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Author Topic: Don't be ashamed when you love me (WMatsui fanfic) - COMPLETED  (Read 97753 times)

Offline mo-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 2 {Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #120 on: September 06, 2012, 09:40:19 PM »
@lollita90 : yes we can say she was shy  :shy2:

Chapter 14: Part 2


Jurina was in hot spring enjoying it . a beautiful girl came in her hair was very smooth. she was skinny her skin was pale wearing one towel .

  She went and washed herself . Jurina watched her with amazing eyes . When she finished she came close to Jurina .

“ I-It’s you Rena-chan!?” Jurina said with surprised

“who would you I was” Rena said laughing

No It just there is so much fog that I couldn’t see your face”

“I didn’t know that Rena-chan has such a wonderful  body like this” Jurina thinking 

“ I think you’re only feeling dizzy you can’t stay more it’s not good for you” Rena said worried

“ I’m ok Rena-chan I’m ok “

“but you’re all red Jurina“

“ I’m ok “

“ okey…”

“ I only want to say with you more…” Jurina’s thinking

“ I think I hear someone coming “Rena said

“ ah we can’t realax alone “

“oh sorry to disturb you it’s a public place if you want it alone then say it first “ Rena said and set up but a hand grabbed her arm Jurina’s hand

“ I didn’t mean…… I mean that I wanted to be alone with you” the two blushing

“ Mayu can’t you be more active please you’re so lazy “ Yuki complaing to Mayu ways to the Wmatsui

“ you know that I’m lazy and it can’t help that I get tired easly “ Mayu said coldly

“ you should do more exercice you’re always watching anime or reading or you’re playing video games “

“ you know that I want to do something with the least possible effort by the way I think there is someone Yuki ”

“ ooh It’s Rena-san !”

“ hehe yes I was here from the first “ Rena smiled a weak smile

“ we’re sorry we didn’t saw you if it doesn’t bother you were taking a bath and we gonna come “

“ why you’re taking a permission from her you’re the daughter of the owner”

“ Mayu!”

“ itai itai itai why you did it hurt you know “ Mayu complaining

“ it’s your punishment come with me I’m going to wash your hair “

“ I can do it by myself “

“ It was you who wanted it you said it before “

“ me? Did I say it I forget If you want to do  it this much you can wash my hair”

“ you’re hopless Mayu I feel like I have a child “

“ of course you’re my mother”

“ stop calling me like that!” 

“ what should I do now ?” Jurina murmured to Rena ( Jurina was behind Rena)

“ Juri- I mean Jun How could I know they saw you before as a guy “ Rena murmured to Jurina

“ Rena-san are you with someone ?” Yuki asked

“ n-no I’m alone “

“ we’re coming I’m sure you’re bored alone” Yuki and Mayu sit in front of Rena. The more they come close Jurina got more nervous .

She hugged Rena from behind as someone needs help .

“ I can feel Jurina’s chest on my back she is trembling what should I do “ Rena’s thinking

“ Rena-san I think you should go know your face is all red “ Yuki said

“ I’m ok I want to stay a little bite more “ Rena said

“ how could I go out and Jurina still with me!!??” Rena’s thinking

“ Are you ok Rena-san I really think you should go”

“ Yuki you talk too much she doesn’t want to go”

“ But…”

“ thank you Mayu-san “ Rena smiled to Mayu

After some min Rena doesn’t feel Jurina on her back


“ Jun are you ok ??!! Juuun!!!

<><><><><>< outside ><><><><><>

“ I’m really sorry Yuki-san Mayu-san for this “ Rena said worried

“ It’s ok the good think that Jun-san is ok now “ Yuki said

“ here some medicines if h- I mean she need it “ Mayu said

“ thank you very much and thank you for keeping it secrt we own you”

<><><><><>< at the same time in the room><><><><><>

“huh I’m…”

“ah you’re awake Jun-san!” Kanon said

“ are you ok ? you passed out before “

“Re..really!?” Jun said surprised

“ you were in so long that it’s no wonder I was surprised“

“ sorry…thanks…hm? Where is Rena-chan?” Jun asked

“ she is outside talking with Mayu-san and Yuki-san they found out that you’re a girl “

“ what!!?”

“ you make sure to thank Onee-chan later she looked after you “


“she really outdid herself she lifted you out of the water right away”

“ out of the water !!?” Jun’s thinking

“ then she wiped you dray and put you in your underwear and pyjama “

“ wiped my dry!? My under…” Jun’s though

"then she got you a drink of pocari and dried your hair for you  "

“ Kill me now I’m really embarrassed “ Jun’s thinking

“ wait I’m going to Onee-chan say to her that you’re awake” Kanon said and left

 “she saw! she saw everything! she saw me completely naked! she even wiped me dry!

wiped me dry! where did she wip!? wait how much did she wipe off!? “ Jurina thinking

“ I’m back … Jurina are you awake?”

“ yy-yeah… we-welcome back …“

“hm? Where is Kanon?” Rena asked

“ ah… she said she is going to go bring you “

“ eh but I asked her to keep an eye on you for me… she know I woouldn’t be long “

“eh!! It’s fine! I’m okay !



“ I’m back!”

“ Kanon where did you go didn’t I say to you to look after Jun!!?”

“ sorry but I wanted to tell you that Jun-san is awake now but I didn’t find you “

“ It’s really ok Rena-chan “ Jun said

“ but your face is all red “ Rena said

Rena sit next Jun’s futon and  put her forehead on Jun’s . Jun became more redder .

“ It’s weid your face is more red then it was but you don’t have fever “ Rena wondring

“ you’re so slow Onee-chan you don’t see that it’s love it’s love “ Kanon said laughing

“ it’s not the time for joking Kanon!”

“ it’s ok Jun-san Onee-chan saw naked two time next time it wil be your turn and you will more times”

“ what are you talking about !!” the two yelled and faced each other and blushed

“ maa maa you’re too slow you too if you don’t do nothing you will loose each other you’re not like me and Kumi-san “ Kanon said

“ you?...”

“ and Kumi?”

“ yes me and Kumi-san we love eath other and we’re going out “ Kanon said smiling

“ whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!? “ Rena and Jun said at the same time

“ wow you look surprised !” Kanon said laughing

“ of course we w are !” Rena said

“ aw! Kumi is in couple before me!” Jun said

“when did you started going out ??”

“ we’re going out for a half month “

“ what!!? “ Rena and Jun said at the same time

“ Kumi never talked me about it “

“ I really don’t know when did I started loving Kumi-san I don’t know but about when

 we started going out that I can tell you about it …  it was a day where I stayed in Kumi-san’s house  before it many things happened …“


It was a few days after Kumi and Kanon’s kiss . Kumi were avoiding Kanon

she was really ashamed she couldn’t face Kanon. And Kanon understand what she is feeling because she was up that time .

Kanon was alone at home it was evening . she felt hungry she went outside to buy something to eat it .

She bought a ready bento when she went outside of the supermarket she didn’t realise that two guys were walking behind her.

“ hye little girl you want to come with us ? “ the tall guy said  Kanon tried to ignore them but

The short took her arm and stopped her  no

“I’m sure you’ll have fun if you go with us “ 

“ let me go I don’t want to go with you !! “ Kanon said

“come on I know you will like it “  the guy said and  took her hand and squeeze it a little

“let're hurting me!” Kanon said forcing with him

“hey Let her go!”  a girl said and jumped on the guy

“ Kumi-san! “ Kanon said suriprised

“ get of me where did you come from!?” the guy yelled and punched her

“Kumi-san stop iiiiiit” Kanon yelled with all her energy

“ hye you two what are you doing “ a policeman stepped on his bicycle

“ shit it’s police we shouldn’t wast our time let’s go Arata”

Kumi took Kanon’s hand and the two run away . after running they stopped to cach breath

“ why are we running Kumi-san?!”

“ it’s because it’s police and we will be in trouble for nothing “

“ thank you Kumi-san for saving me “

“ but what are you doing at night by yourself “

“ I was hungry I was reading a magazine that I didn’t saw the time and now it’s night and I wanted to buy this eh where is my bento??”

“ I think you dropped it when the two guy came to you”

“ eeeeh no what I’m going to do now??”

“why ?  where is Jun-kun and Rena-chan?“

“ they have something to do they will come back late and Kyoka-san I don’t know where she is  “

“ come with me to my dep you can have dinner”

“ no it’s ok “

 I live alone it’s been a long time that I didn’t invite anyone to my dep and I can’t leave you alone now I’m worried “ the two blushed

“but can you make dinner Kumi-san?”

“ actually I have raman at home”

“ I was sure that you can cook “

“ eeeh you’re so mean Kanon-chan”

“ hehe let’s go back to the supermarket again”

“ eeeeh”

<><><><><>< in Kumi’s dep><><><><><>

“ ojamashimasu~”

“ do like it’s your home “ and the two went to the kichen

“ you’re sure that you made it right when we bought all of this  Kanon-chan “

“ of course we have you only don’t know nothing about cooking that’s why “

“ eeh Kanon-chan!! “

“ aaah “


“ your cheek still red because of that guy “ Kanon said and opned the fridge she took pices of ice and put it in a plastic  bag .

 then she put it on Kumi’s cheek

“ itai itai it hurts “ *sob*

“I’m sorry it’s all my fault” Kanon said sadly

“no no it’s not your fault Kanon-chan and I jumped on him that’s why…”

“ maybe a kiss on your cheek make it feel better “

“ It’s o-“  Kumi was shouted by Kanon who kissed her accidentally on her lips she only

wanted to kiss Kumi on the cheek but when Kumi moved and Kanon kissed her on the lips .

The two were shocked by what happened they were blushing and confused .

"that was.." Kumi wanted to say something but she was silence by a sudden kiss

 They looked to each other and  Kumi pulled Kanon closer again for another deep kiss This kiss was bolder..

<><><><><>< ends of flashback><><><><><>

“it’s what happened after that we become a couple isn’t it romantic?” Kanon said holding her pillow

“but still you’re young for dating “ Rena said

“ wow Kumi is the best don’t listen to Rena-chan Kanon-chan I encourage you *-*” Jun said

“ arigatou Jun-san!! Don’t worry I wont listn to anyone of you because you don’t admit

your love for each other how could you admit mine“ Kanon smiled both Jun and Rena blushed

“That’s not true Jun still love Churi and I’ll help Jun” Rena said nervous

“ yes” Jun said with a sad smile

 “you’re hopless you two aaah I miss you so much Kumi-san~”


I hope you will love it mata ne  :byebye:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Offline Chanaline

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 2 {Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #121 on: September 06, 2012, 10:14:52 PM »
Wohohohohoho! Kumi and Kanon are dating!!!!

Jurina, Rena saw you naked XD ahahahahah!!

And Mayuki!! Alalalala! they are complicated!!
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline BbSis

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 2 {Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #122 on: September 07, 2012, 07:06:49 AM »
Huahuahua! Jurina passing out in the bath xD Rena feeling chests on her back and getting all red huahuahuahua!
Mayuki could have a strange sweet moment between them ;p
Kuminon are fast huahuahua good *.*

Jurina ismstill denying her feelings... I'll get mad at her >< what need to happen to her to realise it? ><

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 2 {Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #123 on: September 07, 2012, 11:04:21 AM »
 :oops: It's Renas turn to be an ikemen and help Jurina  XD
Uwaaa I wonder if Rena-chan had a hard time helping Jurina without nosebleed.  :lol:
But she might be so worried that she hadn't time to think about it.

Oh Kumi is so protective and now they're a couple *Kyaaa!  :wub:

Thank you for your update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Offline Pwety

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 2 {Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #124 on: September 09, 2012, 10:13:09 AM »
Interesting Kumi and Kanon are dating!!
Rena... :mon misch:
Mayuki... :mon speechless:
Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

Offline Dreamstalker

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 2 {Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #125 on: September 10, 2012, 01:50:15 AM »
Thanx for updating. . .just reading silently here. . .
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

Offline kahem

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 2 {Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #126 on: September 10, 2012, 02:09:53 AM »
AHAHAHA!!!! onsen scene is so funny!!!!
Kuumin/Non moment is so cute~

Offline lilycrazy17

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 2 {Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #127 on: September 11, 2012, 12:18:50 AM »
I just love your fanfic. Please continue your updating ! I really want to know how it will end.
Kuminon scene is really cute and romantic.
And how can Jun can still pretend Rena has to help him/her with Churi if he/she didn't tell her the whole story ? and that Jun already know that he/she loves Rena ?

Offline mo-chan

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Don't be ashamed when you love me Ch14: Part 3Don't ever leave my side again
« Reply #128 on: September 14, 2012, 09:30:12 PM »
@Pwety and @Chanaline: yes Kumi and Kanon are dating now  :hee:
@BbSis: yes kuminon are fast not like Wmatsui  :hiakhiakhiak:
@Megumi: Rena was really worried about Jurina that she forget being a pervert  :bigdeal:
@Dreamstalker: thanks for reading too yes it's rare seeing you comment  :stuffed:
@kahem: the scene of onsen made me  :mon bleed2:
@lilycrazy17: it's complicated  :hehehe:

hi minna mo-chan deeesu!  :onioncheer: thanks for all who is reading and comenting on my fic I'm back and I'm with a new part of chapter
dozo  :whistle:

Chapter 14: Holiday Part 3 : Don't ever leave my side again

Rena woke up . Jurina and Kanon still sleeping . Rena looked at Jurina and smiled .

“ what a bad sleeper you are Jurina “ Rena thought and she kneed to cover Jurina with the blanket

Jurina opned her eyes and smiled to Rena

“ good morning Rena-chan “

“ good morning go back to sleep Jurina it still early “

“ mmehu okey~”

Jurina go back to sleep and Rena went outside of room . She saw Yuki running

“ good morning Yuki-san “

“ good morning Rena-san “ Yuki said and left her in hurry

“ what is with her...” Rena said

“ We’re busy today that’s why” a voice said

“ kya!Mayu-san you surprised me”

“  sorry I didn’t know that you would be “ Mayu said with a blank face

“ no problem I didn’t saw you coming that’s why I’m sorry too “

“ ...”

“ you said you are busy today ?“

“ yes many customers  will come today”

“ aaah I see “

“ Mayu! What are you doing hurry up we have so much work to do “ Yuki said

“ Ok Yuki I’m coming “

“ Rena-san I’m going then “

“ okey have a good work Mayu-san” Rena said and Mayu go after Yuki

“ Mayu is good girl it’s not like she looks in the outside” Rena though and smiled

“ why are you smiling?” an other voice said

“ kya!”

“ don’t be scared it’s only me”

 “Ah Jurina Why it’s happen to me twince!?”

“ what are you talking about?”

“ no nothing... by the way why you are up I thought you were sleeping?”

“ aah I couldn’t go back to sleep that’s why”

“ aah I see let’s go for a walk then!”

“ good idea”

Jurina and Rena went for a walk then did some shopping they were holding hands all the time

 it’s like they didn’t want to be separated of each other .

 The two of them had fun . On their why to go back to the hotel they saw Kanon coming running to them .

“why did you leave without me!!” Kanon said

“ but you were sleeping we didn’t want to bother “ Rena said

“ aaah walk between lovers! You’re more close lately” Kanon said and looked to their hands

Rena and Jurina blushed and they removed it

“l-let’s return to the hotel “ Rena said nervous

In front of the hotel there was many bus. It was school's bus. Many students come from the bus.

“ Many customers...” Jurina said

“ Mayu-san said that this moning that they are busy that’s what she talking about” Rena said

“ but It looks like uniform I saw it before...” Kanon said

“ aah! They are from our school” Rena shouted

“the worst it’s our class...” Jurina said

“ aw!! It’s Kumi-san!! Kuuuuumi-saaaaan” Kanon shouted and waved her hand to Kumi

When Kumi realized it she went where they are.

“ what are you doing here you all I thought you were going for a trip?!” Kumi asked

“ yes we are” Kanon said and she hold Kumi’s arm Kumi blushed

“ wow Kumi is blushing!!” Jurina said teasing Kumi

“ what me?! No Jun-kun! I’m not blushing!!” Kumi said nervous

“ maa maa you don’t have to be this nervous we already know” Jurina said and put her hand on Kumi’s shoulder

“what!?” Kumi looked at Kanon and Kanon smiled to her

“ Take care of my sister Kumi-san” Rena said smiling

“ what is it that you already know?” a voice said

“ Churi!” Jurina said

“ n-no nothing!” Kumi said

“ What do you mean by nothing!?” Kanon shouted made she let go of Kumi’s arm and walk away

“ Kanon-chan wait I didn’t mean wait Kanon-chan” Kumi run after Kanon

“ aah I think I understand now” Churi said laughing

Jurina and Rena laughed at them too

“ R-Rena-san!” a nervous voice said

“ah! Airin!” Rena said and hugged Airi

Airi blushed like a tomato. Jurina was looking at them with an uneasy look. And Churi realized it.

“look! Look! It’s Jun-kun It’s Jun-kun”

“ kya!!!”

“ I wanted to realax why should they come to Kagoshima for the school trip” Jurina thought waved to them

“Airin come with me I have something I want to show to you” Rena took Airin’s hand and they left

“ How was your Holiday Jun-kun?” Churi asked Jurina and she hold Jurina’s arm 

Jurina didn’t answer she was looking to Rena who is talking with Airin she was smiling and laughing so much .

“ why she don’t laugh like that when she is around me” Jurina murmured and Churi heard it

Churi was really jealous she couldn’t believe her eyes she is holding her arm but Jun didn’t even look at her.





“I was calling many times but you didn’t answer” Churi said

“ I’m sorry I was thinking of something” Jun said

“ you were thinking about her” Churi thought and looked to Rena with hate look

<><><><><><><><><><><><lunch time><><><><><><><><>

Jurina or should I say Jun , Rena and Kanon joined their school friends to eat lunch .

 Jun was sitting between Rena and Churi and feel a bite awkward

Airin was next Rena . Kanon and Kumi was next each other in front of the other four .

“ wow like always Jun-kun so polular so lucky guy you’re between all cute girls” a guy said laughing

“I’m a girl”

“ she is a girl”

Jurina and Rena thought at the same time

“hey I have an idea let go to the amusement park all of us” a guy shouted

“ good idea”

“ let’s go we will have fun”

“ Jun-kun will be with us?”

“amusement park...” Jurina murmured and looked to Rena

“amusement park!! Let’s go Airin it sounds funlet’s go Kanon-chan!!” Rena said exited

“ you’re going Jun-kun?” Churi asked

“ yes I’m going”  Jun answered

“ minna Jun-kun is coming!!”

“ will all come yay!” so many shouted

“ Kanon-chan you’re going?” Kumi asked Kanon

“hemf!” Kanon turned her head to the other side

“ she is still mad” Kanon murmured and sigh

<><><><><><><><><><><amusement park><><><><><><><><>

All were having fun

"let's go to the roller coaster first" a guy shouted

Kumi looked scared when she heard about it

"I think there are many poeple waiting why don't we go to the Bumper car" Kumi said nervous

" ok let's go to try other things first when will come back"

Kumi sigh in relieve

Kanon smirked

"what wrong!?" ask Kumi nervous

" no nothing" Kanon said and walked

" wait Kanon-chan!" Kumi shouted

" Airin Airin let's take pics" Rena shouted

" let me take my camera" Airi took her camera and started taking pic

Jurina was all the time looking at Rena. But Rena was all the time with Airi and didn't pay attention to Jurina.

"Jun-kun let's buy ice-creem" Churi said

" sure" then the two of them went to get ice-creem

“I'm going to get you that teddy bear!”a Guy said to his girlfriend while tried to shoot to the obejects moving

“ you still have only one and we will win it!!” the girlfriend shouted jumping

Jurina were looking at them then a smile formed on her lips


“ wow sugoi Jurina you’re so good “ Rena said clapping

“ here is your prise a big  teddy bear”

“ here is for you Rena-chan !” Jurina said and winked to Rena

“ Kawaii Arigato Jurina “ Rena said and hugged Jurina

<><><><><><><><><><><end of flashback><><><><><><><><><><>

“you want to play that game” Churi asked

“ no let’s go get ice-creem” Jurina said still smiling

"Airin let's go to the tea cups" Rena took Airin by her arm Airin blushed

“ y-yes let’s go” Airin answered nervously

The two of them sitted on one cup Jurina and Churi followed them and they sitted with them.

“why do you keep walking after her who she is to you this Rena” Churi thought

Rena and Churi  kept spinning the cup faster and faster Jurina was having fun but Airi was just getting dizzy .

 When they got off, Airin had a hard time standing

and was constantly leaning on Rena.

“why she is clinging on Rena-chan! Feel dizzy of something like that she is laying” Jurina thought

“ I’m sorry why didn’t you say to us to slow if you’re be feel dizzy” Rena said worried

“ It’s ok Rena-chan we are having fun” Airi said and smiled to Rena and Rena smiled back

Jurina couldn’t stand it she wanted Airi to let Rena

“ I think you have to sit down let’s go to that coffee I’ll help you” Jurina said

“ yes good idea let’s-” Rena couldn’t finish what she was saying

“ let me help you you can lean on me” Jurina said all was surprised by what their Jun-kun said

Airi knew that Jun-kun was only jealous but still Airi said

“ It’s ok Jun-san Rena-san i-”

“ I want to help you let go Rena-chan” Jurina said

“o-okey” Rena said with a question look

“ What’s wrong with Jun-kun?” Kumi said on very low voice

“ it’s jealousy” Kanon said

“eh jealousy of who?”

“of course of Airin-san”

“ don’t tell me Jun-kun love..”


“no way”

Churi was really angery it was her bad holiday ever seen in her life

*****in the cofee****

“ you feel ok now” Rena asked Airi concerned

“ yes I’m ok 

“ nee Kanon-chan why you still angery I said I’m sorry many times?”

“you’re a couple for half month and you already fighting” Jurina said

“ Kanon stop acting like a child” Rena said

“ It’s not my fault how can she said that our relationship is nothing?” Kanon said pouting

“ I didn’t mean it I was confused and you didn’t tell me that Jun-kun and Rena-chan knew about it” Kumi said

A group of guys enter to the coffee and went to their table

“ still I can’t believe you said it” Kanon said

“ but please I’m sorry”

“ ok I’ll forgive but at one condition”


“ Jun-kun why you’re sitting here let’s go to the roller coaster”  one of the group said interupting Kumi

“ yes of course I’m coming you want to come Churi!”

“ of course!” Churi stend up happy ‘cause Jun called her

“ do you want to go Rena-san”Airin asked

“ I don't want to go on any big rides” 

“ Let’s go with them too Kumi-san” Kanon said and took Kumi’s arm

“ I-I don’t think it’s a good idea and I prefer to wait with Rena-chan and Airin” Kumi said nervous

“ you want to be forgiven or not”

“ of course”

“ then come with me “

“ o-okey”

All of them left Rena and Airin alone .

“ Kanon can be scary sometimes” Rena said worried about Kumi

“poor Kumi-san “  Airin said then the two laughed

“ finally we’re alone I can realax now” Rena said and put her head on Airin’s shoulder

Airin was blushing so hard she was like a tomato and Rena was smirking thinking how can Airin be cute when she is nervous and embarrassed

*** roller coaster**

“ Kanon-chan I don’t think it’s a good idea” Kumi said

“ what you are scared?” Kanon said teasing Kumi

“ It’s no it!”Kumi shouted

“ then let in”

Jurina looked at them and laughed she remembred something


“ nooo I don’t want to die!!” Rena screamed

“ It’s ok Rena-chaaaaan” Jurina said take Rena’s hand Rena blushed

“ If you will die then will die together “ Jurina said laughing

“ don’t say it KYYAAAAAAAAAA!!”  the wagon go dawn

“ yeeeehyyy!! Wooohouuuu!! “ Jurina shouted laughing

“ don’t let my hand KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Rena shouted again

“ don’t worryyyyy!!” Jurina yelled and hold Rena’s hand tighter

<><><><><><><><end of Flashback><><><><><><><><><>

“what are you thinking about? You’re weid today Jun-kun” Churi said concerned

“ no I just remembered something made me laugh” Jurina said laughing

“ what is it” Churi asked

“It’s a secret!” Jurina said laughing

“eeeh you’re so mean laughing by yourself” Churi said pouting

“ let’s go it’s our turn”

“ okey”

****end of game****

“ Kumi are you okey?” Churi asked worried

“ I’m ok  I’m ok “

“ you don’t look ok like you said” Jun said

“ no I’m fi-“  Kumi didn’t end her sentence she collepset

There where Churi and Kanon who grabbed her before she fall

After they put Kumi on a bench.

“and it’s my fault she is like this..” Kanon said and her head down

“ no Kanon-chan it’s not your fault” Jurina said

“ hey let’s go let’s play something else Jun-kun”

“ but Kumi..” Jurina said looking to Kumi

“you can go I’ll stay with”Kanon said

“ but..”

“ I’ll be fine you can go Jun-kun” Kumi wake up she was still feeling deezy

“ ok we will come back”

Then they left Kumi and Kanon alone .

 Kanon was sitting and Kumi liaing on the bench her head on Kanon’s lap.

“ I’m sorry ... I’m sorry Kumi-san..” Kanon said snobing

“ It’s ok Kanon-chan and did you forgive me now?”

“ you’re stupid” Kanon leand her head and kissed Kumi softly

“let’s go where Rena-chan and Airin” Kumi said and stend up

“ okey let’sgo”

****back to the group who Churi and Jun/Jurina with****

“Let’s go to the haunted house “a guy shouted

“ good idea it’s the best place”

“ you’re coming Jun-kun?”

"Sure that's fine Churi!" Jurina said a little panicked.

“ are you sure ?”

“ yes let’s go!”


“wow it’s really dark!!” a guy shouted

“ I think we shouldn’t be separated of each other” a girl said

“ I think like that I wont be really scared” Jurina thought

a skeleton appeared in front of them. All run away and they left Jurina alone .

Jurina was terrified of haunted houses.  She couldn’t move she was so scared.

 all left her alone and she couldn’t call for help they will souspect her if they see this side of her .


Rena ;Airi; Kumi and Kanon were waiting for Jurina and Churi to come

“ here you are” Kumi said

“ ah are you ok now?” Churi asked worried

“ yes I’m full of energy! But where is Jun-kun?”

“ I thought he was out before me we were in the haunted houses” Churi said

“what the haunted houses Jurina hate it and s

he is always scared by the dark I have to go!” Rena run to the haunted houses


“ Jurina!! Where are you? Jurina!”

Rena was running everywhere searching for Jurina and kept calling her name

“ Rena-chan...” the voice was really low but Rena heard her

She kept calling her to listen where the voice of Jurina come.

At the end she found Jurina in the corner sitting on the floor her head on her kneed .

“ Jurina..” Rena went to the girl

“ Rena-chan..” Jurina rise her head she was crying

Rena got on her knees and hugged the crying girl

“ there ther it’s ok now Jurina” Rena said stroking softly Jurina’s hair

“ why you leave me alone... you said that you’ll be always by my side” Jurina hugged Rena more closer still crying

“It’s ok Jurina I’m here”

“Jurina?...” thought Airin and Churi who was watching the Wmatsui

I'm sorry this chapter is really boring  :err:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #129 on: September 14, 2012, 10:39:15 PM »
WHOA!!! I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!! was funny and sweet.  :w00t:
Churi and Airi heard Rena call Jurina by her name what's gonna happen!!??  :shocked
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!  :pleeease:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #130 on: September 14, 2012, 11:55:44 PM »
Jealous Jurina is so cute~
So Churi and Airin will know? I wonder how Churi will react hehe~

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #131 on: September 15, 2012, 12:16:27 AM »
Ahhh, Jurina's secret is gonna be found out by their rivals in love :O Can't wait to see how it turns out

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #132 on: September 15, 2012, 07:20:31 AM »
Yeeey! Update o/
I don't think it was a boring chapter o/

Now we can see Jurina is in fact falling for Rena. I still dont like Churi.... And even more now that she realises that there is something wrong ><

Can't wait next chapter o/

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #133 on: September 15, 2012, 11:27:10 AM »
*whispers* rena tell them it's just a nickname you gave to juju  :kekeke:
that will work right ?  :sashiko:
is a signature a biography ??
I like butter, Orange and Macros....:D
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i have 2 oshimens in every group
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #134 on: September 16, 2012, 12:33:38 AM »
 :panic: oh my god Airin and Churi is suspecting them!
How will Churi react when she knows the truth????
How will everybody in the school react???

LOLLOOLOLOL Mayu scared Rena and then Jurina scared her  :rofl:
Jurina having a flashback she actually tough of funny and memorable moments with Rena  :wub:

Non is scary  :rofl:
Churi is jealous but she was the one that turned down Jun/  :(

Oh no Jurina alone in the haunted house poor her..

Thank you for your update!
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #135 on: September 17, 2012, 02:33:44 AM »
i wonder what airin and churi will do now that they found out that jun is actually a girl...

maybe churi will stop liking him?  :dunno:

and kuminon is just... so cute  :luvluv2:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #136 on: September 17, 2012, 03:21:03 AM »

AIRIN AND CHURI will know Jurina Secret :frustrated:

It so Cute Jurina Crying at Rena :luvluv1:
WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #137 on: September 17, 2012, 08:34:32 AM »
Nice!. . .oh! They heard excites me..whats going to happen next?. .i'll just leave it to mo chan...mayu x yuki, kumi x kanon. . .ah...just continue spreading the l.ö.v.e!..
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love meCh14: Part 3{Wmatsui} <Mayuki><kuminon>
« Reply #138 on: September 17, 2012, 01:03:36 PM »
Oh, now THIS is getting nice~~~~ (not that it wasn't before, but let's say now things are getting even MORE interesting) (^^)
Airin and Churi overheard something that they shouldn't~
Ooooooooooooo what's gonna happen~?
Looking forward to the next update~ (^^)b

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me : help please!!
« Reply #139 on: September 22, 2012, 03:49:38 PM »
I was thinking about it but I couldn't choose please help me  it's the poll vote please !!  :mon pray2:

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