Yukofan-san: Thank you

. Yeah it will be a little sad, but hopefully(?) not in the end
I'm waiting for your fanfic too, yukofan-san

aruka-san : Delusional and random Nanatan is awesome, right?

Can't found any sad/serious song from NMB, so I'll just use song title that I have known

I'm thinking about adding either Maachun or Sayaka, we'll see

. NMB fanfic is hardly found. interest to make another one, after your 2 NMB fanfic Aruka-san?

Part II - Oh My God!There she goes again, in another out of lunch time at our ramen house.
Awesome like usual. With her bright eyes and wide smile. And always caused the same reaction everytime I saw her, I don't know what exactly it is, but I'm kind of enjoying all my faster heartbeat and some warm feeling each time I look at her figure. "Konichiwa, Nanatan. Konichiwa Mr.Yamada" My Father smile and waved at her as the answer.
"Konichiwa and welcome, Ainyan", I greeted her with my best smile.
Our meeting become a fun routinity for me. It's always fun when she's around, well at least for me. I never get bored tak with her during my free time at the ramen house.
Today I have to serve another costumer before I have time to talk with her.
"I'm going to take you to meet someone. My bestfriend, Al"
"Al?", she ask me.
"Yes, I'm going to take you to meet him", I smiled.
"Hmm, Ok, but before that, can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, what is it?"She's awkwardly asking,
"Is Al, umm someone special for you, lets say, your boyfriend maybe?"Seeing her awkward face make me want to laugh.
"Yes, he's special. But, no he's not my boyfriend. Wait the minute, are you jealous?" I teased her.
"What do you mean? No. I'm just asking", she's blushing.
"You're cute when you're like this"
"Like what?", she looked at me with her full eyes.
"Like this", then I pinched her cheek
"Awww, it's hurt"I laughed,
"Just come to this building at 11 pm will you"
"Is he a nocturnal person?"
"I'm not calling him person", I laughed.
"Well, whatever, I'll be here tonight"---------------------
My house is a two story building,the first floor used as our ramen house, and the second floor is where my father and I live. Tonight I'm waiting Ainyan in front of our building. She's arrived just a few seconds after 11 o'clock.
"An on timer, do you?" I greet her
"How can I be late on our first date"
"Date?"She's laughed and look at me,
"Yeah, and in a very weird hour, but I don't mind"I don't know if she's serious or not about her word, but somehow I hope she's serious.
I took h
er to the rooftop. "That's Al" I pointed a star in the sky, then proudly announced "Al, this is Ainyan, Ainyan this is Al"She looked confuse for a second, then understand
"Oh, hello Al..and you, you have an amazing friend, Nanatan"
"Of course I am. I'm so blessed surrounded by special friends"Suddenly she's asked me
"Am I, one of your special friends, Nanatan?"
"I don't know. Do you want to be one?"
"Yes, I want to be special, but.."
"But not as a friend", she looked at me with serious face.
I put my fake shocking face,
"D-don't tell me you want to be my mother!" (
I know I know, looks like I'm playing dumb, but that what I need to cover my pounded heart seeing her serious face like that.)
She's ignoring my words then looked at my eyes,
"I wan't to be your only special. Someone who really close to your heart. More than just a friend"
"A-are you serious? why is it so sudden?"
"Well, I never get into a perfect timing to saying something like this..", she's looked at the sky and louden her voice
"Al, I love your bestfriend. I'm crazy in love with Nanatan, do you agree if we're dating?"Her craziness made me smile.
She put her right palm in back of her right ear,
"Wow, thank you for your permissoon,Al" Then she look back at me,
"Al has give his bless, now what about you? Do you want to be my lover?"I can't say any words, it seems stuck in my throat. Her spontanity out of sudden just made my heart beating faster.
All I can feel is, she's getting closer to me and her hand touching my cheek,
"I love you, Nanatan", she said while looking right into my eyes..
"I-I love you too, Ainyan", I finally manage to said that and hold her hand in my cheek.
She's moving one step forward to me, our body only separated by an inch. Her face is getting closer to mine, I feel it's harder to breath, I feel like all my blood leave my extremity and gather in my face. I swear I can hear my own heartbeat, maybe she can hear that too. Oh My God, what should I do? I get paniced.
I can feel her lips touching mine, it's soft and warm. My body just like stung by electricity and can't moved. She paused the kiss and whisper to my ear
"I really love you" then she hugged and kissed me all around my neck. I just close my eyes and hugged her, feel like I'm flying to cloud nine.
Is it me, or maybe only my delusion part? As if time stopped and clock failed to do it's job. Is she Homura from Puella Madoka? Wait..wait..why on earth I'm thinking about anime in the middle of this?We spent minutes after that. Sitting side by side holding hands and I lean my head on her shoulder while we look up to the sky. Al once more shining brightly, look like my bestfriend celebrate my happiness.
Yes Al, I'm more than happy right now, Buddy. "I'm still curious, what do you like about me?" I break the silence and said to her.
"Everything. Especially, I love your easy going personality, just like life is doing easy for you"
"Well, live is fun, if only you know how to enjoy it"
"Yes, that what I adore from you. You just know how to enjoy life"
"I'm just grateful that I'm still breathing, nothing to be proud, Ainyan"
"But thats not so easy for certain people, that why I adore you" She's blushing and look away.
"What? I think nothing special in me and my life"
"But you are.."
"I am?"
"You are special.."
"I am?!"
"No....Of course yes." She's laughing at my confusion,
"And I have another confession to you.."
"Humm..what is it?"
"I hate ramen.."
"Eeeh? but it's like almost everyday you eat it?.."
"It's you..you can made something I hate became something I love"
"Aah, you're said this to every girl, right?" I teased her.
"No, only to a special girl that befriend with a star"We look at each other then laughing.
"I love your laugh, Nanatan"
"But my old friend said that I looks stupid when I laugh"She's laughed then added,
"I love you just like that"Then we kissed once more.
Next: Part III - Boku wa Matteru (I'll wait for you)===
Oh My God is my fave NMB song.
As you guys can see, my grammer reallyyyyy suuckss, but I hope you can understand what I'm trying to describe

Thanks for reading