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Author Topic: Goddess: Paused ~ Rusticated ~ Might continue if there is time  (Read 2917 times)

Offline ZorxCemoon

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Goddess: Paused ~ Rusticated ~ Might continue if there is time
« on: September 17, 2013, 06:37:46 PM »
Hey guys, Hope you like the story.

Wanted will still be continuing daily.

LOVE YOU ALL  :heart:

Goddess: Sluria

I had been on the run, for roughly 5 days now, Battered, Bruised, Stabbed, Burned and exhausted.

There were Hundreds of them tailing my tracks, No, Thousands.

All out looking for the reward.

My head had just received a hefty price, They were willing to fork out 50,000 Bluex to have my head on the platter, "Dead or Alive" regardless the condition.

Some were aiming for the reward

Some looking to shed some blood

Some wanting to have me, kept as a slave

We were seperated.

Our love was forbidden

But never forgotten

Our existence was a sin

But never by heart

Our family and friends were executed and humiliated

But never in vain

This is my story


Hey guys, actually I had launched this story intended as a joke, wanting to see if you would get a lot of comment if I made the prologue with horror and mystery

(Important) Please... really please.... No Homophobic comments, Any comments which I feel are homophobic would be removed and get on my ignore list. This story is to show how it feels to feel bad to be yourself....

Since I can’t sleep, I continued with the story.

If you think I should continue, please comment or just message me

Here you go, and also check out my “Wanted” story, LOVE YOU  :heart:

Contains Mature Content (Not recommended of the young)

Goddess: Plur
Chapter 1

The planet we lived in, is called Surlia.

A planet alike Earth, but completely the opposite.

Beings in here, kills, rape, torture, steal and kept slave.

Those weren’t considered the sins.

The corrupted controls everything.

Apart from everything, the one thing that made them go berserk, was Homosexuality.

It was considered a Sin, the person born like one was told to be cursed and wasn’t supposed to existed.

Therefore the only proper way of dealing with it, was to humiliated and execute the sinners, publicly.

Friends and relative, whom were in some way of connection to the individual, have their fates sealed.

We had friends, whom were tortured and burned alive.

Others had their skins peeled, and thrown back at their dead bodies.

The most unfortunate, was publicly rape and had their bodies used as experiment.

I lived in a neighbourhood that had lots of closet Homosexuals, They have hid their sexuality to defend themselves.

My first love and I were one of them.

Fortune tellers were the god of the world.

Parents would always consult them, with their new born.

Those whom were told to be of a different kind were killed, if fortunate enough, abandoned to this neighbourhood.

Kids from the area were taught to how to fight, and kill on instinct.

We were a tough group, but all was wiped out, when the Plur arrives, commonly known as the Corrupted.

Their organization were to exploit the weak and the sinners, selling their bodies to willing buyers.

Actually the world used to be a beautiful place, but it all changed when the They landed on this planet.

They were the cause of the drastic change.

We look the same.

But their eyes were flooded with greed and power.

They said they came in peace.

Before we knew it, they came attacking.

To be continued  :thumbup?


Since it wasn't my actual plan to continued the story, It will come crashing out.... Totally no clue

Goddess: Mr Rich

The Plur, first landed on Sluria 12 years ago, with a leader, whom was introduced to us.

Mr.Rich was his nickname, given by the Loyal, He was the leader of the Plur.

Before power and greed took over his mind, he was a Hero.

He taught us about the Technology of their world and how to handle them.

Many of Slurias’ beings devoted their life to being his companion.

They were called the Loyal.

They too were friendly, but were hopeless as their devotion took over their soul, rendering them as complete slaves, doing absolutely anything that pleases him.

As two years passes after their arrival, Mr. Rich was granted the title, King of Sluria, alongside his wife , Queen Talfia.

His mens were the guardian of the planet; they were reinforced with the Book Of Laws.

There were only 8 laws that was created to protect the citizen,

Killing, Raping, Kidnapping, Stealing, Abusing, Slave exploitation, Pedophilia and Drug abuse are punishable by law.

But soon a year and a half crossed, He was now a totally different person.

Purely devoured by his powers and his greed’s.

He began abusing his wife, finding that women were just tools for men’s pleasure.

He soon started removing the laws, and brainwashed the people of Sluria.

It was named the Plur era, and the Loyals were now called, the Corrupted.

After the laws were removed, people started changing for the worst.

Since Mr Rich now despite women, he created only one sin in the Book Of Laws.

That homosexuality between women is punishable by death, Family and friends whom are related are also executed.

Soon after creation, He ordered his armies on search of womens, kidnapping them to be slaves or dolls.

After years of doing so, He was reaching our town,


(It was a flashback before the attack)

To be continued
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 01:38:51 PM by ZorxCemoon »
Once upon a time, There lived two beautiful girls.
One named Watanabe Mayu.
Another named Kashiwagi Yuki.
They fell in love with each other and married.
The end.

Yukirin :heart: Mayuyu
Mayuyu :heart: Yukirin

Offline AshuraX

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Re: Goddess: Sluria
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2013, 11:07:34 AM »
I don't know bout the pairings, but this seems good~

Forbidden love...
For some reason, I was thinking bout KinjiFuta and Romeo/Juliet...
Hope to see something interesting and unique~

Offline BbSis

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Re: Goddess: Sluria
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2013, 06:33:46 PM »
Please, continue!!! This is really cool! I like this kind of stories! I'm here wondering about the pairings hehe

Hum, I don't think you should worry about homophobic comments here :)  our idols are all female, so homosexuality is normal in their fanfic. So don't worry ;)

I think it is really nice to have a fic that talks about prejudice o/

Thanks for the update and see you next chapter o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline BbSis

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Re: Goddess: Sluria
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2013, 04:26:08 PM »
Oh my! What a horrible thing! Or guy! Or both!

But why only between women? Why not homosexuality in general? Does this mean that the guy like to do things with his male friends? Ok I'll stop imagining things ><

Thank you for the update! Please don't give up o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline imteedee

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Re: Goddess: Sluria
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2013, 05:06:57 PM »
I have a feeling this fic suits SaeYaka  :nervous
In anyway, please continue  :roll:
don't worry, you're like me, my stories weren't concluded pre-handedly, much more like an impromptu writing I guess but it turns out alright...  :)

More powers Zorx,

imteedee :deco:
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline ezha

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Re: Goddess: Mr Rich will be removed from JPHIP soon. Rusticated
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 07:03:59 AM »
please dont delete this story author-san
keep writing !!

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