
Thank you for whoever dropped by to read my short fics and even more thank you for you who left comment and "thank you"

@kuro_808: Poor Sahho is left to become a dirty DD

@sastio13: Maybe when I get a great deal from my friend again lol.

@bunny_rabbit: THE INTERVIEW IS REAL (it was on ENTAME with MogiMion lol)
So I'm back to the track of musing with my OTP. I've actually finished this a while ago but I fixed it few times before I can post it here.

Here it is, I present you.
PeachIt was the usual day for HKT48 team H girls. Rehearsing for the theater show, practicing their vocal, or just discussing with each other. The theater was buzzing from the girls' voices on stage. The hallway was free of anyone but two girls who seemed to be in a silent glaring battle.
Anai Chihiro, team H captain, stared at her vice captain, Matsuoka Natsumi, as she contemplated what to say to the moody girl.
"So... Chiichan, what are we doing here?"
Chihiro knew well that Natsu wasn't a morning person, with her face forming a scowl that almost scared the captain if she didn't remind herself for what purpose she dragged her there.
"I want to talk..."
"About what?"
If the words were weapon, then I would've been stabbed countless times by now, Chihiro thought of how sharp those lines were spoken by the moody vice captain. She licked her lips unconsciously before she opened them to speak.
"About the Pocky game you did with Meru."
Her words got Natsu frowning, before the vice captain slowly turned her lips into the usual lopsided grin that was often seen on her. Chihiro licked her lips again to ease her nervousness when she heard a chuckle.
"So lemme guess, you're jealous, aren't you?"
Chihiro averted her gaze. She looked around to check if there are other people in the proximity before she turned back to Natsu with a pout on her face.
"A little bit."
Natsu, all of sudden, wrapped her arms around Chihiro's waist and closed the gap between them, making the captain let out a gasp. She saw the playful smirk and couldn't help but biting her lips when her vice captain leaned closer to whisper on her ear.
"We all know you're off-limit, Chiichan."
Chihiro knew well that Natsu only stated the truth. She herself was the one who spouted that she didn't want to be kissed. Still, she couldn't help it when she felt the jealousy as she watched--and recorded--that dangerous Pocky game video between Natsu and Meru where their lips brushed with each other. She braced herself and gazed at Natsu's eyes.
"Then let me kiss you in OshiMeshi tonight."
Chihiro realized how Natsu was taken aback by her request that was so uncharacteristic of her. The vice captain widened her eyes and released herself from Chihiro. She stared at the captain with disbelief and it took her a little while before she responded. Her jaws were still a little slacked from the shock.
"Are you serious, Chiichan?
Chihiro bit her lips and looked down as she nodded without words. She started to regret her own decision at that very moment and she felt like escaping from the gaze of her vice captain until she realized that a tint of red was starting to spread from Natsu's cheeks to her face. She let go a relieved sigh inwardly as she held her vice captain's hands.
"Let's do our best."
Her voice seemed to sooth Natsu as she saw the girl smiled, and her smile slowly turned into a cheeky grin.
"Let's not overdo it like Piichan and Meru."
Both of them weren't there when the little "accident" happened but they knew how the pair earned the ban from their manager. The captain and vice captain knew they liked each other too much to do that and let such thing hinder their chance to perform the song together.
Chihiro let out a nervous giggle. "Yeah."
The rest of the rehearsal went like the usual and soon they were on stage performing the familiar set list. Chihiro could feel her heart beating faster on each song passing by and worked hard to not let it leap beyond her ribs as she changed into that song's costume: the black-and-maroon-colored dress of a temptress.
When she was done with her preparation, she waited for Natsu to finish with hers. She started wondering why she even let herself into the situation, feeling her hands trembling. She only realized they were held by Natsu when she rubbed the back of her hands gently with her thumbs, trying to calm Chihiro's nerve. Still, Chihiro noticed that her vice captain was as nervous as she was with her flushing red face. She pulled the girl in pure white dress into an embrace.
She muttered, "We will be okay," as if she was telling that to herself. She patted the back of her head like she usually did to assure the younger girl and waited for awhile before she released herself. They gazed at each other and let out an embarrassed giggle.
Chihiro took her phone as she smiled at Natsu. "Let's take a photo of our stupid self."
They took a few photos of their awkward selves before they left the dressing room together and went to their positions at the backstage, ready to perform the song. And the kiss scene.
Again, Chihiro felt the nervousness eating her from the inside so she took a deep breath to calm herself. Setting her mind into the song's nuance, a sly smile slipped onto her face before she walked onto the stage brimming with confidence. They performed the song as they usually did, keeping their feelings at the bay while exuding the emotions needed to express the song. They managed to pull it together until it reached that part.
It started like the usual, Chihiro placing her hand on the back of Natsu's head as she closed the gap between them and both of them tilted their heads for the kissing angle. The only difference was when Chihiro pressed her lips to Natsu's and she could feel the vice captain's body stiffened a bit on her arms.
When they distanced themselves, they gazed at each other's eyes--and darted a glance to the lips a few times. Both of them hoped nobody would even realize what they had just done as Chihiro escorted Natsu to the back of the center stage before she pulled her into an embrace with the door closing, covering them from the audience.
Chihiro felt a surge of reliefs when she realized they had finished with their performance of OshiMeshi and she had committed her deed. The kiss was brief but she could still taste the flavor of Natsu's lips when she licked her own lips. It reminded her of the first time they performed the song together when she accidentally pecked on her lips. She let out a giggle afterward, as it made her recall the spontaneous answer she gave on her radio show regarding the taste of her vice captain's lips.
"You know, your lips really taste like a peach," said Chihiro in a whisper to Natsu's ear before she let her go from the embrace. She giggled as she walked away, leaving her vice captain with a frown on her face.
Natsu stared at Chihiro's back as she wondered what the captain meant about the taste of her lips. She licked her lips and it wasn't peach flavored. Maybe Chihiro was just imagining things, she thought.
But then, as she did so, she realized she could taste the remains of Chihiro's lips on hers so she decided to shrug it off. She followed the captain back to the dressing room with a wide grin of satisfaction, knowing that she was the only one in the group to have a taste of her captain's lips.
Comments, Critics, and Suggestions are always warmly welcomed