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Author Topic: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Ch 13 [06/06/12] MariMii + KojiYuu  (Read 99221 times)

Offline stv_wong

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This is a good update!! :thumbsup

And I LOL-ed at the "L-reunion" thing.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Wish there's more, but... I'll wait :D

Offline takamae

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Luckly yuko incident involving atsumina got clear up nice
Jurina really make a fast!!!

Thanx for the update^^

Offline haruhi16

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This is getting interesting! Please, update soon! <3

Offline vPANDAv

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woo woo party at the top of a love hotel... would want to try that for sure lol  :cathappy: :peace:

yay, bits of progress for everyone!! hopefully things will become more official for some pairings!!  :deco:

can't wait for next chapter!!

Offline Chanaline

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L-World XD

I love when Yuko speak with Hiro: he give good tip :grin:

Alala... Yuki, Sae and Mayus... Mayuuuu!

MariMii...  Wow the tension!!! I love Mariko XD She thinks good things :lol:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline mae

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Yeah you back  :mon firecrack:
Thank you for update  :mon fyeah:
it's a big chapter I love  :mon lovelaff:
Wow !!!  the game "I never" I looking forward for the next with all the couples  :mon mischief:
Please update soon  :mon pray2:

Offline Suicchin

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Oh yeaaaaah~ What a good update! I was waiting for it a lot! And I just loved it <3

I know the game 'I never' and I also know the consequences of it hohoho~ I'm expecting to see a lot of action there!

I hope MariMii happens soon cause I want it so much! ;A; AtsuMina also <3
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline kahem

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OMG my heart was all doki doki xD
I can't wait for the I never hehe

Offline Haruko

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OMG my heart was all doki doki xD
I can't wait for the I never hehe

my heart too.. in deed today im star thinking about this fics :B

jeje takaboy is just a boy who love video game..

OMG!! sexy yuko awww and jealousy haruna.. love it :B

wmatsui .. so cute

Offline cisda83

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Takamina is starting to fall for Atsuko is... great...

Yuki is getting anxious over the twins

Mariko already has feeling for Miichan

Jurina and Rena is going great...

Yuko and Haruna is going steady... Haruna is falling already but restraining herself.

Great update... Thank you.... Can't wait to see more

 :wub: :inlove: :love: :heart:

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline m00nchild

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nice update,

All having improvement,
wMatsui is official now,
Atsumina seem to be having closer to each others,
Kojiyuu having a nice starting, Hiro nice assist,
TomoTomo almost official but there are something still haven't solve??
MariMii still playing some under games and Mariko is always in MY PACE situation,
Due that Sayaka is not around, Sae seem to be a bit lonely??
I wonder how to solve the 3P love case, Sayu, Mayu & Yuki~
Persona can't perform?? Why??

Looking forward for the next update~

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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AWESOME!!!! :mon lovelaff: I was like squealing the whole (that my parents were looking at me like I was crazy or something :mon heh: ) a-a-and t-the Atsumina m-moments....  :mon inluv: :mon inluv: :mon inluv: immaa speechless... ;p hehehehe looking forward to the update~~  :peace:

Offline Elo

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i love this fic

but i would like to read more of marimii 

pleaase update soon     :bow:
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

Offline BbSis

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+ Everyone) Chapter 9 [02/15]
« Reply #93 on: February 15, 2013, 04:51:15 PM »
Hello minna! This time it wasn't a very long wait, I hope...

Dc2805: Thank you! Yeah! I think Atsumina and WMatsui will develop fast now^^ Well, please wait and see what I'm planning for MariMii o/ SaeSaMaYuki is indeed awkward, but next chapter we will have a change^^

Stv_wong: Thank you o/ hey, but isn't it an L-reunion? xD Here is more \o/

Takamae: Thank you!! Yeah, now Atsuko can dig her way to Takamina's heart^^ I guess Jurina is just worried to no lose someone she likes.^^

Haruhi16: Thank you! Here is the update o/

VPANDAv: Thank you o/ I would like to party like that too =D Things will become more official! Please be patient ><

Chanaline: Thank you o/ Hiro is a good guy heuheuheu SaeSaMaYuki, will have a change soon =p I love the MariMii tension, but I'll have to end it soon ><

Mae: Thank you! Yes, I'm back! I'll try to not take too long to update next time^^ I like big chapters too, but it's hard to make one  o/ Let me know if you liked the game o/

Suicchin: Thank you!!! Here is the game! I hope you like it^^ I don't know who will happen first, but they will happen soon o/

Kahem: Thank you! heuheu Here is the game,I hope you like it o/

Haruko: Thank you o/ Heuheu and if mix One Piece with it, well there is no world ahuahu Yuko is always sexy in her own way ;) I like the jealousy Haruna too o/ Cute defines WMatsui in my mind^^

Cisda83: Thank you o/ Yes, you are right! Let's just see what a bit of alcohol do to them^^

M00nchild: Thank you o/ Sorry for no improvement in this chapter >< I guess Sae will have her moment with Sayaka. 3P love case, well, does it really need a solution? Everything towards persona will be explained next chapter o/

FlameHazeKatsu: Thank you!! I understand you, hehe I squeal a lot too^^ Astumina will have their big moment soon^^

Elo: Thank you!!! MariMii will have great moments next chapter o/ Please, just be little patiente with me  ><

Again, I had to cut the chapter, otherwise it would pass too much time without an update >< Also, the period o the writing of this chapter matched with Miichan's scandal, together with Tomochin's graduation announcement. So it left me without writing will...

Thank you again, Anonymousdowner for proofreading it o/

This is just the game, but I hope you all enjoy it o/ It's a bit massive, because it's only dialog ><

thank you for reading :bow:

I started in a wedding | Chapter 9

Everyone looked at each other a bit surprised. Mayu's suggestion wasn't bad, but was it really okay to play such a revealing game? There was also another fact that was bothering a few of them.
"Ne, Mayu, isn’t there too many of us to play 'I never'?" Rena asked a bit puzzled. The woman was sat on a pad on the floor with Jurina on her shoulders.
"Yeah! We only have five fingers in each hand and there are fourteen of us. Besides, aren't we supposed to use only one hand?" Sae added.
"Nee-chan, it means that you're suggesting 'that' 'I never'?" Sayu held a strange grin on her face.
"What!? I don't like that grin on Sayu's face!" Yuki interrupted.
"What's the difference between the normal 'I never' and this one that you are proposing Mayu?" Mariko asked, already imagining something really harmful. Yuko on the other hand, was shouting because she wanted to play while trying to grope Haruna who merely pushed her away.
"You see, since there are too many of us to use fingers," Mayu said as she stood up to enter the kitchen then returned with a tray containing fourteen glasses of liquor and a brand new bottle of tequila. "We use tequila doses." She placed the tray on the table.
"What!? But some of us are already drunk!" Haruna said, still trying to push Yuko away. Sayu only snorted.
"Don't worry about that. If I were you, I would let her drink more." Sayu pointed at Yuko. The suggestion puzzled those  who didn't know how Yuko was like when she drank too much. Yuko didn't pay attention to Sayu, she was now trying to rub her face against Haruna's boobs.
"It works like that," Mayu restarted. "Everyone will hold a shot and each of us will say one thing. In the normal 'I never', the people who already did what was said puts down a finger. In this version however, you have to drink the tequila dosage. And this will happen until the last person says their line, it will be considered the first round. If everyone is ok by the end of it, we will go for another round." Mayu finished her explanation while distributing the glasses. "Ah, Jurina and Tomochin are underage, so they can't drink alcohol. You two can fill your glasses with whatever you want with alcohol as an exception." She added, starting to fill the glasses.
"I want to drink!" Tomochin insisted. Tomo~mi looked at her a bit surprised.
"It seems interesting, but I'm driving. I just can't simply drink and then drive." Mariko pointed.
"If that’s the problem, we can lend you rooms for those who want to stay over." Sayu suggested. She really wanted to know the results of the game.
"If that’s possible then, I'll play. Also, I'm not responsible for anything I might do when I’m drunk. Just a warning." Mariko agreed. Then like magic, the people who were still unsure about playing agreed as well.
"I want to drink." Tomochin insisted again.
"Ah, let her drink. At least this time she brought someone who she can release her... Ouch! Why you are hitting me too, Takamina?" Minami was interrupted again.
"Let her be. You don't want me to tell everybody how you act when you're drunk, do you?!" Takamina scolded Miichan while receiving a grateful glance from Tomochin. That was a nice point, but it just left Tomo~mi more curious.
"I wanna drink too!" Jurina protested.
"We can't allow that. Tomochin is on the verge of turning eighteen, so we can turn a blind eye here." Mayu explained, filling Jurina's glass with soda.
"Jurina." Rena said looking intently at the younger girl, like making a silent threat.
"Okay..." Jurina gave up crossing her arms with a pout.
"So, let's begin. You all gather around the table." Mayu said as she finished filling up the glasses. Clockwise after Mayu was Yuki, Sae, Sayu, Mariko, Acchan, Takamina, Miichan, Yuko, Haruna, Rena, Jurina, Tomo~mi and Tomochin. "I'll go first, then Yukirin, then the one beside her until it ends at Tomochin."
Everyone looked at each other with curiosity consuming their insides. Each of them grabbed their glasses waiting for Mayu's line. They were also curious about who was going to drink with the upcoming line. Mayu took a deep breath and opened her mouth to say the statement she picked on her mind.
"I never used illicit drugs." Mayu said calmly. As everyone was looking with curiosity at each other, Yuko sighed and took her first dose.
"Eee! Yuko?! I never expected that from you!" Haruna looked at the girl beside her surprised.
"Hey, we are not supposed to make commentaries." Sae said, but she was shocked too.
"Maybe it's okay to have commentaries this time." Sayu suggested.
"Agreed! We will have more fun with that!" Miichan said raising her arms.
"What's the big deal? I tried marijuana once. When it was over, I felt like the dumbest person in the world though." Yuko tried to defend herself, but it just ended up making everyone laugh.
"You're almost that, Yuuchan. Now Yukirin!" Mayu said laughing. Yuki held her breath for a moment.
"I never had a boyfriend." Yuki said, almost like confessing. This time Haruna, Rena, Tomo~mi and Tomochin drank their doses. Mayu looked at Yuki with amused eyes.
"Nyannyan/Rena-chan..." Yuko and Jurina said at the same time with tears sprouting on the corner of their eyes. The two Tomomi's looked at each other with curiosity.
"What’s the problem with having a boyfriend? Men are warm, strong, and sweet when they want to." Haruna said defying Yuko.
"Nothing, but you don't need that anymore now that you have me!" Yuko said burying her face on Haruna's boobs. Haruna chopped the shorter girl’s head, who gave her a questioning look.
"It was just a high school romance..." Rena said, blushing. Jurina found that cute and just hugged the girl.
"Let's just talk about this later..." Tomochin said looking at Chiyuu, who nodded suspiciously.
"Not fair, I want to know about that!" Mayu protested.
"Let just say that I got this job because of a boyfriend." Tomo~mi said nervously.
"How come?" Sayu asked really interested.
"A boyfriend? Tomo~mi, you came to me pleading for a job because you wanted an excuse to dump three of your boyfriends and you were only a high schooler." Haruna said teasingly. One dose and she was already like that.
"Three boyfriends at the same time!? How come you’re so shy?!" Tomochin shouted .
"Uhh~ Tomorage~" Miichan sang in a low tone. Takamina hit Miichan's head, shaking her own negatively. "Ouch! Why?! Come on. We know that Tomochin had no right to be angry at Tomo~mi. She herself had tons of boyfriends too." With that, Miichan won another hit on the head.
"It was before I become an idol! I can't have any now!" Tomochin shouted at Miichan. "Well, not officially..." She whispered that part.
"And you’re only seventeen! Oh my! I have a promiscuous imouto!" Miichan replied. This time it was Mariko who hit her. The taller woman stretched her arm and hit Miichan's forehead. It was easy. "Itai!" Miichan placed a hand where the woman hit.
"Let them talk about it later. Let's get going with this game." Mariko said a bit pissed. The two Tomomis looked at each other again. Yeah, they had a lot to talk. Then, everyone looked at Sae.
"I’ve never been in love." Sae said with a smile. Miichan, Mariko, Rena, Yuko and Tomo~mi drank this time, but almost at the same time Mayu's phone rang and startled everyone.
"Hi, Sayaka!" Mayu greeted happily. Hearing that name made Sae's smile widen a bit and her cheeks gained a shade of pink. She hoped that no one noticed though. Unfortunately for her, everyone noticed. "Yes, we saw the program from here too. Yeah, we wanted to see them too. Oh! Yes! That's a nice idea! I'll tell the girls here. Try to invite Asahi, Nami and Hinata too! Ok. See ya!" By this time, the others were curious.
"What did she say?" Sayu asked anxiously.
"She invited everyone to go to her family bathhouse Saturday night, about 9 pm. It's her apology for not coming today." Mayu informed and everyone there agreed.
"What are you saying Sae, you never fell in love?" Sayu teased.
"Never, never!" She said vehemently. All the eyes were suspiciously looking at her. Also, Sayaka’s interruption only brought on more teasing at the right time.
"I can see that..." Sayu teased smirking.
"My time!" Mariko said trying to avoid the 'falling in love' subject.
"I see you are skipping me here, Mariko-san." Sayu said looking at the tall woman.
"Sorry. So, can you keep going?" Mariko said rushing. Sayu analyzed Mariko for a moment. She decided to give up the tease.
"Ok. I’ve never been tied to a bed." Sayu said almost seemingly in a robotic way. Mayu, Yuko and Yuki drank their doses.
"Yuki!" It really surprised Sae. How come her friend never told her about that?
"I... It was nothing..." Yuki tried her best to dodge all the curious gazes.
"Yukirin... I feel betrayed now..." Mayu said with a fake hurt tone teasingly.
"Mayuyu..." Yuki was starting to feel guilty. Then, she noticed that Mayu had drunk her dose too. "Mayu! Who tied you to a bed?" She didn’t like the thought of anyone doing this to Mayu.
"You see, I'm always testing our products and it also included getting tied to a bed." Mayu explained.
"I did it with pleasure." Sayu grinned and the two shared a gaze.
"Stop!" Takamina said making an 'x' with her arms. "I don't want to hear about your incestuous adventures! You hentai twins!" Except the ones who knew how the twins treated each other, the group didn't even want to imagine what the twins had already done together.
"Ma, ma, tell us about your adventures some other time!" Yuko said with a perverted smile. "There was this woman I dated once that liked SM, and she tied me on a bed. And did other things too..." Yuko stared off to an empty space and shivered from the bad memory. Haruna looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"It means that there should be no more SM for her." Tomochin stated.
"Poor Oshima-san... Now it's your turn Mariko-sama." Tomo~mi said smiling. Tomochin looked at the girl and mumbled 'sama?'. She didn't like that. The taller woman smiled.
"I never had a drunk black out." She said looking sarcastically at Miichan. Yuko, Haruna, Mayu, Yuki, Takamina and Miichan took their doses.
"Ee! Takamina too?!" Atsuko was surprised. Takamina smiled helplessly.
"Ha, you see, I was pissed because it was the third time in a row that a gallery refused my work. So Yuuchan went to the convenience store and brought tons of drinks. We mixed everything. I can't remember anything about that night and despite the hangover the day after, it relieved me somehow." Takamina explained.
"Ma~ I can't remember anything either." Yuko sighed.
"My eighteenth birthday party. It's the only situation where I couldn’t remember anything." Mayu said calmly.
"Onee-chan was so wild that night." Sayu commented grinning. Yuki looked terrified at the twins, not even wanting to know what it meant.
"Ah! I remembered when Harunyan had hers. It was when Mariko broke up with her." Atsuko started. "She called me in tears and asked me to pick her up at a bar. When I arrived there, she had drunk even more. She was a mess and... Well..." Yuko looked at Mariko with predatory eyes. When Miichan heard 'Mariko' and 'broke up' something inside her burned.
"Mou, Acchan, don't make me remember things I rather forget." Haruna sighed.
"But it was a nice night. It's a shame you forgot everything." Atsuko lamented. Takamina wondered what had happened that night that was so good.
"It happened a long time ago... Well Gachapin here didn't remember the incredible night after Kayo-chan's wedding." Mariko teased looking straight into Miichan's eyes. She also noticed that the girl's eyes were burning.
"If I can’t remember, nothing happened! I wouldn't like to have a thing with a stick like you anyway!" Miichan countered.
"Ouch. That might have hurt. How can you even handle this, Mariko-sama?" Tomo~mi asked and Mariko tried hard to not blush.
"I'm a patient person." The older woman said in a harsh tone. Everyone who knew Mariko knows that she was not that type of person.
"Ah! My turn now!" Atsuko intervened. She knew that even Mariko didn’t know the answer for that question. "I never cheated on someone." Tomochin, Yuko and Sae drank.
"You again, Yuko?!" Haruna was shocked.
"I guess two timing is a type of cheat, right? When the involved ones don't know about each other..." Yuko said smiling helpless.
"Same here." Sae said raising a hand. Haruna gave an angry look to Yuko.
"Don’t worry, Nyannyan, it was all before I met you!" Yuko said trying to hug the other girl, but Haruna pushed her away.
"It means a week before." Haruna said in a detestable tone.
"I changed. Please believe me~" Yuko pled.
"That means that Tomo~mi should have drank too." Sayu pointed out.
"My case is different. My exes knew about each other. So it wasn't cheating." Tomo~mi explained. The ones who didn't know that looked at her shocked.
"So! My time now!" Takamina said nervously. "I never puked due to drunkenness." The only ones who didn't drink were Jurina, Tomochin, Mayu and Sayu.
"But you had a black out." Jurina said. "You may have thrown up in the moments you forget."
"If I can’t remember, it didn't happen." Takamina said winking at Miichan.
"Yeah!" It wasn’t even worth a tease, since it was such a common thing. Miichan pouted and closed her eyes. "I never kissed a girl for real." This time, without exception, everyone drunk.
"So true! You never kissed anyone for real." Tomochin said laughing. "You were always in love with Yuuhi." She teased. Miichan showed her tongue to her sister.
"Eh? Haven’t you kissed Mariko?" Sae asked. "We sure heard you..."
"I can't remember kissing a dino like her!" Miichan interrupted. To everyone’s surprise, Mariko didn’t' counter. The alcohol was already getting to her, the same was happening to Yuko. She sat beside Haruna without even touching her. "Yuko, your turn!" Miichan shouted to make the short girl jump.
"I... I never pinned someone on the wall." Yuko said timidly. It surprised a few of them. Haruna gulped. Was that really on purpose? Sayu and Haruna drank.
"I'm always pinning onee-chan to the wall." Sayu said grinning.
"Stop kidding, Sayu!" Mayu scolded.
"It is just a must to do thing when you're with someone." Sayu complemented.
"It is so good! I love to do it." Haruna said. With that Yuko retreated a bit. Haruna couldn’t believe she had said that. Maybe she was already drunk.
"How can you know that? I was always the one who pinned you." Mariko whimpered. She was already out of herself too.
"I dated others beside you." Haruna countered. She would never admit that she only did it with Yuko though. The taller girl looked around. Beside her, Yuko was looking down with pending shoulders; Miichan was looking angrily at Mariko, who seemed nervous somehow; Acchan was obviously holding herself back to not jump onto Takamina; the shortest girl was looking at Acchan with flirting eyes; Sae was trying to caress Yuki, but the girl always shoved her hand; Sayu was looking at Sae strangely; Yuki and Mayu were touching hands underneath the table; the Tomo couple looked like they would fight soon; and Jurina was clinging onto Rena, who just let the girl be. Haruna sighed.
"Harunyan, your turn." Acchan said turning her gazer away from Takamina.
"I never used a love hotel room." Haruna said. Yuko, Mariko, Sae, Tomo~mi, Mayu, Sayu, Yuki, Rena, and Acchan drunk their doses.
"Rena-chan..." Jurina mumbled from the girl's arm. Everyone looked at her with curious eyes.
"Well, with that boyfriend from high school..." Rena sighed.
"We are always testing our rooms." Mayu said. "Last time was when Yuki spent the night here." She complemented looking at Yuki, who blushed hard.
"That was also when she got tied to a bed." Sayu said winking at Yuki. The girl now wanted to find a hole on the floor and hide herself in it. Now, Sae understood what was happening with her friend; that was what Yuki was hiding since that strange call a day before.
"Yuki, I didn't know you were that fast." Acchan teased, making everyone laugh.
"I.. I always take my dates to a love hotel." Yuko said in low voice tone. She was strangely shy.
"Ee!" Haruna voiced, not seeming to be surprised. She leaned closer to Yuko and whispered. "Will you take me to a love hotel room too?" She put all her sensuality in that question. That was the assurance that she was drunk. Yuko blushed and retreated.
"I... Ie. I don't have such intentions with you...” Yuko said shyly. Haruna sighed disappointed.
"Same as Yuko." Sae and Mariko said together, to their own surprise.
"I basically don't invite anyone to my apartment, so when I date someone I have to take them to a love hotel or something like that." Mariko explained.
"I feel sorry for the ones you dated, old mummy." Miichan said with scorn in her voice.
"So do I." Haruna agreed.
"What are you complaining about? I always treated you well." Mariko countered with an unusually kind voice.
"That's true." Acchan meddled. “Wait! Mariko, you never took Haruna to a love hotel?" Acchan asked a bit surprised.
"Of course not. She was my dear girlfriend, who I was serious about. Besides, at that time, I lived at my parent's house. And they spent the whole day out, so it was easy to..." Mariko stopped feeling a dark aura being directed to her. It was visible, the growing pout on Miichan.
"I guess everyone take their dates to love hotels, right Tomo~mi?" Acchan said looking at the girl. Tomo~mi nodded helplessly.
"Yeah. Three of them." Tomochin growled. "I hope it wasn't at the same time." That comment made the other girl blush hard.
"It wasn't!" Tomo~mi countered.
"Okay. How about we continue?" Takamina intervened. She knew Tomochin too well to know that if it continued, they would get into a fight. So, everyone looked at Rena.
"I never said 'I love you'." Rena confessed sighing. Mariko, Yuko, Tomo~mi, Acchan, Jurina and Haruna drunk their doses.
"Acchan... You..." Takamina was too surprised. She didn't know exactly why, but she was. Maybe she was already drunk. She was always too weak for alcohol.
"I always say it to my parents." Acchan said smiling.
"Rena-chan meant it romantically speaking." Jurina said with a strange shine on her eyes.
"Well, she wasn’t specific." Acchan countered.
"Hey, you didn't say it to your boyfriend from high school?" Tomo~mi asked.
"No. When he confessed, he said he liked me. I liked him back and accepted his feelings, but we never said it to each other." Rena answered while in thought.
"I loved someone a long time ago. But when I said 'I love you', she left me..." Yuko complained hurt. Haruna looked sympathized at the woman beside her. Then, she looked at Mariko.
"Well, my first love was Mariko. I dated people before and after her, but she was the only one I said those words to." Haruna admitted blushing. The tallest woman also blushed.
"You were the first one I said those words to too." Mariko said looking at Haruna. "But I fell again for someone else and wasn't able to tell her that."
"Yeah... But I'm glad we're still good friends." Haruna said smiling at the end. Mariko smiled back.
"I already expressed my feelings for Rena-chan." Jurina smiled widely. Rena blushed hard.
"Whoa! You sure are fast, Jurina!" Takamina shouted in surprise. The youngest girl merely grinned.
"I just wanted to let her know how I felt before someone else does it first. I love her too much to let her go." Jurina said cuddling on Rena's arm. Rena turned purple.
"I said it to a boyfriend I had once a long time ago." Tomo~mi sighed.
"Was that the one who was two timing you?" Haruna asked. Tomo~mi nodded. Tomochin looked at the girl beside her thinking about how someone could two time a girl like Chiyuu.
"Juri-chan's time!" Mayu said startling them all. Jurina nodded with her cat like smile.
"I never had sex." Jurina said it like it was nothing. Rena slightly choked with her own saliva. Everyone, except Tomochin, Takamina and Miichan, drank their doses. That was a really tricky statement.
"I guess we don't need to comment this..." Takamina said embarrassed.
"Tomochin, you made your nee-chan proud now. Even having tons of boyfriends you never gave in to anyone of them." Miichan said with fake tears in her eyes.
"It's just that no one really made me feel special." Tomochin mumbled. Tomo~mi looked at her with curious eyes.
"But Miichan, Mariko said you two had a nice night after the wedding party and we heard things from your room too." Sae pointed.
"I already said I don't remember!" Miichan protested.
"Yeah, yeah. ’If you don't remember, it didn't happened'." Tomochin replied mockingly. "Nee-chan, why don't you accept that something indeed happened between you and Mariko-san?"
"No!" Miichan shouted. Mariko retreated a bit. She knew that nothing happened and kept the teasing. Maybe she just liked the girl's reaction.
"So Takamina, you never..." Acchan started.
"Ieieieieie! This is too personal. Why do we have to do this kind of thing anyway? It's so embarrassing!" Takamina said embracing herself feeling a bit dizzy.
"Because it's good." Sae said.
"Maybe for the species preservation?" Haruna said placing a finger on her chin, looking anywhere at the ceiling.
"M... Maybe. If it's inevitable...." Takamina mumbled, blushing.
"Tomo~mi's turn!" Mayu said.
"I never... Had sex in a public place." Tomo~mi said blushing a bit. Yuko, Yuki and Sae drank their doses. Everyone looked at the five a bit surprised.
"I don't know, it never surprises me when it comes to Yuko." Acchan confessed in a funny way. Yuko opened her mouth.
"Don't say anything! I'm full of your adventure stories!" Haruna cut Yuko before she even started. Yuko was a bit surprised by the reaction.
"Uuuu. Someone is jealous." Mariko teased. Haruna pouted.
"Yukirin..." Mayu said with curiosity. Yuki looked at Sae and blushed.
"I see." Sayu said grinning. "I didn't know you were that kind of person, Sae-san."
"It was just one time..." Sae said timidly.
"Where?" Sayu wanted to know.
"At... The cinema..." Yuki answered blushing.
"Ah! That's why you said your relationship was complicated." Jurina stated smiling. The two smiled helplessly. Every gaze turned to Tomochin already anticipating something perverted.
"I never swam naked." Tomochin said. Compared to the lasts sentences, this one was pretty innocent. Sayu, Mayu, Acchan and Sae drank their doses.
"When we go to our parent's summer house, we like to swim naked." Sayu said with a perverted smile.
"Sayu, stop making them think we are perverted sisters." Mayu reprehended.
"But you are." Yuko mumbled. Mayu gave the woman a menacing gaze and she retreated on her seat.
"I dated this guy who had a pool and he lived alone an..." Acchan stopped feeling Takamina's infuriated gaze at her.
"Yeah! It totally happened with me! What a gorgeous woman she was!" Sae was deep back in her memories.
"Good Sayaka is not here to hear how much of a playboy you are." Haruna teased. Hearing the other woman's name, Sae backed away from her memories, blushing.
"So, first round is done!" Mayu announced. "The winner was Yuko with eleven shots. Yuko, are you feeling well?"
"I'm fine." Yuko said trying to stand up only to fall back on the couch over Haruna, who tried to catch her.
"I think that's a no. Girls, you can stand up and walk around to check if you can handle another round." Mayu said stretching.
Miichan stood up, walked to Mariko and sat next to her. Acchan was all over Takamina saying her name nonstop. Takamina was holding Acchan’s arms and also calling the others name nonstop. Haruna started to caress Yuko’s body; the girl struggled against it, but she was too drunk to move fast. The Tomo couple was starting to discuss about their issues. Jurina was showering kisses over Rena’s cheeks, and the second one was embracing the younger. Mayu was still sat down with Yuki holding her arm. Sae was trying to hold Yuki, but Sayu grabbed her by her clothes and dragged her away.
“I guess there won't be a second round.” Mayu mumbled. “Girls, time to go to bed!” Mayu shouted with a grim grin on her face.



How was it?

I promise ACTION for the next chapter o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline mae

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Chapter 9 [02/15]
« Reply #94 on: February 15, 2013, 05:57:53 PM »
Thank you for update
Just WOW this chapter is awesome they are some confessions I really love <3
Please make some actions in the next chapter ;)
I know it's hard to make a fic but do your best your fic is awesome :D
Please update soon :)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 06:03:02 PM by mae »

Offline Elo

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Chapter 9 [02/15]
« Reply #95 on: February 15, 2013, 06:16:13 PM »
thank you it is a funny chapter
i want more marimii sorry if i am trouble you but i love that pair

please update soon  :bow:
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

Offline DC2805

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Chapter 9 [02/15]
« Reply #96 on: February 15, 2013, 09:16:00 PM »
OMG! This game is scary!  :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

I would have drank 7 shots if I was in this game!  :sweatdrop:

So many secrets revealed ... majority of them aren't innocent...OMG (again!)  XD
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Chapter 9 [02/15]
« Reply #97 on: February 15, 2013, 10:13:22 PM »
I love this game! so many secrets .. jej aww yuuchan is so shy when she is drunk i love it.. and haruna its gonna be so wild perhaps... OMG! I LOVE THIS FIC is awesome.. and the confessions wow..

Offline Chanaline

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Chapter 9 [02/15]
« Reply #98 on: February 15, 2013, 10:27:51 PM »
Thank you for this update!! Woaah the game! XD

Too many secrets reveled! And Yuko is so funny!! She is so shy! Woahahaha! And now it's Haruna who want Yuko :lol:

The twins are so perverted  :D Sayu :rofl:

Atsumina at the end of the game :rofl:

More Mayuki please :bow:

Thank you!! :twothumbs
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Re: It started in a wedding. (MariMii+Everyone) Chapter 9 [02/15]
« Reply #99 on: February 15, 2013, 10:40:51 PM »
mygawd...the game waaaaaaaas AWESOME!! they gotta do it again :on lol: :on lol: :on lol:
man...that's really a good never heard of it so yeah) maybe imma try that out when i'm 18 and can drink xD  :kekeke: n
ice update~~  :on GJ: looking forward to the others~  :glasses:

PS:@BbSis: really?!?!?!?!?! YESSSSSSS~~~~~~~~~~~~~  xD wooot...  :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer: can't it...hehehe  :ding: :ding: :ding:

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