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Author Topic: Don't be ashamed when you love me (WMatsui fanfic) - COMPLETED  (Read 97755 times)

Offline lizzie

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 7 : She is my Personal Maid
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2012, 02:32:06 AM »
 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:
this the great morning for me
it's great chapter >w<, and i love the way jun did
she always care of rena-chan  :otomerika:
hope to see next chapter soon


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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 7 : She is my Personal Maid
« Reply #41 on: July 26, 2012, 04:12:38 AM »
Poor Rena
Awww...Jun safe Rena

Jun is so sweet ....
WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

Offline miyumi

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 7 : She is my Personal Maid
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2012, 08:39:33 PM »
mo-chan! mo-chan where are you?  :OMG:

I want to find out what happens to Rena and Jurina!  :frustrated:

Please update soon!  :pleeease:

I miss you! :fainted:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 7 : She is my Personal Maid
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2012, 09:10:29 PM »
How could they bully Rena?!!! I'll kick their ass!!!

Offline mo-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 8 :part 1
« Reply #44 on: July 28, 2012, 07:49:39 PM »
@miyumi : I'm really happy that you liked it   :on woohoo: I worked hard to make this chapter  :on study: so I'm back now so stop crying  :cool1: I hope that you will like this one too like the other one  :on ksweat:
@kahem and @blackstar : we have to  :on voodoo: them
@Minami-chan and xxx220 : thank you for like my fic  :kneelbow:
@lizzie : I'm really happy that my chapter made great morning for you  :on gay:

haaai mo-chan is back  :on cny1:
 I didn't know that yoou liked this much my fic I'm flatted  :farofflook:
minna-san I'm sorry to keep you waiting It wasn't easy for me to write this chapter  :err:
I'm so lazy and I don't have many ideas  :dozing:
this chapter will be devised on to parts so here is the first one dozo  :hee:

Chapter 8 : part 1 a week full of surprise

“ whaaaaaat “ all the class

“ your personal ? “ Churi  said

“ maid ? “ Kumi said

“ yes she is my personal maid so be nice to her “ Jun said

*ring bell*

“ You Wmatsui you ruined my lesson!!! “ the teacher said

“ Wmatsui ! “ Jun and Rena said

“ yes Wmatsui you have same last name you weird couple “ the teacher said

“ w-we’re not a couple “ Rena sais surprised

“ what are you talking nonsense get ready for your punishment “ the teacher said angry

“ eeeeh “ Rena said

“ don’t says “eeeh”  “ the teacher said and Jun looked to Rena and laughed

“ Jun-kun stop laughing !!” the teacher said

“ Jun is laughing I am really happy that he looks glad “ Rena thinking

“ Jun-kun you’re the best “ a guy said

“ I want to maid too “ a girl said

“ be my maid then “ a guy said

“ In your dreams maybe “ the girl answered

“ eeeeh I’m sad “ the guy said and all the class laughed

“ what all of this maid what are you talking about ? what are you doing ? and me ? “ Churi thinking and looking to Wmatsui with eyes full of jealousy

“ Akane-chan……” murmured Kumi and looked at at Churi

“ The lesson ends you can leave the class and you Wmatsui come with me “ the teacher said the student left the classroom and the Wmatsui followed the the


<< in gym >>

“ wow there are many pupils “ Jun said

“ it looks like we are not the only ones “ Rena said and smiled

“ look look it’s Jun-kun “ a guy said

“ what he got a punishment  ? “ a girl said

“ It’s the first time seeing him here “ an other guy said

“ Why is he with Matsui Rena ? “ an other girl said

“ it’s because Rena-chan is my personal maid” Jun said and smiled

“ whaaaat  Rena-chan“ all the students said

“ Rena-chan ? “ Rena said

“ yes you don’t like it” Jun asked

“ no I love it so much Jun “ Rena said and smiled back

“ Jun??? “ all the pupils said

Rena and Jun sited next each other .

“ I’m sorry it’s my fault that we are here “ Rena said

“ It’s ok it was me who did it so it’s not your fault “ Jun said and laughed

“ why are you laughing ? “ Rena asked

“ It’s really funny to be in this kind of situation new experience “ Jun said

“ aaah yes it’s your first time  for you to be here “ Rena said

“ what you get punishments before “ Jun said

“ yes “ Rena said and smiled

“ why ? “ Jun asked

“ because I always over sleep in class “ Rena said and the two laughed

“ you two stupid couple you’re not here for a date you have a punishment so be quiet or your punishment will double “ the teacher said

“ what Jun-kun it’s not enough for you . you have Takayanagi-san and now you want Matsui Rena “ a student said and the Wmatsui blushed

“ stop it !! “ Jun yelled and all the pupils laughed

“ kyaaa Jun-kun looks very cute when he is  embarrassed “ a group of girls said

“ please be quiet what wrong with you today Matsui Jun you are not like always you made many problems today “ the teacher said angry

“ he is in love that’s why “ a guy  said

“wow “ all the pupils said

“ be quiet “ the teacher yelled and the Wmatsui blushed

 << at home >>

“ Onee-chan more please” Kanon said

“Kanon don’t eat much it’s dinner “ Rena said

“ but I’m hungry “ Kanon said

“ let her eat she still a kid she has to eat well “ Kyoka said

“ but Kyoka-san… “ Rena said

“ only one more Onee-chan please please please“ Kanon begging her older sister

All laughed at Kanon

“ you’re so mean “ Kanon said and make a face of kid

“ you look like my friend I study with “ Jun said and laughed

“ who ? “ Kanon asked

“ it’s Kumi she is in the same class us and in the same club as me “ Jun said

“ you are in a club ?” Kanon asked

“ yes in the athletic club and I’m the Capitan “ Jun said and looked proud

“ so cool . you are not like my sister . she is very bad when it come to sport’s “ Kanon said

“ Really ? “ Jun said and looked to Rena ( He don’t really care about Rena before so he don’t know )

“ stop it Kanon “ Rena said

“ continue Kanon “ Jun said laughing

“ you know when it come to her to do abdominal muscles guess how many do she does” Kanon said

“ how much?” Jun said

“ guess “ Kanon said

“ stop it Kanooooon “ Rena said

“ 12 , 13 no no 10 no no 8 “ Jun said

“ no no “ Kanon said

“ I would say 3 “ Kyoka said

“ what you too Kyoka-san” Rena said

“ zero! “ Kanon said

“ whaaaat “ Jun and Kyoka said and all laughed

“ mou! Kanon it’s really embarrassing “ Rena said and covered her face

“ I think you should do some sport’s exercises it will be good “ Kyoka said

“ noo I hate sports “ Rena said

“ It’s ok  I’ll be here if you need some helps “ Jun said and smiled to Rena Rena

“ Thanks “ Rena said and smiled back

“ Rena-chan can you give me more rise” Jun said

“ yes of course “ Rena said

“ When did you become this close you too “ Kanon said

“ yes you’re right Kanon I think we missed something “ Kyoka said and smiled

“ ah maybe Jun-san is in love with Onee-chan “ Kanon said The tow blushed

“ what are you talking about Kanon stop joking” Rena said blushing

“Who said I’m joking maybe it’s true right Kyoka-san “ Kanon said and laughed

“ maybe !“  Kyoka said and laughed too

“ Kyoka-san stop it what are you talking about you two we are only friends! “ Jun said blushed

“ hai hai “ Kyoka said an laughed

“ I-I’m going to my room good night “ Jun said and run to his room Rena looked at him sadly

“ it’s ok Rena Jun is shy that’s why he did it “ Kyoka said and smiled to Rena

<< at school in cafeteria >>

“ Rena-chan can you come with me I want you to help me to find some things Kyoka-san want” Jun said

“ of course Jun “ Rena smiled

“ ok thanks I’m going to my friends now see you later “ Jun smiled back

“ wow I didn’t know that Matsui Rena is your personal maid why you didn’t says it earlier ? “ Kumi said

“ I didn’t want to surprise you all it’s kind of weird having a maid and she is in the same class” Jun said

“ Too late it surprised us all the high school talk about it  now “ Churi said

“ I was surprised too you know . “ Jun said

“ what is all of this Rena-san I was absent one day and all changed it’s true ? you are his maid ? “ Airi said

“ yes I’m his personal maid “ Rena said and smiled

“ you mean when you said to me you have a new job then you moved to you boss’s house you mean Matsui Jun? “ Airi said

“ yes sorry I couldn’t tell you . Jun told me to not tell no one “ Rena said

“ but I think it’s not good to work under him and you are a maid! “ Airi said

“ no Jun is really kind and you know I need this job “ Rena said

“ but Rena-san……” Airi said

“ I am ok and I’m really happy to do this job and don’t you see I stopped feeling asleep in class “ Rena said and laughed

“ maybe if you say so ……”  Airi said ( the truth is that Airi is jealous of Jun that’s all )

“ Manager-san here I found you come I have some things to tell you about the club “ the teacher of Physical Education said

“ ok I’m coming wait for me “ Churi said

“ ok we’re waiting “ Kumi said and Akane went with the teacher

“ Jun-kun what are you doing ? “ Kumi said

“ what what did I do? “ Jun said

“ nothing what are doing you’re giving up on Akane-chan “ Kumi said

“ no I didn’t “ Jun said

“ it’s not what it my eyes sow you spend more time with Rena and you are so friendly with her “ Kumi said

“ no we are only friends that’s all “ Jun said

“ it’s not people think Jun-kun “ Kumi said

“ but they are wrong” Jun said

“ ok ok let’s change the topic that’s right tomorrow we will celebrate your birthday” kumi said

“ aah I almost forget about it “ Jun said and laughed

“ stop joking no one forget his birthday “ Kumi said

I hope you will like it  :dunno:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 05:19:38 PM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Offline kurogumi

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Mo-chan..i want the next update...

Jun birthday with rena.. Hope something hot happen LOL (why im always want hot scene,ah forget it)


Offline mo-chan

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@kurogumi : I think it's too early for it  :sweat: I like hot secnes too  :on bleed:
                    but I'll make sure that I'll do when I can   :ding:

Chapter 8 : Part 2 I’ll be with you forever

<< the d-day>>

“ listen I’m going to my sister’s house I’ll be back tomorrow she needs me to help her for her new job” Kyoka said

“ it will be the three of us in home” kanon said

“ yes Jun take care of Rena and Kanon” Kyoka said

“ of course! “ Jun said

“ let’s go Rena in the car together it will be fast” Jun said

“ me too me too” Kanon said

“ yes you too Kanon “ Jun said and laughed

“ wait Jun “ Kayoka said

“ what is it Kyoka-san? “ Jun asked

“ Happy birthday“ Kyoka said and smiled

“that’s right! It’s your birthday” Rena said surprised

“I didn’t know about it”  Kanon said sadly

“ oh really I thought everybody know about my birthday“  Jun said and laughed

“ Yes I know when it is  but I forgot about it sorry “ Rena said

“ it’s ok let’s have fun now it’s the important “ Jun said and smiled to Rena

“ You’ll have a party “ Kanon said

“ I don’t know “ Jun said

“ hurry and go to school you will be late” Kyoka said

“ we’re leaving Kyoka-san”  Rena said

“ take care “ Kyoka said

“ I’m going “ all teens said and leave

“ I’m really happy that Jurina could smile again “ Kyoka said smiling and crying at the same time

 << at school >>

At the entry of school . when Jun and Rena got off the car . Nothing happened Rena went to the class with Airi and Jun Churi and Kumi 

“ what only this? “ Jun said

“ what do you mean?” Churi said

“ where is my presents?? “  Jun said

“ no one bring you presents “ Kumi said and laughed and the teacher came to class

“ no whyyy “ Jun said

“ be calm Jun-kun or you want to be punished in your birthday? “ the teacher said

“ no sensei! “ Jun said and all class laughed

<< after lesson’s >>

All the student’s left . Kumi went with Rena and Kumi somewhere . only Jun and Churi in the class

“ whaaat I didn’t know that my birthday will be boring like this “ Jun said and he put down his face on the table”

 “ are you sure ? “ Churi said happy

“ what do you mean “ Jun asked

“ I said to you I’ll give you the greatest birthday present . come with me “ Churi said then the two left the classroom

“ where are we going ? “ Jun asked

“ you will see “ Churi answered and smirked

At the end they arrived in front of the door of the biggest building in school . The gym’s one .

“ what are we going to do here I thought we don’t have activities in the club today “ Jun said

“ come on let’s go “ Churi said  when came inside the students speared fireworks.

“ all everybody se no  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUN-KUN !!! “ all pupils said

A large smile appeared on Jun’s face

“ thank you all “ Jun said

“It was really hard to make all pupils don’t care at first .  the teacher of Physical Edition helped me too to organise to you a party here so do you like my birthday

 present ?  “ Churi asks

“ yes It’s the best present I got “ Jun said and kissed Churi’s cheek  Churi blushed

“ me too me too Jun-kun I want a kiss “ a girl shouted

“ no my present is greatest then you Jun-kun will give a kiss only to me “ an other girl said

“ sorry girls I would like to do it but Churi will be jealous  “ Jun said laughing

“ kyaaaa” a group of girls shouted

“ don’t take all the girls to yourself “ a group of guys said

“ sorry sorry “ Jun said and laughed

“ didn’t they look good couple these two right Rena-san? “ Kumi said

“ y-yes you are right “ Rena said and  looked perturbed

“ are you ok Rena-san “ Airi said worried

“ y-es yes I’m ok Airin why are you asking this kind of question it’s party now “ Rena said and did a false smirk

“ bring the cake for Jun-kun it’s time now “ Churi said

After eating cake they danced ,sang and played games . They had fun. Jun was really happy.

“ Jun-kun it’s time “ Kumi said

“ of what ? “Churi said

“ for my speech “ Jun said happy

“ what speech? “ Rena said

“ we will see “ Airi said

“ listen everybody ! Jun-kun would like to tell you something “ Kumi said

“wow Jun-kun! Jun-kun!Jun-kun! “ everybody shouted

“ thank you everybody for coming today and share with me this happy moment “ Jun said

“ you don’t have to thank us we thank you that we can many delicious dishes “  a guy shouted and all the persons laughed

“ I’m happy for you and I want to thank also Churi . Churi thanks for this present I really thank you for being always by my side…… “  Jun said


Jun stopped talking

“ what is he trying to say at the end ?“ Rena said

“ confession for Akane-chan “ Kumi said

“ so Churi what I want to say is……” Jun said

“ I think I’m not feeling well I’m going to home “ Rena said and run away

“ Rena-san wai- “ Airi said but Kumi took Airi’s arm and said to her

“ at this time I think Rena-san would be to stay alone”

“ don’t tell… “ Airi said

“ yes Rena-san is in love with Jun-kun so let hr alone now I think it’s the best think for her  “ Kumi said

“ from a long time I love you Churi …… would you like to go out with me!” Jun said

“ wow Jun-kun you are the best !! “ everybody shouted

“ what is your answer Churi ? “ Jun said


“ I’m really happy Jun-kun . I like you too but only as a friend I’m sorry Jun-kun” Churi said and run away

“ aaaah~ “ everybody said with a disappointed  tone

“ wait Akane-chan where are you going” Kumi said and ran after her

Jun was shocked by the answer what Churi give him .

“ it’s ok Jun-kun it’s not the end of world “ a guy said

“ yes don’t be sad you have me “ a girl said

“ no me “ an other girl

“ no he wants me “ a tall girl said

“ shout up girls it’s not the best time for your stupid fights Jun-kun is heart broken “ a guy said

“ we are sorry Jun-kun “ the girls said

“ It’s ok “ Jun said sadly

“ let’s go to Karaoke continue the party and forget about all what happened ! “ an other guy said

“ yes let’s go!! “ everybody said then  dragged  Jun with them

<< in the house >>

Rena walked here and there and didn’t stop

“ calm down Onee-chan he will come soon “ Kanon said comfort her sister
 “ I know it’s already 9 pm  and Jun didn’t come what should I do?” Rena said worried

“ should we call Kyoka-san ?” Kanon suggested

“ no let’s wait more Kanon I don’t want to make her worry “ Rena said

“ but If something happen to him “ Kanon said

“ nothing will happen to him he will arrive soon “ Rena yelled It’s the first time Rena yell at her sister

“ Onee-chan….” Kanon said and she had tears in her eyes

“ I’m sorry kanon I’m confused and troubled . I promise to Kyoka-san to take care of Jun but but… “ Rena said and Hugged Kanon

“ don’t worry Onee-chan he will be alright “ Kanon said

“ Kanon go to sleep I’ll wait for him alone “ Rena said

“ no I want to wait with you I’m worried too “ Kanon said

“ you have school tomorrow you must to be tired “ Rena

“ ok then wake me when he arrived at home “ Kanon said

“ ok Kanon good night “ Rena said

“ Good night “ Kanon said and went to her room

Rena waited for Jun hours and hours at 2 am when she almost started to feel asleep she heard the sound of the door . Rena hurry to the door . of course It was

Jun .
“ Jun! you know what time is it now ?? where were you all the time ?? “ Rena yelled at Jun

“ wow It’s my first time seeing Rena*hip* -chan yelling “ Jun said and fall down

“ what !!? you are drunk ? “ Rena said and help Jun stand up

“ no no *hip* I’m not drunk *hip* . I’m ok . I’m the happiest girl in the world !! wait wait I’m not a girl I’m a guy Rena-chan!! I’m a guy!!” Jun said and laughed

“ yes I know I know don’t move too much or we are going to fall down “ Rena said and took Jun to his room

“  aahh I’m really tired !! ne Rena-chan don’t you think it’s hot “ after saying it Jun take of his clothes and stay only with his underwear or should we said with her

 underwear because at that time you can see that she is a girl

“ put your clothes or you will  get a cold !! “ Rena said and cover Jun’s body with a bed sheet

“ now! I am me a girl “ Jun said and smiled to Rena

“ what happened Jun why you are drunk ? “ Rena said

“ Jun? I’m not Jun I’m Jurina “

“ but Jun yo- “

“ no no no say it Ju- ri-na it’s easy say it “

“ J-Jurina “ Rena said her face was red

“ yes yes that’s it “ Jurina said laughing and clapping

“ what did you do after the party ? why you are in this state “

“ euuuuhm Churi!!! She said I’m sorry why I loved her so much “

“  you were rejected ? how ?? “

“  she doesn’t love me Rena-chan ! Churi said that she loves me as a friend  “ 

“ It’s ok Ju- I mean Jurina I’m here “ Rena said

“ but Rena-chan but Rena-chan I didn’t find Rena-chan you leaved me alone “ Jurina pushed Rena on the bad she was on the top of Rena crying

“ I’m sorry Jurina I’ll never leave you I’ll be always with” Rena said and hugged Jurina

“ Really you mean it ? “ Jurina said

“ yes  I promise you Jurina I wont leave you I’ll be with you forever“ Rena said

 “ arigatou Rena-chan “ Jurina said and smiled a beautiful smile to Rena the other girl smiled back to her .

Jurina looked at Rena’s black eyes and she touches Rena’s long hair .

“ Rena-chan is so beautiful and so kind “ Jurina said and touched gently with her finger Rena’s lips

“ Jurina what are doi- “ Rena couldn’t complete her answer and Jurina kissed her on her lips   

“ what are you doing Jurina? “ Rena said her face all red after saying it Rena realize that Jurina fall asleep on the top of her .

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Offline lizzie

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 8 Part 2 I’ll be with you
« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2012, 08:12:33 PM »
OMG!!!!!!! XD :P :wub: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

finally, Jun kissed Rena (fangirl mode). Arrghh i wanna screamm  :inlove:
 I don't understand why churi rejected jun .... Maybe rena or something.....
BTW mo chan you just save my life away from exam *sigh*
;w; sadly i just hope next morning jun will remember all the thing that she did to rena!

Ps. Cant wait to read next chapter  :peace:
arigatoune mo-channnnn!!!!!

ah! dont forget to write some hot scene  :twothumbs

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 8 Part 2 I’ll be with you
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2012, 09:03:46 PM »
Ahhhh finally! Jurina has kissed Rena!  :luvluv1:

It's about time.  :hehehe:

Aw poor Jun got rejected.  :fainted:

But sweet loveable Rena-chan was there to comfort her.  :luvluv2:

Please update soon!  :pleeease:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 8 Part 2 I’ll be with you
« Reply #49 on: July 30, 2012, 12:39:13 AM »
Please update soon!  :pleeease:

I´m with Miyumi!!! upsate sooon please!

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 8 Part 2 I’ll be with you
« Reply #50 on: July 30, 2012, 03:16:56 AM »
love twist :panic:

churi rejected churi a fool or what?
jurina kissed rena..kyaaaa~

i want moorree~

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 8 Part 2 I’ll be with you
« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2012, 08:07:35 AM »
JUN!! eh Jurina!!! dont cry... Rena will be by your side Forever!
Churi rejected Jun...why...dont tell me she know jun she cant love jun...but its okay beside because of churi rejeted jun...rena has her oportunity to win jun heart..

Rena-chan fighting!!! :jphip:

want the update soon!

ah thank for the update mo-chan ...and dont forget the hot scene LOL :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:


Offline mo-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 9 : part 1
« Reply #52 on: July 31, 2012, 01:06:35 AM »
hey minna-san as I see all liked the kiss of Jurina and Rena  :hehehe:
I hope you will like this Chapter    :farofflook:
this chapter will be in two part too  :bingo:

Chapter 9 : part 1

 Jurina woke up and sow Rena sleeping next to her . When Rena felt  Jurina moving Rena woke up too.

“ Rena-chan ?”Jurina said surprised then she realised she was only wearing her underwear she returned under the bed sheet

“ euuuhm good morning Jurina “ Rena said with a sleepy face

“ Jurina? You called me Jurina!!? “

“ yes you was the one who said to me to call you like that “ Rena said

“ me ? I said it?” Jurina said

 “ my head hurts so much “ Jurina said and touch her head

“you arrived late yesterday at 2 am and you where drunk because of…” Rena said and looked other way

“ because of Churi…” Jurina said sadly

“ I’m sorry Jurina” Rena said

“ stop calling me Jurina…” Jurina

“ but you were the one who said to- “

“ now I’m removing what I said yesterday and what are you doing in my bed ?”

“ you were the one who wanted it “ Rena said

<< Flashback >>

Rena realised that Jurina fall asleep . Rena moved Jurina and stand up to leave the room but Jurina grabbed Rena’s arm

“ don’t leave me alone “ Jurina said looking sadly to Rena

<< end of flashback >>

“even I try I really can’t remember what happened “ Jurina said

“ what you don’t remember??“  Rena said and move herself on the top of Jurina

Someone entered the room .

“ Jun-san did you come bac-“ Kanon couldn’t finish what she is going to say she so surprised of what her sister is doing

“ I’m sorry for interrupting “ and leave

“ wait Kanon it’s not what you think “ Rena said and went after her sister

“ how can I say that I remember what happened ! why did I do that . Rena-chan loves me . It was my first kiss… “ Jurina’s thinking

Rena returns to the Jurina’s room and said to her

“ Juri- I mean Jun get ready it’s almost time  to go to school . “

“ o-ok I’m going right now ! “ Jurina said

“ but you look so red I wonder if is it because you were drunk yesterday “ Rena said

then touched Jurina’s forehead 

“ you don’t have fever “

“ I-I’m ok “ Jurina said and let go Rena’s hand

“ I’m sorry “ Rena said sadly and left

“ what’s with me! “ Jurina said to herself

Rena was standing behind the door of Jurina’s room

“ so you don’t remember…… it was my first one and I’m glade that it was with you “ Rena murmured sadly

<< Rena’s thinking >>

Here I am dear readers I think you must miss me after the first time I talked with you all .

So I wont take more time saying nothing . here we are .

Days passed . It’s been a month that Kanon and me are living in the Matsui villa with Jun who is in real a girl and her name is Jurina .

 The only one who know this secret is only her family Kyoka-san and me If there is an other person I don’t know.

I was really shocked at the first but now I think girl or guy Jun or Jurina .I don’t care .

The only thing I  love that person and I promise to her that I’ll be with her forever.

Now let’s return where we arrived .

So it has been  two week after  Jun’s birthday and She really not in a good state you know all why and she even don’t talk too much now .

 I’m really worried about her What can I do to her. Let’s continue ……

<< at school >>


Jun hold his breath  he looked like he wasn’t with them . He was thinking too much . Kumi arrive  right after him .

“ aaaaaah you win again “ Kumi said

"Jun here is your  bottle you must be thirsty “ Churi said but Jun ignored her and went to the  locker room

“ It’s ok Akane-chan you have to understand him “

“em…” Churi said and looked down

“ Matsui-san come here” the teacher said

“ yes sensei  what is it?“ Jun said and walked to the teacher

“ here take a look in this stopwatch  “ The teacher said Jun looked more sad

“ your level has reduced what’s wrong with you Matsui-san “ the teacher said

“ it’s nothing I’m only a bite tired” Jun said

“I don’t want to hear you saying your tired again the sport festival is coming “ The teacher said

“ I’m sorry “

“ don’t apologise to me be more concentrate and take care of yourself” the teacher said and left

“ it’s all Takayanagi’s fault “ a tall girl and looked at Jun but Jun left

“ yes if he didn’t know her it will be the best for all “ an other girl next to the tall girl said and they left

“ ne Akane-chan you heard the teacher even that Jun-kun his level has reduced I couldn’t win agai-“ Kumi looked to Churi .

 she was very sad and her face looked down

<< at home >>

“ I finish I’m going to my room “ Jun said

“ but Jun-san you hadn’t eat much “ Kanon said

“ Finish your dinner you don’t eat much these days “ Kyoka said

“ I’m not hungry Kyoka-san I’m going to my room good night everybody “ Jun said

“ Good night “ all said and Jun went to the upstairs Rena was looking at him worried

“ What happened Rena? “ Kyoka asked


“ It’s ok you can tell me “ Kyoka said

“ Jun-kun confessed to Takayanagi-san but she rejected him

“ whaaaaat who is this crazy girl who rejected Jun-san she is blind or what” Kanon

“ shht Kanon don’t talk like this or Jun will heard you “ Rena said angry

“ aah I’m sorry “ Kanon said

“ I’ll talk to him leave it to me “ Kyoka said

“ yes please Kyoka-san !!! “ Rena said

“ hahah you really like Jun-san Onee-chan “ Kanon said

“ w-what are you talking about !! I’m only his maid and it’ my job what I’m doing “ Rena said

“ oh Really! I think my eyes can’t lie don’t forget that day when I sow you in Jun-san room and yo- “ Rena cover the mouth of her sister with her hands

“ what did Rena do in Jun’s room? “ Kyoka asked

“ n-nothing Kyoka-san it’s only Kanon who is joking “ Rena said and laughed

“ aah ok then go to sleep you have school “ Kyoka said

“ ok good night”

“ good night “
sorry for this short part  :err:
I'll try better one next time  :on study:
« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 01:29:28 AM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
 One Shots
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Offline miyumi

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 9 : part 1
« Reply #53 on: July 31, 2012, 01:19:06 AM »
Sports festival? There's going to be a sports festival! I want to read about it.   :shy2:

What Rena's first kiss was with Jurina! How lovely! :luvluv1:

Haha Kanon walked in at the wrong time. :stoned:

Jurina is slowing down because Rena is on her mind! That's why!  :on thumbb:

Please update soon!  :farofflook:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 9 : part 1
« Reply #54 on: July 31, 2012, 02:05:24 AM »
I can't! This is getting more and more interesting, please update soon :wub:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 9 : part 1
« Reply #55 on: July 31, 2012, 02:58:40 AM »
i guess that churi is feeling guilty now..
wanting for more wmatsui moments! pliz update soon..

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Offline lizzie

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 9 : part 1
« Reply #56 on: July 31, 2012, 05:30:57 AM »
Rena-Chan! Fighting >w<
you can win jun's heart

update soooooooooooooooooooooooon !

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 9 : part 1
« Reply #57 on: July 31, 2012, 06:38:35 AM »
Sports festival? There's going to be a sports festival! I want to read about it.   :shy2:
Second that.

I'm imagining, in the dusk Jun trying all his best to run with an injured leg and right behind the finish line there's Rena scolding him for being a slowpoke and chanting at him with tears. Dramatic! :cry:
Oh no, I'm spoiling my imaginations to much. Gomen! :nervous

<< Rena’s thinking >>

Here I am dear readers I think you must miss me after the first time I talked with you all .

So I wont take more time saying nothing . here we are .

Days passed . It’s been a month that Kanon and me are living in the Matsui villa with Jun who is in real a girl and her name is Jurina .

Ah~ I'm kinda missing this writing format from you. :w00t:
The << ... >> and the narration below the brackets, it's like a dating sim game and I like it. :D err.. kinda hoping more of this format in next update.
Gomen too~ seems like I'm being too demanding. :nervous
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 9 : part 1
« Reply #58 on: July 31, 2012, 12:38:29 PM »





Omg... Churi why you reject Jun???

I hope she doesn't cause trouble to wmatsui...

And poor Airin...


Offline Aya-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Chapter 9 : part 1
« Reply #59 on: August 01, 2012, 02:37:24 AM »
mo-chan daisuki

 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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