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Author Topic: JUST A LITTLE LIE - chapter 11 (MaYuki) 11/06/2021  (Read 37168 times)

Offline mo-chan

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« Reply #80 on: June 27, 2013, 06:36:14 PM »
I miss this fanfic  :cool2:

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Offline cmze

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« Reply #81 on: July 02, 2013, 10:31:22 PM »
                                                     JUST A LITTLE LIE!

~The next day~ Sunday~

Matsui Rena opened her eyes, she felt a light weigh on her stomach so she looked at it then noticed someone sleeping next to her with her face facing her.

"Jurina.." she whispers then remembered that Jurina didn't want to go home yesterday so she brought her home with her.

[Rena called the butler in the middle of the night to let him know]

Rena could only stare her while she sleeps suddenly Matsui Jurina opened her eyes while she smiles and stretches her arms.

"Sleeping is good" the younger Matsui says with a smile then noticed that she wasn't in her room.

Rena sat on bed and sighed.

"Matsui sensei" Jurina says staring at Rena's back.

"I should take you home!" Rena says coldly.

Jurina remembered everything about last night and couldn't help about feeling bad cause Matsui sensei glasses.

"You can't take me home yet, I'm hungry!" She says pouting.

Rena turned her head and looked at her before get up "how irritating" she thought as she goes to the bathroom.

Jurina only smiles.

After some minutes the two went to a restaurant to have breakfast, they sat and ordered then an awkward silence appeared.

"Look Matsui sensei I'm really sorry for damaging your glasses and behaving the way I did!" Jurina says embarrassed looking other way.

Rena ignored all that "How long they might take?" She asked confused.

"Did hear me?" Jurina asked irritated.

"Yeah but I'm hungry!" Rena says carelessly.

Jurina sighed "Well that's why I decided to help you.. " she says looking at Rena.

"Help me with what?" Rena asked curious.

"You'll see.." Jurina says with a smile.


Watanabe Mayu couldn't focus, she was trying to make her homework but it's impossible her mind is flooded with thoughts about her older crush.

"I really hoped you would tell me but you keep it to yourself as always. How long you're gonna keep denying?"Mayu thought sad looking at her homework.

*Image of Yuki kissing her forehead last night*

Mayu got even sadder after remember it then touched her forehead "Stupid Yukirin" she thought then got up and threw herself on bed.

After some minutes of laying there thinking about the same girl as always, she took her phone which was next to her, she turned the cam on and started recording herself.

"June 27/2013, I'm Watanabe Mayu *smiles turns the cam other way then records herself again* I'm here just waiting and waiting since the day we met *Looking down sad for a moment then looks at the cam again* hoping for a sign to show me I'm in the right track and I'm not fooling myself with this painful love, when do you plan to come for me? I know this is hard since for you is so sudden but me *sighs*  I loved you since always even with your ups and down.. Yukirin please tell me soon. "

Mayu stops recording and puts her phone aside and keeps looking at the ceiling.

Somebody enters to the room. 

"Mayu chan the breakfast is ready!" Sae says with a smile.

Mayu gets up and walked away forgetting about her phone.

Yuki and Mayu see each other but Mayu just opened the door and left while Sae was coming behind her.

"What's wrong with her?" Sae asked confused.

"Teenagers are like that!" Sayaka says with a smile while Yuki looks other way.


"I don't know why I agreed on this?" Rena asked to herself as she walks behind Jurina into a clothes store.

"Matsui sensei you look pretty but you can look prettier"Jurina says with smile taking her hand.

Rena blushes while Jurina walks looking for better clothes.

Jurina picks up several clothes and made Rena try everything.

After some minutes Jurina decided to buy everything and pay with her credit card.
"What are you doing?" Rena asked trying to stop Jurina.

"It's okay Matsui sensei, I owe you!" Jurina says with a smile.

"You don't need to buy me this things... " Rena says pouting.

Jurina smirks "it's nothing besides with these clothes Fukumura sensei might be happier!" She replies.

Rena blushes "It's not what you think.. he's not my type!" She says embarrassed.

"Really? Then which one is your type?" Jurina asked.

"That's not of your business!" Rena says looking other way.

Jurina takes Rena's hand with one hand and with the other has the bags "C'mon Matsui sensei we have many things to do!" She sags with  a smile.

"I have to take you home!" Rena says as she's being dragged.

"Later!" Jurina says with a smile.


Sae was stretching in front of the window and couldn't help to see a man's shadow in the other building forcing with a woman's shadow "Guys look!" She says calling her girlfriend and her bestfriend.

They couldn't see cause the curtains but they can see the shadows clearly...

"What the hell?" The three girls wondered because they saw that then man hit the girl with an adornment.

"Call the police! Call the police!" Sae says scared.

"Let's rec this!" Yuki says and tries to find her phone around the living room.

"Take Mayu is on her bed!" Sae shouts scared while Sayaka was only blinking not believing

Yuki came back with Mayu's phone and recorded how the man was carrying the body till he was out of sight.

"Let's go get him!" Sayaka says walking out of the dept.

"What?!" Yuki and Sae says at the same time shocked then went after Sayaka.


Eating at ice cream store...

"Why are you doing all this?" Rena asked as she watches Jurina eating her ice cream.

Jurina smiles "Well I realized you are not that bad, eat your ice cream is going to melt!" She says with a smile.

Rena was uncomfortable "I'm breaking all my rules, I'm involving to much with this girl.." she thought then tasted her ice cream.

Jurina was waiting for a reply with a smile.

"Stop staring me like that!" Rena says then looks other way.

Jurina smiled faded then she started to play with her ice cream "You know even if you don't believe it Matsui sensei, I'm having fun" she says with a sad tone.

Rena turned to look at Jurina, she didn't expect that confession "Why you don't wanna go home?" She asked.

"To what? To be ignored? No thanks" Jurina says with a sad expression.

Rena felt bad about it and didn't know what to say or do.

"But it's alright I found some good friends right?" Jurina asked with a smile.

"I'm not your friend, I'm your teacher!" Rena says coldly.

Jurina laughs "You came for me to the party Sensei that means you care about me.. right?" She asked teasing her teacher.

Rena got red "This is ridiculous.." she thought and was about to fix her glasses but then notice she's not wearing it.

"About that.." Jurina says and pulls out something from her pocket then put it on the table.

"What?! Why? I can buy myself new ones!" Rena says looking other way proud.

"C'mon it will be fine" Jurina says as she gets up then grabs the box to take glasses, she vents and puts it on Rena's face.

The two looked at each other eyes for a moment before Jurina retreat "Looks great!" She says with a smile as she sits back.

"That was reckless!" Rena says with a sigh but she was happy inside.

~After a few hours~ entering to the dept..

"It was all fake!" Sayaka says disappointed.

Yuki smiles "I feel relief since they were just practicing for their play" she says as she sits on the couch.

"Who ever thought I have actors in the neighborhood!" Sae says with a smile.

"I thought something interesting might happen, it looked so real!" Sayaka says as she sits on the couch.

"I need a shower!" Sae says then goes to the bathroom.

"Now that you mention it, I record that on Mayu chan's phone" Yuki says as she plug the phone to the tv.

"Let's see!" Sayaka says with a smile.

Yuki accidentally pressed recording number 1 instead number 2.

"Look is Mayu chan!" Sayaka says.

"What?" Yuki says then moves to see better.

"June 27/2013, I'm Watanabe Mayu *smiles turns the cam other way then records herself again*

"We are invading her privacy!" Yuki says ready to change but Sayaka grabbed her

"I'm here just waiting and waiting since the day we met *Looking down sad for a moment then looks at the cam again* hoping for a sign to show me I'm in the right track and I'm not fooling myself with this painful love"

"Look Mayu is in love!" Sayaka says with a smile not letting go Yuki. The two older girls watched the video.

"when do you plan to come for me? I know this is hard since for you is so sudden but me *sighs*  I loved you since always even with your ups and down"

Yuki was sad looking at the screen "maybe is for someone else.." she thought

"Yukirin please tell me soon. "

Sayaka and Yuki were O_o

"What the hell?" Sayaka asked letting go Yuki who was still in shock.

"What the hell you been doing with Mayu chan? Why she's in love with you" Sayaka asked serious.

Somehow the image of waking up naked with Mayu next to her came to her head.

"I just.. I just.. "Yuki was about to tell her all but Sae came out of already changed

"What are our plans for tonight?" Sae asked.

Yuki and Sayaka only looked at her.

Mayu entered to the dept and looked at the three then just went to her room without saying a word.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Sae asked.

Sayaka only looked at Yuki who just looked down.


Offline kuro808

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« Reply #82 on: July 02, 2013, 11:24:39 PM »
Yukirin knows Mayu's true feelings.  Jurina and Rena are on different boats with the relationship.
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline rochilu

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« Reply #83 on: July 02, 2013, 11:26:26 PM »
asdajkhsa! that was a great chapter!!! omg jaja i can totally imagine yuki and Sayaka seeing the video ahhah waaa, what a bad luck Mayuyuuu >n<
thanks for the update!

Offline Archer1992

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« Reply #84 on: July 02, 2013, 11:41:00 PM »
men i dont know if its bad luck or good luck that yuki see the video...well and sayaka too

hahahahaaha interesting!!!


Offline mo-chan

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« Reply #85 on: July 03, 2013, 12:20:16 AM »
garrrrrrrh!!! I want to know what's gonna happen !!  :wriggly:
next!next!next!next!  :onioncheer:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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« Reply #86 on: July 03, 2013, 08:39:14 AM »
It's seem a mistake , or not for Mayu to record that video :wahaha:
Now, Yuki and Sayaka know it~ Bad luck maybe :on drink:
"when do you plan to come for me? I know this is hard since for you is so sudden but me *sighs*  I loved you since always even with your ups and down"

Yuki was sad looking at the screen "maybe is for someone else.." she thought
Ara~ What's with that sad look when Mayu said she was in love, Yuki? :hehehe:
Maybe, Yuki begins to have feeling toward Mayu :kekeke:
I think Jurina's slowly capture Rena's heart :on gay:
Can't wait to see how'll Yuki think and reaction to Mayu's love :tantrum:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline cisda83

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« Reply #87 on: July 03, 2013, 09:19:07 AM »
Well things are getting complicated...

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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« Reply #88 on: July 07, 2013, 09:01:47 AM »

Offline mo-chan

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« Reply #89 on: July 16, 2013, 12:18:44 AM »
where are you cmze?  :cry:

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Offline Zita

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« Reply #90 on: July 20, 2013, 01:06:27 PM »
Mayu really loves Yuki and Rena is fallig to Jurina. :thumbsup

Offline imteedee

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« Reply #91 on: November 11, 2013, 09:29:54 AM »
Let's continue this awesome fic nee, -gibson-mayulover?  :twisted:
my hat is off. saluting.

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« Reply #92 on: November 11, 2013, 09:36:16 AM »
what??? :?

Offline imteedee

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« Reply #93 on: November 11, 2013, 10:21:56 AM »
what??? :?

OH whut you say?  XD do I have to quote you when you said you wanna continue le fic?  :pacman: :V :pacman: :V
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline mo-chan

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« Reply #94 on: November 11, 2013, 11:34:53 AM »
you'll continue the fic guys? o.o

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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« Reply #95 on: April 04, 2014, 08:32:39 AM »
                                     Just a little lie

As any other day Sae prepared breakfast for her best friend and little sister. T he three girls sat and ate together.

During breakfast Yuki would steal glances at Mayu, Now that she knows Mayu feelings more clearly she feels curious and more attracted that she already was.

Mayu finished first then got "Thanks for the food!" She said before grabbing her bag ready to go.

"Yukirin go with Mayu... You know how I feel about Mayu going by herlself!" Sae said to the eating Yuki.

Yuki didn't say no which made Mayu wonder why? She so used to be rejected by Yuki that this was a priceless moment.

"Let's go!" Yuki said to Mayu but not before grabbing a donna.

The two went out together as they walk Mayu couldn't help to ask:

"Why did you agreed coming with me?"

Yuki yawned "Because it's dangerous for a pretty.. girl.. like you going around by herself!" She tried not sound awkward an nd walked ahead to not let Mayu see her embarrassed face.

Mayu blushed then smiled and followed Yukirin to school.

(At the teacher's room)

"Good Morning Matsui Sensei!" Jurina let out happy and offered her an Apple.

[Matsui Sensei is the kind of teacher that gets earlier to work and Jurina investigated her she knows]

"Good Morning." The teacher said ignoring Jurina pretending to be busy with some papers.

Jurina smiled "Don't come at me with that!" She said snatching the papers from Matsui sensei.

"What are you doing?" The sensei asked getting up and trying to get the papers back but Jurina was playing with her changing from hand to hand.

Jurina couldn't help to smile whenever she fools Matsui sensei. "Seems like sports are not your thing Matsui sensei!" She said still fooling her.

Somehow Matsui sensei slipped and end up falling Jurina, the two were on the floor face to face and the papers spread all over the place.

Jurina and Rena looked at eachother in the eyes for a moment before separating, both blushed cause the sudden action.

Rena gathered the papers but the last one Jurina has it on her hand.

"Give to me!" Matsui sensei said embarrassed.

Jurina smiled "Say please Matsui sensei.. where are your manners?" She asked grinning widely.

Matsui sensei pouted a little then looking other way She said "Please."

Jurina gave her a light kiss on her cheek "Cute.." she said then gave it to her and went to her classroom.

Matsui sensei now was even redder.


The classes started normally as always Jurina would sit behind Mayu, both texted eachother during the day.

During lunch time the two would talk about their advancements with their senseis and like that the day passed fast.


Yuki waited for Mayu in a spot to novelist anyone in the school that they live in the same place cause there could be misunderstandings.

"Kashiwagi sensei!" Mayu let out looking at her back. Yuki turned around "I think is going to rain." She let out not paying attention to Mayu's joke.

Mayu looked up to the sky and it was all cloudy. "I don't think so!" She lied.

"You think... maybe we should grab a taxi." Yuki said still looking up.

Mayu knew if they grab a taxi this moment alone won't last long so she lied again "Of course it's not going to rain...let's go!" She said grabbing hand and walking with her hand in hand.

It was weird to Yuki first but somehow she felt good about it.

And not long rain started.

"You said it wasn't going to rain!" Yuki says pouting while Mayu let go her hand and starting playing in the rain.

Yuki was shocked but then smiled seeing Mayu that happy was worth getting all her papers wet then she just joined.

The two ran home laughing and enjoying the moment.

[At home]

Yuki noticed Sae wasn't at home, she fast went upstairs and grabbed some towels for Mayu who was standing at the door to not make mess the place with water.

Yuki putted the towel on Mayu "Your lips are getting blue.." she said smiling.

"Because I'm cold!" Mayu said cutely then hugged Yuki.

Yuki smiled awkwardly "You will never change.." she thought.

The two changed clothes and started cooking together. For Mayu it was weird cause Yuki wasn't drawing a line like always this time she seems relaxed.

"Yukirin are you okay?" Mayu asked putting her hand on Yuki's forehead. Yuki smiled actually she was melting inside with her touch.

"Actually.. I... "

Suddenly the door opened revealing Sayaka who saw Mayu with her hand on Yuki's forehead.

"Hi!" Mayu said with a smile while Yuki looked other way.


Offline mayura48

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« Reply #96 on: April 05, 2014, 01:50:12 PM »
FINALLY !!  :D  :wub:

Offline Archer1992

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« Reply #97 on: April 08, 2014, 06:51:18 AM »
What a timing has sayaka for the Mayuki thing Hahahahaha, update soon please 〜(><)〜

Enviado desde mi HTC One mediante Tapatalk

Offline eel_96

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« Reply #98 on: April 08, 2014, 07:50:23 AM »
Update soon please.... :)
I really like this story.. This is getting more and more interesting..
Good work author :twothumbs keep going... ^^

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« Reply #99 on: January 21, 2015, 08:43:54 AM »
Update soon please.... :)
I really like this story.. This is getting more and more interesting..
Good work author :twothumbs keep going... ^^

Yeah shes really good writer (^_^)

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