Hello! Sorry it's not an update ><
So I had this idea to ask you how far would you like these couples to go. The two with most votes will do it

(I'll write in a way that don't break the rules^^)
Also does anyone knows how change the poll to multichoices? I'm through my phone and I couldn't find this option

Please, wait a little more. I'm kind of overloaded with college works u.u"
Thank you
Mae: I'm glad you liked o/don't worry hueheu I'm planning action for everyone in their own possible way^^ I'm doing my best!
Elo: I'm glad you liked o/ hehe you're not a trouble! I love MariMii too!!! I promise that will have action for MariMii!
DC2805: Huahuhau why scary? Well, I would also drink seven times xD why would they be innocent? 8D
Haruko: I'm glad you liked o/ heuheueh indeed! I love that too! Thank you for loving my fic *.*
Chanaline: I'm happy you liked! Deep inside, Haruna always wanted Yuko hehe the twins are indeed perverted heuheuhe Atsumina, maybe drunk Takamina isn't so dense. More Mayuki? I'll do my best!
FlameHazeKatsu: I'm glad you liked o/Really that you never heard of this game?!

well, there is always the light version of this game, so you can play it without drinking^^ (use the fingers of one hand to count down the things you already done)
Kahem: I'm glad you liked o/ I really hope you're right on that o/
Takamae: I'm glad you liked o/ really?! Here was I thinking that this game was a common thing >< the action will come, so please, be patient with me ^^
Stv_wong: I'm happy you liked o/ oh well, it is always happening to me hehe in the bus, in the classroom, everywhere xD I hope that too o/ but hey, this game wasn't kind of indecent?
Cisda83: Thank you for liking it o/ yeah, yeah, but Miichan is still virgin too.^^ Sae is a perv too huahuahua yeah, I admire the one who can end a romantic relationship and still remain friends with the other.

what can I do if kojiyuu gives me this impression? Hahua
M00nchild: Thank you for liking the update o/you are very perspicacious person hehehe you questions will be answered next chapter o/ please be patient with me ><
VPANDAv: Thank you for liking the chapter o/ it took me quite some time to thing about those things^^ KojiHaru on top? I'll remember that hueheuhe
To all: Thank you for reading! Your comments made me really happy o/ Thank you to the ones who don't comment too! I'm glad that you all read and like this o/
See ya