarin (Neighbour, Airi's aunt), Jonishi Kei (Jo's Teacher) and maybe more..
Namba Residential - #0 Busy Sunday
MorningSayanee: It’s a day off..I just want to lazing and doing nothing *smirk with pervert mind*..ahhh *take a cup of coffe and binoculars(?) then go to the backyard*
Milky: “Honey, we run out milk, could you go and buy some?”
Sayane: *sigh* “Yes, honey” *put down the binoculars* *go to the minimarket*
Sayanee: “
Yeah, it’s me time again” *back to backyard* *put on binoculars and point it to the house accross the street*
Riichan: “Papa..”
Sayane: …
Sayanee: *busy configuring binoculars focus*
Sayanee: “HAII…HAII… whats up? and stop yelling, riichan!”
Riichan: I have a homework project, make a miniature house..
Sayanee: *impatient* “Yeah, so what’s the problem?”
Riichan: “I’m still children, I’m not allowed to use knife and cutter” *angelic smile*
Sayanee: Ok, so papa will help you with the cutting part
Riichan: “And gluing, and painting, and..”
Sayanee: “Hey, it’s your homework, I’m not going help you doing all your project”
Riichan: “But, what if mama knows..”
Sayanee: “Your mama will agree with me, it’s your homework..you have to make it yourself” *with authoritative tone* Dem,
I’m a good father *proud*
Riichan: “I mean, what if Mama knows that you peeking aunt Akarin house again?”
Sayanee: *freezing* *BIG sigh* *Start working diligently on miniature house*
kid nowadaysin the afternoon
Sayanee: There’s time.. I can make it.. I can Make it!! Yes I can! *fired up* *put binoculars on*
Sayanee: *looking back* *sigh*
Sayanee: “What is it Jo-chan?”
Jo: *smile with crescent moon shape eyes*….
Sayanee: “Yes, what do you want jo-chan?”
Jo: *smile*….
Sayanee: “Yes?” *waiting*
Jo: *smile*
Sayanee: *impatient* “What?!!"
Then Milky scolded sayanee for around two hours (or maybe more) for yelling at her fave baby..
at nightSayane: *Still fired up* Smart me.. I’ve bought night vision binoculars *smirk* *pointing binoculars to Akarin house*
Sayanee hear someone calling her name with a typical nasal voice
Sayanee: “Yes, okaa-san”
Nana baachan: “I need you to massage my shoulder tonight okay?”
Sayanee: “But, okaa-san, why don’t you ask Milky for that?”
Nana baachan: “She’s busy”
Sayanee: “Doing what?”
Nana baachan: “Solving the crosswords puzzle”
Sayanee: ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …..
Nana baachan: “What with that face? you don’t want to massage my shoulder?? DO YOU? you’re not even doing something important now.. how could you, what kind of daughter in la...”
Sayanee: I will…I will.. okaa-san..don’t worry *forced smile* And a crosswords puzzle is something important..dem you old lady
* sadly looking to the house accross the street* til next time *depressed*
putting back the binoculars into the box.
-day off mission: failed-
- nana is one of my oshimen, but dunno why, I just made her an obaachan (not obachan like the other member usually 'called' her)..but I still fully adore her

- Please forgive all the typo and my not-a-very-good-english