Heya I'm back

Thank you for everyone who comes to this thread to read and/or leave comment/thank you. I really, really appreciate that.

@kuro_808: Tsundere queen in action

@yurin23mayuki: Maybe one day

For a long time, I've been wanting to write something based on Sandaime J Soul Brothers' Best Friend's Girl
(Yes I like the guys a lot lol)
The lyrics inspired me to write this short drabble, which has actually finished for a very long time but I couldn't decide which pair I wanted to use. The idea to use ChiiNatsuMado struck me when I looked at my current signature lol. Why not?

It's a genderbend drabble ofc, and set from Madoka's pov as the guy who loves Chihiro, Natsu's girl. Natsu is a guy too here lol.
Anyway, here I present you....
Best Friend's GirlI love it when you smile.
I smile when you smile.
I love making you smile.
It hurts me so to see you smile so happily.
My lips let out a smile as my heart bleeds when I see you smile because of him.
Just... Don't smile in front of me like that.
I love you.
I know I'm not supposed to have this feeling for you.
No one should know about this feeling.
Even you.
Because you don't belong to me.
You belong to him.
You are my best friend's girl.
Comments, critics, and suggestions are always warmly welcome.