@ChrunchyCream, @tong99826, @Ne_Okotteru, @key17, @kazuko, @cisda83, @black_maa, @sadrilim, @purnamazaki: Thank you!

Thank you everyone for reading my fic!

Sorry for the delay, somehow I can’t access this page since yesterday. Here is part 9.
Part 9Next evening
Minami’s POVI walk back to my house after school. When I open the door, I stun at what I see. The house is all messed up.
“Are those people again?” I thought to myself
Then I run to my room and Acchan’s room to check. They were all messed up. Everything is broken and scattered all around the place.
“Luckily, this morning, I asked Nyan Nyan to take her to her shop.” I thought in relieve
In the morning(Hello) Yuu said
“Hello Yuu, sorry for this early call, can you do me a favor?” I ask Yuu
(What is it, Takamina?) Yuu asks
“Can you take Acchan to Nyan Nyan place for me? I will go there to pick up her in the evening” I ask
(Ok, But why?) Yuu asks in curious tone
“Uhm...I don’t want to leave her alone at home. She might get bored” I said
(Really?) Yuu asks
"Uh” I said
(Ok, if you say so, I will go there and pick her up before you go to school) Yuu said
“Thank you Yuu, bye” I said
Then I hang up
“I don’t know why I got this uneasy feeling” I thought
End flashback“Who are they?” I thought in worry
While I’m cleaning the house, I hear my doorbell. I go to the door and open it.
“Hello, Mr Takahashi” a policeman greets me
"Hello sir. Do you have any news about Acchan?" I greet him and ask
"Yes, I did. The other day, I just got a notice from Tokyo, but I can't contact you. Luckily you are here." the policeman said
"I was stayed in hospital these days" I said
"Please come into my house" I continue
"It is ok. I just want to tell you that the notice attached her image on it. Her name is Maeda Atsuko. It said that if we have any new about her, contact the chief police of the Tokyo police department, Matsui Jun." the policeman said to me
"Maeda Atsuko, she is really the president daughter" I thought in surprise
"Mr. Takahashi, do you want me to contact him for you or you will do it yourself. After all you're the one who found her." he said to me
"I will contact him." I said
"Ok, this is her file. His contact is in there." the policeman said
"Thank you" I said to him
"Ok, I will leave now. If you need anything just contact me." he said
"Ok, thank once again" I said and bow.
Then he leaves. I also leave the house to pick Acchan up. We silently walk back home
At homeWhen we go into the house, Acchan calls me
I turn around and look at her
"What is it Acchan?" I ask her
"What's wrong? You are so silent today" Acchan asks me in worry tone.
"Nothing Acchan, don't worry" I said and smile at her
"Acchan, I have a good news for you" I continue
"What is it, Minami?" Acchan clings on my arm and asks
“Let's get to the living room first" I said
Then we go to the living room and sit on the sofa.
“Acchan, your parent is looking for you. I got your file from the police.” I said
“Really Minami” Acchan happily asks me
“Uh” I smile at her
I open and look at her file. There is nothing much in there except her picture and name, together with the chief of police department, Matsui Jun.
“I will call this person. He will take you to your parent” I said to Acchan
“Matsui Jun” She said in wonder tone
“What is it, Acchan?” I ask her
“I have a feeling that I heard this name somewhere before” Acchan said in confuse
“I see. Maybe you will regain your memories when you meet him and your parent” I said
“Let me call him” I continue
“Uh” Acchan nods
I take out my phone and call the number
End Minami’s POV(Hello this is Matsui Jun) the other side said
"Hello my name is Takahashi Minami. Several weeks ago, I found a girl unconscious in the forest. I took her back to my house. Because she lost her memories, I didn't know who she is. Today, police officer in my place told me who she is and tell me to contact you" Minami said
(You found Maeda Atsuko?) Jun asks
"Uh" Minami said
(Where do you live?) Jun asks
"I live in a small town outskirt of Tokyo." Minami answers and tells Jun about the place.
(Can I talk to her?) Jun asks
"Ok, she is next to me right now." Minami said
Then he turns to Acchan
"Acchan, the police want to talk to you." Minami said
Hearing that, Acchan looks at Minami with scared eyes. She shakes her head and holds Minami's arm tight
"It is ok, Acchan. I'm here with you. He just wants to help you." Minami said and kisses on her forehead
Then Acchan nods. She takes the phone and places on her ear
"Hello" Acchan said in small tone
(Atsuko, is that you? I'm Jun-nii, do you remember me?) Jun happily said
"Who are you?" Acchan asks in confused
(I see) Jun thought
(Atsuko, can you give back the phone to Takahashi-san?) Jun said
Then Acchan gives Minami the phone
“He wants to talk to you” Acchan said
“Ok” Minami said and takes the phone
“Hello, sir” Minami said
(Are you free tomorrow?) Jun asks
“Yes, I’m.” Minami said
(I want to meet her. Tomorrow, I will go to your house to meet you and her) Jun said
“Ok” Minami said
Then they hang up. Minami turns to Acchan and said
“Acchan, tomorrow, he will come here to meet you. You will be able meet your parent soon” Minami said and smiles at her
“I’m so happy, Minami.” She smiles and hugs Minami
"Minami" Acchan call him
"Huh?" Minami said while stroking Acchan's hair
“Even I’m back with my parent, Minami will still be with me right?” Acchan said while looking at Minami and smiles
Minami doesn’t say anything. He hugs her and pats her head
“Acchan, are you hungry?” Minami asks
“Uh” Acchan nods
“Come on, let go to kitchen, Acchan. I will make you some food.” Minami said and holds Acchan’s hand
“Minami” Acchan calls him again
“Huh?” Minami turns and looks at her
“I love you” Acchan said and pecks on his lips
Minami smiles and looks at her
“I love you, too Acchan” Minami said and hugs Acchan
However, his eyes somehow are filled with sadness
At Jun’s houseJun leans back on his chair and puts down his phone
“Takahashi Minami, Takamina. This world is really small” Jun though and smiles
“What is a relief, Atsuko is still in good hand” Jun thought
In the early morning
In Minami's houseWhile Minami is cooking in the kitchen, he hears the doorbell rings. He goes to the door and opens it
“Hello Takahashi-san” Jun smiles and said
“Hi sir” Minami said
“Sorry for this early, I just want to meet her sooner” Jun said
“It is ok, I awoke anyway” Minami said and smiles
“Please come inside sir” Minami continues
“No need to call me that, just call me Jun” Jun said
"Ok, then just call me Takamina" Minami said
"Ok" Jun said
“I know” Jun mumbles
Hearing something Minami turns and asks
“What did you say?”
“Ah, nothing, where is Maeda Atsuko?" Jun asks
"Please come to the living room. She is still sleeping. I will call her" Minami said
"Ok" Jun said
Then Minami goes to Acchan's room. Acchan is still sleeping soundly on her bed
"Acchan, the police came" Minami sits on her bed and gently calls her
"Uhm...Minami" Acchan opens her sleepy eyes and calls Minami
"Good morning Acchan" Minami smiles and said
"Good morning Minami" Acchan sits up and said while rubbing her eyes
"Come on Acchan, let prepare and go to meet him" Minami said
"Ok" Acchan said and steps down
Then Minami goes outside
Minami sits and talks to Jun while waiting for Acchan.
"Can you tell me more about how can you find her?" Jun asks
"One month ago, when I went back to my house, I saw her unconscious near the forest. Her head was covered with blood. Therefore, I brought her back here. After she woke up, she didn't remember anything. I took her to the police but they said that there was no missing case. Also they said that since she doesn't remember anything, I should keep her until they find any news." Minami said
"I see" Jun said
"Jun, can I ask you something?" Minami asks
"Of course" Jun said
"What happened to Acchan?" Minami asks
"Acchan?" Jun repeats in wonder tone
"Ah sorry, that is the name I named her since she doesn't know who she is" Minami said
"Oh." Jun said
"Her name is Maeda Atsuko." Jun said
"Uh, I know. I saw her file" Minami said
"She is the daughter of the president of Maeda group" Jun said
"She is 20 years old. She was kidnapped on the day she came back to Japan after ten years study abroad. However, somehow she managed to escape from them, and the rest is what you knew" Jun continues
"I see. Do you know who did that?" Minami worriedly asks
"No, not yet, we still investigate about it." Jun said
"Fortunately, that she is safe now." Jun continues
"Uh, that is a relief." Minami sighs in relieves
"You seem to worry about her a lot" Jun said
"Uh, I’m happy for her that she is safe. It must be very terrible to be kidnapped after just came back here" Minami said
"Uh" Jun said and leans back on his chair
"I have something to tell you, Jun" Minami said
"What is it?" Jun asks
"One week ago, we were attacked by three men. They said that they want to capture her. They also have gun" Minami said
"Gun" Jun thought in surprise
"Yesterday, they also come to my house. I think they want to find her" Minami said
"I see" Jun thought while frowning
"Did you tell anyone about that?" Jun asks
"No, I think this is too danger to let other know" Minami said
"Uh, you did right." Jun said
"By the way, Takamina" Jun calls
“Huh?” Minami asks
"Don't you scare? They also have gun. Don’t you afraid about trouble?” Jun asks
"No, I don’t. Because of Acchan, I'm not afraid of anything” Minami answers immediately
“I will protect her no matter what. I won't let any bad happen to her. I will use my life to protect her." Minami seriously said
Jun looks at Minami and smiles.
While they are talking, Acchan steps down. She hides behind the wall and calls Minami
They turn to her. Minami stands up and goes to her.
"Acchan, you go there and talk to him. I will go to the kitchen to take some water for us" Minami said
"No, Minami" Acchan shakes her head and holds Minami's hand tight
"Don't be scared Acchan. He just wants to help you. Just answer his questions, ok." Minami gently said and kisses her forehead
"I will be back soon" he continues
"Ok." Acchan nods
"You want tomatoes juice right?" Minami asks
"Yes" Acchan finally smiles
"Ok, I will take the juice for you" Minami said
"Thank you Minami" Acchan hugs Minami and kisses his cheek
Then Acchan come into the room. She sits on the sofa opposite with Jun.
"Atsuko, do you remember me?" Jun said and smiles
Acchan shakes her head.
"I see" Jun leans back and frowns
"Did you remember anything about the day you were kidnapped?" Jun asks
Acchan shakes her head
"Do you remember them, Atsuko?" Jun takes out a picture and asks her
Acchan looks at a family picture. There are three people in the picture. There is a gentle looking man, a beautiful woman, and between them is a little adorable girl. Acchan touches the picture and looks closely to each of the person there.
Suddenly her head aches. She holds her head tight. Seem like there is something flashes in her head
"Atsuko, are you ok? Do you recognize them?" Jun asks
Acchan still focuses on the picture. There is something that she feels very familiar and dear with. However, she doesn't know what it is. Acchan touches the face of the woman
"Atsu, you should remember this. Patience is the most important thing helps you to success."She holds her head tight.
"Atsuko" Jun calls in worry
Then she touches the man face
"Atsu, each job will have their, own importance. There is no bad job"Acchan's face shows confused expression. Then she looks at the little girl
"Papa, Mama I love you" Now her head is hurt a lot. She bends down and holds her head tight
"Atsuko, are you ok?" Jun worried said while coming to her
At the same time Minami steps in the living room. Seeing Acchan's condition he quickly rushes to her
"Acchan, are you ok?" Minami holds her shoulder and asks
"Ojou-sama you will go with me"
"I will make your father pay what he own me"
“Papa, Mama, look at this”
"Good job Atsu"
"I will go back to Japan next month."
"Where are you Koji?There are a lot of thing appear in her head. It makes her head about to explode
"Acchan, are you ok? Don't scare me" Minami lifts her face up and said in worry tone
Acchan opens her eyes and looks at Minami
"Minami, my head hurts. They look so familiar. Why can’t I remember them? There is something in my heart that urges me to remember them, but I can’t remember them Minami." Acchan said and hits her head
“Ssshhhh….Acchan, calm down.” Minami hugs her and strokes her back
“I want to remember them, Minam” Acchan said and buries her face on his chest
"What happened, Jun?" Minami asks
"I just showed her, her family picture. Maybe, her memories come back to her so sudden. Plus she tried too hard to remember everything. That is why her head is hurt." Jun worriedly said
"Acchan, take it easy Acchan. Don't rush. Breathe slowly. Relax. It is ok, if you don't remember all of this now.” Minami gently said while stroking her back
After a while Acchan finally calm down. She hugs Minami and sleeps in his embrace
"Thank goodness, she calmed down now" Jun sits down and said in relief.
"Today, I will leave her here. Tomorrow her parent will come here to pick her up" Jun said
"Is it ok to leave her here?" Minami worriedly asks
"Don't worry, I will order some police to stay outside to protect you two." Jun said
"Plus, right now, Atsuko's condition is not stable. The only person she trusts is you. I think it is the best to let her stay here" Jun continues
"Please take good care of her" he continues
"I will. With all I got" Minami said and hugs Acchan tight
"Good, I will leave now" Jun said
Then Minami puts Acchan down the sofa and leads Jun to the door
"Thank you for saving her" Jun said and bows
"No problem." Minami bows
When Jun is about to walk back to his car, Minami calls him
"What is it, Takamina?" Jun asks
"Did I meet you somewhere? Somehow you look so familiar" Minami said while furrowing his eyebrows.
"It feels like I already knew you long time ago. I didn't feel any stranger feeling from you" Minami said
"Maybe" Jun laughs and said
"You will find out soon" he said and leaves
Minami stands there. His face is filled with confusion.
"What a weird person" Minami said
Then he stops
"When did I say those words?" Minami thought
"Anyway, let see if Acchan is ok" Minami mumbles and walks back to the living room
Minami comes to the living room. Acchan still sleeps on the sofa. He takes the blanket and covers her. He sits on the floor next to her. He moves the hair that covers her face aside and looks at her sleeping face
In the evening"Catch her. Don't let she escape." a man said while running around the forest
There is a young girl hides behind a bush nearby.
*Panr* *pant* *pant*
She breathes heavily.
"What is going on here? Who are they? What do they want with my father? I have to find the way back" she thought
Suddenly a man shouts
"She is there. Catch her"
The girl stands up and rushes toward the pit dark forest without thinking where she will come. She just wants to escape from those scary kidnappers.
Suddenly she trips---------------------------
"Minami" Acchan shouts and sits up
Minami is cooking in the kitchen. Hearing Acchan shouts, he immediately rushes to the room.
"Acchan, are you ok?" Minami asks
"Minami" Acchan quickly hugs Minami
Her body is shaking
"Acchan, what happened?" Minami strokes her back and said in worry tone
"I don't know. A group of men is chasing me. I hid but they found me. They keep chasing me" Acchan said while burying her face in Minami chest.
"Sshhhh....Acchan, don't worry. I'm here. No one can harm you now." Minami said while stroking her hair and patting her back
"Uh" Acchan nods and continues hides herself in Minami's embrace
They stay like that for a while until Acchan calmed down
"Acchan from now on you don't have to be scared because tomorrow your parent will come here and pick you up" Minami gently said and smile while caressing her face
"Really Minami?" Acchan happily asks
"Uh, and you will be back to your normal life. Forget all the bad things that happened. You should also..." Minami pause
Acchan looks at him and waits for him to finish. Minami takes a deep breath and said
"You should forget about this place as well. Back to where you belong and..."
"What do you mean Minami?" Cutting his words, Acchan holds Minami's arms tight and asks
"Why should I forget this place? Don't you say that you will stay with me even if I go back" Acchan asks in confused tone
“Sorry Acchan but I can’t” Minami said and stroke her hair
“I can still see you right, Minami?” She asks him again
“…” Minami pauses
“I don’t know, Acchan.” Minami said
“Then I don’t want to go.” Acchan said
"Acchan, your parent is looking for you. I think they must be very worry about you. You are missing almost a months. You have to go back there.” Minami reasons
“But that doesn’t mean that I cannot see you again.” Acchan said
“If I have to separate from you then I will not go there. I don’t want to be separated from you. Minami, I love you. I want to be with you” She continues and hugs Minami tightly
“You do not belong here, Acchan.” Minami said
“No, this is my house. This is where I belong” Acchan retorts
"Acchan" Minami seriously calls her
“Your house is not here, you are house is in Tokyo. You are the heir of Maeda’s group. This place is not suit for you" Minami said in serious tone
She releases her hug and stands up
"So you want me to leave after all." Acchan said and looks down
"Ok, do whatever you want. Minami, I hate you" she shouts at him and rushes back to her room
"Acchan" Minami looks at her back and whispers
“Acchan, this is the best for you. I know this is impossible to us. We are far too different” Minami leans back to the sofa and thought while tear rolling down on my cheeks
While he is still deep in his pain, Sudden his phone rings
"Hello Yuu" Minami tiredly said
(Can we talk a little?) Yuu said
"Ok" I said
"What is it, Yuu?" Minami ask him
(Acchan just called Nyan Nyan. She cried a lot) Yuu said
"..." He stays silent and look down
(She said that you want to leave her. You don't love her anymore) Yuu said
"..." Minami still keep silent
(Tell me the reason Takamina, what's happened?) Yuu asks him
“I finally found her family. Today I meet the police who investigate about her case. Tomorrow, her parent will come here and pick her up.” Minami said
(Really?) Yuu asks
“Uh, you are correct Yuu. She is that Maeda Atsuko. Heir of the Maeda’s group” Minami answers
(Oh, I see. Then why did she say that you don’t need her anymore?) Yuu asks
“…” Minami keep silent
(She said the you don’t want to meet her anymore) Yuu said
"I have no choice. That is where she belongs. Her world and my world are so different." he sadly said
(So you are willing to separate from her?) Yuu said
"Of course not, I want to be with her forever" Minami said
(Then why did she say that?) Yuu asks me again
“What can I do? I’m just a teacher from a middle school. Who is she? She is Maeda Atsuko, the heir of a biggest group in Japan.” Minami said
“Do you understand Yuu?” Minami asks him
(Of course I know. I know that maybe, her parent won’t approve this. However, you never know if you don’t try. Why don’t you ask her father about that?) Yuu said
“…” Minami stay silent
(Are you willing to let her go without a try? Does your love for her just stop at one obstacle?) Yuu asks
"I just don't have enough confident, Yuu" Minami said
(About what? This is new. This is the first time I heard that Takahashi Minami loses his confident) Yuu said
"I'm serious. I don't know if I can make her happy." Minami said
(Why did you say that?) Yuu asks
"Because I love her" Minami said
(Huh? I'm confused. Why can't you make her happy while you love her) Yuu said
"Uh, I'm also very confused right now" Minami said
(Takamina, what is your definition about happiness? I believe that you already have one in your head right?) Yuu said
(I also believe that the definition which Acchan has will be the same as you regardless of who she is.) Yuu continues
(That is all I want to say to you. Think about yourself and think about her feeling. Think about the time you two spent together. All that time, was she happy or not?)” Yuu continues
Then Yuu hangs up
“...” Minami sits and stays silent
"What is my definition of happiness?" he whispers
He sits for a while then he walks to Acchan’s room. She is sleeping now. There is some tear left in the corners of her eyes. Minami sits on her bed and wipes her tear
“Minami don’t leave me” She said while sleeping
“I’m sorry, Acchan” he whispers and kisses her lips
TBCHope you guys enjoy reading it