Hey! I'm not that fast xD
Anyways, Here is the new poll o/
jell_o_jello-san was right! It was about Sayu's future pairing! Or just future=] My ideas for Mayuki pair changed so much along all these months of writing and reading all your comments. I don't know if you ever noticed that, but I always take your comments in consideration and make the possible to put every request in the next updates, the way that the storyline let me do.
And I have these options for Sayu's future, depending on which option, I have to make it start to happen in the next updates.
I'm counting on you guys again!!! Thank you
Chichay12: Thank you for missing my fic =] If I tell you I had problems to do that Atsumina, will you believe me? =p Welcome ^^
Tam_atsu: Hehe It took me a while to decide if I would make Yuuchan talk that way or not =] But I'm really glad you liked the KojiYuu part *.* Thank you for reading^^
cisda83: Yeah, I'm not dead
yet! >< Well, Atsumina really did it, but TomoTomo and Mayuki hadn't finished their acts. Btu it' okay =] Sae and Sayu? Probably next chapter we'll have something o/ Welcome and thank you for reading^^
Zita: Thank you for missing this fic =] and Welcome!
stv_wong: Yeees,I'm baaaack \o/ Thank you =D Sorry for being too short >< But I promise that when time comes, I'll make a reaally large TomoTomo o/ Hehe I have to confess that KojiYuu part was my favourite in this chapter lol Despite the fact I imagined that room in a bus on my way to college, I want to try it too xD
jell_o_jello: Sorry about Mayuki being short ;.; heuhe I have fun writing Sayu's teasing =p Bingo for the poll hauhauahu Thank you o/ I hope that too~~