@vivinardisa, @Kairiri65, @cisda83, @Kazuko: Thanks for reading my fic.

@sadrilim: Thanks for reading my fic. Yes, Atsumina Forever

Thank you everyone who read this fic

Here is my update for chapter 3
Chapter 3: A New Companion
Mariko POVWhen Mii-kun and I come back to the ship, I only see Yuki and Jun
“You guys are already back” I greet them
They all turn back to look at me.
“Oh hey, Mariko-sama, Mii-kun” Yuki and Jun greet us
“Who is he Mariko-sama?” Jun asks me
“Hi everyone, my name is Takahashi Minami. You guys can call me Takamina. From today, I will be your new crew member” Minami said with a smile on his face
Takahashi Minami (Takamina): A swordsman
- He own a sword with a dragon head engrave in between the rain-guard and cross-guard
- His parent died when he was 6“Takamina is like my brother” Mii-kun said.
“His father takes care of me because my parent passed away when I was 6.” Minami adds.
“Sorry” Yuki said and everyone look at Minami.
“nah, it’s ok” he smile at them
“So, what about the new crew member?” Jun asks
“Well, from now on he will join our ship” I said to them.
“I met him in the market, and since he is a skilled swordsman, I think he is a good candidate for us” I add.
Flashback“Hey Mii-kun, I think we bought enough material for our ship. How about you? Did you buy something for your experiment?” Mariko asks Mii while checking all her stuffs.
“I think I’ve got enough. We should get back now. It is already dark” Mii answers.
When they turn around, they suddenly bump into someone.
“I’m sorr… ah, Takamina?” Mii said with surprise tone.
“Oh, Takamina what are you doing here?” Mariko asks Minami.
“Oh hey, Mii and Mariko-sama long time no see” Minami greets them.
“I just travel around from town to town” Minami said.
“How are you guys doing? Still together as always huh” Minami asks teasingly and giggles.
“I’m fine. And he still follows me around” Mariko answers Minami and pats Mii’s head.
“I’m not following you, and don’t pat my head like I’m a kid” he annoyingly said.
“You two the same as always” Minami giggles
“Put that aside, Takamina you just travel around right?” Mariko asks
“Yes, why?” Minami answers with confusing look.
“Takamina, did you hear about the pirate group “The Legend”?” Mariko asks
“Yes, I saw a lot of wanted notice about them” Minami answers
“And I just met their captain while ago” Minami though and smile.
“What up?” Mii aks when he saw Minami smile.
“ah.. n..no.. nothing. And what about them?” Minami said.
“Do you know that we are one of them?” Mariko continues
“What!!! You are “The Lehmmp”” Mii covers Minami mouth before he could finish his words.
“Hush, Takamina, you are too loud” Mii talks to him with a whisper tone.
“Sorry, I just thought that they just have them same name with you guys. I never thought you two are one of them.” Minami talks in a low tone.
“Do you think there will be that coincident” Mii raises his eyebrow and asks.
“Anyway, I want you to join ours ship” Mariko speaks.
“Why?” he asks
“Well, to tell the true, we short in member. Since you are a strong swordsman, we will become stronger. Therefore we will be able to fight any stronger opponent in the future.” Mariko explains
After a while
“Ok, I will join you guys” Minami accepts the offer.
“That is great” Mariko and Mii said together.
End Flashback“So, that is the reason” Yuki said.
“And you’re a skilled swordsman huh?” Jun asks Minami
“No, I’m not that good” Minami said and smiles shyly while scratching his head
“Hey guys” Haruna goes up and greets everyone.
“Who is he” Haruna asks with confusing look
“He is Takamina, and he will be our new crew member” Mariko said
“What do you think Yuki, Jun” Mii asks them
“Welcome to our ship, nice to meet you Takamina” Yuki and Jun said and shake Minami hand.
“Nyan Nyan can you call our captain, and then we will introduce each other” Mariko said
Haruna goes down and informs Atsuko
“Acchan, Mari-chan and Mii are back. They also brought a new crew member.”
“A new crew member?” Atsuko asks Haruna
“Uh, Mari-chan said that he is her and Mii’s childhood friend. She also said that he is a skilled swordsman” Haruna tells Atsuko while they are walking up to the ship deck.
When Atsuko got up to the ship deck, she sees a familiar figure.
“It cannot be” Atsuko thought
The small figure turns to her and greets her with a wide smile
“Hey, Atsuko, we meet again”
“It’s you again” Atsuko finally said with a surprise tone
“Acchan you know him?” Mariko said in surprise tone because she know that Atsuko never like to interact with strangers especially telling her name.
“Yes” Minami answers
“No” Atsuko answers
Atsuko glares at him
“By the way, don’t call me like we are close with each other” Atsuko coldly adds
“But you accepted to be my friend” Minami pouts
“I never said that” Atsuko answers annoyingly
“But you already tell me your name”
“That because you keep following me”
“Wait, where did you meet Acchan, Takamina?” Mii Asks
“I met her at the market this morning” Minami answers
“Oh I see. So Acchan what do you think about him?” Mariko asks
“Since everyone is agree, it is fine by me.” Atsuko answers
“Well, welcome to The Legend, my name is Maeda Atsuko, captain of this ship. Nice to meet you” Atsuko shakes his hand
“Nice to meet you, too” Minami smiles widely and shakes her hand
“My name is Kashiwagi Yuki, vice-captain” Yuki shakes his hand
“My name is Matsui Jun,”
"My name is Kojima Haruna, you can call me Nyan Nyan.”
“OK you all know each other. Now I will go back to my room” Atsuko said and leave the deck.
Mariko sees that Minami is still looking at Atsuko. She said to him
“Don’t worry, Acchan is not hate you or anything”
“Yes, Mariko-sama is right; it is just Atsuko-nee’s character. She doesn’t like to interact with stranger.” Yuki adds
"However, I think it is opposite. Takamina, you had accomplished something. You made her to tell her name to you” Mariko teases and laugh
“Accomplished huh?” Minami thought
“Come on, Takamina, I will show you to your room” Mii said
“Ah, ok, let go” Minami answers.
On their way“Do you like Accchan?” Mii whisper in Minami ear
“Wha…wha…what?” Minami stutter and his face turn red
Mii giggles
At night
Minami POVToday is a day with full of surprise.
Flashback“Hey little boy, what are you doing?” I ask him
I caught him while he tries to steal my money
“I…I.. Ummm..I..” he stutter
“Why did you do that?” I sign and ask him
“My mom is hungry, and she is very sick. I need money to find for my mom a doctor” he speaks in a small voice.
*sign* poor little boy
“Here takes these foods to your mom. And here take some money to find a good doctor to your mom” I said to him.
After I say goodbye to him, I look up and see a girl is looking at this way. She has a pretty and angelic face. Her eyes are very beautiful but cold. Somehow I feel that she is very familiar. I smile at her but she just turns her face and walks away.
After finished eating, I start walking around the city. When I pass through the corner of the street, I hear some noise. Curious, I walk to the sources of the sound. I see that girl again. She is defending the little boy that I just gave him money.
She comes closer to the boy, bends down and lifts him up from the ground. She gently asks him about what happen to him. After he told her his entire problem, she stands up and walks to the two guys who are still frighten because of her glare. She asks them about the money. After everything is settled down, she goes back to the boy and gives him money.
She pats his head and gives him a gentle smile. That is a beautiful smile that I’ve never seen before. However, that smile is also so familiar like I’ve seen that somewhere. Seeing that smile somehow it makes me calm, and my heart just skips a beat because of it.
Then she leaves. I quickly hide behind the wall. I keep looking at her, and I don't know why but my feet start following her by themselves. Then I see a group of guys is surrounding her. I bend down to pick some sand in my hand and walk toward her.
“Honey, where are you going? I look for you everywhere.” I call her and pull her closer to me.
When I pull her close to me, she look at me with surprise eyes. I whisper "I'll save you," and then I kiss her cheek. Her surprise face is so cute. Looking at her face, I want to tease her more. However, I have to get rid of those guys first. I throw sand to their eyes and pull her to run with me. Just running with her is very fun. When I think that it is far enough I stop. She quickly pulls her hand out of my.
She asked me "what are you doing?"
"I just want you to help you." I answer
"By the way, my name is Takahashi Minami" I introduced myself and give her my best smile.
"I don’t need your help." she coldly said to me.
"May I know your name" I ask her
She ignores me and walks away.
I follow her and said
"At least, I saved you, and I already told you my name"
"First, I did not ask your help. Second, you told me your name by yourself"
Wow she is so cold, but I get a feeling that deep down she is a very warm girl.
"I just want to know your name and to be your friend" I pout
Suddenly she stops. "Why?" "Why do you want to be my friend" she asks me.
"Somehow I feel so familiar when I see you" I honestly answer her
"Maeda Atsuko" she answers shortly
Yatta! I know she has a soft side.
Wait "Maeda Atsuko" I mumbling to myself. "That sound familiar. Ah… The wanted notice." I shout to myself
"She is that person, but she is too young"
"You are those people in the wanted notice?" I accidentally speak out. I think I make her upset
"Yes, why? Are you afraid or do you want to turn me in to get the prize" she blankly said
I scold myself of how stupid I’m. Just when I can slowly be friend with her, I ruin everything. I quickly answer
"No, no, no it just that you are very young. I never thought that a well-known pirate in the past 7 years is that young. On top of that I don't think you a bad person to turn you to the nobility here" I smile at her
She turns around and said with a soft tone
"You are weird"
Somehow just those words are powerful enough to make my heart skip a beat.
However just a few second, again with a cold voice she said to me
"Do not follow me” and leaves.
I stand there look at her back and think “girl are very complicated.”
Then I continue wandering around the city. While walking I keep thinking about her, her angelic face and her gentle smile.
“I wish I could meet her again.”
Because I keep thinking to myself, I do not focus to the road and hit someone.
When I about to apologize to them, they call my name. I realize they are my childhood friend, Mariko and Mii-kun.
It has been a long time since I see them. To my surprise, they are in the pirate group “The Legend,” the same group with Atsuko, and they ask me to join them.
“This is my chance to meet her again.” I thought to myself.
I don’t know why but I really want to meet her again.
Then I came to them to the ship, and become their comrade.
End Flashback.I sit on my bed and think to myself
“Why does she not like interact with other?”
“Atsuko, I don’t know why but I want to make you open up yourself, and smile to me.” I talk to myself.
Then something just flashes through my mind “Atsuko, Atsuko…why that name is so familiar”
At the same time
In Atsuko’s room Doki…Doki…Doki
“Why my heart beat so fast when I see his face?” Atsuko thought to herself.
“And why did he kiss my cheek?” Atsuko touches her cheek while her face slowly turns red.
“That smile and those eyes …. Minami, Minami, Minami…. so familiar” Atsuko whispers to herself and slowly falls in sleep.
TBC This is chapter 3. Hope you guys enjoy reading it. Feel free to comment about your opinions.