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Author Topic: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch 13 [06/06/12] MariMii + KojiYuu  (Read 99204 times)

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Fic Cover
« Reply #160 on: November 30, 2013, 07:11:30 AM »
nice cover.. Im waiting

Offline jell_o_jello

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Fic Cover
« Reply #161 on: November 30, 2013, 11:39:19 AM »
Nice cover!

Re Sayu, if you take the poll as a whole, ending up with MaYuki has the most votes (count choice 1 and 2 together) lol.

Looking forward to the next update!!

Offline mo-chan

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Fic Cover
« Reply #162 on: November 30, 2013, 01:11:47 PM »
I want to change my vote to Sayu should end up (being) in a triangle with Mayu and Yuki. ><
but I vote the wrong point  :doh:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline FoxKuzan

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Fic Cover
« Reply #163 on: December 01, 2013, 02:01:49 AM »
wow its a nice cover anyway please update cant
wait for next chap

Offline priest1drago

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Fic Cover
« Reply #164 on: December 01, 2013, 07:29:57 AM »
Hello, it's my fist time posting in this forum. :)
 I really like this story, please keep up the good work! Fight on!  :D
PS. MariMii is the best~  :lol:
Loving AKB48 everyday~

Offline Konoe

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Fic Cover
« Reply #165 on: December 01, 2013, 12:12:18 PM »
Why did I miss this fanfic?! (My brain replied: Because you are not sure if there is Mayuki)

I should really start reading other fanfics with the pairs I don't ship much. This is really funny. I only finished reading chapter 1 and I'm already hooked. I will try to finish reading this tonight!

Offline BbSis

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13]
« Reply #166 on: December 20, 2013, 02:17:36 AM »
Yoohooo~~ Sorry for the long waiting ~~ NO MORE WAITING \O/

The birthday is mine and you are the one who get a present :p

I hope you like this :3

Thank you for proofreading my fic, granddaughter (not gonna say which one) :3

Chapter 11

Later at night, a shadow lurked in the room and grinned maliciously at a tied sleeping girl.Sae was having a peaceful dream where there was a woman with a well toned body basically with the same height as her. She had a beautiful smile and an incredible aura surrounded her. That sight made her feel  warm inside her chest, though the woman's face was blurred and identifying her was a difficult task. When Sae gathered courage to talk to the woman, something fell on her.

The short haired girl was now in a dark room and whatever was on her top started to tease her in lot of ways. It blew a fresh mint breath near her ear; or hands tried to arouse her in very dangerous places; or a tongue made its way down between her breasts making her shiver. It was a strange dream for sure. But as it was a dream, she decided to make it a fun for two.

"Untie me." Sae knew she was tied up because when the teasing started, she tried to move, but couldn't. Her tone was demanding and lustful. The being didn't utter a word, though the girl’s hand made it  way up and down and freed the tomboy girl. When Sae laid her hands on the being, she instantly felt it was a girl.  In the end, she wasn't the type of person who refused that kind of fun, especially from a smooth girl like that one seemed to be. It was a rather strange and pleasant dream.

Sae woke up in a strange room without her clothes on and covered with a silk sheet. Untied. A pale light entered through a shy window on the opposite side of the bed. She remembered drinking a lot, wanting to hold Yuki and being dragged by a crazy twin, being tied in a bed and being played with like a toy, and finally being left alone tied and frustrated. At least her dream was good. She was feeling awful. Sae shifted on the bed and decided to stand up and look for her clothes.

While putting on her spread clothes, Sae saw a note on the table. Leaning closer, she read: 'Ohayou, Sae-kun! When you wake up, stop by to have breakfast with everybody. See ya. Sayu. P.s.: you are better than I thought.'. She just sighed.

"I guess there is no way out, my bag is up there..." Sae mumbled, trying to get together her dignity to face the other girls. And a bit intrigued with that ps.

The first thing she noticed when her conscience returned was that her heartbeat was decomposed. She inhaled deeply and a sweet scent invaded her senses. The scent of the person she was in love for a while and could only approach recently. Jurina leaned closer to Rena, who moaned lazily. Still with eyes closed, she gave her trademark cat-like smile. Slowly opening her eyes, Jurina saw the sleeping face of Rena really close. Squeaking mentally, she closed the distance between their faces lightly kissing the older one on the lips. But instead of being passive and let Jurina do the brief act, Rena's lips moved on her own and deepened the kiss. A grown up kiss. That was better than Jurina expected.

The dream she was in was a recurrent one lately. She always gets the train to go to work. Sometimes the train is crowd and sometimes it’s almost empty. That time it was between those states. But the thing was, she always had the feeling she was being watched. Turning her head sideways to check if there was someone looking, yet there was no one. The strangers in the train were taking care of their own business; few were reading, some were sleeping, other were staring blankly at the emptiness. However, in a blink of an eye something stumbles on her, making her books fall. When she leaned down to gather them, a girl with a short hair was apologizing, though there was no sound, and helping her. Their hands touched and their gaze met. Lost into each other's eyes, their faces were slowly leaning closer. When their lips met, her heart raced. And they deepened the kiss, not bothering with others watching them. But there was something strange with the kiss, it seemed so real. Something clicked and Rena wide opened her eyes. And immediately pushed Jurina away.

"Jurina, what are you doing?!" Rena questioned still dizzy with things. Jurina pouted in a cute way. Why they had to stop? It was so good.

"I just wanted to give you a light kiss, but you kissed me back and deepened it." Jurina retorted with light blush. Rena was about to reply denying any sort of action coming from her when she remembered her dream. It made her blush hard. Rena wondered how many times the younger would make her blush that day since she just woke up and was already blushing that hard.

"Okay." Rena sighed. "I'll let it pass this time." She said patting the girl's head with a smile. Jurina's pout curved into a cat like smile while she hugged Rena.

"Yeey! Rena-chan, daisuki!" Jurina cuddled in Rena and shutting tightly her eyes. The older smiled enjoying seeing the younger so energetic in the morning. The two stood in that position for a while and Rena felt her heart flutter and little beings running with their thick legs all over her body. She had to admit that it was a pleasant feeling. Jurina was enjoying the moment, but a thought crossed her mind and it made her shiver. "Nee, Rena-chan...”

"Yes?" Rena noticed that something was wrong.

"Can we go to the living room now? I don't like this room..." Jurina said with a whining voice. Rena tried hard to not laugh. "Mou! Don't laugh!" Her voice was muffled due to burying her face on the other's neck. She could feel her cheeks burn. Rena giggled and squeezed the one in her arms.

"Okay. Let's stand up, so I can take you to the living room."

"Un!" Then, Jurina parted from Rena and sat up. Free from the embrace, Rena felt a bit lonely.She stretched her body lazily and stood up. She held Jurina's hand softly and waited the girl stood up with eyes shut. Still smiling with the scene Rena led her scared cat out of the spooky room. She didn't even realized how she called Jurina in her thoughts.

The living room would be empty if it wasn't for two distinct figures. One was curled on a corner looking blankly at the emptiness, sulking. The other was sitting lazily at a couch in front of the TV, playing video game. Jurina, who had already opened her eyes, watched the scene already imagining what had happened. She knew her friend and what she was capable of.

"Good morning, Sayu, Sae-chan!" Jurina greeted happily.

"Morning~." Sayu replied with a cyborg like voice. Sae didn't utter a word. It worried Rena, her friend used to energetic and talkative, even in the mornings. Then she realized a thing.

"Jurina, you didn't greet me." Rena stated a little confused. The girl just smiled.

"Mom is always saying 'Good morning! You didn't slept with me, did you?'. So, since I did sleep with Rena-chan, there is no need for a morning greeting, right?" Jurina explained innocently, or almost. Sae finally glanced at them; Sayu didn't pause the game, but smirked widely.

"I give up!" Rena sighed. "I'll rearrange the bad." She let go of Jurina's hand and walked back to the room.

"There's no need..." Jurina started, but it was already late. Rena had already entered the room and Jurina would only follow her in a life or death case. "Never mind... I guess I'll get my bag at Mayu's room." Jurina said thinking about her morning hygienic procedures.

Jurina knew Tomochin was heavy sleeper, she didn't know about Kasai though. But she decided to give it a try, since she knew how to be a silent walker. With extreme care, she grabbed the door knob and twisted it. The plan was sneak in focusing on her bag and not look at the bed. Very simple, right? But, where was her bag? She remembered placing it on the bed. However, Tomochin and Kasai were sleeping on it right now. When Jurina finally thought about this, she was already inside the room.

To her luck, the bag was on the first place she decided to look at. With tiger feet Jurina reached the computer chair and grabbed her bag. With it safely in within her arms, she turned her heels to get out of the room. On her follow step, she felt a soft slip thing. Looking down, she found out it was a piece of cloth. Jurina couldn't take anymore. She really wanted to respect her friend's privacy, but the will of look was stronger. More than ever, now that she saw the clothes spread over the floor.

Turning her head in one large movement, she looked at the bed. What she saw made her eyes go wide and her hand had to cover her mouth immediately to avoid that a surprised shriek awake the two sleeping girls. Also she felt a heavy burn on her cheeks. The truth was, she didn't know what to expect from those two. Did she ever considered what they might have done the night before? Maybe? The cover sheet only covered the two to their hips. Tomochin was laying on her stomach, half on the bed half on Kasai, with an arm stretched over Kasai's apparently bare chest, hiding them. One of Kasai's hands was spread on Tomochin's bare back and the other was on her own belly. The two were sleeping soundly. Jurina held her breath and rushed out of the room.

The feeling was heartwarming and cozy. She couldn't remember when was the last time she felt that way; maybe that one long time ago that left her deeply heartbroken. The warmth of the embrace was letting her light. With a tiny movement she noticed she was the one embracing. A smile curved on her lips while she rubbed her face on the smooth skin her head was laying on. Far away she could hear a decomposed heartbeat, pounding only for her. A gentle touch, lightly stroking her hair could be felt. When she opened her eyes, all she saw was bare skin . Looking up groggily, a pair of dimples greeted her.

"Good morning, Nyannyan." Yuko whispered smiling.

"Yuko!" Haruna widened her eyes and sat up, making her feel a bit of dizziness. "What...?" Yuko was still smiling, but a glimpse of sadness was visible in her eyes. She noticed their clothless state and remembered. She cupped her own cheeks which was burning. "So it wasn't a dream..."

"No dream, Nyannyan." Yuko felt a bit happy because at least the other didn't rushed to cover her exposed body. "But Nyannyan..." Yuko whimpered pouting. The tall girl looked at her still cupping her cheeks. "I won't say I didn't like it, because I did loved it, but you rushed things, Nyannyan." Haruna looked like she didn’t understand. "You see, I wanted to take you out on a date a couple of times, having dinner in nice restaurants or go shopping, before going to bed like this." Yuko said bitterly sitting up and embracing her own legs, resting her chin on her knees.

"..." Haruna opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She wasn't expecting those kind of things coming for the squirrel girl. Her heart skipped hard with those words. The sad look on the shorter girl made her feel a bit bad about the way she is being treating the girl. But it wasn't time to give in just yet. Right? She approached Yuko and hugged her from her side, landing a light kiss on her temples. "I'm flattered you have such intentions with me. Ok. Invite me out sometime and I'll accept your invitation." Haruna said gently. Yuko widened her eyes with the gesture and the words.

"Honto?" Yuko wanted a confirmation. She still didn’t believe what she hears. But Nyannyan hugging her voluntarily was a good signal. Haruna smiled and nodded. Then Yuko opened a genuine smile, parted from her legs and hugged the taller girl back. "Yeeey!" And started to spread kisses all over Haruna's face. Truth be said, Haruna was liking that caring and non perverted side of Yuko.

"Yuko." Haruna called trying to not smile. Still with arms around the taller one, Yuko looked confused into the other one's eyes. "We have to get up, wash up before go back." She pointed. And plus, they didn't know what time was. Yuko's smile enlarged because she wasn't being rejected.

"You're right, Nyannyan! Let's go take a bath on that waterfall." Yuko fastly stood up and pulled Haruna to the bathroom, trying to avoid the vines on the way. This time Haruna couldn't help but smile.

The sleeping face was watching the cutest woman she ever saw. It made her heart beat fast yet it made her feel completely relaxed. Takamina was resting her head on her chest and Atsuko was gently caressing her hair. Having the girl in her embrace made her feel complete and just the sight of the girl breathing in and out was already entertaining. Takamina made an unintelligible sound and shifted on her place. Then she rubbed her face on that soft smooth surface her face was leaned on. The feeling was good, but she felt she was ready to wake up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she faced that bright smile that she has came to love. Besides, that soft smooth surface was none other than Acchan's boobs. She stood up fast only to make her head pounds crazily.

"Urgh..." Takamina groaned pressing her head with both hands. Then she realized she was wearing nothing. "Kyaa~!" The short girl rushed to grab a coversheet to cover herself. Atsuko sighed a bit disappointed, but somehow she was already expecting that reaction.

"Good morning, Minami. Sleep well?" Atsuko greeted softly. Takamina's eyes grew wide when she noticed that Acchan was also naked.

"Acchan! Did.. Did we...?" She couldn't even finish the sentence. Takamina could feel all her body cells heat just with the thought of it.

"Did we? I don't know. You tell me, did we?" Acchan asked back winking. It just made the short girl bush.

"I.. I asked first..." Takamina whined pressing the cover sheet against her body.

"While you think, I'll take a bath. Just don't take it longer or we will be late for breakfast." Atsuko said while standing up without bothering to cover herself. Takamina could help but watch it. "Ah! Feel free to join me if you want." Atsuko winked again then walked to the bathroom. Upon seeing marks all over the taller's body, the memories of what happened yesterday's night flashed on the short girl's mind. Takamina laid again on the bed and curled onto herself, sulking until she heard Atsuko send her take the bath.

The pounding inside her mind was like a distant hammering, but when she moved her head to rub her eyes, a sharp pain got her. 'Hurgh...' Was her first conscious thought. 'Hangover, huh?' She sighed. How much she drank last night? What did she do after the game? That hideous game. Her senses were right to suspect that smile of Sayu. Yet she had to admit that it was fun. She revealed so much of herself and discovered about the others as well. Soon her senses started to expand to her surroundings. There was a warm weight on her right arm. Then, a thing cuddled more onto her and she slowly opened her eyes and looked down, afraid of what or who she would find.

Unexpectedly, the view was stunning. Mayu was peacefully sleeping on half of her body. The perfect curves of her face were so close; her eyebrows, that sexy dapple under her right eye, her nose, her perfect lips. Ah those lips, those succulent lips that played with her neck and bre... OH MY GOD! 'Kyaaa~ I can't believe we almost did it last night! She is a high school girl! I can't do it with a high school girl!!!' But the taste of her skin was so good... Yes! This girl in her eyes is irresistible. How come she fell asleep on the middle of...

She looked once more at Mayu. Her bare back showing her sensual curves down to a very perfect round butt, completely uncovered. Still mesmerized by the vision, the taller one didn't notice the smaller slight movement. Only when she felt rub between her legs that she moaned in a mix of surprise and pleasure.

"Yukirin... I can't believe you are already like this..." Mayu whispered sensually. Yuki blushed instantly, what made Mayu smile.

"Mou, Mayuyu...don't tease me this early in the morning." Yuki whined pouting.

"I'm serious, Yuki." Upon saying this, Mayu climbed up on Yuki, pressing her body against the other's. Yuki's hands worked faster than her brain; her left hand went to Mayu's nape and the left one to the girl's back, pulling her closer. The kiss was rough and hungry. The hangover was now long forgotten.

Mayu started to make sensual movements on top of Yuki, making the older moan between the kisses. Yuki's hands started to travel around the body on top of her, groping and fondling here and there. Now, both of them were moaning until they had to part to breathe. Half second later, the younger started to trace her way down through the older's neck with flash kisses and gentle sucking. Yuki was already going crazy with these simple caressing. When she felt Mayu sitting on her belly, she looked confused at the girl, and feeling a bit frustrated with the sudden pause.

The younger girl had a smile on her face. But it wasn't exactly a perverse one. Mayu was indeed thinking about what she was about to do with Yukirin, yet somehow she wasn't with the feeling she was doing something beyond the usual skinship. This time, the warm didn't come from between her legs, it came from her heart. Her smile enlarged when she saw Yuki's blushing because of her gazing. The smaller one made circle movements with her hips and the taller one could feel how excited she was. Yuki's moan made Mayu bent down and kiss her passionately.

Yuki couldn't help anymore, with her both hands she grabbed Mayu's butt and squeezed it, making the other moan furiously. The younger had sure that her bottom  part would have Yukirin's hands imprinted in it for days. Mayu sat again looking at the one below her with daring eyes. Yuki stared back like accepting the challenge, what surprised the other girl. Faster than a thought, Yuki sat and flipped their positions, kneeling between Mayu's spread legs, making the younger girl's knees face the ceiling.

"I'm serious too, Mayu." Yuki said seriously looking into Mayu's surprised eyes. As the smaller blushed, the one on top started to lick, suck and kiss the white silk tasteful skin of the first one. Her hands were skillfully caressing her lover's body and with every moan, she increased the intensity of her caress.

They both could feel that all the sensations were a further thing than a mere satisfaction of the flash. All her gestures were full of gentleness and care; they were enjoying their company and pleasuring each other like never before. Yuki was feeling something she never felt with Sae. She didn't know how in such short time she fell for a high school girl. Maybe it was something at first sight, maybe not. It didn't matter, she just want to enjoy what she have now.

She didn't know why, or when it started, but that sensation of being observed was somehow making her lose her concentration to sleep, though the pair of arms around her body assured her that everything was alright. Yet the curiosity was stronger and Minami slowly opened her eyes. Upon noticing the girl was about to open her eyes, Mariko closed her eyes and pretended she was asleep; the taller woman had been gazing the smaller's features since she woke up. It was such a good feeling to wake up beside a dear person.

Mariko stretched herself to make Minami believe she was awaking. From the moment she opened her eyes and found Mariko's face so close, Minami couldn't avert her gazing or even wink. She was finding it so charming. And she had to admit that she wasn't able to ignore or forget what she felt on the second morning of that fated weekend. The taller one then opened her eyes and stared at her. For an uncountable amount of time the two kept looking into each other's eyes with curiosity and defiance. As she knew the old woman would never give in, Minami talked first.

"So... About what happened..." Minami was sure she was blushing; she didn't dare to avert her gaze.

"It is better to pretend it never happened, right?" Mariko finished the sentence. She tried hard not to blush from the memory of last night happening.

"Yeah. Hum... I think I'll be going now. I'm hungry..." Minami said standing up.

"Okay, glutton Gachapin." But right after saying this, a growl came out from Mariko's belly.

"It seems you're hungry too, old mummy." Minami replied sticking her tongue to Mariko. This one hid her blush with an angry expression.

The two dressed up ignoring their room features, and headed to the tenth floor in silence. Arriving on the said floor, they noticed that they weren't the last ones. Sae was still sulking on a corner, which made Mariko wonder what that weird twin did to her friend; Takamina was playing video game with Sayu; Atsuko, Rena, Yuko and Haruna were teasing a scarlet-faced Jurina. The younger stuttered, refusing to answer the teasing. No signal of Mayu, Yuki, Tomo~mi and Tomochin.

"Good morning!" Minami greeted cheerfully. Sae remained silent. The others answered with different levels of enthusiasm.

"'Morning." Mariko greeted lazily. "I'll get my bag. Gachapin, come. Show me where the bathroom is afterwards."

"Okay. But just because I want to play a prank on Tomochin." Minami said casually.

"Do you know where she is sleeping?!" Jurina was a bit surprised.

"Of course, my dear. Mayu wouldn't let you stay in her room for more than five minutes after last time incident and she knows you're afraid of Sayu's room. Besides, Mayu told the two Tomomi to go sleep in her room. I also remember you protested because of that." Minami answered jokingly.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were too busy making useless questions to Mariko-san." Jurina retorted with a mocking smile. Minami blushed and huffed.

"I don't have to give explanations to a kiddo like you." Then she turned her body to Mayu's room direction and walked away, with Mariko right behind her.

Minami silently opened the door and what she saw took a few seconds to register in her mind. Clothes spread all over the floor, two girls sleeping half naked, with one over the other. Mariko arrived behind Minami right after and saw the scene as well. Foreseeing the younger's reaction, she fast leaned down and wrapped her arms around Minami's waist as she screamed in a mix of surprise and anger.

"TOMOMI!!!" Her scream startled everyone in the floor and the two sleeping girls woke up feeling their hearts on their throats.

"Tomo~mi, please bring my purse when you come out the room." Mariko asked lifting a struggling Gachapin with her arms. This sudden contact made her heart skip a beat, but Minami was worried with another thing to notice.

"TOMOMI! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! YESTERDAY YOU LEFT ME SO PROUD AND NOW THIS!" Minami screamed dramatically as Mariko dragged her to the living room. They didn't notice, but the elevator door opened, revealing Mayu and Yuki holding hands. The couple looked surprised at the scene.

"So early in the morning and you're already screaming, Miichan?! My ears are sensible. What’s wrong?" Mayu said coldly. Minami screaming voice was the last thing she wanted to hear after Yukirin's sensual soft moans.

"It's Tomomi..." Minami said pouting. At the same time, Yuki greeted the ambient. Except for Sae, everyone was looking at Miichan, but greeted back with a head movement. That was when Sae moved for the first time. What she saw on Yuki's face hurt her. She could never make Yuki smile like that.

"What about Tomochin?" Mayu kept her cyborg like expression.

“She used to tell me things when we were young. Even when her idol career started to lunch… I didn’t even know she intended to do this kind of things with Kasai-san… She didn’t even tell me about her…” Miichan pouted while answering almost mumbling. Everyone facepalmed. They wondered why they still give Miichan some credits in situations like this.

"You know, Miichan, Tomochin don't have to tell you everything." Mayu said wanting to shake her friend to see if her random stupidity would go away. Minami pouted furrowing her eyebrows. "And Mariko-san, please keep holding her until the TomoTomo get out of my room." Mariko just nodded. She completely agreed with Mayu. By this she already settled her heartbeats but she wasn't sure about the color of her cheeks.

Minami kept struggling to free herself from Mariko's arms. But the older woman's hold was strong. She started to wonder how come such a thin person could have so much strength. After a few minutes she gave up and just waited between Mariko's embrace. It was like when they were sleeping when the taller loosened the strength of the holding. She would never admit, but she was enjoying it.

Their wakening were calm with a tiny help of the younger girl of their group. Yet, both didn't dare to open their eyes. Their position was comfortable and they were enjoying each other bodies’ heat. Everything was so perfect that they started to doubt it was real.

“Are you awake, Chiyuu?” Tomochin asked with a groggy voice. The warm hand on her back moved softly, gently caressing her skin.

“I’m not sure. What if I open my eyes and you are just an illusion? Like one of those dreams that feel so real.” Tomo~mi answered with a slight suffer in her tone. Tomochin’s heart started to beat in a decomposed way. That girl is so sweet. A treasure that she found in that tough competitive world of entertainment. A curve of a smile formed on her lips.

“I fear the same thing. Maybe we should open our eyes at the same time. And then we will keep sharing this dream.” Tomochin suggested.

But Tomo~mi didn’t have time to reply because the door opened and a stunned Minami stared at them. Of course that the two Tomomi only recognized it was the younger one sister when a scream crossed the entire floor. “TOMOMI!!!” The scream startled them both, making them open their eyes faster than their hearts decided to come out of the ribcage through their throat and fastly sat up on the bed. It was followed by Mariko’s calm voice asking Tomo~mi to bring her purse when they go to the living room. After this rowdy second that seemed to last hours, the two Tomomi looked at each smiling and hearing Minami’s drama scene.

“Tomochin, how we ended up like this?” Tomo~mi asked trying to look only into Tomochin’s eyes with a light shade of pink on her cheeks. The younger girl wondered how an experienced girl like Chiyuu could blush like that just by seeing her exposed upper body. At the same time, she couldn't help but blush with the gorgeous sight she was having.

“I don't know, but at least this wasn’t a dream. I would be very disappointed if it was.” Tomochin said also blushing a bit. She kept the eye contact and suddenly the room disappeared. Their smile was their everything.

Tomo~mi was the first one to make a moviment. Her hand reached Tomochin’s cheek and caressed it lovingly. Then, she slowly leaned even more close than they were and planted a tender kiss on the other girl’s lips.

“Now I know it wasn’t a dream.” Tomo~mi said making Tomochin blush hard. How come Chiyuu could be such a sweet talker sometimes?

“Enough of sweet talk and kiss me more.” Tomochin wrapped her arms around Chiyuu’s neck and the kiss was deep and needy. When the air was needed and they had to part Tomo~mi remembered something.

“Tomo… We have to... meet the others on the living room…” Tomo~mi said panting. Tomochin agreed unwillingly.

While they gathered their spread clothes on the floor to wear, they stole glances of each other. Their hands already knew almost every inch of each other bodies,  but their eyes were still unfamiliar with them. Especially for Tomochin. Chiyuu had a voluptuous body that was almost everytime covered by frilly and cute clothing. But she knew she had tons of photos of herself in bikinis or lingeries published in various magazines and photo books. When they finished, they shared one last kiss, Tomo~mi grabbed Mariko’s purse while Tomochin rearranged the bed sheets and headed to the living room to face Tomochin’s dramatic sister and their friends who probably would look at them with inquiring eyes.

When they arrived, they found the dramatic sister between Mariko’s arms, and Tomochin could swear she was enjoying it. Jurina blushed hard again with the sight of the two Tomomi. Yuko and Acchan restarted the teasing. Tomochin and Tomo~mi couldn’t help but blush too. Tomochin was finding it very weird that fact that her sister was still silent in her place. Mayu, who was sitting next to Jurina, suddenly stand up and headed to her room. A few minutes later, she backed with Jurina’s school bag in hands.

“See, Jurina. They spent a couple night in my room AND  didn’t break a single action figure.” Mayu said with a cyborg like voice.

“It’s not what you think!” The two Tomomi said at the same time.

“But that cuddle scene of yours was so obvious.” Minami was finally able to speak. Jurina just nodded, remembering the scene and the spread clothes.

“Sometimes what we see is not what really happened.” Sayu said, showing she was paying attention since the beginning, despite never take her eyes off the game. The Tomomi nodded agreeing vehemently.   

“So, what about I call Yuriko and ask her to bring breakfast?” Mayu said finishing that discussion. What happened in the room should stay in the room unless the only two people who know the truth have to decide to tell everybody.



jell_o_jello: Yeah! And about the twins doing experiements on Yuki was my very first intention on creating a twin for Mayu hauhaua And suggestion saved :3 And about the poll, I'll think about what you said, because it sounds reasonable ><

Chanaline: Nhyaaa I guess I made up for this on this chapter >< Sayu will not end up alone, I promise :)

Haruko: AHuahua thank you o/

mae: Thanks you~~

Zita: She can be with anyone. I still havent decided >< But I saved your suggestion^^

kahem: I do what I can >< I may have ignored few things just to keep writing >< Thank you :3

Archer 1992: I hope you liked this chapter^^ Thank you for reading o/

mo-chan: I hope you enjoyed this ch^^ Lets see about Sayu :) You suggestion is saved o/ And you miss it no more :3

AoiShiori: I hope you liked this ch as well :) Thank you for reading o/ and I love to write dokidoki moments :3

rise: I hope you are enjoying this fic :3 Thank you~~

Seneclar: I hope you liked the update :3 Thank you for reading o/

Tam_atsu: Here is the update ><

AshuraX: I can't do AtsuYuu for this fic Ashu >< romantically speaking. But I can do a friendly moment for you :3 If you want^^ And I can't also pair Sayu with Acchan >< and thank you ~~ <3

FoxKuzan: Thank you for reading o/

priest1drago: Wow! Thanks for giving me your first comment *.* I'm glad with it :3 And I'm also ultrahappy to find another hard marimii shipper around *.* thank you for reading o/

Konoe: I know how you're feeling :) This fic is Mayuki yes o/ I hope you liked my fic :3

Minna! The poll is still open! I need to decide it soon. jell_o_jello suggested to count options 1 and 2 as one. What do you think about it?

When next chapter will be out? I don't know. I just know it will have tons of MariMii :3

Thank you for reading  :bow:

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline Haruko

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #167 on: December 20, 2013, 03:05:45 AM »
OMG! that was awesome.. kojiyuu!!! I like jealous harune.. please I need more of this!... all the couples are gonna enjoy this party foverer

Offline cisda83

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #168 on: December 20, 2013, 06:17:06 AM »
Been waiting for a while... very great update...

Ah... emerge option 1 and 2... that's excellent idea...

Though I don't mind just straight threesome between Wmayuki

Everyone is good... they are in pairs for now...

Poor Sae... she really got her heartbroken...

What's going to happen next to the characters...?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline priest1drago

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #169 on: December 20, 2013, 07:00:40 AM »
Thanks for the update!! Argh, I can die happy after reading this chapter, so sweet~~ Wonder when MariMii pair will stop being so tsuntsun lol.
Btw, happy birthday! (Is it late? Because in my part of the world, it is already the 20th) Anyhow, please have a nice year!
Loving AKB48 everyday~

Offline Senelcar

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #170 on: December 20, 2013, 09:21:18 AM »
It was worth waiting for thoses kind of updates !
I really like MariMii, and you write thoses moments really well :)
And the other couple's morning were fun to read too ( especially TomoTomo one ).
Please don't stop updating this wonderfull fic. !!

Offline deguchi

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #171 on: December 20, 2013, 11:33:24 AM »
Finally an update!
Those morning moments are nice for atsumina, wtomo, and marimii!!!
just love to read alot of fiction story

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #172 on: December 20, 2013, 07:06:38 PM »
Thank you for update :)

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #173 on: December 20, 2013, 08:21:41 PM »
i suggest a sayu x black >_<
well its ike mayuki too

or sayu x rabutan i also have not read any mayu and rabutan fanfic,they are so close in akb especially before they even kiss thats why we can get many ideas from that pairing

tomotomo WMatsui kojiyuu marimii atsumina is <3

mayuki is <3


thanks for the update :bow: :bow:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline Zita

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #174 on: December 20, 2013, 08:47:21 PM »
 XD All their's mornings were so sweet. :grin:

Offline theblueknight

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #175 on: December 21, 2013, 06:51:53 AM »
well took me awhile to read this huh? im very sorry  :cry: I was super busy and now I am free and got to read it I was like fangirling over MariMii seriously I was  :wub: I actually love how mariko was holding miichan so that miichan wouldn't jump her sis and her sister's lover heh  :twothumbs and I actually love the KojiYuu scenes I enjoyed them a lot  ;) hopefully soon we will get to read about Persona too right? cause I cant wait for that  :) anyways great update loved it and hope to read more soon  :heart:
Spanish original name es mary es mi amor por leo dan:
Mari(mariko)es mi amor, solo con ella
vivo la felicidad yo se que nunca a nadie
mas podria amar, por que la quiero de
verdad por eso mary por favor dame tu
mano continuemos siempre asi
despues de todo que mas te puedo
pedir si soy feliz...muy feliz.
Si un dia me faltas tu que
Dios me ayude a morir ya que
no volvera a hacer en esta vida feliz
sin ti mari...sin ti estoy
viviendo por ti... 
English ver dow originally name mary is my love by leo dan :
My love is Mari, just with her
I live in happiness
I know I will never again
fall in love with nobody, because I
feel a true love Because of that,
Mari, give me your hand we'll
forever continue this way After all,
what can I ask you more if I am happy...
very happy If one day I will miss you,
God help me to die ,
without you Mari...
If i live my life for you...  -----------<@

Offline Drakon

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #176 on: March 23, 2014, 08:58:24 PM »
Bird Oblomingo. Sorrowfully. Author, why?

Offline jimmyjjohn

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #177 on: March 24, 2014, 11:45:50 AM »
About the pairing, I'll be content with any pairings since it's your fic so you can do anything about it. But I do see the coupling your fic kind of suggested on your first post (is it prologue? Or chapter 1?) Like marimii Wmatsui and saeyuki, and since saeyuki is my OTP, it'll be grand if you decided to write about them (๑´ω`๑)

"More girls to show up"? Awesome. I'll be stay tuned for your update! Ganbatte \(´▽`)/ ♡

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13] UPDATE!!
« Reply #178 on: July 15, 2014, 11:13:30 AM »
hahahahaha!!! after the long wait!! finally!!it was updated!!
that tomotomo scene XD MariMii is so tsuntsun~~ i love the way mariko hugged miichan and how miichan remained calm after that!!!
mariko's blush because of miichan is FTW!!!
anyways, sayaka is there for sae so don't need to be sad genking!!
nice update!!!
gambatte author-san!!!
X is mark of Silent
Silent is a reader.

Offline sastio13

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch11 [19/12/13]
« Reply #179 on: July 20, 2014, 10:03:23 AM »
update please BbSis-san :cry:
arigatou :bow:
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

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